• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 4,345 Views, 257 Comments

The Imperial Ace - Navanastra

An Imperial Elite pilot gets send to an unknown planet after a horribly hyperdrive malfunction and is forced to make planet fall with his crippled ship, eventually getting in contact with the world inhabitant. What will Riggs Dantion's future hold?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Search and Rescue

Author's Note:

Another chapter another nickle. If you feel generous and want to support both my art and writing feel free to visit my Patreon. Every tiny help counts, especially since I don't a have a Job.

Link can be find >here<.

Chapter 9: Search and Rescue

Edited by Fistfire, Rainbowblitz

“Out of my way, I have very urgent news for the princess.” A royal guard shouted as he frantically galloped across the halls of Canterlot Castle.

Most of the guards that he passed by didn’t really give the frantic looking stallion much mind as such moments were really rare anymore these days, but some of the more newer recruits were enticed to gaze after the galloping pony with curiosity the moment he passed by them.

The frantic guard eventually made it to the huge front double doors that separated the halls from the royal throne room. He quickly slowed down to a trot as the two royal guard’s station in front of the portal automatically blocked him. Both of them crossing their spears in front of the portal while doing so.

“Halt, court is currently in session. Guard personnel who are not assigned to guard the throne room itself are not permitted to enter.” One of them stated in a monotone voice the castle guards are famous for.

The stallion huffed. “Lieutenant Swift Slash is the name, also I have some very urgent news that must reach the princesses ears as quickly as possible. It regards the large recon team that was send out to search and locate Sergeant Spitfire, and also captain of the Wonderbolts.” He explained which in turn caused both of the guard’s eyes to widen just a little bit.

They immediately dropped their defensive stance and straightening their spears. “We are sorry sir, we were not aware of your position and rank. If what you say it’s true then the throne room is open to you sir. Just don’t look at those annoying nobles in the eye and things should go smoothly in there.” The guard offered before both he and his buddy stepped to the side to allow the now known officer passage.

The officer nodded his thanks before stepping past them and gently pushed the door open with his hoof. What he was greeted with on the other side was pretty predictable, a calm outside looking but internally bored princess while some nobles were standing in front of her jabbering about whatever their selfish asses were jabbering about.

His entrance immediately caught the attention of both the nobles and the princess herself as he casually made his way over to her before saluting respectively in front of her.

One of the nobles huffed in annoyance. “What is this? We are having a very important discussion here. What is the reason for this intrusion?” The noble demanded which was immediately agreed upon by the other nobles as well.

The princess quickly silenced them by raising her hoof. “Quiet please, I am sure Officer Swift Slash has his reasons. Let's take a break for a moment and listen to what he has to say.” The princess calmingly announced, but internally she was just glad to finally have somepony else to momentarily talk to instead of these uptight nobles.

It’s these nobles that almost give her the idea to just throw her tiara down a bottomless well and quitting her position as Princess of Equestria.


She did have to listen to these types of ponies constantly for over a 1000 years, so you can’t really blame her for having such ideas.

The guard took this as his cue to talk before dropping his hoof. “Your Highness, I have urgent news regarding the search and find operations in and around Whitetail Woods.” He calmly informed which immediately caused worry to well up inside the monarch.

The lead noble of the group just huffed. “What, did they suddenly get attacked by wild animals? This just proves how incapable the modern guards really are. Just a bunch of fillies.” He insulted which gave him a heated glare by the officer and a look of disapproval by the princess.

“Lord Maplehoof I do not approve at your insult on the very members of ponies whose sole reason is why Equestria still stands in the first place in the past. So please, we will take a break for now and resume court later when the news that Sir Swift has isn’t too urgent to require my immediate attention.” Celestia demanded.

“You are all dismissed.” She declared which in turn caused all of the huff and grunt in protest before leaving the throne room.

Once they were alone Sir Swift began to explain. “Princess, the entire recon team has gone missing.” He immediately got to the point which in turn forced Celestia to finally drop her mask as her eyes went wide.

“Wait, what do you mean the entire team of over 30 pegasus guards went missing?” Celestia asked in shock.

“It means that none of the members of that team have ever been seen or heard of for a while Princess. That’s what it means.” Swift repeated himself which only made the slowly growing pit in Celestia’s stomach grow even faster.

“But, how could this be? This was just a simple search and rescue mission in some of the most docile areas in Equestria. What kind of situation could arise that can cause the disappearance of a large team of trained guards?” She went on.

The stallion just shook his head. “I do not know your Highness, but this demands an expedition to make sure no new monster, demon or magical phenomenon is once again threatening equestrian and pony kind as a whole.” He suggested which Celestia could only agree on.

“Indeed, assemble some of the most experienced and capable members of the guard. But this time, I wish to come along personally in case something dire indeed is at work here.” She suggested.

Officer Swift nods as a response. “Of course Princess, both a chariot and a legion of the best members of the Royal Guard will be gathered together immediately.” He gave off one last salute before dashing off to act upon the princess’s orders.

Princess Celestia just sighed. It just seems that more and more problems just keep popping up with each passing day ever since Tirek returned and thankfully later defeated by the hoofs of her most faithful student and her friends. Not to mention also the political tension that these events have brought up with Equestria’s closest neighbors.One misstep now and Celestia will have A LOT more things to worry about than just a missing group of over 30 ponies.

“What seems to be the matter dear sister?” The voice of a mare suddenly came up behind which interrupted Celestia’s mental moment.

Celestia sighed once more. “It’s nothing too serious Luna, just a batch of 30 guard ponies suddenly gone missing around Whitetail Woods.” She answered which in turn perked Luna’s interest.

“Whitetail Woods? Isn’t that the most docile area of in all Equestria? How can a platoon of 30 guard ponies just disappear?” The younger sister questioned as she stepped up to Celestia’s throne.

Celestia just shook her head. “I do not know sister but this is why I am going down together with a new legion of more seasoned guards to go and inspect the situation personally.” She explained while stepping down from her throne.

Luna immediately perked up at that.” Oh may we come along? We are so bored out of our minds with just wandering around the castle all day aimlessly.” She pleaded which in turn caused Celestia to raise an eyebrow at her.

“Didn’t you say that you were going to spend the rest of your free week reading a great deal of those…modern comic books and novels that you come to love? What happened to that plan?” She questioned her sis curiously.

Luna just smiled. “Already finished them all.” She answered with a big grin.

Celestia just rolled her eyes in response before chuckling. “Well you always were a fast reader Lulu.” She joked.

“But sure, if you really want to come with me then I don’t see why not. Might actually be a good idea IF whatever has happened to those guards might not be something natural or normal at all. Having you by my side will certainly help.” She finally agreed in which her little sister just smiled happily before following her sister out of the throne room.

Little did they know that Celestia was actually right with her prediction, though if they are ready for what was to come is a different topic entirely.

History shall be made.


“Does anypony here maybe have some water on them?” A tied up pony guard questioned.

“Are you serious?” Another guard below him asked sarcastically, also tied up good like everyone else, and I mean everyone. “Going to ask our captor for a glass of water after he managed to somehow beat us all into submission? Why don’t you ask him for a nice piece of cake and a good story book while you at it?” He ranted on which in turn made the one above him look down with an annoyed expression.

“Hey I am thirsty over here, also I wasn’t the one who go beat down first when we all charged that thing. Also, I am placed on top of you as well so you can shut up for all I care.” He retorted.

“Oh BUCK you.” The other one shouted while for the tenth time trying to break through his bindings. With no real results of course.

“Hey would you stop your squirming? It’s already uncomfortable enough as it is.” The one on top whined which was causing the one below to seriously get frustrated.

“Can you two finally SHUT UP!!!? It’s already humiliating enough that we got all beaten by ONE creature in less than 30 seconds. So I don’t want the two of you rubbing more salt into the wound with your filly like bickering over there.” Another one shouted further behind on another pile of tied up ponies. This one being the officer that got blasted from the sky first when he was annoying Riggs.

“Says the one who literally started this whole mess and got hit in the face first with some paralyzing magic.” One of the two guards muttered which the other could for the first time only agree on.

On the other side of the Camp, Riggs was listening to their child like bickering with some level of amusement while cooking up some stew above his fire.

The only ponies that were obviously not part of the pony pyramid where Spitfire, Cloudchaser and the newcomer named Thunder Cloud. Her partner Sky Swords though was still tied up but unlike the others he was actually still lying at the same spot when BB-5 snatched him up from mid air and somehow bound him up afterwards.

One was just silent, the other was more awkwardly looking around herself, while the other was being rather pissed towards a certain individual who was not giving a shit to all of this the slightest.

“You are nothing but a complete bucking psychopath.” Spitfire announced which was, as always, falling into deaf ears. Or so she expected before Riggs finally lifted his gaze towards the new guard mare of all ponies.

“Hey you.” He called out which immediately got Thunders attention. “That Box behind holds a couple of full water canteens. You can take some of those and go around those captives to give those a drink who desire it.” Riggs pointed out behind her.

She followed Riggs gesture by turning her head before looking back and nodding towards the commando awkwardly.

She was just glad to have something to and not just awkwardly sitting around.

“Hey uhm…could you perhaps give me a little sip as well.” Sky Sword asked while squirming a bit from his position.

Thunder just nods before grabbing a few canteens from the box and to do what she has been ask to do. Better than just sitting around clueless in her mind.

With the new mare now busy Riggs just went back to his cooking, or he would have if a certain yellow mare didn’t have a wrench to throw at his plans.

“You know you could also just, oh I don’t, maybe just let them all go you know?” The fiery mare offered which again was thrown onto deaf ears as Riggs just casually cooked away.

This really annoyed Spitfire. “Hey I am talking to you, you out of space alien psychopath.” Spitfire shouted and scaring the two other ponies close by her.

This though did the trick as Riggs finally gave her the attention she so desperately wanted to have. His expression though stoic, something Spitfire was not expecting.

“You are a military personnel are you not?” Riggs ask casually which immediately confused Spitfire.

“Well…uh yes, yes I am. Beside the Captain of an aerial stunt team, I am also a Sergeant of the Pegasus Guard at Cloudsdale. But what the hay has this to do with anything?” Spitfire demanded at the end, still feeling somewhat pissed at the Commando’s previous behavior.

Riggs attention just went back at the stew in front of him before answering. “Well aren’t you then dedicated to go out and fight in battles or wars if such events ever happen to your nation or your species as a whole?” Riggs ask again and only confusing Spitfire even more.

“Well yes…but that is…” Spitfire began before Riggs quickly cut her short as that was already all he needed to hear from her.

“Then how do you feel about the concept of killing people? Because that is exactly what is expected of you when you are part of the army, and I am sure that you were aware of such occupational requirements when you decided to first signe up in the earlier parts of your life.” Riggs openly explained while stirring his dinner.

Spitfire was speechless. But still tried her mental best to formulate some words out of her mouth on the now serious subject that Riggs has forcefully brought up on her. Both cloud and those close enough to hear them had their attention fully focused on these two.

Spitfire was a bit hesitant at first but quickly decided to voice out. “Well yes, yes I was aware of such a requirement when I first joined the guard. But seriously, what are the chances of Equestria as a whole to ever go to a real war with any other nation that surrounds us? Equestria as a whole has been mostly in peace for the last 1000 years. So again what are the chances of a war breaking out in the first place?” She explained. Words that a lot of ponies could hear only agreed upon.

Because really, the chance of a war breaking out for Equestria in the near foreseeable future is basically almost non-existent in most of these ponies’ minds. Especially given the incredibly long peace their nation has enjoyed so far for the last 1000 years.

But Riggs knew better, and what he had learned so far by travelling and fighting all across the galaxy and old data’s from times long gone was that peace, was nothing but an illusion. The only peace that you can truly archive is when your time comes, but that also depends on what kind of religion you believe in. But Riggs wasn’t going to bother getting all philosophical on these furry natives. Plus he generally doesn’t care about that kind of stuff anyway. If he was going to get a blaster bolt rammed into the back of his head one day then so be it. At least it’s going to be swift and painless.

“Yes I am a psychopath.” Riggs suddenly announced which again took Spitfire completely by surprise.

“What…what?” Spitfire asked confused at the sudden confession and change of topic.

Riggs mentally sighed as he repeated himself. “Yes, I am a psychopath. You automatically become one when joining the military and being eventually shipped off to war to fight whatever it is your higher ups wants you to fight against. It’s part of the occupational requirements.” Riggs explained before removing his cooking kettle from the fire and setting it down next to him.

“All the fights, the deaths and destruction. Say what you want but it will affect a person one way or another. In some it's subtle in some others it’s more extreme.” He continued on as he took a small taste of his self-cooked dinner and giving a satisfied nod in the end.

He took a few more spoons of his stew before continuing. “The only difference with me, is that I have already lost what most individuals back home would call “normal” long before I even became soldier. Why? Well that would be a story for another day, if I even bother to tell it that is.” Riggs finally finished as he just casually ate the rest of his food in silence.

Spitfire was somewhat unsure what even to say. But she had to admit that her annoyance was quickly replaced with a sense of curiosity regarding Riggs’s previous life before he came here. I mean he was a soldier that one is pretty obvious at this point, a pretty damn good and kickass soldier is she had to be honest to herself.

Now that he openly mentioned it, she was now very intrigued to learn in just how many battles this alien had participated in to be so good and in what he does cold.

“So wait, does the last part mean that he was always crazy.” One of the tied up guards randomly spouted.

Everybody froze when Riggs raised his gaze to whoever blared that out. The one responsible was no longer feeling clever when Riggs gaze landed on him.

That’s when a distraction accrued in the form of a blue ball with a head.

“Beep, chirp beep boop.” The little guy chimed which thankfully for the guard took Riggs attention away from him.

Riggs just hummed before standing up. “Well since you are here, mind keeping an eye on our “guests” while I go out and check what kind of wildlife they have here that are good for game. The supplies that I have won’t last forever after all.” Riggs requested while looking down at his small pot of stew.

“Shouldn’t have stocked up on so many tools and ammunition. But who could possibly predict that your hyperdrive is going to get you stranded on a damn planet.” Riggs muttered before walking back towards his ship, taking his dinner with him.

BB-5 just nods his little head before doing exactly what Riggs has ask him to do. Keep an eye on these ponies.

Cloudchaser just frowned. “Yeah if you think that I am going to let a ball of scrap keep a leash on me then you all can kiss my flank.” She announced before getting up from the container she has been leaning against most of the day.

“I am going somewhere else or maybe even just flying back all together. Bet my sis misses me already.” She declared while opening her wings and giving it a few test flaps, unbeknownst to her that a certain droid had completely different opinions on her decisions entirely.

He was instructed to keep an eye on ALL of these ponies which means “Stay here”.

BB-5 immediately opened his hook shot compartment, a gesture that was not missed by the mare it was intended for as her eyes went wide for a moment before transforming into a glare instead.

The stare off continued one for a few couple moments before Cloudchaser just groaned in defeat. If BB-5 could aim, catch and bind a Pegasus trying to escape into the air not once, but twice in a row, and doing it faster than a Pegasi can even do its second flap, then really what were her chances of trying to get away this time. Especially now that BB-5 is prepared and expecting it.

With great displeasure Cloudchaser just plumed herself back on the same spot and crossed her hooves in annoyance.

“Stupid ball thing.” She muttered.


“We are now reaching the outskirts of Whitetail Woods Princess.” The lead guard pulling the chariot stated.

“We are aware of that Sergeant. Please land right at the edge of the Forest. It would be much easier for us to fly along with the Legion instead of using this chariot from this point on.” Celestia requested which was answered with a nod.

“As you wish Princess.” He responded before he and the rest behind him maneuvered the chariot in a soft decent.

“I still don’t see how a forest like this can swallow up a whole platoon of pegasi guards. The last time I checked this forest does not harbor any monsters or hostile creatures whatsoever.” Luna piped in as there Chariot finally touches the ground.

“This is why we are here Luna, to personally see what could possibly cause it and hopefully find all 30 ponies alive and well.” Celestia answered as both her and her sister stepped off her chariot.

She felt quite concerned, even more so when her gut somehow told her that there was something more to this than they all originally thought.

“30 plus pegasus guards don’t just go missing like that randomly in one of the most docile location in all of Equestria. There is definitely more to it than that.” Celestia thought to herself as the legion following her finally touched down behind her as well.

The officer of the group immediately stepped up and saluted to the princesses. “Your Majesties, we are ready and accounted for. Should we begin this operation immediately?” He requested.
Celestia nods. “Yes, yes we shall. Normally splitting up would be the best idea but considering the consique….”She tried to explain before she got interrupted by her sister taking off into the air without any warning.

“Uh…sister why are you…”Celestia tried to ask before once again being interrupted.

“Going on with this investigation of course. While having the number advantage in great. I personally prefer to look for our missing ponies ourselves without any slowdowns. We are quite faster than thee anyway.” Luna announced. “Plus I need to go, as the modern foals would say, go potty. I foolishly forgot to go prior before we made our way here. I will find you sister when I or something has found me.” She quickly added before swiftly flying off into the skies of Whitetail Wood forest.

“Luna now wait, we have to…ahh for the love of…” Celestia sighed and inwardly groaned in annoyance at her sister’s sporadic behaviors and rash decisions.

She blames those Comics and this new entertainment method called ‘Video Games’ she has been occupied with ever since she discovered them.

But then again she has to admit that some of them are quite entertaining. It’s just too bad that her role as a Princess doesn’t really produce a lot of free time for herself. This very situation being a good example of her busy schedule.

“Maybe I am allowing her a bit of too much free time.” She wondered to herself as the lead stallion from before approached her.

“Should I command a group to go after her your Highness?” He requested.

Celestia shook her head. “No, most of you won’t even have a chance to actively keep up with her as I have to admit that her speed is definitely far greater than mine and also your average pegasus. Chasing her now would just be wasting energy on your part. Plus my sister is very much capable in keeping her own when things get serious. So again no need to worry.” She explained before turning herself around to gaze upon the large group of ponies in large.

“Alright everypony, let’s do what we came here for. Search and investigate, and to hopefully find the missing ponies and also why they went missing in the first place.” Celestia boomed before spreading her wings and giving them a few test flaps to warm them up.

“Let’s move out.” She declared before taking off into the air.

The officer took to the air as well. “You heard her. Let’s go and keep your senses sharp. Immediately report to me or the Princess if one of you spots something unusual.” He commanded.

With that, the monarch and the Legion of Pegasi guard where off to investigate the forest and to hopefully find the missing ponies, and more importantly why they went missing together in the first place.


“I wonder if this is eatable?” Riggs wondered as he looked over a weird creature he just shot.

It has leather wings, a long chitin like tail with a stinger on the end and a yellow furry body with a thick red mane around its head.