• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,439 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

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Act II - Ch. 8 Afraid

Here it is, chapter 8;....actually, as of sending this to Merujea for beta-reading I’ve yet to come up with a name. Hopefully I’ll have devised something, or appropriated a suggestion from Merujea, by the time I post this.

Not much else to say, at least not right now. Any prefacing comments from Merujea below!

Or not!


Chapter 8 Afraid


Twilight trotted into the library, her head moving rapidly as she searched in vain for any large, horned pegasi brimming with godly power.

To her disappointment she didn’t find any. ‘Well, they are busy ruling Equestria.’ Nevertheless, she sighed and hung her head. Laying her saddlebags on the ground, Twilight went in search of her guest.

She found him laid out on his bed staring a hole in the wall.

“Uh...” Twilight hesitated, peering at him through the barely open door. “...Paladin? Are you alright?”

“Yes.” He replied with as much emotion as a spoonful of salt...which isn’t a lot.

“Okay...” Twilight frowned, a bit unnerved. “Uh, the Princesses?”

He failed to react again. “Gone.”

“Oh...right...” her ears fell and she seemed to wilt at the news. Trying to hide her disappointed face Twilight turned away. “I’ll, um, just go do...stuff...” she finished awkwardly.

“Wait.” She stopped, looking back. Paladin was getting off the bed. “Your horn. What happened?”

She hesitated for a moment. “I’m not sure, really. It was like this after we woke up. Princess Celestia said it should be fine, I just have to be careful with it.” Twilight flushed. “I, uh, nearly got Princess Luna in the eye with it.” She admitted with a nervous laugh.

“Hm.” This seemed to provoke some thought. “I do not believe she meant merely its sharpness and extended reach. I would suggest being careful with magic involving elemental air or ice. Lightning as well.”

Twilight stared, surprised at this sudden advice. “Oh, thank you...wait, does that mean you know what caused this?” she asked, confusion in her voice.

The look Paladin gave her was more serious than usual. “Please, do not ask me to answer that question.” He told her, walking up.

She frowned. “Why not?” Twilight asked in response.

“I do not wish to lie to you.” He said, passing her and leaving his room. “Miss Applejack offered me work, should I require it?” Paladin asked without any discernible emotions.

“Oh, yes but you should still be resting- and what do you mean, you don’t want to lie to me?” demanded Twilight, unhappy with her own lack of knowledge.

Paladin turned to look at her as he reached the front door. “I do not wish to lie to you.” He gave his non-answer back before gripping the door knob awkwardly in his mouth and twisting it open. “I shall return later.”

With that the mysterious pegasus was gone, a thoroughly bamboozled Twilight gaping at the door in his wake.

How did- He couldn’t know-....’ she thought in confusion. ‘How can he give out advice about my horn when even Princess Celestia didn’t know what it might do? That’s impossible!


She roared, a wordless cry of victory, tearing through a red sky clouded by ash. Though her body was unfamiliar, Rainbow Dash felt the joy of flying as she always did. It moved without her making it but somehow she wasn’t worried.

She knew what she was doing.

Stony spires rose around her spewing black smoke. A rain of light hammered into them, shattering red rock in bites that ate through spire after spire rapidly. Rainbow Dash felt a satisfaction that was partly hers, as she could always appreciate a job done fast, and that of whatever was guiding the body.

A spire wall exploded as she soared past and a monster like a mutated minotaur with red skin covered in small spikes and a pair of massive bat wings came bellowing at her. An axe of black metal rose in its hands and came rushing down towards her.

Dash felt her forelegs rise, a sword gripped in the odd metal claw holding it on the right. She swept inward, her blade coming up to bat away the monster’s weapon away like shooing away a fly. Her other claw shot out to grasp one of the monster’s wrists. She whirled, pulling the monster from the air and throwing it hurtling towards the ground.

Her sword bearing limb lifted it high the moment she let go of the monster to catch the blade of another, uglier monster with four wings and a spike growing out of its chest. Their weapons met, blade to blade, and the monster’s was cut cleanly through. Her free hand – hand? ‘Where had that come from?’ she wondered for a brief moment before it was swept away – reached for her sword’s hilt before it reached the apex of its arc and she brought it straight down on the monster’s skull before it could react.

A great light burned her eyes and she missed the blow landing, but Rainbow Dash’s body didn’t flinch. Her sight returned to her, half a monster falling down to each side.

A bolt of lightning fell past her, striking a demon rising towards her. Not reacting Rainbow Dash back handed a fourth monster that came barrelling towards her from around the spire, slicing through its middle before it recovered.

A strange being wearing a robe of cloth and chainmail descended from above, delicate white wings of fire hanging down from metal arches rising from its shoulder blades. Its hood was complete shadow, even in the hellish red light.

“Brother Tyrael, Master Malthael has located the Lord of Hatred. Dul’Mephistos lies to the west, towards the centre of the breach. His forces have been drawn to the north by the Host under Imperius.” It spoke in a genderless voice, echoing strangely, and somehow Rainbow Dash knew it was a messenger for a far greater being. How she knew, she had no idea but it rankled at her for a second.

Her annoyance was lost when her head nodded and spoke without her making it. “Very well. You have my thanks seer. Return to Malthael and inform him that I will lead the strike with Izual and Ardleon.”

“Master Malthael knows this. I must inform Brother Imperius.” The strange thing told her in its bizarre, lyrical voice.

Thought Rainbow Dash just wondered why they couldn’t have sent another of whatever it was to tell this Imperius guy, her body – but it wasn’t hers, was it? – nodded again. “Be safe.”

Rude.’ thougth Rainbow Dash sourly when the thing left without another word. A demon, this one seemingly thrown and without wings, came hurtling from the side of the next spire the messenger passed. Even as she brought her arm up to throw her sword, the messenger lifted a hand and unleashed a piercing bolt of lightning. The bolt struck the monster dead centre and it exploded with a tremendous-



Rainbow Dash leapt to her hooves, awoken by the loud sound. She looked around her, seeing nothing in the sky surrounding her cloud. Shoving her head through the bottom, the weary pegasus let out a groan when she saw the source of the sound – a pair of colts, hammering nails into a board outside a house that was inexplicably derelict.

Her first good sleep in a week and those morons had woken her! Rainbow Dash ground her teeth and barely restrained the urge to fly down and give them both a piece of her mind. Or better yet, a piece of her hooves in their faces.

Sighing, Dash sunk onto her haunches and ran her hooves down her face. She glanced over the edge of her cloud, seeing the houses in neat little rows in some streets and slap-dash chaos in others, the tight buildings deceptively airy and colourful. She shivered, fighting back the wave of chill running up her spine. Oh sweet Celestia, how could she have missed it before? So...confining. Hiding the sky, trapping her-

The chromatic pegasus shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts out. This wasn’t normal, it wasn’t even cool.

This is too much, maybe I should ask Twilight for-’ her musings, as always, cut off at this point and Dash had to fight not to vomit. No, not Twilight. Or at least not in her house. Her trap!

I can’t let the others know.’ She thought desperately. ‘I’m supposed to be cool! I’m supposed to be Loyal! How the hay can I help if I can barely look at a house or a...a tree without wanting to wet myself like a filly. How can I help them if I can’t stand being down there for longer than a few minutes?’ Shame filled her at that. She hated this.

Rainbow Dash had managed to contain these feelings, this...fear for the first few hours after they woke up. The adrenaline and Elements had more than reinforced her confidence. She had even flown through the Everfree in search of Paladin without suffering any ill effects. She had been fine.

Until she woke up the next morning in Twilight’s house, having stayed up well into the night with her friends watching over Paladin in wake of the Princesses’ visit.

Flushing red with humiliation, Rainbow Dash remembered the way she had just frozen. Nopony else had been awake when her eyes opened to her great fortune. Dash wasn’t sure she could take one of her best friends seeing her overcome by so much fear.

She couldn’t see the sky. That thought had dominated her thoughts. Everything seemed so close, so tight. Even as Rainbow Dash’s brain had been telling her it was just Twilight’s house, that she was surrounded by her friends and there was nothing to fear, she had been panting and shivering. It had taken everything she had not to lose control of her bladder!

They won’t find out!’ Rainbow Dash swore vehemently for what must have been the hundredth time. She had been exhausting herself with flight training, doing the most straining exercises she could. It was paying off, unusually quickly, but after a week of near-constant work her wings were sore and her body tired.

At least Rainbow Dash’s dreams hadn’t been filled with horrifying roots reaching out to grasp her wings and-

Something moved at the corner of her vision and Rainbow Dash looked down, spotting an oddly coloured pegasus trotting steadily to the town’s boundary. Relieved beyond words for the break from her thoughts, she let a grin spread across her face.

Paladin! I still totally owe him. Is he leaving town?’ she frowned, glad at the distraction from her memories. ‘No way is he leaving without at least something to show that he’s earned the gratitude of the most awesome pegasus in Equestria.

Leaping from her cloud, Rainbow Dash took off towards him. ‘And what better reward then knowing he’s the second most awesome pegasus in Equestria?’ she thought cockily before a frown stole over her expression. ‘Wait, third. Me, Fluttershy, and him. No wait, the Wonderbolts! That’ll make him...argh...I hate maths.



Paladin.’ he reminded himself stubbornly.

Paladin trotted down the street, ignoring the inquisitive stares from ponies he was passing. There were even more then when he first arrived, quite a feat since he had been unconscious for most of his stay.

He paused, looking around. Paladin had no idea where Sweet Apple Acres was. It had simply slipped his mind. The lost angel reigned in his frustration. ‘This is part of being...mortal. A weak mind distracted by a weaker shell. I will just have to cope with it.

“Excuse me.” He approached a mare leading a number of small ponies, her mane light pink with a wide lighter streak down the middle. “Can you direct me to Sweet App-”

Three familiar voices piped up in union.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders swarmed towards him. That was the best word that came to Ty- Paladin’s mind. Swarmed. They smiled hugely in front of him, and he had to stop himself from backing up a step.

The adult mare smiled. “Oh, you’re Paladin? We’ve all heard so much about you.” She said enthusiastically, holding out a hoof. “I’m Cheerilee, I teach at the school. From what everypony is saying, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Thank you?” he replied somewhat uncertainly, his own hoof hesitantly reaching out to shake hers.

“Paladin! Paladin!” Scootaloo bounced in front of his face. “Didja really lose your cutie mark fighting off the evil plant monster in the Everfree?” the foals now crowding around behind Cheerilee let out loud gasps of amazement.

“It’s GONE!” wailed Sweetie Belle, having bypassed asking for simply running around and looking at his flank. She looked under him to Applebloom on his other side. “Is it on that side?” she asked frantically.

The farm-filly shook her head sadly. “It’s gone!” she echoed her friend.

Now the foals gasped in horror and backed away.

Apparently born with limitless patience, or fortified against their actions, Cheerilee managed not to roll her eyes and just gave the CMC a stern look. “Girls, that’s rude.”

“Sorry.” They chorused, filing back into the line with unhappy pouts back in Paladin’s direction.

“I’m very sorry for that.” She told Paladin apologetically, giving him a small smile. “You know how little fillies are, especially on their way back from visiting Zecora.”

Tyrael- Paladin shook his head. “It is no issue.” He frowned before continuing. “Is Zecora’s home not within the Everfree forest? A dangerous place to take children.”

Cheerilee laughed lightly. “Oh, Zecora is staying just on the edge of town at the moment. Her home was damaged, I believe. I thought it might be a good chance to make sure all the fillies and colts had a chance to see her while she was convenient. Zecora was more than happy to tolerate them for a short time and educate them a bit more about Zebrica.” She explained, ignoring the pouts from the CMC and the fidgeting from the other little ponies.

“Ah, I see.” Tyrael conceded with an inclination of his head. “Returning to my reason for halting you; might I have directions to Sweet Apple Acres?”

“Ohh! Ohh! Me! Miss Cheerilee! Me!” Applebloom jumped up and down, waving her hoof in the air excitedly.

“Yes, Applebloom?” Cheerilee asked with a barely concealed smile of amusement.

Applebloom came rushing forward once more, babbling at high speed. It took Tyrael a moment to focus and listen. After a request to repeat herself at an understandable speed, Applebloom had given him what he assumed were accurate directions. She did live there, after all.

“Thank you, Applebloom. I apologise for holding you up, miss.” He glanced at the children, who peered back with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

“Not at all. Have a nice day.” She replied, beginning to lead the children back to the school.

“Be safe.” With that done Tyrael turned and departed, Applebloom’s directions in mind.

He was on the outskirts of town, travelling down the road that would apparently lead to Sweet Apple Acres when a cyan blur appeared before him.

“Paladin! I thought you were meant to be out for a while more!” Rainbow Dash hovered in front of him for a moment before dropping to the ground.

“Rainbow Dash.” He nodded to her and experienced a moment of worry. He really was nodding a lot. At least his tr- what was once his true form had been more expressive even if he didn’t have a face visible to mortals.

She grinned at him, seemingly happy to see him. “So, y’know, thanks for bailing us out of the root thing. Not too sure what you actually did, but Twilight says we’d be-” she drew a hoof across her throat “- if you didn’t do it, so yeah, thanks!”

“It was...” he began to reply before trailing off.

Rainbow Dash watched him think for a few seconds. “Uh, Pally?”

“It was the only choice I could bring myself to make.” Paladin finished, looking away to hide the war between anger at himself and shame.

She moved next to him and elbowed him in the side. “Well, the world would be a pretty boring place without me to make it more awesome.” She bragged confidently. If Paladin had been paying more attention, he could have noticed that it seemed a bit more strained than usual.

“I’m sure.” There might have been a trace of bitterness in his voice, but Rainbow Dash missed it.

“Hey, Pally.” Rainbow gave him a serious look. “You ever need some weather or anything I can do for ya, just let me know. Least I can do, especially since you lost your cutie mark and all.”

He stared at her, than shook his head. “That is not necessary, though I do appreciate the gesture. Your assistance with flying lessons is all I ask.”

“Oh...cool. So, what are you doing? Hope you aren’t leaving town, Pinkie would hate if she didn’t get to throw you another party and Pinkie’s parties are the best.” Rainbow Dash told him, and in Sugarcube Corner Pinkie let out a random cheer, confusing everypony in sight in all the two seconds before they thought ‘it’s just Pinkie Pie.’

An amused snort came out Tyrael’s muzzle before he knew it was coming. “Her welcome party was the first party I have ever attended.” He admitted, shaking his head while he thought ‘Archangels do not have ‘parties’...but I guess mortals do.

He became aware that Rainbow Dash was gaping at him. “S-Seriously?” she stuttered. “That was your first party EVER?”

Pinkie, who had previously been giggling happily far away, suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of depression. Her hair fell and Mrs Cake rushed over just in time to move the tray of muffins out of the firing line before she started crying.

“It was.” Paladin snorted again. “It was...better than I expected.” He added almost as an afterthought. Considering he hadn’t actually had any expectations to draw on, this was technically true.

Just as suddenly, Mrs Cake found her attempts to comfort the distraught Pinkie interrupted when she was pulling in the grips of a bouncing cheer. When asked why she was changing mood at the drop of the proverbial hat Pinkie would reply, at some volume, thusly;

“No idea! Wheeee!”

Carrot Cake sighed as his wife dealt with their apprentice. If that filly hadn’t become something of a surrogate daughter to them they might have not put up with her...Pinkieness.

At least, that’s what he liked to tell himself when he felt things were going a bit too far.

“As to your original question, Miss Dash, I am going to Sweet Apple Acres to seek employment.” Tyrael told her in a strangely solemn way.

The way she suddenly looked hesitant, the flare from her nostrils, the widening of her eyes, this time Tyrael saw them. The way her muscles reacted, though in a different form then he usually saw, followed a pattern he had seen countless times.

It was a reaction beasts, demon and mortal alike, made when they saw him coming.


How curious.’ he hid his thoughts from changing his expression as he watched her.

“Oh, that’s cool. Heh, well, since you seem ta know where you’re going I’ve got some nappi-” she began to say, rubbing a hoof on the back of her head with a nervous chuckle.

Tyrael leapt like a dog to a bone, metaphorically speaking, and interrupted her. “Would you join me? I am sure you wish to see your friend Applejack.” He offered voice only slightly out of his usual tone of solid rock.

“Thanks for the offer but I really need to, uh...do stuff...” Rainbow Dash trailed off awkwardly, taking a few steps back.

He sighed. “If you are going to lie so badly, please do not waste your time or mine.” He trotted past her.

Rainbow Dash stared at him incredulously. “Wha-huh?”

Over his shoulder he called out “I have been lied to by far more cunning creatures then you, Miss Dash. I can tell a lie from such as you easily. You are merely making a fool of yourself.”

Red filtered in her vision and she was in the air before she knew it.

In seconds Rainbow Dash was in front of him, hoof japing at the larger pegasus. “Oh yeah? I can lie great! I am an awesome liar!” she growled, nearly mindless with competitiveness.

“I am sure you are.” He said sedately back, walking around her.

“I am!” Dash snarled, huffing angrily in the air next to him as she easily kept pace with his fast trot.

His eyes turned to look at her without emotion. “I believe you.” was all he said. He meant it too. Tyrael was no master of pony-emotions, but far too many factors let him notice her nervousness. Though he lacked his angelic senses beyond the limited mortal frame of reference he was no fool.

Or foal, come to think of it, even if his body was only really just over a week old.

“No you don’t! But you will, oh yeah you will!” Rainbow Dash stayed level with him, relentless in her sheer competitive-focus.

“Lying is nothing to be proud of.” Tyrael pointed out, resisting the urge to smirk when the mare’s expression went through several interesting changes as she struggled to work out how to respond to his allegation.

“Well, yeah, obviously.” She mumbled, somewhat embarrassed. “But, y’know, if it was I would be, because I’d be awesome at it!” Rainbow Dash concluded proudly.

“Deception is not your strong-suit. You have yet to convince me of anything untrue.” Increasing his speed slightly, Tyrael kept his expression bland.

“I could if I wanted to!” Dash argued back. “You should have totally seen it when we were planning Pinkie a surprise birthday party and we had to put her off the scent. All done by me! Aww yeah!”

“Indeed. So, why were you were afraid of coming to Sweet Apple Acres?” he asked, changing the subject without a hint of trying to subtle.

Rainbow Dash glared at him. “No way am I afraid of AJ’s orchard! I’m the Rainbow Dash, Best Young Flier and only one pegasus who can do Sonic Rainboom.”

“Ah.” Tyrael nodded in apparent agreement. “Thank you, by the way.”

“Huh? Oh yeah, no prob.” She said without a second thought. A moment later she added somewhat hesitantly. “Um, what for?”

He lifted an eyebrow curiously at her. “For accompanying me to Sweet Apple Acres,” Tyrael nodded to the farm-house in front of them.

Their surroundings suddenly snapped into view, Rainbow Dash looking around in shock. Trees. There were trees around them in every direction. She froze, brain shutting down. She could see it, the rustle of each branch. Her mind conjured slithering hints of movement in every shadow and her eyes were darting around rapidly.

Watching her flinch, unable to back away because they were all around her, was Paladin. His expression flat, although concern was buried somewhere deep in his eyes.

“Rainbow Dash” He said, loudly and firmly, reaching out to pull her face back towards his. “You are afraid. Tell me what you fear.”

Her mouth moved but no sound came out. Something shifted behind and Paladin caught sight of the surprised Applejack watching them. The look he sent her managed to communicate ‘Be quiet’ and she simply paused, waiting to see what was going on.

“Tell me.” Tyrael repeated. “Look into my eyes. Tell me.

“I...the...the t-trees..everyw-where..” her voice came out shaky and weak. Sweat was running down her forehead.

Applejack’s jaw dropped, listening to her friend weakly whimpering in fear of trees! ‘That can’t be....RD wouldn’t be afraid of trees! She’s...she’s Rainbow Dash, darn it.

Despite her iron-clad beliefs Rainbow Dash looked terrified of the beloved apple trees. It hurt, if Applejack was honest, to see her closest friend reduced to a quivering wreck by the orchard the farmpony put her life into.

Ignoring Paladin’s unspoken warning, Applejack came out.

“RD?” she asked, voice carrying in the quietness. “You okay there sugarcube?” she winced at the thoughtless words. Clearly Rainbow Dash was not okay and it was a damn stupid thing to ask.

Rainbow jerked in alarm, looking back to see her friend. “A-Applejack!” she squeaked. She actually squeaked, which was odd enough to throw Applejack off for a few vital seconds.

A rainbow-trailed was left in the air as the pegasus fled, the appearance of somepony she was ashamed to show her fear to galvanising Rainbow Dash’s will long enough to get away.

“Rainbow Dash! RD!” shouted Applejack as the weathermare rocketed away. “Consarn’ it, get back here! Paladin! Don’t let her get away!” she turned to glare furiously at the other pegasus present.

He shrugged. “I cannot fly.” Was all he said in reply.

Applejack facehoofed. “Well, ain’t that a wonder. What the hay was that?” she demanded of him.

Tyrael followed the rainbow trail as it faded away. “I mentioned my destination was here and she displayed fear. It seemed unusual for her so I endeavoured to distract her until we arrived. When I brought our location to her attention...you saw how she reacted.” He told her calmly, thoughts elsewhere.

“Ah sure as sugar did! She was...she was... she wasn’t bein’ the Rainbow Dash ah know!” Applejack shook her head, still weirded out by what she had seen. “Did ya have ta do it like that?”

He glanced at her. “I did not realise the effect it would have on her. To have such fear inside her is not natural.” Tyrael muttered. His expression, though flat and stony, seemed darker than it had been.

“Yer tellin’ me. Much as Ah wanna go help her right now, knowing RD she’ll be hidin’ some place high Ah can’t get to.” Applejack sighed. “Guess Ah’ll have to give her some time.” She added, scowling at the ground.

“I am sorry it went like that.” Tyrael apologised sincerely. “Understandable though your concern for your friend was, she might have told me more about the source of her fear.”

“Ya’ll were just tryin’ ta help.” agreed Applejack, nodding back at him. “So, what can ah do ya for?”

“I came seeking work. I hope the offer you made yest- last week is still open, I have no wish to be a burden on Miss Twilight.”

Applejack chuckled despite what had just happened. “Sugarcube, ya saved the six of us, my little sister and her friends, Zecora and if what Twi’ and the Princesses said the rest of Ponyville. Ya been awake barely a day and already lookin’ to help. Ah don’t think you need ta ‘Miss’ anypony anymore. Ya want work; Sweet Apple Acres is always lookin’ for trustworthy workers.”

Turning, she motioned for him to follow. Both set aside thoughts of the stricken Rainbow Dash, reluctantly for sure but nopony in Ponyville could find her if she didn’t want to be found. The ability to fly faster and further than any other pegasus save professionals meant the range they would have to search was next to impossible.

Not that this was an issue for Tyrael. He spied, concealed within a cloud far above them, a small dot of cyan and mixed colours.

“Big Mac! Where the hay is that great big-” Applejack growled.

“Right here sis.” The large red stallion Tyrael had spotted coming around the other side of the house replied.

Applejack started and clutched her chest when her brother took her by surprise. Spinning around, she glared at him. “What have ah told ya ‘bout sneaking up on me?” she demanded of the stallion twice her size and weight in muscle.

“Dunno.” He grinned at the irritation on her face before waving it off. “Calm down, little sister. Ah need ta thank yer friend here.” Big Macintosh said, turning to Paladin with a serious look on his face.

“Thank me?” queried Tyrael uncertainly. There had been rather too much thanks going on recently, more now than in eons of warring with demons. The only mortals to really thank him had been the Horadrim and the adventurers he guided in pursuit of the Dark Wanderer.

Big Mac nodded, his chewing hay sliding to the other side of his mouth. “Eeyup. Ya’ll saved both my sisters. And the rest’a Ponyville.” He added as an afterthought.

“I did only what I have always sought to do.” Tyrael replied after a moment.

“Ah don’t know why, ain’t so sure Ah care. Applejack and Applebloom are still ‘ere thanks to ya’ll and that’s what matters.” The big, and now Tyrael realised they both were of a size which he had yet to see, stallion said back. His voice was thick with emotion. “Now Ah figure ah owe ya plenty. Applejack ain’t the sole owner of Sweet Apple Acres, though Ah can see why a lotta ponies seem ta think so. Ya’ll ever need anythin’, just ask.”

“Mac...” Applejack’s cheeks were red at the emotion in her brother’s voice. He had never been a talkative pony, yet here he was giving what was a whole speech for him.

Tyrael heard the emotion as well. Deep inside, he felt a warmth. It was the same strange feeling only mortals had ever been able to bring about in him. Uldyssian had been the first, the human-turned-nephalem who had negated his very being in a final act to prevent the raging energies from tearing the world of man apart.

The bravery of the Horadrim in their Hunt for the Three had seen him feeling that strange pride once again. It had been...inspiring. Mortals lacking the power of the Nephalem heritage who had managed to do what the Angiris Council could not and capture the Prime Evils. Regardless of what happened after, of Tal Rasha’s fate of eternal war with Baal, of Zoltun Kulle’s descent into madness, they had done him – and themselves – proud.

Deckard Cain. Surviving the Darkening of Tristram and its subsequent destruction at the hand of the Dark Wanderer’s minions. An old man, weak of body but with a heart Tyrael felt awed by and a mind sharp as a blade he had accompanied the brave heroes seeking to do as the Horadrim had once done and more. They had ventured into Hell and emerged victorious.

Even as he hurled El’druin into the Worldstone, Tyrael had been proud of them. Though they had the blood of Inarius flowing in them they were to Tyrael children he had helped raise.

It was their hearts which fascinated and awed Tyrael. Though mortals could be dark and violent they could shine with a light brighter than any seen in the High Heavens.

These ponies were the same, it seemed. Simple though it seemed, he could see the love between the brother and sister shown before him.

Tyrael smiled, surprising Applejack. “I merely seek work, to repay my host for her kindness. If there is some way I may assist and earn myself a living I would take it is all I can ask.”

Big Mac nodded, a satisfied expression on his face. “Ah can see why AJ and her friends like ya. Save lives and all ya ask for is a job.” He grinned. “Ah think we can find somethin’ for ya ta do, assumin’ yer as strong as ya look.”

“I am.” confirmed Tyrael.

“Ah’ll take over, since ya’ve finished yer work. Ah can show him around while Ah finish.” Big Mac told his sister, ready for the inevitable argument.

Instead, Paladin got in first. “Your friends may wish to know about Miss Dash’s condition.” He pointed out.

Applejack looked ready to argue anyway, never one to back down from work, but Paladin’s words reached he and she nodded grudgingly. “Alright, if yer so eager ta get rid of me. But just cause RD seemed in such a bad way.”

Waiting until his sister was gone, Big Mac led their new worker towards the field. “Ever pulled a plough before?” he asked without much hope.


“Eeyup, thought so. Well, if ya can kick a Timber Wolf ta pieces Ah’m sure Ah can teach yer how it works easy enough.” He looked back at the pegasus. “If yer strong enough, o’ course.” said Big Mac with a hint of challenge.

Tyrael followed the red stallion, confident in his ability to learn how to simply pull a large sharp object. How hard could it be, after a hundred millennia of killing demons and delivering justice?


Applejack trotted rapidly into Ponyville with the air of a mare on a mission. She nodded absent-mindedly when somepony greeted her but nothing would deter this farmpony.

If she had her friends’ usual habits right, Fluttershy would be making her weekly trip to the market with Rarity and perhaps Pinkie. That was most of the group right there and hopefully they could go to Twilight’s together. Considering how deep in her books Twilight had been, looking for an answer to her horn’s change, she was even more likely to be there than anywhere else. Not that the range for places Twilight could be found was that wide.

Passing a house, a demolition notice fixed up in front of it, Applejack shook her head. Shameful, letting a house in Ponyville sit empty for so long. As long as she had been alive that place had sat there, a creaking wreck waiting to fall down. A few ponies were busy removing various pieces of old furniture, piling them outside. At the moment a long table lay across an old couch, one end on the ground facing the road while the other reaching for the sky like an unused seesaw.

Right now they seemed concerned with getting a large wrecked piano out a hole in the wall.

Walking past the derelict, Applejack kept moving at a good pace until somepony appeared next to her.

“Hey Applejack,” Caramel greeted her cheerfully, falling into step with her.

“Afternoon Caramel” She tipped her hat.

“Busy?” he asked curiously.

Applejack nodded. “Sure am, but if ya wanna walk an’ talk that’s fine with me sugarcube.”

“Not like I’ve got much work. I don’t suppose Mac needs replacements yet?” asked Caramel, hope in his eyes.’

“’Fraid not.” Applejack smiled reassuringly when he sighed and his shoulders drooped. “Buck up there, Paladin is lookin’ ta help out in the fields an’ if he’s around for a while he’ll probably need some work done.”

That did buck up Caramel. “Paladin is awake?”

“Big Mac is seein’ what he can do right now.” She told him, glancing around as they reached the market. “Keep an eye out for the others, would ya?”

Knowing ‘the others’ meant her close circle of friends Caramel turned to gaze through the market as well. “I’m surprised you’re not there doing it yourself. Knowing how you get with the farm I-”

“’How ah get’?” Applejack interrupted, looking at him.

Caramel’s brain caught up with what his mouth had said and he began to sweat. “Err, that is, you...uh...” he back pedalled desperately.

“’How ah get’?” Applejack repeated relentlessly, looking him right in the eye.

A flash of bouncing pink caught Caramel’s eye. “Oh thank Celestia, look there’s Pinkie!” he pointed in the party pony’s direction with a relieved smile on his face.

Applejack’s gaze didn’t waver and Caramel’s smile became a nervous grin.

It seemed Celestia had at least one more blessing for Caramel today.

“Applejack!” Pinkie squealed in over-the-top happiness.

Tearing her eyes from the incredibly relieved colt next to her, Applejack gave Pinkie a forced smile. “Hey there sugarcube. Was lookin’ for y’all.”

To her surprise Pinkie responded oddly. She leaned forward, staring into Applejack’s face intently. “Okie dokie lokie.” She rubbed a hoof on her chin in apparently deep thought.

Caramel and Applejack exchanged a nonplussed look.

“Uh, you okay there sugarcube?” Applejack asked after a few seconds of being studied by Pinkie.

“Your smile...” Pinkie grounded out slowly.

“My smile?” this just confused Applejack more.

Pinkie nodded slowly. Behind her, Rarity and Fluttershy were trotting towards them. They arrived in time to hear Pinkie crying “It was FAKE!”

“Fake?” Rarity frowned, confused. “Applejack, darling, don’t tell me you have extensions?”

“H-Hello Applejack” Whispered Fluttershy.

Applejack rolled her eyes, ignoring Caramel stuffing a hoof into his mouth to muffle his laughter. “Don’t go thinkin’ crazy things, Rarity. Pinkie-”

“Pinkie sees through your mask!” said Pinkie triumphantly. “Your not-smile gave you away!”

Everypony looked at Pinkie Pie for a moment as she reared up on her rear-hooves, forehoof pointing victoriously into the sky.

“Ah been lookin’ fer y’all.” Applejack turned to her other friends; ignoring Pinkie’s disappointed “Awww” behind her.

“You wouldn’t happen to be reconsidering my offer on that spa trip?” Rarity asked hopefully.

“I thought I’d get more use out of that.” Pinkie confided in Caramel, who shrugged helplessly.

“Win some lose some I guess.” He comforted her.

Applejack scowled. “Ah ain’t got the time. This is about RD.”

Looking up, Fluttershy wore an expression of worry. “She’s not hurt is she? Rainbow Dash hasn’t been by all week; I was beginning to get worried that she might be sick.”

The look on Rarity’s face was different. The corners of her mouth became tight and she looked thoughtful.

“Darling, would this happen to be related to our conversation yesterday?” she inquired carefully,

“RD ain’t sick, least not how ya meant Fluttershy.” Applejack told the meek pegasus before answering Rarity. “Eeyup. But it’s worse than ya thought.”

Fluttershy looked between her friends, confused about what they meant. Next to them, Pinkie and Caramel’s conversation had somehow gotten onto the topic of what type of sauces rabbits liked.

“Oh dear. How do you mean?” Rarity gasped, concerned for their friend.

“She...” Applejack bit it back, not liking saying something like this too loudly. It would be too much of a betrayal to the reputation sensitive Rainbow Dash if word got out. “She was afraid of trees!” she hissed into Rarity’s ear quietly.

Rarity withdrew, a piqued expression now adorning her. “Applejack, darling, is this really a joking matter?”

Rolling her eyes, Applejack pointed a hoof at the fashionista aggressively. “Ah ain’t jokin’. Only reason she even reached the farm is cause’a Paladin keeping her distracted.”

“Paladin is awake?” the white unicorn looked shocked. “Really, I do wish Twilight would remember to share these things.”

“What’s wrong with Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy cut in, glancing from one pony to the other. “Why did you think Applejack was joking? Why isn’t it a joking matter?” she demanded.

Both looked at her in surprise at the sudden assertiveness.

Fluttershy blushed and looked at the ground, scraping a hoof through it absently. “I-if you don’t mind me asking, I mean.” She whispered as her bout of assertiveness left her.

“S’alright sugarcube.” Applejack pulled her eyes back to them by the chin. “Ah meant ta tell y’all, not just Rarity. We noticed some odd behaviour from Rainbow Dash recently an’, well, somethin’ happened today that’s got me kinda worried.”

Pulling unicorn and pegasus into a huddle, Applejack quickly explained what had happened as best as she could.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy gasped in horror. “Poor Rainbow Dash, she must be traumatised from what happened. Oh dear, we need to find her.” She said with surprising authority, wings flaring.

“Hold yerself there a sec sugarcube.” Applejack reined her in as best she could verbally. “Ah wanted ta let Twilight know as well. This ain’t normal, especially not for RD.”

“I never thought it might be so bad.” Looking distantly, Rarity sighed. “What a simply horrible outcome. Together with yesterday, I imagine Rainbow Dash must have a similar reaction to being indoors. Oh, what was the word...’claus’ something. Drat it all.” She frowned in annoyance.

Opening her mouth to tell Rarity that what to call it really wasn’t going to be any use Applejack found Fluttershy cutting her off.

“Claustrophobia,” The pegasus told them with certainty in her voice before reverting to her usual manner. “Um, I once had to treat a poor little rabbit who had his burrow collapse on him when he was little. He was so afraid, even when I was with him in my house. It was terrible.” Fluttershy told them, her eyes wide with fear and worry for Rainbow Dash.

“That does it. We simply must find Rainbow Dash before this gets worse.” Rarity instructed them firmly, getting nods of agreement from both.

Pinkie appeared between them, giggling. They leapt back in surprise, or would have if Pinkie hadn’t pulled them into a group hug with Caramel. He grinned nervously at them.

“Ohh, are we playing hide and seek with Dashie? That’s great! Dashie hasn’t wanted to play all week, I was starting to get worried she was bored with my games, but that’s impossible! Nopony can get bored with Pinkie’s Party Games unless they were a stinky-winky old meanie-pants like Discord or Blueblood or that copy-Cadence-who-was-really-a-big-evil-bug-monster-lady.”

“What?” burst from Caramel’s lips before he could stop it.

“Found her!” shrieked Pinkie before anypony could reply. She pointed at a cloud not far away, exactly in the direction Applejack had come. It seemed to jump in alarm when it found a pink hoof aimed at it. Pinkie grinned. “What do I win?!” she asked excitedly.

“Caramel.” With a grin that left the echo ‘how you get’ running in the stallion’s head, Applejack was off.


“Squee! A Party-helper!”

The cloud tensed before bursting apart, Rainbow Dash doing her best to live up to her name. Her strong wings beat at the air and she soared away with speed but none of her usual grace. Hiding high – very high – above Sweet Apple Acres had seemed like such a good idea to Rainbow Dash at the time.

Recovering from the terror in time to see Applejack leaving the farm in Big Mac and Paladin’s hooves, Rainbow Dash had followed her friend into Ponyville. Part of her wanted to just go down and talk to Applejack, but the rest of her stopped any such action. Shame filled every inch of the pegasus and now it weighed her down like lead.

Or perhaps it was all the training and barely five hours sleep in the last week that was doing it. Either way, Applejack was fresh and strong, her gallop eating up the distance between them even as Rainbow Dash soared just above the roofs of Ponyville.

Passing over a pair of pegasus, one of whom nearly let go of her side of the piano to wave at Rainbow Dash, the weathermare risked a glance back.

Applejack pounded after her. As Dash reached the old house, an idea cropped up in the farmpony’s head. Unless she found a way to actually reach Rainbow Dash in the air there was no point in chasing her all over the place, but it seemed fate was on her side.

Aiming for the teetering table, Applejack cast her gaze about for something to use to knock the piano out of the hooves of the pegasi moving it as they reached just over the high end of the table.

Drop the piano!” a voice, feminine and vaguely familiar passed by Applejack with an almost physical sensation. It was like a wave of intent, passing over her and striking the pegasi.

Derpy and the other pegasus reacted automatically, their body moving without waiting for their brains to chime in. Applejack set her feet on the low end of the table. Rainbow Dash paused mid-air above the house, not quite believing what was going to happen.

The piano fell.

Applejack rose.

She flew like a missile armed with a Mark 1 Rainbow Dash tracking system straight at the wayward pegasus, going up and coming down from the arc right on top of her.

A common problem among Mark 1s is that they are first version and thus tend to be buggy and not completely effective.

Rainbow Dash flinched back a few scant inches without thinking and Applejack’s hooves missed her. They experienced a moment, eyes wide with surprise as they stared into the other’s expression before Applejack’s uncontrolled plummet resumed.

The farmpony smashed through the rotting ceiling, crashing through each floor with a massive boom and the sound of shattering wood. Ponies who had paused to watch in awe now looked on in horror.

With surprising speed the sounds came to an end, Applejack having torn from the ceiling through the third, second and down to the first floor of the building in record time.

The house creaked dangerously.

“Applejack!” the cry tore its way out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth and her tired wings pumped. Even weak, strained, and nearly paralysed with fear she wasn’t going to leave her friend in the house.

The house collapsed, ancient supports already rotten giving way from the trauma of Applejack’s destructive entry. Crashes and roars as old wood fell in an avalanche of splinters the size of hooves and entire floor dropped down in a thunderous rain filled the town and even ponies who had not been able to see what was happening looked up.

The Mayor glanced out the window, wondering why the demolition had commenced early. And why was it was over already, weren’t they meant to take a while being careful in case it fell and somepony got hur-

She was out the door of her office before the thought was complete.

Rainbow Dash hovered over the wreck, staring in horror at what had happened – at what she had caused. There was no way even an earth pony like Applejack would be alright after that, it had all fallen on her and...and...and

A sob boiled up in her throat, which tightened unconsciously. Rainbow Dash shook her head, unable to accept it. ‘No no no no no no.’ she thought endlessly. ‘AJ can’t be...No!

Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Caramel arrived as the shaking Rainbow Dash touched down. Nopony moved or said anything for a few seconds.

Tears ran down Rainbow’s cheeks as she stared at her friend’s grave. “She...this is...this my fa-” she began to say.

The rubble stirred and fell as something beneath it shifted.

Looking around, the entirely unharmed Applejack stared at the devastation. Before she could do anything a cyan blur had knocked her to the ground. Applejack, slack jawed, simply let Rainbow Dash hug her tightly.


Nearly invisible now that its need was gone, the last hints of the ethereal steel that had clad the farmpony went unnoticed as it faded into nothingness.

Applejack’s hat, lost at the pinnacle of her catapulting arc, landed with all due dignity on top of Rainbow Dash’s head.


Just so you know, I actually like Rainbow Dash. She’s my favourite of the Mane 6, along with Pinkie. I’m not, y’know, traumatising her out of some desire to bash a character but somehow she ended getting the short end of the stick so far, yeah?

I know at least one or two commenters on the last chapter should be a bit happy over what the last part displayed. Namely my subtle hints of the angelic power. You’re not thick, I know you can all get it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. You bloody well should, I’m finishing this after getting back from a close shift and I have to get up for work again in like 5 hours.

I’m a very lazy person, yet I have so much often this last few days. Surprised I’m done with this chapter at all. I suppose writing means more to me then my piss-ant job.

Please comment, I love them all a lot.

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