• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 1,659 Views, 130 Comments

Ice Fall - Bluespectre

Celestia has gone. The forces of the night, victorious at the battle of River Valley, push on towards the castle of the two sisters. Two friends find themselves caught up in the maelstrom of war and their lives will likely never be the same again.

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Chapter Thirty Eight - The True Nature of Power



“It’s a fairly modest request isn’t it Chancellor?” The bored looking stallion slouching across the throne raised an eyebrow, “Tell them to pay the taxes by the due date or move them out and sell their property. It’s not exactly a difficult concept to understand is it?”

The magenta mare standing at foot of the steps licked her lips nervously and adjusted her spectacles,

“Um…My Lord, the Mayor has been resident in the…um, manor for many years and…”

“I don’t give a flying buck about that!” Ochre snapped angrily, “You get that overstuffed arse out of there if he doesn’t damn well pay up what he owes. DoYour...Job…” He glared down at the frightened mare, “Was there more?” he asked in a sarcastic tone.

“M…My Lord, the Goddess has requested th…that you s…send…send…”

“Oh for…!” Ochre stood up and bellowed down the long room, “GUARDS!”

Almost immediately, a silver armoured warrior appeared, drawing up alongside the quaking Chancellor. Lord Ochre waved his hoof,

“Take that useless offal from my sight and bring me that scroll will you?”

The soldier saluted and began lifting the terrified mare.

“Oh...! For the Goddesses’ sake !” Ochre waved his hooves up in exaggerated horror, “What are you, a bloody animal?”

A dark puddle of urine had flowed from the Chancellor and was quickly soaking into the carpet around her hooves as tears poured down her cheeks.

“Get some cleaners in here will you?” Ochre called, “And guards? See if the Chancellor can regain her composure with a few lashes.” He tapped his hoof on his chin, “About twenty should do the trick.”

The Chancellor howled as she was carried bodily from the room to be rapidly replaced by two maids sporting buckets, sponges and mops. Ochre spat angrily - he just couldn’t get any decent help anymore. All the more efficient and intelligent ponies had run off like the cowards they were long ago, and yet he alone had stayed…him, the Lord of Equestria. He snorted loudly, snatching a cup of wine from his attendant. It was bloody ridiculous! That useless puppet Celestia had gone, her ungodly sibling and her freakish nightmares were now the new power in the land, so what in the world did ponies do? Did they accept the new regime? Did they even attempt to work with him to help rebuild a new Equestria? No! They’d damned well headed for the hills at the first sign of any ‘difficulty’ like whipped dogs. Sure, he’d had to ‘discipline’ a few of them, that was to be expected, but they had to learn…they had to learn. He nodded to himself; his father would have been proud of him, so…so proud. Ochre took the scroll from one of the guards and read it aloud to himself,

“Right then, lets see…” he cleared his throat, “Her most divine blah, blah, blah, taxes, troops, executions and…oh! Crucifixions? Interesting…blah, blah….” He paused, reading it again…

“She wants what?!” he threw the scroll down the stairs in a fury, “GET ME THE GUARD COMMANDER!”

One of the guards bowed and hurried out.

Ochre shook his head in disbelief. She was mad…that was it, stark staring mad. She…she wanted over half…HALF of his troops, HIS troops to go on some bloody stupid ‘mission’ to the arse end of nowhere and leave him damned near defenceless! She was trying to kill him, that was it, she was trying to weaken him so some foul little snake of an assassin could sneak in and kill him when he was asleep…that sick evil bitch! He’d have to think of some plan, a clever way of removing her before she could realise her scheme. Her type were all the same - pretending to be something they weren’t rather than the weak, pathetic scrap of an equine they clearly were. Years of selective and intelligent breeding had resulted in him, a true thoroughbred unicorn: clever, swift and powerful, a real leader for a brighter tomorrow. He nodded to himself, smiling…yes…YES! What a brilliant idea! He’d have pictures, no…posters, yes, posters of himself put up around Equestria right up to the frozen wastes of the north. A picture of him, the one they could all look up to, and the legend…’A REAL LEADER FOR A BRIGHTER TOMORROW’. By the Goddesses…that was it! He laughed aloud and tossed his mane,

“Get me the Royal Artist!” he called out, hopping from one hoof to another in excitement.

One of the guards trotted to the door, urgently speaking to another. With a nod, he returned,

“Lord Ochre, the Royal Artist was executed last week for treason.”

“Well?” The Lord said rolling his eyes, “Get me another one!”

“Yes, My Lord.”

By all the gods of the eternal herd, did he have to do everything around here?! Useless bloody drones! He takes one treasonous rabble rouser away and puts another, non-treasonous one in its place…simple! But did they do it? Noooo, of course not! No, he had to do it him-bloody-self yet again! Still, give the guard his due, he looked the sort who would do his duty and find a good artist shortly. And…if for some unfathomable reason he didn’t, well…he’d be removed and replaced with another too. It took no time at all to train these numb headed muscle brained louts, but they had their place, even if they were little more than a wall to protect him from the foul scum that lapped at his hooves from time to time. Come to think of it…

“Where in the name of all that’s holy is that blasted Guard Commander?”

One of the guards called back, “He’s…My Lord, my pardon, there’s a messenger here to see you.”

“Oh, come one, come all!” Ochre groaned loudly, “What in Equestria is it now?”

A young soldier dressed in his houses livery, hurried in and bowed low. ‘Fitting’ Ochre thought to himself offhoofedly, the proles should know their place - it would be better for them really, they’d be happier that way. It was rather like dogs with regular feeding times - you just had to show them who was in charge and allow them scraps from time to time. This young one would learn that over time, as he should.

Ochre raised an eyebrow, “Well?”

“My Lord,” The young soldier began respectfully, “we have had a report from one of our informants that her Divine Majesty is gathering troops and moving them towards the northeast. Initial rumours are that they’re looking for…”

“-Yes?” Ochre cut in angrily, “Out with is pony!”

“Yes, My Lord.” The stallion cleared his throat, “They’re looking for Celestia.”

“They’re WHAT?!” Lord Ochre barked, “Are they mad? She’s gone!” He let out a loud sigh, “Chasing rainbows, chasing shadows…memories of dust and stone…”

The soldier looked up in surprise, “My Lord?”

Ochre sighed, “Anything else? Anything actually interesting or important?”

The soldier bowed again, “No, My Lord, that was the only news we had from the pegasi network.”

“Pah! ‘Network’ my hoof! Bunch of useless winged freaks, all of them.” Ochre gave a ironic laugh, “You can go now, soldier.” He lifted a hoof, “go on, shoo! Shoo!”

Bowing repeatedly, the soldier backed up several steps before turning and hurrying out. At least he hadn’t pissed himself, Ochre thought snidely. He climbed back to his seat and dumped himself into it, throwing his hind legs over the arm. Idly he held out a forehoof and a goblet of wine appeared which he levitated over to his mouth to sip at. Celestia, eh? Celestia, Celestia, Celestia…Was she alive? Possibly…he jumped up,

“Be you alive or be you dead, alicorn stew and piece of bread.” Ochre mused, chuckling to himself. He like that one, he’d have to write it down. Anyway, he had nothing to worry about really, that ‘Nightmare Moon’ thing could deal with any loose ends, and if not…he smiled knowingly to himself - he had a very nice collection of tasteless concoctions that would send any ‘interference’ quickly to the afterlife. Yes, that would do it. He yawned. Good Goddesses it was boring here…

“You there, attendant,” he held up a hoof beckoning the young mare nearer, “Who’s on tonight’s list?”

The mare bowed, “Lady High Wicker, widow of the late Sir Trite Wicker of…”

“-Yes, yes, I’m not interested in all that nonsense.” Ochre cut in impatiently, “Where is she?”

“Waiting outside I believe, My Lord.”

Ochre clopped his hoof on the side of the throne,

“Well send her in girl! Send her in!”

A minute or two later, the doors to the throne room opened and a pastel pink mare with a cream and red mane walked in, her pale blue eyes partially covered by the large veil she wore beneath a wide brimmed black hat. Her matching black dress was similarly voluminous, but she had a particular sway to her walk that drew Ochre’s gaze. He drank her in, imagining himself indulging in her…

“My Lord?”

“Ah, yes, Lady Wicker, wasn’t it?” Ochre asked pleasantly.

The mare bobbed her head, “Yes, My Lord.”

“Yes…” Ochre’s smile spread across his face, never reaching his eyes, “my condolences on your recent loss, my dear.”

“Thank you My Lord.”

“Indeed.” He began walking down the steps towards her, noting how she stood up tall, straight and noble, as a nobly born mare should. He walked past her, taking in her scent…lilac…delicious

“You summoned me, My Lord?” Lady Wicker asked.

“I did.”

Lady Wicker kept silent, her breathing increasing in tempo while his remained steady. She did her best to keep her mind blank and simply reply to Ochre’s questions politely and plainly, but it was all too clear that he was the one in control here…and he knew it. Suddenly she took an involuntary gasp of air as something brushed past her tail making her freeze. She could feel the unicorn stallion’s breath upon her,

“Such a fine lady as yourself shouldn’t need to hide her beauty, my dear. It’s such a shame…such a shame.” Ochre ran his hoof lightly across her flank and up towards her neck, lifting her mane, “So fragrant.” He purred, “You really do smell divine.”

Licking her dry lips, Lady Wicker took a shaky breath,

“Thank you My Lord.”

Ochre reached up and lifted her veil, “And such beautiful eyes, too!” He chuckled mirthlessly, “Are you trying to hide from me, my dear?”

“No, My Lord.”

“’No My Lord’”, the dark blue stallion scoffed, “So obedient…are you obedient, Lady Ochre?”

The mare blinked, unsure of what he meant by his question,

“My Lord?”

“Oh, Lady Wicker, I do so hate repeating myself…” Ochre rolled his eyes, his hoof reaching under her chin, “I said…’are you obedient’?”

Lady Wicker swallowed, a small bead of sweat appearing on her brow,

“Yes, My Lord,”

“Good…good…” Ochre smiled, waving to his attendant who quickly brought over a chair for her master. Lowering himself into it he leaned back, his eyes fixed on the pink mare, “Take them off.”

“M…My Lord?”

“Your clothes,” he repeated, clucking his tongue, “take them off I say. Now.”

The pink mare took a step back in shock, her voice cracking slightly, revealing the chinks in her armour that Ochre knew he would find sooner or later, and use to his advantage. He would get what he wanted…he always did.

Lady Wicker was desperately trying to regain her composure, an act that only excited the unicorn as he sat watching her intently. Ochre raised an eyebrow, amused at her laughable attempts at dissuading him from his intended course - but he could be generous, he would grant her the honour of his listening to her,

“Lord Ochre,” she began, “I demand that you cease teasing me like this! I am still in mourning for my…”

“-I know that, Lady Wicker,” Ochre smiled, waving his hoof nonchalantly, “I also know you have two sons and a daughter staying with friends at present rather than at home in your rather, shall we say, extensive property. I have to say, it must be very difficult to run such a large estate without any proper help.”

Lady Wicker took a breath, “I have staff.”

“Of course, of course…” Ochre nodded, “But you see, these are difficult times my dear, very difficult indeed, and the Goddess, her most Divine Majesty, has requested I send troops north and you know how the Legion view Equestrians, don’t you?”

Lady Wicker closed her eyes. She did, they all did. They’d heard the stories, the dreadful nightmare that the Legion had brought upon them. She didn’t want her children to…Oh, Celestia! Her children!

“Oh don’t look so worried, Lady Wicker! Your children are perfectly safe!” Lord Ochre beamed, “You have my word on that! I mean, after all, you have pledged your allegiance to me, haven’t you?”

“Y…Yes, My Lord.” Lady Wicker stammered.

Ochre nodded, clopping his hooves together happily, “Excellent! You see? Everything is as it should be. It’s important for my subjects to be understanding of the difficulties a stallion in my position must face and overcome, and naturally, I do all that I can to serve and protect my people. All that I ask for in return is for understanding…and obedience. You did say that you were…obedient, didn’t you Lady Wicker? I mean, I didn’t mishear what you said, did I?”

The pink mare’s voice was a bare whisper,

“No…lord Ochre.”

“Splendid” he grinned, holding out a hoof, “Please, continue…”

Ochre watched, his eyes never missing a movement, not a single twitch of her eye nor flick of her ear as the mare removed her hat and placed it beside her.

“Now the dress” He said quietly.

Lady Wicker closed her eyes and tried to steady her nerves. Her hooves were shaking and she knew that vile creature was enjoying this; he was taking som perverse pleasure in humiliating her. She took a steadying breath and gritted her teeth – she wouldn’t give this low life the satisfaction of seeing her rattled. Pausing, she gathered her resolve and unbuttoned the dress, letting it fall to the floor revealing the mare beneath.

Ochre’s face was a featureless as stone,

“Now, turn around, slowly.”

She did so.

“Good…yes, you will do very nicely…” he said calmly.

“Lord Ochre?”

The stallion rose from seat and clopped his hooves together. Quickly, two maids appeared and took up positions flanking the surprised looking mare.

“Take her away,” he said casually, “give her usual and have her ready in my bedchamber within the hour.”

Lady Wicker’s eyes went wind in shock, “M…My Lord! What…?”

“Obedience, Lady Wicker, remember?” Ochre lifted his hoof to his mouth, calling out to her as she was rapidly ushered out of the door, “OBEDIENCE!”

He stretched his legs and took a mouthful of his wine. It was a shame the mare had been defiled by that old sluggard ‘Lord’ Wicker - a drunken old soak if ever there’d been one. His children could be a problem at some point, but they were being watched closely. If Lady Wicker didn’t ‘perform’ tonight, he would simply have them erased. He grinned menacingly…like her damned husband had been.


Turtle Neck leaned on the rampart looking out at the pitch black landscape before him. It was pointlessless really, you couldn’t see a damned thing out here. Not that it really mattered anyway, the war was over after all. Luna, or rather ‘Nightmare Moon’ as she was rather enigmatically calling herself these days, had won and Equestria was at peace once more. You could be forgiven of course, for wondering why there were still bands of thestrals and other ‘things’ the Princess, sorry…’Goddess’, for bucks sake, had allowed to wander around, but it was surprising what you could get used to. Take for example the fact that their employer, Lord Ochre, was an absolute cock. That guy would have anypony killed that looked at him crosswise, or if he simply didn’t like the look of them. Still, he paid well, and that was what was really important. Turtle smiled to himself. Once he’d squeezed as much as he could out of the overstuffed prick he’d take that job offer with the Llamalian Trade Organisation. There was yet another big war brewing between Llamalia and Yakistan, meaning rich pickings for the astute mercenary. He was still young, fit, and if he played his cards right, landing a position with a rich and hopefully paranoid Llamalian trader would line his pockets with enough gold that he could swim in the damned stuff.

He stretched, “Hey, Rough Track, you got any smokes on you?”

Turtle looked along the rampart but there was no sign of his colleague. Huh! The lazy sod had probably sloped off for a quick snooze. He couldn’t blame him though, this part of a guardspony’s work was the worst, and boredom was your only real constant companion. That said it wasn’t actually that bad when you considered the fact you were getting paid for bugger all. Now then, if they’d been at war still, things may have been different altogether, so he couldn’t complain. He yawned and reached round for his pannier - there should be a flask of mead in there somewhere. Stretching back, he felt something catch his foreleg,


The cold, hard edge of a blade pressed against his throat and he froze.

“Who do you serve?” the voice by his ear whispered.

Good Goddesses, he couldn’t move! He was frightened to breath, to move even a muscle. Whoever this was, he hadn’t heard a thing, nor seen anything either. He tried to look up, but all he could see was the slumped figure of…of no…Rough Track. Turtle blinked his eyes, his mind racing. Taking a shallow breath he tried not to move his throat into that blade,

“Equestria” he whispered, praying it would be enough.

The blade moved away a fraction, “Make a sound, make any sudden moves…” hooves and teeth removed his sword and dagger, “And you’ll breath your last…for Equestria. Do you understand, soldier?”

“Y…yes ma’am” Turtle gasped.

“Now, you are going to come with me, and we’re going to have a nice little chat.”

Abruptly, Turtle had a rag shoved in his mouth and he was bundled down the stairs. At least they hadn’t blindfolded him so he could walk down them safely. Maybe if he kept his cool, answered their questions and did what he was told, they’d let go? Goddesses, he hoped so.

They walked through to the gatehouse and there, a number of ponies wearing cloaks with armour underneath were stood watching over several bound and gagged ponies; the gate guards. They hadn’t noticed him coming in, they were all too busy staring at the floor dejectedly. Turtle was pushed into a side room where he was manoeuvred into a chair and found himself face to face with a large red earth pony mare. She watched him for a moment, appraising him, and then spoke,

“What’s your name?”

“Um…Turtle Neck.” He replied.

“Right then Turtle Neck,” the mare said levelly, “I want you to listen carefully. I need you to tell me where the thestral’s are located in the capital. She pushed a map across the table, “Here.”

Quickly, he marked out the locations where the thestrals’ barracks where situated. In reality they were little more than converted warehouses or large houses where the occupants had been ‘removed’ by Lord Ochre. He leaned back in the chair,

“That’s all of them, as far as I know anyway.” He licked his lips nervously, “You…you are going to let me go, right? I mean, I’ve shown you what I know.”

The red mare raised an eyebrow,

“Let me ask you one more question, Turtle Neck,” the mare smiled, “what do you think about Nightmare Moon and Lord Ochre?”


Dray and his ponies raced through the cobbled streets, their hooves covered in tarred sacking to give them grip and to help silence their movements. They worked remarkably well - he’d have to remember to thank Gal once they’d completed their mission. The teams were fanned out, moving to the locations provided by the pegasi scouts and by the guards they’d captured. So far their progress had been remarkable, helped to no end by the fact that the streets were all but deserted and nopony was apparently even bothering to light the street lamps now. It was a shame, such a crying shame what had happened to the capital of Equestria - the castle of the two Princesses…

He reached a corner marked on his map and watched for any movement. Other than for his breathing, there wasn’t any sign of…Damn it!

Thestrals - three of them.

Dray waved the others beside him to take position and waited. These things had remarkable eyesight, but their hearing was fairly average from what little he knew about them. Celestia’s hairy arse, he hoped he right and they couldn’t hear his heart beating - it sounded like a bloody bass drum! He held his sword in his teeth and waited, listening, judging…they were getting closer, so, so close. The hoofsteps stopped, the occasional snort and creak of leather indicating that the dark coated creatures where only a few yards away. Dray held his breath.

The hoofsteps started again. Moments later the moon came out from behind a passing cloud, the wan light picking out the armoured warriors as they entered the street and turned to head up the main thoroughfare. And then one of them stopped. The creature lifted its head, scenting the air curiously. The thestral’s eyes, red as burning campfires in the night, flared brightly as it bared its teeth…it was looking right at Dray.

In less than a heartbeat, the thestral fell before it had time to draw breath, the heavy crossbow bolt entering its unarmoured throat and exiting the back, sending the creature to the ground in a kicking and choking sprawl. The other two drew their axes but were similarly silenced, their bodies collected and dragged into a side alley still twitching. A swift thrust of a dagger sent them to be with their eternal Goddess…’or whatever these things believed in’, Dray thought to himself bitterly. He nodded to the others and they were off again. The General checked his watch to ensure they were on schedule; timing was crucial in any operation but there always had to be contingencies…always. Sooner or later that patrol would be missed and their comrades alerted. Dray wasn’t certain about the patrol patterns in the capital, and it had been a fly in the ointment as far as his plans had been concerned from the beginning. The canny beasts alternated their routes and the times of their patrols regularly. He was impressed: even in ‘peacetime’ the thestrals were ready for war.

The clock was ticking - ten minutes - that was all they had before the rest moved into position for the next phase of the operation.

His Sergeant moved up beside him, keeping low,

“Sir, inner wall gate’s ahead, but they’ve got pony guards mixed in with thestrals here. Your orders?”

“It can’t be helped, Sergeant.” Dray shook his head, “If one of them raises the alarm they’ll be all over us.” He narrowed his eyes, staring up at the gate, “Take them.”

“Yes sir.”

It was over in seconds. Flanking shots took the guards down with barely a sound other than the metallic clatter of armoured bodies collapsing in a heap on the cobbles. Swiftly and efficiently, the team moved in, checking for movement, covering each other with their rapidly reloaded crossbows. The castle proper was not far now, just…

“Here’s the tea boys! Some buggers eaten all the bisc…” the guard fell back, slipping off the dagger of the pony in front of him, the crockery crashing to the ground. They all held their breath and sank back into the shadows, but there was no more sound than the gasps of the dying guard and the soldier standing above him. The stallions pained eyes looked up, his voice fading,

“W…why? Why?”

The soldier leaned down and lifted his head gently,

“I’m sorry brother…forgive me…”

The guard gave a final shudder and went limp, his last breath in this world curling up into the night as the light left his eyes. The soldier wiped his dagged and sheathed it, his head hanging and ears drooping,

“I’m sorry.”

One of the older hooves clopped him on the shoulder, “You had to do it Mist. Come on, let’s stop this madness so we can save our home. Okay?”

The pony gave himself a shake, “Y…yeah, sure Needles, let’s get this crap over with.”

“Let’s move people!” Dray hissed, and together, the cloaked warriors slipped like ghosts through the shadowed and empty streets to the castle.


“Well that was uninspiring,” Ochre moaned, stretching his legs, “I have to say you were about as enthralling as a brick my dear.”

The bundled mound on the bed shook quietly, the occasional sniff from her making the stallion roll his eyes,

“Oh do be quiet will you? It’s not like you’ve lost anything, I mean for the Goddesses sake, you’ve had how many children?” he began brushing his long snow white mane, “You should consider yourself honoured I would lower myself to your level to even think of touching you, let alone….” He sighed, “Look, just get dressed and get out.”

“You…you’re a monster…” the mare said quietly, “How can you do these things?…How?”

“How?” Ochre looked back at her in surprise, “You think that Celestia didn’t indulge with her subjects? Of course she did! Good Goddesses, mare, that stupid old harridan was having herself ploughed on a nightly basis! Everypony knew it!”

“They did not!” Lady Wicker snapped, “She…she wouldn’t do that! She wouldn’t!”

Ochre laughed, levitating up his wine and taking a mouthful, “You think she’s pure? The virgin bloody queen or something? Don’t be so damnably naive, mare.” He trotted to the door and opened it, “Now, as I said, get out. MOVE! Before I have you flogged through the streets you stupid ignorant bitch!”

The mare stood unmoving, her eyes going wide as saucers. Ochre face hoofed - Luna’s ample rump she was dim. He’d have to have a purge on the upper classes as some point, perhaps appoint some ‘new blood’, ones that did as they were told and weren’t so damnably thick! Well, there was nothing for it, he’d have to have flogged now - she’d brought it upon herself. He turned to the door to summon the guard,

“Guards! Get your lazy arses in here and…”

The crossbows covering him made him freeze as Ochre found himself standing face to face with a large dark grey coated stallion, the male’s large yellow eyes boring into him with a look of utter contempt. Ochre blinked in surprise. He looked familiar somehow; even that common carthorse like monotone mane he’d seen before somewhere. His nose wrinkled; the vile creature stank too - the smell of sweat, the fields, and the Goddesses knew what else…foul

“Hello…’Ochre’.” It said with a snarling grin.

The Lord or Equestria stood back, “Who…who the hell are you?” he took a breath, “Guards! GUARDS!”

“Wasting your breath, I’m afraid,” the grey pony said, his scarred face becoming clearer in the rooms lamplight as he pushed inside, “all gone now…all gone.”

Ochre’s eyes narrowed. This ‘thing’…he’d seen it before…a bloody arrogant filth soaked commoner, yes, but…and then suddenly it came flooding back to him; the theft of his guard, the failure at River Valley - it was him! Ochre’s voice was like nails down a chalk board,

“YOU! You’re that damned traitor!”

The General smiled, “Traitor am I?” he stopped advancing and tossed his mane, “The only traitor I see is the one standing before me: the one who has raped and defiled the very land that gave him life, the one who betrayed the people who made you what you are…you are the traitor Ochre…you are the murderer of our homeland.”

Ochre swallowed, “You’re mad! Stark raving mad! I should have had you executed, but I didn’t did I? I spared you!” he backed up towards the wall by the fireplace, “I was merciful, Dray! Merciful!”

“Merciful.” Dray said quietly, “Tell me, Ochre, who gave the command to have my family butchered. Can you tell me?”

“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The unicorn stammered.

“I’m afraid I don’t believe you,” Dray growled, drawing his dagger, “you see, your assassination didn’t quite go according to plan. Your ‘helpers’ are all very dead I’m sorry to say.” He lowered his brows, “I expect you must be really quite shocked.”

Ochre suddenly dropped into a fighting stance, his teeth bared, “Don’t play games with me you bloody earth pony drone!” he shrieked, “You’re nothing! NOTHING! Nopony cares if chaff like you and your loathsome offspring are cleansed from the face of Equestria. The true rulers, the real Equestrians, tolerate your mud pony presence to do the sort of moronic manual work your kind are only fit for, and nothing more! I indulged you Dray, indulged you and where did it get me? You lost the army! You threw it all away!”

“You murdered my family, you bastard.” Dray snarled, “You stinking piece of filth, i’m going to enjoy this…”

“Keep back!” Ochre shouted, suddenly producing a long thin sword from beside the fireplace, “I’ll gut you, Dray, and then I’ll feed you and the rest of your pathetic cohorts to the crows!”

Ochre’s horn began to glow brightly as he flicked his sword back and forth, “Now you’ll see what a real Equestrian can do Dray, and when I’ve finished with you, you’ll thank me for killing you…THANK ME!”

Thank you

Ochre stopped suddenly, “What? Wh…what?” he looked down at the dagger that was sunk up to its hilt in his chest. He stared to his side at the pink mare - blood, his blood, slick on her hooves,

“You evil scum,” Lady Wicker gasped, shaking, “you’re not Equestrian, you’re not even a pony…you’re just…trash.”

“H…How…dare you!” Ochre choked, a gobbet of blood dripping from his muzzle onto the floor, “You worthless bitch!” his magic wavered, then glowed brightly, encompassing the dagger and pulling it free with a horrible sucking sound. He glowered at the mare, “I’m going to slit that pretty little whore throat of yours, Wicker. Say hello to your husband for me.”

Ochre flicked the dagger around to point at the mare before dropping it on the floor where it clattered to a halt by Lady Wicker’s hooves. Ochre’s eyes stared at her, and then back at Dray, his magic flickering. Blinking, he opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

Suddenly the castle itself shook as thunderous explosions turned the night sky outside into a brilliant green flare that illuminated the bedchamber and played across Dray’s sword.

“Lady Wicker?” he said quietly, “Please, come with us. The Princess will want to see you.”

In silence, the pink mare hurried past Ochre and disappeared behind the General where several of his soldiers gently lead her away up the corridor. Dray slid his father’s old sword back into its scabbard and turned towards the door, walked through it, and closed it firmly behind him with a click. A dull thud followed by a heavier one made him smile, despite the emptiness in his heart. His family…Honeysuckle, Polo, Charcoal…they could sleep easier now, safe with the herd. He motioned to the others and together, they headed for the throne room,

“We’ll need to arrange for a maid,” he said absently.

The Sergeant looked at him curiously,


Dray let out a pent up breath, “The room needs cleansing.”

Across the capital, a cacophony of shouts, howls, and the ring of steel on steel rose to a crescendo and then died away almost as quickly as it had begun. High above the castle, borne upon wings as white as the first snows of winter, the Goddess of the sun turned the darkness into the glorious light of day. Her wings wide, her armour shining with the blaze of her warmth and glory, Celestia sang. Everypony stood and stared; weapons clattered to the ground, enemies and allies alike looking up at the Goddess smiling down upon them. She was back, she was here, the one they all loved as their mother and worshipped as their beloved Princess of the dawn sun…


The magnificence of the alicorns magic flooded the cold stone of capital, the frightened citizens leaving their homes and looking up in wonder. It was time…time to take their home back - back from the darkness to the break of day.

Celestia smiled to herself, her song flowing out and filling the hearts of her children, her beloved ponies. She would protect them, she would fight for them. This had to end, it would end, and Nightmare Moon’s cruelty would become no more than dust in the wind. Now…now was her time…

The ponies lifted their voices; old, young, mares, stallions, colts and fillies, their song joining with their Goddess, filling the streets with joy and that most sought after emotion above all the others…hope.

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