• Published 30th Aug 2015
  • 1,427 Views, 59 Comments

Do Not Go Gentle - ShinigamiDad

Death's Harbinger needs Luna and Twilight's help to solve a centuries-old mystery

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Close Quarters

“So you did get in!” Grey Thorn marveled as Luna and Reaper worked their way warily toward the back wall of the study.

He regarded Twilight standing in the open entrance to the large chamber beyond, with a furrowed brow: “You are indeed clever and dangerous, it would seem, but so are your friends. Yet they needed me to open a door for them, I assume.”

Reaper and Luna had nearly reached Twilight, who lifted her head high, saying, “I possess a power you have never encountered, which has defeated several…”

Helped to defeat several foes, would be more accurate, I think!” Grey Thorn interrupted, as he advanced across the study. “You had a host of friends at your back. I know the stories, Princess!”

He stopped for a moment and looked quizzically at the wall and its now-revealed entrance: “The dark magic I understand--both you and Nightmare-who-was possess some measure, but how did you trigger…?”

A look of comprehension suddenly broke across Grey Thorn’s face: “You’re a virgin!”

Reaper cocked an eyebrow and leaned in toward Luna: “Is she?”

Luna shrugged: “It would not surprise me--she does spend a great deal of time with her “nose in the books,” as Celestia puts it.”

Twilight blushed furiously, but snorted defiantly: “Well it looks like my choice of pastime has worked out fine, don’t you think?”

Reaper chuckled: “Considering it may get you killed? You might want to rethink that one!”

“Indeed!” Grey Thorn replied. “You should have stayed in a lover’s bed or your own library, and spared yourself this encounter!”

Luna bristled and backed into the entrance next to Twilight: “Then you do not know her! Twilight has never shied away from conflict, no matter the peril!”

Grey Thorn continued to advance on the three ponies as they backed through the opening into the large, dark, theater-like chamber beyond.

“Then I shall especially enjoy adding her distinctive fire and character to my own! I have spent too many centuries harvesting the essences of the worn-out and broken,” Grey Thorn said, eyes blazing with a golden light as he too, passed through the entrance.

As Reaper crossed the threshold he felt a sudden rush of power, and he broke to his left, toward the alcove containing the ancient mirror.

Then he stopped, suddenly realizing why he felt his powers return. He turned back toward Luna and Twilight in a panic.

“Oh, shit--it’s a trap!” he shouted, “Don’t let him close that door!”

But it was too late. Twilight and Luna both looked at Reaper with confused expressions, as Grey Thorn touched the door frame with his horn, sealing the exit.

Grey Thorn nodded toward Twilight, a malicious smile on his face: “She is clever and resourceful, but lacks your particular, shall we say, skill set.”

Luna backed further away as the Void began to swell and billow like a malevolent cloud, regaining much of its former volume.

“I do not understand!” she shouted.

“And neither do you possess the errand-colt’s senses, Nightmare-who-was. Nor do you seem to be as quick-witted as your understudy,” Grey Thorn said, sweeping further into the chamber, turning to face his opponents as he rose a few feet off the floor.

Reaper dashed over to join his companions: “The wards and charms don’t work in here! I can feel my full power returning, but that means he can unleash the Void again!”

“Precisely!” Grey Thorn shouted triumphantly, drifting a few more yards toward the back wall, near the pit full of bones and remains.

The Void began to tower, nearly touching the roof of the chamber, as Twilight ran back to the exit, frantically lifting her hoof in order to pierce her wrist.

“Just hold him off for a minute, and I’ll get this door open again!” she shouted as dark tendrils began shooting toward her.

Luna and Reaper stepped in between Twilight and Grey Thorn in an attempt to hold him at bay, long enough for Twilight to reopen the exit.

Luna lifted off the floor several feet and focused an intense beam of dark magic directly at Grey Thorn’s horn, as Reaper swept his sword in a tight arc, raising a shimmering violet barrier.

Twilight succeeded in nicking herself more deeply than she intended, and she cried out in pain: “Dammit! Sorry--I’m shaking! Give me a second!”

She dipped her horn in the trickle of blood, but lost sight of the glyphs as Grey Thorn barked out a word of power, and the chamber went entirely dark.

“You don’t think I’ll let you out that easily, do you?” Grey Thorn said, moving away from the rear wall back toward Twilight and her companions.

Luna and Reaper both caused their horns to blaze forth with light, again, allowing Twilight to focus on her dark magic summoning of the symbols.

“Please hurry, Twilight!” Luna called out, alternating between attacks and providing light. “His darkness spell is powerful, and I cannot both fight and illuminate!”

Reaper stepped forward, toward Grey Thorn, who was now almost invisible, wrapped in the Void’s impenetrable nimbus, swallowed in the vast darkness of the chamber.

“The dark doesn’t bother me, warlock,” Reaper shouted, “I’ve spent millennia in it! I can hold you off for more than enough time!”

Grey Thorn furrowed his brow and dropped to the floor, drifting toward the mirror alcove, seeking a better angle-of-attack.

The Void shrank down to a tight cylinder, swirling against Grey Thorn’s hip.

“Unfortunately, you are correct,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “Your friend there has nearly finished her task, and you can indeed, prevent my extensions from reaching the exit before she finishes.”

Reaper closed the gap with Grey Thorn, sword glowing deep blue, ready to generate a new shield, as Luna leaned close to the exit, lending a burst of her own dark magic, as Twilight touched her horn to the door.

The door’s surface rippled for a moment as Twilight tipped her head back, bumping into Luna. Reaper glanced back toward the two alicorns.

Suddenly a dart of intense gold light lanced through the gloom, striking Twilight in the temple.

Grey Thorn’s voice boomed out: “SLEEP!”

Twilight dropped as though struck dead, falling awkwardly over the exit’s threshold.

Reaper’s head snapped around, and he locked his eyes on Grey Thorn’s: “What did you do?”

“While you are doing a credible job of blocking my extensions,” Grey Thorn admitted, “you seem to underestimate my power as a centuries-old spell-caster!”

Luna bent down, looking closely at Twilight’s face. She stood back up, relieved: “She merely slumbers. It is a deep sleep, to be sure, but I can free her from it momentarily.”

Grey Thorn smiled: “You might, but I suspect you’re going to be rather involved, yourself.”

Luna tipped her head quizzically, and opened her mouth to speak, as Reaper circled closer to Grey Thorn, his own horn glowing. He noticed the mirror in the alcove behind Grey Thorn, shimmering faintly in the presence of so much magic.

Again Grey Thorn closed his eyes, and another beam of golden magic sliced through the dark: “SLEEP!”

Luna’s eyes fluttered drunkenly: “Wha--how?!”

She collapsed next to Twilight, a wing draped across both their bodies, a trickle of drool dripping from her open mouth.

Reaper chewed his lower lip for a moment, as Grey Thorn took a deep, shuddering breath and opened his eyes slowly.

“Do you know,” he said unsteadily, “I wasn’t entirely sure that would work.”

Reaper slowly took another step forward as as the Void pulled away from Grey Thorn slightly, drifting toward the sleeping forms on the floor.

Grey Thorn shook his head, and rubbed his temple: “Now, what shall I do about you?”

“I was thinking the very same thing!” Reaper exclaimed, lunging forward suddenly, firing a blast of crimson energy at the Void, while phasing to his least tangible, passing through the Void’s dark nimbus.

Grey Thorn reared back in alarm, and Reaper took advantage of the opening to thrust his shoulder into Grey Thorn’s chest, driving him straight backwards.

Before Grey Thorn could regain his balance, or pull the Void back tightly to himself, Reaper gave one last shove, and plunged himself, Grey Thorn and the Void through the rippling surface of the mirror.

Grey Thorn’s howl of rage echoed for a moment, then the chamber fell silent, save for the heavy breathing of the two sleeping Princesses.