• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 3,432 Views, 123 Comments

Rarity's Fairy Tail - CosmicAlchemist24

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Rarity's First Job. Pt.2 I'm...ugly!?

Previously on Fairy Tail
CC:We have a job and we want you to come with us.
N:Alright we have a new team member!
N:Rarity has a purple mane doesn’t she?
CC:Aye and I bet I can throw together a maid uniform.

Location: Friendship express

“Are you feeling ok Master, anything I can get for you?” Rarity said with a massive smirk. She, Coco and Natsu were on there way to the Crystal Empire to meet up with their client and of course Natsu was sick.

“Screw you Diamond *blerg* Head.” Natsu said covering his mouth.

“But I’m serious Master, do you require assistance.” Rarity said enjoying Natsu’s motion sickness episode. Coco giggled at her friends antics.

“Aren’t you being a little harsh Rarity?” She asked. Rarity didn’t answer and continued to smirk.

Attention passengers, we are now arriving in the Crystal Empire. Please grab your belongings and prepare to depart.

“Finally, an end to this *blerg* nightmare.” Natsu said sickly. Rarity’s smirk just got bigger after Natsu said that.

“I wouldn't say that Master, we still have a carriage ride to our clients house.” She said in a cheerful tone. Natsu’s face paled and he felt like he was gonna faint.

“You really hate me, don't you?” He asked the Alabaster Mare.

“Of course not, in fact I truly and deeply love you Master.” Rarity said batting her eyelashes. Natsu just growled while Coco giggled.

“Come on Rarity, I know you’re mad we tricked you but don’t you think he’s had enough?” Coco asked. Rarity thought for a moment and looked to Natsu who looked like he was about to pass out.

“Well, I guess we could just walk to the clients house.” Rarity said with slight sympathy in her voice. Natsu’s face perked up a bit from hearing that, but Rarity wasn't finished talking.

“But, you and Natsu will have to work at the boutique for 3 whole months.” She said.

“That sounds fair, right Natsu?” Coco asked the sick pegasus.

“I think I’d rather-” Rarity gave the Dragon Slayer a quick glare making his rethink what he was about to say.

“Ok fine, we’ll work in *Blerg* the store.” He said. Rarity smiled and went over to her pegasus friend.

“Good boy.” Rarity said rubbing her friends back. Natsu growled but kept his cool. Coco just watched her two friends with a smirk on her face.

“You both are so in love.” She said giggling. Rarity began to Blush While Natsu just glared at his sister.

“WE ARE NOT YOU PEGASUS POSER!” The both yelled. Coco laughed at her friends reactions.

“You both are so Harsh.” She said.

Location: The Crystal Empire

“I haven’t been in the Crystal Empire since Twilight’s Princess Submit.” Rarity said looking around the city in wonder.

“I’ve never been here and I gotta say it’s Amazing.” Coco said with stars in her eyes.

“Can we focus please, we can check out the sights later.” Natsu said holding his stomach. Rarity and Coco rolled their eyes but nodded.

“Ok ok, but first I need to go and take care of something first. You both go on I’ll meet you at the Clients House.” Rarity said before taking off in another direction. Natsu said Coco both watched Rarity leave with confused looks on their faces.

“What was that about?” Natsu asked.

“I’m not sure, but she said she’s meet at at the clients place so I say we head over there.” Coco said as she started walking. Natsu looked back in Rarity’s direction before shrugging and catching up with Coco. After about ten minutes they arrive outside of a large crystal house with multiple crystal berry bushes around it.

“Wow check out all the berry bushes.” Coco said.

“I know, those berries look good.” Natsu said licking his lips. Coco then hit him over the head.

“Don’t even think about it, once we finish the job we can eat. You said yourself that we needed to focus.” She said. Natsu wanted to say something, but he held his tongue knowing Coco would hit him again.

“Now where is Rarity,She said she would meet us here.” Coco said looking around.

“Knowing Rarity she probably got distracted by all those Crystal Ponies.” Natsu said rolling his eyes.

“You know I could make that 3 months 6 in an instant, right?” Coco and Natsu turned around and saw Rarity and their eyes went wide when they did. “Well, how do I look?” Rarity asked. Natsu and Coco just kept staring at Rarity now wearing a maid outfit and striking a pose.

“Oh my LUNA! Rarity, you look amazing!” Coco said looking over Rarity’s outfit.

“Thank you dear, what do you think Natsu?” Rarity asked with a small smile. Natsu quickly got over his shock and looked away.

“You know this is hardly the time for cosplaying Rare.” He said trying his best not to look at Rarity. Rarity then glared at the pegasus.

“I’m not cosplaying, I’m getting into character!” She said. Coco the smirked at Rarity

“Into character she says, I bet you were just hoping Natsu would fall head over heels for you in the outfit.” She said with a giggle. Rarity was bright red Coco said that and she looked away.

“Stop messing with her Coco, let’s just go and meet the client.” Natsu said walking up to the door. Rarity and coco both nodded and followed Natsu. Rarity then knocks on the door and after a few minutes a middle aged earth pony stallion with cream colored coat, a gray mane and mustache opened the door.

“Yes, how may I help you?” The stallion asked.

“My name’s Natsu and we’re with Fairy Tail. We came here because of the job you posted in our Guildhall.” Natsu said.

“Oh of course, come right in.” THe stallion said leading the trio into the living room.

“Please, have a seat.” He said. The trio nodded and took a seat on one of the sofas.

“First off, my name is Kaby Melon. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” The stallion now known as Kaby said with a slight bow.

“Melon huh, you got one tasty name.” He said rubbing his stomach. Rarity then hit the pegasus in the back of the head.

“Don’t be rude Natsu.” Rarity scolded. Both Coco and Kaby chuckled at the two. “Don’t worry miss, I get that alot.” Kaby said.

“Now onto the reason you all arrived here. It’s pretty straightforward, Duke Everlue has a book called ‘Daybreak’ and I would like you to burn it for me.” Kaby explained. Natsu smiled at the request.

“Sure no problem.” He then covered his hoof in fire. “I’ll burn the whole place down if you want to.” He said.

“He likes fire a lot.” Coco said also smiling.

“I’m not going to jail because of you two!” She said glaring at her friends before turning back to Kaby.

“Sir, may I ask why you want the book burned?” She asked. Natsu and Coco looked at her with raised eyebrows.

“For 200,000, who cares?” Natsu said.

“Actually I’ve raised the reward to 2,000,000.” Kaby said in a neutral tone. The were a few moments of silence before….

“WHAT! 2,000,000” The trio yelled in shock.

“I’m sorry, I thought you all knew that the amount had changed.” Kaby said. Natsu,Coco and Rarity just stared at the old stallion with wide eyes.

“Whoa, 2,000,000 split three ways! WOW, I stink at math but that’s a lot.” Natsu said freaking out.

“Wait I got it! I get 1,000,000, Natsu gets 1,000,000 and Rarity gets all the rest.” Coco said with stars in her eyes.

“Sounds good to me.” Natsu said with a smile.

“Aye!” Coco said. Just the both Natsu and Coco with forced to the ground by a very angry unicorn.

“BUT THAT LEAVES ME WITH NOTHING YOU JERKS!” Rarity yelled. She then took a deep breath and turned back to Kaby. “Why did you raise the reward?” She asked. Kaby then looked down and grit his teeth.

“Because it just means that much to me, that book must be destroyed no matter the cost.” Kaby said in a somber tone. Coco and Rarity heard this tone, but before they could say anything Natsu stood up.

“Alright, I’m all fired up now!” He then grabbed Coco and Rarity and ran out of the house. “Let’s do this ladies.” He said with a smile.

“Aye.” Coco said.

“Hold on, let me go!” Rarity said trying to free herself from Natsu hold. Kaby was then left alone with his thought and he sighed.

“‘Daybreak’...it must be burned. It mustn’t be allowed to exist any longer.”

Timeskip, Location: Everlue Mansion

“Ok Rarity, just be beautiful and confident.” Rarity said as she approached the Mansion. She then glanced behind her and saw Natsu and Coco smiling and nodding to her. She nodded back and turned her attention back to the Mansion.

“Umm Hello, I’m here for the maid position. HELLO!” She yelled. After about ten seconds, Rarity felt the ground shaking and soon something flew out of the ground and landed in front of Rarity.

“What the-” “Are you here for the maid position?” Upon further inspection, the thing in front of Rarity was a tall pudgy earth Mare with a blue and white mane, a white coat and light blue eyes. She was wearing a white and blue maid outfit and necklace with a blue gem around her neck.

“Um...yes.” Rarity answered with a slight gulp.

“I see, so you think you’re worthy enough to serve the master.” The maid said. Before Rarity could answer, the ground began to shake again and out popped another earth pony only this time it was a stallion. He wasn’t as tall as the maid, but he was just as pudgy. He had a cream coat, onyx colored eyes like Natsu and a brown mustache. He was hearing a black tux with a dark blue tie and red rose was in his left pocket.

“Did somebody say master?” The stallion asked in a creepy tone. Rarity took a good look at the and she was immediately disgusted.

Master more like monster, how in equestria did a Stallion like this make it to the Crystal empire?” Rarity asked herself.

“I‘m Duke Everlue, now let’s have a look at you.” He said looking Rarity over. Rarity swallowed her pride and gave the Stallion a smile.

“Well I hope you like what you see.” She said in a seductive tone. Everlur kept looking at Rarity for along while and the longer he stared the more creeped out Rarity became.

Stay strong Rarity, Stay Strong!” She said giving herself a confidence boost. After about two minutes, Everlue turned around and spoke up.

“No way! Get out of my face Ugly!” He said in a Harsh tone. All time seemed to stop after her said that. Natsu and Coco looked on with wide eyes and slacked jaws. Rarity just continued to stand there with wide eyes as well.

“You heard the master, get going ugly.” The maid said. Rarity felt as though her entire existence was fading away. “................WHAT!” She screamed in a fit of rage. “How dare you call me UGLY!” She said with fire in her eyes. Everlue didn’t turn around, but he spoke up again.

“You see my dear, but a stallion of my standing had standards to uphold.” Just then, four more maids came out of nowhere and as Faust as my witness they were….not as attractive as Rarity. “I only hire the fairest of the Fair.” Everlue said with a smile. Rarity just looked on in Horror, shock and anger. All the maids then turned to Rarity and smiled at her.

“Why don’t you run along home and leave our master alone Ugly!” They all said. Rarity couldn’t take it anymore and she fainted on the spot.

“Well I guess that’s that, come on ladies.” Everlue said walking back into his mansion.

“Yes master!” All five maids said following their master. Once the coast was clear Natsu and Coco ran over to the unconscious Rarity.

“Rarity...Rarity, Are you ok?” Coco said shaking her friend.

“I doubt it, I mean she was called ugly like three times.” Natsu said shaking his head. Just then, Rarity’s eyes opened and she grabbed Natsu by the neck.

“I! AM! NOT! UGLY!” Rarity said choking Natsu with all her strength.

“ACK! ACK! Let…..me go…” Natsu said struggling to breath. Coco had had enough of this and punched Rarity onto the ground.

“Pull yourself together Rarity!” She yelled. Rarity then rubbed and head and began blinking in confusion.

“What the….what happened?” Rarity asked. Natsu finally got to breath again and her glared at Rarity.

“WHAT’S GOING ON? YOU ALMOST KILLED ME YOU PSYCHO!” Natsu yelled. Rarity was even more confused now. Coco then went over to her and gave her a hug.

“Rarity, you are a very beautiful mare and don’t let anypony tell you otherwise.” Coco said with a smile.

“Aww thank you Coco.” Rarity said smiling back at her.


Author's Note:

Rarity's not ugly and I'll fight anyone who say differently....I'm kidding lol. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the comment section

Rarity: I'll make him PAY!

Natsu:: He is seriously pissed.

Coco: Aye.

Next Time: Rarity's First Job. Pt.3 Breaking In!