• Published 19th May 2016
  • 1,058 Views, 114 Comments

The Phantom of Canterlot - Azure Drache

Twilight has a new book about the history of the noble houses of Equestria. But the history of one of these houses is quite different from the official history of Equestria…

  • ...

From mare to mare

"Twilight, are you there?" Pleasant Smell asked with a soft knock on the door.

"Yes I am here," Twilight responded in a grumpy tone.

"May I come in?"

There was a few seconds delay, followed by a simple "Yes."

Pleasant Smell opened the door slowly and peeked inside Twilight’s chamber. The princess was standing in the middle of the room, seemingly restless as she focused from one thing to another. Opening the door further, Pleasant Smell noticed the light mess that consisted of randomly placed books, some scattered clothes, and a long scroll that seemed to be the beginning of, from what she could tell, a checklist. She had heard of the princess’ need to organize, perhaps this was a way Twilight was trying to distract and calm herself.

"I heard what happened in our ancestor’s hall," Pleasant Smell opened with then said, "Can we talk about it?"

"I don't know what there is to talk about," Twilight answered, "If Burning Snowflake is real, it is possible she had once attacked Celestia... this cannot be tolerated."

"At least she isn't screaming anymore." Pleasant Smell thought, then aloud she said, "Possibly she had, but even if she did, there is more to it then it seems." Walking into the room, stepping over some books that lay on the ground, she placed the chandelier on one of the tables, which added a bit more light to the room, and walked closer to Twilight.

"Not another story please. I’ve heard enough of excuses and reasoning your family always seems to find for your ancestor’s actions, no matter what she did."


"And more so, your husband seems to like her, regardless of the things she may have done. Considering how things have gone so far in her life I doubt she was really careful when she chose how to handle law and order. For me it seems Burning Snowflake is a criminal who should be locked up in Canterlot's prison, with all that your family has told me. It wouldn’t surprise me if it is true what your husband's great grandfather told about her, that she had murdered somepony in your family’s history. I don't know yet who her victim would be, or how many at all, but you make no secret about that she had already killed somepony."

"Also true."

Twilight started to walk around in the room again. "I don't see how you can be proud of her, or why your family show so much respect to her. I understand now however, why you don't make a big deal about her in public."

Following Twilight with her eyes, Pleasant Smell explained," That is not true, Twilight, the Snowflakes never denied their connection and heritage to her. Everyone can read it like you in our family history."

"There is a difference in letting it be written somewhere in an book, barely being read by someone, or get the word be spread in general."

"Yes, you're right about that, still I suggest you put a bit more thought into the circumstance. My family just pays respect to Burning Snowflake’s wish to stay hidden."

"And support a criminal in hiding before the law with it. I get the idea why she stays hidden now."

Pleasant Smell shook her head. "Now you do both her and us wrong. I really doubt she is afraid of Celestia and her royal guard, let alone the law in general. As far as I know she could win a fair process."

"Now you too try to defend her," Twilight said displeased. "It is silly to think she could go to court and leave as a free mare with all the things she had done, and more so if she really did all the bad things she may or may not have done too."

"My apology, Your Highness. It wasn't my intention to continue the argueing you had with my husband."

By Pleasant's formal addressing of Twilight’s position, Twilight stopped her round trotting for a moment. "There is no need to be formal again, Pleasant Smell," she said.

"To be honest, there is. You see, I was coming over to calm down the waves and instead we restarted the argument you had with my husband." Pleasant Smell caught up to Twilight again. "And that was not was I was trying to do. It isn't so important what you think of Burning Snowflake, instead I care more about you being annoyed and maybe upset with Climber. Truth be told, even if I seem mostly uncaring about social norms of being a noble as much as others, I still have a duty as baroness to fulfill, which means I must care about having an annoyed royal princess in the guest chamber of my home."

Surprised, Twilight completely stopped her attempts to trot around and focused her attention on Pleasant Smell. "I thought my opinion about Burning Snowflake is very important to your husband?"

"Oh it is, but for me, your thoughts about my family are more important. My family surely is very obsessive about Burning Snowflake, fortunately I am only married-in and so I can see a bit more beyond her influence."

"What’s your point?"

"Besides the fact I would, of course, like you to hear more about Burning Snowflake again and understand her actions and motivation better so you could make yourself a real judge about her, I care more about your mood as our guest. Truth be told, as my duty as baroness, I care about your royal thoughts about my family as well."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Why does everypony have to make such a fuss about me being a princess. Or, I should say, why only the wrong ponies care for it?"

"Unfortunately that is part of being a noble. There is no way of tearing that apart. But what do you mean by only the ‘wrong ponies care’?"

"It would be very useful if some ponies took more respect to that fact even if I don't care so much myself, like when I go on a friendship mission or such. Sometimes nopony cares at all and, mostly, those are the ones I have to convince of something or help them. In daily routine it is, however, a bit more uncomfortable. My close friends, usually, don't care anymore and I am glad about that, with the exception of Rarity who always seems to find a reason to come up with a fancy dress for me." Twilight said thoughtfully, "But in 'normal' life I would like it if people don't pay attention to me being a princess so much."

"Yes, being a noble has its disadvantages, doesn't it? Sadly, you can't choose who will pay respect to it and who won't."

"More than true."

"In our case," Pleasant Smell started, "I want our guest," She pulled out a little bag from her mane, "to feel not so grumpy anymore," and she overhoved the bag to Twilight. "And of course paying respect to 'Her highness' to." She added a blink.

"You don't have to give me something Pleasant Smell," Twilight said while she took the bag, "what is it?"

"Oh nothing much, just my family's new secret weapon."

Twilight raised an eyebrow and opened the bag. In it she found a few small raspberry muffins. "Oh," she said neutrally,"well I am not hungry but thanks."

"Try one," Pleasant Smell said with a little bit of enthusiasm.

"I am not sure if I can enjoy them right now. I am really not hungry."

The baroness just gave her a smile and waited.

After a few seconds of silence, Twilight said, "Alright, I guess it doesn't hurt to eat one," and threw one in her mouth. "Ohhh," was all she said at first and then chewed on it till the have eaten it up. "Delicious, I have to get the recipe for Pinky when I get home."

"Oh no, Your Highness," Pleasant Smell denied with a smile and a happy face. "Secret family weapon. I can't give you the recipe."

"Well in this case," Twilight started now with a smile herself," I will have to use my royalty status to demand it."

"You wouldn't dare!" Pleasant Smell replied with a giggle.

"You don't want to displease 'Her Highness', would you?" Twilight said, pretending to be annoyed. "And disappoint your guest too."

"Oh you are really good at playing 'that' game." Pleasant Smell admitted while the had started to laugh and soon Twilight joined in. They both took a seat on the corner of the bed after this and Twilight offered to share muffins with the baroness.

"Oh no, thank you, I can have them all day if I want to."

Quickly two more mini muffins landed in Twilight's mouth, followed by an pleasant noise from her. "Ok your secret weapon was more than I could handle to stay grumpy any longer so the problem of an annoyed princess in your guest room is solved."

"And the problem of an unpleasant guest?"

It took Twilight a moment to respond, "Well I am still thinking about your ancestor's story and I am not happy with her actions. But I calmed down a bit."

"If I may, you could be a bit more comfortable with her actions if you let me tell you about some of it."

"You? I thought your husband was willing to do it alone?"

"Yes, he was, but if it is necessary to calm 'the annoyed princess' down, he will have no reservation against me telling further," she said with another blink.

"I doubt my opinion will change if you or he told the story."

"It is a question about the angle you try to tell it... and of course now it is a talk between mares."

"Now you sound a bit like my friend Rarity."

"That was the white mare with the gemstones as cutiemark, wasn't it? I think I have met her in canterlot a few years ago." She tipped her chin while she thought about it. "Yes I think I did." Another tip on her chin. "Darling, you h-a-v-e to listen to this marvelous story of my ancestor!" Pleasant Smell tried to copy Rarity's accent and way to talk.

"Close enough for somepony you met a long while ago, so yes that is her."

Another giggle of the baroness. "I tried my best." She sighed to get her giggle under control. "So Climber told me you were very angry about the possible attack on Celestia?"

"Of course I was, Celestia is the ruler of Equestria and a friend."

"I understand, still it makes no sense to tell the end of the story before the main part so I will just assure you there is probably a bit more to it. And Celestia wasn't hurt so badly if this all had happened, otherwise there would be something in the official history too."


"So what I can do however, is telling you about the first time she ended a life actually, how sad that is nonetheless."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"Because you believe she is a self-justifying criminal and that is not true in my opinion, giving context to the things she does is helpful I guess."

"I am not sure if context helps here, if she continued to take lives during history she made something terrible wrong. And she has to be stopped."

"Is that the reason you want to find her?"

"Your husband told you a lot."

"He is my husband..."

"Actually, I am not sure if that is the only reason, but it is one of them of course. The fact that she may have attacked Celestia was just the push in the right direction, but the more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion someone has to stop her. I confess I am still unsure if she exists, but if there is the chance she did and also the way your family describes her, it seems to me it is my duty as princess to stop her."

Pleasant Smell turned her gaze away from Twilight and looked forward for a moment deep in thoughts.

"What are you thinking?"

"Actually I am not sure, it is not for me to give you advice, Twilight. I am a bit unsure about you finding her, you know you are the element of magic after all and she is," Pleasant Smell searched for the right words for a moment, then simple said, “she is a 700 years old magic resistant mare." Another moment of thought followed, "I don't think she would harm you, that is not how I imagine her but, if you try to catch her... just promise me you will be carefull and don't rush things."

"I can promise to be careful. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

"What was that? I never heard such an promise."

"I learned it from my friend Pinky Pie, it is well known at Ponyville and maybe at Canterlot too."

"In this case I will speak with Climber about it, I am sure I can convince him to support you also by your search for Burning Snowflake. Or at least he wouldn't lay stones in your way."

"Thank you Pleasant Smell."

"Oh don't think about it, just be carefull. But of course I would suggest you listen a bit more to the story of her life before you search for her especially, could not only help you to find her but maybe give you a push in the right direction again. I mean away from trying to imprison her."

"I am willing to listen but..."

"And of course I can order some more muffins," Pleasant Smell added to her sentence quickly with another smile.

"I... I have to fluff up the pillows first," Twilight ended her sentence.

Pleasant Smell rose and trotted over through the door and gave orders to one of the servants she found in the corridors near by. At the moment she returned Twilight already had rearranged the bed blankets and pillows to create two comfortable places to lay on, one already filled by the princess.

"I was so free to order some drinks too, I know it is already late but some refreshments could do us good nonetheless."

"Don't make so much fuss about me," Twilight said.

"Oh it isn't much effort, the kitchen is staffed anyway, many mouths to fill even during night." Pleasant Smell wished Twilight's objection away with a hoof. "So tell me where have you two stopped in the story of Burning Snowflake in the time around 700 years ago? Still at the spot she joined the Fire-fighters?"

"Yes, we didn't spoke about that time period any further since our time at the fireplace-chamber." Twilight answered while the baroness climbed in the bed and took a pleasant position.

"In this case I can go on from five years later, shortly before she... well you know, ended a life for the first time."