• Published 21st Jan 2017
  • 8,660 Views, 175 Comments

The Human Lifestyle... with Magic - Autum Breeze

Something goes wrong with the portal between Equestria and the human world, leaving Twilight trapped for a few months. That wouldn't be so bad... if she wasn't also a child

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


“Okay, so, let me see if I’ve got this straight. That little girl who looks just like my sister is my sister, but from a parallel world where ponies are the common and not humans and magic is normal there and there’s a double of everyone from our world in that world, but she normally isn’t this small, she’s also a princess in her world, magic isn’t meant to work here like it does there but she can still use her magic like there for some reason, she can’t return to her world because the portal randomly closed and she zapped the version of this girl from her world who had switched places with the version from our world despite travel between our worlds currently being impossible.”

Shining Armour looked around at the girls gathered in the living room of his parents’ home.

“About sums it up, yeah,” Sunset said as she leaned against the wall, her arms folded.

Shining looked to her. “And you’re a pony too, but you chose to live in our world.”

Sunset looked away briefly. “Not at first, but, yeah. I made this world my home.”

“So, why is the portal still closed?” Dash asked as she walked in and sat down on the couch next to Applejack, folding her arms. “Fluttershy and I just got back to check if their world’s Pinkie opened the portal after returning, but it’s still closed.”

“She’s likely asleep!”

All heads turned at the pink haired girl’s chirpy tone.

“And just why would Pony Pinkie be sleepin’ when her friend needs her help?” Applejack asked, before frowning at the alliteration pun she unintentionally made.

Pinkie shrugged. “I was gonna prank their Rainbow with a sleeping potion, remember? But when I got the shudders, I dropped the potion, but was zapped back here before it shattered. Soon as she arrived, she likely inhaled the smoke caused by the potion mixing with the dirt and puff clouds created.”

Rarity sighed. “Figures. How long will she sleep?”

“A few drops last a day, so… maybe two weeks?” Pinkie shrugged.

“Two weeks?!” everyone yelled, before groaning and slumped back.

“And, it being Pinkie, no one is going to question her sleeping so long,” Rainbow said, a hand over her face.

“Well, our royal guest is tucked in bed,” Velvet said, coming into the room, followed by Fluttershy. She looked to her daughter, who was sitting with her hands in her lap. “Twilight, I hope you don’t mind I put her in your bed? She shouldn’t be asleep for long.”

Twilight looked up, before seeming to think and nodded absentmindedly. “It’s okay. I don’t really have a leg to stand on in saying no.”

That caused everyone to look at her in confused concern.

“Twilight, why would you say that?” Fluttershy looked at her with sad eyes.

Adjusting her glasses, she looked away. “she’s a princess, not to mention saved both her world and ours several times… while I nearly destroyed ours.”

Shining looked away, guilt written on his face for having brought that up at the mall.

Sunset pushed off the wall and walked over to her, putting a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “You can’t judge yourself by comparing yourself to that Twilight, Twilight. She grew up in a very different world and scenario to you. You both had very different life experiences. No one would compare you because of that.”

There was silence for a few moments, no one really sure how to respond to after that.

Finally, it was Shining Armour who broke the silence.

“Twily, I’m going to be doing my best to make sure Cinch faces punishment for what she put you through.” She looked up to him and saw the determination on his face, before I wavered into hurt. “When I overheard her threatening you place at Everton unless you took part in the games, I couldn’t believe I pushed you into that.” His expression hardened again. “She won’t get away with this, Twily, I promise. I may not be able to get her punished for any of the magical incidents, but blackmailing my little sister is not something I’m going to take lying down.”

There was a pause, before Twilight gave a small smile. “Thank you, Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

“Oh, so that’s what that means,” everyone looked to Rainbow Dash, who was looking up at the ceiling her arms folded. “I thought when Princess Twilight called him that it was some kind of pony insult.”

“Well, considering her anger at the time she said it, I think it was meant to be taken as an insult,” Sunset said, looking to Shining Armour, who looked down in shame. “Her brother is really important to her, so learning another version of him did something so mean, if unintentional, to another version of herself, it likely really hurt.”

Shining blinked, before looking up, frowning in confusion. “That reminds me, something she said sounded familiar, but weird. Did Mom and Dad tell her about how my ex pretended to be Cadance at our wedding?”

Everyone blinked, before Sunset frowned, scratching her chin in thought, before dawning seemed to come over her face.

“Oh, the Changeling Queen thing? Yeah, in her world, a shape-shifting creature took Cadance place at their wedding and it was only Twilight who knew. Nopony else could tell because they were too preoccupied with the wedding to notice the odd behaviour Cadance had started having. Nopony believed her and it nearly led to disaster. It’s a pretty sore subject, I think.”

Shining blinked, before looking uneasy and scratching behind his head. “Sheesh. No wonder she got so angry at me. I mean, I could tell pretty quickly Chrysalis wasn’t Cadance at our wedding, but I guess if the version of her in that world is a shape-shifting creature, her disguise would be way harder to tell.”

“Well, Ah dunno about ya’ll, but this day’s left me plumb tuckered out,” Applejack sighed, taking off her hat and wiping her forehead with an arm. “Ah’d best get back t’ the farm.”

“Yeah. I’d better head off too,” Dash said, looking contemplative. “Anyone got any plans for tomorrow?”

Rarity paused, before looking around at everyone. “Should we discuss how we plan on raising the money to go to Camp Everfree next week?”

“That sounds like a plan,” Sunset nodded in agreement. “Meet up by the statue?”

There were murmurs of agreement and the girls all headed out, saying goodbye to Twilight and her folks.

Shining also said his goodbyes, asking that they tell the younger Twilight when she wakes up that he was sorry for what happened at the mall.

Since it was still a little over an hour until dinner, Twilight decided she’d go back to her room and do some studies. It was only as she entered with Spike at her heels that she remembered her mother had put her younger doppelganger to bed in said room.

The little version of herself was snoozing peacefully in the bed, a blanket over her.

Twilight walked over to the bed and kneeled down, resting her head on her arms as she looked at the sleeping child.

Looking at her, you wouldn’t think this child was the one who apparently stopped so many super natural evils back in her own world, let alone the two times she’d saved this one.

“It’s not even her world, and yet she still saved it,” Twilight walked the face of her younger self, before a small smile slowly formed on her own. “I wonder if I really was this cute when I slept at her age.”

“It is a pretty interesting experience, when you think about it,” Spike said, hopping up on the bedside table and onto the bed, making sure not to disturb the sleeping princess. “How many people get to say they can see what it was like to see themselves sleeping as a kid like their parents.”

Twilight lifted her head, looking to the dog, before chuckling softly. “Yeah. I guess it is a pretty unique opportunity.” Then her face fell. “She’s a better person that I can hope to be.”

“Twilight, what are you talking about?” Spike looked at his owner in confused worry.

She got up and moved over to her desk, turning on her computer monitor, making sure the brightness was low. “Let’s face it, Spike. No matter what the others say, she’s the princess who always did the right thing, while I’m the blind little girl who messed with things she thought she understood, but was too confident to realize she was clueless.”

There was silence for several moments, Spike not knowing what to say and Twilight not wanting to say anything.

“I was clueless too.”

Twilight looked up from her monitor, confused, before she turned to the bed to see her younger self sitting up, rubbing at one of her eyes with a closed fist.

“Huh?” she asked.

The younger Twilight yawned, before sitting up a little straighter and looked to her glasses wearing counterpart. “When I firsht went to Ponyville, I was so clueless about how to stop Nightmare Moon I…” she gave another yawn, before shaking her head and slapping herself on the cheeks, then looked at the other. “When I first realized Nightmare Moon was coming back, I thought I could handle it all on my own. I’d read about the Elements of Harmony and thought I knew what I needed to in order to use them. But, every time I tried to do things on my own, they went badly. Worse, for a brief period, it looked like Nightmare Moon had won, destroying the Elements and that it would be Night Eternal.”

“Nightmare Moon?” Spike asked, cocking an eyebrow. “I think Sunset mentioned her at some point. She trapped your princess in the sun and nearly made it nighttime forever?” He frowned. “I’d hate that. The cats would get all smug, thinking they owned the world since they think they own the night.”

Looks from the two Twilights made him grin sheepishly and cough.

“It was only after I let the others start helping me, letting me see things in a different light than just my own, that I understood the real power of the Elements,” the child pushed the blankets off and sat more forward on the bed. “After that, I realized I’d been mistaken for so long. Friendship was important and so I stayed in Ponyville so I could learn as much about it as I could.”

“What are you trying to get at, exactly?” Twilight asked, not sure where this was going.

The younger girl gave a sad smile and shook her head, before getting down from the bed, walking over and put a hand on her other self’s. “Don’t change yourself by me. You’re you, Twilight. We may be a lot alike, but you’re still you. You’re not a copy of me. You have the right to be your own po— erm, person and grow as your own person.” She blushed, grinning sheepishly as she rubbed her arm. “Sorry. So used to how we speak in my own world, you know?”

Twilight looked at her, before giving a light giggle and nodding. “I guess I can understand.” Then then gave a small smile. “Thank you, princess.”

At once, the pony human pouted, puffing out her cheeks. “You don’t have to call me princess, you know. Your parents decided on Twily, to make it easy.”

Twilight gave a wry smirk. “True, but I’m not wrong either, am I?”

Spike chuckled, causing the younger of the two girls to fold her arms and tap her food.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle. If she was really that cute when she pouted as a kid, she now could understand why her parents were so endeared by it.

Dinner was a peaceful event. A simple Spaghetti Bolognese with feta cheese.

Now that she wasn’t so distracted by it, Twilight was fascinated as she watched their princess guest using her magic to eat.

As they ate, there were a few times she caught her not even using her magic on her cutlery, instead just lifted and twirling the food with her magic and then lifting it into her mouth.

Velvet lightly scolded her for eating as such, seeing it as the equivalent of children just eating with their hands, which, when she thought about it, Twilight guessed her mother was right.

After dinner, both Twilights went to her room, where the younger surprised her by helping with the homework. Granted, Twilight didn’t need much help, but it was a nice gesture and was honestly quite amusing, having someone as apparently young as the princess looked being able to help with such advanced mathematics and geometry.

As it got late, Velvet asked if Twilight would mind letting their little guest stay in her room. She didn’t really see a reason why not.

So, Velvet got a foldup bed and set it out on the floor next to her daughter’s bed. Velvet wished the two goodnight, turning out the light.

The younger of the two pouted, folding her arms. “We’re not little kids. We can turn the light out ourselves.” A chuckle caused her to look up, where Spike and Twilight were looking down at her with coy smiles. “Fine, phsycially, I’m a little kid, but you’re not.”

Twilight shrugged. “I’ll let it slide this night. If she does it again tomorrow, though, then I’ll call her out on it.”

The two nodded, before settling down for the night.

“Goodnight, Twilight,” the now glassesless girl said, giving a light chuckle.

“Goodnight, Twilight,” the little girl giggled, seeing the humour.

“Goodnight, Twilights,” Spike said, hopping down from the bed and snuggling down at the foot of the younger of the two’s foldup bed.

There was a trio of giggles, before a call from downstairs hushed them.

“Twilight, Twilight, both of you go to sleep!”

“Sorry, Mom!” they said in unison, before blinking, looking to each other in the dark, then doing their best to stifle their giggles as they settled down, before long drifting off to sleep.

Author's Note:

I dunno. do you think i had the Twilight reconciling with Twilight scene come too soon. I mainly needed to do it sooner so Sci-Twi being so at ease during the events of Dance Magic (which was originally meant to be set before Legend of Everfree), so needed that confidence booster.

as for Twilight herself during those events, she'll be staying with Sci-Twi's parents throughout the week and we'll get to see Twilight interacting with the students from CHS who didn't choose to go, or simply couldn't save up enough to go to Everfree.

anyway, dunno if i'll work on the next chapter to this first thing next week, or the next two chapters to Twilight's Twinlight. i'm still debating on that.

regardless, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, later everybody