• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 4,346 Views, 257 Comments

The Imperial Ace - Navanastra

An Imperial Elite pilot gets send to an unknown planet after a horribly hyperdrive malfunction and is forced to make planet fall with his crippled ship, eventually getting in contact with the world inhabitant. What will Riggs Dantion's future hold?

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Chapter 12: Civilization at last...though a bit primitive

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. Also consider visiting my Patreon if you want to support me. I am both a writer (obviously) and an artist at the same time.

Chapter 12: Civilization at last…though a bit primitive.

Edited by: Rainbowblitz, Fistfire

The evening lifestyle of Ponyville is considered a quiet one. Unlike the early night life of the more major cities of Equestria, Ponyville is in comparison, a rather quiet and quaint little place to roam about.

Ponies were still cantering around the dirt streets of the town of course, heading over to the limited number of pubs and night clubs the little town had to offer. Even some stores close to the market were still open. Offering certain wares which were only available at these times of the day.

Overall the nightlife of the town was subtle, but still a nightlife none the less with one half of its population still up and about, and the other half, most of them foals, already long in their shutters to clock out for the day. One of these ponies, or rather places that were still open was the local library, with its owner and custodian still awake and about.

She wasn’t alone with her task though as an assistant of her’s was also helping to tidy the place up for any potential visitors that may come to her abode this early in the night. Not just for that reason though as the latest letter she received from her ruler earlier in the day showed.

“Spike, are you finished re-arranging those books in section C yet?” The librarian asked her assistant while she was busy in the kitchen doing dishes.

“Almost Twilight, just a few more books and I should be done.” The aforementioned Spike answered.

Twilight just nods to herself as she continued with her task while thinking about the letter she received a few hours ago from the Princess.

“A possible Extraequestrian being has landed here and has also been responsible for the sudden disappearance of a whole squad of Pegasi guards at the west most frontier of Equestria? Certainly a very exciting but also worrying thought, especially considering the whole disappearing part. And here I have thought that such things were just silly old foals tales for comics or fantasy books that Spike loves to read. Well…I guess I will find out the truth sooner or later, if the Princesses account of it coming here are true or not. Oh I am already so excited about the possibility of being one of the first ponies in history to prove that life outside our world actually existes. Even far more advanced life if all those comic book stories or sci-fi novels were accurate. Just imagine what we might learn from it.” Twilight thought to herself, getting more and more giddier the more she thought about it.

Sadly, her own friends weren’t as enthusiastic as her though. But that was understandable on her opinion. This was still an extraequestrian being that she was talking about, from a civilization FAR more advanced than theirs, not to mention that added confirmation that it was the very reason as to why those guards went missing in the first place.

But besides her friends concerns, Twilight still kept an optimistic mindset of this new development. Something that, in her opinion, was crucial if her upcoming introduction with the alien is to be a success. Mostly for the town’s sake really.

This still is a highly advanced being they were talking about. With highly advanced and deadly weapons as well if the letter’s description about it were true. They were actually dealing with a soldier or a warrior as far as they know.

“All done Twilight.” Spiked announced from the main hall.

Twilight smiled at that. “Great job then Spike. There are some gems stored in the food closet over there if you want some.” She replied.

Before she could even finish her sentence, the drake was already standing at the door archway of the kitchen. Excitement clear on his purpled scaled face.

“Wait you have? Since when did you get them?” Spike asked, a big grin adorning his features.

Twilight giggled. “Well I got then during my last visit over to Rarity's Boutique. She had quit the collection of leftover gems from her last big order and she was quite keen in giving them up for you when I asked her. So yeah, we are now officially full on gems again.” She responded before focusing back on her task.

The drake’s faced swooned for just a moment at the mentioning of that white fashionista before it quickly returned to reality at the snacks that were waiting for him in the closet.

Spike was about to rush to the food closet when a strange and echoing sound suddenly registered in his ears. Spike wasn’t the only one to notice this as Twilight's ears immediately began to twitch around trying to find its source.

Sadly her pony ears ended up quiet fruitless in their endeavor which forced Twilight to take more attentive towards it.

“Twilight do you hear that?” Spike asked as he looked up at the only open window in the kitchen.

Twilight followed his gaze and nods. “Yeah, seemed to be coming from outside to be honest.” She responded.

Dropping everything that she was doing and quickly drying up her hooves on a nearby blanket, Twilight was about to head over to the open window when a knock coming from the front door drew her attention instead.

Both her and Spike turned their gazes towards the exit of the kitchen, a second set of knocking coming from the door but this time accompanied by a voice.

“Hey Twilight open up.” She heard a rather scratchy voice shout. A voice both her and Spike immediately recognized.

“Rainbow Dash? What is she doing here?” Spike questioned, mostly to himself than Twilight.

Twilight shrugged. “Beats me, but maybe she knows what is going on outside…which is actually getting louder now that I think about it.” She responded before moving out of the kitchen and into the main hall of the library.

“Dash, you know that this here is a public library right. The door is unlocked as usual.” Twilight called out towards the door.

“Oh…right.” She heard her friend say before the door opened, revealing a baby blue and prismatic mare behind it.

This was Twilight’s chance to ask her question. “Hey Dash, do you perhaps know what that sound is. It’s kinda hard to clearly hear it from inside a thick library wall to be honest.” Twilight questioned as the mare stepped into her home, ruffling her wings a bit as she did so.

This got Rainbow’s attention. “Well that is why I am here really. The entire town is hearing it too and it’s getting louder and louder with each passing moment. I just came over to ask if you could hear it as well.” Dash explained much to Twilight growing curiosity and confusion.

She nods her head. “Well obviously I do.” Twilight responded before making her way towards the door.

“Spike, let’s go back outside and see what is happening. Just leave everything as it is, you can have your gems later.” Twilight called out as she and Dash exited the library.

Spike just spouted. “Stupid events and stopping me from getting snacks.” He mumbled but still followed the two mares outside the library where the distant echoing noises were much clearer to hear.

From outside it sounded more like a distant screeching than anything else, somewhat creepy and disturbing to listen, as if a giant bird was dying or something.

It seems that Spike wasn’t the only one thinking like that as Twilight shared the same look of confusion and shocked expression as him.

“What the…what in Celestia's name is that?” Twilight questioned as her ears began to twitch in place once more. Again trying to pinpoint its origin but failing once more. The echo in nature making it difficult to get a bearing on it

Dashie shook her head. “No bloody idea, again this is why I came to you. I was hoping you would know what the hay it is.” Rainbow responded.

A Lot of ponies around them we're also looking up in the sky, both from the streets and from their houses as the screeching persisted.

Their questions were quickly answered though, as something suddenly broke through the clouds far off in the distance. Its distant glint quite visible within Luna’s full moon. The ponies didn’t know what it was but at that point it was clear that IT was the source of that sound.

Twilight’s, Spike’s and Dash’s eyes were fixed on it almost immediately. Their eyes wide with shock and wonder, mostly on the fact in how impossibly fast it was approaching the town from where it breached. A clear sonic cone being in front the object.



“What the heck is that thing?”

“I don’t know…but…but…”She tried to say before realization struck her.

“Wait…the alien.” Twilight thought to herself, her eyes going even wider in realization.

“Wait a minute Dash. This…this could be the…the…” Twilight stuttered which Dashi finished for her as she too realized what this thing was.

“The alien that managed to best a whole platoon of guards on its own. The one that you told us about?” Dash asked which Twilight confirmed with a silent nod.

The entire town's eyes were now firmly fixed of the unidentified flying object at this point. Watching is quickly thundering past the small town in impossible speeds before turning around in full blast and basically circling the entire town at this point.

The terrifying sounding screeching of the thing being enough to basically wake up the rest of the town.


“So this is the small town huh. Quiet quaint and very simple looking I have to say.” Riggs thought to himself when viewing the town from the front of his cockpit.

He has seen far more primitive looking towns or settlements in his travels. Some even going so far back as cave people.

There wasn’t any particular reason for him to circle this town from above, besides trying to locate this aforementioned lonely hill on the outskirts of town that the Princess mentioned.

The problem is that the countryside outside the town is quite hilly as it is, with most of them not fitting the description he was given. Either covered in foliage or already claimed by farmlands or simple residences.

Eventually though Riggs managed to spy his desired location with his eyes, a rather large and very lonely looking hill on the far west side countryside of the town. Seeming to fit the description pretty well, and the fact that it was a decent distance away from the town anyway was pretty much the two only indications he needed to know that this was his spot to camp on. Far enough from the town to not be bothered by the natives too much while also not being remote enough to be a prime spot for larger and more predatory creatures to roam about.

A nice, peaceful spot for him to procrastinate on, while trying to work on his hyperdrive again and to contact anything or anyone from civilized space.

Not sure if it would be keen for ending up to be Imperial in nature, but then again he is part of a rather special breed of elite soldiers within the Empire. At the very least they would put him in house arrest before shoving his expertise back out into the never-ending battlefield that is the Galaxy. For probation sake or whatever. Especially with the Empire's power slowly and surely slipping from its grabs since the last time he checked.

Either way, Riggs had a spot to land and that is that. Originally he was thinking about just staying in the wilderness for simplicity’s sake. But that idea got obviously thrown out the window rather quickly when this sense of “simplicity” was un-simplified by dragons, attacked by wooden canines and some strange mishmash looking creature with a stinger as its tail. Talk about vacation-al hazards.

And yes, he was decided to call his little misadventure nothing more than an off galaxy vacation. Whatever helps him to momentarily forget his true situation is good enough for him. Plus taking an actual vacation from the nonstop fighting and space shipping might actually be good for him, or rather his psyche and whatever is left of it.

Riggs just ignored his own self-reflections for now and simply focused more on the actual landing. Finally he approached the lonely hill and pulled his TIE Defender down for a landing. His craft gently touched down onto the grass covered hill with a bit of a bump. Shutting down all the systems one by one and cutting off the twin engines at last before relaxing a bit on his seat and enjoying this tiny moment of peace.

A piece that was quickly broken when he heard banging coming from a compartment behind his seat. He almost forgot about BB-5 there.

“Oh yeah, stashed the little droid in his usual back compartment, though turned on rather than off.” Riggs muttered to himself as he got up.

He went around the small space behind the cockpit and pressed a button on a wall mounted dash board, which in turn opened one of the numerous compartments there. When he did a very disoriented and somewhat displeased sounding BB-5 came rolling out of his housing, beeping, quaking and chirping a storm of complaints.

Riggs may not be very versed in the art of droid speech, but he does recognize swearing whenever he hears it, no matter what the race or language it comes from. And this droid was certainly swearing judging by its tone and frantic head movements.

Riggs wasn’t even aware that droids could swear, but then again, this droid is special. It is a prototype droid that he took with him after a raiding run on a previously thought Rebel research facility. Prototypes to tend to have bugs and glitches within their software. Most of the time.

Riggs just mentally shrugged, petted the little droid on his dome shaped head, before pressing another button on the same board which activates a lift underneath them that would take them to the top.

With a steady surge and a gently hum, the top hatch above them opened before the one person lift slowly ascended up towards its opening and allowed Riggs and BB-5 to escape the TIE.

Once done Riggs was the first to quickly jump down, followed by the droid who first fasten himself with one of his grapplers before slowly zipping himself down onto the ground.

No need for him to shake his sensors by simply rolling off after all.

Either way, Riggs just sighed to himself before finally removing his helmet. Taking in some natural fresh air through his nose. Say what you want about the helmets filters but natural air is still the best one in his opinion.

Especially the ones that aren’t polluted with something, and no he wasn’t just thinking about smog either. The Galaxy is full of places where the very air is contaminated with something, ranging from deadly fungus, to poisonous spores, or even downright toxic fumes coming from the planet's crust itself.

Been there done that, quite literally in fact. Actually now that he is reflecting on his past missions a little bit more he really hasn’t done much in his career besides flying in space, training or shooting and stabbing something. Not that he was complaining about his job but, maybe taking a bit of a break would certainly be balm for his mind. Again an idea that he can easily justify by being stranded on a backwater rock.

With nothing better to do at the moment, Riggs simply clicked his helmet against his belt before looking around. The Hill he found himself on was quite the vantage point. It was quite literally the highest amount of dirt for miles with a forest behind him, wide open planes to his right and the small community town in front of him. To his left was also a forest but that one was too far away for it to be of significant interest in his eyes. Plus it looked annoyingly overgrown, a place he has no desire to walk through thanks to his experiences on Felucia.

That planet can be as dense or denser than the very crowded under cities of Coruscant in terms of foliage. Not a fun place trying to search for some escaped convicts that fled there, especially when the foliage itself was trying to kill you as well, distracting him somewhat in trying to aim for his targets.

Riggs combed his hand through his brown colored hair as he continued to reflect a bit on some of his past assignments. It was seriously either shooting something in space or shooting something on the ground. The amount of power packs and Plasma batteries he had chewed through in his career are beyond him. Not that he had even bothered to wonder about that in the first place. You just have to tendency to worry about other things instead when the situation suddenly heat up. Especially when they are basically free for you.

Riggs only remembered once paying for power packs in his life, but that was on an undercover assignment where he was travelling through the under cities of Kuat. Again Rebel related, because why not.

Riggs scratched his head. “Anyway, I can have flashback AFTER I first set everything up…again. Need to find some firewood first though.” Riggs mumbled to himself. Playing a bit with one of his earrings while looking around for some useful stuff to burn.

Easier said than done, especially when you are standing on such a lonely looking hill with nothing useful nearby. He either has to butcher the only tree standing on his hill or go down towards the wood lines behind him and get some from there.

Riggs snorted. “If that place is also harboring one of those wooden canines or that other thing with the stinger on its tail then I might actually have to reside in burning THIS forest down instead. I may like action but I am also a sucker for some peace and quiet sometimes. Especially when I am not on a mission at all.” He commented to himself before making his way down the hill.

He unfortunately didn’t get very far though when both BB-5 and his helmet on his side where beeping unevenly.

BB-5 was especially vocal about it as he quacked and chirped in place while looking towards the town.

Riggs immediately knew what was up. “Didn’t take long for the locals to have their curiosity overwrite their better sense of judgment. Well, better to get this over with now than later.” Riggs muttered before turning himself around and making his way back up onto the hill.

The town itself was still a few clicks away but that doesn’t matter for his sensors. They can easily pick up anything even if it’s not in visual range.

A quiet useful tool to have when you are playing as the hunter, which Riggs was quiet experiences in. Both on the ground and up there in the world of nothing and everything.

“Hmm…I may have an idea.” Riggs thought to himself with a small smile.

He placed his helmet back where it belonged before quickly dashing over to his ship. He climbed up, jumped back into his ship before opening up one of his many compartments on the back of his seat and pulling out something that he hadn’t used for quite a while, even forgot at this point that he even has it in the first place.

“Ah perfect.” Riggs exclaimed, reviewing the item in his hand.

It was none other than his attachable cloaking module for his armor. Granted that spot has been dominated by his personal shield unit ever since the aforementioned undercover mission on the core world of Kuat, but that still doesn’t mean he would never find a use for it again. So instead of throwing it away or shelling it, Riggs simply decided to keep it, even though he knew that most of his assignments would consist of being loud and proud despite the illusive name of his team.

Shadow squad, the only reason why they were given this name in the beginning was thanks to the Tie Phantom project that he is his squad used to be part of. Being generally one of the first that where given the privileges to test fly one of these things and even going so far as to really put them to their paces with some good old traditional combat. Surprising rebels and space pirates left and right with almost comical ease thanks to the highly effective cloak and hyperdrive functions of these new prototypes.

A REAL serious upgrade from the Tie Interceptors he and his squad used to fly prior to that and a very good time to have for sure. That is, until his faction got moved and assigned to a new chain of command under control of Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin. Who also later introduced them to his latest projects as well, like the more combat advanced Tie Avenger and Tie Defender respectively.

You can guess which of these was initially taken.

Granted, Riggs kinda missed the highly versatile cloak capabilities that the Tie Phantom had, but at the same time he couldn’t really deny the overall combat superiority and speed that the Tie Defender has in comparison. Better weapon and support systems, torpedo, missile and bombing capabilities, highly advanced ray and deflector shields, a tractor beam generator and of course one of the best hyperdrive systems that money could buy. Overall a ship where NO expenses were neglected.

Literally a ship that was basically made out of technology and money, lots and LOTS of money. In other words Riggs managed to quickly fall in love with this new machine, which, a feeling that was almost immediately justified with the first couple of battles he took it in. It was like a game. Even the Rebel’s X-wings and A-wings started to be cannon fodder for him to daintily chew on.

Another beep on his HUD quickly brought Riggs back to his senses. With a bit of a grunt, Riggs carefully pulled out the Shield module attached on his back before quickly replacing it with Cloak. One quick software installation and verification later and his armor's power cells were ready to feed the new attachment with all of the power it required.

It was now ready for use which Riggs intended to make true. Just for the sake of a little bit of fun rather than being serious with it.

Repeating the same process as before, Riggs got lifted back out of his Tie before jumping off it. Looking over his HUD again he could perfectly see the six targets that were moving steadily to his position. Without wasting any more time in flashbacking all day, Riggs pressed a button on a small display under his left gauntlet and fully disappearing out of physical view.

The cloak doing exactly what it is designed to do. All Riggs needed to do was wait for the party to arrive and see what they were going to do. If one of them gets too close to his ship then it would be his cue to de-cloak. No need to risk these native doing more damage on his ship then it already has after all.

Also never mind BB-5 and what he will do when seeing them.

“Twilight, could you please tell me why the rest of us have to come along with you to meet this…extraequestrian alien of yours? Can’t this ordeal wait until tomorrow? That dreadful screech already roused me from my well needed beauty sleep as it is.” An alabaster colored unicorn mare complained, rubbing her obvious tired eyes with a hoof before giving off a yawn.

A yawn which was mimicked by two other ponies as they shared the same physical problems as their purple maned friend here.

Only Rainbow Dash, Twilight and a pink bouncing mare were the only ones with a sufficient enough energy to spare. Especially the pink one.

Twilight sighed. “I already told you Rarity why this situation can’t possibly wait until tomorrow. The idea of an alien camping out close to the town should be enough reason as it is. We have a REAL alien from another world at our hooves which obviously can NOT wait. Plus the Princess has instructed me that I should personally introduce himself to both our town and ponykind as a whole to hopefully avoid any potential miscommunication with it. Better safe than sorry after all.” The dorky little unicorn explained.

The aforementioned Rarity just groaned. “Fine, fine. I can perfectly see your point there Twilight. But could you maybe specifically tell me why you need all six of us to come out here? I doubt simply saying hello to an alien really requires six ponies to be present. You and Dashie seemed to be eager enough to do this job yourselves so why drag us in?” The alabaster mare pressed on as another yawn escaped her white muzzle.

The orange mare beside her nods. “I kinda have to agree with Rares here Twi, especially when I have a lot of work to do in the morning. Big Mac is once again out of town, which basically leaves me to do all of the chores and apple bucking for the farm. I literally have my hooves deep as can be here.” The blond maned and stetson wearing mare added, much to Rarity's joy and understanding.

This time it was the pink one that butted in. “Oh don’t be all sleepy and workaholic, this is a real life alien we are talking about. An opportunity that only comes once in a lifetime, which means that I am going to be the very first pony in history to throw a “Welcome to Equestria” party to an Alien. Ooooh the idea alone already has me all twitchy and giddy inside me. Just think about the possibilities.” She offered, grinning to herself madly at the ideas alone.

This causes some of the ponies to just roll their eyes though.

“Well at least one of us in in tip top condition.” Rarity muttered.

Twilight sighed again. “You all should know why exactly we, as a whole, have to be present for this. From what we managed to face and overcome in the past it certainly wouldn’t take much thought to see the reasoning. If things go south somehow then we at least would be six versus on…or well one and a half if Luna’s added comment in the letter is true or not.” She explained, sounding and looking somewhat thoughtful in the end.

This got Dashie’s attention though. “One and a half? What the heck is that supposed to mean?” She questioned, looking over at twilight from her right.

“Well.” Twilight began awkwardly. “According to the description, the alien has a little ball shaped creature accompanying him. The same thing that managed to capture and…kinda tie up Princess Luna when she arrived long before everypony else did.” Twilight added, which in turn got everyone’s attention.

They all stopped in their tracks, with the orange mare being the first to ask. “Wait just a darn minute here.” She started with a time out gesture. “Did you just said a tiny ball like creature managed capture and snare up one of the princesses, just like that, all by itself no less?” She asked for basically everypony around her.

Twilight just nods which in turn caused everyponies eyes to either go wide or just plane on skeptical.

This time it was Dashie who took the lead. “No offense Twi but. I kinda have to share Applejacks thought process here and say that whatever you have read in that letter of yours is either a loud bollocks or just miss-worded. Are you sure you read the letter correctly?” The prismatic mare questioned, looking and sounding both quite skeptical.

Twilight just groaned while looking at her. “YES, YES of COURSE I read the letter correctly. How the hay would I not for being the local LIBRARIAN and quote un-quote EGGHEAD of the group as you constantly love to quote me sometimes, and secondly it’s a letter written and sent by Princess Celestia herself. Which alone should be enough legitimacy on its own. I do not see a reason for the princess herself to lie about something she saw with her own eyes. The idea alone that she would is just silly.” The little unicorn ranted.

She quickly sighed. “Let’s just go and see this thing ourselves before we start drawing more conclusions and arguments. I think the fatigue is slowly getting to me as well, now that I think about it.” Twilight added before once again taking the lead.

The rest simply followed, staying more or less quiet at this point on as they either continued to trot and hover along the grassy fields that separate the town and landing zone where the alien craft had been spotted.

It didn’t take long though for the group to reach the base of the large hill where the alien craft was sitting on top. The first few features, mostly its top wings, were already peeking out from the upper edge of the hill much to the ponies’ anticipation.

“Oooh that must be it.” The pink one exclaimed in wonder.

Twilight nods. “Yup, that has to be it Pinkie. Right on top of this Hill lays all of the answers that ponykind has been questioning itself for centuries.” Twilight answered before a huge smile creeped on her muzzle. “Ooh I can’t wait to personally communicate with it. If what the princess’s writings are true, then it should be capable of speaking Equestrian as well. I can’t wait to ask it all sorts of questions.” The lavender colored mare added, which in turn caused some of her friends to just roll their eyes at her predictable behavior.

“That’s what I am actually afraid of. You annoying a space alien with your never ending curiosity. Not the best first impression to go with if you aske me.” Applejack commented, which again was silently agreed upon by everyone.

Twilight just ignored that obviously aimed comment as she just cantered up the hill with a distant look on her face.

Rainbow shook her head. “Here we go again. Twilight in her egghead mode.” She added before following the oblivious mare.

The rest soon followed, with one happily bouncing along and the other keeping close in between Applejack and Rarity.

The incline was somewhat steep, taking a bit of efforts for those not born with wings. But eventually the group of six managed to reach the top, which in turn forced everypony to immediately stop in there tracks and gawk at the strange alien craft that was basically towering above them at this point.

“Whoa…so this is what an alien space machine looks like.” Dashie commented, being in awe in actually standing in front an actual space ship herself. Previously only seen in either comic books or illustrations made by others.

Everypony was rooted to their hooves as they gazed up at the metal beast before them. Its design and overall shape being so alien towards the ponies but no less intriguing, especially for the two pegasi.

“Doesn’t seem to look that aerodynamic at all. Not like with birds or other animals who fly naturally.” The previously silent pegasus commented.

Rainbow Dash just had to nod to that. “Yeah, you’re kinda right with that Fluttershy. This thing DOES look like a bit too big and strangely designed to be even able to keep itself up in the air. Especially those three jagged and outwards bend wings don’t look like they could actively generate lift on their own. Kinda strange really.” Rainbow commented, but still staying fascinated about this thing nonetheless.

Applejack just snorted. “Well beats me. But you seem to forget that this is a machine that can travel through the stars and all that fancy jazz. If a machine can do that, then I guess flying in air even though it doesn’t seem to or look like a pegasus, gryphon or a bird at all shouldn’t be too much of a problem for it. Especially since you two ACTUALLY saw this thing fly overhead when it was basically waking up all of ponyville with its horrible sounds. Quite the proof right there if you ask me.” AJ added, which Dashi had to admit, kinda made sense when she thought about it.

“Oh it looks so pretty, I wanna get closer and see ALL of its details.” Pinkie suddenly exclaimed before dashing her way over to it to everyone’s surprise.

“Bet the alien is in there.” She added much too every once shock.

“Wait pinkie don’t…” Twilight tried to warn before someone or something quickly grabbed pinkie by the tail and held her upside down in the air to everyone’s sudden shock.

“You know, I personally don’t like it when someone just randomly touches the ONLY thing that can legitimately get off of this planet.” An artificial sounding and disembodied voice said, again much to everyone's shock and added surprise.

“Oh, I never knew that alien ships can be haunted as well?” Pinkie smiled, trying to reach for something or rather anything that was holding her up into the air.

Unbeknownst to her, she was actually flapping around at the opposite side where Riggs was standing. Much to the invisible commando’s amusement.

Right in front of the still confused and bewildered looking mares, a tall black and completely armor Bipedal suddenly materialized right in front of them from thin air. The only color coming from the being were its blue colored and angry looking eyes that shone dimly within the shadows of the night. Adding to the overall creepy and intimidating effect this alien imposes. Especially for being substantially taller than what the ponies can imagine easily being somewhat taller than Celestia herself. If you don’t count her horn that is.

Pinkie on the other hand just smiled. Being both oblivious and somewhat uncaring of her situation. “Hya, I am Pinkie Pie. Are you one of the nice Aliens that come in peace and give gifts too lesser technologically advanced species to help them out, or are you one of those nasty aliens, the ones to attack and enslave all of ponykind?” Pinkie casually questioned.

The Alien just looked down at her smiling muzzle.

“Neither.” He casually responded, or so the ponies thought judging by the mechanical but still deep sounding voice.

“Well…at least that is that. No need to worry him about stealing my apples I guess.” The orange mare casually commented

Why are things suddenly becoming so…casual? Especially in front of an Alien who was holding one of their friends in its hands. Upside down no less.