• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 2,521 Views, 38 Comments

Sweet and Complete - Blazewing

A simple display of affection opens a whole new sense of meaning to two very close friends...

  • ...

The Future Looks Bright

Sweetie Belle hummed happily to herself as she trotted through Ponyville. She had just received her week’s allowance from her parents, and was off to Sugarcube Corner to treat herself to a milkshake. Later on, she was planning to meet up with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for an afternoon in the park, away from Crusader planning for a change. The sun was shining, birds were singing, the air was perfumed with the scent of grass and flowers...Could anypony have asked for a more perfect day?


“Hey, watch it!”

Sweetie Belle stumbled backwards, disorientated, nearly falling back on her rump. This scenario felt very familiar to her. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Spike whom she had bumped into, but the last pony she’d want to see on such a perfect day like this: Diamond Tiara, flanked, as always, by Silver Spoon.

“Sorry!” said Sweetie Belle. “I didn’t mean to-”

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going, you little loser?!” Diamond Tiara snapped.

“Jeez, I said I was sorry,” said Sweetie Belle, resentfully. “Why do you have to make such a big deal?”

“It’s not our fault you’re a clumsy ox,” said Silver Spoon.

“I’m not clumsy!” retorted Sweetie Belle.

“Sure, whatever you say,” said Silver Spoon, with an unconvinced smirk.

“But look on the bright side,” said Diamond Tiara, smiling nastily, “at least you’re not alone. You and those two other blank flanks are as good as clowns! Why not try for cutie marks like that? You three are good at falling all over yourselves!”

She and Silver Spoon laughed derisively. Sweetie Belle’s ears went flat against her skull, her cheeks red.

“‘Come one, come all!’,” said Diamond Tiara, imitating a circus ringmaster. “Come see Apple Bloom, the Bumbling Bumpkin! Scootaloo, the Only Pegasus with the Wings of a Chicken! And Sweetie ‘Butterhooves’ Belle!”

“That’s not funny…” muttered Sweetie Belle.

“You know, she’s right,” said Silver Spoon. “Why not just call all three ‘the Cutie Mark Oops-saders?’”

Diamond Tiara was practically paralyzed with laughter at this witticism. She collapsed onto her stomach, pounding the ground with her hoof while Silver Spoon fell onto her back, kicking her hind legs. Sweetie Belle felt her face burning. She longed to retort, but could find no words sufficient enough…

“Hey! Back off!”

All three looked up, the two bullies ceasing their laughter. Standing ten feet away was Spike, and he looked furious. He began stomping towards them, fists clenched, eyes blazing.

“What do you want?” asked Diamond Tiara, with undisguised insolence.

“For you to leave her alone!” snapped Spike. “How dare you speak to her like that!”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both raised their eyebrows. They hardly knew Spike, and so were not entirely sure how to react to this.

“Are you new around here or something?” asked Diamond Tiara. “We can speak to anypony anyway we want.”

Spike’s eyes narrowed. He was being vividly reminded of Sunset Shimmer when she was still cruel and snide…

“Why, because you have a rich father who owns a chain of stores all across Equestria?” asked Spike, with biting sarcasm. “Big whoop! Her sister-”

He pointed to Sweetie Belle.

“-and Apple Bloom’s sister are two of the most important ponies in Equestria! They sit right beside Princess Twilight’s throne, and they’ve helped save this kingdom Celestia knows how many times! Has your father ever done anything like that?”

“W-Well, no,” said Diamond Tiara, looking a little taken aback. “But-”

“Well, in that case,” Spike went on, “you two can just get off your high horses and leave her alone, cuz if it wasn’t for her sister, you might not even be standing here, so I think a little respect is in order!”

The two antagonistic fillies looked very discomforted, unable to find a worthy retort to this. Sweetie Belle was staring at Spike in awe and admiration, as though she had never seen him properly before.

“Come on,” said Diamond Tiara, at last, very resentfully.

With that, the two stalked off, neither of them bothering to glance back at Spike and Sweetie Belle as they went. Spike glared after them, snorting steam through his nostrils.

“Brats,” he muttered. “Who do they think they are?...”

“Wow, Spike,” said Sweetie Belle. “That was...amazing!”

“Ah, it was nothing,” said Spike, turning to face her. “I wasn’t about to let them keep making fun of you.”

Sweetie Belle beamed at him.

“I haven’t seen you in a few weeks,” she said. “Not since...well…”

She trailed off, looking uncomfortable. Spike, however, patted her withers with a smile.

“It’s all right, Sweetie,” he said. “I’ve had a lot of time to reflect, and I feel a lot better about it.”

“Oh, good,” said Sweetie Belle, relieved. “I was kinda worried that…”

“Eh, I couldn’t stay shut up forever,” said Spike. “Life’s too short for that, especially when you’re still just a kid. Besides, Twilight thinks I ought to get out more and have a little fun. Mind you,” he added, ruefully, “the chores’ll still be waiting for me when I get back.”

Sweetie Belle giggled.

“So, how are things with you?” Spike asked. “I still see Rarity sometimes, but I have no idea if you two have been up to anything.”

“Oh, it’s been pretty good,” said Sweetie Belle. “We went camping just last week with Applejack and Apple Bloom, like we did at Winsome Falls. It was a lot of fun, being able to hang out with Rarity and Applejack.”

“Are Rarity and Apple Bloom getting along?”

“Yeah! It’s kinda funny, actually. Apple Bloom’s not used to being fussed over like Rarity does with me sometimes, but I think she kinda enjoys it. Rarity’s stopping by Sweet Apple Acres a lot more, too.”

“Not to try more farm work, I hope?”

“Heheh, nah, and Applejack’s not gonna learn sewing anytime soon. Apple Bloom told me Granny loves having a pie ready for her when she stops by. But actually, I think Rarity’s been losing weight lately. She’s not as big as before, but she’s still got a belly, kinda like Applejack does.”

“Oh, good for her,” said Spike. “I’ll bet she’s happy about that."

“I think so, but she told me she’s gonna miss letting Applejack sleep on her tummy. She still can, but she says it wouldn’t feel the same.”

Spike grinned. It was amazing how easily he could maintain a conversation with Sweetie Belle like this. How could he not have hung around with her before, when they were practically the same age?

“So, what are you up to today?” he asked. “I mean, before those two started picking on you.”

“Well, I was gonna go to Sugarcube Corner for a milkshake, then meet up with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in the park.”

“Cool!” said Spike.

He hesitated for a moment, then asked,

“Er...got room for one more? I’ve got nothing else to do right now.”

“Of course!” said Sweetie Belle. “I’m sure the girls would be glad to have you!”

“Awesome!” said Spike. “Shall we, my lady?”

He made a grand, sweeping bow. Sweetie Belle laughed and bowed in turn.

“But of course, dear sir,” she said, in her most regal voice.

The two had barely started down the street, however, when Sweetie Belle said,

“Oh! I almost forgot!”


Then, to Spike’s utter astonishment, Sweetie Belle licked him on the cheek.

Spike froze, his eyes wide, staring at the little unicorn in mute amazement. Sweetie Belle merely smiled innocently.

“What?” she asked. “I never gave you a proper thank you for standing up for me. It was really brave of you.”

She batted her eyelashes, very reminiscent of a damsel thanking a brave knight for saving her. Spike’s cheeks flushed briefly, but, with a shake of his head, he drew himself up, puffing out with his chest with pride.

“Anything for a lady in need, and a good friend,” he said, grinning. “If they ever bug you again, just let me know. I’ll make ‘em back off.”

“Thanks, Spike.”

And the two walked on, the unicorn filly ever-so-slightly sidling up alongside the little dragon, who did not make any resistance. In fact, one might have said there was a new spring in his step as he strode on, side by side with Sweetie Belle.


“Yer kiddin’!”

It was dusk, and Rarity and Applejack were seated on a hill, watching the sunset. The remains of an apple pie, which is to say, a few crumbs and some dollops of whipped cream, sat in a pan on the picnic plate beneath them. Two similarly-besmirched plates sat beside them. Even though Rarity’s weight was beginning to go down again, she could never pass up an Apple-made pie.

“Spike and Sweetie Belle?” asked Applejack, incredulously.

“Nothing concrete, Applejack,” said Rarity. “I never said they were going out. I rather think they’re a little young to be, quote-unqoute, ‘dating’, in the traditional sense.”

“Yeah, Ah’d say so,” said Applejack.

“On the other hoof,” said Rarity, her smile curling upwards across her muzzle, “Sweetie Belle told me how he spent the entire afternoon with her, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo at the park, after milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner. Ask Pinkie Pie, she’ll corroborate.”

“Ah believe it,” said Applejack, grinning. “Bout time the little fellah started hangin’ out with kids his own age.”

“I agree,” said Rarity. “As much as I enjoy having him around, it must get a bit dull, being a child among grown-up mares. But that’s not all Sweetie Belle said.”

Here, her smile grew a bit cheeky. Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“She told me how she saved her when she was being teased by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.”

“Those two…” huffed Applejack. “Somepony ought to tell Filthy Rich what that daughter of his gets up to.”

“Yes, quite,” said Rarity, “but that’s not all, darling. She told me she thanked him...by giving him a kiss!”

Applejack’s jaw fell open.

“Yer jokin’,” she said, unable to believe it.

“I’m not,” said Rarity, in a singsong voice. “It was only a lick on the cheek, but even so…”

Applejack chuckled.

“Well, Ah’ll be,” she said. “Ah reckon he’s gonna be alright, if Sweetie Belle’s lookin’ out for him.”

“I quite agree,” said Rarity. “Ohh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if those two…?”

She didn’t finish, but sighed dreamily as she leaned back, draping herself on the blanket in front of Applejack. The farm mare smiled.

“Ah think so,” she said, finishing Rarity’s thought.

Rarity pulled her hooves up against her chest, batting her eyelashes up at Applejack. The corners of Applejack’s mouth twitched; she felt an urge to laugh at how absurdly cute she was acting.

“What?” she asked. “You tryin’ to tell me somethin’?”

“Only,” said Rarity, not breaking her pose, “that a belly rub would really be wonderful right now.”

Applejack’s smile widened slightly. While she herself never felt much an inclination to be belly-rubbed, Rarity would invariably ask for one, especially after a big meal, when the two were alone, and Applejack would always oblige. No one else would ever have believed somepony so prim and demure would ever deign for something like a belly rub, but then again, they didn’t know Rarity the way Applejack did.

So, Applejack placed a hoof on Rarity’s soft, plump middle and began moving it about in slow, rhythmic circles. Rarity let out a low ‘Mmmmmm’ of contentment, her eyes closing dreamily. Her silky tail swished from side to side as Applejack rubbed away, kneading her belly.

“Ah know you’ve been losin’ a little weight lately, Rare,” said Applejack, enjoying the peaceful look on her marefriend’s face. “Ah just hope you don’t mind. Ah mean, Ah don’t care what size y’are, cuz you’ll still be the Rarity Ah know and love. Ah just thought you were happy bein’ a little fat.”

“I was,” said Rarity, sleepily opening one eye, ‘and I still am, as I’m still a little fat. My only regret is not being as big to allow you to sleep on my belly as well as before.”

“Aw, heck, Ah can still do that,” said Applejack. “Watch.”

She lowered herself so that her cheek was resting against Rarity’s stomach. It was still soft, plush, and warm, though the bellyrub alone told her that much. She let out a deep, content sigh, and Rarity giggled.

“Applejack! That tickled…”

“Heh, sorry,” said Applejack, still smiling.

Rarity reached forward and toyed with Applejack’s boyish bangs. Applejack closed her eyes, nestling her cheek against Rarity’s belly. The sun was sinking lower and lower as the two lay there in this attitude. Time might as well have stood still; the two mares could have used all the time in the world to keep this moment prolonged as possible.

“How did I ever get so lucky as to deserve a wonderful mare like you?’ Rarity asked at last, fondly.

“Ah think the same thing now and again,” said Applejack, drowsily. “And all Ah can do is thank mah lucky stars.”

“Me too, darling.”

Slowly, Applejack raised her head, then stretched. Rarity made to sit up, but Applejack held up a hoof.

“No, no, don’t get up,” she said. “Ah just wanna get more comfortable.”

Rarity lay back, and within a few seconds, the meaning of Applejack’s words became clear. She lay herself right alongside Rarity, nestled right up beside her. Rarity smiled, turning her head to face her, and found that Applejack had done the same, so that they were almost nose to nose.

“To think it all started with a simple little lick,” said Rarity.

Applejack grinned, not looking the least bit abashed.

“You mean like this?”

She leaned ever so slightly forward and slowly, tenderly licked Rarity’s cheek. Rarity giggled, her nose crinkling adorably.

“Yes, exactly so,” she said. “Just like this.”

And she did the very same to Applejack, licking her right on the freckles. Applejack’s mouth scrunched up, looking like she was fighting back a laugh of her own. She reached forward, putting her forelegs around Rarity and drawing her against her in a soft, warm hug. Rarity responded in kind, resting her beautiful head under Applejack’s chin.

“I love you, my darling Applejack…”

“And Ah love you, Rarity…”

Neither knew how long they lay there, under the failing light of day, with night closing in. The only thing they did know was that, even if they had days, weeks, months, years to spend together, neither would have regretted it if that evening lasted forever...

Author's Note:

And with that, Sweet and Complete truly is complete. I know it's not perfect, and this is my first time writing a romance story, but I had a lot of fun writing this, and I can only hope you guys enjoyed reading it. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 7 )

Dawwww! That end :')

6440313 I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love writing Slice of Life stuff, but this was my first attempt at a romance story.

I enjoyed it too much that there might be a sequel coming soon that involves Sweetie Belle and Spike.

congrats that was great!

I have to say this is an amazing story and you have a great potential for writing keep it up :)

I'm gonna miss plump rarity. good story though

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