• Published 21st Jan 2017
  • 8,660 Views, 175 Comments

The Human Lifestyle... with Magic - Autum Breeze

Something goes wrong with the portal between Equestria and the human world, leaving Twilight trapped for a few months. That wouldn't be so bad... if she wasn't also a child

  • ...

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Twilight snuggled closer to the warm body next to her, feeling content.

She felt so dazed and fuzzy in her mind. Something was nagging at her as her consciousness slowly started rousing, but it was taking its time.

She didn’t mind though. This warm feeling was so comforting. She hadn’t felt like this since she was a foal and would snuggle into her parents’ bed after a nightmare.

A loud grumble from her right singled her father getting out of bed to make coffee before heading off for work.

“Remember t’ leave shum f’r me,” she said haphazardly, yawning, before returning to the warmth.

Her father gave a small chuckle and the sound of him walking off told her he was gone.

After a few more minutes, she felt the warmth stirring and tried to dig herself deeper into it.

“Don’ wanna ge’ up,” she grumbled, yawning again.

The sound of her mother chuckling made her pout, puffing out her cheeks as the warmth shifted, forcing her to have to sit up… though something was off about how she was sitting that her still sleep-trodden brain wasn’t properly registering.

Twilight rubbed her eyes with a hoof, though it felt odd. There were lines in her hoof she didn’t remember being there before. And why did it feel like she could uncurl her hoof? That didn’t sound natural at all.

The sound of her mother chuckling again caused the princess to open her eyes. She stared wearily at the blurry greyish-white blotch that was her mother… but something was off. Why did her mother seem so tall?

Wait. For that matter, why was her mother in her room to begin with, and sharing the bed? And why had her father been here too?

The young princess shook her head, trying to clear the fog that early waking was causing.

After a few moments, her vision fully settled and she saw… not her mother, but a tall being that looked remarkably like her mother if she was in—

Suddenly, it all came slamming back into focus as her mind cleared and Twilight looked around in a panic. The portal, her new age, seeing doubles of her parents.

“Where am I?!” she cried, backing away from the woman before her immediately. “What’s going on? Where’re Sunset and Pinkie? How’d I get here? Where is here— whap!”

She was cut off as she tumbled off the bed, toppling on the floor.

Heavy hurried hoofsteps came and she looked up to see the other person towering over her kneeling down.

The little girl tried to back away again, but was stopped by the wall behind her.

“Twilight. Twilight, calm down. It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay,” the tall being said in her mother’s voice, sounding calm and assuring. “Sunset brought you here last night, remember? We didn’t want to wake you up, so my husband and I let you sleep with us.” Then her concern turned into a warm smile. “You were so cute as you slept. Reminded me of when our Twilight was your age.”

Twilight paused, before frowning, slowly calming down as the gears in her brain started to whir.

“R-right. Right. Sunset, Spike and this world’s me were going to her house. We… stepped inside and… um…” she blinked, looking up at the woman who looked so much like her own mother. “I… don’t remember anything after that.”

Velvet nodded, sitting down cross legged across from the other. “Yes. I imagine sleeping throughout the night does make it hard to remember anything that happened while you were asleep.”

As if to remind Twilight she’d slept through the evening, her stomach chose that moment to give a loud rumble, causing the lavender girl’s face to charge to a dark shade of red.

Velvet chuckled. “How about we go downstairs and get some breakfast.”

Twilight nodded, her face still red as the two got up and headed downstairs, Velvet trying to hide the smile she was wearing as the younger girl held her hand, but refused to make eye contact.

When they walked into the kitchen, Night Light was flipping a flapjack at the stove. He glanced their way and smirked. “Morning, Princess.”

“Dad!” Twilight’s voice said without her opening her mouth. “I told you to stop… oh. Right.”

There was an uncertain chuckle as Twilight turned her head to see this world’s version of herself wearing a light-blue top and long blue pants with stars on them, it taking the little girl a few seconds to realize they were just pyjamas.

Looking down at herself, she saw she was wearing something similar, only a darker purple and with long sleeves.

Night Light smirked. “And who says I was speaking to the actual member of royalty in this house?”

This world’s Twilight frowned at him. “Wait. So you were talking to her or were you talking to me?”

Night Light winked. “You’ll never know.”

Both Twilights deadpanned. “Seriously, Dad?”

They blinked, looking to each other in surprise, before looking away, fiddling with their hair.

Velvet chuckled, walking over to the table and sitting down, beckoning her two daughters over.

They both did, before realizing they sat next to each other and looked away, uncertain how to react.

“Sleep well, your highness,” the little girl looked down to see Spike by her feet.

He moved into a bow, before glancing up at her, winking, with a smirk on his lips.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle, before frowning. “Don’t do that. Just because I’m a princess doesn’t mean I want my… oh,” her face fell a little. “Right. You’re not my Spike, are you?”

“Depends how you look at it,” the dog replied, scratching behind an ear before hoping up onto her lap.

“So, what exactly are we going to do with Twily?” Night Light asked bringing over several plates with a pile of three flapjacks on each.

Twilight licked her lips at the sight of the food, before she blinked, cocking an eyebrow at the human version of her father. “Huh?”

Velvet gave her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Twilight, but if we keep referring to both you and our daughter as Twilight, it could get very confusing, so Cadance suggested while you were asleep that we should call you Twily while you’re here. It would make things a little less confusing for all of us, don’t you agree?”

The little girl paused for a moment, before rubbing her chin in thought, a serious look on her face. “I… can see the reasoning. It would make more sense and I can’t really complain as your world’s me is from this world, so should have the right to her own name first. I’m just a visitor, after all.”

Snickering caused her to break from her pondering to look up and down to see the other three humans and dog were all trying to hold back laughter.

She pouted. “What?”

“S-sorry, Twily,” Velvet tried to get out. “But that serious face… it was too cute to actually take seriously.”

Princess Twilight looked between her to the blue man and her own older self, before her cheeks puffed out in anger and she folded her arms, which only caused the snickering to grow louder.

“Okay, okay,” Velvet said after a few minutes. “Let’s just have breakfast.”

“No arguments from me,” Night Light said, joining them at the table.

His daughter looked over the table, before adjusting her glasses and looking to him. “Dad, you forgot to bring over the maple syrup.”

“Oh,” he said, looking over his shoulder and frowning. “Must’ve left it atop the fridge.”

“I got it,” Princess Twilight said, looking to the top of the fridge, where a bottle of amber coloured liquid sat.

It glowed with a purple magical aura, before rising up and started moving towards the table.

As it reached just near enough for Night Light to almost reach it, if he weren’t staring in shocked amazement, Spike gave a loud sneeze, startling the girl whose lap he was sitting it, breaking her concentration.

The bottle started falling, the young girl crying out in alarm.

Before anyone could do anything, however, there was a flash of purple light and suddenly the younger of the lavender girls was holding the bottle and dropped, landing on her butt.

“Ow,” she grumbled, getting back up and turning… only to be met with looks of absolute shock. “What?”

What? You just teleported!” the teen cried, pointing at the young girl. “That… How did you do that?”

The little girl blinked, before cocking an eyebrow. “I… just did. Can’t you?”

The glasses wearing girl’s eye twitched. “No one can! It violates all known laws of space and time!”

The younger girl just frowned in confusion, folding her arms. “Not where I’m from.”

A loud sigh caused both girls to look to Velvet, who was wearing an understanding expression that also conveyed you listen. “Yes, Twily, dear, I’m sure back in your world that is indeed the case. But this isn’t your world. In this world, magic being real is a very new concept that my husband and I didn’t even know about until last night. Plus, your friend, Sunset, made it clear magic isn’t meant to work the same here as it does where you come from, so the fact you can do things like back there is in itself unusual.”

“Oh.” Princess Twilight blinked, before her expression sagged and she fiddled with the bottle in her hands. “Sorry. I guess I just…” She looked down dejectedly.

Velvet got up, went over and hugged the young child. “I know. It would be wrong to expect you to adapt so suddenly to something so unexpected. Let’s just try to take this one step at a time, alright?”

Princess Twilight nodded into the older woman’s shoulder, before letting herself be led by hand back to the table.


“Sounds like breakfast was pretty interesting,” Sunset commented as she and the girls walked towards the portal.

Spike hadn’t answered the journal yet on the other side, but there was still a chance he might soon, so they were going to wait by the portal just in case.

“She was levitating almost everything,” Twilight said, adjusting her glasses. “She didn’t even use her hands to eat anything. She just kept them curled up.” The lavender teen was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and a purple skirt and sneakers as apposed to her previous day's attire.

“Makes sense,” the other girl replied. “Unicorns, and by extension, Alicorns don’t really need to use their forelegs when eating. They just hold everything with the magic from their horns, so with magic somehow being available to her right now, it makes sense Twilight wouldn’t use her hands.”

“Must’ve been quite the show,” Dash smirked, her arms behind her head. “I mean, you could earn some money busking if you wanted with that kind of skill.”

“I hardly see a princess stooping to such a level, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity chided. She then looked to Twilight. “Why the change in outfit? I thought the new one was quite fetching.”

Twilight shrugged. “Can’t a girl change her look every once in a while.”

Rarity thought for a moment, before nodding. “True, true. I can’t argue with that.”

“So, what’s going on with our little princess?” Dash looked to the bookworm. “Where is she?”

Twilight sighed, folding her arms with a disapproving look. “My parents are taking her to the park.”

“What’s wrong with the park?” Fluttershy asked, looking confused. “It’s so nice and quiet and all the cute little animals. Plus, there’ll be lots of other kids for her to…”

She trailed off and they all looked to each other, before facepalming.

“Yeah,” Twilight sighed, rubbing her temples. “True, I slipped once or twice and had to remind mnyself she’s not really a child, but it seems my parents don’t find it as easy to keep that in mind.”

“With the fact you both look so much alike, maybe they’re just trying to enjoy having a little girl again,” Fluttershy suggested.

“Which I do not approve off at all!” Twilight said firmly, stomping a foot. “She’s not a child, Sunset explained that clearly. Not to mention if she’s a princess, that means my parents are treating royalty like a baby. I just… Argh!”

“I get the bad feeling this is going to blow up in their faces,” Spike shrugged. “Past experience helps the observers see it coming, but clearly they haven’t learned their lesson yet.”


Princess Twilight pouted, her arms folded as the parents of her double ushered her towards a playground where several other kids around her physical age were playing, jumping on monkey bars, going down the slide or swinging on the swing set.

“I wanted to go to the library!” she said, glaring at the two adults.

“And we promise we’ll take you,” Night Light said, smiling warmly. “But first, why not spend some time with some other kids?”

She grumbled, but saw there was no negotiating this, so walked over to the playground.

As she neared, she noticed a few familiar looking faces. She recognized them from the CMC’s school. Odd. Their ages were clearly much younger in this world than the CMC were.

She looked back at the two adults, who smiled and waved.

She deadpanned.

“You disgusting rat!”

Princess Twilight’s head whipped around to see a much older woman standing on the path the passed the playground. Sitting at her fit was a little boy with orange skin, darker orange hair, yellow eyes and wearing an orange shirt with the image of a burger on it.

The woman was tall, fairly into her years, with pale cyan skin, dark-purple with two lighter hues of purple throughout and pink eyes. She was wearing a blue suit and carrying a briefcase, the former of which the Princess Twilight noticed a stain of pink and white ice cream, matching the kind from the little boy’s squashed cone he was holding in his right hand.

“I-I-I’m sorry, miss,” the boy stammered, looking up at the woman in fear.

“You should be,” she shot back, her eyes narrowing. “Do you know how much this suit and its dry cleaning costs? More than your parents likely make in a year from how you’re dressed.”

Princess Twilight’s eyes narrowed. That was no way for an adult to speak to a child.

“You should know there are those who will make something of themselves in life and those who will be nothing to wastes of space for the community,” the woman continued, looking down coldly at the boy. “You are of the latter camp, not the former.”

“Hey! Leave him alone!”

The lady looked away from the boy as Princess Twilight charged at her, glowing with purple magic as her hair grew longer into a ponytail and her wings appeared.

Princess Twilight flew through the air and landed between the boy and woman, glaring. “Adults shouldn’t speak to foals like that! Apologize now!”

The woman looked at her in confusion for several moments, before her eyes narrowed with what the young girl realized was contempt.

You!” Before she knew what was happening, the woman had lend down and grabbed her by the front of her shirt and lifted her to eyelevel. “As if ruining my reputation wasn’t bad enough, now I learn you’ve found a way to manipulate Canterlot High’s magic to make yourself younger?! How dare you, you ungrateful, insignificant worm!”


The sound of running footsteps caused the woman to look up as Night Light and Velvet hurried over, before they stopped in their tracks at the sight of the woman, before glaring.

“Put that girl down right this moment, Abacus Cinch!” Night Light growled.

The Cinch woman just glared back. “So you both are fine with your daughter going against nature and using Canterlot High’s illegal magic to regress her age?”

“They said, let go!” the held girl yelled, her hands glowing with her magic, before it blasted forth, sending Cinch tumbling back several feet.

The two adults looked to the little girl, who was blinking in confusion as she hovered in the air, then looked down at her own hands in shock.

“So, it’s assault now.” The quartet looked to the older woman as she got up and dusted herself off. “I’m reporting this to the authorities!”

“Fine!” Velvet growled, her face pulled back into a snarl. “And we’ll tell them how you assault our daughter first! I’m sure they’ll ignore threatening a mere six year old with the other child abuse you’re already under investigation for!”

The two women glared at each other for several moments, before Cinch huffed and walked off.

Night Light and Velvet hurried over and held Princess Twilight, asking if she was alright.

“I’m fine. I’m fine,” she insisted, pulling out of their grip, before giving Velvet an odd look. “Why did you call me your daughter?”

Velvet paused, before looking to her husband and blushed. “Well, while we’ve avoided it, technically, you are as much my daughter as own Twilight.”

“I… guess I see your logic,” the little girl hovered in place, her arms folded in thought.

“Let’s just go to the library, like we agreed to,” Night Light said. “I think we’ve had enough excitement for now, yes?”

Princess Twilight nodded, before she felt a tug on her right leg.

Looking down, she saw the boy she’d defend from Cinch.

“Uh, thanks,” he said as she floated down til they were more eyelevel. He pointed to her wings. “How’d you do that?”

Twilight looked over her shoulder and cocked an eyebrow. “I dunno know. Normally that only happens here when I sing with my friends.”

“Well, thank you, for saving me,” he said, holding out a hand. “Gallop J. Fry. But, everybody just calls me Fry.”

“Twilight,” the girl replied, shaking his hand. “Twilight Sparkle.”

Fry looked at her in confusion. “But, I thought Twilight Sparkle was in big kid school.”

“I am. Well, I was. I…” she frowned, a puzzled expression coming over her face, before she shook her head. “It’s a long story.”

“Twily, come on. The library won’t be open forever,” Velvet called.

“Coming,” Princess Twilight replied, before waving to Fry and flying off to catch up.

“See you later!” Fry called.

“Maybe!” she replied, before turning and hovering alongside the adults.

“Twily,” Velvet said as they walked down the path, “I know you normally can fly, but can you put your wings away for now? Others might start staring.”

Princess Twilight blinked, before smiling sheepishly and landed, glowing with her magical aura, her hair returning to its previous state and her wings vanishing.

The drive to the library was quiet. Upon arriving, Velvet opened the boot of the car, revealing a red wagon.

Night Light took it out and put it on the ground. Princess Twilight grabbed the handle and hurried inside, the two adults following.

After several hours, they called to Princess Twilight that it was time to leave.

She nodded, before grabbing a large number of books and piling them all in the wagon, before heading for the front desk.

The librarian behind the desk had short blonde hair, was wearing a cream suit and was wearing black glasses over her blue eyes.

She looked up at the sound of the little girl ringing the bell on the desk. She smiled. “Can I help you, sweetie?”

Princess Twilight nodded, producing the card Velvet had given her when they entered. “I wanna borrow all these books.”

The librarian looks to the large number of books, expecting to see kids’ books, but she paused when she noticed most of them were either about history, advanced mathematics or advanced physics.

“Are you… sure you want these books, little one?” she asked slowly.

Princess Twilight nodded. “I wanted a bit of light reading with some easy subjects to tide me over.”

The librarian just blinked. “Light reading? Easy subjects?”

“Twily?” Night Light called. “We’re leaving.”

Please!” she begged, giving her best puppy dog eyes.

“I… well… okay,” the librarian said uncertainly, taking the card and adding each book it. “Are you sure you want all of them, though?”

The little girl nodded, before looking a little unhappy. “I would take more, but the library card only has too small a limit.”

The librarian just nodded slowly, finishing up the transaction and handed the card back to her.

Princess Twilight nodded, saying thanks and hurried after her carers.

“I… think I need a break,” the librarian said, turning and walking into the back room.

Author's Note:

Hmm. i dunno. maybe this wasn't as great as i wanted. i dunno.

anyway, here's the first new chapter to this fic. Next chapter, it's still the same day and another person in the family will meet our petite princess and something unexpected happens regarding Pinkie Pie.

hopefully i feel more for that chapter than i think i did this one.

Side note: i just realized after posting this that it's a little over a year exactly 2 years since this was updated. hope i don't keep you all waiting too long for the next chapter this time around.

til next time, later everybody