• Published 8th Apr 2016
  • 4,002 Views, 63 Comments

The Tales Of A Night Stalker - Don Pedro von Poltergeis

A guy gets sent to Equestria as a ponified Night stalker.

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Chapter 1: I hate rocks

Author's Note:

Hey, there anyone reading this I wanted to thank you for deciding to read my story and I also want to warn you that this chapter is pretty crappy, I was never good at writing first chapters but I promise that the following chapters will be better.
If you have any tips on how I can improve this chapter write them into the comment section.

"I blame you for this.” I rasped in my new feminine voice.

Sir Boulder the Leg Trapper didn´t reply to my accusation instead opting to look at ma blankly from his perch atop my right hind leg.

“You know you could have helped me when I fell into this gorge, but no! You have to fall and trap my leg!” I finished my accusation with a death glare directed towards Sir Boulder.

As you have probably guessed I am trapped on the bottom of a gorge with my right hind leg trapped underneath a large boulder which I have started accusing of various things that happened to me, like being the wrong gender and being turned into some sort of snake-horse hybrid.

“Oh, don´t be so mean, dear. You know it´s not helping you any.” Said a cactus wearing something a gentleman would wear.

“Another hallucination? Guess the dehydration is getting to me.” I muttered followed by a series of coughs that were very painful for my dry throat.

After I was finished with my coughing I just laid there, wheezing. Luckily for me my new body seemed to not have that much of a problem with the amounts of heat that the sun was radiating.

Maybe I am coldblooded? I mused, that would make sense seeing that I am some sort of a snake-horse hybrid and snakes are coldblooded I may be coldblooded.

My musings were suddenly interrupted by a female voice calling, “Is anyone down there?”

My head immediately snapped upwards and through my blurry vision I was what I thought was the head of my savior.

“Finally….. HEY! CAN YOU HELP ME? MY LEG´S STUCK!” I yelled back followed by another set of violent coughs causing my vision to darken a bit at the edges.

“HANG ON! I AM COMING DOWN!” The woman shouted back followed by a length of rope falling down the gorge, landing a few feet away from me.

After a while I heard the tell-tale sound of metal rubbing against rope and after about thirty seconds descended a…. unicorn? I just looked at the unicorn blankly and the unicorn returned my blank look with a concerned one.

“Oh dear. Are you alright?” The unicorn asked worriedly.

“No, I think I am hallucinating because I am seeing pretty unicorn right now.” I replied and then shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind from the hallucinations.

That didn´t seem to help as I was still seeing the same unicorn, though I noticed a faint blush on her cheeks.

After a while I realized something, this unicorn is no hallucination but a real being.

“You´re not a hallucination are you?” I asked in a flat tone.

Seeing the unicorn nod her head and confirming that she is quite real caused me to faint on the spot.

I woke up with a monster of a headache and my throat feeling like I just swallowed a bucket of sand. After a while I decided to open my eyes. My eyelids felt heavy and were rather reluctant to open at first but after a second try they fluttered open, revealing that I was inside of a tent.

“Hello?” I called weakly.

Luckily it seemed that my call was audible enough for a unicorn to come into the tent. It was the same unicorn I remembered seeing in the gorge.

“You´re awake. Good.” The unicorn said as she moved closer to me. “Now, how do you feel?”

“Thirsty.” I managed to croak out, slightly lifting my head from the pillow it was laying on.

Not a second later a canteen was pressed against my lips and I greedily gulped down its contents. After a while I drained the canteen completely and it was removed from my lips and deposited somewhere in the tent.

“Thanks.” I said to the unicorn, giving her a small smile.

“You´re welcome.” She replied.

This was followed by an awkward silence.

“So, uh, who are you?” I asked the mare with a nervous smile on my face.

“My name is Side Winder or Windy for short. And you are?” She replied in a friendly manner.

“Umm, I am Spooks?” I replied nervously, opting to give her my nickname instead of my real name.

“Are you sure about that?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes.” I replied unsurely.

“Okay then.”

Oh, hello Mister Awkward Silence long time no see, huh?

“You hungry?” Windy suddenly asked and my stomach growled in response causing Windy to giggle a little. “Guess that´s a yes then.”

I gave her an embarrassed smile.

After eating a healthy amount of canned beans I finally got a good look at Windy. Her coat is anthracite gray while her mane and tail are both midnight purple, her eyes are slitted and cherry red and her ears have little tufts of fur on their tips. She said that she is a Lunar unicorn.

When I asked her what I look like she gave me this strange look but described how I look like. Apparently my mane and tail are camouflage brown while my coat is tan, my eyes looks exactly like a rattlesnake´s and so does my tail. I also discovered that my tongue is forked and I have pop-out fangs producing poison attached to the roof of my mouth.

“Now, why did you ask how you look like?” Windy finished after finished her description of little ol´ me.

“Because I didn´t know how I look like.” I answered her truthfully.

“Explain.” She said, narrowing her eyes.

So I told her everything. About me being a former human and a guy, when I woke up in the middle of a desert and finally about how I ended up in a gorge with my leg trapped.

“So you took your first two step in your body and immediately fell into a gorge getting your leg trapped by a boulder, which you started calling Sir Boulder the Leg Trapper?” She asked with a smirk on her face.

“Yes.” I replied shamefully, my ears folding back against my head.

She looked at me for a while before rolling around laughing.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, fuzzball.” I said causing her laughter to stop and her eyes to narrow at me.

“What did you just call me?” She said menacingly, slowly stalking towards.

“Nothing.” I replied fearfully, slowly backing away.

“Oh no, I think I heard you call me ´fuzzball´.” She replied before pouncing at me causing me to let out a squeak of surprise.

“Pfft, HAHAHA!” Windy laughed from her position atop my chest.

“It´s not funny.” I said to her with a pout.

“It is!” She managed to squeeze out between bouts of giggles. “The look on your face and the adorable squeak were so hilarious!” I blushed at. One of my sounds being called adorable.

“And you know what as a punishment for calling me a fuzzball you will be my pillow for tonight!” She exclaimed cheerfully.

“You wouldn´t.” I said, my eyes widening in shock.

“Watch me.” She said mischievously before her horn ignited and a small beam shot out paralyzing my entire body, except for my eyes.

She giggled at seeing my paralyzed body before her magic wrapped around me and she carried me towards her sleeping bag where she set me down.

“Goodnight, my little pillow.” She said, setting her head on my flank. “Hmm, such a soft flank.” I heard her mutter before her eyes closed and within seconds she was asleep.
I was left laying in the dark tent with Windy using me as a pillow feeling both extremely embarrassed and frustrated.

Well, at least I am not stuck in a gorge anymore, and with that thought I soon fell asleep.