• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 1,655 Views, 130 Comments

Ice Fall - Bluespectre

Celestia has gone. The forces of the night, victorious at the battle of River Valley, push on towards the castle of the two sisters. Two friends find themselves caught up in the maelstrom of war and their lives will likely never be the same again.

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Chapter Fifty - Goddess of the Night



The door to the conservatory opened.

“My Lord, there’s a thestral to see you.”

Maroc waved a hoof lazily as the skeletal black creature in spiked armour shoved his way past the butler and walked up to stand beside his chair,

Where are they?

Maroc smiled innocently, “Ah, Arc, so nice of you to drop by. The Goddess on her way is she?”

Don’t take that tone with me, Maroc. The Goddess may put up with your damned insolence, but I will not tolerate it!

“Really?” Maroc took a sip of his brandy, “Such a fiery race, you thestrals aren’t you? That ‘go get ‘em’ spirit must be why Nightmare Moon brought you in.”

The thestral leaned down, flames licking at his muzzle, his eyes narrowing menacingly, “I asked a question, wendigo.

Maroc took a draw on his cigar, “You haven’t seen my trophy room, have you Arc? I have the heads and even full bodies of creatures in there who I have hunted. Chimera, Basilisk, Manticore, I even have a full set of Hydra heads.” He chuckled, “I can tell you, they were a swine to have stuffed, but fortunately we have an excellent taxidermist on the staff.” He stretched his forelegs, “The pride of my collection is an ice dragon. Nasty damned thing it was too - thought it had me at one point, but you’d be surprised what a well honed blade can cut through when there’s enough power behind it.” Putting down his cigar, Maroc’s eyes flashed blue, making the thestral take a sudden step back in alarm. The Lord of the wendigo smiled, his teeth catching the firelight, “You know, Arc, I haven’t hunted for such a very long time. But there’s always room on the wall for one more.”

Arc swallowed, “You don’t frighten me.

“Oh, I should Arc.” Maroc replied sipping his brandy, “I really should.”

Another thestral hurried in,

Sir! A sky galleon has been sighted heading away from the fortress in full sail.

Arc span round, glaring at Maroc, “You’ll be sorry for this, Maroc! Mark my words!

“Try not to clatter too much on your way out will you?” the Lord replied casually, “My son’s trying to sleep, you know.”

The door slammed shut.

Maroc stared into his glass of brandy savoring the aroma. There was an electricity in the air this morning, along with a sense of mounting pressure. It was only subtle, barely more than a hint upon the wind, but it was there, and it worried him. He took a final draw on his cigar and let the smoke curl up around him. Maroc closed his eyes and sank back into his chair. Emotion…it was such a powerful force in the world, either for good or evil. He gazed out of the window at the thestrals flying off after the Wind Wraith, with Arc at their fore. He was the most emotional thestral he’d ever met, and one who wouldn’t hesititate to kill if his Goddess commanded it. Such blind loyalty, to such a creature. He shook his head and stubbed out his cigar. ‘Poor Arc’, he thought to himself sadly, if only he knew the truth. But then, who truly did?


“I say, whats going on? Are we moving?” Starswirl looked about himself in confusion, “Is this normal, Master Stock?”

The Ship’s Master glanced over his shoulder towards the steps,

“Starswirl…” he began.

“-I’m afraid I have a confession to make, Starswirl.” Cyclone cut in appearing like a Goddess send down the steps, and very much to Stock’s relief. She walked up to the two stallions and bowed, “We have set sail for Equestria, where the Princess is expecting your attendance.”

“What?!” the grey unicorns eyes flashed, “You can’t do this! My research!”

“We brought what we could,” Cyclone said calmly, “but we didn’t have much time I’m afraid.”

Starswirl was livid, “This is…this is intolerable! I demand you take me back this instance!”


The wizard began to splutter as he opened his mouth to doubtless give a list of demands to the Captain, but paused, staring past her. Grille was poking her head down the hatchway,

“Cap’n, we’ve got company. A flight of thestral coming in from astern.”

Cyclone nodded, turning back to the wizard with a commanding look on her face,

“It appears your friends have appeared, Master Starswirl. Shall we hoof you over to them along with Chalky? I understand the thestrals have some unfinished business with him.”

Starswirl said nothing.

Cyclone snorted loudly, “Mister Grille, we shall beat to quarters.”

“Aye, aye Cap’n.”

Stock clopped Starswirl on the shoulder, “I’m sorry.”

The grey unicorn sighed and shook his head, “If you’d only asked me, I would have come anyway you know.” He looked into Stock’s eyes, “Leaving without a word to Maroc and Arathea was wrong, Stock. They have never done anything other than treat me with kindness and respect.”

The brown stallion nodded, “I know, but these are strange times my friend. When this madness is at an end, we’ll all go back and make amends.” He turned and hurried for the stairs, “Best stay down here for now though, just in case things get…interesting.”

Across the deck, the crew prepared the ship’s armament for battle while the drum thrummed through the deck in tune with the Wind Wraith’s excitement. Stock couldn’t help but feel a thrill run through him. The ship was all but quivering with the expectation of a fight and it was infecting the crew as well. She was built for this, not for trade. At her heart, the Wind Wraith was a warship and this…this was her true element.

Cyclone shout down to the helm,

“Mister Pepper, how the blistering hell are those lumbering things catching up to us?”

“We’ve lost the wind, Cap’n.” the odd coloured helmspony shouted back, “I’m doing all I can.”

The pegasus mare slammed her hoof on the balustrade, “Damn it!”

It was the mountains - the strange currents of air through here had always been unpredictable and to lose the wind now of all times! Cyclone stared at the heavy looking black shapes coming at them. Thestrals were usually slow and ungainly things in flight, and in actual fact she’d hardly ever seen them fly at all. They were nothing like a pegasus; nothing like she’d been - she could swept through them like the wind of death…

A voice called to her through the ancient vessel, caressing her heart and soul with its love,

Fly with me, my captain. Fly.

Images of unimaginable battles in the sky, of mighty dragons and ships on fire, of cries of terror and the shouts of the victorious filled her mind. This was the world of the sky galleon, the domain of the Amethyst Fleet…the home of the Wind Wraith. Cyclone smiled; finally…she understood. She grinned, reaching down and kissed the balustrade,

“Ready, my friend?”


“Mister Pepper!” Cyclone shouted down, drawing her sword, “Bring us about! We’ll rake the damned flying rats from stem to stern.”

“Aye, aye, Cap’n!”

“Mister Dust, I hope that sword of yours is not just there for decoration.” Stock shouted as he checked the last of the ship’s crossbows were loaded.

The white unicorn raised an eyebrow, “We’ll soon see, won’t we? Here they come.”

Howling their war cries, the thestrals flew straight for the Wind Wraith, and straight into a barrage of heavy bolts. Chalk jumped in surprise at the loud ‘thwack’ as the first of the ships main armaments released its deadly payload. He watched as it flew, in almost slow motion, out across the expanse of open sky and slammed centre mass into one of the armoured thestrals. Before the stricken creature had even begun to fall, the crew were reloading, the metallic clanking of the ratchet setting his teeth on edge.

“Keep it up boys! Give em hell!” Stock bellowed.

Several more of the black creatures fell, but the remainder were closing in quickly despite Pepper’s efforts to maintain their distance. The first barrage of the bolts from the thestrals struck the ship, some hitting the mast, others the hull. Fortunately, the movement and the range made aiming extremely difficult and more down to sheer luck than anything else. Fortunately for the crew, few found their target with only a nicked ear to show for their enemies efforts; yet now, the armoured nightmarish creatures were all but on them.

Chalk rushed to the side, his magic glowing around his horn. His head still ached from where they’d thumped him, but he’d practiced this one so many times, all he needed to really do was concentrate, focus and…release…

A bolt of brilliant blue energy blasted out, engulfing his target in flame. The creature’s screams made his blood run cold, but his army training was beginning to take over now; he had a job to do, and friends to protect. Another blast of blue flame lashed out, joined by more bolts from lighter crossbows.

It was a storm the thestrals could not endure.

One of the crew suddenly shouted out excitedly, “They’re turning back! They’re giving up!”

They were. Cyclone watched in amazement as the mass of winged warriors faltered, breaking formation and then turned tail to head back towards the fortress. Dear Goddesses, was that it? Was it over? She felt a wave of relief wash through her, the shouts and cheers of the crew bringing a smile to her face. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar grey unicorn peering up at her from the main deck, a look of confusion on his face. She waved him up to the quarterdeck.

“Is it over?” he asked.

Cyclone nodded, “Aye, it seems we gave them a bit more of a hiding than they were expecting.” She looked up at the sails, “I just wish we could catch the wind, we’re barely inching along.”

“Ah!” Starswirl said perking up suddenly, “I may be able to assist in that regard.” He looked about the deck, spotting Chalk, “Chalky! Come here would you please? There’s a good fellow.”

Several of the crew slapped Chalk’s rump good naturedly as he passed them. He didn’t recognise many, but there were a few familiar faces, and a few who gave him the distinct impression they would want to be a little more ‘familiar’ than that! He picked up speed and all but leaped up the steps to the quarterdeck where the grey coated wizard greeted him with his customary grin,

“Ah, excellent!” Starswirl gestured up to the sails, “Do the honours would you?”

Chalk looked confused, “Honours?”

“Wind, boy, wind!” Starswirl held his hooves up in exasperation, “What do you think I’ve been teaching you every day?”

Cyclone lifted a hoof, “What have you been teaching him?”

Starswirl shook his head, “Our young Chalk here has the makings of a wind mage, my dear Captain. He may be inexperienced, but he should be able to conjour up a little breeze.”

Chalk swallowed. He’d had some rudimentary instruction from Starswirl, but this was a bit different from blowing some snow off the roof! He looked at the deck below, at the crew all looking up towards him. Bloody hell fire! That blasted grey menace had really gotten him into a pickle now. Fine then! He’d give it his best shot and when it failed horribly, the bloody idiot would really…oh, what was the use…

Taking position in the centre of the quarterdeck, Chalk quietened his mind, reaching for his magic, for its familiar warm touch. He closed his eyes, feeling for the air currents around him as Starswirl had shown him. They were weak, but they were definitely there, he just had to encourage them closer, build them up and…


“Damn it!” Chalk shook his head and tried not to think of all the ponies watching him on the deck or the fact that another group of thestrals could be coming after them at any moment or…or Bracken, alone in that fortress, surrounded by…

“Shhh, listen…”

Chalk jumped in shock at the voice. Who the hell was that?! He looked round, received only puzzled looks from the others and an encouraging hoof wave from Starswirl. It was clear none of them had heard it other than himself. Great, now he was hearing things too! He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and plunged back in. Concentration, quiet, calm…Chalk cast his mind out, feeling for the breeze, listening for the…

“Listen…the winds of the world are singing. Can you hear their voice?”

Chalk shuddered, but kept his heart as calm as he could. The voice was gentle, warm and caring, and old…the Wind Wraith?

The voice chuckled, “You are known to me, and to my sister. She has told me of the love you share with her Captain.” A sense of enveloping love and protection ran through him. “You are welcome here.”

In his mind, Chalk called to her, “I can’t call the wind, it won’t listen to me.”

“It will.” The ship said softly, “You only have to listen for its song. Listen…”

The white unicorn listened. Somewhere, a long way off, he could hear…something.

A feeling of warmth and soft brushed his neck, sending tingles down his spine,

“Don’t push, don’t force, just listen, and enjoy the song. Let the world sing to you in her own voice.”

Chalk felt safe with her here, safe and…calm. Her voice was so kind, so motherly and…yes…he could hear it, it was barely on the edge of hearing, but…it was there - a wordless voice, an endless chorus of the winds, the life and movement of the world around them, singing its eternal song for any and all to hear. The song wrapped itself around Chalk completely, enveloping him, seeping through his fur, his pores, his veins, blood, muscle and bone. It was as much a part of him now as he was of it, and his magic called out in sheer exuberance with its majesty.

“Now, sing…”

Chalk could feel his heart lift, his magic flowing, pumping its energy through him like the blood in his veins. The song was all - it was in him, and he within it. He lifted his voice…and sang.

“Bloody hell, would you look at that!” Cyclone shouted, clamping her hat onto her head, “I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Starswirl shook his head, “I’ll admit, I didn’t quite expect this much progress so soon.” He scratched his beard, “Hmm, I must be a better teacher than I thought.” He nodded to himself, “One for the memoirs I think.”

Stock walked up beside Cyclone, peering at the statue like white unicorn,

“Is this meant to happen?”

Starswirl shrugged, “Who can say? There hasn’t been a wind mage in an age so far as I know. Useful fellow to have on board though.” He fished in his pannier and extracted a strange looking glass bowl and held it up to his eye before nodding to himself, “He’s fine.”

“He’s fine?” Stock shook his head, “Bugger magic.” He gave a snort and trotted off back to the main deck leaving Starswirl and the Captain to deal with the situation. He didn’t understand magic, and he sure as hell didn’t want to either. So long as Chalk was alright, that was what mattered; the last thing he wanted was having to explain to Gretel why her beloved ‘special somepony’ had blown every fuse in his head. For now at least, he put it out of his mind and threw himself into his work. Being busy was a decidedly more effective way of distracting you from more ‘involved’ thoughts.

Chalk however, was busy in his own way. The song of the world, the wonder of it all, was simply too beautiful for words. He felt like he could just fly away, releasing everything that held him anchored to his physical self: all his worries, all his cares, and become one with the winds around him. It would be so easy too, so, so easy.

“Chalky…” The ship breathed in his ear.


“Remember yourself.” She said softly, “The song can take you along like a leaf on a river and drown you in its being. You must be part of the song, not its master, not its slave, but one note amongst many others. You have the power to bring the song to you, to let the winds blow where you are, but you must always ask…never tell. Do you understand?”

Chalk nodded, “I do.”

“Come back now.” The ship said quietly, “The winds will stay until the song moves on.”

“Yes…” Chalk gave himself a shake. It was hard to let go, but not physically, just…he didn’t really want to. And then he thought of Gretel; her red coat shining in the sun, he thought of her big maroon eyes and her mane like a fall of gold on a summers day, he thought of her cutie mark, and her tail, the way it felt when it brushed against him. He smiled; he would be back soon…

Chalk opened his eyes and blinked in the sunlight. The wind was still billowing out the sails and the Wind Wraith was flying high above the clouds as swiftly as an arrow. He turned to Starswirl and smirked,

“Now that,” he said clopping the wizard on the shoulder as he walked past him, “Is what I’m talking about.”

Cyclone rolled her eyes. Stallions!


Guards snapped to attention, pulling their spears in tight as the group passed. The warriors in the black polished armour marching in step emanated a level of deadly professionalism that counterbalanced the almost ceremonial appearance of their dress. Four in front, four behind, the personal bodyguard of the one they would gladly, unthinkingly, die to protect. No introduction was necessary, given, nor asked. The door was pulled open and the Lord and Lady bowed and curtsied respectively,

“Your most Divine Majesty, we bid you welcome to our home.”

Maroc leaned forward and kissed the silver shod hoof held out to him. The Goddess’s face gave nothing away as she looked down her muzzle at him with her large eyes,

“Where is he?”

She didn’t have to explain who. Maroc felt a tinge of pity for the poor earth stallion, but what could he do? He did the only thing he could do, and stood aside, his head low and held out a hoof,

“This way your Divine Majesty, if you please.”

This was unusual. Normally she would be pumping him for information or making unrealistic demands for troops, or any other myriad of things as was her want. But today, she was focussed on a single point, and that point was…


The black stallion stood in the sunshine flooding through the conservatory windows. The way it picked out his fur made him appear to glow, as though a golden aura of light were surrounding him. Nightmare Moon stood silently, her gaze locked onto him, her mane and tail full and flowing with the magic of the world and rippling in the ethereal breeze. She blinked slowly and, almost imperceptibly, lowered her head, her voice deep and commanding,

“Get out, all of you. Leave us.”

Maroc bowed, backing out along with the others, “By your divine guidance.”

The doors closed with a solid thump that seemed to reverberate around the room in time with Nightmare Moon’s heart. She smiled. All things came in time…all things. She watched him standing there, so proud, yet so simple; a creature who she could not fully understand and yet on some different level, she could read him as easily as a foal’s story book. She gave her mane a shake and sighed,

“Bracken, come here and help me take this off.” She lowered her head, allowing the earth stallion to dutifully remove her helmet.

It felt good to be free of the thing. She felt more ‘herself’, and distinctly more feminine. The Goddess inhaled. She could smell Bracken before her, scent his nervousness, but also his excitement - that spicy undertone that made her heart quiver so. She lifted her head, allowing him to remove her breast armour, and smiled. Such a wonderful scent of stallion; how was it he managed to do this to her? She’d conducted many magical checks and tests upon herself to ensure there was no malady nor clandestine magics at play and all had proven to be clear. She’d even considered killing him, making the problem simply ‘disappear’. But now...even the thought of harming him, or any harm coming to him…she growled deep in her throat.

Bracken lifted a hoof, “Majesty, are you well?”

She snorted, lifting a foreleg for him to remove the silver cover, “Indeed, Bracken. I am, however, a little tired. It was a long flight here and the air is very cold in the mountains.”

Bracken nodded, removing another of the hoof covers,

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

A slender black leg reached out and a hoof ran tenderly down Bracken’s spine, making him quiver beneath its touch.

“Very cold indeed” the Princess of the night murmured. The last piece of armour came away and the Goddess turned to face the black stallion, her azure eyes wide and glinting in the full sunshine. “Do you like what you see?” she asked, lifting a hoof, “Tell me…honestly.”

Bracken nodded, “You are truly the most beautiful mare in Equestria, Your Majesty.”

She smiled, tapping him on the nose, “But we are not in Equestria, Bracken, not here.”

Bracken nodded, “The same still holds true.”

Nightmare Moon barked out a laugh and walked to the window, gazing out at the sun drenched mountains surrounding them. She clucked her tongue,

“I do not care much for sunshine,” she said offhoofedly, “the moon and stars are my domain. I live for dark skies, the wind in the trees, the rain upon the lake, the call of the vixen in the night.” She looked up and closed her eyes, “All these things I wish for all the ponies of Equestria to see and to feel, to truly understand the beauty of both the night and the day.”

Bracken said nothing.

“Tell me, what does your heart say Bracken?” The Goddess ran a hoof along his neck, smiling, “Tell me…”

Bracken felt his resolve falter under her touch. What was he supposed to say? He was afraid of her, terrified of her, and yet, whenever she was near, whenever she touched him…

“Majesty, must there be war? Does your sister not still hold love for you in her heart? Perhaps you could…”

“NO!” The dark coated mare slammed her hoof into the floor, cracking one of the tiles, “I will NOT! I…” she began to shake with anger, her mane billowing out around her, but…but maybe…she took a breath, lifting Bracken’s chin with her hoof, “Oh, Bracken, if only everything were so simple.”

“Does it need to be complicated?” he asked directly.

Nightmare Moon clucked her tongue, “You are still insolent!” she snapped, “If anypony else spoke to me in this manner then I should cut off their head and mount it on a pike outside my tent as a warning to others!” She stared down at him, “But you…” she placed her forelegs around his neck and pushed her muzzle into his mane with a quiet murmur, “You have enchanted me…”

Before he realised he was doing it, Bracken was stroking Nightmare Moon’s neck with his hoof, his heart pounding like a drum in his ears. She didn’t stop him, she didn’t want him to. The midnight mare, the Goddess of the night and the ruler of the dreamworld, pulled him into an embrace that took his breath away.

“Have you missed me” she whispered into his ear.

Bracken closed his eyes and took in her scent - the scent of lavender…he could feel himself melting away beneath her touch,

“Yes…I have.”

“Good.” She breathed, moving into him, “Show me how much.”

Time, like Brackens heart, drifted and floated away. All he was, all he had become, meant nothing when he was with her. Thought, sensation, even emotion itself seemed to blend into a heady mixture of warmth and closeness that was simply impossible to comprehend. Was it minutes, hours? He didn’t care, it didn’t matter, he just wanted to be with her. Every mere second was like an eternity of bliss.


Nightmare Moon, the Goddess of the night, lay beside the black stallion watching him sleep. He was so peaceful, so calm, it made her smile. Nopony could know, nopony could see, but she knew…she saw…she felt…

“You love him, don’t you.” The mare said. It wasn’t a question.

Nightmare Moon spoke quietly, “Luna…”

“You cannot deny it.” The Princess said gently, “I am you as much as you are me. I know your heart.”

“And why should I care what you think?” Nightmare Moon hissed, “Bracken is mine! Do not think you can…”

“-I have no intention of stealing him away from you.” Luna interrupted, “In a way, it would be like stealing him from myself.”

“Ha!” the Goddess snorted, “Don’t try your wordplay on me, Luna, I know your tricks better than you.”

“And I know your paranoia too, Nightmare Moon.” Luna replied sharply, “I know what you are capable of. I know what you did.”

The Goddess sneered, “You think I murdered the old mare, don’t you? That old whore who tried to steal him away from me?”

“Didn’t you?” Luna asked calmly, “You know how he felt about her.”

“One day! One cursed day and you think he had falled in love with her?” The black mare hissed, “If it wasn’t for my memory spell he would never have strayed from me, never!

“Can you be so sure?” Luna asked quietly.

Nightmare Moon glared at her reflection in the window; that damned girl! She bared her teeth, “Yes…yes, I CAN!”

Luna’s gaze was unreadably, “Then prove it. Let him have his own mind, let him see you for who you really, are as he really is.”

“You just want to destroy me!” Nightmare Moon shrieked, “You want to cast me out just as your damnable sister wants!”

“No.” Luna said quietly, “No, I don’t want that. You know that too.”

The Goddess looked confused, “But…he…if I…”

Luna nodded her head slowly, embracing her other self, “I know. But if you don’t do this, you will never truly know if he loves you for who you are.”

“Pah! Stuff and nonsense.” Nightmare Moon scoffed, “I don’t need to do that, I know this stallions heart and he is as devoted to me as a servant of the Goddess of the night should be.”

“If that is what you truly believe…” Luna replied.

“IT IS!” Nightmare Moon bellowed, “Now leave me be!”

Bracken yawned, rubbing his eyes with his forelegs, “Majesty?”

The Goddess looked down and wrapped her forelegs around him protectively, “Shhh, don’t worry Bracken, it was nothing, nothing at all.” She looked back at the window, at the reflection that stared back at her. All she could see was herself, the midnight coated mare of the nightmare realm, and wrapped in her embrace, the stallion who had affected her so. She closed her eyes,

“Come, let us away to the bath. I am still weary from my journey.” She helped lift him to his hooves, “Attend to me.”


The bathhouse was as excellent as Bracken remembered; the water just as delicately scented and as wonderfully soothing as it had the first time he’d used it. He missed Chalk, but at least he was safe, and heading home to be with his ‘pirate piece’. He chuckled to himself.

“Something amuses you?”

Bracken closed his eyes and nodded, “My friend, Chalk. He was always getting himself into trouble.”

The Goddess snorted, “And pulling you into it too, I expect.”

“Aye.” Bracken leaned back and let himself float the way Neira had done. He missed her, he missed Pickles, but here, next to her, none of that seemed to really matter any more.

Nightmare Moon laughed out loud, “You look ludicrous like that!”

“It’s better for your hooves.” He said letting himself drift on the warm water, “Besides, don’t knock what you’ve never tried.”

“Earth pony wisdom?” the dark mare asked.

Bracken chuckled, “No. Bracken wisdom.”

The Goddess floated up alongside him, “You speak to me with such familiarity, young Bracken. Do you really think you know me? Do I, the Goddess of the night, not strike terror into your heart?”

That was a leading question. Bracken opened one eye and peered at her through the steam. She was watching him with such an intense expression; what did she really want from him? Did it really matter that much anyway? He turned over and looked her in the eyes,

“No. I don’t know you, not really, but who ever truly knows another? I know how I feel about you in my heart and I believe you know that too. If you doubted me, you would have had me executed long before now.”

“Perhaps I still shall!” the Goddess replied, “Does this not frighten you at all?” She moved to the steps and heaved herself out, heading for the towels.

“Not really.” Bracken said leaving the water after her, “If you have me killed, it won’t change what is or what was. The world will keep turning, the birds will still sing and the wind will still blow. I will simply return to the earth of Equestria and my body nourish the ground while my spirit goes to be with my ancestors.”

Nightmare Moon sighed as Bracken towelled her down, enjoying the feeling of the rough material against her fur. He was a little clumsy, but he was learning, and his grooming skills had come a long way since she’d first met him. She smiled to herself, letting him dry her in places no other pony would dare go for fear of her wrath. Did she really love him? Was Luna right? She closed her eyes…she had to know.

Bracken lifted the brush to take the tangles out of the Goddess’s mane when she suddenly reached out and took him by the shoulders, pushing him to his haunches. He looked back at her in surprise,


“Shush! Bracken, listen.” She shook her mane and gritted her teeth. Damn that Luna! She took a deep breath, “When you are with me, when I am near you, I…’influence’ you. I can’t…it just…” She squeezed her eyes shut a moment, trying to gather her thoughts, “The spell Celestia pulled from you blocked a lot of your memories of your time with me unless I was with you in the dreamworld, but it still aided me in finding you.” Bracken watched her intently as she continued, “But I fear that if I were to leave now, you would…forget me.”

The black stallion shook his head, “I don’t think so. Whenever I was with you, it all seemed so much like a wonderful dream; I suppose it was really!” He smiled, scratching his mane in embarrassment, “But here, being with you now, I can still remember how I felt when I first saw you.”

“Bracken.” Nightmare Moon said quietly, “I don’t know…”

He reached up and kissed her, “This is the reality,” his breath mingled with the mare’s as she moaned under his caress, “…Majesty.” Bracken wrapped his forelegs around her and felt her shiver beneath his touch, “I love you.”

In the pools reflection, Luna shook her head sadly, walking away as her image faded away with the ripples on the water.

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