• Published 5th Nov 2015
  • 4,413 Views, 61 Comments

Feeling Cooler - Storm Shine

Dante attended a con with his two pals John and Tony. Everything was going pretty well... Until they met the merchant. Now he's Cooler.

  • ...

A Surprise Meeting

I opened my eyes, groaning and cracking my neck as I awoke from the dream. “Ugh, Cooler seriously needs to take a chill pill..” I muttered to myself, thinking over the various ways that the former Cooler had bashed my head in.

“Sir!” Salza saluted from in front of him, having arrived during my ‘nap’. “We’ve scouted the planet and located Neiz.”

I nodded absentmindedly, “Good work Salza.”

“Also, sir..” Salza started, “We found an.. Anomaly of sorts.”

I raised a brow. “An anomaly? Salza, we’ve been on this planet for less than a week, what could possibly count as an anomaly already?”

Salza turned and indicated Dore, who was carrying what looked to be an unconscious human. “This creature seems to originate from the same planet as that one Saiyan lived on, Earth I believe.” The human was donned in black pants and shoes with a light blue shirt and dark blue jacket emblazoned with the number 23.

I looked on in surprise, “A human?” my eyes were drawn to the device on the human’s wrist. ‘That looks familiar..’ I thought. “An omnitrix?” I mused aloud.

"Ultimatrix actually." The human groaned, sounding pained as he opened his brown eyes. "Anyone get the plate of that truck?"

I chuckled lightly, “Sadly, no. I’m afraid I couldn’t say what left you in that condition. Dore, let our friend here to the ground. Gently.” The green giant, as ordered, placed the human on the ground with some care. “Now leave us for a bit, if you would.” the Cooler Squadron saluted and left the cave, Dore dragging a swearing Raditz along behind him to prevent any insubordination.

The watch-like device on the humans wrist turned yellow as Raditz was dragged by and sent a yellow beam over him.

"Oh that's right, I was fighting the iccilian." The human mumbled.

“Icicle-lian?” I questioned, “I’ve never heard of that before.”

"It's an alien that Animo created, and judging from this place..." The human said looking around. "I'm either dreaming, or got knocked to another planet… or dimensional shenanigans"

“It’s likely more dimensional than spacial.” I commented, looking the human over a bit more closely. “You look like that character from a show my friend used to watch.. Ben Tennyson, I think?”

"My name's Dillan but my powers are based off Ben ten yes." Dillan nodded. "It's a mix of ultimate alien with the twenty third dimension from omniverse. Wait you're Cooler, ho-… your a displaced aren't you?"

I nod, “Quick on the uptake. Yes, my name is Dante and I’ve been displaced to this…” I looked around thoughtfully, “Reality, I guess, as Cooler.”

Dillan nodded. "It was kinda the only thing on how a fictional character alien would know a show from the real world. Also most displaced from what I was told are sent to Equestrias."

I shrugged, “Well..” He generated a Ki orb in a hand, stared at it for a moment, and then crushed it into motes of energy that dissipated quickly. “Not so fictional anymore, I suppose. But yes, that’s how I understand it to be as well.”

Dillan nods slowly. "Are the guys that left displaced? Because if so whoever chose to get displaced as Raditz is dumb." He jokes.

I laughed, “Oh, that’s great.. But no, none of them are displaced. It seems in this reality, they are real. And, it seems, Cooler was real as well. I’m just somehow inhabiting his repaired and revived body, while his spirit stays until.. He finds peace or something, I guess.”

Dillan blinks, simply holding up the ultimatrix as a yellow scan goes over him. "Reminds me of when I was displaced in a way. I actually ended up meeting my predecessor. Another Dillan whose world was completely erased by Eon."

“Interesting..” I replied thoughtfully, “Well my predecessor seems to have an obsession with breaking my bones, except in my mind.” I winced, rotating one of my arms a bit as if to convince myself it was still working.

Dillan hums. "You know, my predecessor gave me some scans as he was getting erased. One including a Namekian, would you like me to try to heal you?"

I shook my head, “No, it's all in my mind. My body is fine, I just have phantom pains from hell.”

Dillan nods slowly. "Well, I could also make dragon balls. And from what I learned from my predecessor I can make them stay put once used want a set in case something happens?"

I stared at Dillan, “No offense.. But that’s some broken bullshit right there.” I replied incredulously. “Still.. It would be nice. Though I'm not sure if having to try and work the shaft is worth it to find my friends again.” I joke, chuckling.

Dillan laughs. "There is a drawback, it's only one wish and it takes about a month longer to recharge than the normal ones. But otherwise good in a pinch."

“Alright, not as broken as I thought.” I admit. “That could be really useful. I may even use the one star as my ‘token’.”

Dillan smiles and nods, handing me his token. It was the face-plate of the Omnitrix that would pop up in the original show, without the base. "That's my token... Now then, this cave isn't very big. How about we go outside to make the dragon balls."

I shrugged, “Sure, just make sure not to tell any of the others that I’m not actually Cooler. I don’t want them getting any ideas.”

Dillan nods. "Got it."

The two displaced head outside, as Dillan begins picking up some of the random gems scattered around the cave floor.

I addressed my subordinates as we walked out of the cave, “This is a valuable ally for us.” I told them.

“How valuable could a weak human be?” Raditz sneered.

Dillan smirks, turning to me. "Mind if I demonstrate?"

I nod with a smirk of my own, “Be my guest.”

Dillan turns to Raditz. "Ok radish, I have the power to transform into a number of aliens. Including." He points towards me. "An Arcrosian." He points to his watch. "A Namekian." And finally to Raditz. "And a saiyan, so you tell me how just how valuable I can be."

Raditz scoffed, “You could never stand up to the power of a true Saiyan warrior.”

"Oh?" He smirks propping up his ultimatrix faceplate, dialing it to the new Saiyan scan and transforming. After a bright blue light engulfed Dillan in his place stood a tall Saiyan with short spiky black hair, wearing a battlesuit with the same colors as his normal clothes. A tail tightly wrapped around his waist, as he crosses his arms. "How about we spar then, if I win you have to submit and do what I say. No matter what form I'm in."

Raditz crossed his arms in return, “And when I win, I’m going to enjoy killing you.” He replied arrogantly.

Dillan smirks. "if you can, come at me."

Raditz snarled, quickly blasting forward to land a strike towards Dillan’s chest but the former human grabbed his hand, proceeding to punch Raditz in the face, pushing him back. Raditz quickly flew backwards, throwing a barrage of Ki blasts before following behind them in hopes of an easy opening.

Dillan simply flew upwards, letting all the ki blasts and Raditz run into me.

I stood there unfazed as the smoke cleared, holding Raditz by the face. “You seem to enjoy testing my patience Raditz.” I said simply, before throwing the Saiyan and sending him spiraling towards Dillan.

"Not smart with the ki thing while I was near Cooler." Dillan said to Raditz while chuckling. He then proceeded to Grand-Slam Raditz into the dirt, before sending a barrage of ki blasts at him.

“I won’t be beaten by a fake Saiyan!” Raditz roars out, deflecting the Ki blasts.

"Hey Raditz!" Dillan smirks. "Wanna see a Super Saiyan!?"

Raditz glared, “You fool, only the most powerful and worthy of Saiyans could ever dream of attaining Super Saiyan!” He replied spitefully, before throwing his hands out towards Dillan, “SATURDAY CRASH!” He yells, firing a dense pink ball of Ki

Dillan smirks, glancing at Cooler with a wink. He turned the symbol of the ultimatrix to the left, four spikes propping out of it. Dillan roared out as the air around him became distorted and the accumulating energy blew away the ball of pink Ki. The transformed human became engulfed in yellow light again as thunder cracked around him, his hair becoming bright yellow and his eyes teal blue as he crosses his arms before looking at Raditz.

“W-what?!” Raditz trembles under the high power levels being emitted by the newest super saiyan. “H-how is this possible!?”

‘What I wouldn’t give for an ‘over nine thousand reference right now.’ I thought, amused.

Dillan smirks and, as if reading my mind, speaks out "Guess what Raditz, my power level is over nine thousand!!!"

“What!? Over Nine Thousand, that’s impossible!” Raditz yells, trying to hide the fear gripping his heart.

Dillan points his palm at Raditz. "Begone you Saibaman wanna be!" he yelled firing a Ki ball at Raditz, purposely missing him but does immense damage to the landscape.

I face-palmed discreetly at the final words of the fight, ‘of all the things to yell’, I thought, unsure whether to be amused or annoyed.

Dillan lands near Raditz, returning to his human form. "Yield."

Raditz snarls at Dillan, readying to continue the fight, but a death beam passing in front of his face makes him quickly reconsider. “Fine.”

Dillan smiles in a friendly manner at Raditz, holding his hand out to him. "if you'd like I can teach you how to go Super Saiyan."

Raditz brushes him off, walking away angrily. “I don’t need your pity.”

"It's not pity, your brother Kakarot can go Super Saiyan and he even beat Prince Vegeta! I can tell you have potential, you just need to harness it if you want to surpass them both." Dillan said walking back towards me.

Raditz ignores him, hearing his words but too busy stewing in his defeat to pay them any heed.

“Well, I’d say that was an excellent demonstration of his combat ability.” I commented, looking towards my Squadron, “Wouldn’t you?”

“While beating Raditz is hardly an accomplishment, I would say that he seems to have proven himself sufficiently. As always, we follow your lead Lord Cooler.” Salza said, saluting firmly along with the other two members.

"Now then, how about those Dragon Balls?" Dillan said, catching Raditz attention again.

“Dragon Balls?” Raditz asked greedily.

“Yes our new friend here has the knowledge required to provide us with some new, albeit slightly different, wish granting devices.”

Dillan nods. "However, I will be making it so they can't be used for evil… persay, and no immortality."

Raditz looked like someone had kicked his evil puppy, “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” He screamed to the heavens, falling to his knees. “YOU MANIAC! YOU’VE RUINED IT! AH, DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!.”

Dillan chuckles. "Sorry, but that would make them still way to broken."

I cleared my throat, “Anyways, the point remains that they will be useful to us. Additionally, we could likely use them to help our friend here get home. A paltry fee for the creation of a wishing device.”

Dillan think is about that. "either that or Twinkie could possibly help."

I couldn’t help but look amused, “Twinkie?”

"Twilight, purple pony with horn." Dillan chuckles.

I grimaced slightly, “Ah, the little purple… Scientist.” I said, remembering the purple unicorn whose first instinct was, apparently, to practically bolt me to a metal table in her basement. “Not the most stable of creatures, from what little I’ve observed.”

"Yeah but once you get to know her she's ok." Dillan shruggs. "Even if not I could go upgrade and just make a way home with all her stuff."

“Well, we are willing to assist you however we can Dillan.” I replied, “There isn’t exactly anything better that any of us would currently be doing anyway.”

"I thank you then." Dillan smiles, dialing up his Namekian transformation. "Any particular preference for the dragon balls? Color, size?"

I thought for a moment. “Blue and around the size of an orange.”

"So normal earth dragon Ball size if I remember correctly." Dillan muttered, collecting the silver gems he collected. He then shifted into a Namekian with a blue cape like Piccolos', before his hands began glowing green with light blue border of the aura. Dillan began blasting the magical energy into the gems as they levitated into the air, shaping them into stars before they shrank. Each star and star set was bound in spheres of blue magical power before it solidified. "There." He said tiredly. "However for your preference I made it so you can name the dragon, just say whatever name you want to call it the same way they summon Shenron in the show. and it'll appear."

I stepped forward, “Eternal Dragon, by your name I summon you forth: Glacier!”

The spheres began to glow, a column of light bursting from them as a light blue and white Dragon appeared having ice like spines down it's back.

"I am Glacier speak your wish and I shall grant it." It spoke.

I tapped my chin thoughtfully, looking at the dragon. ‘Something simple, to start.’ I decided. “I wish for a bag of Senzu beans.” I told the dragon decisively.

"It is done." Glacier said, it's eyes glowing white as a bag of beans appears in my hand. "Farewell."

The dragon explodes in a blast of light, before seven stone orbs fall to the ground. One of them hitting Raditz toes.

“Son of a-!” Raditz exclaimed angrily, hopping around while holding his pained foot

Dillan Snickers, trying not to laugh. "You ok there Raditz?"

Raditz stopped hopping around, crossing his arms and huffing as he looked away in an attempt to act as if that hadn’t just happened.

I looked over, “I’m certain he’ll be fine. He is of the ‘proud saiyan warriors’ after all.” The air quotes were almost visible with the level of sarcasm displayed.

"Considering I can become a saiyan now, I'm not sure if I should be offended by that." Dillan said. "Also I have a bad feeling…"

I raised a brow curiously, wondering what he meant.

Dillan rubs his head just as a bright flash catches their eyes and they see Twilight. "Someone answer that phone, because I fucking called it."

I rolled my eyes at the reference, before looking over at Twilight. “Can I help you?”

"Magic. So. Much. Magic power. Big dragon. Gone. EXPLAIN!" She said with a twitch in her eye.

“Use your big girl words please, we believe in you.” I replied, amused.

Twilight breathed in and out to calm herself. "Please explain why I felt so much magic from this area, that big dragon suddenly being gone and… whatever that thing is." She said pointing at Dillan.

“Well that’s quite rude, didn’t your mother ever teach you not to point at others? And calling them 'things' at that?” I tsk'd disapprovingly before glancing over at Dillan. “He’s a human, to put it simply. And the dragon is a.. New old friend.”

Dillan laughs. "that's an oxymoron." He and Twilight said together.

I shrug, “Or a form of duality.”

"Long story short Miss Light, I'm from another dimension, yes the multiverse theory is real and yes I'll answer any other questions you have." Dillan said as Twilight perked up. "no you may not study me."

She sighs as she begins asking questions, and after roughly two hours of questions she teleports away.

"God she can talk." Dillan muttered.

“Perhaps we should set up a talking contest between her and the pink one.” I suggested jokingly.

"Pinkie wins." Dillan said. "Already did that back home, wasn't fun."

“Well, thank you for saving me the theoretical headache of the theoretical experiment I suppose.” I said simply, unable to imagine going through the trouble of actually setting that up.

Dillan chuckles. "Oh, is this cave your home or something? Or are you planning on moving around?"

“It was going to serve as my base for a time, but we can move if we need to.” I said, shrugging.

Dillan nods slowly. "Well, I'm pretty sure I could use Swampfire to grow more Senzu Beans if you'd like a little garden. That way you don't run out."

I looked around at the rocky volcanic wasteland surrounding us. “A garden out here?” I asked skeptically.

Dillan smirks, shifting from human to Armodrillo, digging up the ground to make it soft. Then to water hazard to make a lake to keep it moist, finally into Swampfire to make some grass grow. "Tada." He said turning back to normal. "Ben could be a one man planet terraformer if he were smart enough."

I clapped my hands lightly, impressed. “That is quite impressive.” I said, “I think we’re going to be keeping this base. Is there any way you could spread the Senzu beans around?” I asked, offering the bag to Dillan.

Dillan smiles and shifts into XLR8 to plant the beans before turning back into Swampfire to help them grow. "Huh neat." He mumbled. "Apparently the minerals here mixed with the alien water makes water similar to that of what Korin uses for the Senzu in the show… handy. I could probably rig up a machine to make it rain once in a while, to keep the lake going. If not you might be able to hire a pegasus to make storm clouds, but if the lake ever dries up you can always just summon me."

I nod, looking around at the newly terraformed area. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind, thank you.” I tapped my chin lightly, “Would it be too much trouble to add some trees around the area? Preferably in a way that would hide the beans and the lake from prying eyes in the skies?”

Dillan cracks his knuckles. "Give me a sec." He said turning back into XLR8 and vanishing. After a little while he returned with seeds before planting them around the garden. Once again he shifts into Swampfire and in the span of a minute, a grove of apple, orange, and banana trees stood around the lake. "The bananas are for Raditz."

I picked a banana from a somewhat short banana tree, “Does Raditz want a banana?”

Raditz turns and grumbles something unflattering under his breath. “I don’t even like bananas!” He yells at us, storming off.. And secretly grabbing a banana.

Dillan chuckles. "I was gonna grab other fruits but I found out in my world,-not sure if it's the same for this one- that Applejack has relatives to oranges and bananas so if something happens you could just ask her."

This made me mildly curious, “I wonder how much they hate the joke ‘Orange you glad I didn’t say banana..” I chuckled lightly at the horrible joke, “I wouldn’t know much about Applejack’s family however. I was in Ponyille for only a very short period of time.”

Dillan nods slowly. "Ok let me think, water, plants fruit… anything else I'm forgetting…?" He mumbled crossing his arms. "Sorry I'm planning on opening a farm in my world to keep me busy, so I have a checklist. I suppose I'm using you guys as a test to see if it works "

“Well, I’m happy to reap the benefits of being your test run.” I say, smiling as I look over the area. “I may not need much, but my subordinates will certainly appreciate this. Isn’t that right?” I asked the Cooler Squadron, waiting silently on the sidelines.

“Of course Lord Cooler!” the blue and blonde captain of the group exclaims, “We are extremely grateful for your benevolence!” Meanwhile, Dore was already eating an apple and just nods.

"Ok now then I suppose animals would help but then I'd have to terraform the whole area and don't want to do that. So I suppose that's it unless you can think of anything." Dillan said to me

“This should be sufficient.” I nodded, “Anything else we might need wouldn’t take too long to find, I’m sure.”

Dillan nods, blinking as he feels something strange. "Do you feel that?"

I looked around, sensing a strange energy in the air. “Yes, though I’ve yet to feel an energy similar to this. It isn’t Ki.. Though it’s not magic either.”

"It's time travel." A voice said, as a man in a white lab coat walks out from behind Raditz.

“Hello there.. Paradox, I believe.” I guessed, remembering the strange character as being a favorite of John's. “Time Travel has its own unique energy?"

"Indeed, though only…." He glances at my subordinates. "powerful people like you and Dillan can tell."

“Interesting.” I replied honestly. “I’ve always been interested in the effects of time travel, paradoxes, those sorts of things.”

Dillan nods. "Now that I can turn Into clockwork I'm kinda tempted to try it."

I looked over at Dillan, “Probably best not to, unless you’ve got a head for it or a guide.” I warned.

"I was joking." Dillan chuckles.

“I wouldn’t be.” I replied, looking towards the sky. “I would love to explore time sometime, though I doubt I ever will.”

"Unless you get cells/ trunks time machine I doubt it." Dillan said as he realizes something. "Paradox, the reason we can sense you… is it because you’re like us?"

“Not exactly.” Paradox chuckled, “Although you’re not exactly wrong either. Anyone sufficiently experienced in some form of energy could detect time travel.. Though they might not know what it is.” He pointed at Dillan, “With a device like yours, you’ve become familiar with many types of energy, making it easier to sense such things. As for whether I’m like you two..” He glances at a pocketwatch, “I’m afraid that’s a story for another time. We’ve places to be and times to see, after all.”

Dillan nods, looking at me. "Make your token and I'll take it into the void with me."

I picked up the One-Star Dragonball, though currently it looked like a simple stone orb. “I am Cooler, one of universe seven’s strongest, I will help you if you don’t cross me.” I then proceeds to drop the stone on a whim, allowing it to fall through a black portal before popping out of another, copies scattering to the multiverse.

A portal appears in front of Dillan, depositing a look-alike of the active version of the blue one-star dragonball in front of him.

Dillan smiles, wrapping a chain around it and makes it a necklace. "Cool I got bling now." He jokes

I nod, “I’ve definitely seen worse.” I reply with a small smirk.

“Yes, a good fit I think.” Professor Paradox pipes up, “Now, if you would, we don’t want to be late.”

"Right." Dillan said raising his hand toward me to shake. "Nice to meet you."

I reciprocate, giving Dillan a firm handshake. “And it was nice to meet you as well. Best of luck to you.” I said, before leaning closer, “And if you happen to come across someone named John or Tony, let them know I’m okay, please.” I asked, before letting go and stepping away.

Dillan nods. "I'll be sure to share." He said juggling the dragon Ball token.

I nod in return, “Thank you.”

“Lovely, absolutely lovely.” Paradox claps once, “I can’t spoil the surprise though.” He steps closer to Dillan and places a hand on his shoulder, the other pulling out his pocket watch. “So on we go then.” The professor finishes, clicking the button atop his watch.

"Oh and if I do see… them, I'll bring their tokens back." Dillan said, before he disappeared with Paradox.

"I don't like him." Raditz mumbled eating a banana.

I raised a brow, looking over at Raditz. “I thought you didn’t like bananas?”

Raditz blinks, looking away. "I didn't feel like peeling an orange and I despise apples far more than bananas."

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with shadowshild612's story The ultimate surprise. We had a lot of fun writing this together, and laughing over the references and (of course) tormenting Raditz.

Also, it only just occurred to me while writing this the kind of missed opportunity I had with the dragon. I really should have had Raditz ask the dragon for the 'dragon balls' instead of a wish and then proceeding to write the confused dragons verbal retort. So, if enough people want me to, I can go back and change that or write an optional chapter as an 'alternate ending' to that chapter, detailing the situation had that odd conversation occurred instead.

There will likely soon be updates out on at least one of my other stories, as I try to finish writing some stuff before my college classes start next week. Depending on the workload, I'll try to work on writing while doing college stuffs. I really enjoy writing chapters for the stories I've made on this site, but real life troubles love to get in the way.

Comments ( 7 )

I'm surprised at how many likes there are already XD

The blue Dragon Balls. I have those. They're cool.

Should've asked for a Regenerating/Limitless supply bag.

Growing them works just as well.

heh... he could make a fortune giving those beans to the guard. truly life threatening injuries healed in an instant.

i think cooler is laugh his tail off the one in his mind

Yes! Write an alternate ending to this chapter!

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