• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 19,153 Views, 716 Comments

Equestria's Garden - PinkiePieFox

What happens in Equestria when I buy a new Birdbath for my flower garden?

  • ...

Chapter 8 - (Unedited)

Author's Note:

:pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp:I got in the mood for another chapter, Not sure when more will come but we'll see if people like this one first... I hope you all do! Please leave a comment below, and remember the chapter has not been edited, So spelling errors and grammer has been thrown out the window LOL! :pinkiehappy:

The lone human rushed through the streets of ponyville, a few mares watching him as he passed by at a steady clip, what looking to be a small stuffed animal perched upon his head. He bounded up a set of steps and up to the door and slamming his fist against it repeatedly…

“Twilight!!! HELP!!!” He yells at the door. Several ponies standing across the street look up watching the strange human. When he stops beating on the door a small giggle can be heard as a small filly pokes her head up looking around at the mares at the other side of the street, The filly waves at the mares while perched atop the human's head causing the mares to titter.

One of the mares, a yellow one with a fiery mane smiled at the antics.

Just them the door before Shepherd opened revealing a small purple dragon still rubbing his eyes from it being so early in the morning at noon. “Shepherd you woke me up, also, you know you have a filly on your head right?”

“One spike, it's noon, and two yes, yes I do, she's my…” He sighs. “Hair raiser.” At this, the little filly takes up hoof fulls of Shepherds hair and begins to move the clumps around all the while making spooky ghost noises. This, in turn, caused the three mares across the street to chuckle behind their hooves, one of them only smiling softly at the antics.

Shepherd pinches the brim of his nose as this all happens, Spike laughing all the while. “Spike, if you could get Twilight I need to have some Tests.” And that's as far as he had gotten with his words as the purple pony princess appeared in a flash squealing in glee and dragging shepherd and the filly through the door with her magenta magic. And leaving three mares across the street in a fit of giggles.

As far as Shepherd could tell, he was just standing at the front door but now, he was strapped down to a chair with a large strainer attached to his head, sans filly of course. Said filly was now firmly attached to his shoulder. For unknown reasons , she refused to be separated from him.

Shepherd groans as Twilight flitters around the room, which could very well be her basement or Frankenstein's Laboratory, Shepherd couldn't tell at the moment. “Twilight…” He monotoned the best he could, which at the moment was not a difficult thing. But Twilight was quick if not precise taking readings and measurements all the while zipping up and around and back and forth. The filly moving her head back and forth and up and down and around following twilight with her every movement. “Twilight?” Shepherd said once again.

But Twilight was already off looking over a long paper that was coming out of the machine now with a wide smile on her face. Shepherd sighed, he’s been doing a lot of that today.

A giggle came from the small filly, as she watches Twilight prance on the spot while reading the new data she was getting. “Sh’es funny Addy.”

“Her name is Twilight,” Shepherd says.

“Twiwite?” The filly speaks aloud, and a Daww was heard from across the room both filly and human look over at Twilight who was now standing in front of them with her hoof placed on her chest and a look of strange longing. You know the one.

“And what's your name little one?” Twilight coos at the filly. Which causes the filly to latch onto Shepherds arm a little tighter while staring at Twilight.

“Twilight please, I need to ge-” But shepherd was cut off again this time by the filly.

“I’m S-shade.” The filly squeaked out which only caused Twilight to coo, and Shepherd groan.

“Twilight!” Shepherd said a little more forcefully to grab the mare's attention. “Focus Twilight, I need you to run some tests.”

Twilight rolls her eyes and smiles. “Your tests are done, Shepherd.” She says while she unbuckles the human from the chair. “Fascinating results but nothing abnormal.?

“That's not the tests I wanted you to run.” Shepherd deadpanned once more.

“I run every test Shephe-” but this time Shepherd cut her off by grabbing the filly and placing her nose to nose with Twilight which caused Twilight to pull back slightly.

“I need you to find out if this filly is related.” Shepherd paused before continuing after a moment to make sure Twilight understands perfectly. “To me specifically.” he ended.

Twilight looks around the filly at Shepherd with a perplexed look before stating. “She's a pony Shepherd, ponies and humans can’t…. Intermingle. Like that.” Twilight says taking into account the filly still hanging in Shepherd’s hands between them.

Shepherd stares into Twilight’s eyes before shifting his hands getting the filly to set in the palm of his hand and with a single finger gently moving it towards the little fillies forehead causing her eyes to cross as he booped her on the nose which caused her to sneeze. This caused several reactions at once. One the filly within Shepherds palm sneezed, which in turn caused a lot of green flames to shoot up from his palm shooting around the filly changing her back into a Changeling. Two Twilight pulled back away from them both in shock while Spike who was sitting across the room reading a comic but also watching the others from spoke up.

“Cool!” The drake said.

The filly on the other hand, gasped while buzzing her wings and cheering. “YAY! W’m Wormwel agwen!” And then she was off bouncing around the laboratory like the spawn of discord.
Twilight looked on, her jaw dropped as she watched the black and purple ball of energy bound around her lab. There was a breaking sound in the distance and everything stopped, aside from a few pieces of parchment still floating down to the ground though the air around them. “Oops, I arry.”

That was three hours ago now… After that Shepherd managed to get Shade to calm down enough to allow him to leave the room without her, she was a very clingy filly. All the same, he now sits with Spike at the kitchen table, Spike was eating gem encrusted waffles, and Shepherd was drinking his third cup of Coffee. He had a feeling he was going to need the energy if he was going to make it through today.

The door to the kitchen opened and in walked Twilight with Shade perched upon her head. Shepherd smiled at them not finding it slightly amusing. “Now she's your hair raiser.” He said while smiling as Shade took Twilight's mane in her hooves and started making ghost sounds while lifting it up, Spike burst out laughing falling into the floor and coughing on his waffles before clearing his mouth and continued laughing.

Twilight huffed but smiled lifting the filly in her magic which caused the filly to release her mane, and hovered her back over to Shepherd, which he took the filly in his hands causing Shade to giggle as his fingers tickled her. “Well, I have the results.”

This caused Shepherd to look at Twilight while holding the filly in his arm like one would hold a newborn baby. “And?”

“Well, aside from learning a lot about Changelings in the process of the testing, I took her readings and matched them up the the readings I took from you. She is one hundred percent changeling.” This caused Shepherd to let out a sigh of relief Chrysalis was just messing with him. “But she is still your daughter.” Say what now?

“But you just said.” Shepherd was cut off once more.

“I know what I said, and I stand by that. But she is also your daughter. Her magical signature is very similar to yours on a very deep and fundamental level, with a few variations that I suspect are from her mother.”

“Wait? I have a magical signature?” Shepherd asked but pulls back. “Nevermind, not important. So, because of this, she's not genetically mine but her magic is so close to mine that she is my….. Daughter?” Shepherd paused at this pulling his daughter closer to himself while also looking off across the room, his eyes slightly glassy.

Twilight nods at him. “That is correct!” She claps her hooves together. “I’d love to know more about how this all happened in fact, it's an amazing discovery.”

“Um, Twilight?” Said Spike causing Twilight to look into his direction.

“Yes, Spike?”

“I think you broke Shepherd.” He said pointing at Shepherd who had a little filly hanging from his shirt and waving a forehoof in front of his face but no reaction was forthcoming.