• Published 29th Mar 2016
  • 13,165 Views, 288 Comments

Nine Tales Of Equestria - Natural Disaster

Twilight Sparkle is given permission to explore the Canterlot Caves after the invasion but, while inside, she discovers an ancient and primordial being, an literal force of nature, a creature said to be over a million years old...and it's now awake

  • ...

The Forest, First Blood And Innocence Lost

Kurama stalked through the dark shades of the forest, form still faintly aglow with power from his previous rage.

'Hypocrites, the lot of them. How dare they believe that I shouldn't defend myself, all creatures deserve the right to defend themselves that is the way of the world, besides the force I put behind that throw wasn't near enough to hurt Naruto when he was a child, simply pathetic' Kurama's anger still engulfed his mind, the grass and twigs underneath his paws as he walked crumpled up and steamed, patches of the outer layers peeling away into the air as dust, the same happening with the dark bark of the trees that his tails brushed in their swirling antics, leaving great lines in the thick, gnarled wood that exposed the pale innards of the tree to the outside world, the knots and holes in the trunks forming grotesque faces in the corner of the eye, looking as if they were in agonising pain as the lines were burned into their forms.

'I cannot believe that I was willing to give them a chance...hmph, I need to find something to kill' With that though in his mind, Kurama went deeper into the forest with a bloodthirsty grin, never once noticing the glowing sickly yellow eyes watching him through the foliage.

"WOWZERS LOOK AT THAT!" Scootaloo exclaimed, pointing excitedly towards a large scar across a tree within the Everfree Forest.

"Well ah be, Scoots, Sweetie, looks like there’s ah lot more where that came from" Applebloom looked to the darker parts of the woods, "pawprints as well"

"Girls should we really be in here? I mean, Rarity always tells me that we should never, ever, ever, EVER go into the Everfree Forest unless we're on the path to see Zecora and even then, she prefers it if somepony takes us there" Sweetie Belle, with her head shooting around at every creak of the forest, asked, “I mean...don't you remember the cockatrice that was in here?"

"Che, we'll be fiiiine, Fluttershy scared that away" Scootaloo waves a hoof as she traverses deeper, “Besides, Rainbow Dash comes in here all the time and she's fine, nothing can beat her!" This was exclaimed with a bright grin.

"Rainbow Dash can fly though, unlike you" came the deadpan reply from Applebloom.


"Hovering doesn't couuuuunt~" Came the sing-song reply from Sweetie Belle, her earlier mood forgotten as she and Applebloom trot off past Scootaloo following the path made of pawprints and tree scars.

"Wha-no-wai-TAKE THAT BACK!" The purple maned filly spluttered and shouted, a slight smile on her face as she chased after the other two, laughing all the way, all of them forgetting for a moment just how deadly a place they were in and just having fun. This would be a mistake not forgotten any time soon.

"Pathetic" Kurama said, slit pupils glaring down at the thrashing wooden wolf held down by his human-like hand which was wrapped around its throat, smoke streaming from the contact as his chakra burned into the outer bark of its skin. He looked up, surveying the surrounding area, eyes glancing at each smouldering pile of broken twigs that were each once a fully grown timberwolf, trying to catch a single hint of movement before his vision came to rest on another wolf, this one enwrapped in one of his large tails, once again smoke wafting from the gaps in the curls his tail, this ones maw was open in silent agony, still feeling the pain yet not possessing the lungs nor vocal cords to express it.

"Honestly, your teeth and claws couldn't even pierce my skin, you have no form of extra durability," with this, the timber wolf held in the tail was crumpled up into a ball, compressed by the flexible movements of the limb, wooden bones and skin snapping and cracking as pressure increased before the steaming pile was slung to the floor like the garbage it was. Kurama's gaze once again went to the wolf held in his grasp.

"At first I believed you were nature's way of remembering Hashirama, what with the wooden forms and no presence, but I was wrong,"Kurama grinned, slowly increasing the pressure on the wolf's neck and watching as it's thrashing became more frantic," You're simply a construct with the minimal amount of nature chakra required to stay alive, you can't even manipulate the surrounding woods to your own advantage, hell, there isn't even a point in telling you this because you aren't even sentient," More pressure," Truthfully? Anything that gets hunted by something like you has no point in surviving anyway" The wolf is now attempting to claw at Kurama's side in its futile escape.

"You're just a cheap knock-off, a phoney, a sham, a-" Kurama's paw hit dirt as the timberwolfs head rolled to the side, the now revealed inside sizzling and peeling from the acidic qualities of his chakra.

"Che, I suppose I got too aggravated" Kurama lifted his pawn and turned away from the clearing filled with wooden corpses, traveling deeper still into the forest.

"A shame really..." Kurama's eyes flashed a violent red as he stared into the darkness ahead while his form convulsed and glowed with power.

"I still haven't drawn a single drop of blood yet"

The denizens of the Everfree Forest would never forget the day that one of the old ones viciously tore its way back to the top of the food chain

"Huh, whatever critter made all these tracks they sure ain't stopping" Applebloom mused, glancing around as the three fillies continued to traverse deeper into the Everfree Forest.

"I know, it’s kinda weird that it’s just walking straight through the forest" Scootaloo decided to input her own opinion, as she stared at a tree, running a hoof along the edge of the white scarring.

"Urgh why can't it take a break, I'm so tired and my hoofs acheeee" Sweetie Belle whined, following behind slowly.

"Uh...girls" Applebloom turned towards Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, face paling, "Ah think it did take a break...but not the kinda break we want, look" The three fillies then proceeded to stare at the clearing that had appeared in front of them.

"Why are those piles of twigs smoking Applebloom?" Scootaloo asked, making her way over to one before kicking it slightly with a hoof, "There’s no fire and it’s not hot"

"Ah don't know Scoots, if Ah did Ah woulda said so" Applebloom snapped back, pacing on the spot slightly, " Ah ain't liking it here...something ain't right"

"Girls...isn't...isn't that a.." Sweetie Belle stuttered, pointing with a shaking hoof.

"TIMBERWOLF!" All three fillies got ready to run until Scootaloo noticed something.

"Hang on," Scootaloo slowly trotted over to the splayed-out body, "Applebloom....weren't timberwolves meant to be basically immortal?"

"Yeah, what bout it?" Scootaloo turned around, kicking the something towards them which they realised to be the head of the timberwolves, the usual sickly green eyes were dark voids in the corpses face.

"I don't think whatever did this got the memo"

"Applebloom, Scootaloo, can we please go home...I'm scared" Sweetie Belle begged, sweat dripping down her face, legs shaking and eyes jumping nervously around the clearing.

"Zecora's hut is closer, plus we need to warn her about whatever this is, c'mon you two, it’s this way" Scootaloo spoke in a quite tone, going off into the brush to the side with the two other fillies following her out of the clearing.

Slowly, a large scorpion tail brushed against a tree on the edge of the clearing before large lion paws stalked forward, going in the same direction the CMC had just gone...

"Well it’s only a slight head injury, nothing too bad, it was a good idea for you to bandage it Ms Sparkle as that helped with cleaning the wound and preventing possible infections" The doctor turned away from Twilight and faced Rainbow Dash, "Alright so, Ms Dash, there's nothing stopping you from leaving now and continuing your daily activities but I would recommend you not to go too fast while flying, the sudden forces and difference in air pressure could, and I repeat, could cause you to lose consciousness while flying and we wouldn't want that would we?"

"No Doc don't worry I'll be fine" Rainbow Dash droned, bored out of her mind.

"Hm, alright, you can leave then, and I'll sign you out but come back if you feel any light-headedness, fainting, nausea or vomiting" The doctor sent Rainbow Dash a harsh look.

"Okay okay doc, thanks again, hopefully yah won't see me for a while" With that last bit said, Rainbow Dash, with her head bandaged, left the hospital with Twilight.

"So, Twilight...what was the whole thing with that fox?" Now out of the hospital and nothing wrong, Rainbow Dash thought now would be the best time to ask.

"His name is Kurama, he's and ancient and primordial being older than all of Equestria that was asleep under Canterlot, despite him being much bigger than the actual city. He was originally here in an attempt to re-connect him with any form of society but he's far too violent to be left around so I'm going to send Princess Celestia a letter to see if she will allow us to use the Elements of Harmony on him to try and put him back to sleep, He's too dangerous to be allowed to roam....I mean, look what he did to you!" Twilight gestured with a hoof towards Rainbow Dash's head.

"Well...I guess I’m lucky he was so nice then" Rainbow Dash replied, looking down at the floor.

"NICE? Rainbow, he smashed you to the ground and injured your head! How can you call him nice after that?!" Twilight was shocked," Maybe we need to get you diagnosed by the doctor you're obviously not thinking straight"

"Not thinking straight? Twi, if what you said is true I'm lucky to be alive, he could have easily crushed me or some other magic powerful thing that he knows, he probably does know magic because all old things know magic, but instead he threw me to the ground, I dunno, relatively gently?" Rainbow Dash shook her head before looking at Twilight with a confused look in her pink eyes "I would have thought you realised this?"

Twilight could only stare, mouth agape in shock.

"N-no I didn't...I just saw that you were hurt, and I got so angry that I sorta...snapped...oh no Kurama what have I done..."

"Oh Darlings?" A new, prim and proper female voice called out to them.

"Hi Rar, what’s up?" Rainbow Dash replied in Twilights stead, for she was still thinking.

"Oh, not much, I was simply wondering if either of you had seen Sweetie Belle, last I saw of her she was with Applebloom and Scootaloo going on another of their silly adventures but that was hours ago, and I am starting to get slightly worried" True to her word, Rarity's usually well taken care of mane of royal purple was semi frazzled, stray strands sticking out.

"Sorry Rarity, I haven't seen any of those three at all toda-"

"IT'S A DOOZY" A high pitched voice squeaked out from around the corner, which was soon revealed to be Applejack, Fluttershy and a rapidly twitching Pinkie Pie.

"Twi, thank Celestia we found yah, Pinkie here was round mine to give me ah invitation for some welcoming pardy when all of a sudden she started twitching mighty fierce, and on mah way here we met up with Flutter's and came straight to you" Applejack explained, wiping her head with a hoof.

"Another doozy? Pinkie do you have a feeling about where it is?" Twilight asked with slight worry on her face, last time this happened they all had to escape from a hydra.

"Y-y-u-u-u-p i-t f-f-f-e-e" All of a sudden, Pinkie Pie stopped vibrating and talking, her mane and tail losing any form of poofyness it was usually associated with and her eyes losing any kind of shine they had, “Oh....oh no...."

"Pinkie? are you okay?" Rainbow Dash shot forwards, hovering around Pinkie Pie, "What does this one mean?"

"It... It means something terrible will happen...it means....somepony's gunna get really really badly hurt" Pinkie Pie said slowly, all emotion lost from her voice.

"Who could it be that gets hurt?" Fluttershy's soft voice cut through the silence, her caring nature shining through.

Twilight stood there thinking deeply, ideas rapidly being created then shot down.

'Somepony gets hurt bad...Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle missing for the past few hours....a doozy...' Suddenly the dots all connected.

"Oh no...Not them..."

Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are all slowly backing away from the large Manticore in front of them, not turning their backs to it.

"D-d-don't worry girls, as long as we keep an eye on it we know when to get out of the way" Scootaloo stuttered, her small wings fluttering nervously.

"Y-y-yeah, and if it gets too close, ah can give it a good buck on the nose, just like A-Applejack" Applebloom added, red bow shaking slightly as she walked backwards.

"I-I-I can use some m-magic to scare it if it comes to that...I think" Sweetie Belle whispered, small sparks spluttering from her horn.

"We're gunna be a-okay and nothi-Oh no" Scootaloo tried to say but stopped as she backed into something, glancing quickly over her shoulder she noticed that the manticore had slowly but steadily backed them into a dead end with high mountain walls on either side of them, the only way out being where the snarling manticore stood.

"S-s-shoot, it cornered us" Applebloom pointed out, her own back against the rock wall as well.

The snarling manticore stopped, staring at its prey, licking its lips with a large tongue, flexing its wings outwards slightly and manipulating its stinger so that the faint sunlight that cut through the foliage of the trees shone on the gleaming liquid toxins that were being produced by it.

Neither predator nor prey noticed shining red eyes watching from the side lines.

'Hm, so this is the way of the world, glad to see it hasn't changed all that much' Kurama watched the large hybrid creature corner the three small ponies, eyes jumping around the area, 'There doesn't seem to be any adults nearby who can stop it in time, those three are as good as dead' Kurama smiled darkly, but not long after the idea to save them popped into his head, but he quickly shook it out, 'What am I thinking? Save them? I am not some hero for a couple of animals', but the traitorous voice in his head kicked in once more.

'They're just children, they do not deserve to die so young' Kurama shook his head, snarling slightly to himself

'So what, I've watched children die, I'm sure I'm also the cause of thousands of children’s deaths as well', The voice didn't reply to that and so with his mind made up, Kurama turned away from the slaughter waiting to happen and sauntered back into the forest.

"G-g-girls..." A trembling voice made him stop, an ear swivelling around, “I’m so...so sorry this is all my fault...I-I want you to know I love you two, you are my family but-" The trembling voice cracked, a small choked sob escaping into the air," I-I don't want to die..." The sobbing was coming strong, all three of the small ponies crying, scared of the encroaching doom as the smell of tears hit Kurama's sensitive nose.

The Beast lunged forward and claws like razor blades sliced into flesh...

Fresh blood was finally spilt on Everfree soil.

Author's Note:

Heyyy....so yeah....please don't hate me XD

I had this idea and i think its gunna be a good one...sooo....leave a comment down below and tell me what you think
