• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 2,055 Views, 47 Comments

Blazing Passion - CosmicAlchemist24

Following there failure against the Rainbooms, Aria Blaze goes off on her own to blow of steam, while doing so she meets someone who in her opinion might not be The Worst.

  • ...

Detention with a Siren. Pt.1

Aria watched as the three diamond dogs rushed her and she began to smirk.

"Idiots." She said under breath. Rover than pulled back his fist preparing to punch Aria, only for him to be stopped dead in his tracks by a kick to the gut.

"Aww what wrong little boy, I thought you wanted to him me." Aria said in a mocking tone. Rover held his stomach while glaring at Aria who was still smirking. Fido cam in behind Aria a grabbed her from behind.

“Got you!” He said. Artemis was about to intervene, but saw that Aria was still confident.

“Like Hell you do!” She said before smashing the back of her head into Fido’s face causing him scream in pain.

“AHHHHH” He cried while holding his face and falling to the ground.

“Aww poor baby.” Aria said rubbing her back of her head. Artemis just watched the fight with wide eyes.

Usually I’m against violence, but man that girl knows how to defend herself.” He thought in amazement. Aria then saw Spot running towards her in the corner of her eye.

Oh please.” She thought before moving out of the way of the short boy and sticking her leg out causing him to trip and fall on his face. She then proceeded to kick Spot in the head knocking him out. Artemis snickered at that.

Ok that was classic.” He thought with trying to hold in his laughter.

“Alright, I think we’re done here.” Aria said starting to way away but before she could another rock stuck her in the back of the head causing her to stagger.

“Where do you think you’re going Witch!?” Aria turned back around to see Rover glaring at the Siren. Both Aria and Artemis had the same thought in their about the Diamond dog leader.

What a sore loser.” Aria then felt something running down the back of her neck, she placed a hand and felt something wet.

What the-” She then looked at her hand and saw that it was a bit bloody.

Oh this guy’s dead.” She thought glaring a the the Diamond Dog leader. Rover charged Aria again and reeled in his fist back. Aria rolled her eyes and as soon as Rover got close she ducked his punch and uppercut him in the jaw. Rover cried out in pain holding his now bleeding mouth. Artemis flinched a bit at seeing Rover bleeding.

“Punks.” Aria said before looking at Artemis who stared at her with wide eyes.

“Hope you enjoyed the show.” She said crossing her arms. Artemis looked to the three boys and then back to Aria.

“I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it, but I must admit you handled this with little effort.” Artemis said in an impressed tone. Aria smirked at the silver haired boy.

“I’ve been taking self-defense classes for two years now, figured it would come in handy someday.” She explained. Artemis gave the girl a small smile

“That’s actually-” “WHAT HAPPENED HERE!!” Aria and Artemis jumped and turned to see a very angry Vice-Principal Luna.

Ah crap.” They both thought as they watched Luna march over to them.

“How dare the two of you attack students like this!” Luna said glaring at the two teens.

“Wait you got it all wrong we didn’t attack them, they attacked us.” Artemis said trying to explain.

“I’m sorry if I don’t believe you young man, but there are three boy lying on the ground and one of them is bleeding.” Luna said. Artemis took a step back trying to think of the best way to word this, but before he could Aria surprisingly walked up and pushed Artemis out of her way.

“You may not believe the boy, but I know you’ll believe me.” She said putting her hands on her hips. Luna stared down the siren and narrowed her eyes.

“You know it doesn’t really surprise me that you would cause trouble so soon Ms.Blaze.” Luna said crossing her arms.

“I could care less what you think, the truth is these idiots wanted a fight and I gave them one.” Aria then turned around and showed the vice-Principal the back of her head.

“Besides, They deserved it after pelting me with rocks.” She said with a growl. Luna saw the blood on Aria’s neck and her eyes widened.

“I see well, I still can’t let you off the hook. This may have been in self defense, but you still hurt these boys and you must be punished for that.” Luna said before taking out her phone and making a call. Aria shrugged her shoulders and soon felt something wet of her neck again casing her to jump.

“Hold still.” The turned to see Artemis holding a small moist towelette.

“You don’t need to-” “I know I don’t and I know you said you didn’t want my help.” Artemis said.

“Then why?” Aria asked in a confused tone.

“Well, You said you could care less about the people her and I count as one of the people you don’t care about so you shouldn’t care if I help you or not.” Artemis said with a smile. Aria gave the boy a deadpanned looked.

“That’s not how that works smartass.” She said.

“I know, but still that needs to be cleaned.” Artemis said. Before Aria could say anything else, Luna walked up to them.

“We’ll have Nurse Redheart handle that after the two of you join me in my office.” She said in a stern tone. Aria heard this and she raised an eyebrow.

“Two, but he-” “We understand ma’am.” Artemis said cutting Aria off causing her to glare at him.

“Very well, follow me.” Luna said as she walked away. Artemis began to follow the vice-Principal, but was quickly punched in the arm by a certain twin-tailed siren.

“Ow! Must you always hit me when ever we see each other?” He asked rubbing his arm.

“Why did you do that you idiot, You didn't even do anything.” Aria said with a slight growl. Artemis thought for a minute and shrugged his shoulders.

“Guess I didn't feel like arguing with the Vice-principal.” Artemis said with a sheepish smile. Aria just stared at him before rolling her eyes.

“You are an idiot.” She said before walking off. Artemis watched the siren as she walked and he smiled.

“Yea I’ve been told.”

Location: Gym

“It’s been over half an hour, where is he?” Warhawk said wondering where Artemis was. He as well as everyone else in the class were running laps on the track field.

“You told us he said he had to take care of something. Maybe he just got held up.” Zero said running next to Warhawk.

“I know but I didn’t think it would take this long.” Warhawk said. Daemon then ran up to them with a smirk on his face.

“Wow Warhawk, you’re starting to actually care about us.”He said with a chuckle. Warhawk glared at Daemon.

“I can see why Adagio finds you so annoying.” He said.

“That Fuzzball loves me and she knows it.” Daemon said. Warhawk just rolled his eyes.

“Whatever.” He said.

“I’m sure He’s fine, he seems like he can take care of- Oh there he is.” Zero said pointing over to Artemis who was running over to the track and over to Coach Iron Will.

“Um..excuse me sir.” Artemis said to the coach. Iron Will turned to see the young boy standing behind him.

“Ah you must be the last of the new students in Iron Will’s class, why are you late?” He asked putting his hand behind his back.

“I’m sorry sir, I was in the principal's office. I have a note.” Artemis said pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket and handing it the coach. Iron Will looked over the note and nodded.

“Very well, join the class. We still have 15 minutes of class left, that should be plenty of time for you to work up a sweat.” Iron Will said pointing to the track. Artemis nodded and ran onto the track.

Ugh, mom’s going to kill me. Detention on the first day. Artemis thought scared of what his mother would say.

“Artemis!” The Violinist turned to see Daemon, Warhawk and Zero running up to him.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Artemis asked.

“Don’t what’s up us, where the hell have you been.” Warhawk asked in a stern tone. Artemis let out a sigh.

“It’s a long story, a lot of things happened and I found myself getting detention.” Artemis said looking down. The three boy all looked at Artemis in shock.

“Dude, you got detention on the first day?” Daemon asked.

“Nice work.” Zero said with a smile before Warhawk slapped him on the back of the head.

“Why, what happened?’ Warhawk asked. Artemis took a deep breath and began to explain what had happened in the last half hour.

“So she basically kicked their asses….Awesome!” Zero said with a huge smile on his face.

“I’m with Zero, go Blaze!” Daemon said.

“They had it coming, nice to know Aria doesn’t take crap from others.” Warhawk said with a nod.

“I’m not one for violence, but I admit she was awesome.” Artemis said with a small smile.

“I bet, sucks about the detention thought. What are you going to tell your parents?” Zero asked in a concerned tone.

“It’s just my mom and I have no Idea.” Artemis said.

“From that response, you sound like she’ll kill you.” Warhawk said with a slight chuckle. Artemis then turned to the Warhawk with a worried look on his face. “Oh she’s gonna kill you.” Warhawk said.

“Big time.”


The end of the day was quickly drawing near and Artemis was dreading every moment of it.

“She’s gonna kill me.” Artemis said to himself.

“It’s your fault for getting into a fight.” Artemis turned to see Diana walking up to him.

“First off, I didn’t get into a fight I was watching one and second how do you even know about this?” He asked.

“It’s all over the school, some purple haired punk looking girl and a silver haired boy with a black hoodie beat up three boy after lunch.” Diana explained before crossing her arms. Artemis pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Rumors travel really fast around here.” He said shaking his head.

“Oh yeah, so you gonna tell me what happened?” Diana asked curiously.

“I’ll tell you when I get home.” Artemis said walking past his sister. Diana shrugged her shoulders and followed her brother.

“What are you going to tell mom?” She asked.

“Before or after she kills me?” Artemis asked back.

“Will you stop saying that, mom’s not going to kill you.” Diana said patter her brother on the back.

“Have you met our mother?” Artemis asked with a deadpan look on his face. Diana opened her mouth, but quickly closed it after letting her brothers words sink in.

“Ok good point.” SHe said. Just then the final bell rang and Artemis sighed.

“To the library I go, i’ll see you later shortstack.” Artemis said ruffling his sisters hair before walking away.

“Have fun.” She said waving to him. Artemis waved back and made his way to the library. After a few minutes, he made his way to his destination and walked in to see Vice-principal Luna and a very irritated Aria.

“This is going to fun.”

Author's Note:

Nothing really to say except thanks for reading everyone, I'll see you all in the comment section.

Aria: You're an idiot!

Artemis: I've been told.

Next Time: Detention with a Siren. Pt.2