• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 2,575 Views, 95 Comments

All's Fair in Love and War - Captain Unstoppable

Applejack has always viewed herself as a simple farmer, nopony to make a fuss over. However, two of the most famous and wealthiest stallions think otherwise, and are willing to spend every bit they have on her.

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Chapter 2: Money is no Object

Chapter 2: Money is no Object

The sun slowly rose upon Sweet Apple Acres the next morning, pushing back the darkness that had overtaken the land and replacing it with warmth and light. As the sun rose in the early hours of the morning, so did Applejack by tradition. Ever since she was old enough to help work the farm, she had woken up with the sun each morning.

Raising her forelegs above her head, she let out a yawn as she stretched her hooves high towards the sky. Already her mind was pushing back the haze of dreamland, and was making a list of what needed to be done that morning by each Apple family member. She was also trying to put the memories of yesterday behind her as well.

What did they expect? Chasin’ after me like some kind of prize. Applejack gave a snort at the thought. Tryin’ to woo me and get me ta go with em’. Bet they jes’ figured me as another notch in the headboard. The thought disgusted her as she reached for her hat, that some stallions were only in it for the short term, and never the long term. Trying to push those thoughts from her head, she went on with her morning routine, making herself look presentable before going down for breakfast.

“Well the mare of the hour is finally awake,” Granny chuckled as Applejack made her way downstairs.

“What? Am Ah late or somethin’?” Applejack looked up at the old grandfather clock, but it showed that she was right on time to have breakfast before starting her morning chores. “Ain’t my birthday Granny, what are ya talkin’ about?” She questioned, turning into the kitchen. As she entered, she saw that Granny, Mac, and Apple Bloom, standing upon a chair, were all gathered around the kitchen table.

“Ah didn’t know ya could have two coltfriends at once,” Apple Bloom said, as she leaned forward to get a better look at whatever they were concealing with their bodies.

“What do you mean? Of course you can’t,” Applejack said, walking into the kitchen, straining to look over Big Mac’s hulking figure at whatever they were looking at. “Ain’t proper, makes ponies say bad things about ya,”

“But you do sis, they sent you presents this morning.” Those words halted Applejack in her steps. Not so much the idea of having two coltfriends, but the fact that she had presents. It was rare for her to get such things outside her birthday and holidays. Even then it was mostly items for the farm more than her. Pushing her way past Big Mac, she eagerly looked for her presents.

Sitting on the table was a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates. Applejack reached out for the wine, and started to turn it over in her hooves. “Cote de Nuit?” Applejack read out loud, turning the bottle around once more. As she did so, a small note attached to the bottle drifted to the table. Putting the bottle down, she picked it up the. At once she noticed the elaborate calligraphy and elegant writing on the small note

To my dearest Applejack. May you find the taste and aroma of this wine as beautiful and enticing as I find you.


Applejack had to keep herself from making a face at the sappy note, but still appreciated the gesture. Though she admittedly didn’t like wine all that much, she would have to ask Rarity over to figure out how good it was, or if it was one of those fancy pony things where if it tasted bad, it was actually good.

Turning her attention from the wine, her eyes landed upon the large red package of chocolates. The sheer size of the box took up most of the table, with a large label on it reading ‘Sugar Cloud Confectionary’. It also went on to advertise that inside the box were over two hundred pieces of chocolate, all crafted from scratch including some of their exclusive rainbow truffles. Like the bottle of wine, there was a dark yellow note that she reached out for. Unlike the other, the writing was much rougher, but had a small flare of its own at the end of every word.

To the filly that is sweeter than any piece of chocolate out there, maybe even pie!


Applejack cringed slightly as she read the note. It seemed that Soarin believed that the way to a mare’s heart was much like a stallion's, through the stomach. Then again, it was not like she didn’t enjoy the occasional sweet.

“Ah’m so happy fer ya Applejack!” Granny said, wrapping her hooves around Applejack and giving her a tight hug. “Findin’ yerself a pair of stallions that are willin’ ta compete over yer affections.” Applejack struggled for breath as Granny Smith hugged her, for such an old mare she still had strength in her that would put some stallions to shame. “And not only are they competing fer ya!” Granny added, letting go of Applejack, only to pinch her cheeks. “They’re rich stallions!” Granny laughed, letting go of Applejack and looking at the gifts on the table.

“Granny!” Applejack shouted, as she watched Granny looking over the gifts again, obviously having a better idea at how much they might have cost than she did.

“Does this mean yer gettin’ married soon?” Applejack rounded on her sister, her head cocked to the head slightly to the right, her golden eyes wide as she looked up for answers.

“No! Ah ain’t getin’ married anyti—”

“Ah would hope so!” Granny interjected, as she held the bottle of wine in her hooves. “First gifts like these? A.J, ya better get yer flank in gear! Never heard of two rich stallions goin’ after a simple farmer like yerself! Goin’ ta get maself some great grandfoals!”

“Granny!” Applejack’s face was turning a shade of red to match her brother’s fur. Not only had she rejected the pair yesterday, but now her grandmother was trying to get her married to one of them as soon as possible and start popping out grandfoals!

“That means Ah’m goin’ ta be a aunt, right?” Apple Bloom said excitedly, while she bounced up and down on her chair. “Ah Could help them get their cutie mark!”

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack turned to her sister again, shocked at her also joining in on the foal train with their grandmother.

“Ah’m sure ya can! Now Applejack, which one of em’ you like better? Gotta make sure the next generation of Apples grow up right!”


“Ah wonder if they will be a colt or a filly?”

“Apple Bloom!”

“Don’t worry! Ah’m sure that they’ll have plenty of em’!” Applejack looked back between her grandmother and sister as they discussed her future foals and what each one of them would look like. Looking for any way out of this horrific nightmare of a morning, her hopes landed upon Big Mac, who was making his way out the backdoor.


The red stallion turned around slightly, a hint of a smile upon his face. “Eennope” he said as he quickly vanished.

Applejack groaned at the thought of how the morning would slowly drag on with the constant nagging of Apple Bloom and Granny behind her, and tried to stay focused at the task in front of her.


“Special delivery!” Applejack was broken from her thoughts when she heard the familiar voice of Ponyville’s mailmare, Derpy Hooves, coming from the sky above. Looking up, Applejack was just in time to see Derpy crash into one of the many trees surrounding the property and slowly tumble down, hitting almost every branch.

“Yer alright there Derpy?” Applejack was already halfway to the grey mare when she started to push herself up, shaking the leaves out of her mane.

“Yep!” She laughed, reaching into her mail sack already as the farmer got closer. “So far I’m doing great! Only hit three trees today!” Derpy said, pulling out a clipboard and pushing it towards Applejack. “Sign here!”

Applejack glanced down at the clipboard and then to Derpy. “Do Ah have a package? Don’t remember orderin’ anythin’ fer the farm.” Normally, packages only came to the Apple’s Farm when they needed new equipment, and it would always be delivered to the farm house not out in the fields

“Huh? I didn’t know you used jewelry for farming,” Applejack’s head snapped around as Derpy pulled out a velvet case, a ribbon and note attached to it. In a blur of movement, Applejack had already signed for the package and was taking it from Derpy. She barely heard the pegasus ask what it was, her entire attention focused on the small box and the elegant paper with Applejack written on it in a flowing font.

She would never freely admit it to anypony, especially to those like Rarity or Rainbow Dash, but she did enjoy simple jewelry. One could blame her time with the Oranges that she had developed the affection. A simple necklace, an earring, just something that she could wear while working without it hindering her.

Looking over the box, her eyes glanced over the note that was written in the fancy cursive precision Trenderhoof used.

No diamond, ruby, sapphire, or pearl could ever match the shimmering of your eyes. No shred of gold could even compare to the fields of gold that is your mane. Simple words could never compare to your overall beauty.


Applejack had to suppress a cringe at the elaborate and unnecessary note, but all the same it was a sweet note that left her cheeks slightly red. The idea that somepony would buy special gifts just for her was still foreign, but even such a note could not help but make her smile slightly, and feel a bit of thrill.

Holding the box she slowly started pushing up the lid, biting her lip in anticipation as she could only wonder what contents laid inside.

She gasped in shock at the shimmering necklace inside. It looked as though it belonged in a museum. It was a golden latticework, studded with gems in a shimmering wave of colours and hues.
There was a note tucked under the necklace, Applejack raised an eyebrow and laughed when she read it. As I said, no single gem could ever match your beauty, but perhaps these may help come close. Pulling the necklace out, she was startled by the weight of the necklace and the multiple jewels that were hanging off of it.

Sweet Celestia! How is anypony supposed ta work with this thing on? She laid it back down in the box and closed the lid.

“Ooh! That’s pretty!” Derpy said, already getting ready to fly off again. “Well you have fun with your coltfriend!” Derpy giggled, as her wings gave a mighty flap and sent her flying right into another tree. “Whoops!” She giggled again, before flying off towards the clear sky. Applejack just shook her head as she watched the mailmare take off, before looking back down at the box.

The gesture was nice, but impractical for her. She could never think of a time when she would wear it. If anything it would be a hindrance to her work, more something Rarity would wear instead of her. Putting the box in the cart she was pulling around for supplies, she started to make her way back towards the outer fields to see if Mac needed help. However, before she could get more than a few feet a gust of wind swept past her, nearly knocking off her hat if she had not held onto it.

Above her, a dark pony in a blue and yellow outfit flew by her above the trees before taking a hard right and turning back towards her and slowing down to come in for a landing. Even from a distance, Applejack could recognize that the figure was Thunderlane, one of the many pegasi that had been training with Rainbow Dash at the Wonderbolt’s Academy.

“Howdy there Thunderlane! What can Ah help ya with?” She asked, watching as the stallion landed in front of her and shook his head.

“Hi Applejack,” Thunderlane groaned, pulling off the goggles and trying to catch his breath. “I actually have a delivery for you,” Reaching into one of the few pockets of his Wonderbolt uniform, he produced a small envelope with her name on it. Applejack looked at the card for a second.

“Let me guess, Soarin?” Thunderlane merely chuckled as he gave the envelope to her.

“When I left he was still pacing back and forth,” Thunderlane said, giving his wings a light flutter as he got ready to take off again. “Never seen him so nervous, kind of funny!” At those words, Thunderlane gave a mighty flap of his wings and went shooting high into the sky and back towards Cloudsdale.

As he flew off, Applejack started to tear the top off of the envelope. She felt like she should be a bit ashamed, having two stallions fighting for her affections, but it did feel kinda nice! Pulling out the piece of paper she began to read.

This might not be the most creative of gifts, but I hope you enjoy it all the same! I hope to see you soon and show you the world!


Applejack let out a slight laugh, just reading those words she could already guess what her gift from the pegasus was. Reaching into the envelope, she pulled out nine pairs of box seat tickets for the next Wonderbolts show that was coming out, along with first class train tickets. She had to give the stallion points, he did think of her friends and family.

Unfortunately, she would not be able to go to any show soon with getting the farm ready for apple bucking season. Even with Big Mac in full health his year, there was much work still to be done. She would probably give the tickets to Rainbow Dash, along with her apologies. Putting the tickets in the box with the necklace, she went on with her chores for the day, but with a noticeable skip in her step.


“... so after recess Cheerilee started ta teach us about multiplication. Scootaloo and Sweetie didn’t really get it, but Ah thought it was kinda fun!” The Apples were gathered around the table listening to Bloom’s day. Before them was a mixture of apple based foods and drinks, exactly what they needed after a hard day's work.

“Sounds like ya got yer brothers smarts when it comes ta math thankfully,” Granny laughed, patting the broad shoulder of Big Mac, Applejack just gave out a grunt at the comment. “Aww hush yerself, don’t get all huffy because ya can’t be good at everythin’,” Granny said waving her hoof at Applejack.

Big Mac just stayed his stoic self as Granny talked, till the sound of the tea pot whistling. As she left to fetch it, Mac stuck his tongue out at Applejack as he wrinkled his face. Apple Bloom covered her mouth to suppress a giggle as Applejack smacked the table.

“Granny! Mac’s makin’ faces at me!” Applejack said in mock-annoyance, causing more laughter from the youngest Apple, as Mac’s face went back to being stoic.

“Now don’t be makin’ things up just because yer not good at math,” Granny said, as she returned, not even looking up at the arguing siblings. “Besides,” Granny sat back down, waving her fork at Applejack. “Marry one of ‘em rich stallions and ya don’t gotta worry about math!” Applejack let out another groan as Granny just chuckled.

“Ah’m not gonna marry a stallion fer their money Granny,” Applejack took a bite out of her supper. “Don’t like havin’ them gettin’ me all this stuff either. Seems like Ah’m playin ‘em or somethin,”

“Hush yerself child,” Granny said quickly, waving a hoof at her. “Nothin’ wrong with havin’ stallions fightin fer ya,” she said laughing a bit as she eyed Applejack. “Ah remember when Ah was a young mare, stallions would always be tryin’ ta get a date with me. Ah wasn’t as prude as yer bein’ Applejack and went out on a few, and them stallions were somethin’!” Granny laughed, making the two older siblings cringe. “Why, Ah remember this one fella, nice as can be! But when we got back ta his place, oh was he naugh—”

“Granny, not in front of Apple Bloom” Mac’s deep voice chimed in just before Granny’s story would cause any other nightmares for the night.

“Huh? Why not in front of me? Ah’m a big pony!” Apple Bloom said, getting up on her hind legs and looking over at her brother.

“Trust us Bloom. None of us are big enough ponies fer that story,” Mac insisted, before turning his eyes towards Granny. “Right?” Granny just let out a slight huff before turning back to Applejack.

“Besides, Ah’ve seen how yer eyes lit up seeing all of them gifts,” Applejack’s face grew hot at the comment. While the gifts had been silly or impractical, she didn’t mind getting them.

“You think stallions are goin’ ta fight over me Granny?” Apple Bloom asked, sitting up a bit.

“One day they will,” Granny said, before turning over to Big Mac. “But no way yer ready fer that, and Mac here will make sure of that,” Big Mac just rolled his eyes as he took a sip of cider, having long ago learned not to get involved in these kinds of arguments. A stallion could never win in them.

As Bloom pouted slightly, Applejack and Granny shared a laugh at the idea of Mac having to chase young colts off the farm. Before another word could be said, there was a knocking at the front door that caught all of their attention.

“Who could that be at this hour?” Applejack asked, as Mac got up from the table to answer to check.

They could all hear Mac’s large hooves pound against the wooden planks as he walked down the front hall, followed by the squeaking of the front door as he opened it. Applejack strained her ears to hear who was at the door. She could make out Mac’s baritone voice and that of another stallion she did not recognize. A few minutes later Mac came back into the dinner table with a large basket in his mouth, the contents hidden by green wrapping paper with red apples on them.

“That from one of them stallions?” Granny asked, eyeing Applejack as Mac placed the basket next to her.


“Aww, yer so lucky!” Apple Bloom moaned, placing her chin on the kitchen table.

Applejack just stared at the basket, her mouth slightly open. It was easy to make out the tops of several bottles through the wrapping paper. Like all the gifts thus far, there was a yellow note on it, to which she grabbed first to find out which stallion had bought it.

The more I thought about it, Wonderbolt tickets are probably not the best gift. They almost seem cheap you know? I hope this makes up for that mistake!


“So which stallion is it?” Granny asked, leaning forward, placing a pair of almost comically large glasses on her face.

“Soarin,” Applejack was already ripping the wrapping paper. Once the last of the paper was removed, all members of the Apple family leaned in closer to see what kind of gift a rich pony would buy.

Inside were bottles of expensive looking cider, each from a different part of Equestria, several bars of exotic chocolates, but what was in the middle of all of it was what really caught Applejack’s attention.

There, sitting in the middle of all of it was a little brown teddy bear wearing a black cowboy hat, and a red kerchief around his neck, with a sheriff badge on a black chest. While the rest of her family looked over the other gifts, Apple Bloom grabbing some of the chocolates, Granny exclaiming over the cider to Big Mac, AJ could not help but look at the bear. Something about the little bear made Applejack forget about everything else in the basket as she picked it up.

Looking into the light brown eyes of the bear, it took every ounce of her strength not to hug the bear right there. She was too proud of a mare to do such a filly-like act in front of her family, but she just loved the stuffed bear. At once, she felt her heart warm up towards the blue Wonderbolt, as the simplicity of the gift outweighed all the other gifts combined.

“Well Ah’ll be! Some of these ciders are from Braeburn’s farm!” Granny laughed, holding one of the bottles up the light for her to read better. “Why, this one is older than him! Must be worth twenty thousand bits at least!”

“Eeyup!” Mac chimed in, holding another bottle of cider in his hooves. He scanned over the other bottles, his eyes slightly twitching as he looked them over. “Reckon this basket is worth close ta eighty thousand bits of cider,” Granny gave out a low whistle before turning back to Applejack.

“Ain’t it a bit early for these sorta pricey gifts?” Mac piped in, only to get a light smack on the back of the head from Granny.

“Hush! Ain’t no such thing as too early. Besides, at the rate yer courtin fillies Ah’d be lucky ta be a great grandmother when Ah’m a hundred and twenty years old!” Mac just groaned, rubbing the back of his head while Granny looked at another bottle. “How about we crack one of these puppies open! Never thought Ah’d have a cider older than me,” Granny got out of her chair and started to make her way to the kitchen when there was another knock on the door. “Oh? More competition? Get the door Mac! Don’t want them ta see her playin’ favorites”

As Granny laughed to herself, Mac silently obeyed his grandmother’s wishes and made his way back to the front door. All the while Applejack kept holding onto the bear, barely registering the world around her, lost in its brown eyes.

Like before, the only sounds heard from the front hall were the loud steps of Macintosh’s hooves as he walked, and the murmuring of voices as he accepted whatever gift was to come next for the sought after mare. A short time later, Mac reappeared in the kitchen with a plain wooden box.

“Hmm… not as fancy as the last,” Granny noted, watching Mac place the box right next to the basket that was missing a few more bars of chocolate.

As Mac took the candy away from Bloom, Applejack approached the newest gift, her new little friend now wrapped in one hoof. She felt like a filly on her first day of school, not wanting to go without her favorite toy.

Getting closer to the box, AJ’s eyes fell upon a small white card attached to the seemingly plain box. If it was not for the unique writing, in which was her name, she would have never guessed it was from Trenderhoof. From all appearances, it was a very plain and simple box, not that unlike the ones they used to hold apples in. Picking up the card, her she began to read what words her second suitor had chosen to capture her heart.

When it comes to art, wine, food, and classical literature many ponies believe I am the best. However, my ear for music is not as keen as others. To my ears, it just sounds like noise, but to you I can only imagine it as beautiful as your voice is to my ears.


In those few lines Applejack felt her cheeks heat up. It was not often that someone complimented her voice, and calling it beautiful no less was a special kind of charm. Nudging the box open with her nose, she could not wait to see what kind of music Trenderhoof had found for her.

“By the stars! How did he know Ah liked them!” Applejack could not help the smile growing on her face as she saw the first cover in the box full of records. The record was one that she had heard her father play many times when she was a filly.

She could remember leaning on him as they sat in the living room after he had finished work on the farm, and how he used to sing off key just to make her laugh. A few tears threaten to break through as she flipped through the records, each one bringing forth some kind of memory of her filly days.

“Ah remember that one,” Mac’s voice gave Applejack a light shock, as she had not noticed that he was now looking over her shoulder and looking into the box. “That’s the album Pa used ta put on anytime family was over,” Applejack looked down at the cover, a pony was sitting on a barrel strumming a banjo, She remembered how their father would sit in the same exact pose and strum his own banjo to drive their mother insane.

It did not take long for a record player to be brought into the dining room and the sound of country music began to radiate from the player. Albums were switched one after another, filling the home with familiar songs again as the Apple finished their supper with laughs and memories that left a warm feeling in all their hearts, but none so more than Applejack.

But like all good things it had to come to an end, as the time came when little fillies should be in bed. As Mac carried the sleeping form of Apple Bloom up to her room, Applejack let her hoof trace over the box that Trenderhoof had given her. Most of the albums had been out of print for years, and would have cost a small fortune each to get.

Smiling, she reached into the box and took the album that her father had listened to so often. Holding it tightly in her mouth, she carried the album upstairs with her; as well as the teddy bear on her back.

Stepping into her room, Applejack laid the teddy bear from Soarin on her bed, and then the album on the gramophone next to it. As the needle fell upon the record, Applejack could not help but feel a surge of warmth spread throughout her body as the music reminded her so much of her father.

Sitting down on the edge of her bed, she took her hat off and placed it on the hook near by before reaching for a small brush, running it across her tail. Memories flashed before her eyes as she remembered her mother brushing her hair for her as the family sat in the living room; all gathered around the music relaxing from a long day of work. Mac would be sitting close to their father, watching him closely if he was fixing something or playing along with the musc. Either way, he would be explaining to Mac how he could fix it himself, or how to play the banjo. Then there was Granny, sitting in her rocking chair, knitting foal clothing for the recently announced newest addition to the Apple family.

The memory was one of the last ones she had of her family all together and happy. She missed those days, and tried not to dwell on them. The music, however, pulled it all back and it filled her with love instead of sorrow.

After brushing out the few knots in her mane and cleaning her teeth Applejack pulled back the covers of her bed and crawled in. She then pulled the little sheriff bear in close to her chest and nuzzled it. Something about the little toy had captivated her. Applejack considered herself a proud and independent mare, but that didn’t mean she didn’t like being treated like a filly once in a awhile, something this bear had provided. Giving the bear a light kiss on the head, she let out a yawn before closing her eyes, letting the music lull her to sleep.

For once in her life, she had stallions battling for her attention, and she was loving it!

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy! Make sure to leave a comment if you can, I always love reading them! Thank you to docontra and Themaskedferret for all of the edits and feedback!