• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 14,036 Views, 2,518 Comments

The Empress Returns - iowaforever

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind: Celestia returns to the Imperium of Man, taking the title of Empress one last time.

  • ...

3.12- Questioning


Twilight was among the first to get ready for the meeting with the Ebon Chalice. It had been a surprise when Sunset had returned without Vulkan and with a Canoness in tow, but Teresa seemed perfectly personable and even a bit excited to face Twilight. Not wanting to be rude, and perhaps give her a chance to learn more about Macragge and the people therein, Twilight had accepted and made sure the invitation was extended to as many of her friends as possible.

That was all well and good... though given how Naomi had been glaring quite intensely at Sunset once Teresa left, there was more at stake than a simple dinner.

Twilight had found a spot near the top of the loading ramp to wait, leading against the hull of the ship as she watched the sun set on Macragge. The sun caught the edge of the mountains, casting long shadows across the spaceport that danced with every slight motion. Far in the distance Twilight thought she could make out the flickering light of fires against the darkened cliffs. A cool wind had swept down from the mountains, Twilight pulling her arms close to her chest to try and save off the cold.

All she had for now was time to think. Even the arrival of someone behind her couldn’t shake her from that.

“It is not too late to back out, you know?” Mattias said, leaning against the other side of the entry.

“No, that’d just look poorly on me,” Twilight said, shaking her head and looking at Mattias. “I just feel out of practice, but I guess you already knew that.”

“I’ve travelled with you for over three years. I like to think I know you pretty well.” Twilight let out a small laugh at this, looking back out at Macragge as Mattias continued. “And not to put more pressure on you, but I imagine this will be far less daunting than facing the Ultramarines tomorrow.”

“If I can survive a Primarch threatening to kill us all and evil robots, I’m sure a hall of Space Marines shouldn’t be too difficult.” Twilight said, hesitating as she tried to think of the right thing to say next. “But these new Sisters, though... Circumstances allowed Naomi and her girls to open up to me rather quickly, but I’m not sure if I enjoy the idea of being put back on a pedestal of worship.”

“I see.” a pause before Mattias spoke again. “For what it’s worth, I do not see you as an object of worship.”

“Careful, someone around here will probably accuse you of heresy for that.” Perhaps a bit harsher than she intended, but Mattias wasn’t going to get too hung up over such things. Not now, anyway.

“Your status as a student does affect things, but at the end of the day you’re just a woman, no?” Twilight looked back to Mattias as he continued. “Even when the Empress revealed Herself, that never really changed in my mind. I’ve seen you grow stronger in your convictions, your courage, but the idea of seeing you as a divine figure in the way the Empress is just... well, it doesn’t sit well with me.”

“It’s something I’ve thought about as well.” Twilight’s gaze softened. “At times it makes me wonder if Celestia made a mistake bringing me here. Maybe Luna would have been a better fit for the task.” a pause, Mattias waiting for Twilight to go on. “She’s basically everything those people out there think I am: composed, regal, strong. They’re a lot alike, though I suppose Luna’s the more reserved and calculating of the two.” Mattias furrowed his brow, as if the idea of someone being more calculating than Celestia was too much for him to wrap his head around. After a moment, he shrugged and continued.

“If it helps, it seems clear the Empress had a reason for choosing you,” Mattias offered. “I don’t know your other princess, but ask yourself if she would have been able to do all that you’ve done here. Would she have been able to draw out the Elements like you have?”

“... I don’t know.” Twilight sighed, looking back to the landscape. “Maybe not. Luna took some time to make new friends after she returned, but... I like to think she was making an improvement.” a pause. “Whether or not that would be enough to draw out the Elements, I don’t know. I’m not even sure if she would need them to help the Empress confront the Dark God...”

“The Imperium needs them more than just as a weapon to slay a god, Twilight,” Mattias countered. “Think of the hundreds of lives Rebecca has saved with her Narthecium, or how Judith brought you back from despair.” Twilight said nothing more as Mattias continued. “As odd as it is for me to say this, perhaps you need to stop thinking like a soldier of the Imperium in this regard and start thinking as one of your Equestrians again.”

“... Maybe.” Twilight said, looking back to Mattias. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a moment’s peace... Maybe once the Empress returns, I can ask for just a little time to myself to recover what I lost.”

“What would you even do then?”

“Probably study. It’s always helped me before.” Mattias let out a small snort at this, but said nothing more before Twilight spotted Sunset coming out of the dark followed by Naomi and her Sisters, the Sister Superior having traded her helmet for a hooded cloak and what appeared to be bandages on her face.

“I believe we are prepared, Lord Velas,” Sunset said, adjusting her sleeve before stepping past Mattias. “We best not keep the Ebon Chalice waiting.”

“No, of course not.” Mattias replied, allowing the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor to pass before looking to the Sisters. “If you would rather guard the lander, it’s not too late to back down.”

“We will not back down from our duties to protect Tara, Lord Mattias,” Naomi replied, her voice more curt than usual. “Even if... even if it means I must once more hide in shame.” Twilight saw Ruth bristle at this. She had heard the younger Sister speaking at length with Naomi about her scars, but it appeared that the Sister Superior had won that particular argument. I can always talk with her later about it, if she wants to, Twilight thought

“Then we best be off.” The two Inquisitors took point, Twilight falling back to allow Naomi’s Sisters to escort her. The tarmak was far less busy than it had been when they first landed, only a scattering of servitors and workers still up and about prepping ships for transit. There were still pilgrims to be seen, some having set up small tents and lean-tos wherever they could. Perhaps they were waiting in the hopes Vulkan would grace their presence, or perhaps they were hoping to get a glance of the mysterious Student as she wandered among them.

Or perhaps they were merely the poor and destitute that got left behind by the others. There were always some among Mankind.

Twilight looked down, furrowing her brow as a thought came to mind. She was familiar with the practices of the Order of Our Martyred Lady, but there had been surprisingly little on the Ebon Chalice anywhere she looked, even aboard Celestia’s flagship. I suppose I’ll just have to ask around then. “Sister Naomi?” she asked. “Do you know a lot about the Ebon Chalice?”

“I’ve fought alongside some of their Prefectories in the past,” Naomi replied, her voice still curt. “The Ebon Chalice are Traditionalists, though not as prone to zealotry as we of the Martyred Lady. Every strategy, battle plan, and prayer is as close to the teachings of Alicia Dominica as one can possibly get without raising the Saint herself, and they are trusted as bastions of the faith and true emissaries from Terra.”

“Oh.” Twilight looked up. “I’m surprised I didn’t see them when the Empress revealed herself.”

“I am certain some must have sought an audience with Her while you were busy with other matters,” the Sister Superior replied. “But I am afraid that is all I can tell you about them. Our meetings were brief and our traditions divergent- I am sure that we have far less in common than you would like to think.” Twilight traced Naomi’s gaze to the back of Sunset’s head. What was it between the two of them that had gotten Naomi so worked up? Maybe it has to do with whatever her and Mattias are dealing with...

“I think it would be a welcome moment for Tara, though,” Ruth said from behind the Sister Superior, drawing Twilight’s attention back to the girls. “Yes, their traditions differ from ours, but it would not harm her to learn more of the faith from other servants of the Empress.”

“While I am sure they wouldn’t intend to do so, they may also draw Tara to other paths that would impede our duty to protect her.”

“If I may be so bold, Sister,” Sunset said, keeping her gaze forward. “You are perhaps overthinking these things. The Sisters of the Ebon Chalice mean well in all they do, and I did not detect any signs of hostility from Lady Teresa during the time I spoke with her. Perhaps it is you who are being drawn to other paths that impede your duty to protect Tara.” Twilight could hear Naomi’s armor grinding against the grip of her combi-flamer, but said nothing more. Whatever was going on between the two would have to be addressed head on, though at a later time so the other Sisters and Mattias weren’t adversely affected. Not exactly the best for building friendships, but it was better than letting the two hate each other.

Ahead, Twilight could see the first buildings ringing the tarmac. Most were small row houses for pilgrims and workers, but the one they were headed towards was a larger facility topped with a statue of some fallen Ultramarine hero. Before the stairs leading to the main entrance stood a squad of Ebon Chalice Sisters armed with shields and maces, another Sister standing before them. Mattias fell back to join Twilight while Sunset took point, the leading Sister gave a short bow of respect as the Inquisitor approached.

“Welcome,” the Sister said. “I am Sister Palatine Elicia, and may I be the first to welcome you to our sanctuary.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Sunset turned to her left to introduce the others. “This is Lord Mattias Velas of the Ordo Xenos, Sister Naomi and her Sisters of the Martyred Lady, and of course the Empress’ Student Tara.” Twilight blinked a few times before stepping past the Sisters, giving the Sister Palatine a nod.

“Hello,” she said, her voice wobbling but otherwise polite. “Thank you for inviting us here.”

“Of course,” Elicia replied. Twilight noticed the Sister’s voice wobbled too- was she nervous to be standing before her? That’s going to make this... interesting, isn’t it? “I-if you would please follow me, I will be escorting you to the dining halls.” With that the other Sisters parted, allowing the party to move inside. The interior of the building was well decorated, frescoes of heroes and saints Twilight couldn’t quickly identify looming over them as they walked. A number of serfs and pilgrims moved about the halls, most stopping and doing their best to change their routes when they spotted the group.

“Odd,” she heard Veronica say from behind. “The attendants on Palisades were never this jumpy around us...”

“These are tense times,” Rebecca replied. “And this is a different Order- perhaps they are just unsure how to act around us.”

“As you can see,” Elicia said from up front, focusing her attention on Twilight above all others. “We are doing the best we can with so little on account of so many Sisters being stuck at the Shrine of Guilliman. The help we get around here is welcome, but can be somewhat... lacking at times.”

“Why?” Twilight asked.

“Well, many of these poor souls have not yet grasped the proper procedures for serving the Empress,” Elicia explained, drawing a confused look from Twilight. “I am sure you know all about such matters, being Her Personal Student and all.”

“I’ve always tried to be friendly and open with those around me,” Twilight replied. “I’d rather not have too many people fussing over me.”

“I would not describe it as fussing,” Elicia replied, though now it was her turn to look confused instead of Twilight. Do they just expect people to fuss over dignitaries? “Come, though. Teresa has said much about your arrival, and we are all eager to hear your wisdom.” Twilight tried to keep her shoulders from slumping in frustration. Just once, could someone not try and place her on a pedestal and expect her to be some high and mighty saint?

... Well, maybe it’s better than the Lion thinking I’m a waste of space.

They rounded another corner and appeared to be approaching a set of ornate doors, the golden Aquila set on them shimmering in the evening light. Elicia stopped before turning to the group. “Canoness Teresa and her inner circle are just beyond. I must ask that your escorts follow me to the dining hall set aside for the Sisters Inferior.”

“Huh?” Twilight asked, her hands tightening. “But the Sisters and I have always been together. Why split us up?”

“I understand that your fellows have... different traditions.” Elicia replied. “But as guests of the Ebon Chalice, I must ask that you allow for our own method of doing things. Rest assured, you all will be quite safe here.”

“But... wouldn't you want your lower ranked Sisters close to the higher ranked ones, to better glean from their teachings and experience?” Elicia seemed to fidget at Twilight’s question. Odd, that a mid-ranking Sister of a well established Order would be so nervous.

“... Our Order maintains the tradition of the ranks being separated, so that information that is not for prying ears does not get passed freely.”

“Wouldn’t that just create more distrust between the officers and the other Sisters?” Twilight asked, stopping when Sunset spoke up.

“Tara, we are guests here,” the Inquisitor said. “It would be a mite rude to judge others solely by their traditions, given that we do not fully understand them. Besides, it is only for the night- they are not asking you to change for the rest of your life.” Twilight hesitated, her eyes darting between Sunset and Elicia. It was just for one night, but after everything that happened and being surrounded by Sisters she did not know...

... No, that’s what the old me would have thought. I need to step up more.

“Don’t worry girls, I’ll make up for this later,” she said looking to the Sisters.

“There is nothing to worry about Tara,” Naomi replied, her voice controlled. “If you need our services, you will know where to find us. Now go, you mustn’t keep the Canoness waiting.” Twilight gave a hesitant nod, looking to Mattias for a moment before turning back to the Palatine. The Inquisitor said nothing, but he did give Twilight a reassuring nod once they made eye contact. Satisfied, Twilight looked back to Elicia, the Palatine giving a small smile

“You may proceed- another Sister inside will announce your presence. Your guards will follow me.” Twilight nodded again, stepping around Elicia and opening the door behind the Palatine with Mattias and Sunset following behind. Mattias fell back to whisper something to Sunset, but Twilight remained focused on the door ahead. Another pair of Sisters stood guard, one stepping forward as Twilight and the Inquisitors drew near.

“You will leave all weapons you have brought with me,” the Sister said. “Once that is complete, you may proceed to the hall.” Twilight nodded, stepping aside as Mattias removed his bolt pistol and handed it to the Sister. That task complete, the Sisters stepped aside and ushered Twilight and the others inside, Twilight getting her first glimpse of the leadership of the Ebon Chalice.

A crescent shaped table lay before them, with Canoness Teresa and five other Sisters seated around the table. The chair at the head of the table was empty, along with two more at its right which Twilight guessed was for Sunset and Mattias. To the side was an array of attendants, all keeping their heads low as the three approached, a flock of Cherubs passing incense over the proceedings. Teresa rose as Twilight neared the central point of the crescent and spoke. “Welcome, Student of the Empress,” she said. “I trust the rest of your time on Macragge has not been too tiring.”

“No, but it’s a little cold out there,” Twilight replied. “After all the places I’ve been it’s quite a shift, to be honest.” The assembled Sisters of the Ebon Chalice seemed confused by Twilight’s exchange, though Teresa seemed to recover faster than the others.

“W-well, I suppose there is no avoiding that,” she said before looking to her compatriots. “But I speak for all of my assembled Sisters when I say we are proud to have you here with us tonight. Please, take a seat, and we can begin.” Twilight nodded, making her way around the table towards the empty chairs, Teresa pulling out the central chair for Twilight to sit. Sunset stopped at the empty chair furthest from Twilight, ushering Mattias forward so he sat between the two women.

“Normally among our Prefectory,” Teresa started. “The ranking member among our gathering will say a blessing before our meal, but as you are such an esteemed guest I would ask to do the honor myself.”

“Oh, of course,” Twilight said, her shoulders relaxing before she continued. “Whatever you feel is best.” Teresa nodded, taking the Rosarius around her neck in a hand and turning towards some point in the room. Twilight traced her gaze to see what she was looking for, but guessed she was merely visualizing Celestia standing before her. Sunset appeared disinterested, while Mattias rested his chin on his hands as Teresa spoke.

“Most Blessed and Glorious Empress,” Teresa said, her words breathy as if Celestia herself had just appeared. “We thank thee, that your glorious student Tara has been delivered safely into our care. May all the saints that have guided her to our side be praised, for their wisdom and Your Blessing has not wandered far from her sight. Glorious Empress, it is truly wonderful that you have brought her here, and all of us lowly Sisters are blessed that You would grant us this great honor in guiding and protecting her on her great quest.”

I... I really don’t need more protectors. Twilight thought. It seemed like that would be the end of it, but Teresa seemed to have more to say.

“Most Gracious Empress, we thank thee that a bountiful harvest has been given to us today. Bless this food, O Master of Humanity, that it may nourish us and our most honored guests, as it has sustained all who seek Your Light. Gracious Empress, Be with us if not in body then in spirit, for Your Wisdom outshines all that have come in this present era.” With that she made the sign of the Aquila, taking her seat before signaling for the attendants to come and start serving. Twilight blinked, mulling over what she had just seen compared to what she had been used to with Naomi and her Sisters. Sure the sentiment was the same, but it seemed... wordier than necessary.

“I do hope you approve of the blessing and the food presented, young Tara,” Teresa said, looking to Twilight as a serving of greens was set before them. “I do my best to make sure my Sisters and I eat well, but I made sure that the best was prepared for your arrival.”

“Oh... Thank you,” Twilight gave a polite nod, but she did notice her left hand tightening for just a moment. “You really didn’t need to do all this for me, though.”

“Nonsense. You are the Empress’ Chosen, and after all that you have been through to arrive here on Ultramar I am sure you would appreciate some fresh food from Iax.”

“Well, yes.” Twilight took up her fork, poking a few leaves before taking a tentative bite. Biting into the greens was perhaps the freshest bite of food she had had in... Twilight’s soul dropped as she stretched her mind back, and yet she could not find a point after she had arrived in this universe that matched the taste and texture of what she ate today.

I suppose she really does care about all her Sisters.

“Ah, but we have other times to speak of food,” Teresa continued, jolting Twilight back to the present. “What of your travels with the Empress? Perhaps there is some wisdom you have gleaned from her that you would be willing to share with the likes of us.”

“... What kind of wisdom were you hoping for?” Twilight asked, one eyebrow raised in confusion. “I mean, I don’t want to say something that might offend you in some way.”

“Anything from the Empress’ Student could not be of offense to us,” Teresa said quickly.

“I for one would like to hear of your exploits on Rynn’s World,” one of the Sisters seated next to Teresa said. “To fight alongside the forces of two Primarchs against an enemy like the Tyranids is truly a great honor.”

“I didn’t really do much fighting, to be honest,” Twilight said, taking another bite of food to ease up her anxieties. “Maybe a little at the end, but compared to what some others went through I was practically a nonentity.”

“The Empress had tasked her with finding a means of safeguarding the civilians of Rynn’s World,” Mattias offered from his spot. The Sisters seemed more focused on Twilight than the Inquisitors, though.

“From what some of the reports have said, you stood alone against a horde of Warpspawn to protect the defenders of Rynn’s World,” a third Sister added. “Truly, an inspired feat worthy of the Saints of old. Tell me, what drew you to perform such an act of defiance against the Great Enemy?”

“I just did what I’m sure anyone else would have done if they were in my position,” Twilight replied, her voice noticeably sharper. “I’m no one special, really- just a girl who wants to see the Imperium lifted higher than it was before.” This did seem to silence the Sisters for a moment, and Twilight could hear Mattias shifting in his seat next to her. Sunset remained quiet, though perhaps she was distracted by something else in the hall.

“That is perhaps one way to look at things, young Tara,” Teresa said, signaling to one of the attendants to continue serving. “And your modesty is admirable, a rare sight in the Imperium these days.”

“Oh...” Twilight paused, staring back down at her food once more. “Thank you.”

“How did you come into the Empress’ service to begin with?” the second Sister asked. “Perhaps it was divine countenance that drew you to Her? I admit, I am intrigued as to a young woman such as you would be called into a position not even the greatest of Saints has ever held.”

“The Empress...” Twilight stopped herself for a moment. Speaking truthfully about how Celestia saw a spark of greatness within her would probably go over well with the Ebon Chalice, but then it was equally likely to bring out more questions about divine inspiration and providence. Would that cause them to raise her up more, leave her isolated from the others of the convent?

... No. They might raise you up, but you’re still Twilight.

“The Empress needed my help, and I accepted it,” Twilight replied finally. “Had anyone else been in my position, I am sure they would have accepted the same.”

“So... She just asked you to help Her?” the third Sister started. “Was there no great revelation? No moment of clarity?”

“Clarity, maybe. Sometimes the Empress works best in subtle ways rather than in grandiose displays of power.”

“For you to remain so humble is a task I am sure many in the Imperium would struggle with,” Theresa continued, taking a drink of wine as she spoke. “And still, you step forward to take on such great tasks in her name, saving Rynn’s World and then coming to bring your wisdom to Ultramar... Perhaps these are tasks that we might be able to assist you with in the future.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, looking at Teresa.

“Well, I am not one to be intrusive,” Teresa said. “But after all you have traveled through, you cannot think that only one squadron of Battle Sisters and two Inquisitors are enough for you to effectively execute the Empress’ Will, can you?” Twilight paused, her nervousness welling up for a brief moment.

“I-I’m not quite sure what you want from me...”

“I just offer a proposal,” Teresa shifted in her seat before continuing. “My Sisters and I will be here within Ultramar for a few months more, long enough for each Sister to make the pilgrimage to Guilliman’s resting place. Once we are finished, I would like for us to join you on your mission, wherever that may be- A quick word with my superiors, and you will have a prefecture of the Ebon Chalice at your command.” Teresa smiled. “I am quite certain with more strength, whatever plan you have set in store will be-”

“No.” Teresa blinked in surprise at the swiftness of Twilight’s response. The Canoness faltered, but made an effort to recover.

“I-I’m sorry?” she said. “If there is something wrong with my Prefectory please tell me, so that it may be rectified.”

“There’s nothing wrong with your Sisters,” Twilight said, taking a drink as she continued. “It’s just that I do not need more protection. Mattias, Sarai, and my friends are all the help I need right now, and are all that I am comfortable with right now.”

“Give it a few months, and I am sure you will change your mind. Just think of all you could accomplish-”

“I am not a general,” Twilight said, her voice more forceful than before. “I did well enough on Rynn’s World, maybe, but I find I work best in smaller groups where I don’t have the fate of thousands weighing on my mind. Right now I am not the kind of person you think I am, so please, believe me when I say I mean no disrespect, but I do not want your Prefectory in my service.” Silence reigned in the hall for a minute, the Sisters looking to one another while Mattias cast a glance over to Sunset. Twilight turned her focus to her food, hoping that appearing disinterested would end the discussion and allow her to move on. After almost a minute of silence, this approach seemed to work

“Well... I suppose that is fair,” Teresa said, giving a disappointed huff. “But perhaps you may change your mind in due time. I meant no offense by my offer.”

“I know,” Twilight relaxed, a smile gracing her lips once more. “And I do appreciate the sentiment. I do my best work with others at my side, and without Naomi, her Sisters, Mattias, and Sarai I doubt I would have made it to where I am now. I mean, we even found a few relics that I think might help the Imperium greatly, and I certainly couldn’t have done that on my own.”

“Relics, you say?” the Sister to Sunset’s left asked. “Your mission must truly be blessed. What kind of relics, if I may ask?” Twilight gave a mental sigh of relief as she looked to the other Sister. These sorts of things, she could feel comfortable talking about.

“Well, I have a theory,” she started, shifting so she could face the Sister fully. This woman was older, her face lined and stern, but there was a warmth in her eyes that reminded Twilight of some of her talks with Mayor Mare. Or Celestia... “See, on my homeworld there were stories of six powerful relics that would manifest in a time of great need.”

“Manifest? How so?”

“We have many powerful relics for you to peruse, Lady Tara,” Teresa offered from her spot, perhaps hoping to add something to the conversation. “Granted, perhaps none as powerful as yours, but we of the Ebon Chalice are no strangers to the Holy Workings of the Empress’ Chosen Artisans.”

“Oh, Um... maybe after dinner?” Twilight offered before looking back to the other Sister. “Anyway, it’s said that when a particular person displays a mighty example of one of five virtues, they can manifest one of these relics called the Elements of Harmony.”

“Odd name,” the Sister replied. “But then there are many lost relics from the Age of Darkness. And you say you have already found two of them?”

“Perhaps we could aid you in finding the other three?” Teresa asked, leaning in like an excited child. Twilight gave a quick smile, but did not directly address the Canoness.

“‘Found’ is a bit of a strong word. It’s more like they found us instead of us finding them,” Twilight replied. “On Rynn’s World, one of the Sisters I was traveling with somehow raised another member of our group from the dead, and was blessed with the Element of Kindness-”

“Kindness, in this age?” another Sister asked. “I do trust you, Lady Tara, but I will admit it is a little hard to stomach without bearing witness. Perhaps during your stay here, you and your bodyguards would grant us a demonstration?”

“I can certainly arrange for that, if you would be honored to do so, Lady Tara.” Twilight’s smile strained. Teresa was trying her best to help, no doubt, but there was trying to be friendly and then there was forcing the issue. Pinkie terrorizing a number of newcomers to Ponyville had helped her recognize the differences between the latter and the former quite well.

“M-Maybe some other time. We need to speak with the Ultramarines about a few things first before we can do anything else.” This seemed to disappoint the Ebon Chalice Sisters, but some did seem to accept and returned to eating and listening to Twilight speaking. As she talked, Twilight took a moment to check on her companions. Mattias seemed fine, happy even as he worked his way through the food presented. Of course, his eyes were darting about the assembled Sisters, tracking the conversation as it moved from one person to the next- even in a time of peace the Inquisition was always at work.

Sunset, though... Twilight had never seen someone looking so miserable since Applejack returned from the Equestrian Rodeo without a first-place finish. Twilight wanted to ask why, but what could she say? Naomi’s Sisters had grown comfortable around psykers, but talking openly in front of the Ebon Chalice might have raised “concerns”. Even if they didn’t, would Sunset have actually said anything relevant, or just closed up and deflected?

Twilight would get through to her eventually. For now, she just needed to settle in with the others.


Naomi had never felt this tense since the day Canoness Diana had recommended her for promotion.

She followed dutifully behind Palatine Elicia, keeping her gaze forward as she watched the hallways. The only other beings around them were servants and pilgrims- nothing to be afraid of even in the darkest of times, and she still had her girls with her. There was no reason whatsoever for her to be nervous about what was to come.

And yet here she was, inwardly trembling like an Acolyte being scolded by her Sister Superior.

“We have been doing our best with what the local Church has provided us,” Elicia was explaining, leading them down a hall lined with statues of local saints. “I admit I have never had the honor of serving alongside the Martyred Lady, but I hope it is... sufficient for your standards of purity.”

“It is not much different from Palisades,” Ruth remarked from behind. “The people of Macragge are devout and strong- true exemplars of Faith in the Empress.”

“Oh indeed. We have been asking them much about these halls, working to identify which Saints are which so that the younger Sisters do not fall into confusion.”

“How do you mean?” Veronica asked. “Surely these are local saints known to Ultramar and Macragge- have you heard of them outside of this realm?”

“No, we have not,” Elicia replied, turning down a less busy hall as she continued. “But many of the Sisters on this pilgrimage are fresh from the Schola, still fresh in the training of our Order. They ask many questions: ‘Which Saint is this?’ ‘Does that Saint align with the Imperial Saints?’ Surely you have all had similar questions during your training, no?”

“The Gracia Convent has always made sure to distinguish between those of the Martyred Lady, those of the Imperium at large, and those of the local Church.” Ruth said, giving a dutiful smile. “It has helped us keep faith with our commitments to Saint Gracia and the Order, and not fuss over those worlds we may only visit in sparing moments.” A good response as ever, Naomi thought. Elicia seemed confused by the logic, her face furrowing as she thought over what the younger Sister had said.

“... It must be very confusing, having to juggle so many saints in your mind,” Elicia replied finally. Naomi said nothing, though she did sense Ruth stiffen for a brief moment. “But far be it for me to judge a fellow Sister. Come, we must meet with the others.”

“... I remember all the Saints, thank you very much.” Ruth grumbled, just enough that her Sisters heard her but not enough to offend the Palatine. Naomi shifted her head enough to let Ruth know she was listening, a silent warning for her to behave and not allow the Ebon Chalice’s traditions mar her own faithfulness. They continued down the hallway for another minute, their conversation dying down and leaving them with only the sounds of their footsteps for comfort. In a way, it was refreshing for Naomi: a moment of silence within a holy convent, alone with one’s thoughts for the Empress and for the Order. Tara’s company had been wonderful, but even a Sister of Battle needed some moments of peace and privacy.

In some ways, it already helped with Naomi’s reformed anxiety.

They stopped near another set of doors. Unlike the hall where Tara and the Inquisitors had been taken, these were simple wood with only a few ornamental decorations. Another group of guards stood outside, watching the group as they approached. Elicia stopped before the door and turned to face Naomi and her Sisters.

“Those of our Order who are not at the Shrine of Guilliman are just beyond,” the Palatine said. “As a safety precaution and a show of goodwill, I must ask that you leave your weapons with the guards at the door.”

Good then, that Tara convinced Judith to leave Frederik at the lander, Naomi thought before speaking. “We will comply, but for my peace of mind would you permit me to carry one weapon? I know you mean no ill will towards us, but in these trying times I do not feel comfortable being so far away from defense.”

“I... I suppose that is fair.” Elicia replied. “Very well, Sister Superior. You may keep your bolt pistol with you during the meal.” Naomi nodded, stepping forward and presenting her Combi-Flamer and chainsword to the guards. One by one her girls disarmed, the Sisters of the Ebon Chalice marking the weapons with a small seal to ensure they were returned to their proper owners. Once their weapons were stored away, Elicia turned and pushed the doors open, Naomi and the others following in.

Ten long tables were arranged in the center of the hall, with a company’s worth of Sisters standing at attention around four of them. Naomi could only guess as to the exact organization, whether they were broken up by squad or ranks, but each Sister of the Ebon Chalice stood in perfect formation, their vision not breaking away even as the newcomers arrived. Along the walls Naomi could see ranks of servants, some carrying platters of food while others carried supplies for cleaning and preparation. Another table was set at the head of the others, and here Naomi saw more of the ranking members of the Preceptory- other Sisters Palatine like Elicia and a gaggle of Ministorum Priests scattered among them. They too stood at attention, not saying a word as Elicia led them to the center. The only one out of place was an old priest and his attendants, one of whom carried a smoldering censer and another a bowl of water. Elicia approached the old priest and gave a respectful bow.

“Father Kurval,” Elicia said as she rose. “I present five guests from the Martyred Lady, guards of the Empress’ Most Blessed Student. Grant them your blessing that we may begin with our meal.”

“I welcome you, honored guests,” The old priest said after he had returned Elicia’s bow, stepping around the Palatine to face Naomi directly. “I am sure you have come a long way on your journey, and now ask that you permit me to grant you the Empress’ Holy Blessing.”

“As you wish, my lord,” Naomi said, giving the priest a respectful nod. Kurval nodded, turning to the attendant with the bowl and dipping his fingers in the water, stepping up to the Sister Superior before brushing the symbol of the Aquila on her forehead. He repeated the ritual with each member of her squad, mumbling some prayer in High Gothic Naomi could not easily pick out. Once the ritual was complete, the old priest turned to those seated at the head table.

“Our esteemed guests have been sanctified before the Church and the Empress, and may now join us in the breaking of bread,” he said. Kurval then turned to Elicia before speaking. “Honored Palatine, you may show them to their seats. When you return, I will deliver the blessing.”

“By your leave,” Elicia nodded before turning to Naomi. “You will be seated with Company Six. They are some of our more junior Sisters- perhaps your wisdom may be a great boon to them.” Elicia led Naomi towards one of the tables, Naomi spotting that five seats had been left empty for them, three to the left and two to the right. Naomi took the one closest to the Ebon Chalice Sisters on the left, Ruth taking a spot across from her with Judith while Rebecca and Veronica sat to Naomi’s right. A simple procedure, but Naomi did notice a small ripple of surprise among some of the Sisters to her left.

Did they perhaps spot her injuries and react to that? Naomi only wished to draw her hood further over her face if that was the case.

Elicia took her spot at the head table, and with that taken care of Father Kurval turned to the group at large. “Let it be witnessed that when those of the Ecclesiarchy are gathered, there the Empress is with them. Let us not put to shame Her Holy Presence, or the presence of our esteemed guests here tonight.

“Blessed Empress, guide us as we stand against the dark, and let us not to lose focus on that which you have commanded us: that we may do our mission to bring death upon your foes, whether they be the alien, the mutant, or the heretic. Grant all of us the strength and clarity of mind to turn away heresy at every instance, and grant us the blessing of completing our mission here and the gift of casting our gazes upon the greatest of your Sons.” Naomi noticed Judith preparing to say something, but a quick jab from Ruth got her to fall silent. This did not go unnoticed, however.

“Does one of our guests have something to say?” one of the Palatines asked. Judith’s expression dropped, now aware that while most of the Ebon Chalice Sisters were not looking directly at her, their confusion and disapproval was palpable. Naomi decided a diplomatic approach would be best.

“Apologies for Judith, my lady,” she said, turning slightly to look towards the Palatine. “She is often overcome with emotion when in the presence of the Empress’ chosen, and despite her discipline it has occasionally slipped through. She meant no offense.” Judith and Ruth looked surprised at this, but said nothing. After a moment, the Sister Palatine responded.

“There is no crime in showing devotion to the Empress, I suppose,” the Palatine said before looking at Father Kurval. “Please continue with your blessing, Father.”

“O-of course,” the old man replied, clearing his throat before continuing. “Blessed Empress, we conduct this meal and time into your hands- may we not grow weak in our bodies or souls, and may we continue to bring death upon the foes of the Imperium. May the Empress Protect.”

“And guide us always,” the other Sisters replied. With the blessing said, Kurval moved with his attendants and took a seat at the central point of the head table, the Sisters and other priests sitting down once he had made himself comfortable. Now sensing that things were opening up, Naomi looked to Judith.

Is there something you would like to say, Judith?” she asked, keeping her voice low. Out of the corner of her eye she could see both the attendants moving forward to serve the Sisters, and a few of the Ebon Chalice eyeing them as well.

“Sorry, Sister Naomi,” Judith replied, slumping slightly in her seat. “But when he spoke of ‘the greatest of Her Sons’... I could not help but think of Lord Vulkan or Lord Corax. How would they react to such an honor being placed upon Guilliman?”

“Your empathy for the Primarchs is welcome, but there is a time and place for it,” Naomi replied, giving Judith a sympathetic look. “There’s no shame in wondering about such things, Judith. Perhaps you may speak with Lord Vulkan later.”

“Oh... if he will let me, of course.” There was a pause, Naomi turning slightly. Some of the Ebon Chalice Sisters were watching them, quickly averting their gaze to their newly arrived food when Naomi turned.

“Is something the matter, Sisters?” Naomi asked.

“Oh...” one of the Sisters started, wringing her hands before speaking again. She looked down the table to where her Superior was seated, the older woman eyeing her for a moment before giving a curt nod. Her confidence restored in part, the young Sister turned back to Naomi. “It... it is not proper for us of lesser rank to be speaking to those of higher rank in such a... public setting.”

“But you have questions,” Naomi countered. She knew a curious novice when she saw one, and what better way to get them focused on something other than her injuries? Still, this was not the Gracia Convent, and thus the laws of the Ebon Chalice were dominant. “My girls may speak for me, if that is your custom.”

“Really?” another Sister asked. “That is a great honor...” a pause before the Sister looked to Ruth. “H-have you really served in the presence of a Primarch?”

“Yes,” Ruth replied, moving to cut off Judith before she blurted out too much. “To tell the truth, we have stood in the presence of three of them, and that is also not counting our time alongside the Empress Herself.” a collective gasp rippled through the Ebon Chalice Sisters, some turning to one another and muttering in surprise. After another round of muttering, the first Sister that spoke found her courage again.

“Is the Empress truly as glorious as we were told?”

“Yes, she is,” Veronica added, leaning in to look at the Ebon Chalice Sister. “To stand in Her Presence is an experience I never imagined having the chance to partake in, and to glean from Her wisdom and strength.” She gave a sigh. “Perhaps in time you will experience the same glory once She returns to us.”

“The Empress is coming here?!” the Sister asked, panicking slightly. “W-we are but fresh initiates! We cannot stand in Her presence, much less in the presence of the likes of you-”

“Calm, Sister...?” Ruth started. The young Ebon Chalice Sister choked for a moment as she tried to calm herself.

“E-elisabeth,” she replied. “My name is Elisabeth.”

“There is nothing to fear, Elisabeth,” Ruth said, finally taking a bite from the food set before her. “The Empress is truly majestic, but She carries with Her an aura of grace and kindness that matches her strength and power. Daunting it may be, once you are in Her presence your fears will flow away and be replaced by true awe and sense of purpose.”

“It’s true,” Judith chirped. “She has very pretty hair as well. It’s always nice to compliment Her.”

“Oh...” Elisabeth looked crestfallen for a moment. “I am not sure I could do that. I am just a lowly Sister...”

“You cannot be that lowly in Her sight,” Rebecca offered. “Her student was a codicier on some small planet somewhere, as humble a beginning as any.”

“But I’m-” Elisabeth stopped herself, looking to some of her other Sisters. Sensing that she was not one to talk, another Ebon Chalice member spoke up.

“Elisabeth is a bit of a perfectionist, friends,” the other Sister replied. “Always wanting to make sure she’s doing right by the traditions and customs of our Order. Surely you can understand that.”

“There is nothing wrong with devotion,” Ruth replied. “I myself have always strove to follow the tenants of the Saints and teachers that came before me as best I can. But still, there is no reason to be concerned about your service displeasing either the Empress or the Student.”

“Well, that is good to hear,” the second Sister said. “See, most of us... well... we are lacking in the experiences you have, no doubt.” There it was. Naomi had been silent, but she had not been ignorant- she had seen much during the conversation, with how the Palatines acted around the priests and dignitaries and now how the rank and file spoke of their experience and devotion.

Every one of these girls was green enough to make an ork jealous.

“Palatine Elicia did say you were recent graduates from the Schola,” Veronica said. “If you do not mind me asking, how many combat drops have you had since?”

“Um...” the second Sister flushed with embarrassment. “... Three, not including training exercises and wargames.” Far too green.

“It’s a good start, though,” Judith offered. “Give it time, and soon you’ll be like us- three hundred drops in the last ten years, and Sister Naomi has many more under her belt as well.”

“There is no need to boast, Judith,” Naomi replied.

“I’m not boasting, though. We’ve been through a lot since you’ve taken us under your care, and such experience is always welcome among the next generation.” there was a pause before Judith frowned. “I am far too young to start talking like Sister Hannah...”

“I am sure she is spinning in her grave as we speak.” Ruth scoffed.

“You have been in many battles,” Elisabeth breathed, finally mustering up some of her courage from before. “What was it like? We only get a few stories from our Sisters Superior, and never too much information.”

“Harrowing and glorious at the same time,” Ruth said, taking over again before Judith could begin. “We have fought against many enemies, xenos and heretics alike. Most recently we stood alongside the Student as she battled against a mighty servant of the Ruinous Powers. The creature could shatter the very ground with its strikes and tear reality asunder, but the Student’s power was a match for it.”

“She even managed to wound the daemon!” Judith added, hopping in her seat. “I saw it before we had to flee. I... I know what happened afterward was no good for her, but in that fleeting moment there was real glory.”

“This is amazing to hear...” Elisabeth’s eyes seemed to grow larger. “The Student must be a mighty warrior indeed.”

“She is learning,” Veronica said. “But you no doubt have some mighty warriors among your Preceptory. You may be new to your rank, but surely you must learn a lot from your Palatines and Canoness.” The Ebon Chalice Sisters frowned, some of them looking down at their food in uncertainty. Judith and Rebecca exchanged a look before the latter spoke.

“Is something wrong?” she asked. “Canoness Teresa seemed very fond of you all during the brief time we spoke to her.”

“Oh no, nothing is wrong.” another Sister said. “Canoness Teresa has treated us very well, and we are ever thankful for her guidance.”

“She is an ever eager servant of the Empress, just as we all are.” Elisabeth said.

“And she continues to look after us, in supplies and in body.” A third Sister added. “I know it is a frivolous thing, but our ceremonies are always well managed and the food given has been some of the best we have ever received.”

“That is wonderful to hear,” Rebecca said. “I know our time together may be short, but perhaps one day we can see you and your Canoness in battle and see what wisdom she has to offer.”

“Yes. We would enjoy that very much, serving alongside you and the Student.” The younger Sisters continued to chat, but Naomi turned her attention to her food. She had heard all she needed to hear.

The rank and file were green, and their Canoness was a well meaning logistician but not a combat officer. It was as if the universe was trying to reengineer Morya... But then, Ultramar is one of the most secure positions in the Galaxy. Surely there could not be a safer place for a batch of green Sisters to cut their teeth.

That was when Inquisitor Olivier’s words reentered her mind. And looking at these young, almost innocent faces around her, Naomi suddenly realized what needed to be done.

Author's Note:

It's been like... what, a year or something?

It's been a lot of ups and downs, and my writing has obviously been impacted. I had a crisis of faith during the summer, regained my faith, gained and lost and gained a job, started working on an original story again, learned I'm getting a nephew, struggled with GW's price gouging and looking into cheaper hobbies that won't break my budget too badly.

And in all this, this story has gathered dust. This chapter was also going to be twice as long and would have shown Twilight's first encounter with the Ultramarines and their antics, but with all that I've been through and how much of a pain getting this chapter out has been it... just wasn't coming to me.

But I had this done. In time, I'll truly get back in the groove I was in back in the second section of this story, and I have so much more story to tell, but for now I hope you enjoy what I have presented.

As always, likes and comments are appreciated, and if I screwed something up please let me know.

Comments ( 77 )

thank you for the chapter

Good to have you back, I enjoyed this chapter and liked the contrast between the different chapters of the Sisters of Battle.

Omg a update thank you

it really is great to see you writing this again and i hope to see more soon

welcome back we missed you

Glad to see you're doing well!

Its fine dude, I know the struggles of writing. Glad to have you back, hope things are getting better

struggled with GW's price gouging and looking into cheaper hobbies that won't break my budget too badly.

Scratch that Titanicus itch with some BattleTech?

Good to have you back, thank you for the chapter!

Good to have you back. Good chapter, too.

GAH! I wish I had time to finish this right now!

All I can say from what I've read thus far is the Ebons are throwing up enough Red flags to be mistaken for a commie convention.

Amazing to see this story back, it is one of the best crossovers with 40K and I love your rendition of both settings.

Also I am most eager to see Guilliman and Tara's encounter as I've little doubt that she will in some way be part of his return to the setting.

Guilliman and Tara are two like mind souls, obfuscatingly detail oriented and organizers, but also pragmatic. I would very much love to see a good conversation on logistics between Tara and Guilliman, as Tara is one of the few individuals who could match Guilliman in this field.

Hope you continue this story sooner rather than later, I also hope you get better as well.

Its amazing to see this continue. Just imagine my joyful surprise to see this story pop up in my thread, it was a truly great moment. I cant wait to see more of this in the future


Seriously though, i have really been looking forward to seeing this story continue; it consistently ranks among my top five personal favourites.

Probably a good time for me to once again go back and reread the entire story thus far, after a year long wait and with interesting story payoffs soon to occur, i really need to refresh my memory.

Great to have you back!

Agreed. Battletech is the game I started with and go back to. These days I only paint 40k stuff to change up what I'm working on!

Great chapter! Love the story and hope it continues far more often. Loved the line where Twilight notes the Lion thought she was a waste of space. Made me laugh because I just painted up the Forge World model of him!

11198294 11198761
I may just have to check that out (don't know if there are any players in my areas, though).

I've been looking into a few other games, like Conquest (which is kind of like Fantasy Battle) and some of FFG's Star Wars games (Legion and X-wing/Armada have solid player bases in my neck of the woods). There are a few other skirmish-sized games that are popular, but I haven't been sold on the lore and mechanics for those games.

It's a great game, doesnt need a whole lot to play and even the basic rules are available on there website. Its officially not even a miniature game but a board game. I played using monopoly dice and coins while overseas once. You can generally find the box sets at Barnes and Noble as well.

You have always been the best at writing sisters of battle.

"Leave your weapons at the door."

Yeah, that won't come back to bite them. No way no how. No reason to be suspicious of anything ever.
At least Naomi pulled a Gandalf and got to keep her pistol. "You wouldn't part an old woman from her sidearm, would you?" Clearly she adheres to the old Imperial wisdom of "Stay strapped or get clapped."

My only real question is which particular way it will blow up on them: overzealous foolishness, or cultist infiltration? Or perhaps cultist infiltration that manipulates overzealous foolishness?

And is the consistently good food just a sign that Teresa is a gifted logistician, or is there something more sinister at work? Or has the sheer paranoia of 40K made even me paranoid? "Healthy organic greens? Clearly a cultist infiltration."

No matter the case, I look forward to Naomi sousing out the danger in her honest and forthright manner.

11198874 Thank you. I think the Sisters kind of get the shaft when it comes to fiction, official or fanfiction- you see a lot with the Guard, the Space Marines, the Inquisition, even the Mechanicus, but the Sisters? They kind of get left to the sidelines.

I'm glad you appreciate the work I've done to try and flesh them out a bit

As lonh as the story is kot abandoned i am good.

Glad you're still on the ride. Nobody does Nuns With Guns as well as you do; they're usually portrayed as just female Space Marines who have discarded their humanity to be the Emperor's Angels of Death, and that's always been a point of aggravation for me. You write them out as real people, and I love it. I'm quite looking forward to this entire company of green Sisters seeing Vulkan walking in a hallway, casually wave to them, and continue on.

And is the consistently good food just a sign that Teresa is a gifted logistician, or is there something more sinister at work? Or has the sheer paranoia of 40K made even me paranoid? "Healthy organic greens? Clearly a cultist infiltration."

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you, and the skepticism is healthy here. There have been a couple times food has stood out in this story: one of the Sisters (I think Ruth) telling Twilight about the one time in her life she got a tiny bowl of ice cream and how incredible that was; Sunset offering actual fruit to Twilight, and Matias expressing incredulity at how obscenely lavish that was. For the entire Convent to be eating fresh greens is either an impressive sign of how well Guilliman's 500 Worlds of Ultramar endured the passing of time in addition to Teresa's skill at logistics, or it's enemy action.

I like seeing the differences between the Orders layed out in a story. It feels like a very rare thing to see.

Sorry to hear things have been rough but I'm glad to see you back.

Welcome back and hope life treats you better in the future.

Thanks for your amazing work

Welcome back, I hope that you will continue write this story because it is very great! I’d noticed that your writing is getting better so don’t give up because you’re good at it. And if life is too difficult, you can always decrease the rate of updates. Cheers!

This fic is the only one I've read about WH40K, and from someone that hasn't played one inch of the game I'm really getting into this setting. It prompted me to go find an overview of the orders and worlds you're talking about, so I can follow along better.

Glad you're back!
(and I *really* want to see their reaction to Vulkan. "WHY IS HE SO NICE, IS THIS A HERETIC PLOT?")

Welcome back and thank you for another great chapter. Its has been awhile so I guess its time to reread this wonderful story all over again. I really enjoy watching Twilight grow in this grim dark universe. I also feel you on the GW price crap. I tend to stick to books and audio books for more 40k fix dosen't hurt as much.

I understand exactly what you're going through. It's been months since my last publish, and I'm looking at rewriting my current fic from the ground up.

Fuuuuuck this is harder than I thought.

To confirm before i read, this is not a April fools chapter?

Good good, just had to ask due to the timing, and hopefully GW will eventually sorts itself out. But anyway, is good readings this thing.

Sounds like you've had one heck of a year.

Glad to read more of Tara's adventures in the imperium. Even if the food is suspiciously good. :trixieshiftright:

Thank you for the excellent chapter and I am very happy you have gotten some stability back. 😁

I'm suspicious. Any time a group I votes another to good food, and the rank and file are nervous, a little red flag goes up.
For some reason was expecting cannibals.
Glad to see it's just greenies out in the middle of no where stunned at Twlights arrival.
Think in cannon no sister has fallen to chaos. But with the dark god, the old rules are over, could very well see a legion of fallen sisters.
So I'm a little apprehensive.

Sounds like you've had rough year.
Not sure which faith, but glad you found it again. I think it's very important for people to believe in things, hope you find a bit of peace in this cluster fuck of a year, what ever form it takes.

Looking forward to reading more. :)

You'll be okay. Breathe in, breath out, maintain.

I hope these girls aren't cannibals or Chaos cultists and they're just trying to say that Teresa is good at getting them high quality food and other supplies, but has little combat experience.

In that event, I could see Naomi asking Twilight to formally call Teresa and her Ebon Chalice Sisters into her retinue.

...They're cannibals, aren't they? :fluttercry:

In either case, thank you for the new installment.

there is one named chaos sisters of battle and at least A squad of sisters, outside of that any sisters caught by chaos well depending on the person goes from blood sport to grimdark and/or grimderp

Oh damn! I stand corrected! Miriael Sabathiel! Damn!

I cannot see anything whatsoever possibly going wrong with this situation in the slightest! Oh who am I kidding? Poor, poor Twilight never asked for any of this... :twilightoops:
I'll probably have to reread (or at least skim, considering the total length) this at some point, since several of the characters have somewhat slipped my mind over the past year. Glad to have more of this fascinating story and that you're holding together, here's to more Imperial shenanigans!

Good to see you back. Great chapter. Good to hear you've got things working out for you.

Also: Curse you for writing feelings of impending doom so well and making me want more!


For the entire Convent to be eating fresh greens is either an impressive sign of how well Guilliman's 500 Worlds of Ultramar endured the passing of time in addition to Teresa's skill at logistics, or it's enemy action.

I'd add something to that, but honestly I just think you're right.

Woohoo, chapter!
And now i'm back to wanting more... ah well, that's how it goes with updates.

Well the Ebon Chalice may let envy take them and try to kill Naomi's squad. Or they could be earnest if awkward with the demigods and the chosen of their God walking among them.

Aside from that, sorry to hear what you went through. Hope its better

Oh shit, I remember this! I had almost forgotten this existed its been so long since I've read it. And it's gotten updated to boot.... I need to re-read this haha

And thus, my re-read has concluded, and it's still as good as I remembered it being!

i missed this story im happy to see your alright and able to continue the story it was refreshing seeing this story have a new chapter

While that may be, your statement within the story seems to indicate that all sisters follow in this belief. I'm just pointing out that it's actually quite rare in universe to have a celibate sisterhood.

After years of gradually working my way through this story, I've finally caught up to the latest chapter. I must say, your writing is excellent and each chapter has been a joy to read.
I know that finding the motivation to write in these difficult times can be tough. Whatever happens and wherever life leads, I hope you find happiness and satisfaction.

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