• Published 19th May 2016
  • 1,058 Views, 114 Comments

The Phantom of Canterlot - Azure Drache

Twilight has a new book about the history of the noble houses of Equestria. But the history of one of these houses is quite different from the official history of Equestria…

  • ...

Past sins

“At least they have an explanation for the incident in the kitchen now,” Snowy thought as she let her gaze wander over the armored Night Guards escorting her. “A shame that those changelings got away. Still, with them here, they may distract the guards enough so I won’t have to worry so much about the castle staff looking into why I’m here at the moment. They’ll be blamed for playing the ghost and scaring the kitchen personal too. If I am lucky, they may give me the time to get out before they investigate my case here.”

As soon as the guards had arrived and managed to spear one of them, both changelings wasted no time in fleeing. To Snowy’s surprise, the injured one had just pulled out the weapon from himself, turned around, and fled back into the library, while his comrate deflected the volley of spears the guards threw at them.

Snowy’s gaze stopped at the fluffy ears of the stallion to her right. “These guys may look cute, but they take their jobs seriously. They didn’t even need to talk about what to do. Half of them chased after the changelings while the other half surrounded me.”

It wasn’t the best feeling to see half a dozen spears pointing at her, but the discipline these stallions showed deserved respect.

When it was clear that she wasn't a threat, two of them had lowered their spears. One, to turn around and inform somepony higher in rank, the other to inspect her closer. Diplomatically, he told her he was going to check her for any injuries, but Snowy was sure he was mainly just searching her for weapons. Why else would he have brushed through her feathers with a hoof? Though, with her having trouble speaking correctly in this form, both possibilities could have been correct to a degree.

Be it as it may, it didn’t take long till somepony higher in rank arrived, and it was a lieutenant. Wasting no time, he demanded he be informed on what was going on. The guards quickly told him about the changelings, which was the official name for those creatures, and, that Snowy had been discovered in a forbidden library.
Quickly, she began to think up an excuse as to why she was there and why she had been engaged in a fight with some changelings. Fortunately for her though, such an excuse wasn’t necessary. In the short and effective way of the Night Guard, the lieutenant had sent her back to the guest quarters along with a small escort so she didn’t get ‘lost’ on her way there.

“Clearly he mistook me for a diplomat or somegriffon from their staff. Probably somegriffon too high in rank for his pay grade. Either way, I’m glad he didn’t start questioning me, I’m not too sure I would have been able to talk my way out of that. Still, I’m sure he will inform his captain immediately, and then his captain will inform Princess Celestia.” She groaned. “I am sooo running out of time!”

“Keep quiet!” one of the guards said.

Snowy gave him a quick look before falling silent again. She might be taller than them at the moment, but the respect ponies showed to the bat ponies of the Night Guard was still ingrained into her subconscious.

It wasn’t as though she feared them, she respected them because she had no idea what they were like. That did not count for many ponies though, most feared them, even if only a bit, since only a very few worked with them during the nights and it is easier to fear what you don’t know. And, given how distant the bat ponies are in general, they didn’t encourage to know them better either.

Snowy had to wonder a bit if this was because all of them were stallions though, with mares in the Night Guard, surely some stallions would approach them and there would be more social interaction which would ease things over time. Well, that only was, if they are not as distant as their stallions are.

“Maybe I should visit Hollow Shades one day and find out for myself?” Her gaze landed on the fluffy ears again. “I really should visit that village one day.” She rubbed over her beak. “Mhh, I wonder if they sleep upside down?” She shook her head and sighed. “I should stop thinking about that, it is a nice distraction, but there are far more important things going on.”

When her thoughts turned back to the griffons, her heartbeat quickly sped up. She was well aware that she had no clue how she was supposed to act. She tried to remember how the griffon she was impersonating had acted, but all that served to do was make her more nervous.

Taking a deep breath, she focused back on her surroundings. Though, whatever she saw, did not help her calm down, neither the carpets with their unsettling dark shades of crimson nor the cold stone walls eased her nerves. If at all, the hallways they passed through felt like decor from a dungeon.The castle almost seemed to be taunting her as she made her way to fool some griffons.

Even the few ponies they passed weren’t really a distraction. They gave the group a look before moving out of the way, only to return to what they were doing when the group had passed.

Neither a griffon nor the Night Guard was worth much consideration these days.

The only one who seemed the least bit interested was the courtier who had been following them for a while now. Though, based on how he was moving, Snowy guessed that he was more in trying to get past them than in figuring out what was going on. And based on the way he was positioning himself, he seemed to be expecting them to move to the side and allow him to be on his way. He kept his distance though, not willing to interfere with her guards, and as far as she could tell, he seemed to be heading in the same direction as they were.

“The court and its fashion… I wonder who comes up with this stuff? His green mask is kind of artistic I’ll admit, but his red cape totally clashes with the carpet. He looks like a walking tomato, complete with the stalk.” She tried to snort, but only managed to chirp.

“Silence,” her escort repeated.


Three quick and heavy knocks, that was all the guardpony had to do. For Snowy, however, it felt like a giant bell had been rung throughout the corridor.

They had reached the guest quarters without any further incident and now stood before the wooden door of one of the rooms. For it was quite late now, she had a brief grace period before anygriffon would open the door. Unfortunately, she could already hear sounds coming from behind it.

Snowy felt the need to wipe the sweat that had started to form on her forehead. She looked at her wet claw irritated. Sweating… that wasn’t something she experienced every day.

When pawsteps neared the door, Snowy hectically dried her claw against her feathers.

“Okay, okay, just stay calm.” She straightened up and stroked her feathers to put them in place. “You are a commander of the griffons at the moment, Flöckchen, act like one.”

The steps were now at the door.

“Can’t anyone stay in peace for just once here?” a grumpy male voice ranted. “Stupid ponies with your stupid issues!”

“Right, just be a mean brute and everypony… uhm, creature will buy it.”

“Royal Guard! Open the door!” the pony who had knocked demanded.

“Urg, what it is this time, huh?” The key was turned and the door opened. “Have you ever heard of a night’s rest? Don’t ponies need sleep too?”

The elderly griffon holding a burning candle opened the door and raised the itto inspect the unwelcome visitors. When the light fell on Snowy, or more accurately, the griffon she was impersonating, the candle slipped out of his claw and hit the floor. Wax spread over the ground as it rolled away, till one of the guards stopped it with a hoof and picked it up.

“You should be more careful, sir,” the guard said and offered the candle back to the griffon. The griffon, however, didn’t notice. His gaze hung on Snowy.

“Sir, your candle,” the guardspony tried again.

“You, you are alive?” the griffon whispered, ignoring the guard and stepping out of the door. Slowly, he lifted up his claw as if he wanted to touch Snowy’s face, but just before he made contact, he hesitated.
Unintentionally, Snowy pulled her head back, just an inch, but enough to break the griffon’s focus. He lowered his claw and shook his head, turning his attention back to the guards. Giving them a short look, he fell back into his rude, unfriendly behaviour and grabbed the candle out of the guard’s hoof.

“Ponies!” he spat out and nodded towards the door. “Get in, Glee, I’ll take care of whatever,” he looked down over the guards till his eyes stopped at the one who was in charge, “the issue is this time.”

It normally would have slipped Snowy’s attention, but the fact that this griffon was able to identify the guard in charge with just a quick look combined with her knowledge that some of them weren’t diplomats… she knew what he was.

“Your subordinate was found in a restricted area of the castle,” the guard in charge said. “I’ll have you know, even if you are guests at Canterlot Castle, this…”

“Yeah, yeah,” the griffon interrupted him with a wave of his claw. “I am sure getting lost while trying to find the restroom in this maze of a castle is a major crime.”

“Excuse me,” the guard said in an accusatory tone, “we both know he didn’t get lost on his way to the restroom.”

The griffon laid one claw on Snowy’s shoulder and pushed her towards the door to their quarters. “I don’t like what you’re implying there, soldier. You better not exceed your competencies.”

“Don’t worry, sir,” the pony said disdainfully, “Princess Celestia will investigate this incident herself. You don’t have to worry about my opinion.”

“Good,” the griffon nodded, though, as anyone watching him close enough could tell, the statement somewhat worried him. But before it became too obvious, he managed to cover up those emotions behind a straight face. “If you would excuse us now.” Without waiting for a further explanation, he turned around and pushed Snowy through the door. “I am sure this minor problem can wait till tomorrow.”

“Wait!” Stepping forward and blocking the griffon’s path with a hoof, the guard added, “You better prepare for an audience with Her Highness. I am sure she will send for you soon.”

“If you say so.” Now the griffon’s gaze lowered menacingly towards the guard’s hoof.

Reluctantly, Resistant Iron lowered it.

Without another word, the griffon entered the quarters and closed the door forcefully behind him.


Once the door was closed behind him, the griffon pressed his head against it, listening.

“Well… “ Snowy started, but he just raised his claw, gesturing for her to be silent.

“Wait till they are gone.”

Snowy had no choice but to do as he said. But now that she was no longer the center of attention, she could feel her tension lowering a bit.

She wasn’t able to hear the guards herself and instead used the time to take a look around. From what she could see in the dim light of some candles, the quarters assigned to the griffons were pretty large and comfortable. A lot of small padded chairs were placed around the soft, light blue carpet covering the floor. Somepony had also gone to the trouble of placing some fresh flowers around the main room. Luckily none of the blue ones from the kitchen.

While her gaze drifted around, the griffon stepped back from the door.

“It should be safe now,” he said as he turned around and quickly came closer. Just a few steps before he reached her, he suddenly opened his wings and jumped at her. Taken by surprise, Snowy wasn’t able to raise her claws quick enough to fend him off and got embraced by his wings.

Fortunately, it wasn’t an attack.

It took her a second to notice it was a hug though as she struggled to get out of it at first.

“Let an old griffon have his will for once, Glee.” A tear rolled down the griffon’s face. “I know you hate hugs, but, chick, we… I thought you were dead.”

Realising what was happening, Snowy gave up trying to resist.

“He must have been friends with the commander, or was it his commander? No, not his commander, he had a name, Glee.” A little bit of regret mixed into her thoughts, though she was aware that she didn’t have much of a choice that day.

“I… I am not so easy to kill,” she said in an attempt to calm his feelings down. She patted his back. “Thanks for worrying about me though.”

“That is what a father does when his chick is missing, Glee. No matter how old you get, or how skilled you are, I always worry about you when you are on a mission.”

Snowy froze when he said ‘father’. Guilt tied her throat. Was she really being hugged by the father of the griffon she killed?”

“Oh boy,” the griffon continued, “I already wrote Galigaria that you were missing, Glee, it will be a relief when she hears you are back!” He stepped back and released Snowy from his embrace. “I am sure she’s as worried as I was, it…” Now he noticed the tear that had formed in Snowy’s eye. “Heh, can’t remember seeing you drop a tear since you were a little chick.” He tilted his head and caught her gaze. “Was a really close one this time, wasn’t it?”

Unable to hold his gaze, Snowy just looked at the ground, gulping and nodding softly.

For a moment there was silence, till the older griffon sighed compassionately. “Hmm, I can remember the first time I almost died on mission. It can really be shattering, can’t it?” He placed his claw on Snowy’s shoulder. “You will get over it, don’t worry. Just don’t make the same mistake I did afterwards.”

Now Snowy looked up into his eyes questioningly.

“Well,” he removed his claw from her shoulder and rubbed his neck, “I told your mom about it.”

The confusion on Snowy’s face told him he needed to explain a little bit more.

“See, after I told her, she went nuts. She made me choose, either I stay in the secret service or stay with her.” He waved his claw. “I was able to convince her that it would be enough if I quit the dangerous missions, though, it was the end of my adventurous life as a first line agent. Don’t make the same mistake I did, just tell Galigaria some weird story and spare her the parts that would make her heart heavy from sorrow, it will be for the best.”

“Sure…” Snowy replied and returned her gaze to the floor.

“First time is always the hardest, I heard at least.” Now he smiled. “But enough of this sentimental talk, come.” He spread a wing and pointed deeper into their quarters. “Let us celebrate your return with a good glass of golden cider, and then you can tell me what happened.”

He stepped a bit forward, passed Snowy, and entered the hallway behind her.

“Heh, I am sure the others will be most curious were you have been too. Was really some chaos when Gobbo and Gurdo came back after that firefighter must have ignited the explosives.” His gaze went back to his ‘son’. “Well, that's what they assumed must have happened, since what the newspaper wrote was nonsense through and through. I don’t think it was you who blew up the explosives on accident, right?”

Slowly, Snowy followed him, keeping some distance. “No,” she gulped, “not accidentally.”

“What do you mean, not accidentally?” He raised an eyebrow. “You did blow them up on purpose?”

“Yes… I mean no!” She came to a stop next to him. “It was the fire… the pony, the firefighting pony.” She wiped away a tear. “She freed herself somehow and tried to flee. I had to stop her… I… I...” she trailed off and started to sob.

“Now, now, Glee,” the older griffon started and extended his wing to embrace her once more, but Snowy quickly raised her own wing to hold him back. She wasn’t able to endure another hug from the dead griffon’s father.

“It is alright, Glee.” He lowered his wing and took a seat on the ground, giving Snowy time to recover a bit before he spoke again. “I know, we never talked about it, but was she your first? I mean, she is dead, isn’t she?”


Dragonbite Castle, present

“Urg, not this old story again!” Licorice complained. Unnoticed by Twilight and Climber, the nurse had entered the infirmary again. She rolled her eyes and snorted. “So much grief and guilt just because Glee had tried to kill her and she killed him instead in self-defence.”

“Licorice!” The baron turned his head to her. “This is quite a rude and unwelcome interruption, where are your manners?” He furrowed his eyebrows. “Also my kids are sleeping, calm your voice.”

“I am not in the mood for your delicate manners today, Climber.” Licorice rubbed her temples. “I have a really bad headache, haven’t slept right for days, and,” she moved towards them, “now a stupid alicorn had to try and hurt herself when I finally had the chance to get some rest.”

“Hey!” Twilight protested, slightly louder than usual. “Obviously that was an accident. And I’m not some ‘stupid alicorn’ either!”

Meanwhile Climber was still trying to recover from the shock of what he had just heard. When he realized Licorice had really called the princess stupid, he leapt from his chair.

“How dare you!” he shouted, ignoring his own demand to stay quiet. “Princess Twilight is a guest at my house, I forbid you to speak to her in that tone!”

Woken by his shout, Distant Shine and Cave Light raised their heads, looking for the source of the commotion.

“I said, I am not in the mood for your civility tonight, Climber. Just be a good colt, sit down, and keep your mouth shut while I check on our stupid alicorn.”

Licorice made an attempt to trot to the side of Twilight’s bed, only to be blocked by the baron.

“I demand a reason for your behaviour at once!” he yelled at her.

With a little wince of pain, Licorice pressed a hoof to her temple again. “Just get out of the way, Climber! We don’t have time for that, neither am I interested in apologizing.”

The nurse tried to push Climber out of the way, but he grabbed her hoof instead, holding her in place… before instantly letting go when Licorice presented her fangs only inches in front of his face, hissing loudly.

Not, in, the, mood!” she spat as Climber stumbled backwards. “Sit there,” she pointed at the free chair, “and stay silent! Why do you have to make things complicated all the time?” she added and pressed a hoof to her forehead.

“You!” Climber nearly swallowed his tongue as he stumbled backward. “You… here… “ He stopped, unsure what to say next.

His children knew exactly what to do. When they saw the fangs, they immediately realised who was standing there in front of them.

“Grandmother!” Distant Shine yelled. “Grandmother, you are finally here!” He struggled free from Twilight’s wing and jumped out of the bed, rushing over to ‘Licorice’, his sister right on his hooves.

Ignoring the scolding his father had gotten, Distant Shine placed his hooves on the mare’s chest and looked up to her.

“Grandmother!” he repeated and hugged her.

Despite growling at the colt’s father just seconds ago, the mare was now purring.

Cave Light on the other hoof had stopped only a step away from her and was hesitating. She was about to curtsey when her grandmother just slightly shook her head and extended her hoof. Cave Light blushed and joined the hug.

The purring became louder.

With a little shake of her body, Burning Snowflake let harmless green flames roll over her body before she returned to her normal shape. Including her soft wings, which she used to embrace the little ones closer.

“Grandma?” Distant Shine asked.


“Dad was just about to tell us how you outsmarted those mean griffons again.” He stopped to rub his head against Snowy and looked up to her. “Can you tell us the story instead please? Please? You were there yourself!”

“Distant… “ Snowy began, but her great-grandson, surely with a few more greats before it, interrupted her before she could finish.

“Please!” He quickly stomped his rear hooves. “Please, please, please!”

While she couldn’t suppress another deep purr at this cute behaviour, Snowy had to decline. “Another time, Distant Shine.” She nuzzled him. “For now, I must care for the stupidest alicorn in all of Equestria.” Her gaze landed on Twilight, who started to feel very uncomfortable.

“She isn’t that bad,” Cave Light interjected. “Princess Twilight’s been nice and friendly since she’s gotten here.” She stepped back and took a quick look at Twilight and then turned back to Snowy. “Why are you angry at her, grandma?”

“Because,” Snowy’s voice softened again, “Twilight Sparkle not only tried her best to hurt herself and ruin my rest. No. She also,” and now her voice dripped with anger, “threw Charming Gaze around! The little one had done nothing to earn such harsh treatment!” At the last words Snowy’s gaze hung on Twilight again, piercing her with it.

“Who is Charming Gaze?” Distant Shine asked while pulling at Snowy’s wingtip.

“My cockatrice,” Snowy explained, softly freeing her wing from his grasp. “He’s still shaken from what she did! He lost some feathers too!”

Now Twilight visibly shrunk under Snowy’s gaze. “I am sorry, really,” she said.

Switching his gaze between his grandmother and the princess several times, Distant Shine was first baffled, then indignant.

“How can you throw grandmother’s cockatrice around, Twilight!” he scolded. “That is sooo mean!” He rushed to the bed and grabbed Sev, getting him out of Twilight’s reach.

“I knew it was a bad idea,” Twilight said, “I was panicking a little bit, I am sorry, truly.”

“That is no excuse!” Snowy walked to the side of the bed. “But we will talk about that later, we need to deal with your magic system first.”

“Burning Snowflake,” Climber started, but Snowy raised a hoof.

“Later, Climber,” she said and gestured towards his chair.

It was clear to see how hard it was for the baron to not only stay silent, but to also do as he was told. He suppressed his urge and took a seat as ordered.

With him out of the way, Burning Snowflake focused back on Twilight.

“Since I was told you were stupid enough to approach the source of my antimagic field, ignoring the fact that you are a magical creature, do tell, how is your head feeling? Any problems with casting magic, more than usual around here?”

Twilight gave her an unsure look. “A magical creature?” she repeated. “That would count for any unicorn to a degree. I wonder, what has that to do with it?”

Snowy simply rolled her eyes and rubbed her temples once more. “Yes, and that is why unicorns shouldn’t go near it. Alicorns however, really shouldn’t go near it, at all. Your whole body is flooded with magic, your body is depending on it.”

“Technically…” Twilight started, but was silenced by a growl.

“I know how it works, filly!” Snowy spat out. “Urg, my head is aching enough even without you trying to be smart here. Just listen, filly, your body depends on the magic you have, and by trotting blindly into my antimagic field, you nearly killed yourself.”

Now the surrounding members of the Snowflake family hung on Snowy’s every word, the fact that the princess had almost killed herself wasn’t something they had expected.

“You’re surely exaggerating, aren’t you, grandma?” Cave Light asked. “The princess wasn’t really in danger, or?” She moved to Snowy’s side and looked up at her. “If so, you would have prevented her from finding the source, wouldn’t you?”

Snowy shook her head, slightly. “I can’t keep watch over everything in our home, I have other things to do than play foalsitter for some alicorn.”

“But she could have been killed! You said that yourself,” Cave Light inquired.

“Stupidity kills ponies, I can’t prevent that,” Snowy said and ruffled Cave Light’s mane. “I tried that for centuries, it doesn’t work all the time.” Now her gaze became softer. “And I really have other things to do than keep my eyes on what's going on in the castle all day. I have others to do that for me.”

“But, but what if somepony else’s search for it was successful?” Cave Light asked, worried. “Grandma, that is just irresponsible!”

“A little more trust would be nice, Cave Light,” Snowy said patiently. “No unicorn would be in danger, except for maybe a mighty headache. Only alicorns, and very stupid ones at that, are in danger. I would have thought that Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship and the Element of Magic, would have been a bit more clever.”

Now Snowy sighed deeply. “And of course, some ponies have found the source before, it is not like I actively try to hinder them.” She snorted. “Be it as it may, we must fix the damage before it becomes irreversible.”

“Irreversible?” Twilight asked. “I am feeling just a bit exhausted, that's all. No need to make a fuss about it.”

“You were screaming in agony on the floor, if I was told right, then fell unconscious and had to be carried to the exit of the tunnels, right?” Without waiting for an answer, Snowy continued, “And now, nearly a day later, you are too weak to leave the infirmary or even stand up, correct?”

“Uhm, I am just a bit exhausted, like I said though, I thought you carried me out of the tunnels?” Twilight asked.

“No, I kept your stay here in mind, but honestly, it wasn’t in my interests to watch over you. There are others that do that.”

“Others?” Twilight asked.

“You have your own spies here, grandmother?” Distant Shine added.

“Not spies, Distant Shine, friends.” She gave him a warm smile. “Helping me watch after my family.” Snowy shook her head slightly and closed her eyes for a moment when the headache struck again. “Though, there are more stakeholders involved than just me and my friends. The international struggle is still going on.”

“Who?” Now it was Climber’s turn to ask as he rose from his chair. He gave his ancestor an apologetic look. “My apologies, I know you are in a hurry, but this seems very important. Is there anything I should know about what's going on here? Who is acting on our family’s home?”

Now Snowy chuckled despite her headache and soon began to really laugh. “Oh if you knew, oh if you only knew.”

“Uhm,” Climber hesitated while he re-considered how to address his ancestor correctly. “Snowy…” he started slowly, looking for any sign of disapproval, and when he received none, continued, “I really should know about such things, I am responsible for the family, I am leading the Snowflakes.” His voice was a mixture of pride and care for his family.

“Aww,” Snowy cooed, “look at my big grandson.” She moved over to him and gave him a motherly embrace. “As if I’d let any bad guy roam around our home freely. Don’t worry, Climber, just a few groups with various interests. Nothing to worry about,” she said before whispering in his ear. “Whoever dares to come to harm our family will deeply regret it.”

A little bit surprised and unsure, Climber looked Snowy in the eyes, thinking about what she had just implied. Then he looked over to his children and nodded; family came first, after all.

“I see you understand.” She smiled. “Now, let me care for Twilight Sparkle,” she said aloud again, “before a certain white alicorn thinks we harmed her on purpose.”

At the mentioning of Celestia, Twilight remembered what Fang, the baron’s treasurer, had told her about Burning Snowflake and her mentor.

“You and Celestia, right!” Twilight shouted, and with a spark of anger, she turned to Snowy, “I heard you attacked her!”

A long stare was all she received as a reply, though, Twilight wouldn’t let it go so easily staring daggers at Snowy all the while..

“Did you seriously tell the truth?” she asked again.

It was clear for all to see that this question was deeply uncomfortable for the baron. He was torn between his loyalty to the Princess, and giving her his full support, and his loyalty to Burning Snowflake.. He wished that he was anywhere else at this moment, preferably somewhere were nocreature asked uncomfortable questions..

His ancestor, however, was not so torn. Silently, she let her gaze hang on Twilight, fighting their staring match to the end.

One moment passed, then another. Neither of the two mares were willing to give in. Finally, it was Cave Light who broke the silence.

“Grandma,” she brought the attention to herself, “dad says he doesn’t know what happened between you and Princess Celestia for sure. Did you really wound Her Highness?”

“What happened between me and Celestia only concerns me and her,” Snowy answered, still keeping her gaze on Twilight. “You may ask her, if you want to know what happened, I am curious myself what she will have to say.”

“That isn’t an answer,”Twilight said.

“I have said what I wanted, filly. Ask your friend, if you want to know her version of events,” Snowy replied.

“Surely Celestia is to blame!” Distant Shine commented, holding Sev tightly. “Has she thrown Charming Gaze too?” he asked.

“Distant Shine!” his father scolded him. “Don’t speak of things you know nothing about!”

“Shhh.” Snowy redirected her attention to both Climber and Distant Shine. When she was sure they would stay silent, she walked back to the bed and faced Twilight eye to eye.

“I’ve known your friend a few centuries longer than you’ve been alive, filly, what I and her had to deal with in the past is our concern, not yours. Still, we have to care for something more important right now.”

“I don’t want the help from an enemy of Celestia, thank you!” Twilight declined rudely, her wings had opened just a bit.
“And I won’t let her prized pupil leave my family's castle magically crippled,” Snowy stated.

“Magically crippled?” Now a spark of fear mixed into Twilight’s voice.

“Your magic system has been damaged, that was what caused you so much pain and knocked you out, Twilight Sparkle,” Snowy said. “And your body is trying to repair the damage at this very moment, leaving you exhausted. The problem is that you are still in the area of the effect and your body can’t gather enough magic to do the repairs properly, this will lead to it switching to survival mode.”

“What does that mean?” Twilight asked, unwilling to trust Snowy just yet, but driven by her growing concern.

“It will heal, but like any broken bone that’s crooked, it won’t fix itself properly. Your magic won’t work as good as before if that happens.”

A shiver ran down Twilight’s spine.

“Normally I would let you have your way and allow you to face the consequences, but since you are at my home, your stupidity would fall back on my family in Celestia's eyes. And I will not let that happen,” Snowy made clear.

“Wait,” Twilight’s head shot up “I was already under such a field in the past and it did nothing to harm my magic.”

“You’re referring to the changeling hive I assume?” Burning Snowflake asked.


“From what I have heard, their field absorbed every actively summoned magic in the air and not actively drained your personal one. Their field is different from mine, like my shapeshifting is from theirs.”

“And how exactl…” Twilight started but Snowy cut her short.

“You can make a study about it later, filly, for now we need to fix the problem, not discuss magic theory.”

After a moment of hesitation, Twilight gave in. She didn’t want to get the Snowflakes blamed or to have her magical system permanently damaged. Though, she was sure she could fix the problem herself and find the differences once she had a good night rest at her own castle anyway.

“Alright, we can settle the other problem later,” Twilight admitted. “What do we have to do now?”

“We have to get you out of the area of the effect for a while,” Snowy said. “Not long, only a few minutes should be enough, but it will not be pleasant when all your magic comes back forcefully and repairs your system in one heavy blow.”

At the word ‘pleasant’ Climber’s ears peaked up. “Snowy?” he started.

“Mhh?” The orange mare spun her head towards him.

“You weren’t Licorice, I mean it wasn’t you who left with my wife, or?”

“No, Climber, I haven’t seen Smelly in the last few hours,” Snowy said after a brief pause. Her mind was still half stuck arguing with Twilight.

The baron raised an eyebrow, but didn’t investigated further.

“I see.”

Resuming her conversation with Twilight, Snowy went on, “It will hurt, but it will only last for a short while, it may feel like if your hoof slept in.”

Twilight gulped. “I am not very keen about it, but I’m assuming the other way is far more unpleasant.” She moved to the edge of the mattress. “Better get it over with as soon as possible.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Your Highness?” Climber said. “Last time you tried to stand up, you instantly felt on the floor.”

“Mhh, right.” Twilight hesitated at the edge of the mattress. “If you could lend me a hoof, baron, just to be sure?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Snowy said. “I was expecting I’d have to carry you out anyway.”

With a little shake, she changed her coat colour to a pale gray and made her wings a bit longer and less fluffy.

“This should do,” Snowy said and flew up into the air and over to Twilight.

“I can walk, really,” the princess said and made an attempt to jump out of the bed.

“Yes, yes,” Snowy ignored her protest and lifted her up.

“Hey!” Twilight protested, her complaints falling on deaf ears.

“Cave Light, be so good and open the window, please,” Snowy requested.

“Why can’t we just take the stairs?” Twilight asked, still a bit struggling.

“My presence in the castle is still a secret, despite your best attempts to make it known to every creature, filly,” Snowy explained. “Walking through the floors with you on my back is too risky at the moment, even in disguise.”

“Then I can walk with the baron, far less suspicious, just let me down,” Twilight demanded.

“Climber and the kids will stay here, at least for the moment.” Snowy turned to them. “Revealing my presence to you forced me to set a few things in motion that I had planned for a later point in time. I need to make sure everything works out, therefore, you three stay here and keep it a secret for tonight.”

“But grandma,” Distant Shine protested, “we can’t stay here all night, mom will miss us and come looking for us if we’re not in our beds when she goes to bed herself.”

“He is right,” Climber said. “Pleasant Smell will be worried if our kids aren’t in their beds tonight, not to say that she will miss me too if I don’t go to bed in the following hours.” He stepped a little closer to Snowy. “And she didn’t feel so well, so I want to check on her too.”

Now Snowy raised an eyebrow. “She didn’t feel to well? What happened?” She placed Twilight back on the bed and landed next to Climber. “Do tell.”

“Mom didn’t say she was feeling bad, dad,” Cave Light said. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“It wasn’t anything serious, don’t worry,” Climber said. “It was just a moment of weakness, nothing more. I am sure she is already fine again.” He turned back to Snowy. “I still would like to look after her though.”

“I have to speak with Pleasant Smell anyway, I will make sure she is alright,” Snowy decided.

This caused Climber to raise an eyebrow. “You have to speak with her anyway? What do you have to discuss with my wife?”

“Well, besides the obvious,” Snowy pointed at Cave Light and Distant Shine, “there are a few things I noticed in the past years that must be discussed, you know, mare to mare.”

Now Climber was confused. “The obvious?” He threw a look at his children and then back to Snowy. “What is so obvious? I doubt that them staying here is what you are referring to, right?”

“Of course not,” Snowy answered. “But I have to have a serious word with her about your children.”

“What?” Distant Shine and Cave Light asked together. Climber also looked baffled.

“Our children are perfect as they are!” he said with a father’s pride. “I really wonder what you have to say about them.” He moved between them and Snowy.

“Of course they are perfect,” the pale gray mare agreed. “The problem is there are only two of them. I expected at least half a dozen, preferably more!” She looked at them and purred. “In not too long Cave Light will have her own foals, you should hurry, Climber, and make me some more grandfoals so there are a few years between her children and her future brothers and sisters.”

Now it was hard to tell who was blushing more, Cave Light or Climber.

“I am far from having my own foals,” Cave Light whispered to the ground, her ears as red as a fresh tomato.

Coughing into his hoof, Climber tried to overplay his embarrassment. “Maybe you can let my wife and me decide on that?”

“Nonsense.” Snowy flicked her tail, disapproving. “You two are the first couple in charge of the family with less than four foals, something must be done about it.”

“Could we…” Climber started, but was cut off by the raised hoof of Snowy.

“I will talk with Pleasant Smell about it, I am sure I can give her some tips to improve your… “

“Whoa! Stop! Stop. Please stop,” Climber interrupted while rushing over to Snowy and putting a hoof on her snout. “Snowy, please, my children are listening.”

His ancestor tilted her head and rolled her eyes, but then nodded. She pushed his hoof slowly off and said, “Alright, suddenly you are prudish when in public, I get it.” She sighed and touched her temple when another stroke of pain hit her.

“I am not suddenly prudish, Snowy, I am just not as, uhh… you know, like you in that matter.” Climber defended himself.

“Urg, you know there are secret passages all around the castle, right?” Snowy said, looking up to him with a hoof on her forehead. “I heard a fair number of things when you two were younger that would suggest otherwise.”

Shrinking back and blushing, Climber soon lowered his head even more under her gaze, wishing that the ground would open up and swallow him, while Distant Shine and Cave Light made disgusted faces.

“Don’t try to mess with your grandmother, Climber, and don’t lie to me either.” She looked at his ashamed face and he nodded. “I hope you’ve learned that lesson.” Now her face became softer. “I care for the survival of our family as much as you do,” she placed her hoof on his cheek, “I am just not letting any social standards or norms get in my way while doing so, and you should know that.”

“It is not like our family is close to extinction, you know?” Climber mumbled.

In response, Snowy snorted. “Papperlapapp! You can never be too careful, also, I enjoy playing with the foals in our family very much, there simply can’t be enough of them.” She lowered her hoof and stretched her wings. “And of course, there is more, but that can wait. For now you will stay here and wait for Twilight’s return while I take care of… things.”

Making a mental note to ask Burning Snowflake about the word ‘Papperlapapp’, Climber pushed away his shame and asked the most urgent question first. “And what about you? Will you be returning after tonight, I mean sooner than in a few years or so? There are so many things I am curious about and the family would be happy to see you face to face again since it has been such a long time.

Before Snowy could answer, a little grey shadow tackled her, grabbing her chestfluff with his hooves. “You wouldn’t leave right away, right grandmother?” Distant Shine asked, worried. “You just showed up, you have to come back and tell us stories!”

“Distant Shine.” Snowy lowered her head to nuzzle him and started to purr again.

“Please!” he insisted, rubbing his head against his grandmother.

Now Snowy took a seat and lifted her grandson up, nestling him into her soft chestfluff and wrapping her wings around him.

“Don’t worry, Distant Shine, I will come back in the near future if everything goes as planned,” she said.

“And if not? Why don’t you come back after you’re done with whatever you have to do and tell us a story then? I can stay up till then!” Distant Shine proclaimed and hugged Snowy tighter. “I don’t want you to go away and stay hidden for years again!”

For a moment, all Snowy was able to do was purr deeply and place her head on her grandson’s.

When she finally tried to speak again, a loud bang outside the window interrupted her. When she and the other ponies looked outside, a bright green light lingered in the air, caused by a hundred little sparks.

“What is this?” Climber asked, stepping nearer to the window, followed by Cave Light.

“A firework in the shape of a huge green snowflake,” Snowy explained.

“Are you responsible for this?” Climber asked.

“In a way, I suppose.”


“Well, it is there because of me, but I didn’t order it,” Snowy explained further.

Returning his gaze outside, Climber asked, “And what does it mean?”

“That things just got complicated and also more interesting,” Snowy said and placed Distant Shine back on the ground, ruffling his mane. “Seems like I have to change my plans again, though, I still have to place Twilight outside of the castle quickly.”

Author's Note:

Update: On 29.12.2019 this chapter was overedited by Everfreepony.