• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 28,035 Views, 723 Comments

Human Rituals - Aegis Shield

A human stays among ponies, mystifying them with his odd traditions and customs.

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Harry Potter

Human Rituals
Harry Potter
(3 Years, 5 Months Since Arrival)

Twilight led me happily into one of the large halls of Castle Friendship. It was only ever really used for formal events like Hearth’s Warming, but today it was the host of one of her experiments. And guess who the subject was? I’ll give ya three guesses. Spike followed, smiling sympathetically. “Okay boys, have a look at THIS beauty!” She threw the doors open to reveal a large, standing purple crystal.

“…it’s a rock,” Spike and I said as one.

“It’s not a rock! It’s a magic nullifier!” Twilight said, scolding us both as she danced up to it. It was propped up with a series of metallic claws, resting it’s impossible weight upright with a few measuring computers around it. I felt a tickle of old Dr. Who on the back of my neck. Arranged like that, it looked like the TARDIS console. Hah!

“And what will we be doing with the big rock today?” I teased.

“I wanna measure your magical potential!” Twilight said.

“I can’t do magic, I’ve told you that,” I pointed out. “No human can. Most of my species doesn’t even believe in magic.”

“Yet here you are!” Twilight said gaily, too busy nerding out. Spike exchanged a shrug with me, then went to sit a safe distance away.

“We haven’t established I got grabbed or sent by magic, Twilight. It’s not good science to assume,” I folded my arms at her.

“Just hold this,” she grumped at what a party pooper I was being. She handed me what at first I thought was a toy. It was a thin wooden wand with a candy-colored star ontop. “Magic nullifiers are not easy to come by, I’ll have you know. They’re forbidden to all but a few ponies out there. Banks, museums, some government buildings— they can be rough stuff when they’re calibrated properly.”

“I don’t understand,” I told her.

“Well imagine if I set up one of these in the street and suddenly everypony forgot how to walk?” she said. The implication was a bit scary. “Or, if everypony within a hundred gallops suddenly lost the ability to fly or use magic? Innate magic is what it can target, when done right.”

“And you want to see if it affects me at all?” I rattled the toy she’d given me a little. She swatted at me to make me stop and I snickered at her.

“I’m going to have you try using magic using this foal’s practice wand,” Twilight said. “If there’s even a slight fluxuation in your natural magical field, the crystal will react!” she smiled and made a squeaky sound.

I stared at Twilight for a long time while she ran about making adjustments and checking the wiggly lines the computer was spitting out on a mile-long ream of paper. “Go stand over there, yes there,” she gestured. I obeyed, looking over my shoulder at Spike for help. He shrugged again. Twilight squee’d, doing her tippy-tappy-hoofy dance in place as the whole thing started to whir to life. I shrank back a little. “Don’t worry! It’s no different than an X-Ray machine!” Twilight said.

“I demand a plate for my balls, then!” I said rudely.

“Okay bad analogy, it’s no different than a camera!” she corrected. I squinted at her, and she assured me several times my jewels would be safe. “Think of yourself like a sponge, Peaches. Remember how bad everybody thought you smelled when you first arrived here?”

“A little…” I said acidly.

“And then a few days later, eating our food and such the smell was gone? Your body took in things from Equestria and adapted!” Twilight said. “So, in theory, what if having absolutely no magic to speak of changed too? Like a dry sponge getting thrown in a lake?”

There was a long silence, and I looked down at the practice wand I was holding. I looked up at her, “If I blow myself up I’m going to be very upset.” I looked over at Spike. “Spike, if I die run to Applejack and make sure she avenges me.”

“Are you guys talking again?” Spike wondered.

“Not the point,” I said quickly. “She’s the most reliable.”

“Focus, boys!” Twilight clop-clopped her steepled hooves to bring attention back to herself. “Okay, Peaches, give it your best shot!”

Widening my stance, I swung the wand! “Hocus Pocus!” I shouted. Nothing. Twilight stared at me for a good, long five or six seconds before facehoofing. Spike was positively rolling with laughter. The purple princess opened her mouth to correct me, “No!” I said, pointing at her. “Human magic words first! Then pony stuff!” I was gonna have fun with this, or not do it at all. Twilight’s mouth went agape. HUMAN magic words! She positively flailed for ink and paper. “Jiggery Pokery! Squiggily Wiggily!” I was a big Harry Potter nerd at one point, so I rattled down all the spells I could remember hoping for something. “Alohamora! Lumos Maximus! Oculous Totalis!” Twilight’s quill scratched wildly, I was too busy giggling.

“Stop! Stop! STOP!” Twilight said. “You’re going too fast!” I stopped after a time, huffing and puffing at my own theatrics. “What were all those?” Twilight insisted I name each one in turn. Unlocking, Big Light, Fix Glasses, and so on. Then there was a twenty-minute conversation about just who this ‘Harry Potter’ fellow was that I was drawing from. “So you’re just flailing with out of context spells,” Twilight’s muzzle scrunched. “Here, try this instead.” She gave me a paper. I waited patiently for the Equestrian runes to swim into view. They were very simple diagrams, but instead of a pony they had a human drawn in them.

“Hup… hooo… hwahh!” I tried the motion. Nothing.

“Again!” Twilight made some adjustments.

“Heep… huh… hyah!” I tried once more. Then again. Then a dozen times more.

“You’re as dry as a cracker,” Twilight said, stuffing her muzzle into a long line of paperwork. The needle hadn’t so much as quivered at anything I’d done. “Not a single magi-jule of output.” Her brow furrowed. “There must be something. You’re not IMMUNE to magic so there must be some in your body.”

“Huh?” I said, letting my arm fall.

“Well look,” she lit her horn and gently lifted me up by the waist. Then she set me down again. “If my magic couldn’t grasp at you, you’d be immune from magic. Only things like lead are magic proof.” She started into a tirade about magical immunity levels, but I tried to reel her back in with a circular motion of the hand. “But if you’re not repelling it, it means there’s just a little bit inside you. Being in Equestria, your body’s had plenty of time to absorb ambient magic. We saw your moment of Harmony when when we got off the train last year,” she said, tapping her chin with a hoof. “Lemme scan you again,” she turned for a moment to find the right paper.

“Accio,” I said to her back, the Harry Potter ‘summoning’ spell. Nothing. She snorted at me, but I wouldn’t tell her that one. When she came back, Twilight put a sticky piece of paper on my chest and scanned it down with the glow of her horn.

“No reaction or coloring…” she turned it over and over. “This is supposed to color according to a pony’s inner magicks.”

“Maybe I don’t have any,” I said innocently again.

“I’m sure you do, it must just be very faint…” she trailed off a moment. “Even if it’s in something as simple as your blood or your spit.” I knew I’d be giving her new samples of those by the end of the day, but not just yet. “Let’s try kenetic magic instead.” She pulled my long shirt sleeves over my hands and tied them into knots. Then she had me try to pick up objects and manipulate things with just my nubs. “Don’t use your fingers, make a fist!” she insisted. Nothing seemed to work. She sighed in frustrating, trying over and over with different objects and themes. Anypony could hold or grab something with the flat bottom of their hooves. It was no different than static electricity cling or something like that. Just, much stronger. Ponies learned it instinctively, so Twilight couldn’t really put into words how I was supposed to do it. She showed me several times, but it was no good.

“Any particular reason that you want me to be able to use magic, Twilight?” I asked conversationally, leaning on her contraption. The crystal flickered and began to tilt. Twilight’s head snapped up as the impossible weight began to tilt her way. “LOOK OUT!” I shouted, grabbing her and yanking her to my chest. Coiling my legs I flung us backward as hard as I could. The crystal smashed into the ground without so much as a crack. One of Twilight’s computers met its end though, sparking and fizzling.

Twilight quickly righted herself. “I don’t believe it,” she said slowly, staring at me. She wiggled free, running over to her measuring needle. “A spike in kenetics!” Sure enough there was a single, tiny spike in the endless straight line. Only for a moment, a tiny moment, I’d used the brunt of my fists and knuckles… like pony hooves? A manic, panicked look rose over Twilight’s face and she fell into the massive piles of papers to make a snow pony with all her limbs. “I knew it, I knew it!” she yammered over and over. Then she sat up, looking puzzled and tapping her chin again. “But this means you’ve a penchant for Earth Pony magic! I’ve been treating you like a unicorn all day!”

“Is this because I slept with Applejack?” I said without thinking.

“You WHAT?!” Twilight’s train of thought crashed and she tangled then fell into a mountain of papers and graphs that had been made through the day. I covered my mouth with both hands, wincing. I glanced at Spike. He was deep in a comic book, thank Celestia, when he saw no one had been crushed. Twilight lowered her voice into an angry whisper, “You slept with Applejack?! You wouldn’t even tell me about human mating rituals and she got the whole she-bang?!”

Oh, uh-hhh w-well you knew we were dating and… and stuff…” I spluttered as Twilight leaned at me aggressively.

“What if you had some other-dimensional disease or something?! What if you weren’t compatible?!” Twilight whispered fiercely so Spike wouldn’t hear. “What if you WERE compatible and she had some sort of half-hyooman-half-pony foal?!”

“What if you minded your own goddamn business?!” I whispered back, getting angry. How dare she think I was diseased or something. “I’m not some monster to be studied and quarantined, y’know! We love each other. Loved. Er…” I fell silent very suddenly, and I could feel the heat in my face. Twilight’s expression softened.

“…I-I’m sorry,” she said. “B-but no, you… ‘being’ with Applejack— no you wouldn’t acquire magic like that.” She cleared her throat a little, then made herself very busy straightening her feathers. There was a long and awkward silence as we straightened papers and she used her magic to set the crystal back up. I promised not to lean on anything anymore. I kept trying to meet her gaze as she cleaned up the mess. “N-no,” she seemed to read my thoughts. “Nice girls like Applejack don’t kiss and tell. I had no idea.”

“I see,” I said slowly, scratching the back of my head. Awk-warrrd…

“But!” Twilight said, regaining some energy. “We’ve learned something! If you can demonstrate basic end-of-limb kenetic magic, it means my sponge theory was right! However tiny, you’ve got magic!”

“Are you gonna teach me magic spells?” I said, grinning ear to ear in excitement.

“What?” Twilight paused. “Oh no no, nothing like that.” She saw me deflate, then giggled a little apologetically. “Today’s experiment was seeing if you could do anything at all. I wouldn’t teach you magic, that would be unethical!”

“What? Why?” I whined.

“W-well you’re not related to me, and I’m not a teacher. Legal stuff,” Twilight said. I grumbled at her. “You would need an earth pony teacher at the very most. And even then, I don’t think it would be worth your time,” she said gently. I deflated further. “Sorry, Peaches,” she rubbed my back a couple of times to comfort me.

I sighed at her. It was a thought at least. I could’a been like Harry Potter in Ponyland. But that would’ve been a silly combination, like a messed up fan fiction. Pfft.


Twilight spent the next several weeks seeing if I had any latent talent in alchemy, magic, thought-propelled flight, mind-powers and all number of other impossible things that humans couldn’t do (or had forgotten how to do). The purple pony tried to argue that cooking was alchemy, but I hit her with the fruitcake argument. “What’s the fruitcake argument?” she wanted to know.

“I knew a comedian that spelled it out for me once,” I said, gesturing to the radio that sat in my room. “Fruit, good. Cake, great. Fruitcake, nasty crap.” Twilight burst into laughter, quickly stifling herself so Spike wouldn’t hear us. “I’m just saying things aren’t always the sum of their parts.”

“Why do you think I study you so thoroughly, Peaches?” she agreed, smiling. “More than you appear.”

I stopped a moment, flattered. “W-well, I’m not a chariot or a boat, so… I’m just me.” I turned on the radio, hearing a band I recognized from Manehatten. “Oh hey I like this one!” I said, turning it up a bit.

“Well I have more data to compile, I’ll see you later,” she left my ‘science participation payment’ on my desk, the usual small bag of bits. I put it in with my glass jar of rent money, so it would just go straight back to her. I know she was a Princess and all but she really did pay too much sometimes.

I went about my usual evening ritual of teeth brushing and the like before turning down my sheets. Deciding on a cold drink before turning in, I left my room to hit the kitchen. Twilight’s study door was opening, and I could hear her dictating one of her letters to a magic quill and parchment. It was late, and I leaned to scold her to maybe get some rest and do it tomorrow. “—something else entirely.” I gave pause. “After experiencing his first moment of Harmony over a year ago I began to suspect that our world is doing something to him.” I leaned back and away so I could listen, frowning. “In this battery of tests, Peaches has demonstrated that he has the capacity for basic, pony-like kenetic touch. Foals learn it instinctively, picking up things with the flat of their hooves. He’s never had to try, but one accident and it came instinctively to pull me to safety. He is changing. He is evolving. Slowly but surely he’s turning into—!” Twilight jerked towards the doorway. I didn’t have time to dodge out of the way and hide. We stared at each other, both of us busted.

“Into…?” I asked slowly, softly. Twilight meeped, setting her tape-recorder down and clicking the button off. “Twilight?” I whispered. “Is something happening to me?” I looked about the room of her ‘human studies’ work space. But, I couldn’t make heads or tails of all the madness that was piled around her.

“I—I didn’t want to tell you anything until I was sure!” she blurted, coming close. I sat on my legs so we could be eye to eye. “It’s like turning egg salad into fruit salad!”

“I—what?” I said.

Twilight threw her arms around me and the plush of her chest and belly shivered with stress. “You’re changing!” she suddenly wailed. “You’re changing and I don’t know why or how!” she told me. “I’m afraid Equestria is going to hurt you! You’re from another world I don’t know if you’re just gonna wake up bleeding one day for no reason, or get magically saturated and explode or-!”

“S-slow down, Twi!” I begged, trying not to get sucked into her panic. “Breathe, breathe now. There you go. Breathe again, good.” I ran my hands through her mane over and over, which she leaned into. “Slower this time.”

“I… here look,” she said. Twilight went to a pair of pull-down charts to show me. “This is you when you arrived, about three and a half years ago.” The outline of my body was colored in brown, black and other dark splotchy colours. “And this is you in the past month,” she slowly pulled the next one down. I thought I was looking at a heat-filter picture of myself. All different colours, centered around my heart and belly and brain.

“What are these colors, then?”

“Your molecular make-up,” she said slowly. “It’s what you’re made of. It used to be completely foreign. Now you’re… you’re like a color-changing lizard or something.” She gestured vaguely. “I don’t know how or why, but you’re adapting to Equestria on an atomic level!”

“Is this back to that magic sponge thing?” I asked. “Why is this so scary?” I had to know.

“If you keep absorbing magic like this, becoming more like us you might… change,” Twilight whispered. “Not all at once maybe. Or maybe all at once, I don’t know,” she scrubbed at her mane. “Your pones have shifted a half-centimeter, like they’re getting ready to do something. Like a baby getting ready to be born. At this rate, your physical make-up could change entirely!” she gestured wildly to dozens of charts and wavey lines. “I didn’t want to freak out, but now you have weak kenetic magic! Something that foals have!”

“Are you saying I’m-?!”

“Turning into one of us,” Twilight said slowly, eyes glistening.

I felt my mouth go agape, but no sound came out. “I… I don’t understand,” I whispered.

“I-It’s magic, it’s hard to understand. You’re the first of a kind! The only of a kind! B-but soon, i-if my projections are right you’ll be—!” She pulled down a third, shoddily made chart. It looked like an evolutionary chart with me on the left and--!

“None of a kind,” I whispered as we pulled each other into a hug. “I’m turning into a pony.”