• Published 29th Mar 2016
  • 13,165 Views, 288 Comments

Nine Tales Of Equestria - Natural Disaster

Twilight Sparkle is given permission to explore the Canterlot Caves after the invasion but, while inside, she discovers an ancient and primordial being, an literal force of nature, a creature said to be over a million years old...and it's now awake

  • ...

On The Path, The Pink Flash And A Rude Awakening To Reality

"So..hehe.... Kurama, while we're walking how about you tell me a bit more about yourself?" Twilight, ever the inquisitive mare, asked hoping to get some more information about just what exactly she was dealing with, even if the mere idea of the huge amount of knowledge which the immortal being beside her must have was making her slightly drool.

Kurama, who had previously been focused on the path which they were on, slightly flicked one of his tails at a fly which had been getting far too curious for his liking, sending a small but concentrated burst of chakra into its small body, liquefying the insides of the insect and sending it to the ground to slightly smoulder.

"No, you do not deserve the knowledge of myself, only one other person has managed to earn that right and you are nowhere close to being on the same level as that man," Kurama stated, eyes not once leaving the hoof imprinted dirt they were walking on.

Twilight sighed, her eyes drifting back forwards to stare at the winding road. 'I guess it was too much to hope for'

Kurama simply sighed and extended his senses around, taking in all his surroundings and committing it to memory before he realized there was a huge amount of what seemed like natural chakra just loitering around.

'How did I not realize that was there...it seems to be a forest that is just saturated...an interesting discovery I wonder if-wait, what's that?'

What had stopped Kurama from his musing was a large amount of energy that was so sweet it was sickening, and it was moving fast towards their location.

With a slight growl, Kurama stopped and stared at where it was coming from while Twilight stared at him in shock.

"Kurama, are you okay?" Twilight seemed somewhat worried, wondering what could make Kurama

"Silence, something's coming"

Kurama watched as a blur entered his view and he waited, letting it get closer.



With a great crash, one of Kurama's tails pierced the ground in front of the pink blur, creating a large cloud of dirt and debris but to his astonishment, it swerved around the attack and continued its path to him. More tails joined the assault, smashing or stabbing into the ground repeatedly but the blur dodged around each attack and before he knew it all nine of his tails were stabbed into the ground.

Kurama was getting annoyed at this repeated failure which made his eyes start to glow an eerie red and he decided to stop holding back. With a grunt of exertion, Kurama's body glowed with chakra and his form increased, going from Celestia-sized to almost seven times as big, though still small compared to his true form. Kurama's tails, now much longer and thicker, pulled back, creating great trenches in the earth that flung up large pieces of the road, finally catching the blur in their grip.

Kurama smiled, glad to have finally caught the nuisance.

"WOWZERS THAT WAS FUN" An obnoxious and extremely loud voice shouted from atop his head.


With a twist of his head, Kurama flung whatever was on his head slightly in the air and attempted to catch it in his maw with a great snap.

"HEY THAT WASN'T VERY NICE, YOU SHOULDN'T TRY TO EAT PONIES!" The voice once again screamed at him, this time from atop one of his tails. He turned his head to stare at it, revealing the blur to be a small bright pink pony.

"What....what are you?" Kurama could not hide his shock at this small pony, no, small creature that had managed to escape his grasp and now stood on him.

"Silly, I'm a pony, of course, and-OH HEY YOU CAN TALK!" With this, the creature almost seemed to vibrate in place.


Kurama slowly turned his large head towards the lilac mare which stood at the side of the decimated road.


Twilight could only sigh, the ensuing explanation would be fun.

Kurama stared at the peaceful cottage in the distance with disdain.

"This is the place your friend lives?" A vulpine head swivels to look at Twilight.

"Yes, her name is Fluttershy and she is the absolute kindest and most innocent pony in all of Ponyville, she loves to take care of any animal, predator or prey" The purple mare replied, thinking back to their previous conversation.

"And they don't attempt to devour one another?" The kitsune asked, wondering how creatures that would usually devour another would be happy at all to be around prey and not want to eat it.

"No, why would they?" The confused pony replied, with a single eyebrow raised.

"No reason, it just seems things are much more...different from my time than I had expected" Kurama turned back to the cottage that was approaching

"Well of course, it has to of been hundreds of thousands of years since you were last awake I guess, especially since there is no record of you in any of our history books" Twilight informed the large fox, a knowledgeable smile on her face, but Kurama didn't reply, he simply stared ahead with a look of deep concentration on his muzzle.

'I suppose it is possible for the creatures of the world to have evolved some form of sentience in the time I’ve slept but for them to be able to determine a certain plot of land as a neutral zone seems highly unlikely...I’m missing something here, something integral' The Bijū was shot out of his thoughts when suddenly Twilight shouted.

"Fluttershy! Could you come out I’ve got somepony for you to meet!"

Kurama shot a glare towards the purple mare.

"If you have that magic you're so proud of why don't you use it to get your friends attention instead of causing me to become deaf" The fox snarled.

Twilight smiled sheepishly, however before she could apologise a yellow and pink blur zoomed by her.

"Ohmygosh you're such a handsome fox, your furs so well looked after, and your colouring is so unique, I’ve never seen something quite like it and you're huge" The blur turned out to be a small pegasus who was hovering around Kurama preening him with compliments.

"Well, at least someone can notice greatness" Kurama flared himself out, tails swirling behind him

Fluttershy's eyes slowly widened as the dots connected.

"You....you...you can....talk? EEEEEEP" The yellow mare zoomed off, shrinking herself behind Twilight, who simply sighed, looked and Fluttershy and shook her head.

"Fluttershy, this is Kurama, he's a....um...an acquaintance of Princess Celestia and she has tasked me with introducing him to ponies from Ponyville, he doesn't really see eye to eye with many ponies and I thought it would be best if I introduced him to our friends first" with that said, Twilight beamed at Fluttershy who slowly started to stand up and move to the side of the purple mare.

"H...hi I'm Fluttershy and...I take care of all the animals around here and sometimes even the Everfree Forest " The young mare slowly said, staring at Kurama with wide eyes, "What exactly...are you? I-I-I mean I know almost every species, but I've never seen a fox as large as you!"

Kurama gave a knowing glance over towards Twilight.

"I am a Bijuu, and I should hope you've never seen a fox as large as me, that would mean I'd need to show them their place" With that said, the large fox shot a toothy grin towards the pony while unfurling his tails.

I stood at the window chewing on my food slightly, not really feeling hungry, until I caught a horrifying image from the corner of my eye. The stupid mare was facing off against another predator and this time it was not going well for her as the monstrous red beast got ready for a lunge, teeth bared towards her!

With a glare, I brandished my weapon, knowing I wouldn't be able to kill the beast but I at least could give that mare and her friend time to run. With a burst of energy to my legs, I shot forwards, flying through the air aiming at the large red eye of the beast. A grin blossomed on my face, it was about time I became useful.

A white blur caught Kurama's eye, quickly coming closer towards his face.

'What...is that?' Kurama didn't move, simply staring even as the white blur was caught in a purple field only to be revealed as a small white bunny wielding a jagged carrot as a weapon, swinging it towards him, 'Wait a minute...I sense something coming from this creature'

"Angel! What do you think you're doing!" Fluttershy, well she didn't shout but she was mildly louder than usual, as she stared at the wildly gesturing bunny, "I don't care what your reason is, apologise to Mr Kurama now!"

The small white bunny simply looked towards Kurama before once again attempting to take out his eye with the jagged carrot.

'Now I get it, this place is finally starting to make sense' Kurama's grin slowly widened, even as he slowly started to laugh.

"Um, Kurama...are...are you okay?" Twilight was honestly worried, Kurama hadn't laughed once while he was around her and for him to do so now was creepy.

"The Summon Realm! That’s why this place constantly feels weird, that's why the creatures of this land were able to make this place a neutral area, because obviously during the time I was asleep something had happened that made the Summon Realm mix with the current land which has made it so all the creatures are sentient to a certain amount" Kurama couldn't help but reveal this information, this had been bothering him for so long since he awoke and sensed the new world.

"Okay...what is the Summon Realm?" Twilight asked as she floated Angel towards Fluttershy.

Kurama glanced over to the mare, teeth bared in a grin and tails swirling behind him.

"Well Twilight, wouldn't you like to know"

"That’s why I asked you Kura-"


Kurama leaped back as a blur smashed into the ground where he was stood before.

'Why do I keep being attacked today...' Kurama could only sigh, as he stared at the now revealed cyan pegasus with-'Is that rainbow hair?'

"Don't worry Twilight, as the fastest flyer in Equestria, I'll take care of this in 10 seconds flat" With that said, the rainbow haired mare dashed off into the air, swerving around Kurama before zooming to smash into his side.

Kurama grinned and leaping upwards and over the blur, elongating one of his tails as he lands. The blur once more curves around, aiming towards Kurama, however this time his elongated tail shoots out, smashing into the blur and entrapping it in the red fur which then slowly dragged its captive towards Kurama.

"Fastest flyer in Equestria? I've fought children who can run faster than you" The grin on Kurama's face grew as his eyes glowed subtly red, "Your speed...is subpar" With that said, Kurama tossed the limp pegasus away, watching as she smashed into the ground by Twilight, who had been frozen is shock at how fast the situation was dealt with.

"KURAMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Twilight shouted as she shot over to the cyan mare who was slowly moving up, revealing the blood that was streaming down her face from the mess of a mane she had, "Rainbow Dash oh my gosh are you okay can you hear me?"

"Urgh....Twi? My head hurts...bad" The now named Rainbow Dash mumbled.

"Its fine you're gunna be okay, we'll just have to get you to the hospital okay?" Fluttershy said, her caring nature quickly taking over as she fluttered over the cyan mare, then quickly turning towards Kurama with anger in her eyes, "And you! How dare you attack Rainbow Dash like that, imagine if you did even worse damage!"

"How dare I attack her? I’m not sure if you're blind or just stupid but that mare attacked me first, as pathetic as she was" Kurama spluttered, anger appearing on his vulpine face as well as he subtly grew in size.

"It doesn't matter if she attacked first! You could have just talked to her and made her realised you were nice when you grabbed her, but instead you smashed her into the ground!" Fluttershy shouted, flying right into Kurama's face and staring at him with big eyes full of anger, "I want you to apologise to her right now and then help take her to the hospital!"

'Is this supposed to be intimidating?' Kurama thought before lunging forward and snapping his teeth right in Fluttershy's face, making her freeze up in fear.

"Made her realise I was nice? Just to let you know I am not nice and never will be nice, you are hypocritical and pathetic, I thought the inhabitants of this world had changed how they acted as well as how they looked, but it seemed I was wrong." With that said, Kurama tore off towards the distant forest, form steadily growing larger as he picked up speed.

Fluttershy slowly looked over to Twilight, who had summoned bandages and wrapped them around Rainbow Dash's head and was staring at Kurama's fleeting form.

"Twilight...my....my stare didn't work" Twilight could only sigh as she glared into the ground.

"Its fine Fluttershy, we need to get Rainbow to the hospital, I'll deal with him later"

"Are yah sure bout this Scoots?" The bow wearing yellow filly asked.

"Of course I am Applebloom, just image how amazing it would be to have such cool cutiemark?" The orange pegasus filly replied.

"But isn't this kind of extreme, even for us?" The white unicorn filly piped up.

"Oh come on Sweetie Belle, how often do we get to do stuff like this? come on...for me?"

"Urgh...fine" Scootaloo cheered, throwing one of her hoofs up as her small wings fluttered

"CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS MONSTER HUNTERS YAY!" The three fillies sprinted off into the looming Everfree Forest, laughing and cheering, not knowing what awaits them.

Author's Note:

Oh...hey guys...hehe...long time no see I guess, okay I know I promised updates but I was in a seriously bad state for the past year, on anti-depressants and all that shit as well as suicidal thoughts, it was only through the help of my best friend (who is sat next to me as I write some of this chapter, helping me with ideas, bless her) that I’m still actually alive today, so...um...I guess I could say I’m back but dunno if I can 100% complete this story how it was going...like now as I read through it I kinda hate the OC's I included XD so they probably won't be used anymore and I can't remember where I was going with this...other than that...I might write here every so often...so....comment what you think about it and what should be improved....I still love the fact that so many people loved this story and I’ve seen messages for more now that I’m on finally.

(Update) Another thing which has kept me going is as off....Tuesday 17th of July 2018 i am the godfather of the most adorable kid called Kayden whom i now have to stay alive to be a good role model and to spoil the shit out of him when hes older muhahahaha