• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 3,437 Views, 123 Comments

Rarity's Fairy Tail - CosmicAlchemist24

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Magic Lesson and Rescue Mission.

Previously on Fairy Tail…
G: Welcome back, Matchstick!
PP: Wow, He’s cute.
R: Fleur, What are you doing here?
F: Well, I work here Darling.
R: Coco, We’re joining the guild.
N: Alright, this is going to be a blast.
CC: Aye Sir!

Fairy Tail: Snow Fairy.

“I can’t believe this place has a cafe.” Pinkie said as she, Rarity and Sweetie were sitting at the bar.

“It is quite lovely.” Rarity said admiring the guild’s decor. Fleur then walked out from the back with a tray of drinks for the girls.

“One Strawberry Sunrise for Pinkie, one Jack Frost for Rarity and one chocolate shake for Sweetie.” She said putting the drinks in front of the girls.

“Thank you Fleur.” Rarity said before taking a sip of her drink.

“No problem girls, anything else?” Fleur asked.

“No thank you darling, we’ll be just fine.” Rarity said with a smile. Fleur nodded and went to attend to the other guild members.

“This place is awesome!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“I know right!” Sweetie said with a smile.

“I must admit, it is quite charming once you get passed all the fighting.” Rarity said.

“Didn’t I tell you this place was more than fighting?” The girls turned to see Natsu and Coco walking up.

“Hey you two, how did your meeting with the master go?” Pinkie asked.

“Surprisingly it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be, he let us off with a small warning.” Coco said as she and Natsu sat down.

“Yea, I was sure he’d kick both of our flanks.” Natsu said with a smile.

“Well that sucks, I was looking forward to gramps killing you.” Gray said as he walked up to the group.

“Shut it, Ice Prick!” Natsu said glaring at Gray.

“What’d you call me Dragon Colt?” Gray asked angrily.

“You heard me Snowflake!” Natsu said. Rarity, Pinkie and Sweetie could see another fight about to break out.

“Will you two calm down!” Coco said punching both Natsu and Gray. Both stallions fell to the ground with large lumps on their heads and Coco just shook her head.

“I’m going to have to get use to this.” Rarity said before getting up and going over to Natsu. Pinkie got up as well and went over to Gray.

“You ok Gray?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m fine, but man can that girl punch.” Gray said rubbing his head.

“Natsu, are you alright?” Rarity asked.

“I’m cool, sheesh Coco.” Natsu said glaring at his sister.

“You both deserved it for fighting like that, you both need to learn to get along.” Coco said.

“That’ll be the day.” Natsu and Gray mumbled.

“Anyway, has Fleur asked you what kind of Magic you all would like to learn yet.” Coco asked.

“Yes she did, she gave us a list after the master called you both into his office.” Rarity said levitating the list from out of her saddle bag.

“They all seem interesting, it’s hard to choose.” She said reading over the list. Rarity thought for a moment before getting an idea.

“Rarity I think we have something perfect for you.” She said with a smile.

“And what would that be?” Rarity asked.

“Fleur, Come here please.” Fleur nodded and walked over to the group.

“What’s up?” She asked.

“Can you go and get the gem shards for Rarity please?” Coco asked. Coco’s question caught Rarity’s attention.

“Excuse me, did you say gem shards?” She asked with interest.

“Yes she did, I’ll be right back.” Fleur said as she went into the back. Rarity looked at Coco wanting to know more about these gem shards.

“I’ll explain when she comes back out.” Coco said with a smile. Rarity nodded and took a sip of her drink.

“Hey Pinkie, do you know what you’re going to learn?” Gray asked the pink mare.

“Yup!” Pinkie said with a big smile.

“Seriously, I figured you’d take your time with this.” Natsu said.

“Yea, but I looked at the list and saw something that sounds amazing.” Pinkie said jumping up and down.

“And what would that be?” Gray asked.

“MIMIC MAGIC!” Pinkie yelled in excitement. The group looked at Pinkie for a minute.

“Um….Mimic Magic?” Gray asked in confusion.

“Yup!” Pinkie said. “Why?” Gray asked.

“Why not, I can copy the magic of others and use it as my own! Do not tell me that doesn’t sound awesome.” Pinkie said. Gray thought about it for a minute before smiling at the pink mare.

“I’d be lying if I didn’t say it sounded cool.” He said.

“Sounds awesome to me, just imagine what you could do if you used Dragon Slaying magic.” Natsu said.

“Oh please, like she would use your magic Flame for Brains.” Gray said with a smirk.

“And why is that Ice Princess?” Natsu said angrily.

“Don’t start you two!” Coco said sternly.

“Whatever.” Natsu and Gray mumbled.

“What about you Sweetie- where’d she go?” Coco asked. Rarity quickly looked around and Saw Sweetie walking over to Romeo who had a sad look on his face.

“Let’s just leave Sweetie alone for now.” Rarity said with a smile.

With Romeo

It’s been over a week, why isn’t he back yet?” Romeo thought to himself. He was waiting for master Makarov to show himself to ask him something.

“Um..are you ok?” Romeo looked up to see Sweetie Belle standing in front of him. He stared for a minute before blushing a bit.

Wow she’s cute.” He thought.

“Is something wrong?” Sweetie asked. Romeo quickly snapped out of his thoughts and answered the filly.

“Oh...um yes i’m alright, I’m just waiting for the master.” He said before looking away.

“Oh ok, why do you look so sad?” Sweetie asked taking a seat next to him. Romeo looked at filly with a confused look on his face.

“I don’t mean for this to sound rude, but why do you care?” He asked. Sweetie didn’t take offense she just giggled.

“It’s fine, I just noticed you were sad and I wanted to see if I can cheer you up.” She said with a smile. Romeo continued to stare at the filly before smiling a bit.

“Um..we you see- there he is!” Romeo said before getting up and running over to the master. Sweetie watched as he ran off and frowned.

Aww just when I was getting him to talk.” She thought. Romeo soon stopped in front of Makarov.

“Slow down young colt, you don’t want to hurt yourself.” The old gargoyle said. Romeo then gave the master a serious look.

“Why hasn’t my dad com back yet?” He asked. Makarov sighed and gave the boy a stern look.

“You’re starting to work my nerve Romeo, you’re a wizard son. Have faith in your father and wait patiently for him.” He said.

“But sir, he told me he’d be back in three days and he’s been gone for over a week now!” Romeo said in slight anger. Sweetie Belle watched the conversation between Romeo and Makarov as did Rarity and her group and they a had concerned looks on their faces.

“If I remember correctly he took the job up on Mt.Foal.” Makarov said.

“That’s right and it’s not that far from here, so why won’t someone go look for him!?” Romeo asked raising his voice with every word. Natsu eyes narrowed at where this conversation was going and Sweetie Belle looked worried.

“Listen boy you're old stallion’s a wizard and just like everypony in this guild he can take care of himself. No go home, have some milk and cookies and wait.” Makarov said bluntly. Everyone in the guild expected Romeo to cry, but he did something unexpected.

“YOU JERK!” Romeo said before punching Makarov. Everyone in the guild was shocked by what he did. Before Makarov could scold the young colt, he was already running out of the guild hall. Sweetie watched as he ran and she quickly ran after him.

With Rarity and her group.

“Oh my.” Rarity said in a sad tone.

“I know, that's gotta be rough on the kid.” Coco said.

“What’s up with the master, why isn't he asking anyone to look for the young colts dad?” Pinkie asked in a confused tone.

“I know it sounds like the master doesn't care, but he really is worried.” Everyone turned to see Fleur walking back levitating a small box next to her.

“If that's the case, why isn't he doing anything?” Rarity asked. Before Fleur could answer.


Everyone turned to see that Natsu had punched counted of the bar.

“What the hell Flame for brains, you trying to destroy the bar!?” Gray yelled. Natsu didn't answer and headed for the guild’s exit. Master Makarov sighed as he watched the Pegasus leave.

“This doesn't look good master, you know how Natsu can get.” A griffon named Wakaba said.

“Yea I bet he's going up to Mt.Foal to save Macao. The only thing that's going to do is hurt the stallion’s pride.” An earth pony named Nab said.

“Remember Nab, we can't choose another's path. Just leave Natsu be.” Makarov said looking down.

“What got into Natsu?” Rarity asked in a worried tone.

“Yeah, why’d he storm off like that.” Pinkie asked.

“Probably because he knows what Romeo’s going through.” Coco said before following her brother out of the Guild. Rarity raised an eyebrow and looked to Fleur.

“What does she mean by that?” She asked.

“Oh I'm surprised he didn’t tell you, you see Natsu father left him and never came back.” Fleur said. Rarity then remembered what Natsu told her at Canterlot Castle.

“That’s right, Natsu was raised by a dragon.” She said.

“That's right, Igneel the King of the Fire Dragons.” Pinkie said.

“That's right, Igneel taught Natsu everything about language, culture and Magic. One day though, Igneel left and never came back.” Fleur said in a sad tone.

“And Natsu longs for the day he sees Igneel again.” Gray said sounding a bit sad for his rose maned rival. Rarity and Pinkie also felt bad for the fire mage.

“Oh Rarity before I forget, I have the Gemstones.” Fleur said placing the box she had in front of Rarity. Rarity’s eyes lit up and turned to the box.

“Oh I almost forgot about them.” She said with a grin on her face, but it quickly vanished.

“I’m sorry Fleur, but I need to make sure Natsu doesn’t do anything rash.” Rarity said before getting up. Fleur smiled.

“Well if that’s the case then you should take these with you.” She said.

“Why?” Rarity asked. Fleur kept smiling and walked over to Rarity with the box.

“Just trust me, These shards will come in hand.” She said opening the box. Inside were three glowing gemstones. The first one was blue and silver, the second one was an amber color and the last one was orange and red .

“These three gems are used to summon powerful warriors known as the Gem-Knights. There are 12 Knights in total and if you collect all 12 only then will you be awarded to the of their leader.” Fleur said. Rarity couldn’t help but squeal to herself.

“Gem-Knights! That’s sounds amazing!” She said with a smile.

“Great, now as I said these gems hold a specific Gem Knight.” Fleur levitated the blue and silver gem. “This is the Gem of Seraphinite, she’s the Knight of the Water.” She said. Rarity nodded and continued to listen as Fleur levitated the other two gems. “This is the gem of Amber, he is the Knight of Lightning and Last but not least this is the Gem of Citrine, he’s the Gem of Earth.” Fleur said.

“So each Knight has control over a different element, is that right?” Rarity asked.

“Correct! Now, if you ever need to call upon the Knight just say ‘Come to my Aid!’ and the named of the Knight you want and he or she will appear.” Fleur explained as she gave the gems to Rarity.

“I understand, thank you.” Rarity said before leaving the guild hall. Fleur smiled and turned to Pinkie.

“Alright Pinkie Pie your turn, you ready?” She asked.

“YOU BET!” Pinkie yelled jumping up from her seat.

“This I got to see.” Gray said also getting up.

With Romeo

After Romeo ran out of the guild hall, he went to the park and sat under a tree.

Where are you dad, why haven’t you come back yet?” Romeo thought as tears streamed down his face.

“Romeo?” Romeo looked up to see the same filly he spoke to earlier.

“You again, you followed me?” He asked. Sweetie nodded and took a seat next to him under the tree.

“Yes, I wanted to see if you were ok and it looks like you're not.” She said as she wiped the tears from Romeo’s eyes. Romeo smiled a bit.

“Thanks.” He said.

“No problem, Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie said.

“Nice to meet you Sweetie, I’m Romeo Conbolt.” Romeo said. Even though it was her name, Sweetie Belle blushed a bit hearing Romeo call her Sweetie.

“Look I heard what happened at the guildhall and I know why you’re so sad.” Sweetie said. Romeo then looked down.

“Yea my dad’s on a job and he hasn’t come back yet.” He said.

“I bet that’s rough, but he’ll be back don’t worry.” Sweetie reassured.

“I keep hearing that from Fleur and the Master, but he’s still not back.” Romeo said in a sad tone. Sweetie saw that he was going back into his depression and she quickly put her hoof on his shoulder.

“Well, i’m not Fleur or the Master and I say he’s coming back and soon too.” She said with a smile. Romeo looked at the filly and smiled again.

“Thank you I-” Before Romeo could finish his sentence he felt someone ruffling his mane. Romeo and Sweetie both turned to see Natsu behind them.

“Natsu, what are you-” “I’m going to look for your dad kiddo, I’ll find him I promise.” Natsu said in a serious tone before walking off. Romeo and Sweetie both watched as Natsu walked off and Sweetie smiled.

“See I told you.” She said. Romeo stayed silent for a few seconds before smiling again.

TimeSkip, With Natsu,Rarity and Coco

UGH! Why did you come with us?” Natsu said sickly as he, Coco and Rarity were heading to Mt. Foal on a carriage and as usual Natsu was on the floor nearly throwing up.

“I wanted to see if I could help in anyway.” Rarity said as she rubbed Natsu’s back.

“That’s really nice of you Rarity, but this could get dangerous. Are you sure you want to come along?” Coco asked.

“I’m sure besides, how bad could it get?” Rarity asked. The carriage soon stopped and Natsu was instantly revived.

“ALRIGHT, WE STOPPED MOVING!” Natsu cheered. Rarity and Coco both rolled their eyes and smiled.

“Come on let’s get out and find Macao.” Coco said as to opened the door of the carriage. The trio was out to were met by a raging blizzard.

“What is Celestia’s name, where are we?” Rarity said as she began to shiver.

“This is Mt. Foal Rarity, think of it as the crystal mountains.” Natsu said walking ahead.

“Natsu’s right, it’s forever winter here.” Coco said following him. Rarity looked at her friends with a confused look.

“Aren’t you two cold?” She asked.

“Not really, I’ve been frozen by Gray before so I’m pretty much use to it.” Coco said with a shrug.

“And I’m a Fire wizard, I never get cold.” Natsu said.

“Well...g..gg..good for you two.” Rarity said still shivering. Natsu then went up to her and put a hoof on her head.

“What are you-” “Shhh.” Natsu said before taking a deep breath. Natsu’s body began to glow a bright orange and the glow soon wrapped itself around Rarity as well. Rarity was a bit scared at first, but she trusted Natsu so she closed her eyes and let the Pegasus continue. After a few seconds, the light died down and Natsu removed his hoof from Rarity’s head.

“How do you feel?” He asked. Rarity opened her eyes and she felt a lot warmer.

“I’m not cold anymore, what did you do?” She asked.

“Natsu used his magic to surround you in a special aura that keeps your body warm.” Coco explained.

“I didn’t know you could do that.” Rarity said.

“You never asked, now come on.” Natsu said taking the lead again. Coco and Rarity nodded and followed him.


“MACAO, WHERE ARE YOU!?” Natsu yelled as he, Coco and Rarity continued searching.

“MACAO!” Coco yelled.


“Ugh this is hopeless, this mountain is huge.” Coco said.

“We can’t give up now, I made a promise to Romeo and I’m not going to break it.” Natsu said with a determination in his eyes.

“Speaking of which, why did Macao come up here?” Rarity asked.

“He came up here to slay a Vulcan, it’s like a huge ape but it’s super aggressive.” Coco explained. Rarity gulped.

“Um...maybe we should-” “Not happening, if you wanna leave be my guest.” Natsu said as he continued on. Rarity watched Natsu walk away and she looked down.

“Don’t take it personally Rarity.” The unicorn turned to Coco who was smiling.

“Natsu doesn’t like letting people down and he hates breaking promises. Don’t worry, if want to leave no one will blame you.” Coco said before following her brother. Rarity felt a her stomach tighten a bit as she saw Coco and Natsu leave.

“Ok now I feel like a jerk, I’m ready to walk away and those two are willing to do anything to fine Romeo’s father. What kind of pony would I be if I just left them?” Rarity asked herself. She then took a deep breath and ran towards Natsu and Coco.

“Wait for me!” She yelled. Natsu and Coco both looked back to see Rarity running up.

“I thought you were going back.” Natsu said.

“I was, but I couldn’t just leave you both. I came with you to help and I’m not going back on my word.” Rarity said with determination in her eyes. Natsu and Coco looked at her for a few seconds before smiling.

“That’s he spirit Rarity!” Coco said.

“Now that’s what I wanted to- MOVE!” Natsu said before grabbing Coco and Rarity and taking to the sky. Before they knew it a huge rock came crashing down right where they were standing.

“Where did that thing come from?” Coco asked before summoning her wings and flying out of Natsu’s arms. Natsu looked around before seeing a shadowy figure in the distance.

“Over there!” Natsu said pointing to the Shadowy figure. Coco and Rarity turned to see the figure walking closer. The figure the came into view revealing a large, black and white anthropomorphic primate. It had an elongated chin, prolonged ears, a pointed head that resemble a single horn on top of their head, gargantuan arms and sequentially large hands attached to its muscular torsos.

“That’s one big Vulcan.” Coco said with slight worry in her voice.

“That’s a Vulcan?” Rarity asked stepping back a bit.

“Yup, now let’s find out what he knows.” Natsu said as he landed on the ground with Rarity.

“Hey ugly, where’s Macao!” Natus said running up to the Vulcan. The Vulcan saw the Fire Mage charging him and he smiled.

“Wanna fight, Bring it!” The beast said before throwing a punch at Natsu. Natsu quickly dodged the punch and delivered a punch of his own to the Vulcan’s gut. The Vulcan was knocked back a bit, but he quickly recovered and grabbed Natsu by his wings.

“HEY LET GO OF ME!” Natsu said trying to free himself from the Vulcan’s grip. Coco saw this and she quickly charged the Vulcan.

“Keep your paw off my Brother!” Her wings began to glow and her speed increased. “VELOCITY WING!” She yelled as she struck the Vulcan with both of her wings. The Vulcan was knocked onto its back and Natsu was freed from its grip.

“Thanks Coco.” Natsu said.

“No problem.” Coco said with a smile. Rarity was Awestruck by Coco’s attack on the Vulcan.

Wow, I didn’t think Coco was that strong.” She thought. After a few seconds, the Vulcan back up and he was pissed.

“NOW ME BIG MAD!!!!” The Vulcan yelled before slamming his fist into the ground and causing a small earthquake. Coco and Natsu quickly took to the skies, but Rarity was knocked back and crashed into a large boulder.

“RARITY!” Natsu and Coco yelled before flying over to the Unicorn. Lucky for Rarity she wasn’t to badly hurt and the worst she got was a headache.

“That was not fun.” Rarity said rubbing her head. Natsu and Rarity landed in front of her.

“Rarity, you ok?” Coco asked helping the unicorn up.

“Yes I’m fine.” Rarity said with a nod.

“Are you sure?” Natsu asked.

“Yes, don't worry Natsu.” Rarity said with a reassuring smile. Natsu nodded and faced the Vulcan.

“Alright ya big ape, now you’ve pissed me off.” He said before taking to the sky again. “FIRE DRAGON ROAR!” Natsu yelled as he released a stream of fire from his mouth. The Vulcan went on the defensive and did his best to shield himself, but the flames from Natsu’s roar over powered him.

“Go Natsu!” Coco cheered.

“Don’t just cheer Sis, give me a hoof.” Natsu said.

“You got it bro!” Coco said flying at the Vulcan at full speed. She “SWIFT SCYTHE!” Coco yelled as she struck the across the Vulcan across the it’s chest with her wings.

“AHHHH!!” THe Vulcan screamed as he fell to the ground.

“Oh yeah!” Natsu cheered.

“We kick flank!” Coco said.

“You got that right!” Natsu said flying down.

“You both were amazing!” Rarity said congratulating her friends.

“What did you expect, there’s no way we were going to lose to some overgrown monkey!” Natsu said with a confident smile. Coco flew down to her friends and smiled.

“Come on let’s tie this monkey up so he can tell us-AH!” Coco was suddenly knocked unconscious by what looked like a purple fireball.

“Coco!” Rarity yelled. Natsu turned to see who hit Coco, but was swiftly punched in the the same Boulder Rarity crashed into.

“Natsu!” Rarity yelled in worry.

“That’s what you get!” Rarity turned to see the Vulcan standing over her.

“Now your turn!” The Vulcan said raising its fist about to strike Rarity. Rarity jumped out of the way, but she fell to the ground. The unicorn looked around and saw her two friends still on the ground.

“What do I do, I...I can’t….wait.” Rarity quickly levitated the box with the three gen shards inside. She then opened the box and levitated the the orange and red out of it.

“Now what was the-AH!” Rarity yelled before jumping out of the way of the Vulcan again.

“I have to hurry, what did I have to say….Oh right!” Rarity took a deep breath and began to speak.

“Come to my aid, Gem-Knight Citrine!” After Rarity said that, the Gem began to glow and a small beam of light shot out it. The light then grew more intense for a few seconds before dying down and revealing a huge knight in brown armor, a black cape and he was holding a huge Buster sword that looked like it was made out of Magma.

Rarity looked at the knight in front of her with awe.

“Wow.” She said. The knight looked down to Rarity and got down on one knee.

“Are you the one who summoned me?” The knight asked a gruff voice. Rarity hesitated, but she answered him.

“Yes...Yes I am.” She said. The Knight nodded.

“I am Citrine of the Gem-Knights and as long as you have my gemstone I am at your service.” The knight now known as Citrine said. Rarity just kept staring at the knight, but she was snapped out of her thought when she heard a scream. The Vulcan was charging the two and he was not happy.

“I SMASH YOU!” THe Vulcan yelled. Rarity took a step back, but Citrine stood up and face the Vulcan.

“If you want my Wizard, you have to go through me!” He said readying his Magma sword.

“YOU NO STOP ME!” The Vulcan yelled before throwing a at Citrine. Citrine blocked the punch with his sword and if he did show his face it would have a look of disappointment on it.

“Really, is that all you got?” Just as Citrine said that, his Magma sword began to glow and he knocked the Vulcan back. “Let me show you why no one messes with the Gem-Knights!” Citrine said running at the Vulcan. The quickly got his bearings and aimed his paw at Citrine.

“TAKE THIS!” The Vulcan yelled before firing multiple purple fireballs at the knight.

“Watch out!” Rarity warned.

“Don’t worry miss, I can handle this beast.” Citrine said raising his sword. He then proceeded to slash every single one of the fireballs.

“Is that all you got if so...” Citrine stopped in front of the Vulcan with his sword at it’s neck. “Then you are not worth my time!” He said before bringing his sword down along the Vulcan’s chest.

“UHHHGGG!” The Vulcan screamed out in pain before falling to the ground unconscious. Rarity continued to look on in awe.

“Amazing….he’s...just….amazing.” She said with wide eyes. Citrine then raised his sword at this time aiming for the ground.

“Now perish beast, TERRA VOLCANO!” He yelled before embedding his sword into the ground. This caused the ground to break apart and out of the cracks were huge streams of lava heading straight for Vulcan. The Vulcan was still unconscious, so there was no way for him to escape his fate. Rarity saw this horrified, she knew she couldn’t let this happen.

“Citrine STOP!” She commanded. Citrine heard his wizard’s voice and raised his sword from the ground. This caused the lava stop and disappear. Rarity let out a sigh of relief and she glared at Citrine. “Citrine, That was too far!” She said. The knight kneeled down to Rarity again.

“But miss I-” “I understand you were trying to protect me, but that doesn’t mean you have to ki-destroy the beast.” Rarity said trying to avoid using the ‘K’ word. “Please pass this along to your fellow knights, as long you’re all with me you all go as far as knocking somepony unconscious. Do I make myself clear?” Rarity said in a stern tone. Citrine stared at the unicorn and nodded.

“Yes miss, forgive me.” He said with a slight bow. Rarity smiled at the knight and held up his gemstone.

“It’s alright, you did a good job today Citrine. You take a good rest.” She said.

“Thank you miss and call me anytime you need me.” Citrine said disappearing in a flash of light. Rarity looked at the gemstone and continued smiling.

“It may have almost ended badly, but that was incredible.” She said before running over to Natsu. “Natsu, wake up.” Rarity said shaking him. Natsu groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

“Oh Luna, what hit me?” He asked rubbing his head.

“That Vulcan when you weren’t looking.” Rarity said helping him up.

“Oh yeah, were is that overgrown monkey!” Natsu said as his wings were engulfed in flames. Rarity then put a hoof on his head.

“It's alright Natsu, it’s been taken care of.” She said. Natsu gave her a confused look.

“What do you- Whoa!” Natsu said seeing the Vulcan on the ground.

“Wow, who kicked the monkey’s flank?” Coco said getting up.

“Well you see I-” “You took that monkey down!” Natsu said in shock.

“Me no, it was one of my-” Before Rarity could finish a bright light was shining behind them. They all turned to see that the light was coming from the Vulcan.

“What’s going on?” Rarity asked.

“I’m not sure.” Coco answered.

The intensity on the light increased causing the the trio to shield their eyes. After a few seconds, the light began to die down and the group opened their eyes only to see an earth pony stallion in place of the Vulcan. He had a light tan coat, a dark blue mane and his cutie mark looked like a the letter ‘S’ but it was made out of purple fire. Rarity looked at the stallion with confusion while Natsu and Coco stared at him in shock.

“Who is this, where is the Vulcan?” Rarity asked. Natsu and Coco didn't answer instead they both ran to the stallion and began shaking him.

“Macao wake up!” Natsu said.

“Come on pal, get up!” Coco said. Rarity was even more confused now.

“Can somepony explain what’s going on, I'm so lost.” Rarity pleaded.

“Rarity, this stallion is the one we've been looking for.” Coco said. Rarity’s eyes widened and she looked to the stallion.

“That's Macao?” She asked.

“It’s him alright, that Vulcan must have took him over.” Natsu said with a slight growl.

“Took him over?” Rarity asked in a confused tone.

“Yes, Vulcans have a unique power that allows them to control the body of a weakened opponent. Macao must have been out of magic power and that gave the Vulcan an opportunity to possess him.” Coco explained. Rarity took everything in and she became more white than usual.

“Oh Celestia, if I didn’t stop Citrine...i don't even want to think about it.” Rarity thought shaking her head. Natsu continued to shake his friend.

“Come on Macao, Romeo’s waiting for you.” Natsu pleaded. After a few seconds, the stallion began to groan and slowly opened his eyes.

“Sweet Celestia, I've got the biggest hangover right now and I don't remember drinking…..well that much anyway.” Macao said rubbing his head. Natsu and Coco smiled.

“It's good to see you Macao.” Coco said giving him a hug.

“Coco...I haven't seen you in three years kid. It's good to see you too.” Macao said hugging her back.

“Do you remember anything at all?” Natsu asked. Macao nodded.

“Yea I remember and I completely pathetic. I beat 20 of those apes, but the last one got me from behind. How am I supposed to face my son now?” He asked in a sad tone. Coco and Natsu were about to answer, but a certain alabaster mare spoke up first.

“Because you're his father.” Macao looked to the unicorn and she had a serious look on her face.

“Your son misses you Macao, he's been worried sick. He needs you right now.” Rarity said. Macao stared at the unicorn for a few seconds before smiling.

“You're right, my boy needs me. Thank you...um-” “Rarity dear, I’m a new member of the guild.” Rarity said. Macao nodded.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Rarity, welcome to the guild.” He said.

“Thank you sir.” Rarity said with a slight bow. Natsu and Coco smiled.

“Come on let’s head back, I know a young colt who’s going to be happy to see you.” Natsu said.

“You’re right, let’s get going.” With that, the group headed back to the carriage.

Timeskip, with Romeo and Sweetie Belle

Sweetie and Romeo were in still in the park and Sweetie got Romeo to open up a bit since Natsu left.

“Romeo you can’t blame yourself for this.” Sweetie said putting a hoof on his back. Romeo had told Sweetie that he had asked his dad to go on a job because he couldn’t take the teasing for the other colts and fillies.

“If I hadn’t asked my dad to go on that job, he would still be here.” Romeo said looking down.

“You’re frowning again Romeo, stop it. Remember Natsu going to look for your dad, he’ll bring him back.” Sweetie said with a reassuring smile. Romeo saw her smile, but he nodded.

“I guess.” He said. Sweetie saw he was still sad and she gave him a hug.

“It’ll be ok.” She whispered to him. Romeo eye’s widened and he blushed a bit.

“T..t..thanks.” He stuttered. Before Sweetie could answer him, they both heard voices calling to them.

“Hey Romeo!” One voice said.

“Sweetie Belle, we’re back.” The other voice said. The colt and the filly both turned to see Natsu, Rarity, Coco and Macao walking up to them. Romeo’s eyes widened when he saw his father with the other three and Sweetie just smiled.

“I told you it would be- Whoa!” Sweetie said as Romeo pulled her into a hug.

“Thank you so much!” The colt said before running to his father. Sweetie sat in that same spot for a good thirty seconds with a massive blush on her face.

He hugged me…..YAY!” Sweetie screamed internally.

Author's Note:

I say again.....FINALLY! I made a promise to all of you and I broke it. I'm so sorry, I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next chapter. Also, this whole Romeo and Sweetie Belle thing will lead somewhere. I plan on having them learn magic and get stronger so they can help out with some of the major threats later on. So get ready to see these two kids fighting some of the big bads. Also tell me in the comments what you think of the Gem-Knights.

Romeo: Awesome, I'm all fired up!

Natsu: That's my line!

Rarity: Calm down Natsu.

Sweetie: You too Romeo.

Natsu and Romeo: Killjoys

Next Time: Rarity's First Job! Pt.1