• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 14,008 Views, 2,518 Comments

The Empress Returns - iowaforever

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind: Celestia returns to the Imperium of Man, taking the title of Empress one last time.

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2.07- The Jaws of Cetus: Betrayal

The Jaws of Cetus: Betrayal

The Valkyrie shuddered as it came to a stop on the landing pad, Twilight flipping off her restraints before grabbing her sword, notepad, and pencil from where they had been secured. Mattias was already up, checking his bolt pistol and armor while the Valhallans loaded their meltaguns. She waited in silence as they finished up, rocking on her heels as they finished checking their weapons.

Chimeras were horrible, but flying never seemed to keep her down.

“Stay close to me, Tara,” Mattias said as he stepped towards the loading door. “This spaceport isn’t exactly big, but with all that’s been going on I don’t want to lose you in the crowd.”

“Oh, I understand completely,” Twilight said, giving Mattias a nod as she took a spot next to him. “This inspection is more your mission anyway; I’ll just stick around you and see what I can use to help.” Mattias gave her an odd look, but said nothing more as the loading door swung open. Alexis and Nikolai were the first on the tarmac, Twilight and Mattias following close behind.

General Hirsh was there, along with two other Cadian officers and a representative from the Rynnsguard. The junior officers snapped to attention as Twilight and Mattias stepped out, the Inquisitor giving them a quick nod to stand at ease. “Gentlemen, thank you for accommodating us today.”

“It is an honor to be of service to the Inquisition,” General Hirsh said before looking to Twilight. “Lady Tara, my apologies that it has been so late in getting you out here to inspect the facilities.”

“No trouble at all,” Twilight said, giving the general a smile. “The blueprints and readouts I’ve been provided have helped, though.” General Hirsh nodded, stepping aside as he introduced his officers to Mattias. Twilight would have paid attention to the introduction, but her attention had been drawn to the spaceport itself, her mind processing a flurry of information about the structures.

The spaceport was a large open tarmac, walled in by a smaller defensive structure than the walls of New Rynn City. It was not designed for heavy space travel like Terra, but it was still large enough to accommodate two or three heavy transports at a time. Some space had been devoted to maintaining what remained of the Imperial air arm, Navy and Mechanicus personnel prepping Thunderbolt and Marauder aircraft for the day’s sorties against the Tyranids. Those will have to be deployed if we’re to get full use of the tarmac for transports... but then, they’ll probably be attacking the Tyranids to keep them at bay.

“Tara?” Twilight blinked a few times as Alexis spoke. “We’re moving up.”

“Oh, right.” Twilight shook her head as she and the Valhallan hustled to keep pace with Mattias and the Guard officers. “Sorry, just got lost in thought.”

“Better than lost in a spaceport, though.” Alexis countered, drawing a short chuckle from Twilight. “You know, I heard a joke once about a general who was coming in for a landing at a spaceport. Took him a while to understand that ‘leveled’ meant that the orks had just bombed it ten minutes ago, rather than the field being leveled.”

“Uh...” Twilight started, but the Valhallan’s humor was lost on her. Fortunately, Alexis caught on.

“Ah, it’s better when Nikolai tells it.” he looked to his brother. “Nikolai, tell Tara the joke about the airfield!”

“Don’t,” Mattias called back. “Amusing as your jokes might be, Tara has her own job to do and doesn’t need further distractions.”

“I don’t mind, though.” Twilight countered. Mattias did not seem convinced, but then it was hard to tell when he had his back to her. There was a pause before she looked to Alexis and Nikolai. “What’s gotten into Mattias?”

“Lord Mattias has always taken Tyranids seriously.” Nikolai said.

“Given what we’ve dealt with before and during our time in service to him, he has good reason.” Alexis added. “Personally I don’t hate them as much as orks, but that’s just comparing one mark of lasgun to another.”

“I figured.” Twilight looked back at Mattias, who had stopped to show that picture he carried to some local dock workers. “It’s just... different. He wasn’t so cold on Caesaria, even after my... the encounter with Markos.”

“He was worried about you.” Alexis shrugged. “Maybe now that he knows you can take care of yourself, he’s allowed his focus to move elsewhere.”

“But what?” Twilight said, frowning. “And what’s with that picture he keeps showing everyone?” the two Valhallans fell silent for a moment, looking to one another as they searched for a good answer.

“Let’s just say that Lord Mattias isn’t as confident in the loyalty of the local defenses as you are.” Twilight blinked. Mattias thought that these people would turn on them? For what, getting eaten by Tyranids? Perhaps his paranoia was getting the better of him.

Or maybe he’s completely right and I’m just being naive, Twilight thought, a shiver running down her spine.

The group had stopped as they were approached by a trio of yellow clad Astartes, Imperial Fists under Captain Breimar if Twilight recalled correctly. She quickened her pace to get behind Mattias, saying nothing as the group chatted. “The Tyranids occasionally test the walls for weaknesses,” the Astartes Captain said. “But thanks to our current fortifications they do not stay for long. I would like to expand further to ensure even a direct assault will be flung back, but resources have come up rather short.”

“Is it a logistical issue?” Twilight asked, drawing a few looks from the other officers. “Maybe it’s something I can help with?”

“It more a lack of supplies rather than lack of transports.” Breimar replied. “But the Sons of Dorn have done more with much less. We will hold.” I... suppose that’s reassuring.

“Captain, if it’s alright with you I would like a moment to inspect the fortifications,” Mattias said. “There are a few questions I would like to ask the soldiers manning the walls.”

“Of course. This way.” Mattias fell in step behind Breimar, Twilight following behind while General Hirsh moved next to her.

“I see you are still feeling out your evacuation plan, my dear.” he said.

“Well, I have to have something to do.” Twilight replied. “I’m not much of a fighter, but with logistics I can impact this world in a more lasting way... I hope.”

“I admire one who shows such dedication to a cause.” Hirsh looked down to his missing arm. “Let us just say I have a personal affiliation with such men and women. While I still find your evacuation to be unlikely, it always helps to be prepared in the event, and your actions have helped to free up some of my men from more frivolous duties.”

“I’d hardly call them frivolous, but thank you.” Twilight said, giving the general a smile. By now, they had reached a small lift to take them up the wall, the Astartes moving to a more heavy-duty setup while the unaugmented humans took the main lift.

“Well, the Astartes haven’t seen anything,” Mattias said as Twilight reached him again. “But perhaps those manning the walls might see some discrepancies even the Space Marines may have overlooked.”

“I don’t want to sound rude, Mattias,” Twilight started. “But maybe you’re taking this a little too far?” Twilight said nothing more as Mattias fixed her with a cold stare.

“What we do here might be what saves Rynn’s World from destruction,” he said. “I am willing to go as far as I need to for that to happen.” Twilight remained silent, finding more interest in her boots now than before. Of course Mattias knew what he was doing; he had been battling these creatures long before Twilight ended up in this realm, he knew the dangers they were facing.

For now, she would remain silent.

They reached the top of the wall, Mattias leading the way as they linked up with the Imperial Fists once more. The wall was abuzz with activity, with Astartes and Guardsmen bringing up weapons and ammunition in preparation for the day’s inevitable assault. Twilight kept to the side, praying not to be bowled off the wall by an unsuspecting Space Marine, though the soldiers did seem to slow out of respect for the entourage moving along the top.

“What forces do you have stationed here?” Mattias asked over the din.

“Five Regiments, mostly Rynnsguard and my Cadians.” Hirsh replied. “Lord Breimar has also stationed a company of his brother Astartes to assist us in the event of a prolonged assault.”

“Since the new emphasis on defending the spaceport, such events have become more commonplace,” Breimar added. “Seven times in the last two days alone have we thrown the Tyranids back, and they appear to be getting bolder.”

“You said they were testing the walls for weaknesses,” Twilight said. “That doesn’t exactly sound like ‘testing’.”

“Granted, it isn’t the same as an ork waddling up to a fortress wall and knocking to see if anyone’s there, but what the Tyranids consider a probing raid would be considered by any other race to be a full scale assault.” Hirsh said. “I do not wish to intimidate you, my lady, but you are welcome to see for yourself what we are standing against.” Twilight moved around the general, stepping up so she could see over the edge of the wall. In the field below she could see Guardsmen and Astartes preparing additional defenses, strings of barbed wire and mines stretching for several meters down the slope. Other obstacles such as trenches and spike traps rested beyond that line, watched over by a few light Scout Sentinels that could maneuver the obstacles easier than heavier vehicles.

And beyond that, the horizon seethed with thousands of Tyranids, a rolling blue and white wave preparing to break over whatever stood in its path.

“We will hold.” Hirsh said from behind Twilight. “We’ve held them back for well over a year now; even that swarm will not lay us low.”

“Sure...” Twilight said, trying to regain some of her confidence. “But how many of us will be left standing when we reach that point?” there was a pause, silence hanging over the group before Twilight turned back from the wall. She would have said more, but they spotted a runner heading up from down the wall.

“General!” the runner called, giving a quick salute before continuing. “General, the Tyranids have started a full push in the southwest quarter; the 501st is in full retreat and reporting seventy percent casualties.”

“How long until they reach the spaceport?” Hirsh asked.

“Thirty minutes, if the secondary defenses do their job.” Twilight shifted on her feet. The defenses around the spaceport were by no means weak, but there were still plenty of support personnel in and around the base that could get caught up in the assault. Diverting a few Valkyries and Chimeras to extract them could work, but given how the Hive Fleet’s attacks never seemed to slow once they got going some would still be caught in the open.

Many people would still die today...

“Have all personnel take up defensive positions,” Hirsh started. “Tell the Navy and Mechanicus to get their aircraft up before the xenos keep them pinned down, and alert the City Defenses that they will be drawing some attention as well.” the runner saluted before starting off again, Hirsh turning towards Captain Breimar. “I leave the deployment of your brothers to you, Lord Breimar.”

“We will join you at the walls,” the Astartes Captain said, “No xenos will break these defenses if I have anything to say about it.” the general nodded his thanks, now turning his gaze to Twilight and Mattias.

“Lord Inquisitor,” he started. “I suggest you return Lady Tara to New Rynn City to wait out this attack.”

“I’m not leaving,” Twilight said quickly, drawing a look from both Mattias and Hirsh. There was a pause as she tried to work out what she just said before continuing. “I’ve spent most of my time here cooped up in an apartment while hundreds of soldiers put their lives on the line for this world. My work is all well and good, but I want them to know that I’m ready and willing to fight alongside them, no matter the odds.”

“It might be risky...” General Hirsh started.

“We’ll keep an eye on her if things get to be too much,” Mattias said. “Tara knows how to handle herself in times of danger.” the general did not seem convinced, but after a moment gave a sigh and a short nod.

“I suppose your powers will come in handy against the enemy.” he said. “Just be careful; I would hate to have the Empress’ Student fall on my watch.”

“It won’t come to that.” Twilight said. The General nodded again before moving to leave, calling orders to other subordinates as Mattias turned to face Twilight.

“While I am certain that you could handle yourself,” he started. “I want you to stay close to me, and away from the battle if possible. Your knowledge and powers are far too substantial to risk in a simple skirmish like this.”

“I know.” Twilight said, closing her eyes for a moment. “But if I just sit idle and safe, what does that mean for my desire to save the people of Rynn’s World? I have to do this, Mattias, and I can’t keep running from the reality around me.”

“... Of course.” Mattias said. “Let’s get moving, then; we need to be ready for when the Tyranids arrive.”


Rebecca led the way, Judith keeping the stretcher steady as they hurried towards the field hospital. Their patient was unconscious, shock from having lost both legs to bioplasma having finally won out over alertness, but the Sisters were not going to let him slip further.

Sister Bianca was ahead, surrounded by the injured and dying. Her white armor was stained red and brown from blood, a macabre mosaic against the Hospitaller’s calm exterior. She silently motioned for two orderly to take away her latest patient, the Rynnites hustling away the injured Cadian as Bianca turned to the two Sisters. “Who’s next?” she asked.

“This is the last from the most recent Valkyrie,” Rebecca said, gently lowering the man to the ground. Bianca stepped up and examined him for a moment, pausing before reaching to read the man’s dog tags. Another pause, and she knelt down and began to pray.

“Empress, another soul is conducted to your side,” she whispered, gently taking the tags from the man’s neck. “He was called Jonas Haydn, a servant of your world Cadia, and his service to Your Throne has come to an end. Let not his light fade among the tides of the Warp, but shine as a reminder to all of Humanity’s survival against the night.” Bianca and the other Sisters made the sign of the Aquila, and then the orderlies stepped up to remove the body. There was a pause before Bianca gave a weary sigh.

“I have served on countless battlefields and seen many die,” she said. “But it never gets any easier...”

“We are always here to help you, Sister Bianca,” Rebecca said, kneeling so she was at eye level with the Hospitaller. “You do not have to face this trial on your own.” An exaggeration, perhaps, but Rebecca could see Bianca smile in appreciation. If it would help the older woman through the day, that was all she needed.

“Thank you for your support, Rebecca,” Bianca said before looking to Judith. “You as well, Judith.”

“Always happy to be of service.” Judith chirped, her voice muffled by her helmet. “We should probably be heading back to the landing zone, though; there are bound to be more soldiers in need of treatment.”

“You go on ahead, Judith,” Rebecca said. “I’ll be here with Sister Bianca to help clear more space.” Judith nodded, turning and exiting the field hospital while Rebecca turned back to Sister Bianca. “What are your orders?”

“I hardly have orders for you, Rebecca.” Bianca said, rising back to her feet and grabbing a nearby towel. “And with all these soldiers taken care off or on their way to proper hospitals, there really is not much more for me to do until the next wave arrives.”

“Oh.” Rebecca’s face dropped at this. There was so much more she could do to help, and not having that chance... she shook her head. She would get a chance to be of more help later.

“You know,” Bianca said as she finished wiping off the last of the blood from her hands. “I have been speaking to Lord Mattias, and I think it would be a good time to get you fitted for your own narthecium.”

“My own narthecium,” Rebecca repeated, trying to get the words through her mind. “But I am not joining the Hospitallers... not yet, anyway.”

“I know, but there may come a time when one of your Sisters is injured, and I am not around to heal their wounds.” Bianca set the now bloody towel aside to be disposed of as she turned back to Rebecca. “I want you to be as prepared as possible for all that might come, especially given the uncertainty of what we face today.”

“Thank you, Sister Bianca,” Rebecca said after a short pause. “These last few months that you have taught me, it... It really means a lot, to see that you believe me to have come that far.” she paused again before chuckling. “Look at me. I haven’t been this tongue tied since I was made a full Sister.”

“I understand completely.” Bianca said, giving Rebecca a smile. “You are a fine young woman, Rebecca, and I think you will go far in whatever path you choose, Sister of Battle or Hospitaller.”

“We’ve got more wounded!” Rebecca stepped to the side as Ruth and Veronica came in, another stretcher between the two of them. “The Rynnsguard 22nd also took some casualties in the fighting. They’re coming in with the last of the 501st.”

“A Hospitaller’s work is never finished.” Bianca said as she and Rebecca backed up, allowing the other two Sisters to set down the next man, a younger fellow wearing the now familiar blue and red Rynnsguard uniform.

“It really isn’t too bad,” the man said, shying away as Bianca reached to inspect his arm. “Just a bump when our Chimera got hit, nothing more.”

“That bump appears to have shattered your radius in three places,” Bianca said, quickly stabbing her narthecium into the man’s arm to provide him with painkillers. “Fortunately, it’s a simple matter of setting the bone and getting you on your way; it should not take more than a few minutes.”

“Good, good.” the man said, giving a chuckle. “Then I can get back and get some revenge on those xenos.”

“Leave some for the rest of us,” Judith said. “Frederik’s been eager to burn some aliens, and I promised him he’d get out there soon.” the soldier gave Judith an odd look, but appeared to take the compliment in the spirit that it was given.

“Pay her no mind,” Rebecca said, giving the soldier a friendly smile. “She’s one of our more excitable Sisters.”

“Embarrassing is more like it.” Ruth mumbled, unslinging her bolter before continuing. “I think I may move up to the wall soon, just to check if there are any more approaching shuttles.”

“Good thinking,” Bianca said, moving down the soldier as she checked for more injuries. “While you are out, please have Sister Naomi requisition some more painkillers; I have to say that my stock is running quite-” Bianca stopped, a frown growing on her face.

“Sister, is something wrong?” Rebecca asked.

“Perhaps...” Bianca rolled up the patient’s shirt, revealing a small scar about the length of a man’s pinky beneath his rib cage. “Soldier, where did you get this?”

“Hmm?” the man said before glancing at the scar. “Oh, that. Um... well, it was some time during basic training, I think. We’d finished up drills for the day and had a night on the town... I suppose things got a bit rougher than I remember.”

“I see.” Bianca said, her frown not wavering for an instant. Rebecca began to feel worry building inside her; Bianca was always one to show concern, but this was... this was different, deeper.

So offset by the Hospitaller’s deep focus, Rebecca was caught off guard when Bianca reached up and slashed the man’s throat with her narthecium, the dying soldier gurgling as Bianca moved back to the scar.

“Sister! What are you doing?!” Judith cried, reaching for her heavy flamer.

“Do not bring your wrath upon me, Sisters,” Bianca said, her voice cold as she carved open the dead man’s chest. “This soldier was dead long before you brought him to me.” Rebecca sputtered, trying and failing to make sense of what she was seeing. Bianca had sworn time and again against taking life, but here... what in the Empress’ name was going on?!

“If my fears are correct, we should find the source of the scar... here.” With a grunt, Bianca yanked something free from the corpse, Rebecca recoiling when she saw that it resembled a fanged brain.

“What is that thing?!” she cried, reaching for her bolt pistol as Bianca examined the “brain”.

“Rynn’s World’s doom, if we are not vigilant enough,” Bianca growled, slowly crushing the object in her hand. “Not all victims of the Tyranids are torn asunder; some are captured and impregnated with these things, to become spies and drones by which the Hive Fleet may infiltrate Imperial society. They become administrators, preachers, laborers... and soldiers. All subtly work against a world until the time is right, then they rise in rebellion so the planets defenders die before the Hive Fleet even arrives.”

“You mean he was a heretic?” Ruth said, looking to the corpse. “But... he looks normal.”

“Not all heretics cut themselves in service to Dark Gods.” Bianca said, tossing away the implant and rising to her feet. “We must warn Lord Mattias that there is a Genestealer Cult active on Rynn’s World, and it has infiltrated the defending forces.” Rebecca said nothing, looking down at the dead cultist. Even battling against xenos as terrible as the Tyranids, there were still those that would give themselves willingly to the horde. It’s almost like the techno-heretics of Morya...

She shuddered. Thoughts of that first mission were not needed now. But then...

“It’s good that we caught it here, though,” Rebecca was drawn back to the conversation by Veronica. “Who knows how much damage they could have done if that soldier was left unnoticed.”

“But...” Rebecca started. “Isn’t this soldier one of the Rynnsguard?”

“The Genestealers don’t play favorites when it comes to picking targets.” Bianca countered. “Rynnsguard, Cadian, all are targets to the cult.”

“But if he received the wound in basic training...” Rebecca started. “Wouldn’t that mean the cult has been here for years before this war started?” All the Sisters fell silent, a look of dread filling Bianca’s eyes. Slowly she turned, her gaze falling upon the other members of the Rynnsguard that were resting about the field hospital.

Members that were now eyeing them with much more interest than was typical of a human...

“... Oh God.” she whispered. “We are betrayed.” Rebecca’s hand fell to her sidearm, just as one of the Rynnite orderlies dropped the medical supplies he was carrying and grabbed a nearby scalpel.

“They know!” he shouted. “Slay them all in the name of the Four Armed Emperor!” The other Rynnites gave a cry, an alien shriek that sent a chill down Rebecca’s neck. They reached for weapons, producing not just scalpels and improvised clubs but jagged knives and even crude pistols from hidden compartments around the hospital, and with another cry they charged headlong towards Sororitas and injured soldiers alike.

Rebecca whipped her pistol out, firing at the orderly that had initiated the attack. The mass reactive bolter round made short work of the cultist, splattering him across the next group of his fellows as they stumbled over one another in their rush to kill. Some had merely turned on other patients, hacking and slashing at the defenseless soldiers while the Sisters tried to push back. Her bolt pistol having run empty, Rebecca reached back for her bolter, letting Ruth fill the void of fire.

“Death is the reward for all who pervert the Empress’ image!” Ruth bellowed, the bolter roaring as it ripped through the oncoming cultists. Even as their fellows fell dead or mutilated by gunfire, the rest continued without heed for survival. More and more Rynnites poured in against the Sisters, slowly forcing them out of the hospital and back into the staging ground. Only more concentrated fire from Ruth followed by a blazing inferno from Judith’s flamer slowed the tide, enough for the Sisters to break free from the hospital.

At least, that was what they thought.

Those Rynnites that were not dead had turned on whomever they could find. Some attacked Guardsmen and Mechanicus laborers, stabbing and shooting them before they had a chance to realize the treason. Others swarmed over tanks and transports, turning the heavier guns against unsuspecting tankers and Astartes. Chaos swarmed around the Sisters, such that they were not sure where to fire and perhaps relieve their allies.

“We need to find Sister Naomi,” Ruth said. “Then we might rally and strike these traitors down.”

“I do not think a counter attack is advisable at this point.” Bianca drew their attention towards the wall, where two hijacked Leman Russes were busy trying to blast the gates open with their cannons. “The best we can do is find Naomi and lead whoever we can to safety, before the Tyranids move in force.”

“I think I saw Naomi at the command station.” Judith said. “I’ll clear us a path.”

“Wait, we might hit some of our own-” Rebecca’s concerns were drowned out by the roar of Judith’s heavy flamer, a score of cultists falling to the ground in charred heaps. The others turned to run, laying down panicky countering fire as the Sister advanced.

“Frederik knows his own,” Judith replied. “He’d never hurt anyone but xenos and heretics.” Rebecca could think of several dozen reasons why that would not be true, but said nothing more as she and the others followed their Sister. Battle was constant around them, cultists pressing in against the rallying Guard, but surprisingly the path before them was clear enough for them to hurry back towards the command center with little difficulty.

As they neared, they saw why.

The Rynnsguard infiltrators had at least appeared normal. The monsters attacking the command post were anything but; some had oversized heads marked with chitinous ridges, while others had three or four arms ending in clawed hands. They were armed with a myriad of weapons, from jagged knives to guns to broken signposts and rebar, striking their foes with unparalleled savagery. Already a score of officers and Guardsmen lay dead at their feet, corpses crushed underneath the unending tide of traitors.

That left Naomi standing on her own. The Sister Superior held her chainsword in a two handed grip, blood already caking the roaring blade. Her helmet had been torn from her head, leaving a trio of cuts running down the left side of her face from where the xenos’ claws had raked her skin. Still, the cultists gave Naomi a wide breadth, three of their shattered compatriots serving as a warning to those that ventured to close.

Ruth and Rebecca brought their bolters up, gunning down several of the cultists before they could press against Naomi. Judith stepped out and fired as well, a wall of flames shielding the Sisters as they rushed to their Superior’s side. “Naomi, are you injured?” Bianca said as she reached Naomi.

“Nothing that I haven’t survived before.” Naomi growled, lowering her chainsword as she turned to face the others. “What is the situation?”

“Most of the Rynnsguard appears to be in revolt, and they’re taking out the gates as we speak.” Veronica said. “How on earth can these creatures act so quickly?”

“That doesn’t matter now,” Bianca added. “We need to find a point where we can reform our defenses, and alert Lord Mattias and Tara of the danger.” Rebecca’s heart dropped. Tara was still out there, and perhaps the cult went far enough that the airbase’s defenses were compromised. If she was injured while the Sisters could do nothing...

Empress, please protect your Student until we can come to her aid.

“The cultists are coming back!” Judith cried. “We need to get out of here!” Rebecca moved up to Judith’s side, raising her bolter as another wave of cultists came towards them. Most were Rynnsguard, but a few were like the mutants that had attacked Sister Naomi, surrounding a much bigger beast wielding a modified threshing flail. Judith doused them with another blast of fire, but the larger beast and its rabble came charging in, weapons at the ready.

Rebecca ducked away as the leader swung at her, the flail scraping across her chest armor as it passed by. Naomi rushed forward to intercept, bringing her chainsword down towards the monster’s head, but it raised the handle of the flail and blocked the strike easily. With a growl it thrust its arms forward, knocking Naomi off her feet as its free hand grabbed towards her head. This action was stalled by Veronica, bolter shells reducing the beast’s arms to pulp. Once more the monster roared, sweeping its flail towards the other Sisters heedless of all wounds.

Rebecca had just enough time after caving in the head of one mutant to watch as the flail struck Bianca square in the stomach, lifting the Hospitaller off her feet. Bianca spat blood, droplets cascading to the ground as she collapsed in a heap a meter away from the fight, her body limp long before she hit the ground. The mutant sneered as it advanced on Bianca, raising its flail in preparation for a final strike.

That strike never came. With a roar Naomi jumped on the monster’s back, swinging her chainsword around until it dug into the mutant’s throat. The monster dropped its flail and tried to dislodge Naomi, but the Sister Superior wrapped her arm around its back, grabbing the back of her chainsword and pulling up. Blood and ichor rained from the beast as Naomi garroted it, finally giving way as the blade severed the last few sinews holding its head to its body. She rolled clear of the headless body, barreling over a hapless cultist as she lept clear of the corpse.

“Bianca!” Rebecca cried, darting over to check the fallen Hospitaller. Bianca was trying to pull herself back to her feet, spitting more blood as she did so.

“I think...” she croaked. “I think that was a little too much violence for me.”

“C-can you stand?” Rebecca asked. “We can get you to a medical facility.”

“No.” Bianca fell back, spitting more blood. “I’m pretty sure that strike shattered my spine, among other injuries...” she took a few breaths before speaking again “Hyper coagulants... stop the bleeding before I die here.” Rebecca nodded quickly, reaching for Bianca’s narthecium and switching to the correct needle. Shifting Bianca’s arm, Rebecca jabbed the needle into the softer parts of Bianca’s armor, the injured woman giving a wince as it pierced her flesh.

“The mutants have let up, for now.” Rebecca heard Veronica say from behind her. “How is Bianca?”

“She...” Rebecca started, her voice wavering. “She’s hurt badly. We need to get her out of here.”

“Then let us waste no time talking about this.” Naomi said, stowing her chainsword away as she reached for her combi-flamer. “You two carry her; Judith, Ruth, and I will make sure the enemy does not waylay us further.” Rebecca nodded, moving and slipping her arm under Bianca’s back. Veronica did the same, the two Sisters gently lifting Bianca up while the others formed up around them. The path ahead was miraculously clear, Judith and Ruth taking point while Naomi covered their rear.

Quietly, as chaos raged around them, the Sisters slipped into New Rynn City.


The Lion watched as his forces pounded away at the Hive Nodes. Whirlwinds and Vindicators, supported by hundreds of Imperial Guard tanks and guns, poured fire down on the Tyranid structures, the great organic monoliths quivering with every strike. Some lesser Tyranids milled about in an attempt at defense, but the Imperial forces were more than ready to cut them down without much difficulty.

Almost too easy, the Lion thought. We shall have to remain vigilant in the event of ambushes. Of course, ambushes would be out of the question if and when the Empress made her arrival, but until that point the Dark Angels would not be found unprepared.

“My lord,” Jonson did not move, but did shift his eyes slightly to acknowledge the Company Master that approached. “The first nodal tower is prepared to fall, but we have detected a massing of Tyranids to the west.”

“Size?” he asked.

“Substantial, and growing.” Jonson regarded this information. He watched as the first tower gave a shudder, an alien moan echoing through the air before it began to crumble, huge chunks of chitin falling to crush unprepared xenos.

“This shall have to be dealt with.” he said. “Send the Ravenwing for initial strikes, and prepare whatever other forces are not committed to the siege fully.”

“Two companies of Rynnsguard and a Cadian regiment can be deployed to assist.”

“Do so.” Jonson said. “Once we have reached a satisfactory level of damage against these towers, I will move our forces to assist the Ravenwing with their assault against this xenos force.”

“As you command, my lord.” the Company Master bowed and moved away, calling out orders to the rest of the Dark Angels while Jonson focused on the battle again. The bombardment had moved to the second tower, some of the Vindicators rolling forward to get a better angle for their bombardment. A larger horde of Tyranids had rallied, a few Carnifexes supported by smaller creatures rushing in to the wall of fire the Guard and Astartes had erected.

A quick slaughter, then nothing more. The Tyranids were toying with them.

Jonson moved away from the front, confident his Company Masters could direct the battle without him. His mind had drifted to the west, to where the Tyranids were preparing their next big assault. A final act of desperation to draw them away from the central hive, perhaps... though if Cetus had gleaned information from his warriors as he had warned the Empress, perhaps they wanted him to attack in force, eager to claim more of their great beasts on the hunt.

The Lion scoffed; he was not the Night Haunter, and he would not be so eager for grisly trophies.

The Ravenwing will have their information, he thought. Once we gauge the threat, then we can move to crush these insects.

Jonson was shaken from his thoughts by a shift in the constant bombardment. He turned, scanning the lines to see that some of the Imperial Guard’s guns had fallen silent, even if only for a few moments. Frowning, the Lion turned and flicked his vox on. “Who commands batteries five through eight.”

“Colonel Mendez of the Rynnsguard is assigned,” the voice chimed back. “I will patch you through to him now.” there was a long pause as the Guardsmen worked to get their voxes linked. The guns had resumed firing, but it was a delay Jonson could ill afford.

“Mendez.” an accented voice said.

“Please explain to me why the cannons under your command fell silent, Colonel.” Jonson growled. “And hurry, I have a war to win and little patience to pass around.”

“Oh, my lord Primarch!” the colonel cried. “A thousand apologies, my lord. In truth, it is my men; some are still rather green, unused to working with the Cadians or their weapons.”

“They are standard pattern artillery platforms.” the Lion growled. “What is so confusing about that?”

“It is a transition, my lord. Some of the vehicles we trained on prior to these xenos invading were from a few centuries ago...”

“I do not want any more delays.” Jonson looked back as the first barrages smashed into the next tower. “I intend to clear this entire hive by week’s end, and cleanse Rynn’s World of Tyranids entirely by month’s end. I do not want to see my strategy undone just because some soldiers could not perform basic artillery drills.”

“Y-yes, my lord. I will see to it that we increase our firing rate tenfold, if needed.” Jonson scoffed, but at least the colonel was apologetic enough to make up for his mistake. He understood the Empress was trying to get Astartes and mortals to cooperate more fluidly than they had since the Crusade, but that did not mean the Lion had to lower his standards further.

Wait... Did the Rynnites not bring their own weapons and artillery? Why would they need to borrow weapons from the Cadians?

The Lion got his answer as the first of the shells exploded nearby. Shrapnel scraped against his armor, though some Cadians and a few of his own sons were not so fortunate. Cursing, the Lion drew himself back up, drawing his sword as he looked towards the lines.

Those cannons were now firing down on his lines. The Rynnsguard had betrayed him.

“Silence those guns!” he roared. “Draw our forces back before the Tyranids can exploit this treachery!” Were the distance not so great he would have slain them himself, but several of the Dark Angels’ tanks and heavy weapon teams had received the message. Predators swung their autocannons and lascannons around, taking aim as another volley of fire smashed into the assembled ranks of the Astartes and destroyed one hapless Whirlwind.

As the Astartes tanks fired on the turncoats, the Lion could see his main assault having come under attack as well. Burrowing organisms surged out against the tanks and troops, tearing through squads before the heavier guns could be brought to bear. From above, flights of Crones, Harpies, and Gargoyles came swooping down on the Dark Angels, spitting bioplasma at those the first attack had not killed. The Dark Angels were not cowardly enough to be broken by this assault, but as the Guardsmen with them pulled back even the bravest of the Astartes began to waver against the Swarm.

The assault was falling apart. The Lion could not allow that.

“More of the Rynnsguard are turning against us!” a Company Master called through the vox. “Orders, my lord?”

“Cut them down, then prepare for attack.” Jonson said. “The Tyranids and their traitor allies think to drive us from this point, but to show weakness now is to deny the Empress a clear path from which to drive these xenos from the world. Have all units pull back to my position, and we shall strike the xenos from there.”

“... At your command, my lord.” The Lion clenched his fist, his sword quivering in his hand. Everything was going so well, and to be betrayed like this... The sting of Luther remains; I should not allow its poison to drive deeper.

“Bring me an astropath,” he said. “I must speak with the Empress at once.”


Twilight spread her hands wide, purple lightning pulsing between them and down her arms. Once she had built up enough energy she brought them together, a single beam of light flashing between her and her target, a brainlike Zoanthrope that had been coordinating the attack on the wall. The Zoanthrope’s psychic shield shattered as Twilight’s lance punched through it and its caster, the Tyranid swelling up before exploding in a shower of green energy. Almost a dozen swarming Gaunts nearby fell dead from the psychic backlash, but more were eager to fill their spots as they continued their swarm towards the wall.

Such had been their situation for the last half hour.

Twilight stepped back, pulling her sword out while Alexis and Nikolai took the walls. Their meltaguns made short work of those xenos that had started to scale the wall, molten slag begin all that remained of a brood of Warriors that had ascended. Twilight shifted her energy to support the Valhallans, a purple shield rising up to deflect a storm of bioplasma spewed out by a strafing Crone.

“Do your best not to strain yourself,” she heard Mattias say from her side. “The Shadow must be pretty strong with the amount of psykers they’ve been throwing at us.”

“I’m doing fine,” Twilight countered, slinging another bolt into the air to knock down an injured Harpy. “And the Empress taught me all about keeping my limits in mind. I’m not about to overtax myself and leave you all on your own.”

“I certainly hope not.” Mattias replied. As he reloaded, Twilight turned to survey the rest of the defenses; constant las and bolter fire was enough to keep the swarms at bay, while quad autocannons blazed away to reap a terrible slaughter on the oncoming hordes of Gargoyles and larger flyers. She could see Captain Breimar on the forefront of the defense, bolt pistol steaming as the Astartes vaporized an unlucky Tyranid with a single strike from his power fist.

Twilight did not know much about defenses, but this one seemed to be doing well.

“Tara!” Mattias drew Twilight’s attention back to reality. “Go alert General Hirsh, we’ve got a Bio-Titan incoming!” Twilight blinked, following Mattias’ gaze out over the battlefield. Thundering up the field was a monster easily fifteen meters tall, carried forth on four long spider-like legs. Underneath its gaping maw were two massive biocannons, the nozzles dripping corrosive ichor with every step the creature took. Twilight felt a chill run down her back as the Bio-Titan roared, the entire battlefield shaking from the sound.

Twilight did not have to ask more questions. She darted off, ducking around other defenders in search of the general. Hirsh had set up his command post further down the wall, near one of the fortified bastions currently pouring fire into the sky. “General!”

“Lady Tara,” Hirsh said, not turning his attention from the vox setup. “If this concerns the Bio-Titan, I am doing what I can to resolve that problem.” A pause as Hirsh listened to the other line. “What do you mean ‘cannot target properly’?! It’s a Throne-damn Bio-Titan, it’s not difficult to miss! Blow that thing’s legs off and leave it for the Knights, or I’ll throw your dead corpse to the Tyranids myself!” With that Hirsh tossed aside the receiver, giving a long sigh before he composed himself. “Apologies, my dear; sometimes the PDF can be a little hesitant even when adequately armed.”

“They’re just doing what they can,” Twilight offered. “Not all of us are as battle hardened as you are.”

“Once more your wisdom shines through.” Hirsh gave another sigh before continuing. “This command post doesn’t give me a good view of the front. Come with me.” with that Hirsh and a few bodyguards started off down the wall, Twilight following behind.

“I imagine that in future campaigns the Empress may place you in command of her armies,” he said, not even dodging as a bioplasma blast tore through a fortified position. “In that event, it is always wise to actually get out into the thick of things, even if just to get a better idea of what your men are facing.”

“I... I see.” Twilight started.

“I understand that with your ties to the Inquisition, you are already aware of that situation,” Hirsh looked back to her. “But that is merely the tactical view. Sometimes, you must move back to the strategic view if you are to win a war. Stabbing a Tyranid is all well and good, but proper positioning of your forces to destroy a whole swarm will often mean the difference of life and death for hundreds of soldiers.” Hirsh stopped at an empty point in the wall, he and Twilight looking out at the advancing Hierophant. The beast paused, leveling its massive biocannons in preparation to fire against the wall, but before it could attack four heavy plasma shots raced out from nearby defenses, smashing through one of the monster’s legs. The Hierophant roared, staggering as its defenses tried to hold off the Imperial fire.

Not a killing blow, but Twilight could not help but smile at this success. They could win this.

“Good shooting,” Hirsh said, stroking his mustache. “Unfortunately, the Bio-Titan is still standing. The Knights will move in and try to cut it down, but we’ll need more concentrated firepower if we are to-” the general never finished, for one of the nearby Rynnsguard pulled out a pistol and shot him at the base of his neck, the slug easily punching through the spine and out through his skull.

“General!” Twilight cried, reaching out but failing to stop the body from tumbling off the side of the wall. She pulled back, watching as other Rynnites bayoneted the late general’s bodyguards, the one who had shot General Hirsh advancing on her. “What are you doing?!”

“My duty, in service to the Four-Armed Emperor,” the man droned, raising his pistol and aiming it at Twilight’s head. “You will fall to the Hive Mind, and all Mankind shall be free.” Twilight brought her sword up, magic power building inside her as she prepared to intercept any shots. This was just some brainwashing by the Hive Mind- she could break them free and perhaps salvage some of the defense before Hirsh’s death became known.

Hopes of breaking them free were dashed when a sword punched through the leader’s chest, Mattias giving it a twist as he bisected the man. The others were set upon by the Valhallans, Nikolai vaporizing one with his meltagun while Alexis clubbed the other with his gun. “Mattias!” Twilight cried. “They... he...!”

“I know, I saw them,” Mattias growled. “It was just as I feared. Genestealers.” he regarded Twilight for a moment, his gaze softening. “Don’t beat yourself up over it too much; those men were serving the Hive Mind long before we got here. There was nothing you could have done to save them.” Twilight swallowed. She had read briefly about the Tyranid’s infiltration organisms, but never thought they could strike this far into an Imperial defense.

But if Changelings can replace a princess without anyone noticing, who’s to say these things can’t subvert a fortress.

“What can we do?” she asked.

“Get off this wall and alert New Rynn City,” Mattias said, heading towards a nearby lift. “If Genestealers have infiltrated the Rynnsguard, it’s only a matter of time before they throw open the gate of the city and let Cetus slaughter everyone inside. We need to get back to the city, alert Lord Naverrez and Corax before-” Mattias was cut off by a massive explosion. As they had been talking, the Bio-Titan had righted itself and taken aim, now unhindered by macro cannons overthrown by cultists. One salvo from its biocannons was all it needed to strike the wall, acid and sheer force blowing apart stone and steel as if they were rotting wood.

Captain Breimar and several of his Astartes died instantly in the salvo. Twilight could only stare dumbly as masonry rained down on the swarm of Tyranids flowing through the gap.

“Tara! Come on, now!” Twilight could feel Alexis pulling on her arm, though it took a few more tugs for her to start moving again. Mattias led the way, dropping two cultists with single headshots as they charged towards the lift. Other Tyranids began to mount the walls, ripping at those Guardsmen the cultists had missed. Amidst the confusion, Twilight and the others made it to the lift, the device lowering them towards the ground at a painfully slow pace.

“What if they’ve already attacked the city?” twilight started, her hands trembling. “Naomi, Bianca, they’re still at the wall! They could get caught by the Genestealers too! I can teleport us-”

“No, Tara,” Mattias snapped. “We can’t teleport that distance without you straining yourself, and then we’ll all be killed. Some of the Valkyries should still be ready for takeoff, and we might be able to outrun the horde from there.” Twilight worked her jaw, trying and failing to come up with a good argument to convince Mattias. Finally, the lift reached the ground, the four humans rushing out towards the tarmac.

Towards a seething horde of Tyranids that had started to swarm over the waiting transports.

“It seems the galaxy doesn’t want us flying out of here,” Alexis said, bringing his meltagun up. “Nikolai and I can buy you some time. Find a vehicle and get Tara out of here.”

“I’m the one giving the orders around here, Alexis, not you.” Mattias looked around before continuing. “I think I saw a maintenance road further down the way. There has to be a light transport or a Chimera we can take to get back to the city.” Twilight looked about, keeping her sword out in the event the Tyranids attempted a charge. She could see nothing, just more aliens, her heart dropping with every avenue of escape snuffed out by the advancing horde.

They would die here. And all her friends would be doomed as well.

“This way...” Twilight’s head snapped about. At first she saw nothing, but then from behind a nearby supply crate she could see a shadow of something moving. “This way, if you are to escape the horde...”

“Mattias,” she said. “I think I know a way out.”

“Do you?” Mattias asked. “Lead on, we’ll cover you.” Twilight swallowed again, keeping her sword ahead as they wandered towards the supply crates. The thought crossed her mind that it might have been a trap of the Tyranids, but something... something held her interest, a familiar energy she could not rightly place.

Still, Twilight advanced. She braced for something to jump out, but as soon as she crossed behind the crates her vision blurred, psychic energies radiating over her as she stepped forward. Gone was the spaceport and the Tyranids; instead she found herself standing in a dark hall, Mattias and the Valhallans doing their best not to stumble in to her as they joined her.

And standing in front of her was a very familiar clown.

“Well well,” the figure said, voice not hindered in the slightest by its mask. “I had wondered when you would pass through here, Twilight Maiden.”

Author's Note:

Wanted to find a Genestealer gif, but alas...

Thanks again to Deatheater55 for the editing help. Likes and comments are appreciated, and if I screwed something up please let me know.

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