• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 2,055 Views, 47 Comments

Blazing Passion - CosmicAlchemist24

Following there failure against the Rainbooms, Aria Blaze goes off on her own to blow of steam, while doing so she meets someone who in her opinion might not be The Worst.

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A Painful Begining!

Location: Canterlot Park

We come to Canterlot park at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon where a young man carrying a violin case was walking to his new house, but decided to take the long way home. He has midnight blue skin, messy silver hair with light blue highlights and silver eyes. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants, a white short sleeve dress shirt with a blue vest over it, and a pair of black dress shoes. A white crescent moon could be seen on the back of his vest.

“Clear skies, shining sun and a cool breeze. It's official, today is a fantastic day.” The boy said stretching his arms out with a smile on his face. He then looks over to a small bench under a large tree and walks over to it.

“Might as well take a enjoy the nice day before I head home.” The boy said before sitting down on the bench. He took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. “New town, new people, and new opportunities for me and my sweetheart to show off.” The boy said hugging his violin case.

Craw! Craw!

The boy looked up to the tree he was under and saw a small black bird in the tree. “A raven?” He asked staring at the black bird. The raven looked to the boy and flew down to the ground in front of the boy. The raven stared at the boy and the boy returned the stare.

“Ok this is getting creepy.” The boy thought. The raven then looked to the tree cause the boy to also look up and see a dove looking down at both of them.

Qlow! Qlow!

The boy looked back at the raven who looked like it was glaring at the dove. “I’m sensing a bit of tension between you two.” He said scratching the back of his head.


With that the raven flew off into the sky and the dove shook its head before flying off after it. The boy just watched the two birds fly off with a confused look on his face.

“Well, that was strange.” He said.


The boy then felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

“Hello?” The boy said answering his phone

“Artemis where are you, you should’ve been home an hour ago?”

“I’m just walking around the city mom, I’m on my way back right now.” The boy known as Artemis said getting up from the bench.

‘Well hurry up, dinner's almost ready and you know how your sister gets when she has to wait for food.”

“You act like you’re not the same way mom.” Artemis said with a smirk.

Don’t get smart with me young man or you’ll be going hungry tonight.”

“Ok sorry, I’ll be home soon. Bye.” With that he ended the call and put his phone in his pocket.
“That lady just can’t take a joke.” Artemis said with a chuckle. He then began walking out of the park and headed for home.

“Wonder what’s she’s making tonight? I hope it’s cheeseburgers.” Artemis said as his mouth started watering. While Artemis was thinking about his dinner he failed to notice a person wearing a hoodie walking towards him. He bumped into the person, causing them to fall to the ground.

“HEY, WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING DUMBASS!!” The person yelled. Artemis snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see the person in the hoodie on the ground.

“Oh man, I’m so sorry.” Artemis said going over to the person on the ground. “Are you ok?” He asked holding out a hand only for the person the smack his hand away.

“No, I’m not okay and you knocking me down didn't help.” The person said angrily.

“I said I was sorry, calm down.” Artemis said putting his hands up defensively. The person then pulled their hoodie down revealing a girl with light violet skin, purple hair with aquamarine highlights in twin-tails and mulberry eyes.

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” She said. The Artemis looked at the girl who was glaring at him.

“Come on no need to be angry, it was an accident.” He said trying his best to calm the twin-tailed girl down.

“I’ll be as angry as I want!” The girl snapped. Artemis knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with this girl and her temper.

“Just chill twin-tail, I'm not trying to-” Artemis was then cut mid sentence by a punch to the gut. Artemis fell to his knees holding his stomach.

“AGH! W...what’d you do... that for!?” Artemis said trying to catch his breath.

“Don't call me twin-tail, you idiot!” The girl growled before walking off. Artemis slowly got up off the ground and rubbed his stomach.

“That girl needs to work on her attitude, she didn’t have to hit me.” He said in a slightly annoyed tone. Artemis then took a deep breath and continued on home.


Artemis arrived at his house and opened the door. “I'm home, what's for din-” “HA!” Artemis was quickly tackled to the ground by a girl a few inches shorter than him. She had skin the color of the blue sky, that clashed with her silvery blue eyes. Her silver hair was held up in a ponytail by a dark blue hair tie. She wore a light blue tank top with a white jacket, a light blue skirt with a dark blue crescent moon on the right side and a pair of white boots with golden stars on both sides. A distinct gold star could be seen on the front of her tank top.

“Hi Arty!” The girl said with a smile.

“Hey Shortstack.” Artemis said ruffling the girl's hair.

“Diana, get off of your brother and wash up for dinner.” Artemis and the girl, known as Diana both tuned to see a tall woman looking at the two. She had long silver hair reaching down to her waist. Her silvery blue eyes sparkled with her sky blue skin. She was wearing a black long sleeve sweater with a big white star on the front, a long white skirt with a white crescent moon on the right side, and a pair of black heels.

“You heard her little sis, get off.” Artemis said with a chuckle. Diana jumped off of her brother allowing him to get back up.

“Second time today I've been knocked to the ground.” The mother and Diana looked at him in confusion.

“Second? When was the first?” The mother asked.

“On my way home I bumped into this girl and knocked her down by accident. I tried to apologize, but she wasn't having any of it and she punched me in the gut.” Artemis said rubbing his stomach. Before Diana could ask if he was ok, their mother ran over to her lifted his shirt and saw a big bruise on his stomach.

“Oh my gosh, are you alright!? Do you need to go to the hospital, do you need to lie down, where is this girl!? No one messes with my kids NOBODY!” The mom yelled in anger. Artemis quickly put a hands on his mother’s shoulders.

“Selene calm down, I’m fine. No need to go on a rampage, we just moved in and we don’t need the neighbors thinking you're crazy.” He said calming his mother down.

Selene then took a deep breath and she smiled at her son, “I’m sorry, I’m just glad you’re ok sweetie.” She said hugging her son. Artemis smiled and hugged her back.

“Hey! What about me?” Selene and Artemis looked to Diana who was pouting a bit.

“Oh get over here shortstack.” Artemis said extending his arm. Diana quickly smiled and joined in the hug causing the small family to laugh a bit.

“Ok kids go wash up, your dinners are getting cold.” Selene said.

“Yes eating time!” Diana cheered.

“Hey, that’s my line.” Artemis said with a fake pout.

“Also Artemis, you call me by my first name again and you're grounded.” Selene said in a stern tone. Artemis gulped and nodded while Diana was giggling. With that the family got wash up and proceeded to the dinner table with was filled with...

“CHEESEBURGERS!” Artemis and Diana cheered. Selene smiled at her kids.

“I figured we celebrate moving in with a feast and I know how much you both love cheeseburgers so I-” Before Selene could finish, Artemis and Diana sat down to the table and began eating.

“Hey! Leave some for me you pigs!” Selene shouted before joining her kids at the table. After dinner ended Artemis offered to wash the dishes only for his mom to turn him down, so he went up stairs to his room.

“What a day.” He said to himself before looking to the mirror in his room. He then lifted up his shirt and looked at the bruise he got from the twin-tailed girl earlier.

“Man that girl can punch.” He said rubbing his stomach. He then walked over to his bed and laid down.

“Oh well, I shouldn’t worry about it too much. She might have just been in a bad mood and I probably caught her at a bad time.” Artemis said staring at the ceiling.

“If I run into her again I hope she’s in a better mood. Then I can apologize.” Artemis said before drifting to sleep. While Artemis was sleeping the dove from earlier was on the roof of his house.

Craw! Craw!

The dove turned to see the raven who was resting on a telephone pole and glaring at dove once again.

Qlow! Qlow!

The raven’s glare intensified and it took off into the night. The dove looked at bit sad and took off after the raven.

Author's Note:

And so it begins once again and this time....IT"S GOING TO BE AWESOME!! I hope you all enjoyed you the first chapter of the reboot and I hope to see you all in the comment section soon. The next chapter will be posted on the 31st, so until then this is CosmicAlchemist signing off.

Next Time: This school is crazy!