• Published 30th Aug 2015
  • 1,427 Views, 59 Comments

Do Not Go Gentle - ShinigamiDad

Death's Harbinger needs Luna and Twilight's help to solve a centuries-old mystery

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“So where are we bound this time?” Reaper asked as the three ponies rose up to the portal banner.

“We will see the last moments of Zephyr,” Luna explained, “a powerful flyer of some repute, in his youth. I recall he flew with the Wonderbolts for a time, many years ago.”

“He had a loving mate and several devoted children,” she continued, “and a rich dream life.”

“Rich dream life?” Twilight repeated, quizzically.

“A euphemism for 'fantasies,' I presume,” Reaper opined.

Luna sighed: “Yes, I suppose you could put it that way. In any event, he had kept memories from far back in his youth, of a fellow pegasus named Brandywine. They were students together for a time at the Academy, and he maintained an occasional interest in keeping those memories alive.”

They stepped through the portal into a cool white and cream-colored room of scrubbed oak and stucco.

Zephyr lay on his back, splayed across a luxurious, triple-wide bed, wings fully spread, forehooves crossed behind his head. A shower could be heard coming from an adjoining room.

A mare stepped in from the right, wreathed in a cloud of steam, her long, magenta mane wet, dangling before her chocolate-brown face, covering one eye.

“How long has it been?” the mare asked in a sultry voice as she sat on the floor at the foot of the bed.

“Too damn long, Brandywine,” he replied, stretching luxuriously, his platinum grey coat rippling.

He looked down at her face, just visible below the end of the bed: “At least 50 years!”

“Can’t be,” she teased, pulling herself up slowly over the edge of the bed, “we’re both just kids--hardly out of school!”

Zephyr snorted: “Ha! 'Hardly out of school!' I don’t even remember school!” He closed his eyes and laid his head back, and took a deep breath.

“Oh, you smell good! That takes me back!”

The sunlight streaming in the window began to fade and shift, falling across Zephyr’s chest and neck. The steam cloud lingered and thickened, diffusing the light, giving the room a gauzy, dreamlike quality.

This should help you remember, too,” Brandywine said as she slid her muzzle underneath his ice-blue tail, spilling it across her face, letting it slide off to one side as she pulled herself up between his legs.

The lamp beside the bed began to gutter and give off a thin spire of sooty smoke.

He felt her tongue slide underneath and over his scrotum as she worked her mouth up and over his member. His eyes opened lazily, and he tried to crane his neck so he could get a better view.

Brandywine pulled her mouth away for a moment: “Uh, uh! No peeking!” She arched her own wings high above her back and curled them next to her face, along the insides of his legs, touching the tips together over his chest.

Zephyr chuckled and sighed: “Yeah, that takes me back, too!”

The warm, burnished glow of sunset was now being replaced with a cool white light. The cloud of steam now condensed into a fog, settling to the floor.

Twilight shifted uncomfortably as wet sucking sounds and Zephyr’s heavy, rapid breathing filled the room.

Luna closed her eyes and shuddered.

Reaper noticed her motion out of the corner of his eye: “What?” he asked. “I see the setting starting to shift--are we nearing the tipping point?”

He turned to Twilight: “Pay attention to all the detail you can--I think we’re close!”

Twilight blurted out, “So is he!” then bit her lip and blushed furiously.

Reaper was stunned for a moment, then smiled: “Well, that was unexpected!”

He turned back toward Luna: “Whatever’s going to happen is about to happen, yes?”

Luna nodded weakly: “It already is…”

The light streaming in the window, falling across Zephyr’s face was now fully silver-white, and the fog rising from the floor had thickened to the point it was creeping over the surface of the bed. The extinguished lamp continued to produce a strand of smoke, which was piling-up like black string on the ceiling.

Brandywine pulled her mouth free from Zephyr with a soft, wet ‘pop’ and worked her body up through her own wings, drawing her rump up between his loins, and settling her opening down over the length of his shaft, her hind legs locked against his flanks.

Zephyr let out a deep moan, and tipped his hips forward involuntarily.

“And do you remember this as well?” Brandywine said, rhythmically rocking forward and back slowly, pressing her hooves into Zephyr's chest.

His eyes fluttered open for a moment, but lost focus as Brandywine’s wings slid in front of his face again, screening his view.

“Nope,” she chided, “not yet…”

Luna turned her head away and chewed her lip; a bead of sweat ran down the side of her face.

Twilight shifted nervously again, cleared her throat and whispered: “Um, what should I be focusing on most? What do you think will change first?”

Reaper smiled: “You don’t need to whisper, Twilight, this happened long ago, and we’re not really here, so they can’t hear you.”

He turned back to the scene and observed Brandywine’s cries and arched back, the slap of their bodies, and Zephyr’s grunts: “Besides, I don’t think they could hear you even if we were here for real right now!”

“And,” he continued, “as Luna pointed out, the scene already is shifting. In fact…”

He pointed to Brandywine who had now darkened to a deep bluish-black, her mane shifting from magenta to deep red to a dark purplish nimbus, spreading out, mingling with the smoke from the darkened lamp.

“This is it,” whispered Luna, nodding at the bed, eyes still tightly shut, trembling.

The fog covering the floor and bed deepened in tone, from steamy white to dark, smoky gray. The wisps of sooty smoke from the lamp had now formed a black pool on the ceiling; thin tendrils ran down the walls.

“Tell me you love me!” cried Brandywine’s voice, as Nightmare Moon’s sweat-streaked loins tightened around Zephyr, pulling his full length inside her.

Nightmare Moon, naked save for her helmet, now rose above Zephyr, wings outspread, rocking high, driving her rump up and down, staring into his now-open eyes.

He gasped and twisted, but was pinned by her front hooves, driven hard into his shoulders, and by her ferocious thrusting.

“What...is...it?” Nightmare Moon demanded, each word punctuated by her thrusts.

He opened his mouth to speak, but only a low moan escaped as Nightmare Moon squeezed and ground down against his pelvis again. She pushed her muzzle against his.

“What is wrong, young colt? Too old for you?” Her eyes glinted malevolently and her horn glowed.

She worked her hips up and down even faster, panting directly in Zephyr’s face, as the lines of age overtook it, piling the accumulated decades of life back on his body in an instant.

“Please...stop…!” he panted. “I...I…” He gasped for air, as the fog darkened to black, and the inky roof above thickened until it nearly touched Nightmare Moon’s quivering wings.

“I shall stop when I am done!” she cried, grinding down hard, wiggling her rump in a spasm of delight, leaning back, eyes closed.

Zephyr coughed and cried out weakly, his voice cracking, his legs and tail twitching suddenly.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes flew open, and she stopped thrusting for a moment, looking back over her shoulder at their joined bodies.

She grinned: “I said when I am done--not you!”

She pushed her face close to Zephyr’s again, staring into his bulging eyes as her hips pounded up and down. “When...I...am...done!”

Twilight stood transfixed, breathing shallowly, a bead of sweat running down her jawline.

The smoke-fog that nearly filled the room had taken on a unified, sooty blackness, almost condensing into a solid mass. The moonlight now streamed into the room with blinding intensity, glinting off Nightmare Moon’s helmet and the sweat running down her flanks.

Reaper’s eyes widened: “This is it, Luna! Touch your horn to my temple, I want to see if we can perceive anything beyond that shadow, or smoke or whatever it is!”

Luna took a deep, shuddering breath, looked up from the floor, and opened her eyes. She winced when she saw the scene on the bed, but leaned in toward Reaper, touching the side of his head with her faintly-glowing horn.

“What is the matter, Old Paint?” Nightmare Moon taunted, her hindquarters rising and falling faster even than the now-erratic pounding in Zephyr’s chest.

“Am I not your dream-mare? Do you not want to spend eternity inside me?” she shouted ecstatically, “TELL ME YOU LOVE ME!”

Nightmare Moon’s whole body shuddered violently and she cried out with a howl like a wild beast, wings spread wide, stirring the now-nearly-impenetrable, swirling smoke-fog that filled the room. Each beat of her wings caused a break in the darkness allowing the blinding moonlight to pour briefly through the window and flicker maniacally, like a broken strobe light.

“Now!” Reaper called out, straining forward, “Stop the scene!”

Everything froze.

Reaper struggled to press closer to the bed, but Luna restrained him: “You do not have free motion, here. This is not a death vision!”

Luna blinked away a tear, and squinted, causing the view to iris in on the bed, showing details in the smoke.

“Dammit!” Reaper cursed, eyes flickering over the scene, looking for any clues.

Twilight cleared her throat and spoke uncertainly: “Um, Lun--er, Nightmare Moon’s helmet just came off, and her mane is glowing.”

“Yes?” Reaper responded, distractedly, “And…?”

“Well,” Twilight continued, glancing away from the uncomfortably-close image of Nightmare Moon and Zephyr’s glistening hindquarters pressed fully together, “it looks like it’s casting a shadow inside the smoke or fog or…”

Reaper squinted then blinked hard.

“Wait…” He said, eyebrows suddenly jumping. “You can make out that detail? Twilight--press your horn against my other temple!”

She did, and suddenly all three could perceive striations and bands within the smoke and shadows. They could distinguish slight differences between Nightmare Moon’s own dark aura--now at its maximum--and the growing, deepening, abyssal blackness overtaking the room.

“That’s it!” Reaper cried. “I can see!” He studied the differences intently.

“Ple-please hurry,” Luna gasped, “I can’t hold this for much longer!”

“I understand,” Reaper replied. “Hurry, Twilight--see what you can as quickly as you can! We have to let this scene finish.”

Twilight’s eyes were briefly drawn again to Zephyr and Nightmare Moon’s joined bodies; she blinked hard, clearing her vision, and tipped her head slightly until she could catch a glimpse of the window.

Luna panted: “Must...let...go!” She shuddered, and Twilight and Reaper stumbled slightly in order to maintain contact between all three.

Nightmare Moon’s savage cry again slowly filled the room, as the dark cloud swept down on Zephyr’s body at half-speed, obscuring the scene utterly, leaving only a sliver of piercing moonlight to fall on his frozen, black-framed face.

Reaper gasped in shock: “By The Infinite, no!”

Luna’s head snapped up, and she fell back a step as her doppelgänger, still mounted atop Zephyr’s now-still body, blinked slowly at the clearing cloud, and looked down the length of her gleaming wet, blue-black coat, luxuriating in her heat and musk and power.

She slid off Zephyr’s member, quivering slightly, and stepped to the floor, lifted her helmet from where it had fallen, and replaced it over her horn and forehead with a sigh.

She then glanced around the room and lifted a pillow from behind Zephyr’s head with her magic. Squatting slightly, she raised her tail, and ran the pillow up the length of her backside, tossing it aside when done. It landed on Zephyr’s sunken, dying chest.

“Hardly worth the effort!” Nightmare Moon said archly as the scene began to fade. “I need to find younger playmates...”