• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 30,528 Views, 1,879 Comments

Blank - Carrier of Heartbreak

A dying young man discovers that his life may not be what he thought it was, and the seemingly innocent TV show he watches in his hospital room may not be fictitious.

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S1E10: Trifecta

Oh, man. I felt so bad for Rarity right then. Her house...her place of business...it was fucked. Instead of the glamorous and carefully designed majesty that it held before, there now sat a building with two giant holes blown out from the walls. One of the holes was a very cartoony shape of a stallion, while the other hole was a lot larger and more jagged. Hey, why didn't I make a funny hole like the one Time Warner had made? I just smashed into the wall and blew it out. Maybe it was my shape or something. Weird.

Rarity wasn't taking it too well. She was pacing back and forth in front of her home, looking up at it every few seconds. After she got an eyeful, she would always shiver and look back down. She had developed a stressed twitch and her mane was now as unkempt as mine usually was when it got longer. Long hair sucks. I hated having to manage it every morning. How did Rarity keep it so...fabulous all of the time? I would have gone mad.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash had gone off together to help the guards look for our airborne friend. Pinkie Pie had zoomed off for one reason or another, hopefully to get some treats from Sugarcube Corner. I still wanted to try some of her baking, even if...I didn't really need to eat anymore. But hey, if I didn't need to eat, then maybe consuming vast amounts of sugar wouldn't turn me into a bowling ball. Fluttershy and Twilight had stayed behind with Rarity and me to assess the damage. Our conclusion?

Shit was fucked, yo.

I would still help, like I promised myself, but damn. I had built a cabin from scratch, but I had no idea where to start on this. I didn't even know what her boutique was made out of. Wood? Maybe. Was there drywall involved? Didn't know. I pulled on my imaginary work gloves and moved closer, examining the disaster.

Fluttershy and Twilight had been following me around since the whole incident had taken place. Fluttershy was holding her first-aid kit in her mouth once again, being adorable. Twilight was likely making sure she was around me at all times in case she needed to pull me back into my body again. I got why she was so worried, but I didn't really want her following me everywhere. What about when I would need to shower? Or she needed to use the bathroom? The thought alone made me shiver and blush.

No, I would need to figure out how to pull myself back together in those situations. What did I do when I belched? I didn't even drift that much. The voice of my mom also refused to make a reappearance. Maybe I was getting better? Good. If I wasn't stable enough to handle it on my own, I didn't want to be around these ponies. Too much of a risk. But after all that had already happened, maybe I was finally in for some smooth sailing.

Yeah, right.

"Hey, Rarity, can you make a list of the materials you used for your walls?" I asked, turning my attention away from the damage. The white mare jumped a bit when I addressed her. I guess she was stuck in her own little world of anger and shock. The destruction of one's home can do that. She shook her head from side to side before responding.

"O-oh...why y-yes...of course..." she stuttered, moving through the doorway to retrieve some writing supplies. Her posture was seriously depressing me. She was slouched while walking, as if her entire world had just crumbled around her. Don't worry, Rarity...I'll help fix this mess I caused. Twilight gave me a scare of my own by bumping her side into my leg. I looked down at the purple alicorn and tilted my head.

"You...almost went off again..." she sighed. A shiver went through her body and she closed her eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair in contemplation. Rarity hadn't been the only victim of all of this. Twilight had watched me almost explode twice today, and the rest of the girls didn't seem to take it all that well either. Fluttershy especially, with how much she wanted to help while not being able to. She was also right alongside me, holding her little kit the entire time.

I sighed and reached down, petting both mares behind their ears. Both melted into my fingers simultaneously. The looks of pure bliss they got brought a much-needed smile to my face. It was so easy to bring happiness to them. It felt...right. I wanted really nothing more at that point then to make every one of my pony friends happy. It was something I had done back on Earth, and I wasn't going to stop. So far, I had done a terrible job at spreading cheer, what with my constant almost-exploding...but I would make up for that.

"I know, Twi...sorry, I really didn't expect for that magic thing to happen. Still getting used to...all this," I pondered, my fingers still teasing the back of her ears and some of her mane. She fought against the power of my awesome fingertips and shook her head.

"It's not just...Ryan, you...you jumped in front of me..." she spoke softly, her large lavender eyes staring into my own. The early signs of tears were starting to become noticeable. Oh, come on! No more crying! I increased the intensity of my head rubs to both Twilight and Fluttershy. They both lost their wills and started twitching in joy. Flutters even accidentally dropped her medical box.

"Yep. I would do it for any one of you. You guys have been way too great to me...you're all really good friends. And, honestly, I didn't think the guy would actually attack. I mean, you're a damn princess. What kind of idiot would do that?" I explained to her. She got a really happy look on her face for a few seconds before it became one of fierce determination. She stomped her hoof one before making her declaration.

"The kind of idiot that will soon be secured in the deepest, darkest dungeon Equestria has to offer," she stated, her air of authority returning. I really didn't see her like that often. It wasn't really any wonder Time hadn't taken her princess-hood seriously. Did he even know who she was? And the thought of him being locked up in a dungeon for the remainder of his life...I don't know, it just seemed a bit harsh. The guy clearly had some kind of anger problem. Maybe a mental illness? What he needed was some therapy. And restraints.

"Eh, that seems a bit much, Twi. I think there was something seriously wrong with him. Maybe he could use some help?" I offered, moving my attention back to the wall. Already, thoughts of what tools would be needed were starting to form. Twilight took a step back and looked up at me like I was crazy. Fluttershy just shied away, trying to hide her disappointment from the lack of further head rubs. I see right through you, Flutters. There's no use hiding your lust for my fingers!

"Ryan! He attacked me! He could have killed you! And if that had happened, he could have destroyed all of Ponyville!" Twilight argued. That point made me shiver once again. She was right, I could have gone off and killed every pony in the town. But he didn't know that. Hell, I don't think he even believed that I was self-aware. He was likely not in his right mind at the time.

"I know, but still..." was all I could retort with. At that moment, Rarity returned with her list. She looked just as messy as before, but now her eyes were red. She had been crying inside where we couldn't see. My instincts took over and I quickly moved towards her. She jumped a bit at my sudden movement, but quickly relaxed as I took her into a warm hug. She buried her face into my neck and screamed, her voice muffled by my body.

"Shh...it's okay, Rarity. We'll help you fix it," I assured her. Her whole body was trembling with the grief she had been trying to hide from us. "Just let it all out..."

And she did.

The hug was quickly joined by Twilight and Fluttershy, both mares offering their own comforting words. After a few minutes in the supportive embrace, Rarity's body stopped its shivering. She went a bit limp in my arms, likely tired out from stress. I couldn't blame her in the slightest. She had witnessed me almost die twice, the same as the other girls. Then she had been confronted in her own home by a crazy stallion that could have set me off and killed her. Then her boutique was turned into Swiss cheese, courtesy of yours truly. She probably just wanted to sleep and wait for everything to go back to normal. At least, that's what I would have wanted to do in her situation. A nap sounded good, but I had work to do.

"Oh...why is all of this happening?" Rarity lamented. I held her a bit tighter, stroking her lovely purple mane. Even in its frizz, it was still beautiful.

"I'm here, Rarity. I know a thing or two about building houses...though you probably already knew that," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. Fortunately, it seemed to work a little bit. She looked up at me with her large blue eyes. They were deep...very close to Sarah's eyes. I could almost lose myself in them...

A small smile slowly worked its way onto her lips. Finally, after almost a full minute, she let out a weak giggle. "Y-yes, I suppose I did. Though my boutique may be a bit more complicated than your log cabin," she teased. Good, she's joking back at me. Time to ham it up.

"I take offense to that, madame!" I said in a fake fancy voice, my hand placed over my heart in a 'Why, I never!' pose. She blinked but caught on quickly and gave me a larger smile. Twilight and Fluttershy were also smiling proudly at me, too. They looked at me like I had just won a major award or something. Hopefully, it was a bowling alley. Or a lamp.

"Oh, quit it, good sir. I'm sure your skills are plenty enough to help little old me." Okay, this mare was funny. I could imagine sending this banter back and forth in the future and never having it get old. She just pulled it off so well!

"Little? Yes. Old? Not even cl-" I was interrupted by shouting off in the direction of where the guards had went. The color drained from my face as I looked up. In the air, pretty far off, I could see a bright streak of rainbow darting around wildly in the sky. Rainbow Dash looked like she was trying to signal the others. She must have found Time Warner. She was changing positions, which led me to believe that he was trying to run away.

Before I could do anything, Rarity jumped away from me and started running towards the commotion. Fluttershy and Twilight were quick to follow her. I barely caught a glimpse of their faces, but their looks of determined anger scared me. I didn't want them anywhere near that psychopath, but I doubt I could have done anything to stop them. They were out for blood, now. Time Warner had tried to kill me, and very well might have if it hadn't been for my magical absorption thing. My new friends...my best friends, they were already very protective over me. They had stood in front of me when Time had first appeared. Without even knowing what he could have done to them, they acted.

Well, at least that made me feel a little bit less of an idiot. I was just as impulsive as them in that regard.

Being my impulsive self, I immediately took off running after them.

"Hey! C'mon, guys, stop!" I shouted, doing my best to keep up with the three quadrupeds. I wanted to go faster, but as soon as I started to push myself to give more than a little effort, I started getting dizzy again. Not the out-of-shape kind of dizzy, but a much more familiar, explosive dizzy. Oh, fuck right the hell off! So I couldn't even run around without risking the collapse of my body? That's bullshit!

Thanks to my newly discovered restrictions, I lost sight of my friends within seconds. Of course, the commotion had drawn the other ponies out of their little cottages. Heh, at least I wasn't alone now. Many of the ponies I recognized from last night's party. They seemed to recognize me, too. Um...duh. Of course they would.

A few of them noticed my strained walk and ran over to join me, worry evident on their adorable pastel faces. Very thoughtful of them, but like Fluttershy, there was nothing they could really do to help me. I did enjoy the company, though.

"Wussap, dude?" I heard a familiar scratchy voice from behind me. I turned around to see who it was, but I honestly already knew. Vinyl Scratch was trotting up to walk by my side, her eyes hidden by her shades. Even with her eye-wear, I could still see a few dark rings present. She must have just woken up and rushed out here to see what was causing all the noise.

I tried giving her my best friendly smile, but it was strained. I was still trying to bring myself back together and walk at the same time. It was a really strange feeling. Sort of like if I started spinning, then stopped after a few seconds and tried to focus on something. That weird traveling feeling that I kept having to pull back. I was just glad I was getting used to it all. Even without Twilight here, I believed I could control a smaller episode.

"Um...Ryan, you okay?" she asked, tilting her head to the side and causing her electric blue mane to flop sloppily towards the ground. I slowed down a bit so I could focus myself more.




"Hwooo..." I sighed. I had stopped walking entirely, Vinyl moving closer to examine me. "Yeah, Vinyl...just a bit winded is all..." Even though I couldn't see her expression, I could feel the look of suspicion she was giving me. It wasn't doing anything to help me focus. I mean, I know it wasn't really all that true, but why was she looking at me like that?

"Ryan...I...we all saw what happened to you last night. I know something's wrong," she told me. That almost broke my focus. What had happened last night? All I remember is seeing Sarah, her yelling at me, then waking up in the nightmare she had given me. Did I do something after I had passed out?

"What? What happened?" I asked. Vinyl gave me a look of disbelief for a moment before sighing.

"They didn't tell you? You...you started glowing purple or something...Princess Twilight and Princess Luna stopped it somehow, but from what I heard, you could have died..." she said, softer than I had heard her speak thus far. Her words caused me to freeze. I had almost went off last night? So this morning wasn't my first time...it makes sense, I guess. How else would Sarah have known about my potentially explosive nature? I almost felt stupid for not considering that my first meeting with my girlfriend in her true form had probably cause some sort of reaction besides passing out. If the trigger to my internal bomb was set too close to my emotions, then of course I almost blew up. Finding out that Sarah was actually a horse princess with superpowers wasn't the best for my nerves.

"Uh...no, not exactly. They told me what would happen if I...went off...but they didn't say that I had an episode before this morning," I tried to explain. I was less dizzy now that I wasn't walking. Fuck, I felt like I did back before I started exercising back home. Run a little bit, then my chest would start cramping to shit and my heart would go on overdrive. All that conditioning, now I had to restart because my old body was just a thought inside the head of some unicorn somewhere. Vinyl surprised me when she jumped up, planting her front hooves on both of my shoulders. She looked panicked. Was it something I said?

"WHAT?! You almost went off again?!" she demanded, some of her pony saliva flying into my face. Yeesh, pony morning breath. She smelled like booze and...weed? Where would ponies get weed? Oh, man, if they had that stuff here, I was going to go fucking insane in the membrane. I tried to get her to back up a little bit, but she followed my movements. This unicorn was seriously invading my personal bubble.

"Um, yeah. This morning I had a freak-out over a dream Sarah gave me, and I had another one a little while ago after some stallion attacked me," I said to the interrogative mare. Vinyl's left eye gave a twitch as she processed this new information. Then, without warning, she jumped down and started stamping her hooves onto the ground, sending up some dirt.

"What did she do to you?!" she shouted while throwing her tantrum. I was lost at the odd behavior she was presenting. Not knowing any better than to just answer her questions, I responded as truthfully as I could. Which, to say, was to ask just who the hell she was talking about.

"Who?" I asked. At this point, she could have been referring to any female I've been in contact with. Only a couple of them actually wronged me in the slightest, but maybe she didn't know that.

"PRINCESS LUNA!" Vinyl screamed. Her glasses got shaken from her head in her mania. They clattered to the ground, luckily not breaking. The DJ pony looked up to me with her gorgeous red eyes...they were filled with frustration. Why was she upset about what Sarah had done? I had a good reason, but I was fairly certain nobody else knew about what happened in the dream. I shrugged at Vinyl.

"Not sure what you're talking about," I tried to convince her. I honestly didn't want to have to relay the experience of having my dick slide up into me and become a vagina. That shit was the most uncomfortable thing I had ever experienced. It didn't really hurt at all, but just the thought of it happening made it traumatizing. Vinyl was having none of that.

"Ryan, she left you! At the hospital, she left you alone to die! If Princess Luna is Sarah, then she hurt you! What did she do with your dreams?! You just said they almost made you blow up!" she continued to shout. Around us, many of the other ponies were moving closer. I thought the sight of a mad mare would deter them from joining, but I guess I was wrong. But I was too busy going over Vinyl's words in my head to really pay attention to the sets of hooves wrapping around my legs. I kept forgetting that my whole life was a show...all of these ponies had seen what had happened at the hospital. That whole situation...I didn't want to accuse Sarah of anything in my dream, but the truth was that it did hurt. I forgave her for leaving before, but that was before I knew it was just all in a pony's head, and she might have been able to stop it at any time. The only reason she didn't was...hell, I didn't even know if there was a reason. She just didn't.

"Fuck..." I sighed, taking a step back. The ponies attached to my legs didn't move as I was expecting to, though, and I found myself on my back, a cloud of dirt surrounding the crater I had made.

Okay, it wasn't a crater. I was just all dusty now and my back stung a little. The ponies around me gasped when they realized that they had accidentally sent their hero tumbling to his possible doom. Great, now I had a chorus of 'Sorry!' to break up before I could even sort out my other problems.

"Okay, guys, I'm fine. No harm done," I assured the small crowd of apologetic ponies. They all breathed out a sigh of relief and took a few steps back, giving me some space. I stood back up in time to get another pony hug. This time, it was the white and blue mare that only moments ago was throwing the mother of all fits. Now, she was wrapped around my thighs, burying her face very close to somewhere I didn't feel comfortable with any pony being.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to bring it up again," she said into my leg. I could barely hear her. Please be happy? I want them to be happy. I couldn't handle much more not-being-happy. I just didn't have it in me...

"Vinyl, please, don't...I'm fine, okay? I'm getting better at it. When that crazy dude attacked me a little while ago, I controlled it pretty well by myself!" I tried to assure her. Well, there she goes again, jumping back and looking up at me. Had she not heard me the first time I said it? Maybe she got stuck on the whole 'Sarah gave me nightmares' thing and refused to process anything else.

"Somepony attacked you?! Who?!" she asked, getting louder again. The ponies around her voiced their shared interest in finding out who had tried bringing me further pain. Nope, not dragging them into this whole mess. I don't know if they could fend for themselves against such a violent pony. I would not stand to put more ponies in harm's way just from existing.

The sounds of panicked movement caught my attention. Just ahead, behind some of the houses on the other side of the dirt road, I could see a very familiar color lighting up the darkness.

It was Time Warner's blue magic.

That. Fuck.

Without thinking, I started running to where I could see the supposed fight taking place. The dizziness started almost instantly, but I pushed past it and ran faster.


Faster than I have ever run before.

Faster than any human had run before.

I felt like a fucking rocket. Every push with my legs sent up chunks of dirt and grass. My feet were glowing purple, but I didn't give a shit. If I started to lose it again, I knew how to stabilize myself somewhat. All I knew was that I needed to get to my friends before Time had another chance to hurt them. I wasn't a violent guy; hell, I had never actually been in a fight of any kind before. I had...'other' means of defending myself. But this guy...this Time Warner...he was just a bomb with a shorter fuse than mine. He was willing to attack a fucking princess over owning me. I didn't want to have to punch a guy with mental problems...but I would do what I had to in order to keep my friends safe.

Before a second had passed since I had started running, I was already there. Behind me was a large cloud of dirt and dust that had been flung up in my haste. The crowd of ponies I had left behind could be heard coughing and yelling my name in confusion. I would go back later, but right now I had a job.

"TIME!" I bellowed. In front of me, I could see the bright blue unicorn sending out bolts of blue magic towards the group of guards chasing him. Rainbow Dash was trying to swoop down and land a hit, but he would just shoot some bolts at her whenever she got too close. The sight of Rainbow's wing getting nipped by one of the electric nightmares sent me into even further rage.

At the sound of my voice, the fucker turned around and gaped at me. Instead of the malicious grin he had been wearing, now his face showed only fear. Fear of what I was. Fear of what I could do to him. Fear of what he couldn't do to me. And fear of the anger I was feeling at the sight of him attacking my friend. Maybe he was feeling all of that, I don't know. I wasn't in his head.

He just looked like if he had pants, he would have been shitting them.

I realized that at the speed I was going, I wouldn't have enough room to stop before plowing into him. He looked like he noticed it to, if his panicked scrambling was any indication. I tried stopping my legs, but with my momentum, I needed to keep moving them or I would have gone face first into the ground. So I kept running, my mind frantically scrambling to come up with a solution that didn't involve me running into Time Warner and popping him like a balloon full of red food dye.

I couldn't go down, the ground was there. I couldn't turn with the amount of room I had. I couldn't keep going in fear of aforementioned balloon popping. The only thing left was to go up, so that's what my legs did. In the split second I had left before Time would have become a stain on the ground, I buckled my legs then extended them quickly. My feet left the ground. My body left the ground.

I had only meant to jump over him. I mean, I did, but I jumped high enough to go over a few dozen of him. Holy shit, I'm a bird.




Christ, stop going up! I could see all of Ponyville now! As beautiful as the scene was, I was much more comfortable with viewing it from the damn ground. Oh, yeah. Ground. Well, it turned out that I had stopped going up. That's good! But now I was plummeting through the air towards the hard dirt floor. That's bad...

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelled out, but the wind rushing past my face drowned my voice out. All I could hear was the whistling that went along with my body zooming towards the ground like a missile. I dared myself to look down, but instantly regretted it. Oh, and almost pissed myself.

I was nearing the end of my journey at an alarmingly fast rate. I was headed straight for a large building that for some reason looked like a gingerbread house topped with a cupcake. No! At the speed I was going, I was going to demolish it! Even from where I was in the air, I could make out figures moving around inside. The building had ponies inside of it! And standing in the doorway, staring straight at me, was a very familiar blob of pink.

Pinkie Pie was standing there, her eyes wide and locked onto my form as it descended upon her. Hanging out of her mouth was a ribbon that was tied around a box. It only took me a moment to figure out she was going to bring us some sweets. But now, as it was, I was going to land on both her and the business she was inside of.


Not Pinkie.

Pull up! Pull to the side! Shit, move anything! As much as I tried, my trajectory stayed the same. Pinkie's pupils shrunk as she watched me. The fact that I could see that just made me struggle harder. I couldn't hurt her! Stop! FUCKING STOP!


Oh, hey, I stopped. Did I magic myself to stop? Hmm...nope, pretty sure the two cyan legs wrapped under my arms did it. Rainbow Dash flapped as hard as she could, pulling my path of terror away from the bakery. I flew past Pinkie close enough to see the individual curls in her pink poofy mane. The wind from our joined bodies sent Pinkie stumbling a bit backwards, her eyes having to close to keep the dirt out of them. Rainbow Dash, you're my fucking hero.

I tried to shout 'I'm sorry!' to her, but found my voice muffled by a very sweet tasting object that had somehow found its way into my mouth. I instinctively chewed as my flight pattern was evened out by the rainbow-maned savior attached to my back.

It was a cupcake. It was the most delicious cupcake I had ever tasted in my entire...well, since I've been here. I didn't even care that it was way too sugary for my own good. I chewed and swallowed as Rainbow carried me over the town, back towards where I had lifted off. How had Pinkie managed to give me the cupcake? I hadn't seen her move! Well, except for her being blown around a bit by my body gust. Behind me, Dash let out a sigh.

"Ugh...how did you even do that?" she pondered. I wasn't sure if she was directly asking me or talking to herself. Regardless, I decided to answer her. It was the least I could do in return for saving Pinkie's life. Plus, that cupcake had put me into a good mood.

"Magic body, I guess. I just...oooh..." I moaned, my body finally catching up with the strain I had put on it. Now that I could look back on my actions, I really shouldn't have done that. I had problems jogging around without my body using its magic to assist me and destabilize me. So what had I done? Fucking sprinted and turned myself into the world's first space-bound pogo stick. Welcome to the Jam.


Ow, that one actually hurt. The dizziness was so powerful that it actually caused pain. The world around me tried to spin as if it had suddenly decided to throw itself into a tumble dryer. Okay, I got this. Just need to focus ahead of me...set the world back into where it should be.


Whew, that one wasn't as bad. My vision was also evening out a bit more. Now instead of tumble dryer, it was closer to a teeter-totter. Just a bit more, have to close the distance between the blurs...


That one barely hurt. And the world finally stopped spinning.

Aaaand done. Yay for me! I had stopped another episode all on my own! Woo! Now I- huh? Somebody was calling me. But who...?

Oh, Rainbow Dash. In my effort to not blow up, I had tuned out everything else around me. In that time, Dash had reached the area where I had jumped from and had set me down on the sweet, sweet ground. I'll never leave you again, baby.

"Ryan! C'mon, snap out of it!" I heard Dash yell at me. I blinked once and shook my head. The look of relief the shot to her face at my movement actually gave me a few pangs of guilt. At least this time I knew upsetting her was necessary; it was far better than letting myself explode and causing her death.

"Sorry, Bowie, had to...um...pull myself together," I tried to explain. She gave me a look of attempted anger that was quickly overwhelmed by how glad she was that I was okay. I didn't really care how I was doing, as long as I didn't blow up. She threw her legs around me again and silently embraced me. She was out of oxygen from the effort it took her to pull me from a free-fall like she had. I could feel her warm breath washing over me every second or so. Her heart pounded against me through her chest. She was warm enough that I could feel her body heat transferring to me even through my hoodie and shirt. It was honestly a nice, relaxing moment between the two of us...

"That! That thing right there! That's the thing that caused this!" I heard a familiar fucker shout from the far left. Oh, go ahead, asshole. We weren't hugging or anything. Dash responded before I could. She spun around and got into an aggressive stance, a low growl coming from her throat. Her intimidation wasn't really needed. I could see that Time Warner was bound in chains, a weird ring thing attached to his horn. At least the guards had managed to get him.

"Quiet!" one of the guards demanded. Time started waving his head around like he wanted to use magic, but nothing happened. HA! They had used some sort of magic cock-block on the dude. No more zippy-zappy for you. Rainbow didn't lose her protective stance, her eyes locked on the aggressor.

"Ryan! Rainbow Dash!" came the voice of another familiar white pony. Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy galloped onto the scene, completing Dash's impromptu circle around me. They all eyed the struggling chained unicorn angrily. In return, he flailed even harder, trying to loosen the chains. He just looked like he was having a Vinyl-esque tantrum. After a few moments of pathetic pushing against his restraints, his gaze moved the ponies around me. His eyes widened and he pointed his hoof at us. Rude.

"There! That's them! They created an illegal product based off of my character and then used it to shoot me out of a building!" he shouted. The guards just raised their eyebrows and looked to Twilight. She cleared her throat before begin her refutation. She had already explained it briefly with a few of the guards, but she hadn't gone into much detail earlier.

"Time Warner tried to claim ownership over Ryan, a living being, before attempting to attack my friends and me. When he used his magic against me in particular, Ryan took the blast and luckily absorbed it. Ryan tried to detain Time Warner after that, but Time just kept pumping Ryan with magic to the point that he backfired and accidentally sent Time flying through the wall," Twilight explained to the guards. They nodded, but the looks of confusion on their faces told me that they really couldn't follow what was being said. Maybe it was too out-there for even the magical pony troopers. Go figure.

"No! She's lying! She-" Time Warner was cut off by one of the guards.

"YOU DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT THE PRINCESS THAT WAY!" he bellowed. Time actually stepped back a bit, seemingly shocked by the force of the shout. Then he looked over to Twilight. His eyes focused on her horn. Then they traveled to her wings.

For a good while, he did not move. The only thing that let me know that he was still alive was the way his eyes were slowly widening in realization. Did...he not see that she was an alicorn before? What, was he so clouded by his anger that he became blind to the world around him? Dude, this stallion was three sorts of idiot.

Time Warner's back legs buckled and he fell into a sitting position. Still, he remained staring at Princess Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn he had assaulted. He shot of bolt of electric magic at a member of the royal family. He knew he was as good as dead, now. Twilight was not going to let him go that easily.

"Furthermore, in the event that he had destabilized Ryan with his attack, the resulting explosion could have been...disastrous," Twilight told the guards. This bit of news shocked both the guards and Time Warner. His front legs were the next to fail him. I watched as his body fell to the ground, but his eyes were still locked on Twilight. Oh, wait, no they weren't. They were looking directly at me; the bomb he could have set off and killed all of Ponyville, including himself.

"Time! Time, what happened?!" came another voice. This one, however, was unfamiliar to myself. I turned my head in time to see three ponies burst onto the scene. The first, the stallion that I was pretty sure had spoken, was a faded blue color with an equally faded red mane. His mark was that of a feather quill. I was surprised to see that he was wearing a dress shirt. The only pony I had seen lately wearing dressy clothing was the stallion currently chained up. The other two attendees were mares. One was a mint-green unicorn with some kind of harp thing on her butt and the other was a normal pony with a cream coat and a blue and pink mane. I think she had candies of some sort on her flank.

None of the new ponies were looking at me. They were moving in on Time Warner, the stallion being the quickest. Instantly, the guards stepped in between the two finely dressed ponies. Time didn't even look up.

"Step away from the prisoner!" the largest guard demanded. The faded blue stallion blinked and stopped advancing.

"Prisoner...? What happened?" asked the stallion. His eyes were darting between the chains on Time Warner and the guard. The armored one in the exchange snorted. I was beginning to feel the same way; too much was going on at once. Who were these new ponies? Why did the stallion seem so adamant to get to Time?

"Time Warner assaulted Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. That assault also could have set off an explosion that would have leveled all of Ponyville. He's being charged with crimes against the crown and the ponies of Ponyville," the guard stated stoically. With every word, the strange new stallion's eyes got more and more red. He was in tears by the time he was relayed all of the recent happenings. The two mares slowly approached him and wrapped their hooves around him. Huh, I don't think they even looked over at me once. I didn't recognize any of them, so maybe they hadn't seen me at the party. As funny as fainting ponies was, I doubt it would do anything to help the current situation.

"Time...you...Princess...?" stuttered the shocked stallion. His body shook as he finally looked over to us. His eyes settled on Twilight. Even the purple alicorn was fidgeting uncomfortably. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the new guy was somehow close or related to Time Warner. To learn that someone you cared for just basically threw their life away...that had to hurt.

Then his eyes settled on me. He froze where he was sitting, his mouth hanging open. The two mares took notice of this and tried waking him back up. Yep, they hadn't seen me before. Oh, well. Better sit back and watch the fun. Best to get it over with quickly. But my calm was ripped away when the mint-colored mare spoke to him.

"Prime, are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked him in my mother's voice. But that was...uh, what? There was no way that was...

She...that was my mom.

Her voice, right in front of me.

But my mom didn't really exist! The only way her voice could have been...


My storyteller.


Now it was my turn to gape like a fish. If I was correct in my assessment, then...the pony who had created me was standing right there. She had imagined it all. My birth. My childhood. My teenage years. My family. My whole life. The only thing that turned out to be real was Sarah, but even she was lying in a way. And she also been the one...to kill me.

In my panic, I barely noticed the stallion, 'Prime' as she had called him, raising a shaking hoof towards my position. R-rude. The two mares looked at each other before their gazes followed the direction he was pointing until they spotted me. They froze up in the same way that Prime had. I didn't see what the cream colored mare's face was doing, though. My attention was firmly set on the mint unicorn that had likely created me and killed me in her fantasy. The look of guilty terror she was giving me was only reinforcing my theory.

I didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to do. We just sort of stared at each other for a long, uncomfortable time. The ponies around us were shifting around nervously.

"Lyra? Bon-Bon?" Twilight asked the two mares. So their names were Lyra and Bon-Bon. Just off a guess, I assumed Bon-Bon was the one with the butt candies. That meant that Lyra was my creator. Bon-Bon seemed to shake herself awake at Twilight's voice, but Lyra remained staring at me. I had to say something. This silence between us was fucking unbearable.

"S-so..." I began, "You're...a-are you...?" My words didn't make any sense, but I think she understood what I was asking. She closed her eyes tightly and looked down the ground, her whole body trembling. Then, very gently, she nodded.

So...she was...this pony...she made me.

I...Lyra was sort of like my mom, then, right? She was like my mom if my mom had decided to abort me at age twenty...I wanted to ask her why. Wanted to ask her how. I had so many questions for my creator. How was my family doing? I know they were just imaginary...but I still didn't want their story to turn out as sad as mine had. What was going to happen now? So far since I'd arrived, I'd just been trying to take things as they came. But now, an actual problem arose that required some thought and reflection.

I wanted to run. I wanted to get out of there. I couldn't do this. I wanted to cover my ears and take off sprinting like I had before.

"Hey, what's that?" asked one of the guards. He was pointing up into the sky. Oh, great. Something else. Like I didn't already have enough on my plate already. What now? Twilight was the one to answer for me.

"It's Princess Celestia!" she cheered. I had to strain my eyes to see that far off, but she was indeed correct. A white dot was visible in the distance, followed shortly by a blue dot. That was Sarah. Perfect. Just who I wanted to see right now. Wait...

Why was Celestia moving so fast? She looked like a white bullet, soaring straight for...me. Twilight noticed her target at the same time I did, her eyes widening and the color draining from her face. Now that the two older princesses were closer, I could see that Sarah was trying to catch up to her the white alicorn, but just wasn't fast enough. Oh no...had she managed to tell her about my whole exploding situation?

What if...

What if Celestia had just taken off before hearing all the details? If she had set out to rid Equestria of my existence...I was going to blow up! Right here, surrounded by almost all of my best new friends, I would detonate if Celestia killed my construct. Okay, now it really was time to run again.

My mind went on sensory overdrive as I shot up onto my feet. Below me the other ponies were shouting out in either disapproval of my actions or fear what Celestia was going to do. Prime was still staring at me while Time Warner was still gazing at the dirt below him. Twilight was running around in circles, trying to flag the princess to stop her supposed attack. Fluttershy was stuck trying to decide whether to defend me or hide under something. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were looking at me with the most worried expressions I had ever seen on them. Lyra and Bon-Bon were gasping up at the descending white missile. The guards stood at attention, trying to look their most professional. I needed to get going. I didn't know if what was going on was what I thought it was, but I couldn't take chances. My friends' lives were on the line.

So, despite the protest of my friends, I turn and ran.


Have to go faster.

Have to get out of range.

If Celestia popped my body, I couldn't be anywhere near Ponyville. The ground under my feet was once again being torn to shreds as my legs carried me away. The town around me went by in a blur. I couldn't make out one pony from another; their colors just faded into one brown smear of motion. I was just lucky enough not to collide into any of them.

Before I knew it, I was away from the buildings. Now it was just a long dirt path that I dug a trench into with my feet. Behind me, I could hear the sound of large, flapping wings.

No fucking way. How was she keeping up with me?! I was going at the speed of plaid! But Celestia was really right behind me, a look of determined worry in her eye. She was going to obliterate me! But I was still too close! Just a bit farther! Ahead, I could see a dark forest zooming up quickly. That would have to do!

"Ryan! Stop!" Celestia called out to me. Her voice sounded oddly...motherly. As tempting as her calming nature seemed, I still couldn't risk going off this close to town.

I put on an extra burst of speed just in time to see a banana peel materialize on the ground, along with a few pieces of popcorn. Accompanying the new food items was an oddly joyous masculine laugh that was coming from nowhere. What the-?

"OH, SHIT!" I yelled out as I managed to step right onto the peel. Instantly, the peel shot out from under me with my feet following suit. I did almost three complete back flips before hitting the ground with a tremendous force.


OW! The back of my head was the first thing to hit. I was still moving at the speed I had been running, so the ground decided to spin me around. This time, I was positioned horizontally so that I would start rolling the next time I hit the dirt. I became vaguely aware of a horrifying purple smoke flowing from my nostrils. Fuck! I couldn't focus on keeping myself together with all of this shit happening!

My dread came to a point as I felt large, warm legs wrap around my torso and lift me away from the cold, harsh dirt path. The flapping of her wings was right on top of me now. She was lifting me into the air.

She had me.

I had failed. Slipped like a jackass and failed. Now I was going to go off and everybody would die and...


Huh. Celestia was doing something. Whatever it was, it felt amazing. The purple smoke stopped within moments and my vision cleared. Well, the world was still spinning but I could tell that it wasn't the explosive-countdown-dizzy. This was just normal spinning-in-circles dizzy. The best kind of all, especially after what I had been through. Why was she doing this? Wasn't she going to destroy me for being a threat to the lives of her ponies?

"Shh...it's okay, Ryan," she whispered softly into my ear. Whoa. Well...can't say that I expected that. I might have if I hadn't been so busy flipping my shit. As silly as I had acted, though, I was glad I had tried to avoid the risk of hurting anybody I cared about. The small victories are sometimes the sweetest, I guess.

Then Sarah showed up.

"Tia, don't-!" the blue alicorn pleaded, her chest heaving. She looked really worked up about whatever it was that had happened between them. For some reason, her cheek looked swollen and her eyes looked red. Had they gotten into a fight about something? At the sight of the larger white princess just holding me securely, Sarah sighed in relief and sank to the ground. Celestia followed her and settled us both down next to her.

I wanted to be mad at my girlfriend for the stuff she did to me and Twilight...but the sniffles I heard coming from her direction extinguished my anger in a second. I really had to work on that...even if I had a legitimate complaint, the sight of her tears just shot every argument I had down. In that way, I guess I was pretty weak...

"Ryan...I'm so sorry..." Sarah whispered. She began to let out some choked sobs. Her whole blue body was shaking with grief and guilt.

Um...I guess that works, too.

Maybe I was better at this than I thought.

Author's Note:

Clusterfuck time. So this story was the culmination of the tree previous perspectives joining into one. Lots of stuff happening, and pretty quickly. The next chapter will take things a bit slower, don't worry.

Ryan's getting some superpowers or some shit.

Anyway, check out this cool music my friend made!

This is made by Afro Chicken, the same guy that made the song for Blank! Cool stuff right there.