• Published 5th Nov 2015
  • 4,414 Views, 61 Comments

Feeling Cooler - Storm Shine

Dante attended a con with his two pals John and Tony. Everything was going pretty well... Until they met the merchant. Now he's Cooler.

  • ...

What did I do to deserve this?

Why... Why... What did I do to deserve this? I thought I was a pretty decent guy, I never committed any crimes or hurt anybody!

"It's just not possible! You don't have any wings or external indicators that flight would be possible for your species, and I've never heard of a species that could fly without some sort of wings to assist the magic in..." The crazy purple pony rambled on like she had been for the last ten minutes. Does she never stop?!

I already explained that I could use my energy to fly - All of the rest of the ponies accepted that! So... Why. Won't. She. STOP~!?! "Twilight." I said, miraculously not letting my frustration leak into my voice. "It can't be impossible, because I just did it."

I let that hang in the air for a moment, along with Twilight's jaw, as her friends snickered. "Just because something's unheard of or never been seen before doesn't make it impossible. Please just drop it for now?"

"Seriously Twilight, yer worrying at that idea worse than Winona with a squeaky toy" Applejack added, some of the other girls nodding along.

"Don't worry Twilight, you'll have plenty of time to figure out how it works!" Pinkie chirped happily, zipping over to her purple pal with a grin, "Cooler is our friend now, so we'll see him all the time!"

"But I have to know!" Twilight argued, "For SCIENCE!"

I sighed heavily, "Look Twilight.. I've got a proposal for you."

The ponies all gasped in surprise, "A proposal!?" Swooned Rarity, "But you've only just met!" She then proceeded to dramatically faint onto a couch she pulled from.. Where the hell did that come from!?

"Where the heck did you get that couch!?" I yelled, ignoring the blushing purple pony

"Oh that's hardly important right now Darling." Rarity replied, acting as if she hadn't just 'fainted'. "What's really important is what colors you want for the wedding!"

"I... What?!" I stared at her like she was crazy, "Wedding? What the hell are you talking about!?"

"Y-you mean you didn't just offer Twilight a marriage proposal?"

"W-WHAT?!" I exclaimed in disbelief, "I- Wha- NO! I HARDLY KNOW HER!"

"Well you can understand why we were surprised then." Applejack piped up, "Bit early for y'all to be gettin' hitched an' all."

"THAT'S-I-..." I took a few deep breaths, putting my palm up to my face. "You ponies are going to be the death of me..."

"WHAT~!" Pinkie gasped, appearing by my side in a flash of pink, "We would never hurt our friend!"

"That's not what I... Forget it.." I sighed, "Look, I didn't mean a marriage proposal. I meant-"

"What, so Twilight's not good enough for you?" Rainbow Dash asked, poking me in the chest with a hoof and pointing over to Twilight, who looked away in embarrassment. "You can't just mess with a mare's feelings like that, it's not cool at all!"

"What, no!" I defended, shocked. "It's not like that, I never meant it as a marriage proposal is all! I'm sure that she will make some guy very happy some day, but that's not what this is about!" I desperately wished that I still had hair, just so that I could PULL IT OUT!

Rainbow puffed up, getting ready to come in for a round 2, "Oh yeah, we-"

"Okay, look." I said forcefully, raising a hand to forestall any further outbursts "It's nothing against Twilight - I never meant it as a marriage proposal." I clarified, "I meant proposal as in I want to make a deal."

"A deal?" The ponies parroted skeptically.

"Yes, a deal." This should have been so simple! How did it turn into all of that? This is the kind of craziness John usually ends up causing! Why me!? "I'll answer Twilight's questions as best as I can, if she helps me figure out a way to find my friends."

"There's, uh... More like you?" Applejack asked me skeptically, "No offense, but ah don't know how ah'd feel about having more of ya around."

'Of course there's more like me - I wasn't born from nothing!' I wanted to snap at her, but I just sighed again. Not like I was born like this anyways. "No, My friends and I were tricked by a very... Well, I wouldn't say evil but.." I thought about it, "Mischievous merchant, he sold us some items that separated us and now I don't know where my friends are or how to find them again.

"Deal!" Twilight exclaimed immediately.

"What!? We don't even know if he's telling the truth!" Rainbow argued, "What if he's just a spy sent in advance and he's really just trying to help you bring an invasion here!?"

"Now that's just silly Dashie." the pink party pony denied. "He asked for help finding them, not bringing them here! Besides, Cooler's been really really nice and we can't just leave his poor friends lost!"

"Yeah, I guess so..." Dash mumbled, rolling her eyes. "But can we even find them?"

Twilight nodded, "Of course! With magic it shouldn't be too hard to locate a few, uh.. Beings? And besides, think of all the knowledge!"

"And the parties!" Pinkie added, blasting her party cannon.


Something large suddenly impacted the ground nearby as the party cannon went off, causing dust to fly up and sending the ponies around me flying back from the shockwave. "WHOAA~!!" The ponies exclaimed as they were sent flying. "What the hay was that!?" Rainbow exclaimed, picking herself up and shaking off the dust.

"I don't know.." Twilight answered, "But whatever it was, it must be big!"

"Oh no..." I groaned, seeing three familiar looking orbs sporting what seemed like purple jewels. "Please tell me those aren't what I think they are.." My tail began to whip around in agitation just thinking about it.

"A-ha!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "I told you it was an invasion!"

"We don't know that Rainbow, maybe they're just really odd... Meteorites?" Twilight speculated.

"No.." I answered, somewhat nervously. "Those are Saiyan attack pods."

"Attack pods?" Rainbow questioned, "As in an invasion, hah!"

"Uh, Dash." Applejack interjected, "Ah don't think these 'Say-uns' are friends of his. Cooler looks mighty nervous-like."

Any more conversation was interrupted as the front of the pods suddenly burst open to reveal....

Author's Note:

Hey everypony, sorry about the long wait! Really should have had this out sooner but, well... Real Life and all that, just loves to get in the way.. On the bright side, I've already got an idea in the works for the next chapter.

In the meantime I hope everypony enjoys the chapter :pinkiesmile: