• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,456 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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60. Outcasts - Part 3

It was a stare off between Summershine and the five ponies who called themselves the Outcasts. One against five. One hooded Pony against the previous Captain of the Royal Guards, the previous leader of the Storm Wings, a carefree Changeling, a swift thief, and a little innocent stallion.

“I will free the Princesses,” Summershine said determined while he looked straight into Fade's eyes.

“Do you?” Fade bluntly replied. “I think you are overestimating yourself a little if you think that you can take all of us on,” Fade pointed out, reminding Summershine that it is still five against one.

“Careful, Fade,” Mystic added concerned. “This one is not to be underestimated,” Mystic remembered again.

Fade had to admit, that he grew a little more cautious after hearing Mystic saying that. Normally, Mystic would never admit something like that, meaning that the situation was not to be taken lightly now.
“Rosa, Tagma,” Fade said, causing the two of them to join the two Unicorns.

“Understood, there is no way that he will get past us!” Rosa said determined as she stood ready for battle.

“Oh! I got an idea!” Tagma said out of the blue before he transformed into Summershine as well.
“If I transform myself into him, then he wouldn't know who to attack,” he explained as he laughed a little proudly to come up with this plan.

“Yes, he would!” Rosa exclaimed annoyed. “He is the real one! So of course, he would know that he just had to attack another one who looks like him!” She added as she pointed out the flaw in Tagma's plan.

The Changeling quickly turned back to his Pegasus form and made a puzzled face. “Oh, yeah!” He said before he giggled in embarrassment. “Sorry, forgot that,” he added as he rubbed his neck embarrassed.

Suddenly, just like before, growls and roars could be heard from the corners of the room. It was Wildheart's animal friends, that quickly walked closer towards the hooded Pony. Wildheart must have set up his friends so that they would surround any attackers, in a case for a situation like this.

“Well, looks like we don't even have to do anything,” Rosa said smugly as she loosened up again.

“Good job, Wildheart!” Tagma praised, causing Wildheart to only nod as a reply.

Summershine, however, did not seem to realize that he was surrounded by those animals since he looked up to the Princesses, who were trapped in those dark orbs. He made a worried face after watching the two being trapped in dark magic, sitting inside those orbs almost lifeless.

“Don't worry, your majesties...” he said before his eyes turned towards his enemies again, forming a determined expression on his face.
“I will get you out of there!”

The animals seemed to feel the change inside of Summershine and instinctively charged towards him as if they could feel that Summershine was about to attack.

Summershine didn't move a muscle or neither did he show any worry, despite being attacked by multiple wild animals at once. There was no way that he could dodge out of the way because there were just too many animals. This fearless expression almost worried his opponent who were just waiting for Summershine to be attacked and defeated by the animals.

But they were surprised by what they saw next...

The animals backed up after Summershine made his move, without moving from his spot. His opponents were shocked and surprised by what they saw happening in front of them.
A wall of fire was surrounding Summershine, protecting himself from the animals, who didn't dare to come any closer to him.

“Fire?” Fade said confused.

“I didn't know you could create fire out of nothing with magic!” Tagma said in awe of Summershine's “magic”

“That's because you can't...at least not like that!” Mystic informed bitterly.

The animals were too afraid of the fire and actually ran away from fear and leaving Summershine in peace. After that, Summershine charged straight towards the group to which Tagma and Rosa quickly charged towards him as well. Suddenly, Summershine covered himself in aura made out of fire, startling Tagma and Rosa who kept running towards Summershine.

“Get away from him!” Fade then screamed to the two.

They both realized as well, that they couldn't get close to him like that and dodged to the side, barely getting out of the way of the literal burning pony in front of them. Fade and Mystic both placed themselves in front of the throne and stood ready to defend it at all costs. They focused their magic and were ready to fire at any moment, shooting Summershine before he would get too close to them to get burned by his fire.

Fade and Mystic shot towards Summershine but the hooded pony teleported away in time, disappearing out of the sight of the two Unicorns. It took them only a second to realize that Summershine now stood right between the two, causing both of them to get caught off guard. Summershine then released a spell around him that caused the two Unicorns to be pushed away. It hardly did any damage to either of them and only pushed them away but now Summershine was directly in front of the two orbs that trapped Princess Celestia and Luna.

Fade and Mystic got up again and felt a little dizzy after the attack, preventing them to stop Summershine in time.

“Oh no! He is trying to get them out!” Tagma said in a panic as he looked over to the throne.

“Now what!?” Mystic asked Fade as he looked over to what Summershine was about to do next.

However, Fade only smirked and watched how Summershine tried to free the Princesses. As soon as Summershine tried to use magic against the two orbs, some magic came out of them and attacked Summershine, pushing him away from the throne a little.

“It's no use,” Fade said as he walked up towards Summershine. “The orbs in which those two are trapped in were created by Dark Magic. Ordinary magic will not be enough to free them,” he informed.

Summershine did give Fade an angered look after realizing how his attack from before was for nothing but he also kept looking at his option at this point. He eventually decided to use some more magic against the two orbs. Fade saw it as a frustrated act from Summershine's side and kept explaining the situation.
“Dark Magic is far more powerful than any other magic and can not be easily stopped like that. The only thing that could have might stop it were the Elements of Harmony, but I made sure that those were out of our way,” he said as he pointed at the Elements, who were not too far away in the same room, inside of a locked chest.

However, Summershine didn't seem to listen to Fade and continued to use magic against the two orbs, despite being attacked by their magic.

Fade could only shake his head, not because he mocked Summershine but rather because he felt like Summershine was simply wasting his time. It was not even needed to step in and stop the hooded pony because he was already attacked by the two orbs. It was only a matter of time until he would give in. “It's no use,” he said one more time.

But Summershine continued and didn't listen to Fade. Eventually, he dropped to his knees out of exhaustion and pain but not without keeping his magic going.

Mystic watched Summershine, still going at it and couldn't help but to get confused by it. “Why is he keep going?” He wondered as he watched Summershine and his attempt to free the Princesses.

Summershine seemed to feel more and more pain and exhaustion as time went on but he didn't stop. Then as he kept going, some kind of light started to surround Summershine. Fade and the rest of the group got confused by yet another surprise that Summershine was showing them. The light that surrounded Summershine, began to travel to his horn and was now surrounding the magic beam that he shot towards the dark orbs. The magic around the dark orb's began to literally crack, much to Fade's surprise. Before he knew it, he saw how Summershine managed to break out the two Princesses with the help of this strange light.

Summershine was showing some exhaustion after this action and turned around to face Fade and his group while Princess Celestia and Luna began to land on the ground, still unconscious.

“How? He managed to break my Dark Magic?” Fade said confused as he looked at Summershine, trying to figure out how in the world he managed to break his Dark Magic. “Who is he?” He wondered as he looked over to Summershine, preparing to pay him back for ruining his plan.

But before he could get his payback, Fade heard some hoof steps coming closer to the throne room.
Soon, the rest of the group began to hear some familiar voices drawing closer and closer. While this was definitely something that the group didn't look forward to dealing with, Fade only focused on Summershine so far.

The hooded pony heard the voices as well and began to smile, much to Fade's surprise. Summershine looked over to the princesses one more time and then turned around from the group. Needless to say, Fade realized that Summershine was about to leave. “Hey! You think you can just leave after messing everything up for us?” Fade said angrily.

Summershine turned around to Fade and gave him only some last advice before he was about to leave.
“I don't know what exactly happened to you...
But don't let yourself be consumed by hate...
Before you know it, there is no turning back...” He finished as he looked over o Mystic as well who only returned a glance.

Summershine then teleported away from the group and left them confused.

“Who was that?” Rosa asked.

“Forget him! We have bigger problems now!” Mystic reminded, hinting at the voices that echoed through the halls that came closer and closer to the throne room.

“Fade...what do?” Wildheart asked.

However, Fade didn't reply and seemed to be in deep thoughts what to do next. It was until he came up with a new attempt to trap the Princesses.
“You take care of Shining Armor and the others. I will resume the ritual,” Fade ordered as he walked up to the two Princesses.

“I thought, doing that ritual uses up too much magic,” Mystic pointed out. "You said that it's dangerous to use too much Dark Magic carelessly like that...”

Rosa, Tagma, and Wildheart seemed to be aware of that as well and grew concerned about it but they didn't stop Fade and got ready to do as he said and waited.

“Also...” Fade said, causing the group to look at him again. “If things get too dangerous...then escape, as soon as you have the chance,” he advised before he walked towards the Princesses again. However, the four seemed still confident to continue and wouldn't leave now even after Fade offered it to them.

Only a few moments later, the group was greeted by the ponies who entered the throne room, consisting of Star Twinkle, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor who all stood ready to confront Fade and his group, putting an end to his plan.

However, Star Twinkle and the others were surprised to see the Princesses out of the two orbs and free. “The Princesses are free? How did that happen?” Star Twinkle wondered.

“Don't worry about that,” Mystic interrupted as he stepped up to the group.

“Yeah, you have to deal with us after all,” Rosa joined in, stepping up as well.

Mystic, Tagma, Rosa, and Wildheart were forming a wall in front of Fade and the two Princesses and prevented the group from getting past them while Fade seemed to use some more Dark Magic in order to trap the Princesses again.

“We have to stop him before he traps Princess Celestia and Luna again!” Applejack said.

Both groups charged at each other and soon there was a huge crowd of ponies fighting against each other. Applejack and Rainbow Dash took care of Rosa and Wildheart, while Twilight quickly focused on Mystic. The rest was either more passive or helped the others in any other way.

Meanwhile, Fade already started to cast his two orbs to trap the Princesses again. Shining Armor was determined to not let anything like that happen. “I'll take care of Fade!” He said as he charged towards him.

Mystic noticed that and tried to stop him. “Oh no, you don't!” He said as he fired his magic towards Shining Armor. However, Twilight teleported in front of her brother and used a shield spell to protect him, much to his dislike. “You again?” He said as he clenched his teeth in anger, remembering the last encounter with Twilight.

Shining Armor fired his magic towards Fade as he charged towards him, forcing Fade to shield himself and stopping his progress to trap the Princesses. He managed to trap them once more, but the orbs they were in looked a little more unstable than before, though it was enough to keep them inside. “It seems like I have to deal with you first,” Fade said displeased as he turned around to face Shining Armor.

“This doesn't have to end like this!” Shining Armor exclaimed, looking at what his friend has become now. “Stop this now, Fade!” He once again pleads.

Fade was not been affected by Shining Armor's words and replied unimpressed. “Stay out of my way, Shining Armor,”

“No, I won't!” Shining Armor replied, determined to not back away this time. “I don't know why you insisting of creating this new world but hurting the Princesses like that is unforgivable!” He said, speaking as a true Captain of the Royal Guards.

“Sacrifices have to be made, in order to create a new world...” Fade replied, still unshaken by Shining Armor's words.

“And what do you expect this world to look like?” Shining Armor questioned. “What does this new world that you are trying to create, give you that it's worth to take away our current one?”

To that, Fade, for the first time began to put more emotions into his answer. He narrowed his eyes in anger, probably because he was sick of all those questions and didn't want to talk about this subject anymore. Still, he gave Shining Armor the answer that he was asking for. “It will give me back what was most important to me...” Fade replied a little angered losing his calm within this conversation. He took a deep breath in order to collect himself again. “I can bring them back, in this new world. There I can live happily with them...” he finished while he formed a smile on his face filled with happiness just thinking about that.

Shining Armor suddenly realized something, making him stagger for a second. “You mean...”

Meanwhile, the battle between the rest of the group was in full motion. Twilight was doing a good job holding Mystic off while the rest kept Tagma, Rosa and Wildheart busy which was actually pretty easy since, Tagma was really passive and Wildheart was too young to fight the group, leaving only Rosa, who could barely keep up with ponies like Star Twinkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“We'll get you now!” Applejack said, being fully aware that the situation was under her and her friends control now.

“Yeah! Give up now! There is no way that you can win!” Rainbow Dash said confidently that the fight was already over. “You never stood a chance against us anyway,”

“Except when you had all those animals on your side,” Pinkie Pie added, making Rainbow Dash roll her eyes in annoyance of that needless addition.

Star Twinkle was not sure if he was of much help and rather kept his eyes on either Mystic or Fade. Those two, however, were already occupied by Twilight and Shining Armor. At the same time, the Princesses have already trapped again but Star Twinkle knew that it was a little more chaotic this time around. Realizing that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were more than enough to hold Rosa, Tagma and Wildheart off, Star Twinkle had an idea in mind to save the Princesses.
“You think you can hold them off a bit?” Star Twinkle asked.

Suddenly, Rarity showed up in the background. “Of course we can!” She exclaimed, answering in place of Applejack and Rainbow Dash who did most of the fighting. But the two mares gave him a heads up as well and hinted that they would help Star Twinkle with this plan.

Star Twinkle then charged towards the Princesses which meant that he had to go past Mystic and Fade before that.
“Right now, I have the chance to free the Princesses while everypony else is being stopped by my friends. I have to use this chance now!” He thought to himself as he charged towards Princess Celestia and Luna.

As planned, Applejack and Rainbow Dash now also with a little help of Pinkie Pie and Rarity, Tagma, Rosa and Wildheart were not able to stop Star Twinkle.

His action, however, was not unnoticed by Mystic who instantly tried to fire a magic beam towards him but fortunately Twilight shot at him, making him jump away and unable to concentrate on Star Twinkle.

With four ponies out of his way, there was only Fade left on his way who was busy taking care of Shining Armor.

Shining Armor noticed Star Twinkle charging towards the Princesses. “Star Twinkle?” Shining Armor said confused by Star Twinkle's sudden action. He picked up on Star Twinkle's plan and tried to support him the best he could.

Fade, however, did not bother to stop Star Twinkle, knowing that a normal Earth-Pony would not be able to free the two Princesses.

Star Twinkle stopped in front of them and transformed into his Unicorn form in order to fire his magic against the Dark Orbs, hoping that this would be enough to free Princess Celestia and Luna.

Needless to say, Fade was heavily surprised to see the Earth-Pony grow a horn on his head. “What!? Why has he a horn all of the sudden?” He wondered before he calmed down again and realized that it was still not enough to stop his plan. “Doesn't matter. There is still no way for him to break through my Dark Magic,” he said to himself confidently before he turned towards Shining Armor again.

Shining Armor, however, grinned back at those words. “Don't be too sure, Fade,” he said confidently, causing Fade to raise an eyebrow out of confusion. “You may be surprised by what this pony is capable of,” he added, fully trusting Star Twinkle to save the Princesses.

Star Twinkle wasted no longer any time and focused his magic to fire a shot at the two Dark Orbs. As expected, it was a lot harder to free them than he thought. Not only that, but he also got attacked by Dark Magic that came from the orbs, making Star Twinkle drop on his knees while he continued to use his magic against the two orbs.
“This is really painful!” Star Twinkle thought feeling nothing but pain in his body.

“That hooded pony from before might have been able to break through my magic for some reason, but this one is not nearly as strong as him. Neither does he possess this strange magic that the hooded pony used,” Fade said to himself.

The battle between Shining Armor and Fade was at a stop for now. Both of them waited for Star Twinkle to either succeed or fail in his attempt to save the Princesses. Twilight and Mystic stopped their battle as well, to see how things would play out. And even the rest of the ponies inside of the throne room watched Star Twinkle patiently to see what would happen next.

It was no longer a regular battle. It was more a mental battle at this point. If Star Twinkle would succeed, then the motivation of Fade's group would shrink, knowing that Fade probably couldn't trap the Princesses again because it would use too much magic. And if Star Twinkle would fail, then his friends would have to continue the battle while also having a close eye on him because he was in danger at that moment.

“As long as he doesn't use that strange magic that your hooded friend used, there is no way that he can break through,” Mystic said towards Twilight, making her wonder a little after hearing the term “hooded friend”.

“Come on! You can do it, Star Twinkle!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Hey, what do we do if he breaks those orbs too?” Tagma asked Rosa a little nervous.

“I don't think Fade will be able to trap the Princesses one more time,” Rosa replied a little worriedly.

Twilight watched Star Twinkle as well and prayed that he would be okay. “Star Twinkle...”

Star Twinkle could literally feel how his friends put their trust into him. And he was not ready to let them all down. He tried to ignore all the pain inside of him and continued to focus his magic towards the orbs. All this time, his thoughts made him keep going.
“Those ponies...
They try so hard to either destroy this world or create a new one where they all could be happy...
I don't want that!
I don't want to give up on this world!
Maybe I would have agreed with them a little while ago, where I didn't care about anything in this world, except myself.
I'm here now. Not because I abandoned this world. But because I put my trust into it. Just like the trust that they put into me.
But Fade and his group...I don't know what happened to all of them but...I want them to see how important this world is to me. And that it's not too late for them to believe in it as well!”

Every pair of eyes was still focused on Star Twinkle and how the situation would end.
“It's no use...” Fade said quietly while he watched Star Twinkle's attempt of stopping him. But his serious and confident expression changed, once he saw a difference in Star Twinkle, making his eyes widen in surprise.

A bright light emerged from inside of Star Twinkle and formed five balls of light that circled around him. Star Twinkle had his eyes closed out of concentration and didn't seem to notice what happened but he kept going on ignoring everything around him that could happen. The five balls vanished inside of his horn, making the light wander towards the Dark Orbs. After the light around Star Twinkle's magic touched the Dark Orbs, the two orbs began to crack.

“No...” Fade said quietly in shock, realizing what would happen next after he saw the exact same thing with Summershine as well.

The Dark Orbs shattered and Princess Celestia and Luna slowly dropped to the ground in front of Star Twinkle, making him only just now realize what happened.
“I did it...” he said almost in disbelieve seeing the two Princesses out of the orbs in front of him.

But not only, Star Twinkle looked in disbelieve. The rest of Fade's group looked at what just happened and were shocked as well. Rosa even dropped on her knees, indicating that she was giving up now, causing Wildheart to put one hoof on her shoulder to comfort her while frowning at her sight. Tagma, while being sad as well, didn't seem to look too upset and kept quiet in his sadness.

Mystic on the other hoof looked more angered than upset as if he blamed Fade for this outcome. “Who are you ponies?” He asked Twilight, causing her to focus on him instead of Star Twinkle. “Him and this hooded pony...they are not ordinary ponies...” He said as his eyes focused on Star Twinkle while Twilight was thinking about what exactly he meant with that.

Star Twinkle was breathing heavily in exhaustion and didn't really realized at first how Fade was slowly walking towards him. Star Twinkle readied himself for an attack but then noticed how shattered Fade's expression was, making him stop focusing his magic. Fade didn't even look at Star Twinkle and only focused his eyes on the Princesses as if he tried to do something to them.

“Is he about to...” Star Twinkle wondered as he began to walk towards the Princesses to use a teleportation spell on them. “He is trying his ritual again...I have to teleport the Princesses away from here!” He thought as he focused his magic on them. “Come on! Imagine yourself way from here!” He thought, remembering Twilight's instructions on how to use this spell again. He was not sure if he was even able to teleport other ponies away but he had to try anyway in order to save the Princesses.

Star Twinkle could see how Fade began focusing some magic in his horn, ready to summon the Dark Orbs again but Star Twinkle was way too exhausted to do another spell and felt how he was at his limit. “I don't have any magic left... can't do it...”

Suddenly a hoof was placed on his shoulder, making Star Twinkle sent chills down on his back, knowing that Fade was this close now. However, when he turned his head, he realized how he was greeted by a gentle smile from Twilight. “Good job, Star Twinkle,” she said before she took over and teleported herself, Star Twinkle and the two Princesses away and in front of the entrance of the throne room, behind the rest of her friends.

Mystic was caught by surprise that Twilight teleported away from him while he focused his sight on Star Twinkle, angering him even more until Tagma appeared next to him. “What now? Are we keep going on? I don't think we can win since they all trying to stop us at the last second,” Tagma pointed.

As much as Mystic hated to admit it, Tagma was right on this one. He looked towards Fade, who kept walking towards the throne slowly as if he didn't realize that the Princesses were already gone. “Did he gave up as well?” Mystic said annoyed, judging from Fade's behavior.

Meanwhile, Star Twinkle and Twilight were joined by the rest of their friends as well as Shining Armor. “Are they alright?” Fluttershy asked out of worry for the two Princesses.

“They are still unconscious but I think they are unharmed,” Twilight assured, making the rest of the group feel a little better.

Still, the danger was not completely avoided since Fade and his group was still up, though it was now unsure what was going to happen next. Fade was the one who was in a more leader-like position of this group so with him being shattered like that, the rest was hesitating to do anything for now.

After Fade, walked up the stairs in front of the throne, he stopped in his way and stood there silently. There was a silence. And Fade was the quietest one in the room. He didn't even move an inch and seemed almost lifeless.

“What's up with him? He somehow feels a little different,” Star Twinkle wondered as he watched Fade, not even turning around to anyone, despite the fact that his ritual was ruined. It was almost scary to look at him, not saying anything at all.
“I have a really bad feeling...” Star Twinkle thought as he practically felt like as if something really bad was about to happen.

Finally, Fade slowly turned around his head while talking to anypony else. “I see it now...” he said as he continued to turn his head around.
“Him and this other pony...The kind of power that is inside of them...
As long as they have this power, there is only one thing left for me to do...” he continued until he finally turned around completely focusing his eyes directly at Star Twinkle with a cold and serious expression on his face, that send down shivers on Star Twinkle's back.
“I must eliminate you,” he said in a threatening and bitter tone in his voice.

Suddenly, Fade surrounded himself in a dark black aura that slowly became bigger by the second. Of course, everypony in the room instantly noticed what that was and got a really bad feeling about what was happening next.

“Dark Magic...” Star Twinkle said nervously.

“Here he comes!” Twilight announced, prompting everypony to be on their guard for an incoming attack.

The aura around Fade became thicker and eventually, became more solid before it came flying towards everypony in form of a mass of darkness.

Despite, it being targeted mainly towards Star Twinkle, the darkness was also coming towards Fade's group, who were closer to his attack, forcing them to dodge out of the way. Rosa grabbed Wildheart and jumped out of the way while Mystic and Tagma jumped out of the way.

Twilight and Shining Armor both created a shield spell in front of everypony else to protect them from Fade's magic. It was barely enough to protect them but only because Fade was further away now and his magic was most likely getting weaker the further the distance was it traveled. If he would have used that spell a little closer, then there was no telling if that shield would have stayed up.
However, exactly that was happening now. Fade came closer to the group and prepared another spell to fire at everypony.

Rosa was making sure that Wildheart was okay and placed him in the corner on the other side of the room. “You stay here! I think things are getting a little too dangerous here,”

“Fade...attacked...friends?” Wildheart asked with a frown on his face.

Rosa couldn't give an answer to that because she was not sure how things were about to continue from this point on.

Meanwhile, Mystic and Tagma got back up as well, confused by Fade's sudden attack,
“Is he going crazy now?” Mystic said angrily as he looked at Fade. “We better stay out of his range of fire,” he advised as he turned towards Tagma.

“Yeah, about that...I'm out...” Tagma said casually with a nervous smile on his face.

Mystic was not happy to hear that but he didn't seem to be angry at Tagma and didn't even blamed him for trying to leave. Mystic didn't answer and just looked at him as if he wanted to say that he understood. Tagma took advantage of the confusion in the room and then attempted to fly out of the window of the castle. However, Rainbow Dash noticed how he tried to escape and followed him in order to stop the Changeling but she was stopped by a magic beam that was fired at her. After she dodged it and looked at where it came from, she saw Mystic looking at her with a serious expression on his face.

Rosa looked how Tagma escaped as well and could only shake her head in disappointment. “He really left...can't really blame him. If I had wings, then I would probably get out of here as well,” she admitted while she tried to protect Wildheart at the same time.

Despite the number of enemies, that wanted to continue the fight, getting smaller and smaller, the main threats were still around. However, Fade seemed to be the only one who was now actively fighting at this moment.

Fade attacked one more time again and fired his dark Magic towards the group, forcing Twilight and Shining Armor to raise a shield again, that barely protected them from Fade's magic again, making the group feel a little helpless at the moment.
“We can't just stand here and let him attack us all the time. We need to attack back!” Shining Armor suggested.

“But his Dark Magic is far too strong!” Twilight pointed out. “If we just had the Elements of Harmony on our side...”

“There are over there!” Star Twinkle said as he pointed towards a chest on the other side of the room. But the group looked at him in disbelieve and wondered how he knew that.
“I don't know why but...I feel like something is telling me that they are over there...” he explained even though he was really unsure of it himself.

“I say after freeing the Princesses, on his own, we should trust him on that too,” Rarity pointed out.

The others soon agreed to that and decided to give Star Twinkle's instincts a try.

“We still have to get there though,” Applejack pointed out, reminding everypony of the situation they were in now.

But luckily, Shining Armor came up with an idea how to deal with the situation. “He can't focus his magic at all of us so if we split up then one of us should be able to reach that chest,” he suggested.

Seeing how Fade already focused his magic again, they quickly agreed to the plan and scattered all over the room to confuse Fade. All this time, Star Twinkle was wishing that his next attack would not get too close to him. Unfortunately, Fade's eyes seemed to be glued to Star Twinkle with an angry expression on his face. It was not until long, till Fade shot his next attack towards him in form of a massive ball of darkness that he threw towards Star Twinkle. Luckily, Rainbow Dash picked him up in time and pushed out of the way. The ball of darkness exploded in a big explosion that managed to throw both of the ponies across of the room because of the impact, even though they were relatively far away from the impact.

“Are you alright?” Rainbow Dash asked worried about Star Twinkle.

“I'm fine...” he replied while he looked back at Fade who still focused his eyes on him. “He is after me?” He guessed from Fade's serious expression towards him.

Fade channeled his magic again, causing Star Twinkle to be ready to dodge again, however, Rainbow Dash saw it as an opportunity to attack Fade in this moment. She flew right at him but as soon as she was close enough, Fade's eyes switched towards her for a second. Immediately after that, Fade released some kind of dark wave around him that pushed Rainbow Dash back and threw her across the room, making her drop to the ground.

“Rainbow Dash!” Star Twinkle shouted in worry as he saw how she laid on the ground unconscious.
However, Star Twinkle was in really great danger himself since Fade didn't even seem to care about the mare and quickly locked his eyes on Star Twinkle again. Realizing that Fade was after Star Twinkle, he came up with another plan. “You guys! Go after the Elements while I keep him busy!” He shouted towards his friends.

Surprisingly, Fade didn't even seem to hear Star Twinkle, despite him shouting it across the whole room. Fade seemed to be way too focused on Star Twinkle to even pick up on it.

Star Twinkle's friends, however, did pick up on it and planned to get this plan moving. In order to dodge Fade's attacks a little better, Star Twinkle switched to his Pegasus form. “I think I'm getting used to this transformation thing,” he thought. “Now I just have to keep him busy while the others try to get the Elements of Harmony,”

Star Twinkle's plan did seem to work. Fade was focusing on him at all costs and fully ignored everypony else. It was still hard to dodge every single attack of Fade though.

Meanwhile, Twilight and the rest of the group approached the chest on the other side of the room and tried to open it. However, there was a lock on it that prevented them from opening it.

“Does anypony have the key for this chest?” Pinkie Pie asked as she fiddled around with the lock a little.

Unfortunately, the key, that they found in the prison, didn't seem to fit into this lock. Twilight already stood ready to try her magic to open it by force, since she was worried that Star Twinkle was in danger right now. But before she could aim at the chest, Rosa stepped in front of her, blocking the chest and preventing Twilight to use her magic. “Get away from the elements!” She said angrily. “I won't let you hurt Fade with them!”

“Girl, didn't you just saw how he attacked you?” Applejack pointed out.

“So what? If you use the elements against him, you will hurt him even more!” Rosa returned angrily.

“It has to be done...” a familiar voice then said from behind Twilight and her friends.

“Your Majesties!” Shining Armor then said after he noticed the two Princesses walking up to the group while struggling to stand on their hooves due to their pain.

Twilight instantly noticed the condition of the two and walked up to the two. But Princess Celestia nodded while smiling to assure that she will be alright and continued. “I'm afraid, Fade is completely consumed by darkness...”

“You're just saying that so that you can have a reason to fight him!” Rosa replied, however, she was quickly joined by Wildheart who looked at her concerned.

“No...Rosa...Princess right...” he said as he looked over to Fade, causing Rosa to look at him as well. “Fade...like animal...wants to fight...wants to hurt...no more...Fade...now...monster...”

Rosa was shocked to hear those words from Wildheart but she knew that some of them were true, though she didn't fully accept them herself. But the cold and merciless expression on his face was nothing what she ever saw on him before. It frightened her.

Twilight realized how Rosa was lost in thoughts and tried to force some action out of her. “As we speak...Star Twinkle is in great danger...He fights because he wants to protect this world. I don't know what happened to each of you but as much as you wanted to give up on this world, I'm sure there are ponies out there who will not give up on you...” She explained with a heavy tone of her voice. “At least, I am not,” she then added with a smile on her face that made Rosa widen her eyes in surprise.

One more time Rosa looked at both, Fade and Star Twinkle, seeing the difference between them and what they were fighting for. Despite, counting Fade as one of her only friends, she saw how what he did was wrong and that he no longer was himself. Then there was also the fact that Twilight and her friends offered them their friendship if they would help them. She still hesitated but she began to trust Twilight and her friends.

Meanwhile, Star Twinkle did his absolute best to not get hit by Fade and his Dark Magic which became harder by the second due to his growing exhaustion. It eventually became so big that he could barely move. Fade on the other hoof didn't seem to be exhausted at all and kept attacking.
“I don't think I can keep this up any longer...” Star Twinkle worried as he felt how his body became heavier.

“Star Twinkle, over here!” Twilight shouted across the room, grabbing Star Twinkle's attention.

Star Twinkle heard Twilight and tried to focus his sight on her, despite his exhaustion. “That is...” he said as he realized that Twilight levitated his Element of Harmony above her head and that everypony was waiting for him, even Rainbow Dash, who was unconscious a minute ago was standing again and wore her Element, despite still feeling a little dizzy.

Twilight then threw it towards Star Twinkle who managed to caught it with his hooves and quickly equipped it around his neck. However, another attack from Fade already came flying towards the Earth-Pony, causing him to be struck by fear and paralyzing him.

Luckily, the Elements of Harmony activated in time. Despite not being close to his friends, a bright light emerged from Star Twinkle, which was also around his friends. A rainbow began to form around him and his friends. Both rainbows shot out to the ceiling and combined each other to one big one before it rains down towards Fade who was screaming in fear as he was hit by it.

It was almost like back then against Nightmare Moon. The Elements soon settled down again and left only a silence in the room. The group was not yet, aware what happened to Fade because a cloud of dust was around him, making it impossible to see what happened to him.

“Did we do it?” Fluttershy asked a little nervously.

“Fade...” Rosa said quietly as she dropped down a key to the ground, which was used to unlock the chest where the Elements of Harmony were in.

Star Twinkle was just relieved that he was saved in time and let out a big sigh. However, his eyes wandered around the cloud of dust in front of him. He could swear that he still heard something inside of it. At first, he thought that he was imagining things but after taking a closer look after the dust settled down a bit, he realized what was going on.
It was Fade.
He was still standing there after the dust cleared, though he looked really exhausted or hurt, judging from the heavy breaths that he released.

Fade looked towards Star Twinkle again and slowly walked up to him with a desperate expression on his face. Shocked of how Fade managed to withstood the Elements of Harmony, Star Twinkle couldn't move and slowly walked back until his exhaustion made him fall over on his behind. Before he knew it, Fade stood directly in front of him and reached his hoof out to Star Twinkle. While still in shock by this situation, Star Twinkle did notice something happening to Fade's body.
It was similar to what happened to Discord. Fade's body began to turn into stone, beginning from his legs and making its way towards his upper body until he was no longer able to move.

Before his head was completely turned to stone, he barely managed to let out some last words, that Star Twinkle managed to pick up, despite the shock.
“No...I can't stop now...
They are waiting for me...
Don't worry my dear...Daddy will help you...to wake up again...
In this new world...” he said desperately before his head was completely turned to stone as well.

There was no more movement from Fade and he stood still as a stone statue, that reached out its hoof. Once again, Star Twinkle let out some heavy breaths after realizing that it was finally over now. The rest of his friends could also only release some relieved sighs and were happy that everything was over now. All except Rosa and Wildheart.

“Fade...gone...?” Wildheart asked, not realizing what exactly happened.

“I guess so...” Rosa replied because she wasn't too sure of it herself.

“Don't worry...” Princess Celestia then said as she and the rest of the group walked up to the two ponies. “He is turned to stone but I'm sure that we can bring him back with the Elements of Harmony,” she assured as she looked over to the stone statue. “But...for now, we might want him to stay like this...” she added with a concerned look on her face.

Star Twinkle also walked up to the group and couldn't help but to think about Fade's last words. “Who is waiting for him?” He mumbled to himself confused and in deep thoughts.

His friends walked up to him as well to ask him if he was okay. However, the group was heavily startled after Shining Armor suddenly jumped in front of Princess Celestia with a shield spell activating in front of him. Shortly after the shield was hit by a beam of magic that came from the other side of the room. Everypony turned towards the source of this beam and were heavily surprised to still see somepony opposing them.

“Oh no! I completely forgot about him!” Star Twinkle said in surprise after he saw Mystic, in a battle stance not too far away from the group.

Before anypony was able to speak up, Rosa was the first one to try and speak some sense into the Unicorn. “Mystic! What are you doing? It's over! Fade's plan failed!”

“Yes! He failed. But that doesn't mean that I have to surrender to those ponies! Right now, almost everypony who I want my revenge on is in the same room! Do you really think that I will let this chance slip away!?” He explained more confident than ever, despite being outnumbered.

“Fool!” Princess Luna said unimpressed after Mystic's threat. “Doesn't he realize that we have the Elements of Harmony on our side and that he is all on his own?” She added, not understanding how Mystic would even think that he stood a chance now.

While nopony in the room seemed unimpressed by Mystic, Star Twinkle couldn't help but figure out how he could keep going just driven by revenge alone. It was the same with Fade. It was almost impressive how far they were ready to go. At the same time, he didn't realize that it was the same for him a few minutes ago.

“Maybe we should give him a taste of the Elements as well!” Rainbow Dash said almost out of place as she readied her Element of Harmony.

“No!” Rosa stopped as she jumped in front of the group before she looked at Mystic. “Stop this, Mystic! You will end up just like Fade if you continue like this, don't you realize that!?”

“I will not fail! Not until I get my revenge!” Mystic said determined as he channeled magic inside o f his horn, ready to attack the group anytime.

The group stood ready to defend themselves and even considered of using the Elements of Harmony as last resort while Rosa and Wildheart just wished that Mystic would stop.

Suddenly, steps could be heard from far away. Multiple to be exact. This caused Mystic to get a little distracted from the group and made him look behind himself to check what was getting closer to the throne room.

Soon, the throne room was overrun by Royal Guards who surrounded Mystic, causing him to stop his attack because of his confusion. Needless to say, Star Twinkle and his friends were also heavily confused by the sudden appearance of the Royal Guards. But soon they realized that there weren't only Celestia's Royal Guards but also Crystal Guards among them.

“I hope we are not too late...” A female voice then said, who then revealed herself as Princess Cadance who walked into the throne room as well.

The sight of the Princess of the Crystal Empire did give the group some more confidence and made feel like as if they now had won. But Mystic didn't look like as if he was giving up now. That was until Rosa walked up to him and tried to stop him once more and gave him a concerned look. Mystic looked over to Star Twinkle and his friends and finally realized that he couldn't win anymore and dropped his head in anger. “Fine...” he said annoyed while he stopped his magic and gave up in front of everypony.

A little later in Canterlot...

After the battle was over, everypony returned to Canterlot, including the rest of Fade's group as prisoners. The timing of Princess Cadence was definitely perfect. If she wouldn't have appeared then Mystic could have at least caused the group some unnecessary trouble. Apparently, Princess Cadance was aware of how the Princesses were no longer in the castle and most likely found out about the note that Fade left, once he captured Princess Luna and informed her guards to go to the Forgotten Castle.

Fade's statue was placed next to Discord's outside of Canterlot Castle. Of course, just like with Discord, Fade was heavily guarded by the Royal Guard. Mystic refused to behave properly and was put into the dungeon beneath Canterlot Castle and Tagma's whereabouts were still unknown.

However, Rosa and Wildheart were allowed to walk around without being tied up or anything like that since they were no longer resisting. This gave everypony time to ask them some questions. However, they could not give too many answers since Fade was not filling them in with all details of his plan. All they knew was that he wanted to create a new world. They happily agreed to that plan since they shared his view of this world as well and were ready to do things that would end up hurting other ponies. Though in the end, they did regret their actions after seeing what Fade was ready to do with the Princesses. However, both Princess Celestia and Luna were ready to forgive them, much to their surprise.

“Princesses...nice...” Wildheart said surprised after they both were forgiven for their actions.

“And after all what we have done to you...” Rosa added with a frown on her face.

But Star Twinkle and his friends were not holding a grudge towards them and saw how serious Rosa and Wildheart were, making it easy to forgive them.

“Don't worry about it,” Princess Celestia assured with a smile on her face. “Fade has been stopped and the greatest danger with him too. But seeing how you regret your actions, makes me feel that we can free Fade one day,” she said relieved as she smiled to the two ponies.

Hearing Fade's name made Star Twinkle think about him again and made him speak out some words that he was actually trying to keep in as much as possible but for some reason, he couldn't.
“Fade wasn't evil...right?” Star Twinkle asked, getting the attention of Princess Celestia, as well as every other pony in the room.
“I mean...he was consumed by Dark Magic. That's what corrupted him, right?” He further asked.

Princess Celestia seemed a little more serious now and explained some things. “I don't want t lie to you. Dark Magic is very powerful. It's also hard to control. Once you get too close to this magic, it is hard to return to your old self. I said that we could free him from his stone prison again but...the chance that he will return to his old self is really slim...” she said with a frown on her face, making Rosa and Wildheart feel like as if their hopes of seeing Fade again were shattered.
“It is not impossible but...so far I only know about two other ponies that got so close to the darkness and were not able to return. One of them was King Sombra and the other one...” she suddenly paused after she began to struggle to get the next words out of her mouth. “What I am trying to say is that it would make no sense to turn him back now. But maybe time will change that...”

The mood in the group was down again and nopony wanted to say something except Star Twinkle who was still bothered by a few things in his mind.

“Who was he waiting for?” He asked with a depressed tone in his voice. “Before he turned to stone, he said that he couldn't stop because someone was waiting for him and that he wanted to wake someone up,”

Those words made Princess Celestia frown as well after she got a realization. “So it was for her...” she quietly mumbled, causing Star Twinkle to raise his head towards her confused. “I think I need to show you something. Follow me,” the Princess said as she leads the way outside of the room, making everypony follow her.

The whole group followed Princess Celestia into a room filled with beautiful flowers and other fancy decorations. At the end of the room, next to a window, there was a bed with a Unicorn filly on it, sleeping tightly, covered under her bed covers. The mare had a light orange coat and a yellow mane. She didn't seem to notice how a bunch of ponies entered the room and was still sound asleep. But Star Twinkle and the others felt a little weird and tried to be as quiet as possible.

Princess Celestia however, was talking normally, as if there was no sleeping pony in the room whatsoever. “This is Solar Smile, Fade's daughter,”

As soon as the word daughter fell, everypony gasped in shock, ignoring the sleeping pony in the room as well by accident.

“You don't have to lower your voices...I'm afraid, Solar will not wake up anytime soon...” she then said, causing everypony to get confused by those words.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked confused, speaking out what everypony else wondered.

“Solar Smile suffers from a very rare illness that is simply known as eternal slumber...” Princess Celestia explained.

Though nopony seemed to know what to do with this term, Twilight was able to pick up on it.
“I read about that,” she said as she rubbed her chin before she explained further. “If I recall, it's an illness that has no known cure so far...” she said before she frowned after realizing what she just said.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia joined in. “It happened shortly before Fade got corrupted by Dark Magic. It was most likely the trigger that caused him to end up getting consumed by it. Fade's wife passed away a long time ago and his daughter was everything he had. Losing his daughter like that, probably broke him completely. After hearing that Fade gave up on this world, I began to think that he gave up on his daughter as well. But it looks like as if he tried to create this new world in order to somehow see his family again. A world in which both of them were well again...” The Princess explained further, making everypony now feel bad for Fade.

Everyone except, Star Twinkle who only clenched his teeth in frustration after hearing that explanation.

“In the end, he gave up on this world in hope to find something in this new world,” Twilight said quietly.

“Yes but that didn't give him a reason to take this world away from anypony else,” Princess Luna added. “He may have tried to get his family back but he also tried to escape reality and forced everypony to accept this new world”

“It's not fair...” Star Twinkle thought to himself.

“But why do I feel bad now?” Fluttershy asked confused.

“Yes, suddenly doesn't seem like so evil anymore,” Rarity added.

“But he tried to hurt the Princesses!” Rainbow Dash remembered. “If that is not evil, then I don't know what!”

While his friends were talking about this matter, Star Twinkle kept quiet. Twilight kept looking at him and saw how Star Twinkle was clenching his teeth either out of anger or frustration. “Star Twinkle...” Twilight said as she put her hoof on his shoulder to comfort him.

However, it was tossed away from him as he suddenly shouted. “It's not fair!” Star Twinkle suddenly burst out angrily, causing the group to react in surprise by his sudden outburst.
“All Fade wanted was to see his family again! He wasn't evil! He didn't want to destroy this world! He only did it because he didn't know any other way to see his family again and was prepared to sacrifice everything for that! So why did he had to end up like this!?” He exclaimed frustrated as he looked at Princess Celestia's face, in hope that she would give him an answer.

The Princess widened her eyes but soon answered Star Twinkle. “It is true that Fade did all that for his family but imagine how your life would be after he would have succeeded. It could have been even worse than his,”

Suddenly, Star Twinkle imagined how he would feel if he lost all his friends. It was a feeling that was hurting his heart just thinking about it. Her words were painfully true but Star Twinkle didn't want to accept them. He felt that Fade didn't deserve to go down this road just because he wanted to see his daughter one more time.

“Fade was consumed by darkness and dived way too deep into it to realize his actions. There was no telling if those actions were still driven by the thought of getting his daughter back, meaning that his good intention got lost within the darkness...“ Princess Celestia painfully explained further with a serious expression on her face.

Hearing how Princess Celestia rained down those words upon Star Twinkle, made him feel more and more depressed and helpless. The rest of the group also didn't understand why she was so direct, despite knowing that Star Twinkle was already depressed.

“However,” Princess Celestia started with a smile on her face. “If Solar Smile wakes up some day, then we can bring back Fade. Once he sees his daughter again, the darkness inside of him might vanish,”

Princess Luna walked up to her sister also with a happy smile on her face. This picture instantly reminded Star Twinkle about the whole Nightmare Moon mess. After Princess Celestia offered her sister her friendship, Princess Luna realized her mistake and was ready to start from new again.

Princess Luna then turned towards Rosa and Wildheart. “I assume you haven't given up on Fade as well?” She asked.

“Fade...friend...friends help...friends” Wildheart said, not showing any signs of giving up on Fade.

“Yes!” Rosa joined in. “I don't know much about this eternal slumber thing but...I'm sure that there is a way to wake Fade's daughter up! And if you allow it, then we would gladly go on a search to find a way to cure it!” Rosa said confidently as she was backed up by Wildheart who showed the same confidence as well.

“That's really big...” Princess Celestia said, questioning the determination of the two. “Are you sure you are up to it?”

“We are!” Rosa said confidently. “Fade doesn't have to do all on his own. We can help him too! We won't let him sink into the darkness!”

Hearing those words made everypony in the room believe that they could actually do it. Even Star Twinkle could feel how Rosa's words affected him and raised his mood as well.

“But...” Wildheart interrupted all of the sudden. “Mystic...”

Hearing this name made Rosa worry a little. “Yes, what about him? I can't imagine him to behave in front of you, your majesty,” she said.

“Why is he so angry with the Princess in the first place?” Applejack asked confused.

“We don't know...” Rosa replied. “He never told us much about his past to begin with. I think Fade was the only one who knew a few things but...” she obviously stopped once she thought about Fade's current state again.

“Mystic...need to cool off,” Wildheart added.

“Yes, he probably doesn't want to see any of us right now,” Rosa admitted with a frown on her face.

However, Princess Celestia assured the two ponies about that situation as well. “Do not worry, we will take care and keep an eye on him,” Princess Celestia assured.

With all things being discussed and hopefully settled with, Rosa and Wildheart already left and said that they would travel through Equestria to find a cure for Fade's daughter. It was astonishing that even those two were ready to go so far when it comes to either archiving a goal or helping a friend. That is something that all members of the Outcasts seem to have in common. For Star Twinkle, it was quite impressive.

Star Twinkle and his friends were done talking with the Princesses as well and decided to go home as well. All seven of them walked out of the castle and decided to visit the statue of Fade one last time before they went back to Ponyville. The statue seemed lifeless but everypony knew that some day he might be turned back and maybe then he would change.

All seven ponies looked at the statue and had probably multiple thoughts in their mind. Star Twinkle looked at it too but Twilight grabbed his attention. “You really looked sad...” Twilight said out of the blue. “You want to help Fade too?” She said as she turned her head towards him with a caring face.

“Is that weird?” Star Twinkle replied confused.

To that Twilight gently smiled back before she returned her face towards the statue again. “No. It's not,” she said happily, leaving the group in silence again.

Shining Armor could only look at his old friend with a frown on his face but also with determination in his eyes. “Some day...” he said quietly before he and the seven ponies walked away in order to return home.

Meanwhile, Rosa and Wildheart were outside of Canterlot and began to start their quest for a cure. Instead of being worried or sad, they were actually excited to see their friend again, not letting the fact that there was no known cure ruin their mood.

Rosa looked at Wildheart, who was also more than ready for the journey. “Despite our actions, we were given another chance...so why shouldn't Fade be allowed one as well?” She asked as she looked at a vast field in front of her.

Wildheart took a moment before he answered and eventually surprised Rosa with his next words. “We will help Fade...and...make him our friend again...” he said, building almost a complete sentence for the first time.

Rosa smiled at the little stallion and petted his head happily. “Yes. Yes, we will,”

In the dungeon of Canterlot...

Princess Celestia walked through the dark hallways with an uncomfortable feeling on her mind. She stopped in front of a cell where a Royal Guard was keeping guard.

“Could you leave us alone for a moment?” Princess Celestia asked, making the guard walk away silently.

Princess Celestia approached the front of the cell and looked into it. At the end of the cell, there was Mystic who laid on a bed, facing the other way. He was obviously not looking forward to seeing the princess and didn't even bother to turn around. To prevent Mystic from being a danger to her, he got one of those things around his horn that blocked his magic which was worn by the Unicorns back in the Forgotten Castle as well.

The silence in the room continued until Mystic finally broke it and spoke up. “Is there something you want from me? Your majesty?” He said in disgust and with bitterness in his voice.

Princess Celestia returned this bitterness with a serious tone in her voice. “It is obvious that you hold some kind of grudge against me but please help me to understand where it comes from,”

“Hmpf,” Mystic only returned, still not bothering to face the princess.

“You supported Fade and his plans, right? You wanted to find something in this new world that he wanted to create. I also hear that it was important for you to destroy this world. Is there Something that you can't get in this world anymore, just like how it was with Fade? What was it? And what can I do to make you rethink your desire of revenge that you aim towards me and this world?” Princess Celestia kept asking which eventually, grabbed Mystic's attention.

Mystic looked at Princess Celestia with an angry expression on his face, his blue eyes piercing her mind until he finally answered to her question.
“My sister, that you took away from me,” he said angrily and bitter, causing Princess Celestia to react in shock, however, Mystic continued. “As for stopping me from wishing destruction upon this world or stopping my revenge...
I will only stop until...
I make you lose everything that you hold dear...
Your sister.
Your student.
Your friends.
Everything!” His voice got louder and louder after every word he said.
“And not only that!
Everypony in Equestria shall experience what I felt!
By losing everything they hold dear!”

Suddenly, Princess Celestia got angry as well and clenched her teeth after hearing those statements.
“I cannot let you do this! I planned to listen to you and give you another chance but...
If you plan to hurt the ponies in Equestria, you are simply a danger!
I think the best would be if you stay in this cell until you plan to change your current mindset,”

Mystic then smiled in confidence and gave Princess a sinister smile. “I rather rot in this cell before I decide to stop my revenge. Everypony will experience how true sadness feels like. I will make sure of that,” he said while smiling right into Princess Celestia's face before he returned to his bed and laid down on his bed, turning away from the princess again.

The end of this conversation certainly didn't satisfy Princess Celestia. She figured that talking with Mystic was no use and decided to leave him.

Mystic decided to get some sleep after this pointless conversation and some hours passed since it was already dark outside now. His sleep, however, his sleep was interrupted by a Royal Guard member who tried to get his attention by knocking against the bars of the cell. Of course, Mystic was not too happy about that.
“Will you be quiet? I try to sleep here!” He said as he turned his head around to face the pony angrily.

But the Royal Guard tried to indicate that Mystic should be quiet, much to his confusion. Only moments later the Guard smiled and was covered in a green light that transformed him into an all too familiar Changeling.
“What's up?”

“Tagma?” Mystic said in confusion.

“Hold on a minute, I just need to find the right key,” Tagma said as he pulled out a bunch of keys and tried to distinguish the right one.

“You are in Canterlot! There could be guards coming any second! You should get out of here before you get in trouble,” Mystic advised.

However, Tagma didn't stop to look for the right key to open the cell. “I will get out of here but not until you are free,”

“Why?” Mystic asked confused, not being able to realize Tagma's intentions.

“Because we are friends,” Tagma said with a happy smile on his face.

After those words, Mystic's eyes widened in shock. He closed his eyes and began to take a heavy breath. “Friends...” he mumbled to himself quietly before he turned towards Tagma again.
“Tagma...Leave...” he then said in a serious tone, causing Tagma to stop looking for the key for a second.

“I told you before, I am not leaving until you are free. I may have left when you were all still fighting but there is no way that I will leave a friend for good,” he added, again smiling at Mystic.

“Don't be ridiculous,” Mystic immediately returned again in a very serious tone in his voice.
He then walked away from the cell door and turned his back to Tagma. He turned his head around to face Tagma one last time and looked into the Changeling's eyes saying his last words.
“There is no way that a pony and a Changeling can be friends,” he said before he laid down on his bed again. “Leave me alone...”

Tagma felt upset to hear those words, especially since Mystic was never looking at Tagma as a Changeling but rather as a companion. Hearing those words left Tagma in shock and knowing Mystic for a while, he had the feeling that he wasn't lying or saying those words just casually.

Whatever the reason was, Tagma turned around as well and walked away with a frown on his face.
“That's not true...” Tagma said quietly to himself as he grabbed his headband around his head and tried to hold down some tears.

Once again, Mystic was alone again and laid on his bed with a frown on his face as well.
“I can't afford to let friendship get in my way...” he said quietly, covered by the darkness of the cell before he eventually fell asleep.

Author's Note:

And thus, the longest chapter so far was born.
It certainly took a while to write it as well.
But it was still fun ^^.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did then please leave a review, a comment, a message, a follow or whatever to let me know.
Also, make sure that you follow me so that you will get notified about upcoming new stories because that is the best way to let you know when a side story is coming up.

That's all.
I hope I see you in the next chapter.
Bye, bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

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