• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,456 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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15. Does this suit me?

The Grand Galloping Gala was getting closer and closer. Because of that, everypony who attended the gala needs to wear formal attire. At least that's what Rarity said to Star Twinkle. After saying that he was not in possession of any formal clothing, Rarity intended to make a suit for him.

He was then invited to Carousel Boutique to take a look at the suit that Rarity made for him. After finding Rarity in her usual working spot, she happily greeted him and could not wait to show him his new suit.

“I can't wait till you see it!” she said in excitement while pushing Star Twinkle to his new suit.

Compared to Rarity, there was no excitement at all seen in Star Twinkles face but he appreciated that Rarity was going to the trouble to make a suit for him. He was then dragged to one of Rarity's mannequins and she proudly presented the suit.

“And don't forget, be completely honest,” she modestly said showing Star Twinkle a beautiful and elegant white suit.

Star Twinkle was positively surprised after seeing it. It was not as fancy as he imagined, which was good. He likes it a little more simple and the suit did have some minor things that he would like to have a little different or removed but since Rarity was giving it to him for free, he didn't complain about those things.

He doesn't like to feel like being in some kind of debt or something so even if he would not have liked the design, he was already planning to say that it was okay, no matter what just so that Rarity didn't have to work anymore for him. But to his surprise, the suit was not bad and therefore he honestly thanked Rarity for her generosity.

“It looks good Rarity. I like it,” he gratefully thanked Rarity.

“Oh! I knew it!” she replied followed by a giggle. “After all, I was carefully thinking about you while making it,” she explained while being a little smug.

Star Twinkle didn't know if he should feel embarrassed or flattered by the last sentence but now he had something that he could wear at the gala without standing out too much, so he was satisfied for the day.

“If you liked your suit, then I'm sure the others will like their dresses too!” Rarity said happily.

“Others?” Star Twinkle wondered.

“Yes, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie,” replied Rarity.

Rarity then showed off five dresses to Star Twinkle, which also all looked really good too in Star Twinkles opinion. They all had unique designs but Star Twinkle could instantly figure out which dress was for which one of his friends. Maybe it's because he is normally the ungrateful one of the group but he can't imagine that his friends would decline these dresses.

“I wanted to show you the suit before I showed those dresses to the girls. You know for a first opinion,” Rarity explained.

“I'm sure they will like their dresses too,” Star Twinkle said in confidence.

“That's sweet of you, darling,” she replied with a happy smile on her face.

"But wasn't that too much work?" Asked Star Twinkle who was a very skeptic when it came to working.

If he was asked to build something for everypony he would probably not do it, to avoid too much work. But knowing himself, his friends would probably find a way to somehow make him. But Rarity was most likely not thinking like that.

"Oh, it was nothing," she modestly replied. "Besides, it was really fun making those dresses and the suit," she added.

That's something Star Twinkle would never say when it came to working. Naturally, his reaction was very surprised and far from understanding.

"If you say so," he said because he couldn't find any other words at the moment.

Rarity was not aware that Star Twinkle didn't understand her motivation for work so her mood was unchanged.

"If you don't mind, I would like to keep this suit for today, so that I can show it to the others?
You can take it with you tomorrow," Rarity asked.

"That's fine by me," Star Twinkle replied.

"Perfect!" she happily replied.
"Then I'll see you tomorrow," she said before Star Twinkle left the boutique again.

Now he doesn't have to think about the gala for a while.
Star Twinkle wasn't doing much for the rest of the day and just went home after a while.

On the next day...

Star Twinkle stopped at Carousel Boutique after he was done with his work at the Iron Hammer. He entered the Boutique but Rarity was nowhere to be found. She was probably in the same place than yesterday, he thought.

"Alright, I'm here," said Star Twinkle, who entered Rarity's usual working place.

It looked like she was ready to work on his suit, which surprised him. She quickly turned around to greeted him before dragging him in front of the suit.

"Star Twinkle! Perfect! We can start right away," she said almost excitingly.

"Start what?" He asked while being dragged in front of his suit by Rarity.

She then quickly rushed to his side. They both silently looked at the suit until Rarity glanced at him as if she expected him to say something.

"Well?" She asked confused.

"What?" He replied confused.

“Tell me what I should change!" She demanded.

“Change? Change what?” He asked confused again.

Rarity looked like she was expecting something from him but Star Twinkle didn't exactly catch on and gave her some confused looks.

“The suit!” she said while pointing at the suit. “Tell me what I should change about the suit!” She demanded once again.

"Why would I want her to change anything on the suit? Yesterday, I said that it was completely fine," Star Twinkle wondered.

Rarity also seemed happy that Star Twinkle liked the suit, so why all of the sudden would she think that he wanted to change something? Star Twinkle didn't even know how she would come to that conclusion.

“It's okay the way it is,” he said feeling that this was not the answer she wanted to hear.

“No, there has to be something wrong!” she said in a stressful voice. “Is it the size?” She asked confused.

“The size? I haven't even tried it on yet!” He replied confused.

Rarity wasn't making any sense for Star Twinkle. Did he miss something? Or was she working too much and couldn't think straight anymore? It all made no sense to Star Twinkle. And Rarity was just kept going, giving Star Twinkle no chance to figure out what exactly was happening here.

“Is it the color?” She then asked. “Of course! What was I thinking making the suit white! I will change it right away!” She said while leaving Star Twinkles side to get some tools.

It was all going way to fast for Star Twinkle. Rarity was clearly stressed by something. But seeing her running all over the place made Star Twinkle realize something. There was all kind of different stuff scattered in the room. Pictures of star signs, streamers, balloons, The whole place looked more like a junkyard.

Rarity was still searching for some tools but couldn't find anything in this mess. Star Twinkle tried to get her attention but Rarity was either too focused or completely unaware of his voice until he almost screamed her name.

“Rarity!” Shouted Star Twinkle, which finally got Rarity's attention.

She got startled a little but at least she was standing still for a moment so that Star Twinkle could talk to her.

“I'm sorry for shouting, just now,” he apologized. “But could you please calm down a little? You don't have to work at the suit. I told you that I liked it yesterday, remember?” He explained in hope that she would calm down.

“You were just saying that so that my feelings won't get hurt!” She replied doubtfully.

Normally he would say stuff like that to avoid conflicts at all costs but this time, he was completely honest and was hoping that Rarity would understand that. But she was still stubborn as if she wasn't even listening to him.

“Why do I have to tell you that this suit looks good enough? You're the one who does this on a daily basis. You have more knowledge of this stuff than anypony else I know,” he explained.

“But there must be something that you don't like! So just tell me!” She said while showing some signs of sadness in her voice.

She was not listening at all but Star Twinkle could feel that there was more to her behavior.

“No, Rarity it is perfectly fine. I don't have a single problem with the suit,” he explained once again.

“I don't believe you!” She replied stubbornly.

“Rarity!” Star Twinkle said with an almost angry-sounding tone, probably because he was slowly losing his patience.

They then glared at each other silently, which was probably not the best thing to do in this situation but for Star Twinkle it was better than discussing any longer.

“You...really mean it?” She asked in an insecure tone in her voice. “You like it, the way it is now?” She added.

Star Twinkle was sighing in a mix of frustration and relief and tried to cool down again before answering her question.

“Yes, Rarity. I like it the way it is, right now. There is nothing that bothers me. And I don't want you to change anything.
Please don't let me say it over and over again,” he calmly explained.

He was preparing himself for another discussion but thankfully Rarity seemed to stop asking him about the suit and decided to calm down.

"Yes, of course. My work always looks perfect, right?" She said in confidence but also with a little concern.

Now that's more like it, thought Star Twinkle. That's the Rarity he knew. Still, he could feel that it was not over yet. There was way too much commotion going on before, to simply end it with those words. But Star Twinkle tried to keep the mood like this to prevent any more discussion.

"What's the matter, Rarity?" Star Twinkle asked so that he could find out the reason for her behavior. "You look like a complete mess," he added.

It was probably not a good idea to be so blunt, he thought after saying that, especially to Rarity. But she didn't seem to mind, she clearly had bigger problems right now.

"Yes," she replied followed by a big sigh. "I was working on this dresses, all day now," she said pointing at five dresses that stood in a corner of the room.

At least Star Twinkle thought that they would be dresses. It looked like all the stuff that was scattered across the room, somehow formed five dresses. It didn't even look remotely like something that Rarity would have made.

"Wow they look...uh," he tried to figure out how he could describe them without hurting Rarity, seeing how she is in this state right now.

For some reason, Rarity looked at him, as if she could not wait to hear his opinion. That made it even harder for Star Twinkle to describe them. But no matter how he looked at them, he could not find any words to describe them in a good way. He just decided to say his honest opinion and prayed that she would not be too upset.

"They look...not good..." he said while still trying to be a little gentle.

"I KNOW! THEY LOOK TERRIBLE!" She quickly replied with a scream.

That was easy, thought Star Twinkle. This reaction surprised him. At first, he thought that Rarity misunderstood him.

Rarity then finally explained the situation to Star Twinkle. As it turns out, the dresses that Rarity designed for her friends didn't quite match their expectations. So Rarity had to redesign them all and that meant, that she was forced to design them exactly by the taste of their friends. That would explain the looks by some of them.

"Yeah, this dress is definitely screaming, Pinkie Pie," he said while inspecting the dress, that had balloons and muffins all over it.

It surprised him that his friends didn't like Rarity's work. Even if they didn't like her dresses, they could have at least said that they like them. They were all present's from Rarity after all. If Star Twinkle would inspect the suit carefully, he probably would find something that bothered him too. But since it was a present from Rarity, he wouldn't mind that.

Why is it always, that he is doing something completely different than somepony else? he wondered. Was he the one who did something wrong? Should he have said something? For once, he was sure that his decision was the right one.
While overthinking all this, he realized how Rarity was looking at the five dresses as if she was embarrassed to show them to anypony.

"Don't worry," he said to her, trying to cheer her up, to which she looked back at him still with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I'm sure they will realize that your designs looked way better and want them back soon.

It looked like she was feeling better after hearing that.

"Maybe you're right," she said. "Thank you," she said which sounded a little more relieved.

Later this day, a fashion show was announced in front of Carousel Boutique. Of course, after hearing that, Star Twinkle immediately went to Carousel boutique because he had a really bad feeling about this.

Steel Hammer accompanied him because Star Twinkles behavior was worrying him. He knew about the dresses too, thanks to Star Twinkle but he was confident that the worst case scenario, that Star Twinkle had in mind wouldn't come true.

"Why do you look so nervous?" Steel Hammer asked Star Twinkle who was sitting next to him in a big crowd of ponies in front of Carousel Boutique. "Oh yeah. Crowded places," Steel Hammer figured.

"No," Star Twinkle replied nervously. "I mean yes but that's not the only thing," he added. "I'm just hoping that they don't wear the dresses that I saw before," he explained while looking around in paranoia.

Steel Hammer noticed how Star Twinkle slowly got more and more nervous and tried to calm him down a little.

"Don't worry. If the dresses are really that bad like you said, then I'm sure that they changed them at the last second," he explained to Star Twinkle.

The fashion show then started and Spike actually did a good with the opening. Everypony from Ponyville were expecting the usual work of Rarity but what they got was something completely different. It was exactly what Star Twinkle expected.
All five of them were wearing the new dresses and of course, everypony was shocked and confused.

"Or maybe not," added Steel Hammer referring to his previous sentence.

Twilight and the others didn't seem to realize how bad they looked at first but eventually, they noticed the reactions of the crowd and felt bad in the process.

Meanwhile, somepony spoke up and made clear that he didn't like the design of the dresses. He had a grayish blue coat, light blue grayish hair, and sunglasses. He was also speaking in a rather upper-class kind of voice. Star Twinkle didn't know who that was but Steel Hammer did. His name was Hoity Toity. He is supposed to be some big celebrity in the fashion business in Canterlot. Hoity Toity quickly demanded who was responsible for this dresses.

"This can only end badly," said Steel Hammer to which Star Twinkle was only silently sitting there as if he was ashamed himself.

Rarity, of course, revealed herself behind the curtain as demanded. And of course the words that Hoity Toity was saying to her weren't pretty but Rarity was not even trying to discuss with him, fully taking responsibility for her work.

Star Twinkle was sure that everypony was just wishing that this night would be over really fast.

Some days have passed since that disastrous fashion show of Rarity. She wasn't coming out of her room for days and that made her friends worry. Everypony was standing in front of her room trying to convince her to come out but she was too upset to show her face again in Ponyville. Everypony was well aware that it was their fault and apologized multiple times but that didn't change a thing.

In the end, the six ponies discussed what they could do to make her come out again. Applejack conveniently had an idea right away. "We just need to make another fashion show for this Hoity Toity fellow, so that he will realize that Rarity's work is fancy enough for him," explained Applejack.

"I don't think he will be interested in another fashion show from Rarity after seeing our dresses," Twilight added with a concerned look on her face.

But Star Twinkle hasn't given up and an idea crossed his mind.

"I think I know how to deal with Hoity Toity," said Star Twinkle in confidence.

They were surprised to hear that in a moment like that but they also had no idea themselves so they trusted Star Twinkle on this one.

A little time has passed and the others were left to deal with Rarity in the meantime. Now it was time to set his plan into motion.

Star Twinkle was walking around in Ponyville searching for Hoity Toity, who was still somewhere in town. He was also wearing the suit that Rarity made for him. It was very comfortable, thought Star Twinkle in surprise but that was not important right now. He searched for a while now and finally found his target.

"There he is!" Star Twinkle said after spotting Hoity Toity.

He quickly rushed to him, without Hoity Toity noticing him, almost sneaking up on him before starting a conversation.

"Excuse me!" said Star Twinkle to get Hoity Toitys attention. "I was just wondering if you could recommend a good place to eat in this fine little town," he said while trying to imitate Hoity Toitys speak pattern as good as he could while trying to get him to notice the suit.

"I'm sorry I just arrived here in this town, so I am a little lost myself," explained Hoity Toity.

Of course, Star Twinkle knew this and was prepared for an answer.

"Me too!" he said in a fake overly exciting tone. “I come from Canterlot to this little town to get a look at some of the local fashion designs. I just thought that, since you definitely have a good fashion sense, just like me, that you could help me out best," he explained still trying to get Hoity Toitys attention on Star Twinkles suit.

"Hey Star Twinkle!" said Spike who walked past Star Twinkle. "Why are you talking so weird? Oh and by the way, nice suit," said Spike while walking off again.

After that, Hoity Toity was inspecting Star Twinkle carefully. That was just bad timing, thought Star Twinkle while trying to figure out an excuse. But Hoity Toity asked a question before Star Twinkle could figure out one.

"That suit..." he mumbled.

"Finally," thought Star Twinkle. Now he got his attention on the suit just as planned.

"Might I ask where you got that elegant suit from?" he asked curiously.

"This old thing?" Star Twinkle replied. "I got this one in Carousel Boutique," he explained making it sound like the finest establishments in Ponyville, what it most likely was.

"Carousel Boutique?" Hoity Toity asked.

"I'll get you right to it," Star Twinkle intended before Hoity Toity could even give an answer.

Star Twinkle then dragged Hoity Toity to Carousel Boutique. After entering the boutique, they both realized how the lights were out. Star Twinkle knew at this moment that everything was set up and let out a sigh of relief. Hoity Toity, on the other hoof, was wondering what this was all about and sat there in confusion.

Eventually, Spike started the fashion show and everypony presented their dresses again but this time, they were all wearing their previous dresses and performed in a slightly more professional way this time. Needless to say, Hoity Toity was fascinated by every single dress that was shown to him.

After seeing the five dresses Hoity Toity once again demanded who was responsible for this dresses.

And once again Rarity revealed herself, who was also wearing a dress, that was made as an apology from Twilight and the others and a present for Rarity.

Hoity Toity was not stopping giving Rarity more and more compliments for her designs and Rarity was relieved to hear that.

In the end, everything turned out well somehow. To think that a little generosity could end in something bothersome like that. If the other would have just accepted the dresses from the beginning, none of that would have happened.

Doing something for a friend of your own will. That is something Star Twinkle didn't fully understand at the moment.

A gift, for example, shows that you care about somepony but it could also mean that you are trying to buy their friendship?
And if a friend doesn't accept your gift, does that mean that you are not accepting his friendship?

It's a fact that Star Twinkle is thinking like that but he didn't want to. He didn't want to concern himself with those thoughts anymore. Everypony was happy right now, except him.


He should be happy too, he thought to himself. And that's what he was doing.

Being happy.

On the outside...

Author's Note:

Now Star Twinkle is suited for the gala(that was actually the first idea for the title of this chapter...)

But what is he going to do there?

You have to wait a little longer for that, I am afraid...

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