• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 2,522 Views, 38 Comments

Sweet and Complete - Blazewing

A simple display of affection opens a whole new sense of meaning to two very close friends...

  • ...

Picnic by the Lake (Two Weeks Later)

Applejack had rarely felt so giddy, almost as if she were a filly again. There was a song in her heart that couldn’t contain itself, and she was humming it placidly as she brushed her mane before the bathroom mirror. She had never taken such pride in her appearance when it wasn’t some huge, formal occasion, and even then she felt pressured and uncomfortable to get herself gussied up, but this time was different. This time, it was worth it.

It had been at least two weeks since she had confessed her love for Rarity, and to her utter astonishment and delight, Rarity reciprocated her affections. Since then, they had only been able to see each other on and off, as the prim unicorn had several orders to complete at Carousel Boutique, and Applejack had her farm chores to attend to. However, in just an hour or so, all of that would be amended. Rarity had finally found a nice, big gap in her schedule, and she and Applejack were going to spend it on a picnic, just the two of them. It was perfect.

Applejack studied herself in the mirror, weaving her mane into its traditional ponytail as she did so. She had even decorated it with another hibiscus, as Rarity had professed a fondness for the flower. She still couldn’t believe that Rarity possessed a mutual attraction towards her. She’d never even realized that she had her eyes on mares in the first place. She had seen a lot of pretty mares around Ponyville, some a lot prettier than her by most beauty standards. Yet it was the simple, freckle-cheeked, stocky-bodied Applejack that Rarity had singled out amongst them all. She really thought of her as that special? Such an idea warmed her heart considerably.

She went back to her bedroom, putting her favorite hat on as she did so. As she went through the hall, she saw Big Mac appear from the stairs, heading for his own room. The two siblings grinned at each other, though Applejack couldn’t help noticing a hint of puzzlement in her big brother’s face. No doubt he wondered why she looked so cleaned up today. She hadn’t told him about her and Rarity’s relationship yet, but Big Mac was a stallion of brawn and brains. It wouldn’t take long for him to put the pieces together. Granny, too, didn’t let on anything, but at the most, she must have worked out that Applejack was in love, just not with whom. She still needed time to prepare them for the bombshell to be. She therefore avoided a talk with Big Mac by escaping into her room.

She looked about at the framed photos of all of her friends hanging on the wall, all of them having a special place of their own. However, one spot was bare of its usual occupant: Rarity’s. This was because Applejack had taken it down and placed it on her bedside table, so that it would be the first thing she could see when she woke up in the morning. The Rarity in the picture was frozen in a coy wink at the camera, and Applejack smiled as she looked down at it. Unconsciously, she picked it up, held it close, and nuzzled her nose against it, as close as she could to the picture Rarity's muzzle.


Applejack jumped, whirling around and putting the picture back down hastily. Apple Bloom was standing in the doorway, looking curious. The elder sister breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hey there, Apple Bloom. Somethin’ wrong?”

“No,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah just wanted to ask ya somethin’. Is that all right?”

“Of course, sugarcube. You know you can ask me anythin’.”

Applejack sat on her bed, and Apple Bloom joined her, shuffling about until she was right next to her sister.

“What’s on your mind?” asked Applejack.

“Ah’ve just been thinkin’. You and Rarity have been seein’ each other a lot, haven’t you?’

Applejack felt a slight twinge of panic in her gut, but it was dispelled rather quickly. On the one hoof, she had been worried about Apple Bloom asking questions about her and Rarity’s relationship, as she was a sharp kid for her age and bound to catch on. On the other hoof, she knew this talk would have had to come eventually, and so she might as well get it out of the way. After all, if anypony in her family would be the first to know, it would be Apple Bloom.

“As much as we can,” said Applejack. “How’d you guess?”

“Ah see the two of you walkin’ together sometimes, and she came to call a lot the last couple 'a weeks, more than Pinkie.”

Applejack grinned slightly. Pinkie had indeed been coming over frequently to spend time with her ‘cousins’, which had been one of the things that strained the time Applejack could have spent with Rarity. Despite this, she wasn’t about to begrudge Pinkie’s company, as she was always glad to see her newly christened cousin. However, she wondered if she had caught on to the relationship as well; Pinkie had always possessed a frighteningly uncanny knack for guessing the subtle or unsaid.

“How come you’re seein’ her so much? You ain’t tired of yer other friends, are ya?”

“No, of course not,” said Applejack. “Ah’d never grow tired of any of mah friends, Apple Bloom. It’s just...well, Rarity’s...special.”

“Special? Why?”

Applejack bit her lip. She had to tread carefully, lest she utterly confuse or even gross out her little sister. She drew her sister closer, pulling her into a one-legged hug against her side.

“Y’see, sis,” she said, “Rarity and Ah are...well…”

“Yer what?” Apple Bloom asked, innocently.


Apple Bloom blinked.

“Together? What do ya mean?”

“Well, Ah mean...that Rarity’s mah...she’s mah...very special somepony.”

She waited, anticipating and dreading Apple Bloom’s reaction. The little filly just continued to stare up at her sister, though Applejack knew the cogs were turning in her head, processing this proclamation. Then, to Applejack’s disconcertion, Apple Bloom’s face twisted into a grimace.

“Does that mean you two are gonna be kissin’ all the time? And bein’ all ‘shmoopy-doopy pookie-pie’ with each other?”

Applejack relaxed somewhat, and even chuckled slightly. It seemed Apple Bloom still hadn’t gotten over the disastrous misadventure of love-poisoning Big Mac and Cheerilee, whereupon the two became incredibly sappy and lovey-dovey with each other. Now, she was sure she and Rarity wouldn’t get to be that bad, but it was a relief that that was the only thing Apple Bloom was concerned about.

“If we do, it won’t be where you can see us,” said Applejack, “though I don’t fancy you or your Crusader friends spyin’ on us, either.”

She accompanied this with a noogie to Apple Bloom’s head, making the filly giggle. She then looked up at Applejack again, a querying look in her orange eyes.

“Would that mean Rarity would be mah sister too?” she asked.

Applejack felt another twinge go through her innards. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. Had Rarity? Even so, the idea of the two of them married...No, that was a thought for another day.

“Maybe,” said Applejack. “Would you mind that? Ah mean, yer ok with me goin’ out with...with another mare?”

“If you really love Rarity, it don’t matter to me,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah think she’s real nice, and you two are already good friends. Ah think yer good for each other.”

She wrapped her hooves around Applejack, nestling her cheek against her soft belly. Applejack smiled warmly and squeezed Apple Bloom closer, leaning down to nuzzle the top of her head. Her sister’s approval, her understanding, meant the world to her.


The spot Rarity had chosen for their picnic was at a swimming hole the Apples enjoyed using on hot, lazy summer days. It was sheltered from outside view by clumps of trees, and the air of it was always sweet with the smell of wildflowers. It was the perfect spot for a romantic get-together, by day or night.

It appeared that Applejack had arrived first, carrying the basket containing the picnic food in her teeth. She looked around, found nopony else there, and sat down, releasing the basket. She never admitted it out loud, but one thing she envied about Rarity beyond her cute looks was her unicorn’s magic. It made carrying things so much easier; they never had to haul or move objects about by clamping their teeth down on them. Still, Applejack had never been one to complain about things like that: it still got the job done.

Just when she was beginning to wish she’d brought a watch with her to check the time, her vision was obscured by two white hooves which covered her eyes. In the next instance, a soft, welcome voice crooned in her ear, tickling it with its breath.

“Guess who.”

Applejack smiled.

“Who else but mah Rarity?”

The hooves were removed, and Applejack turned to face her beloved. There she was, in her slightly plump, but still adorable, glory. Somehow, the sun beaming down on her generated a startling enhancement on her appearance. Her mane glistened, her eyes shimmered, her whole body seemed to give off a golden glow. She smiled sweetly at Applejack, batting her lashes.

“You win, darling,” she said, and she leaned forward and licked Applejack’s cheek

Applejack smiled back and threw her forelegs around her in an embrace, receiving an equally warm hug in return. When they pulled away to look at each other, Applejack licked the tip of Rarity’s nose.

“Ah missed you, sugar.”

“And I missed you. I needed a pick-me-up after the week I’ve had,” said Rarity, in a pouty voice. “It’s been absolute bedlam at the boutique. Ten different dresses to complete within the last week! 10!”

“Aw no,” said Applejack, concerned. “Were ya able to get them in on time?”

“Just barely,” said Rarity. “I work best when I’m under the pressure of a deadline. Now I’m free for the rest of the day, and quite possibly the next. I’m all yours.”

Applejack smiled.

“Ah’m glad to hear that, Rare. Ya hungry?”

“Famished. Did you bring the food?”

“Yup,” said Applejack, flicking her tail to indicate the basket. “Did you bring the plates and blanket?”

“Mm-hmm,” said Rarity, levitating her own basket forward. “This time, I didn’t forget them.”

Applejack chuckled, and the two set about setting up the blanket, then the plates and food.

“So,” said Applejack, as Rarity began unpacking with her magic, “does anypony know about...us?”

Rarity glanced up, looking Applejack straight in the eye.

“No,” she said. “I haven’t mentioned it to anypony yet. I’ve been wondering how my parents and Sweetie Belle will take the news.”

“Well, Ah haven’t told anypony except Apple Bloom,” said Applejack. “She’d already suspected it.”

“And what did she say?” asked Rarity, apprehensively.

“Just wondered if that meant we were gonna get lovey-dovey on each other,” said Applejack, winking.

Rarity laughed.

“Actually,” Applejack went on, “she took it really well. Said you and Ah were already good friends, so it seems like a good match.”

Rarity smiled warmly at this.

“She’s a sweet child,” said Rarity. “I’m so glad she at least understands.”

Here, her smile faded, and her tone became a bit more somber.

“I’ve heard of cases where coming out leads to unpleasant tension between loved ones. I only hope Sweetie Belle and my parents will be as open-minded as Apple Bloom.”

“Ah know what you mean,” said Applejack, quietly. “When Ah first came out to Granny, she said she’d love me no matter who Ah love, and I doubt Big Mac will make a huge fuss over it. Ah just can’t help worrying, though. What about the rest of our friends? Ah get the feelin’ Pinkie already guesses, but then again, she’s Pinkie. Ah know she and Fluttershy are pretty open-minded, and Twi might not make a big deal about it, either. It’s Rainbow Ah’m worried about. You know how that girl gets.”

Applejack’s reflections were interrupted by a sudden warmth under her chin. Rarity had edged over and tucked herself under Applejack’s head, nuzzling against her neck.

“They’re our friends, darling,” she said. “Whatever happens, we’ll get through it together.

Applejack smiled.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “Together.”

After a moment or two, Rarity pulled away, and they continued unpacking their picnic baskets.


“Oh...I simply can’t eat another bite.”

Applejack had truly outdone herself in her cooking. She and Rarity had worked their way through a delicious, packed meal of daisy sandwiches, fruit salad, apple-spice muffins, sugar cookies, apple pie, and bottles of ice-cold apple juice. There were still some muffins and some of the pie left over, but the two mares were full to the brim.

“Me neither,” said Applejack, patting her stomach. “Ah’m stuffed.”

She stretched out on her back onto the blanket, putting her forehooves behind her head. Rarity looked down at her, then allowed a cheeky little grin to play over her face. She deliberately lay herself down so that her head rested on Applejack’s belly, causing the Earth pony to jump a little in surprise. She looked down at Rarity, who was nuzzling her cheek comfortably against the pudge of Applejack’s middle.

“Mmm,” she murmured. “Applejack, dear, you’re so soft…Your tummy makes an excellent pillow.”

Applejack couldn’t help breaking out into a smile. Rarity looked absolutely adorable snuggled up on top of her, as content as a filly. She removed one hoof from behind her head and reached down, stroking the unicorn’s silky curls. Rarity’s smile broadened, and she seemed to doze off. Applejack kept at it for some time, then drifted off herself, basking in the warmth of the sun, the fullness of her stomach, and the feeling of her marefriend resting against her.

When Applejack opened her eyes again, it was to find Rarity still in the same position, her cheek against her stomach. As the farm mare stirred, however, so did Rarity, opening her dazzling blue eyes to gaze lovingly at her.

“Ah guess bein’ a little fat’s good for somethin’,” Applejack said. “If mah belly’s like a pillow, yers must be even softer. Ya gotta let me try it on you when yer done.”

If I’m done,” said Rarity, in a teasing voice.

Applejack looked at her, and saw that she was actually sticking her tongue out at her, like a playful child.

“And wut’s that supposed to mean?” asked Applejack, grinning.

“I don’t wanna move,” said Rarity, in her poutiest tone. “You’re so comfy.”

“Come on, now, fair’s fair,” said Applejack. “You’ve had yer time. Move over and lemme rest on yer belly a bit.”

“No,” said Rarity, still sounding pouty.

“Don’t make me have to use this,” said Applejack, warningly, and she flicked her tail dangerously close to Rarity’s pudgy side.

“You wouldn’t dare,” said Rarity.

Applejack’s only response was the raise of an eyebrow. The next second, the end of her golden tail was brushing against Rarity’s belly. The unicorn burst into a paroxysm of giggles that soon evolved into full-on laughter. She rolled off of Applejack, and that’s when the farm mare found her advantage. With the agility of a cat, she pounced on top of Rarity, making her squeal in surprise. The two rolled around on the grass, locked in each other’s forelegs, scattering wildflowers as they went, laughing like a pair of school fillies. Rarity couldn’t remember the last time she had ever played around like this, certainly not since she had moved out of her parents’ house. It was...fun, exhilarating.

Then, all of a sudden, Applejack was off of her, and a loud splash met her ears. Alarmed, she jumped up to her hooves and looked at the pond. Ripples were surging out across the surface, and Applejack was nowhere to be seen.

Rarity’s heart seemed to freeze.

“No. No!” she yelled, rushing to the water’s edge. “Applejack? Darling? Where are you?”

There was no answer.

“Applejack!” she cried. “Please! Answer me!”

Still, no answer.

Then, all of a sudden, with another splash, Applejack, her now-drenched hat still atop her head, rose up, grabbed Rarity around the foreleg, and dragged her into the water. A second later, Rarity surged back up, gasping for air, her mane wet and undone. Applejack bobbed back up as well, grinning. Rarity cast her a cold glare, which took the grin right off her face, but the glare turned to a sneaky smile as she splashed Applejack right in the face.

Before the bemused Earth pony could retaliate, Rarity had already gotten out of the water, and was shaking herself dry. Applejack took her chance, leaped from the water, and tackled her, sending the two of them into another tussle. This time, it ended in a bed of wildflowers, Applejack atop Rarity. The damp Earth pony looked down at the chubby unicorn, her front hooves braced against her shoulders, both of them panting to catch their breath. At last, Applejack bent down and licked Rarity’s cheek.

“Looks like Ah win again,” she said.

Rarity smiled in an amused way.

“All right, you got me,” she consented. “I was going to let you rest on me, anyway. I just wanted a little fun first.”

Applejack grinned, released Rarity, then slid down so that she could rest her cheek on her white, round belly. It was, without a doubt, better than any pillow she had ever used in her life: soft, warm, yielding, and part of the mare she loved. She snuggled herself in as deep as she could. Rarity smiled and, just as Applejack had done before, began toying with her mane as she lay, stroking the golden locks.

“You are such a silly pony,” she said.

“Who is?” asked Applejack, playfully.

“You are, Applejack.”

And she bent down as far as she could and licked Applejack’s cheek, right on her freckles, bringing an even bigger smile on the farm pony’s face.


Rarity nearly had a heart attack. Looking up, she saw Sweetie Belle standing a little ways away, staring at the two of them. Applejack looked up as well, and the two elder mares’ faces mirrored apprehensive shock.

“Sweetie Belle!” said Rarity, trying to sound casual. “Whatever are you doing here, darling?”

“I was gonna go for a swim,” said Sweetie Belle, “but I saw you two wrestling in the flowers and in the water, then Applejack lay down on your tummy and...you kissed her.”

The last three words seemed to linger, as if the truth of what they entailed were slowly catching up to her. Rarity bit her lip.

“Sweetie Belle, let me explain-” Rarity began.

“Does that mean,” Sweetie Belle interrupted, “what I think it means? Are you two...special someponies?”

Rarity and Applejack looked at each other. In that gaze, they seemed to affirm what the other was asking in their own eyes. The truth was the best option. They looked back at Sweetie Belle.

“Yes, darling,” said Rarity. “We are.”

Sweetie Belle stared at them for several moments. Rarity was on tenterhooks, wondering what she was going to say. ‘Eww’? ‘Gross’? But then, the filly broke into a smile.

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” she said.

Rarity blinked.

“You mean...you don’t mind?”

“Of course not,” said Sweetie Belle. “If you two are really happy together, that’s all that matters. It’s like something out of a fairy tale!”

Rarity sighed with relief. Sweetie Belle understood. That was a major bullet dodged right there.

“Just one thing,” said Sweetie Belle, her smile fading slightly.

“Yes?” asked Rarity.

“Does that mean I have to watch you guys getting all snuggly with each other when she drops by the boutique?”

The look of disgust she gave them was almost exactly like the one Apple Bloom had given Applejack. The remembrance of it made Applejack break into a chuckle.

“Unless you give us our privacy, young lady,” countered Rarity, in a warning tone that nonetheless came with a smile.

“Ok!” said Sweetie Belle. “I’m just gonna go...someplace else. Bye!”

And she trotted off, back through the trees. The two mares sighed.

“Well, that was unexpected,” said Applejack.

“Indeed,” said Rarity. “I very nearly had a heart attack. That sister of mine...bless her,” she added, fondly.

“Heh, yeah,” said Applejack. “Sisters: can’t live with ‘em-”

“-Can’t live without them,” concluded Rarity. “Now, where were we?”

“Ah think Ah remember,” said Applejack grinning.

She settled herself back into her original position, nestling her cheek into the fat of Rarity’s belly. Rarity smiled.

“Ah, yes,” she said, gently, “that sounds about right.”

And she lay back, stroking Applejack’s golden mane with her hoof, while Applejack dozed off, resting in the soft warmth of her dearest Rarity.

Author's Note:

If you guys want to see this continue, I could try to make some follow-up chapters, but I'm not really sure where else to take it right now. :twilightsheepish: