• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,466 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

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Act II - Ch. 10 Life Goes On

Here’s chapter 10 all done and dandy! Took me a bit longer than intended but it’s all done now. Uni has been annoying but mildly satisfying. I still don’t see why I need to do the maths unit as part of what is essentially a pre-Bachelor of Arts (Literature) preparation course and it pisses me off. I suck at maths.

Which makes it ironic that every time I leave my Friday maths lecture I know I’m going to be catching a bus to a friend’s place two streets away from Uni the next morning to play DnD or Shadowrun, games involves lots of basic arithmetic. If they could somehow combine Shadowun or DnD with learning maths, I’d be set.

Anyway, here’s the story. Not my favourite chapter and I had some trouble with it, but here it is!


Chapter 10 Life Goes On


Trotting through the dark streets of Ponyville, Tyrael couldn’t help but feel like he had dodged an arrow. The entire situation had been making him feel extremely awkward and he had been relieved when he was able to leave with the muttered excuse of getting an early night for his first day’s work in the morning.

As far as he could tell, the girls were planning to have a camp out to keep Rainbow Dash company. When she had admitted to not even being comfortable in her own home and had been sleeping on clouds for the past week, they had been appalled. Just as he had left Twilight had begun to work out a schedule so at least one of them would be able to spend the night with Rainbow Dash since her living outside for an indeterminate time meant they wanted to make sure nothing would happen.

Rainbow Dash had protested fiercely but eventually gave way when Fluttershy mentioned how guilty they would all feel if she got sick and none of them were present to help her.

Another stroke of good fortune was the empty streets. It made him slightly uncomfortable when he was being watched by everypony all the time. Next time he saw the Princesses, Tyrael would really need to ask why his shel- body, why Paladin’s body was so noticeable. Was it some method to ensure they could track him simply by making him easily recognised?

He chewed over these thoughts until he was approaching the library. It was quiet inside and Spike was nowhere to be seen. As much as Tyr- Paladin wanted to simply retire and let sleep take him until tomorrow he felt he had to make sure the dragonling was alright.

“Spike!” he called, raising his voice. “Spike! It is I, Paladin!”

There came no answer save a faint smell. He sniffed and instantly recognised it. The scent of burnt ozone, as though something had been using flames. In Tyrael’s long existence the number of beings using fire he had interacted with on friendly terms could be counted on one hand. Only one – Imperius – was an angel.

He sniffed again, following the small to the door leading to the tree’s basement. He quietly opened it, not thinking about how he managed the feat with hooves. Focusing his senses, a whoosh sound and another whiff of the smell of fire reached him. A brief flash of familiar green fire-light flashed from within the basement.

Spike’s fire? How curious.’ Paladin strode into the basement doing his best to keep his hoofsteps quiet. The light-show repeated itself, and again, each time followed by panting. Curiousity gnawed at his insides.

At last he found the source, a certain baby dragon covered in sweat before an array of what looked like targets. ‘Curious and curiouser.


At the sound of his name said dragon spun around with an expression of alarm. “Paladin! I thought you would be...uh...” he looked away with a faint blush on his cheeks. “Actually, I kinda forgot about you. Heh, oops?” Spike grinned shakily up at him.

Paladin lifted an eyebrow at Spike. He glanced at the tiredness on Spike’s face, the slack posture, the deep breaths he was taking and the way the wall was singed.

“You are practicing your fire.” He concluded aloud, feeling a moment of pleasure when Spike’s expression became surprised. “I was unaware you were interested in such a thing. Twilight has said nothing of it and I doubt she would not warn me in case of...accidents. This is a tree, after all.” He pointed out.

Spike scratched his neck. “Er, well the basement is underground and Twilight’s covered it in spells so magic or fire won’t burn the whole place down.” He shrugged. “She says it just to be safe but I know she only did it so she could use this place as her mad science lab.”

Deciding to pursue this ‘mad science’ topic at a later date Paladin approached Spike who now looked both nervous and embarrassed.

“I do not mean to intrude, little dragon, but I must ask; why? You seem to wish to keep this a secret.” He came to a stop in front of Spike, keeping his voice from being harsh or hard. Spike was, after all, truly a child.

The small dragon kicked at the ground. “I...” he looked up from his feet, his face awash with emotions. “I couldn’t help them. When those roots things were wrapping Twilight and the others up my flame couldn’t burn them. I just want to be able to help.” He flexed his claws nervously.

To his surprise Paladin nodded, “A fine sentiment. Have you made much progress?”

“Err, not really.” Spike glanced at the soot-covered corner “Took me ages to do that.”

“You must persevere, young Spike. With practice you can no doubt improve.” Paladin reassured him.

“Gee, thanks.” Smiling, the little dragon began to clean up. “Gotta make sure this is all gone before Twilight gets home.” He said, unasked.

Paladin frowned. “You have yet to tell me why you wish to keep this a secret. I am sure Twilight could obtain information to assist your quest.”

Looking up from his work Spike sighed. “Yeah but if I tell her she’ll make me stop! Like I’m just gonna sit around, being a ‘baby’ forever.” He grumbled.

“Would she not want you to be able to defend yourself and others more effectively?” Paladin asked curiously. To wilfully be weak was an alien concept to him.

“Phhb. Twilight will say-” and here Spike fell into a remarkable imitation of Twilight’s voice “-‘Spike, I just couldn’t bear it if you got hurt! You have to stay inside while my friends and I go and have exciting adventures and save the day while you clean up the mess I made despite the fact it would take me like two seconds to put all the books back with my magic while it takes you over an hour!’ Have you seen how stubby my arms and legs are?”

Paladin cocked an eyebrow at Spike’s small rant and the little dragon looked embarrassed when he realised he kind deviated from the topic.

“Heh, maybe I have a bit more stuff to work out?” he offered shakily.

“You may have a point.” The pegasus conceded, deciding to ignore Spike’s rants. “I shall keep your secret, unless such a time arrives that I believe it would do more harm than good to remain silent.”

Spike glanced around nervously. “I don’t suppose you could Pinkie Promise that?” he asked hopefully.

The hefty dark pegasus sighed. He remembered Fluttershy asking for the same promise. “I Pinkie Promise.” When Spike continued to watch him expectantly he added “Yes?”

“You have to do the rhyme!” Spike told him. He demonstrated and grinned when Paladin facehoofed.

I wonder how much dignity I have left for this world to take?


The next day came swiftly and mercifully without nightmares plaguing Tyrael’s dreams. He was woken by a strange device Spike had provided, ringing shrilly. To his embarrassment his sluggish thought processes and annoyance at the irritating sound caused him to strike it a tad forcefully. After carefully gathering the pieces and prying a few sharp parts from where they had been imbedded in the wall he placed the debris in a rough pile next to the bed.

Applejack had warned him to have a ‘hearty’ breakfast and Spike had been kind enough to help him lay out what he would need the night before. This didn’t make it any easier for Tyrael to pour the milk into the hay cereal but he made only a small spill which quickly fixed with a cloth left for exactly that.

After a strange meal of plant-matter, processed lactated cow-juice and a few apples Tyrael set off. All the while he had been as quiet as possible so as not to disturb Spike and, if she had returned after he retired, Twilight.

Dawn was just starting to burn away the edges of night when Tyrael arrived. He stood in the empty yard in front of the large house, unsure as to what he should do next. At last he decided to simply wait.

Barely a minute passed since his arrival before Big Macintosh appeared. He simply nodded at Paladin in approval.

Tyrael nodded back. “Shall we begin?” he asked.


That, apparently, was that.

What followed was a morning of Big Mac teaching the first farm chores of the morning in as few words as possible and Paladin responding in exactly the same fashion. Feeding livestock had never been something to cross Tyrael’s mind before, far too busy as he was with the metaphysical conflict between the forces of good and evil as they vied for dominion over creation.

The cattle seemed friendly enough. Tyrael was fairly certain this was different from the cows of Sanctuary but considering his current company said nothing. For a moment in the morning light he almost thought he saw a cow standing upright with a polearm in...hoof, but it turned out to be a trick of interplaying shadows and sunlight.

Applejack arrived a few hours after Tyrael, near to mid-morning, just as Big Mac led him to his area of apple trees.

“How fares Mis-”

“Didn’t RD tell ya ta cut out the ‘miss’ stuff?” Applejack pointed out. “Ah think the rest of the girls don’t want ya to either.”

He nodded. “Very well. How fares Rainbow Dash?”

Her expression shifted slightly towards relief. “Better. We’re takin’ turns with stayin’ out with her an’ Twi’ is already readin’ through her books on what to do.” Applejack sniggered. “Said she was gonna ask Princess Celestia ter recommend a good psychiatrist.” She pronounced the last word carefully and clearly, as though somepony had teased her about mispronouncing it earlier.

Paladin nudged the last barrel into place. “That is good news.” He bucked like he had been doing it all his life and the apples came tumbling down.

Applejack watched and gave an impressed whistle. “Well ah’ll be, that was some mighty fine applebuckin’. Yer a real natural.”

“Thank you.” He continued his work, moving at a regular pace with little variance between each tree. A thought came to him a few seconds later.

Biting back a yawn from her late night Applejack turned away. “Ah better get started on my work, can’t have the new farmhoof outdoin’ an Apple!” she declared with a grin in his direction.

He glanced at the retreating mare, watching her for a moment. At last Paladin sighed and went back to his work.

They do not need to know. Not yet.


Life, as Tyrael was discovering, went on. Each morning he rose with the sun and went to work at Sweet Apple Acres for most of the day. Long hours of constant farm work filled his time and with effort the pegasus forced his thoughts from anything but the mundane. He would eat lunch there before leaving as Celestia drew her sun down and Luna lifted her moon and stars for three days. On two others he was dismissed earlier to join Rainbow Dash and occasionally Fluttershy in attempts to get him flying again.

To his irritation Applejack insisted that he would not work every day, citing her own experience with overworking. Though Tyrael attempted to convince he did not need two days off she gave no quarter.

“We handled things fine before ya started an’ well do fine without ya.” She finally told him crossly. “The only things ya do other than work are flyin’ lessons with RD. Ya need days off so ya can find a hobby or somethin’. Now get!”

One pleasing note was the hard work was steadily improving his body. He could feel it strengthening each day and though it meant he had to adjust how much muscle he had to use it was strangely satisfying.

As for Rainbow Dash, she continued to sleep on the hill under her cloud house. Each night one of her friends stayed with her. Between a bit of magic woven by Twilight and her own ability to keep hazardous weather away Dash had considerably less difficulty then one might expect.

Each day Fluttershy would spend at least a little time trying to help Rainbow, mostly putting her effort into getting her to see the psychiatrist the Princess had suggested. The first time they had met he had assured her he was an expert in his field. She was welcome to ask Twilight for confirmation, he said, after all had he not provided excellent help after the incident involving a certain doll?

Once the embarrassing truth had come out Twilight had indeed confirmed his words.

“Please, just once?” she had finally asked with Fluttershy and Pinkie providing large, teary eyes to reinforce her request.

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash had reluctantly ceded to their demands.

Somehow, the first visit had become a second and the second a third. Not, Rainbow explained heatedly, that she was going because she wanted to talk about her, urgh, feelings with anypony. Totally not.

Though Caramel had been sworn to secrecy – and Pinkie Pie Promises worked so effectively when Pinkie was present – the population of Ponyville eventually did notice a significant decrease in rainbow-trails in the sky.

Caramel had been shaking in fear that Pinkie might think he broke his promise after he overheard a conversation in the street revolving around Rainbow Dash’s apparent lack of appearance in town except when up above doing her weather duty.

With the unerring powers of...well, being Pinkie Pie, the party pony assured Caramel she knew he had yet to break his Pinkie Promise. The way she said ‘yet’ made him break out in a cold sweat and nearly drop the cake he was carrying.

Pinkie had apparently taken Applejack’s offer of victory prize seriously and had somehow corralled Caramel into helping her with parties when he had no cobbling to do. She explained that since throwing horseshoes was a fun game and his cutie mark was three horseshoes it made perfect sense to have him help her.

When asked personally by the curious Cakes why he was just going along with it, Caramel gave them a helpless look and said “I’m...I’m not sure.” What he did not say was that he usually had very little to do anyway, so at least he was having more fun than he usually did.

Every night, as always, ponies slept. And they dreamed.


A cruel landscape, volcanic stone covered in spikes and shattered spires, was spread before her. In the distance the violent flow of land curved around a great bowl. This, Rarity could somehow tell, was her destination.

Everything in sight was ghastly and she loathed it intensely. Even as she revolted against what lay before her, Rarity founded this sight blocked by creatures as different as possible to any she could recall meeting.

Hurtling from the side of her vision a figure of metal and robes flew. In its hand was a magnificent blade that burned with azure light. Though she disdained instruments of violence such as a sword Rarity had to admit that it was perhaps one of the most finely crafted pieces of metalwork she had been privileged to see. Even her unfortunate awareness of flaws that had been plaguing her could find nothing wrong with it.

Had she been in control Rarity would have screamed loud and high enough to shatter glass as a monstrous visage covered in thorny crimson-brown scales appeared before her. It roared and soared towards her on bat-like wings that worked despite appearing torn in many places.

It slashed a massive talon at her and while Rarity tried to move back her body responded instead by lifting its arms and using the beautiful and oddly familiar looking sword they held to deflect the blow to the side and cut through the monster’s forearm. The blade stopped its descent as the dismembered claw fell past it, snapping up to slice the beast in half.

A horde of flying creatures smaller in size but moving far faster converged on Blue-Sword, as Rarity mentally labelled it. Or, she decided, him. Its form was strange, upright like a Diamond Dog but made of metal and infinitely more beautiful to the eye, yet somehow she knew it was male.

Blue-Sword moved with incredible grace as he was attacked, practically dancing between his foes. When his sword moved a demon was cut down, when his fist lashed out lighting sent another smoking from the sky and a wave of frost burst from him to freeze the wings of his enemies to inaction.

Had she been breathing Rarity’s breath would have caught as she watched. It was like sublime poetry made real, emotional expression given to movement that was to the eye hard to accept as real. Grace was not merely part of it but a fundamental foundation.

Despite this it was grace of war, poetry written of battle. There were no wayward twitches because every movement was made with the sole purpose of violence. She had always detested fighting and physical battle but she could not help but be amazed and awed by what she saw. It was alien and somehow offensive that something so beautiful was a product and cause of death.

“Izual.” The voice of her – was it hers? – body called out as the last monster plummeted from the sky. It was deep and calm and some part of Rarity knew she had heard it once before though she knew not where.

Blue-Sword, Izual, looked up at her. “Tyrael,” He lifted his weapon in salute.

“Where in Ardleon?” Rarity’s body asked sternly.

Izual pointed down to where ice had begun to cover the rocky earth. A wave of whirling darkness roared silently between motionless ripples of ice, starkly visible over the great distance. “The Lord of Betrayal guards the approach.”

Her body sighed. “His wounded pride will be the doom of him.” It said before gripping its weapon tightly.

The other being nodded in agreement. “It is not hard to understand why. Because he was unable to overcome Betrayal you lost the chance to slay Azmodan and he blames himself. For all that he is not even one of the Great Evils Betrayal would be foremost among the lesser demon lords were he not-”

“Were he not Betrayal.” Her body ‘hn’d in contempt. “Take heart from that, Izual. Though the forces of the Burning Hells outnumber us and they innovate endlessly, their nature leads only to defeat. The Lord of Betrayal merely emphasises that trait. It is our unity that gives us the power to match them. It is our unity that will bring us victory!”

Izual hovered next to her and though he lacked any features to see an expression on she knew he was listening intently. “There is no greater crime then to betray your own.” He glanced down again and she knew he was glaring.

Her body reached over and clapped him on the shoulder. “Indeed. But we never need fear such a thing, brother. The High Heavens will stand united forever and with you as my right-hand we will bring Justice to them.”

He returned the sentiment and both strange beings clasped hands for a moment.

Turning back to the battle going on beneath them, where a blizzard seemed to war with an endless torrent of darkness, she felt wings flaring as she pointed her weapon at it. “Now, follow me, to battle!”

Izual pointed his blade as well. “To battle!” he echoed. Together they swooped down with weapons held ready to strike.

Somewhere, an emotion that was not hers pervaded Rarity’s senses. She looked upon Izual and grief tore at her heart.


Nearly three weeks after his return to the land of the conscious, Paladin rammed into the dirt once more. Glaring into the ground he huffed angrily.

“Alright, I’m done!” Rainbow Dash cried, landing in her increasingly familiar hillside camp. A considerably dirtier Paladin came trotting up the hill in her wake.

“Yes.” He agreed slowly. “I believe we will achieve no success today either.” Though his tone strived to be emotionless Rainbow Dash knew the annoyance at failure too well to miss it.

Before she could say anything a third voice broke into the conversation.

“Y’all look like ya were havin’ fun.” A distinctive drawl filled with amusement proceeded Applejack as she approached.

Paladin glanced at her and away again. “Yes. Fun. Indeed.” He muttered sourly.

She gave him a sympathetic smile. “Ah’m sure ya’ll get it sugarcube. Just gotta keep tryin’.”

“That’s what I keep saying!” Dash whined. “Keep trying! You’re a pegasus and I am the Best Young Flier in Equestria! I WILL make you fly!” she declared, pointing dramatically at the sky.

Applejack giggled at the sight, setting down a bag of apples. “Well, don’t you fret. If anypony can get him in the air it’s you.”

The pegasus cracked a grin. “Well, I am the Iron Pony.” She bragged, stretching her wings out.

“Excuse me?” Applejack gave her a stern look. “That’s not how ah remember it goin’.”

Paladin looked between them and fought the urge to ask. Finally, as the two began to become more heated in their argument, he asked.

“’Iron Pony?’”

What followed was a long explanation about the competition the pair of mares had engaged in, capped with their tale of the Running of the Leaves.

“I do not see why she should be forbidden her wings.” Paladin interjected.

Applejack gave him a withering look. “T’ain’t fair, since ah don’t have wings. Rainbow usin’ hers pretty much means ah can’t compete.”

“She has a point.” Agreed Rainbow Dash, albeit extremely reluctantly.

Paladin looked between them with a frown. “I disagree.” He focused on Applejack. “Should you not be in some way weakened if you wish to make the playing field even?”

She blinked a few times, not understanding. “Whatcha talkin’ about?”

“You are an earth pony.”

The mares exchanged glances. “Well, duh of course she is.” said Rainbow Dash with a roll of her eyes.

“Ah don’t think ah’m followin’ ya sugarcube. Why’s that matter?”

“As an earth pony, you lack the wings and lighter structure of a pegasus or the magic of a unicorn.” He began. “However, you possess a higher average of bodily strength and endurance as well as a certain natural talent with tending the land. As I understand it earth ponies also have a higher level to which their bodies can be trained and toughened through exercise and work.”

Applejack nodded hesitantly. “As mah brother might say ‘eeyup’. But why-” even as she asked a trickle of understanding began to form.

The large pegasus powered on. “To remove the natural advantages of a pegasus does not make a competition even unless their earth pony opponent has in some way been robbed of the gifts of their kind.”

“Wait, so, what you’re trying to say is that me not using my wings is unfair?” Rainbow Dash’s muzzle scrunched up in confusion and thought.

He nodded. “Indeed. In all honesty, a competition is only truly ‘fair’ when all competitors are exactly the same in every way. But in such a competition the only deciding factor would be luck or factors beyond the control of any of the competitors.”

Pushing her hat back, Applejack scratched her head. “Ah’m gonna be truthful with ya sugarcube, far as ah can tell yer sayin’ it weren’t fair for Rainbow Dash to not use her wings unless ah wasn’t gonna use all mah strength.”

“That is correct. Any of the events which relied on pure strength were based in your favour, doubly so since your profession and lifestyle have refined the natural traits of earth ponies to an even greater level in you. Despite her effort Rainbow Dash simply does not have a body capable of matching sheer muscle with yours just as you are not as nimble as her and cannot fly.” Apparently finished, Paladin reached down and picked up the last mug of cider while Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other in shock.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and waved a hoof in protest. “Wait a sec! I can so get as strong as Applejack!”

“Guess y’all don’t wanna be a Wonderbolt no more?” Applejack lifted her eyebrow curiously.

“What? Why would you even say that?”

“Cause Paladin might be right.” The farmpony admitted. “Weren’t much point us competin’ when we’re both better at different things even if they happen ta be physical stuff.”

Paladin forced down an undignified burp. “Correct. In conclusion; any competition is based in favour of one of you though you are both at peak physical condition. There is no point to the two of you competing.”

The mares exchanged looks.

“...I kinda still want to.” Rainbow Dash admitted sheepishly. “Y’know, keep competing. It’s fun.”

Applejack nodded. “Ah agree.”

The stallion grunted. “I will not pretend to understand but perhaps you should hold off your competition for later. Rainbow Dash has an appointment.”

Suddenly said mare was looking nervous. She looked at Applejack and gulped. “Uh...”

“Oh no, ya ain’t gettin’ out of this.” Catching the pegasus’ prismatic tail in her powerful jaw Applejack began to pull Rainbow Dash towards where she had agreed to meet her psychiatrist. Tipping her hat to Paladin, she was a few feet away when Rainbow Dash finally gave in.

“Alright, I’m coming.” She huffed with what was definitely not a pout.

Paladin came alongside them. “I shall accompany you part of the way.”

Rainbow looked at him curiously. “But Twi’s place is-”

“Not my destination.” He interrupted.

An amused grin came to Applejack’s face. “Big Mac invited him on a ‘stallion’s night out’.” She explained.

“He insisted.” Paladin deadpanned.

After a moment of thought Rainbow started grinning as well. “You’re going out drinking? With Big Mac?” she asked.

“Caramel is joining us.” He pointed out quietly.

“Pfftahahaha!” laughing, the colourful pegasus fell to the ground. “Oh Celestia, I have to see it! Where are you going?”

“Rainbow, they’re having a guys’ night. That word there. ‘Guys’. Now, ah ain’t sayin’ ya haven’t been giving it a good try but yer still a mare.” Applejack told her friend sternly, although there was glimmer of mischief in them.

“Hey!” shouted Rainbow Dash, cheeks red. “Just cause I’m a little bit of a tomcolt-”

“Little bit?”

“Shut up!”

Tyrael watched the mares as they play-fought. It was...amusing.

Before he could stop it a chuckle worked its way out of his muzzle. He immediately clamped his lips shut as Applejack and Rainbow Dash stared at him in surprise.



“I...had best be off. Farewell.” Turning away, Tyrael started towards the place Macintosh had told him to go.

“Didn’t think he could laugh!” Rainbow muttered to Applejack.

The farmpony nodded in agreement. “Hope Mac and Caramel can loosen him up. He mightily needs to relax some.”

The ground-bound pegasus had barely gotten three feet before something caught his attention.

“Applejack! Rainbow Dash!” he called back without looking. “You may have to delay your appointment.”

The pair quickly reversed.

“Awesome!” Rainbow cheered until she caught a stern glare from Applejack. “Hrm, I mean, oh no how disappointing!” she moaned, hoof on her forehead like Rarity.

Applejack just sighed and rolled her eyes. “Course it is. What’s got yer feathers in a ruffle Pally? That Nut Case ain’t got forever ta wait fer RD.”

“That.” He pointed a hoof at the pair of carriages being pulled through the sky by a team pegasi clad in gleaming gold armour.


“Oh yes, darling, it has been such a frightful bore.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Not at all dear, it shall pass as it always does.” Rarity reassured Twilight over a cup of tea with a flick of her hair. “Inspiration will strike at some point like a great sharp lightning strike.”

In apparent defiance of narrative convention this perfect opportunity for somepony to knock loudly and sharply on the door went by with only the sound of sipping tea.

“How have things been progressing for you, particularly with the brave Paladin in residence?” Rarity asked curiously, glancing at Twilight over her tea.

“I don’t see too much of him, really.” Twilight admitted. “He leaves before Spike or I get up and he isn’t really much for talking when he gets back.”

Rarity shook her head sadly, “Ah, but what a shame!”

“He is spending some time with Spike though.” The librarian offered. “I think they’re bonding.” She added with a cheerful smile.

“Really? Well, that is nice to hear. I daresay having a role-model like Paladin could do wonders for little Spikey-wikey.” Rarity hmm’d at another sip of her tea. “And your horn? Have you made any progress on uncovering that particular mystery?”

Twilight’s head drooped. “Argh, don’t get me started. I’ve tried everything. Analysis spells, reverse-flow-study, every diagnostic spell I can get my hooves on! Nothing! My mana reserves are bigger and my excess energy-to-spell ratio has decreased by nearly fifty percent but I can’t work out why!” she groaned and nearly banged her head on the table in frustration. 'Nearly' because her longer, sharper horn got in the way.

Nodding sympathetically Rarity lifted both their cups to make sure they suffered no messy spills while Twilight pulled her horn free of the table. “I am certain you’ll work it out.” She gave Twilight a confident look. “After all, you are Celestia’s personal student.”

Ever the modest mare Twilight rubbed the back of her neck and blushed at the praise. “Well I hope I can live up that.” She said with a nervous laugh.

Further conversation was forestalled by the narratively challenged heavy pounding on the door.

“Twilight Sparkle!” a stiff, formal voice bellowed out. “By Royal command we require yo-”

Mid-sentence the door swung open at the behest of Twilight’s magic. The guard outside barely missed a beat.

“Miss Sparkle! The Princess-”

The other guard coughed.

“-The Princesses require the Bearers of the Elements and Sir Paladin to gather and journey to Canterlot as soon as possible.” He finished without any sign of hesitation at the correction.

“Um...okay.” Twilight blinked dully for a moment.

“Whatever is the matter?” inquired Rarity. She looked between the guards with concern.

“Her highness did not inform us.” The guard informed her curtly. “We must return as soon as possible. We have brought the carriages needed to convey you to Canterlot immediately.”

“This must be important. Rarity-” began Twilight before being cut off by a raised hoof.

“Say no more.” Rarity said, already moving to the door. “I must put a notice up at my store in town so I shall inform Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash should be on her way to her appointment and I believe it was Applejack’s turn to make sure she goes.”

Twilight nodded. “Great. I’ll go and get Fluttershy. Gather here in half an hour?”

“Miss Sparkle, please excuse the interruption but part of your plan may not be necessary” The only guard who apparently could speak said, pointing a hoof down the road. “Are those not the Bearers of Loyalty and Honesty?”

Twilight and Rarity craned their head to follow his hoof. Their friends were indeed galloping down the street towards them, at least in the case of Applejack and-

“Paladin is with them too!” Twilight smiled at their good fortune. She did wonder for a moment why the guard had not mentioned him.

Rainbow Dash had been keeping pace in the air above the other two. Apparently noticing the gestures in their direction she picked up speed and rocketed to the tree-house.

“Hey Twilight, what’s with the guards?” the excitable mare’s expression transformed into an eager grin. “Wait don’t tell me, they came to get us to do something awesome for the Princess-”

The guard who had yet to emote beyond a cough repeated his earlier verbal manoeuvre.

“What?” she glared at him. “I’m talking here!”

Rarity spoke up before Dash could get any further. “Princesses, Rainbow dear. We have two now, remember?”

“It’s Rainbow Dash, and I knew that!” shot back Rainbow. “It was...uh, a test! Yeah, that’s right, I was totally testing you. Good job Rares, you passed!” she laughed nervously.

Looking at her friend for a few seconds as though contemplating calling her out, Rarity finally just sighed. “Of course, Rainbow Dash. I entirely believe you. What was it you were saying?” she asked wearily.

The pegasus blinked, trying to find the thread of thought she had been following. “Oh, yeah. The Princess-”

A cough.

She powered on regardless. “-need us for something important?” she air-boxed with all four hooves above the guards, “Want us to kick Discord’s flank again or give those bug-ponies another round of the ole’ one-two-three-four?”

“We are not privy to the reasons.” The spokesguard told her curtly.

It was at this point that Applejack and Paladin arrived. The black-and-white pegasus eyed the guards warily. Applejack just approached her friends looking for answers.

“Somethin’ up, sugarcube?” she asked Twilight, worry in her voice.

The unicorn shrugged helplessly. “I’m not sure, the guards just want us – Pinkie and Fluttershy too – to come with them to Canterlot.” Twilight frowned. “I wonder why the Princess didn’t send a letter-”


All heads turned as a loud buzzing sound filled the street. From the direction of the town square a familiar orange figure rode her scooter, wings buzzing furiously. As Scootaloo got closer they saw that crammed into trolley she was pulling were three more ponies.

Well, two were ponies.

“Twilight!” Spike called, waving a scroll over his head. The royal seal holding it closed was easily visible in the sunlight.

The collection of ponies stared as the Cutie Mark Crusaders plus one dragon approached.

“Huh.” Twilight said to nopony in particular. “That was...good timing, I guess.”

Scootaloo, having seen Rainbow Dash, made sure to stop in the most awesome way she could imagine. This happened to cover the guard closest to her in dirt as she slewed to a sideways halt but in the grand scheme this was judged a worthy sacrifice.

The trolley kept moving, swinging around Scootaloo. The connection between it and the scooter hit the limit of its flexibility and came to an abrupt stop, sending Spike tumbling head over heels. He rolled, his head bouncing off the ground once before coming to his feet dazed in front of Twilight.

Rainbow Dash flew down and ruffled the pegasus filly’s mane. “Nice one, squirt.”

Her number-one-fan beamed with pride at being complimented by her idol.

“Here’s, uh, your letter...” Spike, however, was less pleased. Or he would be when he got over being dazed. He stumbled slightly when Twilight plucked the scroll out of his claw with her magical grip.

“Thank you, Spike. Did you have fun with the girls?” she asked pleasantly. Yes, Celestia (and Luna!) might need something important but that did not mean manners went out the window. Besides, her new copy of ‘An Egghead’s Guide to Raising a Sapient Familiar’ had come in and she wanted to follow its advice. She had no interest in Spike not telling her things when he got to his teen-analogue years because she never asked when he was little. A emotionally-repressed adolescent dragon was really not a good idea, especially if he thought 'nopony understands me!'. It might be entirely accurate but it would still a bit emo.

He wobbled in place. “Uh, I think so?” the little dragon shrugged, shaking his head to get his brain back in order.

“We didn’t get our Dragon-Hunting cutie marks.” whined Scootaloo with a pout.

“Or our Dragon-Feedin’ cutie mark.” Applebloom sighed. Sweetie Belle nodded in disappointment as well.

Lifting her head from the scroll Twilight gave her assistant a Look. “’Dragon-Feeding’?” she asked sceptically. “I wonder who thought of that.”

Spike smiled awkwardly. “Well, it made sense and they want to try everything so I thought, why not give it a try?” he explained innocently.

Rolling her eyes Twilight went back to reading. While not exactly dripping with knowledge, unless ‘knowledge’ took the physical form of a stain of Spike’s favourite sauce on the back of the scroll, it at least confirmed the guards’ intentions.

“Rainbow Dash!” she called her friend’s attention back to her. “Can you go get Pinkie and Fluttershy? You’re the fastest one here.”

Rainbow saluted. “On it!” she blasted off to a fanfare of Scootaloo’s practiced cheering, a prismatic trail in her wake. She was only too happy to get away from Twilight’s horror house.

“Ah better get back ta the farm an’ let Mac an’ Granny know.” Applejack smiled at Paladin. “Lucky we got you ta help out while ah’m gone.”

“Actually, Paladin is coming too.” Twilight said with an apologetic tone. She glanced at him. “You don’t mind, do you?”

Whatever his real thoughts, Paladin nodded stiffly “Not at all. So long as Applejack sees fit to release me from my d-”

“Landsakes, ‘course its fine” Interrupted the farmpony, only just holding back the urge to roll her eyes. “Don’t matter so much, we’re already ahead o’ schedule thanks to yer help. ‘Less we’re away for a couple weeks should be fine and dandy. Appleblom, ‘bout time ya were headin’ back.”

“Try to be back in half-an-hour please!” called Twilight as Applejack left. The farmpony gave her a wave of acknowledge before turning off the street to another with her sister at her side.

“I’d best be off myself. Shan’t be to two shakes of a lamb’s tail, my dear.” Rarity fluttered her eyelashes at the guards. “Pleased to meet you both, gentlecolts. I shall return soon. Come, Sweetie Belle, we had best return you to mother and father while I am away.”

The little unicorn sighed. “Aww, but I wanted to stay with you this week and help your work!” she cried sadly.

Rarity twitched in response to both her sister’s sentiments and memories of the last time Sweetie ‘helped’. She just gave her a strained smile as they trotted off. “Oh, such a pity. Perhaps next time.”


“I better close up the library.” Twilight said to what was essentially herself. She nodded to the guards, returning only a minute later to offer them refreshment. Since being seen sipping tea would not exactly enhance their traditional image of stoic-ness both declined.

Staying in hope of seeing Rainbow Dash again Scootaloo was soon engaging in some kind of mock-battle with Spike to pass the time before three minutes were out, overseen by Paladin. He kept a careful eye on the pair to make sure neither got hurt and cast his gaze over the guards.

Their discipline was admirable. They had gone into a state of alertness, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. Though their eyes did not roam he guessed they were trained to pay attention to what lay in their peripheries. Mortal warriors were one of the things he had paid careful attention to.

Tyrael turned his mind to the matter of the guards’ mission. The Princesses had not given them a particularly long time to prepare, but he could imagine a reason for that easily enough. Though powerful, they were still mortals and thus could get ‘carried away’ with tasks. It had been something of a problem for him. This body’s unfortunate biological needs were irritating.

Still, it was troubling. From what he had heard this was unusual. Why did they want him as well? He frowned, absently muttering a warning to Spike to be careful with his claws. Once he could sense the shift of power across the breadth of reality, yet here and now he was so limited. He was curious, and curiosity was not something he had felt often. It was hard to be curious when you were born from the harmonic chorus of creation.

He stood, as motionless as the guards, save when his watch over the children required he issue a caution, and thought. He pondered and wondered, mind spinning theories which amounted to nothing. Without more information he could deduce nothing.

“I’m ready!” Twilight emerged at what Tyrael guessed was exactly half an hour after she had entered. The way the unicorn looked around for her friends and sighed when they were not in sight added to this. Three weeks were long enough to get an impression of her habits.

“The others will doubtless arrive soon.” He volunteered calmly.

She nodded in agreement. “You’re right, I just like things to be...”

“Organised” Paladin finished for her.

Twilight smiled slightly. “It’s good to see you’re getting to know us.”

“It would be hard not to. Other than Caramel and Big Macintosh my company is largely limited to your circle of friends.” He pointed out dryly.

They fell into small talk, or Twilight did. Paladin on the other hand began to ‘small listen’ if such a concept could be imagined. Some small grunting was thrown in occasionally for good measure.

One by one the rest of the group trickled in. Each came ready, though their departure was delayed for a minute while they convinced Scootaloo to not go around bragging about how her idol was needed by the Princess herself.

“Miss Sparkle, might we leave now?” the guardpony asked when Scootaloo finally left. He managed to not sound impatient at all while giving the clear impression that yes, he felt they had wasted enough time.

“Alright, let’s get going!” Rainbow Dash crowed. She waved a hoof in the direction the guards had come from. “I saw the carriages from overhead, over there. Come on, you slowponies. I’ll fly alongside.”

The guard frowned. “Miss Dash, it would be safer-”

She was already gone.

Twilight shrugged apologetically as she trotted after her friend. “Sorry, Rainbow isn’t what you call patient.”

“Clearly not.” He muttered.


Riding in the air-carriage was a...unique experience for Tyrael. He reflected on how much easier it was to simply step back through the veil of reality to the High Heavens and step out again in another part of Sanctuary.

The flight was apparently shorter than usual and Fluttershy voiced concern for the pegasi pulling them. They arrived at Canterlot Castle within the hour. Nothing seemed amiss, as far as confectionary weather was concerned.

Tyrael knew the signs of a place under siege and did not get any impression of the like from Canterlot. He frowned as they disembarked and were lead into the castle by a servant. The girls talked amongst themselves at what might be going on.

At the entrance Rainbow Dash came to an abrupt stop. “Uh, you know, I just remembered I, uh, left...” she gulped and glanced at the looming doorway into darkness. She performed verbal gymnastics. “I left the pool on fire! I’ll just go make sure-”

Seeing her friend sweating and staring at the castle door like it was about to eat her, Applejack sighed and walked over to her. “Come on sugarcube, ya know we wouldn’t want ya ta come in if it wasn’t important.”

“Dr. Nut Case said you were getting better about going into non-tree houses.” tried Twilight. “The castle halls are really roomy, you know that.”

Fluttershy got on Rainbow’s other side so she and Applejack had their usually fearless friend flanked. “We’ll be with you the whole time.” She murmured softly.

Seeing Rarity and Pinkie sharing the concerns of the others and Paladin not looking like he was going to jump in any time soon Rainbow Dash cast about for a way out. “Uh...well...” she would give into her friends eventually and they did think it was the best thing for her but...

An entirely metaphorical light bulb lit up.

“Okay, I’ll come in,” Dash told them with a smirk. As their expressions became happy she added “On one condition.”

“Really?” asked Twilight, giving her a look that repeated ‘Really?’ but in italics.

“Yep.” Confident she would be able to safely not go into the castle, Rainbow Dash grinned. “I’ll go in...if AJ gives me her hat until we leave.”

There was a moment in which they all took that in. Certain her stubborn friend would never part with her precious hat Rainbow Dash grinned smugly and was thus unprepared to have something jammed on her head.

“Ya got a deal.”

Pulling the hat up, she gave Applejack a disbelieving stare. “Wha-? But you...huh?” Dash spluttered in bewilderment.

The farmpony snorted. “Bluffs don’t work on this pony. Now let’s get goin’.” She nodded at Fluttershy and together they kept a guard on Rainbow Dash.

To her eternal shame, Dash found a whimper trying to force its way out of her mouth as they entered the looming door. Stubbornly she jammed it back down her throat. She would get through this and maybe that Nut Case would stop wasting her precious practice time.

Rainbow decided not to mention how comforting it was to have Applejack and Fluttershy on either side. In some strange way even having Applejack’s hat was reassuring. This would never be mentioned to anypony, she resolved.

It was not long before Twilight recognised where they were being taken. “The Princess’s private lab” She told them. Her expression became thoughtful. “She never really used it much, actually. It was rather dusty before she let me use it. I wonder if the Princess is conducting an experiment of some kind....”

“Ohhh!” Pinkie bounced, a manic grin forming. “D’ya think she wants us to help with some super-duper secret magic? Maybe she’s going to give us superpowers!”

“I could go for that” Agreed Rainbow Dash, her first words since entering. “I just need super-strength to go with my one-hundred percent authentic Rainbow Dash superspeed.”

“Let’s not have none o’ that superhero nonsense again.” Applejack grumbled, giving her a slight nudge with her hip. “Ah’m sure the Princess needs us for somethin’ that’s actually important.”

Rainbow scoffed. “And superpowers aren’t important? I know they aren’t many apple-based superpowers, but there’s more to life then apples.”

A dark look came to Applejack’s eyes. “Ah suppose so.” She said neutrally.

The pegasus came to a metaphorical stop. Even the others looked at Applejack in concern. “...there are?” she asked uncertainly.

Applejack gave her what could be politely called a frosty smile. “A’course there is sugarcube. Guess ah’ll find somethin’ else ta farm. Pity, the cider this season was gonna be some of tha’ best we’ve had in decades.” She added in an unconcerned tone.

In response Rainbow Dash nearly froze solid and performed another feat of verbal and philosophical back-flips that would make any politician jealous. “Did I say there was ‘more to life then apples’?” she laughed nervously. “I meant there’s ‘not more’.”

“Not more what?” Applejack inquired casually.

“There’s not more to life to apples!” the desperate pegasus cried out, getting an odd look or two from servants passing them. She flushed when she saw Applejack’s sly grin.

“Aw, that’s nice of ya ta say so sugarcube.” Applejack said with laughter barely restrained under her voice. “Ah knew it but ah’m glad ya’ve finally admitted it too. Guess ya won’t mind helpin’ me next market day.” She patted Rainbow on the shoulder.

Dash stared ahead, trying to work out what just happened. The watching Paladin found a snort of amusement coming up and nearly joined the girls in their amusement. The girls giggled, while Paladin’s frown nearly twitched into something approaching a smile. He quelled it quickly.

The Royal Magic Laboratory was...well, it firmly reminded everypony of Twilight’s basement except it was bigger and had a lot more stuff in it.

Princess Luna stood in the middle, various vials of bubbling liquids and things Twilight identified as spell reagents hovering around her. Over her eyes sat a pair of clear safety goggles.

“Ah, the Bearers and Sir Paladin.” She calmly placed the various items down in their places. “We are most pleased you could come so swiftly.”

The mares all bent their knees to the royal alicorn. Paladin gave her a stiff nod.

“Princess! We’re so sorry to keep you waiting.” Twilight lifted her head when the Princess let out a light chuckle.

“There is nothing to apologise for, Twilight Sparkle. Your presence would have been welcome earlier, but my sister has been most reluctant to call on you.” Luna sighed. “Not that it would have mattered.”

“Is something wrong with Princess Celestia?” worry laced Twilight voice and was mirrored in her friends’ expressions.

Luna shook her head, glittering mane fluttering in the air behind her. “Nay. Mine sister is fine. It is another to whom I refer. A prisoner.” Turning, she beckoned for them to follow her. “She woke only last week after we found her before the Gates of Tartarus nearly a month ago.”

Following her, Paladin kept silent. He was still unsure why he was there, though he had some suspicions. This ‘Tartarus’ had been briefly mentioned at one point but all he knew was that it had something to do with monsters. It was not a place that came up in casual conversation.

“What kind of crazy pony would wanna hang around that place?” Pinkie asked with an out of place frown. “I mean, I went there once to throw Cerberus a birthday party – well, three because each head deserved a birthday party and they all wanted new toys, you wouldn’t think it but giant squeaky toys can be hard to find that big! But I found ‘em and-”


The party-pony blinked. “Yeah Twilight?”

Twilight fought back frustration. Princess Luna’s expression was one of somepony who had not spent long in Pinkie’s presence. That is to say a mix of confusion and amusement mixed occasionally with a bit of fear.

“Maybe you should let Princess Luna explain?”

“Hmmm.” Pinkie rubbed a hoof on the bottom of her chin in apparently deep thought. “I guess so....so, Luna, what’s up?” she bounced up to the princess with an expectant smile spread wide.

Rarity and Twilight performed a synchronised facehoof. “Pinkie, that is not how one talks to royalty!” the fashionista reprimanded her.

“You need not worry.” Coming swiftly to the rescue, Luna’s expression was now more amused than confused. “But we had best stick to the topic at hoof, yes?”

“Sounds like a sure-fire idea there, princess. Pinkie has a way o’ derailin’ a conversation.” Applejack admitted, trying to bury her awkwardness at referring to the princess so casually. The fact she had forgotten to take off the safety glasses helped immensely.

“You need us to give Discord a taste of the Friendship Cannon?” asked Rainbow eagerly. She was still in-between Applejack and Fluttershy but no way was she going to show fear in front of the princess.

Luna stared at her for a moment. “Friendship Cannon?” she shook her head. “Never mind. We require your assistance with the prisoner. We are given to understand that you encountered her once before and both my sister and I feel you may be of some help getting her to divulge her purpose.”

“Tartarus is a place of monsters, is it not?” Paladin’s voice seemed to catch them all by surprise. He had been silent, only now speaking.

“Indeed it is. Beasts beyond redemption or rehabilitation are bound within it.” Explained Luna, leading them down deeper into the castle. Rainbow Dash shivered as the halls became less grand and open.

Paladin frowned slightly more than usual. “I can imagine little purpose there that could not be ill. Ill-intended or ill-advised.”

“Tis our thinking as well.” Luna admitted. “But she has been most frustrating to talk with. Powerful magics were wrought near the Gate and yet she claims no memory. We are hesitant to employ more...forceful or invasive measures yet.”

“Who could possibly not be so ill-mannered as to refuse to answer the Princesses?” Rarity sighed despondently at the manners of today’s culture. It was a particular kind of sigh her friends had learned to recognise.

Luna did something rather un-princess-ly. She shrugged. “We have little more than her name and profession.”

“Well, your highness, who is this most rude ruffian?” inquired Rarity, polite but determined to know.

Luna’s magic swung open the nearest door as they reached the end of the cold corridor. Within the room sat a familiar unicorn, surrounded by bars that gleamed with magic. Tyrael saw a hint of the ordered power, magic forced into strict and firm controls. Twilight saw the magic itself and, had her mind not been on the prisoner, would have already been analysing it. Though she did not know, what Rarity saw were the flaws in the spells, weaknesses even a goddess could not iron out.

“Trixie Lulamoon.”


Welp, there’s chapter 10 done at last. Damn, chapter 10. Never gotten to chapter 10 with anything. I feel I should celebrate somehow...


...I can’t be bothered.

Hope you enjoyed the read, please comment. I hunger for comments to feed my ego that I might inflate to such a size as to distort gravity!

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