• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 30,530 Views, 1,879 Comments

Blank - Carrier of Heartbreak

A dying young man discovers that his life may not be what he thought it was, and the seemingly innocent TV show he watches in his hospital room may not be fictitious.

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S1E6: Let's Talk

Awareness returned to me in an odd fashion. It wasn't like the slow build-up of waking up in the morning. It wasn't like the sudden shock of someone jumping on my bed either. It was...well, it just was. I was aware once again, but I didn't remember falling asleep. I didn't even feel tired at all. My muscles didn't need stretching, my joints were already nice and loose, and my breath smelled fine. The sunlight shining on my face through the window of my cabin didn't even bother me. Hold on...

I shot up in my bed...my bed...and looked around, my eyes taking in all the familiar details. Everything was here. The walls were made of the logs that Sarah and I had cut ourselves. Most of the furniture had been made of wood in order to fit the theme. We had even made a few objects ourselves out of the leftover wood we had. The tiny little wooden trinkets I had made awhile ago still sat on the shelves that lined the walls of the bedroom. Everything was exactly the way I had left it...even the warm lump laying next to me under the covers.

Oh my god.

It...was it just a dream? Was everything that happened just a dream? The sickness? The hospital? Dying? The ponies? Oh god, please have been a dream...if it was, that was the worst fucking nightmare I'd ever had. It felt so...real, though. Maybe I was becoming one of those lucid dreamers? Oh shit, I could be having lucid nightmares!

I was distracted by a pair of arms wrapping around me and pulling me back down into a laying position. Please, let this be my reality. Do not let this be the dream. My head hit the pillow with a soft 'pomf' sound. The arms that had ensnared me pulled me onto my side, facing the being that they belonged to. And there she was. Sarah was smiling lovingly at me, her dirty blonde hair in its natural morning frizz. She looked liked she had just woken up, too. I gave her the biggest smile ever and scooted closer to her under the blankets of our bed, pulling her body tightly against me. I was not going to let her go. Not right now, not after the dream I had. I just wanted to hold her forever...she even smelled amazing. We just laid there for what seemed like hours, letting our shared body heat fill the pocket of air that the comforter provided. I pulled my head out of her neck and just looked at her, smiling thankfully. I moved forward and performed an action I thought I would never be able to take part in again: I pressed my lips to hers. The small woman in my arms returned the kiss softly, her smile widening. After a few moments, I broke our lips apart to express my relief.

"It was just a fucked up dream..." I said softly, still smiling at Sarah. In return she...why was she frowning now? Her face just went from a calm happiness to a worried sadness. That's...no. It was a dream. It had to be a dream. Dying and getting sucked into pony world? That's some stupid shit right there. Please, be real, Sarah. I don't think I could...this was becoming too much.

Sarah sat up, the blankets falling from her chest. She just looked at me from under her bangs, trying to form words in her head. Even in her nervousness, she still retained her adorable sense of feigned innocence. I knew the truth about her potential wrath, but a stranger might have made the mistake of hitting on her. Her body was so awesome...it couldn't have just been a pony princess in some costume!


"Ryan..." she said softly after a few moments. I swallowed the bile in my throat that was attempting to make an appearance. "This...this form was a mistake. I should not have gotten your hopes up like that..."

Holy shit. No, not again. Why did she...? Why was she doing this? Maybe she was just joking around...yeah, that had to be it. We played little jokes on each other all the time!

And then she dropped her form, becoming the blue horse once again. She looked so out of place in the bed that Sarah and I had shared for two years together. Just, like, where my girlfriend was usually laying, now there was a cartoonish pony princess thing.

No...why...? Why couldn't it have been a dream?

"You...that's...i-it was real..." I stuttered, staring at the guilty alicorn. She looked into my eyes for a few moments before sighing and nodding her head glumly. My body froze and my breath caught in my chest. I got a feeling of panicked dread in my gut. Everything really had happened. And worse, Sarah was a horse the whole time. Wait, was she? Maybe this horse had switched places with her! I needed to know.

"I want to ask you some things, then," I said, my voice more monotone than I had intended. My whole world felt like it was falling down around me. If Sarah had just been a disguise for this Princess, then what other implications did that carry? The alicorn nodded and waited for me to begin. Good, she wasn't going to try avoiding the subject...she was tackling this problem head-on...just like Sarah would have done...

"Okay..." I started, giving my lips a once-over to heal them of their dryness, "Who are you? Really?" The oversized pony didn't hesitate to answer. She must have assumed this would have been my first question. Maybe she had already known me well.

"I have gone by more than one title in my time. 'Princess of the Moon', 'Princess of the Night', 'Princess of Dreams', and at one time I was referred to as 'Nightmare Moon', or the 'Mare in the Moon'. But now I prefer to simply be called 'Princess Luna.'" I blinked at this. Why so many names? And why did she say 'in my time'?

"Wait...how old are you?" I asked, tilting my head. She gave a smile, though her face was blushing slightly.

"Thousands of years old, Ryan," she told me. I almost choked on the air that I had been breathing in at the time. Th-Thousands?! Holy fucking shit, I had been smooching all over an ancient princess for two years! I almost started trembling, but a feeling of artificial calm immediately spread throughout my body. It was strange enough for me to know it wasn't natural. Something was affecting me from outside.

"Are you doing something to calm me down? I feel weird..." I told her. I folded my knees to my chest, hugging the blankets. The fingers of both of my hands found their way through my brown hair. Could I calm myself with the hair thing I did? Hmm, couldn't tell. Something else was already busy easing my nerves. Princess Luna gave a knowing look, but it wasn't a happy one. What?

"Somepony is, but not I. I had Princess Twilight Sparkle observe us from the outside while I spoke with you. She will be making sure you stay calm for the duration of our conversation," Luna explained. Okay, it was really weird hearing Sarah's voice speaking so...formally. If I hadn't heard her talk like Sarah before, I don't know if I would have recognized her. It was the same voice, but still completely different. She was my Princess, for sure, but I wasn't used to hearing her talk like one. If we were going to do this, I would need some sort of familiar aspect to latch onto.

"Hey, Luna-" I tried saying, but a blue hoof was instantly covering my mouth. Um, ew. I tried pushing it away but the blue alicorn held strong. She was giving me a stern look with those two pretty teal eyes of hers.

"You will address me as Sarah. That is what I am to you," she declared. I blinked, a faint anger raising but quickly falling again. Guess I could bring up my request this way and use it as a bargaining chip instead. I nodded and she smiled, removing her hoof.

"Okay, Sarah it is, then. IF, and only IF, you talk like Sarah. None of this regal crap you're using. My Sarah doesn't talk like that." I told her. Her being a Princess, I almost expected her to take offense to that. But no, she just got this big smile and nodded enthusiastically. Good.

"No problem, Ry!" she exclaimed. The way she said that gave me an involuntary smile. This was my Sarah. Even if she was...a...horse...my jaw dropped when I realized what that meant. Lu-...Sarah caught on and tilted her head.

"W-we...you...and I...oh my god!" I yelled, throwing the covers up over my head and hiding. After a few seconds of silence, a blue aura surrounded the blanket and yanked it away, revealing my blushing cheeks to my girlfriend...marefriend...? She looked at me, observing the deepening red on my face. The blush spread to her face as well when she figured out the cause of my excitement.

"But w-we never mated!" she yelled at me, fidgeting around on the bed where sat. I did not lose the flustered tinge I had developed.

"But we did...mouth stuff!" We were both hiding our faces now, moving our legs uncomfortably. I had gotten frisky with an ancient pony princess disguised as a human! No wonder she was so nervous at first! Oh god, I had taught her...so...much...

I mean, she hadn't been bad or anything...always eager, even if she was unsure of what she was doing. Now the first time she had seen me naked made sense. She had stared for...half an hour? Just sat there, frozen. We didn't even get to do anything that night. By the time I had broken her out of her trance, neither of us were feeling quite up to it. We still had an epic cuddle session, though. Clothed cuddles are still awesome. Sarah broke the silence after a period of awkward fidgeting.

"We...did get a little...adventurous...no wonder she would assume I would be expecting," Sarah huffed. Something was ticking her off again. I wonder what set her off this ti-WHAT THE FUCK?!

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" I yelled, my arms flailing around. Sarah was at first taken aback by my sudden outburst. Apparently she didn't realize she had said that 'expecting' thing out loud. She corrected herself by waving her decorated hooves around, trying to calm me.

"Nononono! I'm not!" she tried to assure me. I continue waving my arms around, but more in a gesture saying 'explain yourself.' She took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts and forming them into words. "The character of Sarah is pregnant. The storyteller decided it would be some sort of genius 'dramatic twist'. During my breakdown in the cabin, she made a positive pregnancy test appear in my hand to make the viewers think we had conceived right before...you know." She must have been expecting me to nod, but I was frozen.

"W-what are you talking about...?" I asked meekly. Sarah's eyes grew wide and she covered her mouth once more. A look of dawning horror appeared on the features of her face.

"She...Twilight said she told you about the show..." she said softly. I continued to stare at her. Twilight told me about the...what? The show...Sarah's talking about the show. She knew it was a show. She had been talking about everything like it didn't really happen. It sounded more and more like everything had just been details in a...story. I had a storyteller.

"She...she did, b-but I...didn't believe her..." I choked out. The sense of calm tried washing over me again. I wanted to fight it so badly. This was the perfect time to be upset! It was the natural response for me to freak out! Or was it? I didn't know anymore. I wanted to, though.

"Sarah...am I real...?" I asked. My girlfriend looked at me, her eyes twitching. Through her wide teal eyes, I could almost see her mind running at full torque. I don't think she really had planned this conversation. Maybe she thought I had already known? She tried saying something a few times, but no words came out. Until the fourth or so try.

"You're real to me, Ryan," she stated. That wasn't what I was asking.

"You know what I mean, Sarah," I said sternly. No more beating around the bush. I couldn't stand all this uncertainty. Please, just this once, give me a fucking straight answer. If I knew what the situation really was, maybe I could start working on getting over it. But as it currently existed, it was just back-and-forth with myself, never knowing for sure. It was driving me crazy. Sarah took a giant breath and tried to calm the shaking that had started in one of her legs.

"Technically, you weren't until Twilight brought you here," she said, trying to keep her voice straight. My heart fucking dropped. So...she was telling the truth? No...no, that's fucking...oh my god...

"B-buh...But h-how...?" I stuttered, my entire body shaking. The artificial calm was frantically smoothing over every nerve in my body, trying to force them to relax. It was only working a little bit now. Sarah noticed my oncoming breakdown and moved forward quickly, wrapping her legs around me in one of the warmest hugs I had ever received. Ever her wings were hugging me. They were so much bigger than any pony I had hugged previously...so warm...Sarah noticed how much warmer I became when she hugged me and proceeded to hug even tighter, firmly latching me to her blue body. This was the most comfortable thing I'd ever felt.

"Ryan," she started, "I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to be my big boy and stay as calm as you can, okay?" The way she referred to me as her 'big boy', like she had teasingly done so many times before, brought a tiny smile to my trembling lips. I guess I could do calm. Even if she was an ancient princess, Sarah was here. Sarah was here with me, hugging the daylights out of my poor body. I thought she had left me forever...but why was staying calm so important?

"Okay, Bear...but why? Is something going on?" I asked. Sarah nuzzled her cheek against mine gently, making me almost purr. Men don't purr! We just growl quietly.

"Yes, there is, but I don't know if I should tell you until we know for sure," she said. Her voice was very calm and soothing as it passed from her lips and into my ear. I wouldn't accept things being hidden from me anymore, sorry Sarah.

"I need to know. Please, Sarah...not knowing things is just making it worse on me..." I pleaded. She looked into my eyes lovingly. Wow...her teal eyes were really beautiful. It was like I was looking directly into the cosmos, flying with her through the stars. I could literally get lost in those pools...she blinked, breaking me away from her eyes. She nodded and sighed softly.

"It has to do with how you came to be," she began, "From what Twilight told me, when she brought you to Equestria, she didn't bring your body. It wasn't physical at the time, but the memories and thoughts you are made of were real. They were locked inside the head of your storyteller. Twilight, in her all her wisdom, went 'apeshit' when she saw you die. Somehow, she probed into the mind of the unicorn who imagined you and tore out all the information involving you. Since you were just thoughts and emotions, without a body, Twilight's spell created one."

She paused for a moment, looking down at me again. I was frozen, but still listening. This was getting really weird and hard to swallow, but if it was the truth, I wanted to know. I was finally getting some answers. She nodded and continued, "That's where the problem rests. She didn't just create an organic body for your mind to stay in. What she did was a lot more fucking stupid." I let out a little giggle at this. Yeah, let's all rip on poor Sprinkle. "She made something referred to as a 'magic construct.' It's something magic-users can create with their minds, but the purpose of them is supposed to be for quick summoning. No unicorn has been able to hold the same construct spell for more than a few minutes at a time...but Twilight Sparkle is a powerful alicorn. And that's not all..." Okay, this was getting scary now.

Sarah took another deep breath, giving herself time to plan out her next words. Then she resumed, "When Twilight saw you die on the show, she had something happen to her referred to as an 'EMP', or Emotional Magic Pulse. That's something that is referred to when a unicorn is put through severe emotional stress, with a strong desire to protect somepo...er, someone they love. It increases all of their magic usage for a short time, similar to adrenaline. She cared enough about you that she used her increased magic, that's Twilight with a magic boost, and made a body for you. But like I said before...they're not supposed to last. She overcharged your body with magic to the point of lasting much, much longer than a usual construct. But now..." She stopped her explanation, her teeth now softly chewing on her bottom lip. But now, what? What was going on? I gave her a squeeze to let her know I was still listening. She squeezed me back, but weaker than I had. Uh oh. That's not good.

"I scanned your body before I came in here to see you...Ryan, the magic holding your body together is slowly leaking back out. As it is, you should have already disappeared and the memories of you should have gone back to your storyteller. But you're still holding together...I think by putting a sentient mind into the construct, Twilight accidentally made it so the spell couldn't go away by normal means. Because of your self-preservation, you are subconsciously holding the spell together. And as a result...Ry...have you noticed any odd leaks happening? Twilight told me about the sneeze, but has anything else happened?"

Holy shit. I was just magic. And the magic I was made of was trying to get out, but my human mind was somehow stopping it from doing so. I looked up at Sarah and nodded.

"Earlier, I arm wrestled with Rainbow Dash...totally destroyed her, by the way...but when it was over, my hand was glowing purple. Same color as the stuff that came out during the sneeze," I explained. She flinched but nodded.

"That was the magic releasing. Also, for the time being, please refrain from doing much of...well, anything. Your body is made of magic, so it goes without saying that you are able to use some." Oh does it, now? "You probably didn't out-muscle Rainbow Dash. It's much more likely that you simply held her hoof in your own sort of levitation magic and levitated it to the ground." Okay, that might have also explained why everything I picked up was so damn light. Maybe that explained the lack of me dying after the sneeze, too? I guess it could have been possible for me to have surrounded myself with some sort of protective barrier then. Oh, and when Dash tried to snap me in half, too.

"So," I said, getting her attention, "what's going to happen with me then?" Sarah looked down, refusing to meet my gaze. Oh, for fuck's sake. What else?

"If...If the magic inside your construct body becomes unstable enough, it's possible that it may...force itself out," she said darkly. Oh, is that all? I thought it might have been something bad or some shit.

"So if that happens, I'll..." I started. I really didn't want to have to say it out loud. Luckily, my loving girlfriend did it for me.

"Yes, Ryan. If you become unstable and go off, your construct will explode. And after seeing how much magic that purple idiot pumped into your body, the resulting explosion would be rather...monstrous." Sarah was shaking at the thought of me detonating like a mound of C4. Did that stuff even exist in Equestria? Maybe at a joke shop-wait, is she crying? Oh hell no, not in my house. How are we here, anyway? No, questions for after I cheer up the love of my life.

Sarah was indeed crying, her one hoof held to her mouth to try and stifle her sobs. The eyes I had gotten lost in previously were now blurry and red with tears. Sadness, eat a dick.

"Sarah, what did I say about talking? You've been using some of that fancy shit again. Remember the deal? All of that could have been shortened to 'Twilight fucking Sparkle shit the bed and stuffed your mind into a slowly ticking bomb of magic and shit, so don't go around using magic or you'll pop like a month old blister,'" I said, grinning devilishly. Sarah blinked hard. She was staring at me. Then she let out a soft chuckle that was followed by a harder one. Within moments, she burst out laughing, tears still streaming down her face, but for a different reason this time. I watched her laugh happily, my eyes taking in the sight of my girlfriend's real form having a good chortle. Girlfriend was no longer sad, mission accomplished. Go me!

I joined in with Sarah's laughter, enjoying this familiar feeling of love that I had felt every single day that we were together. My girlfriend eventually calmed herself down and looked at me fondly.

"Yeah, okay, mister. Ya got me. But seriously, don't use magic," she said, still letting out a chuckle. Now that I thought about it, though, that request confused me. Wasn't the magic trying to get out? Why would letting off some magical steam every so often be bad?

"But wouldn't letting some out help? I mean, it is trying to get out anyway, so why not relieve some of the pressure?" I asked her. She stopped her laughing and looked at me seriously. She looked troubled and tired about something that I had said. Oops.

"In theory, that would have worked. That is, if Twilight Sparkle hadn't...um, filled you to the fucking brim with her magic." She remembered the deal halfway through her statement, prompting a proud smile and a nod from me. She returned the smile and continued, "By using some, you would be creating a gap that the rest would rush to fill. I'm worried that the force from the filling out of the magic would cause you to destabilize. It also seems that emotional turmoil could potentially set you off."

Okay, I didn't understand that much, but I got the idea. I could use some magic, but doing so could cause me to pop. Also I had to stay calm, or else. "So, what you're saying is to control my shit until we can find a way to fix this?"

"Yep," she said simply, nodding once.

"But why couldn't we just try again? You know, let me go back to the original pony and then bring me back in a more stable construct?" Sarah's face went pale when I said this. Oh, come on! I just got done cheering her up! Hmph...this was a pretty dark conversation, I guess. Couldn't expect it to be all that pleasant. Sarah shook her head in a panicked manner.

"Absolutely not! Go back to the bitch who killed you?! Not happening!" she shouted. Geez, okay, lungs. I hadn't thought of that. Since I was apparently just a story, the pony who had imagined me had also been the one to put me through unimaginable pain.

"Okay, okay! So...what do I do until we can find a solution?" I asked, trying to calm her down. She saw that I wasn't going to press the issue of going back the original and relaxed a bit. Sarah cleared her throat once and replied.

"I was planning on taking on your memories myself, but Bitchy McSparklepuss took you first," she huffed. Whoa, she got some serious hostility towards Twilight. I mean, yeah, Sprinkle was kinda reckless with her magic and also impulsive as shit, but she didn't deserve to be hated for it. She was just like that.

"Why are you so hard on Twilight?" I asked curiously. Sarah deadpanned at me.

"She took my love from me and turned him into an arcana bomb." Ooh, she did not sound impressed. I didn't really have any choice but to concede to her point, mostly because she wasn't wrong at all. That was what happened, even if by accident. I was going to have to see how good these hands were for tickling, for Twilight was going to be on the receiving end of them. Like, super hard. Anyway, I still had a few questions...ones I was dreading the answers to. I instinctively wrapped my arms firmly around her pony body, trying to stay as warm as comfy as possible as I asked what I needed to.

"So...does all of this...mean everything else was fake? My family? Our cabin? Earth?" I asked, my voice becoming more a whisper the further I went on. Sarah flinched and looked into my eyes again. Guess she wasn't expecting the sudden mood change. Sorry, but I had a shitload of questions. Very slowly, she nodded, but then shook her head. She had a thoughtful look now, like she was considering something.

"Well...while it's true the life you knew and the people in it were not reality, I'm not too sure about Earth," she stated. This fact both depressed the fuck out of me and piqued my interest at the same damn time. Let me say, those are two weird feelings to have at once. Just what in the hell did Sarah know that I did not? Besides everything?

"Um...what? Care to help my poor brain cross the finish line?" I managed to joke. That got a smirk out of her! Yay!

"Well, I've been looking into the dreams of your storyteller for years now. She dreams in detail unlike anypo-anyone else I've ever seen. I have a sneaking suspicion that she may be a leaksleeper," she explained to me. Oh, good. She said that like she expected me to know what it meant. Didn't we just go over something regarding my poor brain and its problems with finish lines? I motioned with my hand for her to continue. She nodded and did so.

"A leaksleeper is one who sees...visions while unconscious. They are very rare, and the only ones I've been present for have just been able to peek into the dreams of others. None were able to manipulate the dream in any way. It was just really awkward when one of the leaksleepers happened to accidentally spy in on some other pony's...intimate dreams...while I was there observing." She was blushing again. Actually, her blushing was cute even though she was a pony. I thought all the ponies I'd seen so far had been adorable, but Sarah was a bit different. She was also a few different kinds of beautiful on top of being cute. And for shit's sake, she was so warm!

"Oookay. So you think my storyteller was a leaksleeper?" I asked, tilting my head at her. See, I could be cute, too! Sarah couldn't help but smile at my cuteness. Score one for Ryan Purrbank!

"Mhmm. At least I think so. I find it hard to believe she imagined Earth by herself. There are details in there that would take one of our brightest minds eons to come up with. Inventions that have sent scientific teams in Canterlot scrambling to recreate. Architectural works that our own ponies would have deemed impossible. Works of art that-" I cut her off. She was doing it again. I wagged my finger at her with a mock-disappointed look. Sarah gave me an apologetic smile before clearing her throat to continue, this time with less fancy talk.

"Hrm, yes, well, my theory is that your storyteller is a very powerful leaksleeper who doesn't just see dreams, but can see other worlds," she said.

I was absolutely blown away by this new information. If Sarah's theory was correct, then...maybe Earth did exist. That was fucking amazing! Humans might actually exist somewhere out there, and had a nosy pony spying in on them, stealing their ideas and using them for her own dreams. But at the same time...Sarah said that no leaksleeper had ever been able to manipulate anything inside the visions they got. They were just observers. My girlfriend had even mentioned earlier how my storyteller had imagined the positive pregnancy test into her hand during the show. So...everything that I knew really was inside the head of a pony. Humans might exist, but I didn't belong to their kind. I was just a model based off of them, apparently. Well...that fucking sucks. At least...if my family wasn't real, they wouldn't still be sad about me dying...and I still loved them and held memories of them. So they were real to me. I was only vaguely aware at that point of the blue alicorn trying to wake me from my thoughts. The lick she gave my cheek did snap me out of it, however.

"S-Sarah! Don't do that! You know how I feel about tongues..." I moaned, wiping my face to rid it of her warm saliva. She just giggled in her own adorable way and winked at me.

"Oh, I do know. That's why I did it~" Woo boy, it was a good thing I was still partially under the covers. But that did bring up another good point. I hope she wouldn't be too mad about this.

"That reminds me...you know I'm all for keeping what we have, but do not expect me to 'go exploring' while you're a pony," I told her. She got this really hurt expression on her face and started pouting. Oh, god, the pouty face. I was too weak! Had to stay strong...sure, she was beautiful, but she was also a pony. Like, smaller version of a horse. Sure, ponies were cuddly as fuck, but sexy? Her tongue was pretty awesome, though...NO, nope. She should have known enough about how Earth worked to know that what was implying was a big 'no-no.' Apparently she did, because she stopped pouting a minute later and just went 'Hmph' at me. She stayed like that for a moment before a light bulb went off in her head. She spun her head back around to me rapidly. The sudden movement was enough to make me flinch.

"You...you do want to keep me?" She was starting to tear up. Oh, god, what did I do now? Wait...those were happy tears! "I was so worried that...with who I really am...you would want me to go away..." I rolled my eyes almost to the back of my head when she said this. Oh, Sarah, you're in for it, now. Just like that, I was holding her in my arms, my fingers sliding through her mane- what the hell? Her mane was all...wavy or something. How in the shit did I not notice this before? It looked very similar to her eyes when I stared at it. I could almost see different constellations floating around in what I assumed was her mane. And it felt...kinda like really long hair when it's underwater. Very flow-y like that. Apparently it still felt the same to Sarah, judging from the look of euphoria on her face. Oop, there's the twitchy leg! Aww!

"Of course I wouldn't leave you, Sare Bear. You may be a...probably super powerful ancient pony princess...but you're still my Sarah. I would never, ever leave you. Got that?" That last bit wasn't even a question. To be honest, it probably wasn't fair to ask her anything at all in the state she was in. If she had been trying to say anything, I couldn't tell. The only thing to pass her lips were incoherent babbles. If only I could just stay here, forever in...wait, that's right. How are we even in our cabin?

"Hey, how are we here?" I asked her after calming my assault on her senses. I waved my arm around, gesturing to 'all of this.' She blinked awake and yawned. Wow, that had really done her in. Heh heh...

"Oh, we're in your dream right now. You passed out at the party after calling me a 'fucking horse.'" She took on a stern glare that burned into my soul. Yep, this was definitely Sarah. I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. In my defense, I had just learned that my girlfriend of two years was a pony all along. How was I supposed to react to that? Actually, no. That had been a good thing. Sarah was here. With me. I had something from my old life that was actually real.

"Yeah, uh...sorry 'bout that. You just kinda shocked me, is all," I tried to explain. She lifted an eyebrow. No, not the brow! "So, uh...you can travel into dreams, then? 'Princess of Dreams' for sure. Wait...didn't you say that leaksleepers couldn't manipulate dreams?" The stern look she had been giving me turned into one of amusement.

"Ah, so you have been listening," she teased. I crossed my arms and pouted. I always listened to her and she knew it. She also loved to break my balls and I knew it. "Yes, I can travel into and manipulate dreams. No, I'm not a leaksleeper. I'm something much, much sexier." I grinned at this. She sure was.

"And that sexy thing would be?" I inquired. She smirked at me like I was stupid. Damn it.

"You said it yourself, I'm the 'Princess of Dreams.' It's one of my duties to watch over the dreams of all my little ponies and make sure the nightmares that haunt them stay far away." Holy shit, that was sexy. Some super pony checking in on dreams and vanquishing nightmares? Sign me up for the first issue! Maybe an autograph or two...huh, what? She said 'My Little Ponies.' Hey, wait! Back at the hospital! She couldn't stand that show!

"Hold up, hold up. Remember back at the hospital?" She nodded once. "My Little Pony started playing on the TV and you almost tore the fucking thing from the wall trying to turn it off! What gives? Isn't that a show about you guys?" I demanded. Sarah sighed and nodded, an annoyed look spread across her features.

"Yes, that was the storyteller's fault. She kept letting her memories slip through and leak into her dream world. You don't realize just how many times I've had to turn that show off around you," she groaned. Why would she do that, though? She was part of those memories, probably! I could have gotten to know her a bit so that the initial revealing of her true self wouldn't have thrown me for such a loop.

"Why? I would have liked to have gotten to know who you were..." I bemoaned. She gave me an uncomfortable frown and looked away. Had something happened in those memories that she was ashamed of?

"Ryan...I'll tell you soon, but not right now. As it is, I've already revealed so much to you that I had planned to inform you of later on...It's becoming a bit overwhelming, to be honest." I just looked at her, unimpressed. Who was the one who had just learned that he was not real, his family was not real, he was essentially a bomb, and his girlfriend was a different species?

"How do you think I feel, Bear?" I asked. Sarah's eyes shot open and she chuckled apologetically.

"Oh, yes. Sorry, Ryan. Forgot the situation for a moment there..." Oh, nope. You're not getting out of it that easily, Sare Bear. Before she knew what was happening, I was on top of her, my face pressed into her soft blue belly. Commence operation belly blowing!


"WAHAHAHAHAAAAA RYAN PLEASE, STOP!" she begged, her laughter filling the calm air of our cabin. She was so fucking loud. Oh, well. It's not like there was any neighbors around to annoy. Even if we weren't just inside a dream in my head right now, our cabin was far away from anyone else. Total seclusion, just the way we liked it. Oh, look, I was floating. Fancy that. I looked down and saw Sarah rolling herself back over, her horn glowing with the same blue aura that was holding me up. She finished correcting herself and looked up at me, a devilish grin on her face. OH SHIT WHAT. She lowered me to her face, her eyes locked with mine. Her smile just kept growing and growing and-


Oh Gooood, that tooongue~

My body gave a gigantic shiver and went limp, the wetness on my face and neck drawing in the cold air. Fuck you, Sarah. You knew me too well...and that tongue of hers was so much larger than her human one. I was royally screwed. Ha.

"Mhmm~ With that, I'll have to get going now, Ry. I have to try and...explain what happened to my sister. When Celestia catches wind of what her personal student has done, she'll likely try to extinguish the spell herself," she informed me after lowering my trembling body back onto the bed. I quickly wrapped my bottom half with blankets. Then it hit me. Celestia was her sister?! That's...pretty good! Now I had two princesses vouching for me! One of them was Celestia's sister and the other was her personal student! Whew, this couldn't get any better.

"So what do I do for now?" I asked, tucking myself back in. Sarah turned back around to face me, giving me a quick glance of her tail. It was the same kind of cosmic flow-y blue color. Neat.

"I'd rather you get your rest for tonight. Your body may be magic, but your mind still needs some time to sort through everything. Oh, that also means you shouldn't have to eat or drink. Also, restroom trips might be...less common," she told me. Wait, what? I wanted to try some of the stuff Pinkie made! Sarah must have noticed the disappointment on my face because she quickly trotted up next to me and gave me another hug.

"You can eat, but you don't need to. Your body is feeding off of the magic in your core for energy. Just...try not to stop breathing. I'm not too sure about that one yet." Okay, got it. So I could eat and drink...but could I not piss or shit? I...didn't know how to feel about that. Huh. Maybe not having to eat would be a good thing. Wouldn't have to scare the poor ponies by eating meat.

"I'll be leaving you in the care of the six ponies you met first," she said, turning around again and seemingly trying to wave her flank at me. Better luck next time, Bear. Still don't find just the sight of you sexy. Unless you wanted to...I don't know...turn into your human self for a little bit and have some fun...okay, no, later. She had things to do that involved me not getting destroyed by her protective older sister. "I trust you've been getting along with them?" I nodded and smiled.

"Yup! Cuddled with all of them and even kissed three of them already!" In hindsight, I'm a fucking moron. Sarah froze in place. The room was silent for a minute. Two minutes. Three- now she's turning around...slowly. On her face was a...smile? Oh. Oh my god. That was the single most terrifying smile I'd ever seen in my entire life. My mind was screaming at my body to move, but I couldn't budge. The murderous little twinkle in her eye had crippled me all over again.

"Is...that...so?" she hissed through her curled lips. I was dead. I was about to be killed again. What was this, the third time in a few days? Yeah, her horn was charging. I wondered what spell she would use to do it. Perhaps she would send me to the center of the planet. Maybe she would just turn her horn off and use it to impale me in the face. Or maybe she would turn me into self-aware cocoa-powder, mix me into some warm milk and drink me.

...Wait, where did that last one come from? Holy shit, I'm a pervert. That's fucking weird.

But no, what she did do was much worse. It was over in an instant, but holy fuck did it feel wrong. The first thing I noticed was the newly added weight on my chest. I looked down and-

Yep. Those are boobs.

And the second thing I noticed was a general lack of that familiar mass between my legs. A panicked examination confirmed that Sarah had indeed used her fucked up dream magic to turn me into a woman. Was I at least an attractive woman? I couldn't tell; there wasn't a mirror in this room. Oh, yeah, I should have been freaking out...aaaand there it is.

"AAAAHHHHHhhhh..." I started to shriek, but my voice trailed off when I noticed how much higher it was than normal. Sarah, you bitch! Take away these damn boobs, give me back my dick, and most importantly, give me back my wonderful manly singing voice!

Well, I wanted to scream those demands at her, but I was frozen again. I just stared at her. She was now smiling gently, taking in the sight of me being what I hoped was a hot lady Ryan. Screw it, my lady name was Rihanna. With one last smirk, she poofed herself out of my head.


I would not let her win! Ha, just to spite her, I would enjoy my time with boobs! Yeah, that would show her! Spiteful masturbation would be Sarah's downfall! Now...just have to figure out how to do these things to myself. What would I like? Hrm...


Princess Luna blinked awake, her teal eyes opening to examine the room around her. She had been resting her body on the bed right next to where they had set Ryan for the night, after the party had ended. Her body was still pressed up to his...she still had a hard time believing it. Ryan was here, really here, with her. And she had finally shown her true self to him! He hadn't left her! And if those cuddles he had given her were any sign, he didn't mind her alicorn body all that much. Sure, he said he wouldn't be up for engaging in any activities while she wasn't a human, but she knew better. Luna smirked. That was just a challenge for the Princess of the Moon. Soon enough, Ryan would be begging to preen her wings and bite her belly and-

"Princess Luna, you're back!" came the voice of the purple alicorn responsible for this while situation. Luna groaned to herself. If Twilight had only known what she was doing, Ryan could have possibly been a permanent being! But no, he was a ticking time bomb now, filled with the bookworm's purple mind juice. If Twilight hadn't been so close to her older sister, Luna would have unleashed a few very specific dreams upon the newest princess. But as it was, Sparkle was not to be touched.

"Yes, I am back. But I must be off immediately. My sister must be informed of the current situation before she hears it from a different source and gets the wrong idea. I fear Celestia may think Ryan a danger and come down here herself to eradicate him." Twilight Sparkle flinched at the Night Princess's words.

"She...she wouldn't do that to him...would she?" Twilight asked weakly. This whole situation was finally starting to take its mental toll on the poor purple pony. She had started to develop a bit of a nervous twitch and her hair was frazzled beyond a single brush's ability to relieve it. Luna looked down sternly at her sister's student.

"Princess Twilight, you turned Ryan into a bomb. If Celestia thinks he will be a danger to any of her ponies, it would be outside my power to stop her from ridding her lands of it," explained Luna. The pony that had been looking up to her was now looking straight down at the floor.

"I'm...I'm sorry..."

Luna sighed and softened her gaze. Twilight hadn't known what she had been doing. She had brought Ryan here in a moment of desperation. She had cared so deeply about him that she had an EMP and created possibly the strongest magical construct ever to see the light of Celestia's sun.

"Twilight Sparkle, please do not think too badly of yourself. You had no idea what was going on at the time. Your emotions took you for a ride and it just so happens that they wanted to bring the rest of Equestria along as well," she tried to explain calmly. Twilight was still looking down at her hooves, shaking slightly. The Princess of the Night leaned down close to the lavender alicorn and whispered into her ear.

"Besides, I'm glad to see him again," she said softly, a small smile on her lips. Twilight's head shot up and her eyes met Luna's.

"So...it's true...? You're Sarah?" Luna smirked at this question. A slightly more devious expression was touching her facial features now.

"Yes, I am. And from what I heard from Ryan, it seems a few of you have gotten rather 'close.'" Twilight's ears folded back quickly and her eyes widened to the size of saucers. Princess Luna grinned and lifted a hoof, patting Twilight's disheveled mane. The smaller pony had tried to make some semblance of intelligent noise, but instead just made a bunch of awkward choking sounds.

"Do not let it happen again, Princess of Friendship. If you were to violate my love twice, I doubt even Celestia would stop me from punishing you somehow. Ryan is already serving his sentence," she said, motioning her regal head towards the body of the sleeping man. He was squeezing his legs together under the blankets, a deep blush on his face. His bottom lip was being ravaged by his teeth. Twilight gulped and nodded back to the Princess standing in front of her. Luna nodded with a happy, innocent little smile before standing up and trotting over to the door.

"Oh, and one more thing~" she called out behind her as she started closing the door to the room with her magic. "Do not let Ryan awake until morning. If I found you disturbed him from his 'rest,' you will be subject to the same treatment he is currently undergoing." And with that, Luna was gone.

Twilight let out a breath and slumped to the floor. By Celestia's sun, was Princess Luna scary when she had felt her property had been tainted. Twilight sat up on shaky legs and gave her head a good side-to-side.

Twilight Sparkle would not be so easily dissuaded though. She would just need to try harder!

A faint moan from the sleeping human behind her brought her back from her thoughts. Just what had Luna put Ryan through inside his own dreams? He was squirming so much...and moaning...


Author's Note:

So here we are at Chapter 6, 'Let's Talk,' or as I like the call it, 'Luna Explains Some Shit.'

Next chapter, we hear from the ponies of OW.