• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 2,575 Views, 95 Comments

All's Fair in Love and War - Captain Unstoppable

Applejack has always viewed herself as a simple farmer, nopony to make a fuss over. However, two of the most famous and wealthiest stallions think otherwise, and are willing to spend every bit they have on her.

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Chapter 5: Granny Knows Best

Chapter 5: Granny Knows Best

Applejack rose with the sun as she always did, the next morning after her meeting with the girls, letting out a loud yawn and stretching her stiff limbs from sleep. She began her morning rituals, first making her bed and placed Sheriff Cuddles under her pillow. As much as she loved the little bear, she didn’t want any of her friends to find him, especially Rainbow Dash.

After that, she prepared herself for whatever gift the two knuckleheads had thought of the night before. Last night Soarin had sent over a large arrangement of flower, which Trender outdid by sending an even larger one. She didn’t know how the two knew what the other was sending, but the way they were trying to outdo one another at every turn was getting on her nerves to say the least.

Walking down the steps, she was just in time to see the red blur of Big Mac walking out the door to get a start on his chorus. It wasn’t that odd for him to get an early start on them, but only when he had something to do that day. Not giving it another thought she went to the kitchen, she didn’t need to get involved in what her brother did, what he did was his own business.

“Mornin’ Applejack,” Granny said, flipping through the pages of the morning paper. Apple Bloom sat right next to her still eating her breakfast. “What do ya want first? Breakfast or them gifts those love struck stallions brought?” Granny chuckled.

“Breakfast,” Applejack grumbled, as she sat down at the table and started to pull some of the pancakes towards her.

“Well yer in luck! Their one in the same this mornin’!” Granny laughed, as she put the paper down. “Them pancakes were a gift from that pegasus. Pony that delivered said they were made by some great chef or somethin’, Ah don’t remember. But their yer favorite, strawberry and chocolate chip!” Applejack smiled slightly at this, what mare didn’t enjoy their favorite pancake in the morning?

“And that other fellow had this coffee brought in from from somewhere,” Granny pushed a small cup of coffee towards Applejack and smiled.

“Uh… Ah usually have two cups of coffee ta start the day,” Applejack picked up the small cup, afraid she was to break it.

“Trust me sweetie, that stuff is stronger than ya think,” Granny said, looking out the window. “Why look at Mac work! Had an entire mug of the stuff and he’s workin’ like a locomotive!” Applejack craned her neck to look out, and nearly dropped the cup.

Mac was running back and forth like a train on fire. At the rate he was going, he might be done with his chores and Applejack’s before she could even get outside.

“Luna be blessed, what is in this stuff?” Applejack took a sniff of the contents and gave a light sneeze.

“Ah don’t know! But it got me feelin’ younger than ever before!” Granny laughed, as she picked up one of the small cups and downed its contents. “Either stallion you marry, gotta make sure they can get this!” Granny got up from her chair and started to make her way to the sitting room.

“Granny!” Applejack shouted, but he old mare didn’t pay attention to her as she left. Giving a sigh, Applejack looked to Apple Bloom who was just finishing her breakfast. “What do ya think Apple Bloom? Which one of em’ stallion do you like?”

Apple Bloom didn’t respond right away as she patted her napkin to her lips, almost causing the other to burst into a fit of laughter at the Rarity-like manner of the youngest farmer.

“Don’t got one yet, still waitin’ on it,” Apple Bloom got up from her seat as well, and made her way out to do her chores. “Might have one this afternoon,” Applejack raised an eyebrow to Bloom’s own behavior. Not only was she getting to her chores sooner than normal, the way she talked made her suspicious. “This afternoon?” Applejack repeated to herself, “What in tarnation has gotten into that girl?”

That morning’s incidents didn’t last long in Applejack’s mind as she got to work. It was the only thing that was keeping her sane these days, and as long as those two stallions kept their distance from that she could cope. That, and the little show of Big Mac hyped up on caffeine helped her through the morning. It was funny, yet odd, watching Mac move with such speed around the farm; if he went any faster he could give Rainbow Dash a run for her money. She chuckled and got down to doing her chores, still keeping an eye on her brother’s manic shape.

After working for most of the morning AJ sighed in relief as she finished checking the last tree of the orchard. With how fast Mac was working, the chores did not take as long as she had originally planned, and left only the checking of trees for her to do.

“Welp, that’s that. Time fer me ta take a break. Ah wonder what Macintosh got up ta?”AJ had lost track of her hyperactive brother once he slowed down and she moved deeper into the orchards to focus on her own chores. Stretching slightly, she started to trot down the familiar path back to the farmhouse, her stomach giving a low growl on the way back.

Laughing to herself, she picked up her pace slightly to see what Granny might have made for lunch that day. As she made her way, she looked up into the bright blue sky a few times. While the morning had been normal, as she had come to expect them, the afternoon had been surprisingly… quiet.

No mail ponies had come by, no Wonderbolts sent to deliver gifts, not one thing from either Soarin or Trenderhoof. One one hoof, it was a nice break from having to lug back whatever large and extravagant gift, or sending Mac to go get it. However, a part of her was disappointed in that neither one had sent her anything. Was it selfish of her?


She had grown, regrettably, used to it getting gifts from the two of them. A part of her did like receiving presents from the two stallions, even if they were impractical. Each day they would austone her, either with the sheer price of the gift, or how silly it was. It brought a certain amount of excitement to her normally dull life.

Still, it was nice to have a break from it all and let her fully concentrate on work.

Before long, Applejack was right outside the farmhouse, the heavy scent of cinnamon in the air, made Applejack’s stomach growl louder, and caused her to lick her lips. Granny must of have been in a good mood to make apple fritters that day, which in turn made all of the other Apple’s day all the better! Taking in a deep inhale of the sweet scent of her favorite food, Applejack entered the farmhouse with a skip in her step.

“Them fritters smells amazin’ Granny!” Applejack exclaimed, as she entered the kitchen, her mouth watering in anticipation of apple fritters. The elderly mare turned to her and smiled as she pulled them out of the oven, filling the kitchen with an even richer scent of apples and cinnamon.

“Well Ah’m glad ya think so,” Granny said, placing the hot fritters on the window to cool. “Unfortunately, ya can’t have any.” Applejack’s jaw dropped at these words.

“Whattya mean Ah can’t have any?” Granny just sat down in her chair and opened up a book.

“Exactly what Ah mean dearie. Ya can’t have any,”

“Why’s that?” Applejack had all but reverted back into a filly, being told she could not have a toy she wanted. It was torturous that Granny would make her famous apple fritters, and not allow her to have any knowing how much she loved them. Granny eyed Applejack over her book, and even with her mouth hidden, Applejack had the sinking feeling she had fallen into her Granny’s trap and she was smirking behind that book.

“Why?” She asked, looking back down at her book. “Why, its because ya haven’t chosen one of them stallions yet,” Applejack just slapped her forehead at this. “Once ya choose a stallion ta marry, ya can have some fritters.”

This was definitely an Apple Family plan to get a pony to do what you want. Make their favorite food, and tell them they can’t have any until they bend to their will.

“First off, Ah haven't even been on a date with with one of ‘em! And no way either one of ‘em would want ta get hitched right off the bat!” Granny merely shrugged as she flipped a page in her book.

“Didn’t stop yer grandpa and me,” As the elderly mare chuckled, Applejack rolled her eyes and sat down across from her.

“That’s different, besides Ah don’t even know which one Ah’d except a date from. Both of them are nice, and Ah wouldn't want ta break the others heart,” Applejack sighed, resting her elbows on the table, holding her head up with her hooves. “Ya know?”

Granny merely nodded as she flipped a page in her book again. “So yer heart ain’t tellin’ ya one way or the other?”

The question was one Applejack had been having run around in her head at night when she was trying to sleep. If she had to make a decision between the two right there and then, who would she choose? And if she was being honest with herself, both of them were not bad special somepony material.

Trenderhoof was a very smart pony, and showed interest and knowledge in what she did and loved. He knew of the rare types of apples in Equestria and beyond, different techniques farmers used to grow apples, and even went out of his comfort zone to find the music she liked. He could come off as a pompous jerk at times, but he seemed to have a maturity about him that recognized it.

Not a week later from his departure did Applejack received a letter from the stallion. She was tempted to tear it up and throw it in the fire, but she was nowhere near that heartless and read what Trenderhoof had to say. Inside, he wrote about how dreadfully sorry he was for his behavior, and that he wished to start a new with her for he did not want to end their relationships on such a sour note.

Then, if she was being truly honest, she did find him appealing. He was a good contrast from some of the other farmers that tried to court her here and there, he dressed well, took care of himself, and even if ponies hatted the glasses he wore, something about them did make him kind of sexy.

Then there was Soarin, if she was going for looks he outclassed Trenderhoof in every way. Sure, Applejack wasn’t a big Wonderbolts fan, or really a fan at all, all of her knowledge came from what Rainbow Dash told her; but she would be lying if she didn’t say that Soarin was a fine stallion too look at. He was well built, his eyes piercing, and that smile was unnaturally perfect. Everything about him seemed to be have sculpted to perfection. They were clearly gained from hard work, much like her own.
But there was more too Soarin than his good looks and fame, he was a goofball at times, doing things without thinking them out first, and apologizing over himself for it. He also acknowledged her skills, seeing her more than just a pretty face and respected her for them. She had never met a pony that worshiped her apple pies as if they were life itself. Besides, he was also the one that gave her Sheriff Cuddles, a testament that he was willing to do embarrassing things to get her attention.

“Ah just don’t know Granny,” Applejack finally said, looking to Granny Smith, almost pleading for that elderly advice that was supposed to get her through this. “Ah like both of em’. Sure they got their faults, but who doesn’t? Ah just don’t know who ta choose.” Granny merely nodded as she rubbed her chin.

“That is a tough question ain’t it? Ah’m glad Ah was never in yer hooves. Sure, Ah might have done some datin’, did a few reckless things in ma youth, but Ah always knew yer grandad had won ma heart long ago,” Granny sighed, as she put her book down. “Ah say ya need to really listen to yer heart. It will tell ya,”

Applejack merely groaned. Her heart was as conflicted like the rest of her. How could she possibly break one of their hearts deliberately. That was when the sound of heavy hoof steps broke her inner struggles, the hoof steps that only Mac could make.

Turning herself halfway in her chair, she looked to where the stallion would enter the room, she prepared to ask the stallion for his own opinion “What do you think Ma—” Applejack had to keep from falling over as she watched her brother walk into the kitchen.

Big Mac was no slob, but he was never one to be concerned how he looked after a day of work, but today was a something else. It was not hard to tell that he had taken a shower, for there was not a spec of dirt on him anywhere, and his mane and tail had been brushed til they shone. Applejack could even smell a bit of cologne coming off of him, something he didn’t use unless it was for a special occasion.

“Why Macintosh, don’t ya look handsome!” Granny laughed, watching her grandson enter the room. “Got a hot date or somethin’?” She asked, eyeing him over the book she was reading, causing Mac’s ears to flatten against his head.

“Or somethin’” Mac replied, moving his hoof in a circular pattern against the floor. Granny just laughed at him before closing her book.

“Why, Ah think yer fixin’ ta court a mare taday,” Granny Smith just smiled at the bashful Macintosh. “About time ya did! Now, tell me, who is the lucky mare?”

Mac just gave a sly grin to his grandmother as he ran a hoof through his mane. “Eenope!” Mac said, his grin growing as he talked. “Don’t want ya two to hurt her if she says no,” Mac chuckled as he made his way to the door.

“Course we would!” Applejack laughed, pounding her hoof on the table. “What kinda mare would think she’s too good fer ma brother?” Mac shook his head at her as he pushed open the back door with a low chuckle. “Oh! Before ya go Mac, mind if Ah ask ya somethin’?”

“As long as it’s not about who Ah’m courtin’,” Mac replied, half way through the door. “Shoot”

“Who do you like, Soarin or Trenderhoof?” Mac stopped at the question, turning his head ever so slowly towards his sister.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, he walked back inside and sat near the table. He sat there for several seconds, just staring at Applejack. She had seen him only do this a few times, when he really wanted to convey a point, and was choosing his words with care.

“Well, if Ah had ta choose between the two of ‘em, Ah gotta say that Soarin got ma vote,” Mac said, his voice low and resident. “And not because he’s a rich feller, they both are, but he asked me if it was alright ta court ya. Course its none of mah business, but it was an honorable thing ta do. He also seems ta want to get to know you.” Applejack just stared at Mac. Normally, his advice was very straightforward and helpful.

“What do ya mean by he wants ta get to know me?” Applejack asked, but Mac was already making his way out the door.

“You’ll see. Ah’ll be back later,”

“Mac! You git back here!” Applejack shouted, but Mac kept going on his way, trotting towards Ponyville to court some unknown mare.

Giving a snort, Applejack just sat back down as Granny resumed her reading. “Well, Ah guess that’s one vote fer Soarin,” Applejack mumbled, looking to the cooling fritters that she wanted so much and sighed.

“Aw, don’t fret darlin, you’ll work it out. Us Apples is tough, y’know.” Granny smiled knowingly at her granddaughter. Applejack looked up and smiled, if there was anypony she could turn to for advice it was her Granny Smith. “But don’t take too long,” Granny added, “Neither you or Ah are gettin any younger, and Ah want great grandfoals!”

“Granny!” Applejack shouted, as the elderly mare burst out into laughter. As she laughed, the scraping of hooves could be heard against the floorboards upstairs, and soon an energetic Apple Bloom bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Bye Granny! Bye Applejack!” She shouted, as she passed Applejack, only to be yanked back when Applejack grabbed her by the tail.

“Hold it there missy, what in the world got ya’ll so excited?” Apple Bloom turned to face Applejack, bouncing in place due to how excited she was.

“Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Ah are goin’ to try ta get our cutie marks!” Applejack should have seen this coming, there were a few things in this world that would have her sister so excited.

“Alright, alright. What is it this time?” Apple Bloom just kept grinning at her and shook her head.

“Eenope! It’s a secret!”

“What is with everypony and havin’ secrets taday?” Applejack asked, looking to Granny who just merely shrugged.

“Don’t know, but Ah’m gonna be late!” Apple Bloom said, as she took off for the door again. Before she could open it, she came to a halt and turned back around. “Oh and sis, Ah gotta say Ah kinda like that Trenderhoof feller,” Applejack stared at her sister for a moment, before looking over to Granny who didn’t seem to register the sudden interest in one of the suitors.

“What makes ya say that Sugarcube?”

“Don’t know, he just seems nice.” Apple Bloom said, before throwing open the door and taking off to meet the other Cutie Mark Crusaders. Applejack just watched after her, while the screen door slammed shut again and the speck of yellow and red disappeared into the distance.

“Well that just be the oddest thing,” Applejack mused, “Now why would Apple Bloom say that?”

“Same reason that Mac there told ya ta pick Soarin.” Applejack raised an eyebrow at Granny’s answer.

“What do ya mean by that?” Granny set her book down and leaned forward in her chair. A smile spreading across her lips, a slight twinkle in her eyes.

“Ya really want ta know?” For a brief second, Applejack felt like she was talking to a card shark instead of own grandmother. Something about how Granny talked, the way she was leaning in, felt off to her.

“Course Ah do. Now what’s with and secrets? Why does everypony have a secret taday?!” Applejack shouted, leaning in as well to look Granny Smith in the eyes. “What is going on?”

Granny Smith chuckled as she leaned back in her chair. “Oh dearie, it’s quite simple. Both of em’ been bribed by those stallions ta put in a good word with you.” Applejack sat there eyes wide as she took in what Granny said. It felt as though her mind and body seemed to disconnect that that statement, as a chill rolled up her spine.

That cold feeling started to spread through her body as she tried to process what had been said. Not just one, but both Soarin and Trenderhoof, had the same idea of bribing members of her family to get her to return their feelings. Big Mac, who was always supposed to be the pillar of honor around the farm, and Apple Bloom, who was to be so innocent and sweet. The idea of both of them taking bribes for their own wants fueled the fire that was growing in the pit of Applejack’s stomach.

As much as the thought of the two stallions bribing her family infuriated her, The knowledge that they actually took them was even worse. Family was supposed to be one thing you could always count on, and no family took that as seriously as the Apples, or so she thought. She knew if anything like this happened to them she would never take bribes, no matter how splendid it might be, nothing was worth betraying family.

“Ah can’t believe it!” Applejack shouted, getting up from her chair and making her way towards the door. “When Ah find those two they're gonna be sorry! Ah’m gonna give Bloom such a tannin’ fer this, and fer Mac, Ah’m don’t know what but Ah feel sorry fer whoever he’s planin on askin, because he ain’t gonna look to pretty once Ah’m done with him!”

Before she could take another step towards the door, a cane came down blocking her way. “Now not so fast there,” Granny laughed, getting out of her seat as well. “Don’t be too hard on em’, taking a bit of the action ain’t no crime,” Granny said, ushering her away from the door and to the sitting room.

“What do ya mean? They betrayed me Granny!” Anger was rolling off of Applejack, the sheer audacity that her own kin would take payment to change her feelings towards a pony was just sickening.

“Oh hush Sugar. Didn’t matter what they said or did, Ah knew it wouldn't change a thing,” Granny said, a warm smile spread across her lips. “Yer a strong mare, and Ah know yer gonna figure out which stallion is best fer you. Don’t matter who they bribe, Ah know ma granddaughter is one tough mare, and she knows her own self best.” The anger that once was ready to explode inside of Applejack began to fade as she listened to Granny’s praise. Feeling a smile taking over her once enraged face, she wiped a tear that was threatening to fall.

“You mean that Granny?” Granny stopped Applejack before they entered the sitting room to put a hoof around Applejack and pulled her into a hug.

“Of course Ah do child,” Granny whispered, pulling her head down to give her a light peck on the forehead. “Otherwise, Ah wouldn't take their bribes as well!” Applejack did not have time to react, as Granny pulled her into the sitting room and forced her to look where her rocking chair would normally be.

But the old wooden chair was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a new rocking chair that looked like something out of a science fiction novel. The chair looked to be made out of some fancy metal, with large plush pillows on it, a cup holder on each side, a remote connected to the chair, and a foot rest that could pop out from underneath.

“Granny… what in the world is that thing?” Applejack finally asked, trying to understand the contraption in front of her.

“Its ma new rocking chair!” Granny said with a laugh, jumping into it. She instantly looked like she was melting into the plush pillows. “Yes sir! Those stallions were so desperate for a good word from me they agreed to get me anythin’ Ah wanted!” Granny said, picking up the remote that was sitting next to her. “This baby has a heated seat, massager, foot rest and a recliner built into it! And look at that! Ah can even have it rock on its own at any speed Ah want!” With that, Granny hit a few knobs on the remote and soon the chair began to rock back and forth, as a low humming of vibrations came from the chair making her sigh out in relief. “Eeyup! This chair is gonna keep me goin fer years ta come!”

Applejack just watched Granny cackling to herself as the chair rocked back and forth on its own. She was not sure what Big Mac and Apple Bloom had gotten out of these bribes, but probably nothing where near the cost of this contraption.

“Granny, which one of those damn fools got you this?”

“That pegasus!” Granny laughed, leaning back in the chair as she turned up the vibrations on the chair. “Oh thats the stuff… he was so desperate for a good word from yer sweet old granny that it was a piece of pie! That reminds me, that feller sure does love apple pie, though Ah’m sure there is pie he’d like better” Applejack’s face turned red at the comment, in both the embarrassment of Granny, and how she took advantage of Soarin like that.

“Granny how could you do that?” Granny simply laughed as she hit another knob on the remote that upped the speed of the rocker.

“Ain’t like Ah just did that ta him. That other fellow also came seekin’ favors,”

“Oh Granny! What did ya do ta him?”

“Oh hush yerself. Yer actin like Ah made them do this,” Granny said, as she enjoyed her rocking chair. “Go look in ma bedroom, you’ll see it,” Applejack swallowed hard as she stepped out of the sitting room, half afraid what she might find in Granny’s room.

Since Granny’s hip still gave her trouble, her room had been moved onto the first floor to make it easier for the old mare. It was a short walk from the sitting room to her room, but Applejack’s mind was racing with all the oddities that Granny could have had Trenderhoof buy for her. She could only shudder at the possibilities, and try to block them from her mind.

Arriving at the door to Granny’s room, Applejack took a deep breath trying to imagine what horrors that might hide behind the door. Pushing the door open, Applejack stuck her head inside and scanned the room.

Everything in the room had been changed. What was once a small but comfortable room, full of slightly worn furniture had been completely revamped. The shabby splintered floor had been polished to a mirror shine and was covered in an opulent looking rug that had such thick pile AJ felt as though a pony could get lost in it.

The battered and chipped dresser had been replaced with a large armoire, made from some exotic looking red wood, carved with delicate apple blossoms and half-opened to show Granny Smith’s simply outfits hanging inside.

AJ’s eyes slowly looked over to take in the space the small simple bed Granny had slept in for as long as Applejack could remember. In its stead was a bed that seemed more something a Camel Sheik would lay his head in, large wooden posts brushed the ceiling, holding up rich red fabric tied back to allow AJ to see a mattress and pillows that looked as though they was made of cloudstuff and covered in glossy silk sheets that oozed comfort.

Applejack could see how Soarin might have been tricked by Granny, but Trenderhoof as well? Either Trenderhoof was not as smart as she had thought he was, or Granny was more manipulative that she could imagine. The sheer cost of everything in the room must have cost as much or even more than the rocker that Soarin had bought.

Returning to the sitting room, Applejack found Granny had taken out her knitting and was working on a dark green scarf for Big Mac to wear in the winter. There was nothing like Granny’s knitting to keep a pony warm during the winter, and normally ponies didn’t interrupt her while she was working on them. Though with what she had done, Applejack felt entitled to have her say.

“Really Granny? Do ya have any idea what that probably cost him?” Granny looked up from her knitting, with a smile that would make Sombra himself tremble in fear of.

“Of course Ah do sweetie! But Ah ain’t about to tell you that.” With that Granny broke into another fit of laughter. From the very beginning she had been enjoying the war between the two stallions, and Applejack could only imagine the boredom that would plague Granny if she was to choose a winner.

Instead of trying to fight the point any longer, Applejack made her way over to the couch in the sitting room with every intention of taking a nap. Though it was only pass midday, the combination of farm work and emotional turmoil had taken a toll on her body and mind. Crawling up onto the nice soft couch, Applejack curled up and pulled her hat over her eyes. Maybe after a nap, the world make a little bit more sense to her.

With a deep sigh, she closed her eyes and waited for Luna to take her off to dreamland.

“You ignoramus! Let go of me!”

“I don’t even know what that is!”

Applejack’s eyes flew open as the sound of shouting came from outside the farmhouse, as well as the sound of scuffling hooves, blasts of magic, and the flapping of wings. Granny didn’t even seem to take notice of the commotion as Applejack jumped to her hooves.

“What in tarnation?!” Applejack shouted, as she made her way over to the front door, as the sounds of shouting grew louder.

As she opened the front door, she was greeted by one of the most outlandish sights she had ever seen. Fighting in the dirt like colts at recess were Soarin and Trenderhoof. Both stallions were covered in dirt from rolling around and had a few cuts and bruises from doing so. Trender’s sweater had been torn in a few areas, and Soarin’s feathers looked more than a bit ruffled.

Soarin did have an obvious edge over the writer, for he was an athlete and probably been in his fair share of fights. At the moment, Soarin seem to have the upper hand over the weaker unicorn. He was holding Trender in a rear neck choke, keeping Trender from using his magic.

However, Trenderhoof had put up a fight as Soarin’s right eye was looking a bit puffy and had swollen up slightly, and he was not ready to back down just yet, as he slammed the back of his head into Soarin’s face breaking free of the hold.

“What are you two doin’? Stop fightin’ right now!” Neither stallion seemed to register that the mare they had been pulling every stop for was shouting at them. Insead, the pair were back at trying to pin the other.

Growling in frustration, Applejack was not ready to stand there and let the two idiots beat on each other on her property. Turning to go back inside, she was going to go get her lasso and hogtie the two fools till they calmed down.

Before she could take a step inside, a bright red object zipped past Applejack’s head and hit Trenderhoof in the side of the head sending him to the ground. AJ turned around to see Soarin standing over the unicorn laughing when another red object shot past Applejack and found itself lodged in the laughing pony's mouth effectively silencing him.

“Now that’s no way ta court a lovely young mare, such as ma granddaughter,” Granny walked out onto the porch, looking down at the two stallions. Trender had managed to get back up, but Soarin was struggling to get the apple out of his mouth. “You two have been fightin’ fer her affections for the better part of two months and neither of ya are any closer ta winnin’ then you were in the beginning,” Granny spoke as she marched down the steps towards the two stallions.

“All ya two have done is worked her up into a fizzy. Now Ah’ve had ma laugh at all of this, but its time ta put matters ta rest.” Granny eyed the two stallions, who were now standing at attention for her. “Each one of ya is takin’ her on a date, and dependin’ on which date she likes best that stallion will be the winner! And there’ll be no more of this messing with each other nonsense. If I find out one of you messed with the other’s date you’ll feel my hoof on your behinds!”

“Granny!” Applejack shouted in protest. She started to make her way down the steps when Granny turned to her.

“You had yer chance missy,” Granny said, her voice stern and full of conviction. “We played it yer way, and if we keep goin’ these two are gonna be broke and Ah’m gonna die before Ah see ma first great grandfoal!” A shade of red appeared on the cheeks of all those gathered there at the elderly mare’s words as what she said sunk in. “Now then!” Granny barked, breaking the stallions out of their stupors. “Which one of y'all would like the first date?”

Soarin stepped forward, his green eyes blazing with determination. Winking up at Applejack he turned to Granny to speak.

Mmff!” The apple that Granny had thrown at him was still stuck in his mouth. His eyes going wide in a mixture of panic and embarrassment, he desperately tried to spit the apple out but it was stuck on his teeth.

Chuckling beside him, Trenderhoof walked right past Soarin and up to Granny Smith. “I would be honored to take your lovely daughter out on a date first,” he said, reaching for Granny’s hoof and kissing it. Granny merely giggled and she fanned herself once he let go.

“Stars above. If AJ doesn't want you, Ah’d sure take ya!” Granny laughed, causing Trenderhoof to shudder slightly, but kept up his smile. He then looked up at Applejack and gave her a wink as well.

“I shall pick you up for our date this Friday around nine,” he said with a smile, “Would you be terribly offended if I sent a dress for you to wear?”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late posting! Mid-terms are kicking my ass! This is not the full edited version due to lots of editors being out of town, like they have lives outside editing stories... please don't hate me.

Next chapter might take a bit longer than normal since I have not fully written it yet. The reason why all these chapters are done was because I started at BronyCon and Ferret is quite... persuasive about getting people to write... she is a scary Canadian.

Thank you all for reading, and please leave a comment! I love those!