• Published 8th Apr 2016
  • 3,995 Views, 63 Comments

The Tales Of A Night Stalker - Don Pedro von Poltergeis

A guy gets sent to Equestria as a ponified Night stalker.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Indiana Spooks

Author's Note:

Another part of the crossover with The Winter Rose.

Fun fact #3: Spooks is a former Vympel unit Spetsnaz.

Spooks walked into the quiet room and saw a small encampment near the center of the altar. There, she saw Winter, Daring Do, Redbeard, Stephan and Nova blade eating boxed food near an unnatural fire. Exhausted from running away from hundreds of creatures that had a strangely cute crow head with a pony body, wings for arms and talons for feet. The crow-tailed beasts that were all female, surprisingly enough, chased her and her friends from the wreckage of the ship that crash landed near the westernmost side of the fog covered island.

Winter saw the Night Stalker walk up to her while wearing a bandage that looked tight around her head. She flopped down on her side beside the filly that was eating out of a box, panting like a dog, while Windy, Night and A.T sat down around the fire next to the others.

"How are you?" Winter nonchalantly asked as she ate a small steak with each bite making Redbeard gag slightly as he tried his best to ignore the meat eaters in the room.

"Fucking, Harpies," Spooks panted out a reply as her lungs regained normality, her tired form plastered on the blissfully, cold, stone ground. Winter smirked knowingly at the, "out of shape mare," that should see a gym. It would benefit her body that was on the skinny side of the spectrum.

"Stop being such a wuss. It wasn't that bad," A.T shot at the Night Stalker. Night and Windy just stared at her.

"You try outrunning a few dozen harpies with a snake fetish," Spooks said weakly, giving A.T a meek glare.

"Actually: Harpies love eating Night Stalkers as a rare delicacy. They don't like mating with them to produce offspring as it can cause unwanted mutation," Daring said, causing everyone to turn their head towards her direction. Daring didn't recognize the stares that she was receiving and smiled dumbly; until Winter coughed to catch the attention of those around her.

"O...K..." Spooks said before weakly sitting up and raised her hooves to the ceiling. "Praise the Wind!" And she collapsed to her side again.

“Please ignore her, Empress,” Night Heart said with a dismissive wave of the hoof. "She is just a bit dehydrated from running from a bunch of ravenous crow-things."

“I ain't dehydrated,” Spooks weakly protested from her spot on the floor causing Night to sigh.

“How many hooves do you see?” She asked while lifting one forehoof off the ground.

Spooks stared at the lifted hoof for a while before asking, “In which row?” And promptly passed out.

"Anyway. What's the plan, Empress?" Windy asked while A.T closed in on Spooks win a permanent marker held in her mouth. Everyone watched in curiosity to the mare that was clearly going to draw on the Night Stalker's face, but before she could do anything Spooks's tongue shot out like a frog's and latched on the marker, pulling it out of A.T's mouth and bringing it to hers.

She swallowed the permanent marker with a disturbing sigh of content.

"They are all weird," Steph said to Nova, Redbeard nodded in agreement.

"I am not weird! I am special," Spooks mumbled in her sleep. Nova, Stephen, and Redbeard's eyes went wide that the Night Stalker could respond despite being almost knocked out from exhaustion.

"Well, aside from letting Spooks rest. We should hit the hay too. Then once we are all well rested, I will play the Song of Storms on the key, which should allow us to move forward into the temple, and hopefully, find a way back home," The young Empress replied to Night Heart while completely ignoring the snoring Night Stalker, and all other weirdness that was happening around her.

"Alrighty then," Windy replied before levitating Spooks to a bedroll that she pulled out from her saddlebags. She gently laid Spooks down right beside her, who instantly recognized her warmth and cuddled up with the Lunar Unicorn. Windy cracked a small smile as everyone else hit the hay as well in their respective bedrolls.

The morning came faster than any of the group would have liked it to come. This was proven by the several groans of protest from most of the party, except Winter who Spooks found already awake doing push-ups with her wings and counting above nine-hundred with ease. Winter didn't notice the glare from the anti-morning, but she did hear the quiet mutters that she could happily assume was Russian swears of hate from Spooks.

Though, as sour as she wanted to be to the mare that was pumping out wing-ups like nobody's business, her bitterness was quickly soothed by a certain Lunar Unicorn that was lazily nomming on her tail. Spooks turned gave Windy a raised brow, and she returned it with a playful smile before retreating from her kitten-prone position and fled to help Night Heart distribute boxed food that could survive a nuclear war. She yawned, and turned back around towards the filly that hit a thousand and joined them for breakfast.

"How can you be awake at an ungodly hour?" Spooks asked through a yawn.

"Being tossed out of bed at four o'clock in the morning, dragged outside, and forced to work out through cold rain," Winter replied while stretching out her wings. "It sucked at first, but after awhile the routine stuck and my body is quite sexy because of it,” Winter winked as she grabbed an MRE from Nova Blade.

"That...That must have sucked," Spooks commented as Windy gave her an MRE for breakfast. Winter nodded back while chewing on boxed, chemically warmed portage that was as thick as wet flour.

Morning breakfast was silent for the group except for the odd sounds of chewing on that came with the boxed food tasted awful for all of them, even Winter had a hard time to keep the portage down when she ate expired food that came from the local homeless shelter that she stayed in for a time. Though everyone else didn't know of those horrors, but the food that they ate came close to what she had to live through.

Spooks and Windy sat next to each other while they ate, with Daring sitting beside Winter. Nova, Night Heart, and Redbeard quickly finished their food first before they packed up came for the day while Stephen still slept on the floor in peace, even though he was dragged out of his bedroll so that it could be put away.

However, the air was ripe with worry for what was going to happen next. In all of their minds, one thought was present, and that was the state of The Temple of Alta.

Winter knew that there was something wrong nearby, but couldn't quite place a hoof on it. The fog was too thick to break through with her Air Sight or even her Mana Sight. The magic that was controlling the fog as well as the ground beneath them was too scrambled to make any sense to her, but that was going to end once she plays the Song of Storms, however. She was still worried about what they would find.

Daring was, by all means, didn't care about the potential dangers. Winter could tell just by looking at the spark in her eyes. The mare in the pith helmet was evidently showing her anticipation in a way that only a Pegasi could recognize. To Spooks, it looked like she was pawing at the ground like a teething kitten, but it was a common way to show the excitement of something that a Pegasus immensely enjoys.

Even Winter was pawing at the ground as she waited for Spooks and Windy to finish eating so that they could get on the road for adventure. The only other time she was this excited was when Summer slowly tied her up to her bed in the Castle many weeks ago. Though, when she thinks about it. She was acting like Spitfire in the same way as Daring. Both of them liked adventure as much as BDSM, which was a thought that scared her to the core.

As Spooks gulped down the last of her meal in a box, she looked over to the two Pegasi in the room that were clearly antsy to get going. She wondered why they were pawing at the ground, but that thought died when the young Empress gave the order to move out.

"Alright everyone, thing and it. Whatever happens next is not my fault," Winter said as she gripped the sapphire ocarina in her hooves in front of the tablet of text inside of the altar. Spooks and company watched with curiosity as the instrument began to glow in her hooves, pulsating like a heart, in and out of a dark and bright blue hue. Then, as she tried to figure out how in the hell she was playing the notes when the young Empress didn't have fingers. The iconic song began to play.

Then, as Winter played the first note, something strange happened. The characters on the old tablet lit up in the same way as the pulsating ocarina like a wave of color that moved in bright majesty, but that wasn't the strangest thing that happened. Spooks looked around and saw that Daring, Redbeard, Stephen, Windy, Night Heart and Nova were in a trance. Each note that Winter played, they sang a strange song while A.T and Winter just looked at them with curiosity as the young Empress add more power to her song.

“What the fuck?” Spooks asked beneath her breath as she listened to the somber tone of the song that told a tale of violence and hardship in a beautiful metaphor. She couldn't help but listen to the; mares and stallions sing against their will. Windy, in particular, drawn her in with her wondrous voice that reverberated deep within her soul. Never had she thought the mare that has stolen her old heart would be as seducing as the Queen of Sirens, but alas, her attention shot towards the entrance after the sound of the gates of hell was screaming out at them.

Spooks looked over her shoulder back towards the mare that she dragged with her on the mission to save her sister from becoming a sacrifice to some group of radicals that only sought power. There, playing the song of the windmill, Winter looked like her life was being drained from the instrument that she held tightly in her hooves as she played. In the corner of her eye, she could tell that A.T had the same thought, but she was just as distracted as the constant explosion coming from outside drowned all sense of thought.

Then, without warning. Spooks was blinded by a bright light that quickly sent her into a daze. The only thing that she could hear was the loud horns that played The Song of Storms along with Winter in the distance. She couldn't even hear herself call out to A.T, who was most likely stumbling around with her to figure out what the hell was happening, but before she could answer that question. The song ended, her vision returned, and everyone else was waking up from their trance.

"What just happened?" Daring asked as Winter placed the ocarina inside her jacket. Winter turned around while turning on her Air Sight and noticed that the air around the temple had completely changed.

"We aren't in Kansas anymore," Winter said in disbelief that The Song of Storms actually worked and that they were transported to someplace completely different than where they were before.

“What do you mean?” A.T asked quite perturbed. "All I saw was all of you turning into singing zombies for a few minutes before the loud-ass horns started to play along."

"Horns? What horns? All I heard was Winter's song," Windy interjected.

"I agree, there wasn't any horns playing from what little I could recall from the trance," Redbeard joined in.

"I know that there were horn's playing! Right Spooks?" A.T said sternly with a stomp of the hoof.

"Ja' there was horn's but only Winter, A.T and I heard it. The rest of you were singing to Winter's song, during which there was this light coming from the entrance...and it's still there," Spooks said pointing to the illuminating entryway to the altar.

"But how?" Daring said with a frown. "That shouldn't be possible with all the fog outside making it the 'Twilight Hour,' during the day."

"Well, let's go and find out what happened during my nap," Stephen said with an oblivious smile as he began to strut his way towards the entrance.

"Wait..!" Daring tried to say to stop the Faunus wolf from leaving, but it was too late. She let out a sigh as she wanted to be the one to go first into the great unknown and joined the group in utter disappointment.

"This is my new castle," Winter said as she walked out of the temple with everyone else. Outside of the altar was an endless expanse of color in all directions. Trees, grass flowers of all color; intricate statues of Pegasi, Gryphons and Dragons lined a stone road that looked brand new towards a bridge-like structure. The sky was clear from all the fog, which was an all around hindrance, but what replaced the mystery of said fog was thousands of flying islands ranging from; as small as a wagon to as big as a large town.

"What is this place?" A.T awed as a gentle breeze ruffled her mane. She walked over to one of the statues that were a grand depiction of a Pegasus mare in eloquent armor, standing tall wither her head held high.

"I don't know," Winter purred as she felt the magic in the air resonated with her in pure bliss as she looked around with her Air Sight, "but the magic around us is simply wonderful."

"I agree," Daring cooed as she flexed out her wings and was gently lifted up into a motionless glide. Spooks frowned at the two mares standing still in slight jealousy. She wanted to know what was so good about the cold, ocean air that curved around their bodies like a tight, silk, dress.

“Let’s go, birdies,” Spooks said with a smirk and tasted the air, “The air smells dangerous,” She muttered earning herself some raised eyebrows.

"Hmpf, spoil sport," Winter huffed as she walked down the cobblestone road towards the bridge-like structure while Daring fluttered upside down right behind her in a backstroke.

“Let’s go, Fawkes,” A.T said teasingly and followed the two pegasi towards the bridge-like structure, Spooks rolled her eyes and followed her with a small smile on her face.

The group walked up to two pillars that were something out of a picture of Olympus itself. The tall pillars marked the beginning of the bridge that leads towards a gothic, white tower, but the bridge was missing. Spooks saw no evidence that there even was a bridge in the first place as she looked down from the ledge to see what was below, and was surprised just like everyone else that they were over an endless expanse of black clouds that swirled and twisted in pure, malicious violence.

She could easily guess that the storm that was miles below must have been the storm that the young Empress flew them into, but how they came above it was a mystery, just like the Altar. With this in mind, she backed away and saw Daring looking at the same markings on the pillars that were on the Tablet in the Altar, and made note that jumping the ten-yard expanse towards the tower was not going to be possible, but would be possible for the two flying Pegasi of the group.

“Looks like it was designed only for fliers to get there,” Spooks said and looked around for any other way to cross or bridge the gap but couldn’t find any.

"You would be right, but from what I could piece together from the Draconian symbols on the pillars," Daring said knowingly as she trotted to the edge, "only from the leap into the lion's head, may prove their worth." After she said those words: She jumped ahead into nothing and landed on an invisible bridge, she turned around with a long exhale and gave everyone a witty smirk as she hovered over nothing.

Spooks's eyes widened in recognition as she took a step forward, chanting the words, 'I can cross it,' in her native tongue, and was rewarded with her foreleg met the solid ground of the invisible bridge.

"Well, that's interesting," A.T confirmed as she too took a step on the invisible bridge. "How is this possible?" she asked as everyone, but Stephen walked onto the bridge.

"Magic," was Winter's response as she beckoned Stephen to join them, but he shook his head.

"Of course, it is," Redbeard sighed before he turned to his partner in crime. "What's wrong Stephen? Afraid of heights?" he asked.

"N-N-No. I'm not scared!" Stephen objected. "I just don't trust magic!" Redbeard chuckled at the response and trotted over to the trembling wolf who looked like he was going to throw up as he meekly peered over the edge with his tail between his legs.

"Come on Flamehead. I'll hold your paw for 'ya," mocked. Steph turned at him with a slight growl before he was stopped and grabbed by the dark orange stallion.

"W-What are you...AHHHHHHHHH!" Stephen screamed like a little girl as he flew from the grip of Redbeard and landed next to Night Heart, and instantly clung to her, causing her to disappear in his death-hug.

"Oi! Get off of me Ma!" Windy said with a botched Scottish accent as she jumped on the Faunus wolf that was three times bigger than her in an attempt to free her mother, but it was futile. Daring, Nova, and A.T rolled their eyes at the same time and grabbed the three and dragged them to the white, marble tower, where once they were almost a few feet from the entrance, Steph bolted from them and began kissing the floor of the dusty tower with his tail wagging wildly.

The three that were pulling the Faunus and his two leeches blinked for a moment as Windy and Night recovered from being bowled over and nearly crushed by the pyromancer in a suit. Spooks knew that Windy wasn't happy with the dog touching her mother, but the irritated blush on Nights face said otherwise. Though, Spooks didn't dare make a comment about it in fear for her life and shrugged it off and walked into the tower with Winter and the giggling stallion.

Winter walked into the tower and passed the weeping Stephen that was kissing the floor while whispering sweet remarks about how he wasn't going to leave it again, and found a spiraling staircase. Out of curiosity and the need to get away from the fuming Lunar Unicorn mare, she disappeared down the stone stairs that were rather plain, and came up to a wooden door that was reinforced by iron bars in the shape of decorative wings.

"There you are!" Daring exclaimed from behind, causing Winter to jump slightly from her sudden presence. Winter turned around in irritation from being spooked in a tower that was near perfect in its abandon maintenance.

"Jesus! Don't scare me like that!" Winter shot back with a quick frown.

"Hehe, sorry. I'm just a little excited about this find!" she jumped as the group began to descend the stairs. "Like look at this!" Daring pointed to the door before opening it and revealed a large garden with more statues, several fountains of water, trees that bared fruit of the world, and off in the distance. Winter could see a large temple that was twice the size of Canterlot Castle, but in an old, Roman style that was fit for the Gods of Olympus, themselves.

"This shouldn't be possible!" Daring cheered as she leads Winter along the cobblestone road with gusto. "This place was supposed to be destroyed during the construction of Tartarus thousands of years ago. Alta was said to have sealed her temple in an endless storm that was forged from the souls of her twelve knights."

Daring went on as she spun around, as she viewed the thousands of flying islands that dot the skyline. Some of them looked like they had houses on them, while others looked like gardens that fed the missing populous.

"Of course, after the temple was sealed away, the local population had to abandon ship because the storm was said to have covered the entire archipelago, but this is not the case! Just think of all of the historical data we can uncover!" Daring cheered. "We can fill in all of the gaps in history about the war of the Titans and the lost history of Solaris and Lunaris before their demise! And—" She suddenly stopped where she stood, causing everyone to go on guard, but it was too late. One by one, everyone dropped where they stood while Daring fell asleep standing up.

Winter spun around in worry as she was the only one left awake in the party and saw a deer standing in front of several guards in golden armor. She blinked several times as she stumbled to grab her weapons as a dark gold deer with a bright yellow mane that wielded a staff with a glowing crystal as the spear point.

"Fuck...Me..." Winter said as she passed out with the betrayed eyes of innocent green ever glow, in her mind.