• Published 21st Aug 2015
  • 841 Views, 163 Comments

Daring-Do and the Leaf in the Wind - Sylvian

Daring-Do, along with her friend Leaf Wind, are assigned a mission by Princess Luna. What they find may change Equestria's past and future. And, perhaps, their relationship.

  • ...

Orient Express

Chapter 9: Orient Express

The salty nighttime sea air is cool against Daring’s face as she sits on the observation deck of the Wavedancer, just below the bridge. Leaf, Akos, Fion, and she were all sitting on the deck, enjoying the evening as they discussed their destination. It was the first day aboard the Wavedancer, they had boarded the ship in Baltimare after contacting Akos a week ago and explaining their need to get to Vietmane.

This is, however, the first time Daring had actually explained where and why they were going there.

“Again, lass,” Akos says as he lets loose a cloud of smoke from his beak. “I do not think this is a good idea. You and your coltfriend,” he points to Leaf with the stem of his pipe, “going to that island.”

“Your advice is welcomed, Akos,” Daring replies as she turns around, a worried frown on her face, “but, I can’t exactly not go. No more than you could stop being on the sea.” Shrugging, she looks to Leaf who smiles weakly. “Besides, Leaf and I discussed this in the week it took you to get to Baltimare. After what we discovered in Saddle Arabia… Well, I am sure that Leaf’s sister isn’t telling us everything, nor is Princess Luna, and I want to find out more. I… I need to.”

Nodding, Leaf looks to Akos. “And, I can’t let her go alone. I’ve known her long enough to know that look in her eyes. She won’t settle until she figures out what pieces of the puzzle she is missing, and if that means going to a supposedly cursed island? Well, wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Hopefully there won’t be cannibals this time,” Daring chuckles. “Because, really… that wasn’t fun.”

“I don’t know, love,” Leaf says with a grin as he slides over. “I think me and them had something in common. You really do look good enough to eat.” Daring blushes profusely, her wings fluttering a little.

“Now now, children,” Akos says with a smile around his pipe. “Save that for your bunks. I just had the deck swabbed.”

“By me, no less,” Fion scoffs in mock hurt. “So don’t go messing up my hard work, you two love birds.”

“Who you calling love birds, bird brain?” Daring bites back, her smile taking the sting from the words.

“Fierce words, Yearling,” Fion whistles raising an eyebrow and smiles. “If you were not already mated…”

“But, I am,” Daring chuckles, wrapping an arm around Leaf’s neck. “And sadly, I think I am just too much for you, my dear Fion.” She nuzzles into Leaf’s neck, causing his wings to fling out behind them. “Besides, I love Leaf, and wouldn’t trade him for the world.”

Clearing his throat and folding his wings back up with a blush, Leaf mutters under his breath. “Sometimes, she is almost too much for me.”

Daring, having heard it, leans in and whispers into his ear softly. “Shush you, or I won’t show you the waves aren't the only thing that can rock this boat.” Leaf’s wings spring out hard, and his already face turns a few shades of purple as he blushes profusely.

“Now, can we get back to the matter at claw?” Akos says, lightly tapping his son on the head with the bowl of his pipe. “Or are you three going to continue to flirt like hatchlings?” Daring, Leaf, and Fion all smile and collectively shuffle a little, but when they do nothing else Akos continues. “Right. Now, I don’t think we can lower anchor near where you want to go; the crew might damn near have a mutiny if we get close to it. I suggest we make port in Haiphong. It’s close to your destination, and will serve you well in preparing for the journey.”

“Alright. I think I’ve been there before. Shouldn’t be too much trouble,” Daring comments thoughtfully, then looks to Akos. “How will we get to the island. No local will ferry us there I suspect.”

“A good question,” Akos replies thoughtfully. “Perhaps…”

“I could pilot the runner for you,” Fion interjects. “I know the waters, plus I doubt you and Leaf know how to work a sailcraft, Daring.” He looks over at his father, who is narrowing his eyes, his arms crossed. “I know that look, Father. But I am going with them. They’ll need my help to get there, and I am not about to be that griffin who waits by the boat for three days while the real adventure is going on.”

“This isn’t one of the Daring Do novels, Fion,” Akos comments grumpily. “Even if you’re on a ship with the subject of said books. Things don’t work like they do in fiction. I won’t let you put yourself into danger on that island.”

“Father, we are griffins! We live for these things.” He gestures with a clawed hand at the sea beyond the observation deck. “This, this is your world. And while I love living in it, I also need to be able to do things for myself.” He gestures to Daring. “She’s my friend, and I want to help her, especially because of the reputation this place has. She’ll have a better chance with another trained fighter on her side.” He smiles to Leaf. “No offense, Leaf.”

Holding up his hooves Leaf smiles. “None taken, big guy. You’re three times larger than me, and look like you could rip a cart apart with those talons.”

“And why would I rip a cart to shreds?” Fion says with a raised eyebrow. “It’d be a waste of a perfectly good cart. Not to mention, splinters are a real pain to get out from under talons…”

“Moving on…” Akos grumbles. “Fion, if Daring agrees to it, I won’t stop you.” He puts his pipe back into his beak. “But you’d better come back or your mother will kill me.”

“A little death never hurt anyone,” Daring remarks with a smirk. “And I agree to it, we could use him. A big griffin like him ought to keep a lot of things away. And if the place really is haunted, he’ll make a good shield to hide behind.”

“Glad you think so highly of me…” Fion sighs.

“Right, well with that settled, I am sure you two would like to turn in.” Akos points out. “More so since I hear Bones was asking after you two earlier. I am sure you’ll want to stop listening to me give you warnings, and go say hello on your way to your bunk.”

“Oh yeah. Really should go say hello to that cranky old pony, shouldn’t I?” Daring says with a smirk. “I mean, he only regaled me with his entire life story while I was laid up in sickbay.”

“Really?” Leaf asks, folding his wings back down at last. “His entire life story?”

Standing up and shrugging, Daring looks to Leaf. “Alright, not his entire life story. He talked in length about his ex-wife, and how she took him for everything.” She nods to Akos and Fion, both of whom wave goodbye, before descending the steps towards a hatch. “It was a really good story, too, believe it or not. Sort of reminded me a bit of your stories, in a way.”

Leaf chuckles and follows Daring down the steps, and through the hatch she opens. Once inside Daring leads them through the maze-like interior of the ship, occasionally stepping to one side as a crew member goes past them. After a few minutes, they arrive at sickbay, the aged voice of a particularly grumpy doctor coming from inside.

“For the last time! This is a sickbay, not a therapist’s office!” Bones’ voice comes from inside. “I understand the first voyage you embark on can be daunting, but if you’re not truly sick, you need to return to your post, or your bunk!”

“Doc, I really am sea sick!” a second voice interjects. “I’m turning green n’ everything!”

“For the love of Celestia… YOU’RE GREEN TO START WITH!” Bones shouts. “Now go to your bunk before I turn you a less acceptable color for a sailor!”

Daring chuckles to herself as Leaf looks to her with a very confused look. “He is in a very good mood today, I see.” She comments as she opens the door, stepping aside to let a green and white pony to stagger by.

“As opposed to what?” Leaf asks, a frown on his face.

“As opposed to tying him to the mast and giving him forty lashes for dereliction of duty!” Bones grumbles from just inside the door, causing Leaf to jump backwards. He looks to Daring, and his scowl becomes slightly less grumpy. “Yearling, good to see you’ve not found yourself an early grave yet while you’ve been out of my tender care.” He turns and heads deeper into the small sickbay. “I’d tell you I’m not accepting new patients at this hour, but this damn crew doesn’t know how to be courteous and not get themselves injured at odd hour of the day. It’s not like I need sleep! No, a doctor like me doesn’t need to sleep if we have coffee!”

“You sure he’s in a good mood?” Leaf posits carefully. “I mean, he seems tired, and I am sure he’ll still be here in the morning!”

“Oh, get in there, he doesn’t bite,” Daring laughs as she pushes Leaf into the room. “At least, not often. I’ve seen him bite a few heads off, verbally.”

“Yes, get in here and close the damn door! It’s bloody cold out there, and I’m not getting any younger,” Bones growls as he sits on one of the empty cots in the room. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Yearling?”

“Oh, well you know. I have to get somewhere accessible only by boat, and after your warm hospitality last time, I just couldn’t pass up hiring the Wavedancer again.” Daring responds as she gets Leaf into the room and closes the door behind her. “Plus, I wanted to introduce you to the reason I beat my face against a massive storm and ended up in your tender mercies in the first place.” She sits down next to Leaf and places a hoof on his shoulder. “Bones, this is Leaf Wind, my coltfriend.” She points to Bones. “And Leaf, this is the doctor who patched me up after I charged head first into a tropical storm.” She smiles as Bones grunts at being introduced. “Now that the two largest pains in my flank have met, I expect them to play nice during the voyage.”

“I’m too old to not play nice,” Bones grunts. “So, if he plays nice, I’ll play nice.”

“I’ll try,” Leaf says with a smile. “Besides, you said he had quite an interesting story, and I am curious…”

“Well, foal, I can tell you…” Bones starts, then sighs. “But, it’ll have to wait till morning. I’ve been dealing with the new sailors we took aboard in Baltimare, and it’s taken all the navy gave me to stay awake this late.”

“And we should be getting to our bunk ourselves,” Daring agrees with a smile as she turns around and opens the door. “Talk to you later, Bones.” Bones grunts in reply and just lays down on the bunk he had been sitting on, quickly falling asleep as Leaf and Daring make a quick exit.

The pair head down the hallway, and past the crew quarters, arriving a few minutes later at a small stateroom that Daring reserved. She had told Akos that, while she would help out however she could should strange weather happen again this voyage, she really would rather sleep in a stateroom with Leaf instead of the crew quarters. Akos had, after he stopped smiling and chuckling, agreed and given them one of the rarely used staterooms aboard the ship. Opening the door and heading in, Daring flips flips the switch to turn on the lamps in the room.

It is not much, being only a little bigger than the sickbay, but it is more comfortable than the crew quarters Daring had stayed in last time. Besides the lamps -- which are attached to the walls -- there is a table and a set of chairs, along with a reasonably spacious bed beneath a port hole. Once Leaf is inside, closing the door behind him, Daring smiles to him and pulls her helmet off and tosses it to land on the table.

“So, Leaf.” Daring starts as she smiles at him. “I’m not particularly tired, want to help with that?”

“And what can I do to help with that, my love?” Leaf asks with a small smile.

“Oh, I am sure we can think of something…” Daring replies, undoing her vest and tossing that aside as well, before walking to the bed and getting on it before looking to Leaf. “In fact, I have a few ideas already.”

For the third time that evening, Leaf’s wings spring out and his face turns a very pretty shade of purple. Not that he notices, nor cares, as right now he has one thing on his mind, and one thing only.

He just hopes they don’t rock the boat too much.


“I once served aboard a ship that sailed the vast waters of this sea, faced dangers that would make your hide pale simply by thinking back on them,” Bones declared sternly to the face of one of the fresh hands aboard the ship. The stallion had made the mistake of insulting the old doctor in a fit of bravado -- stating that Bones had never earned the uniform he was wearing if he was serving aboard a ship like the Wavedancer now -- and was being treated to a lecture and story all rolled into one. “My Captain sailed his ship during the Griffin-Drake War. We were in the thick of it, kid, fighting the good fight,” he scoffs and bangs his hoof on the table in the galley he is sitting at before pointing his other one at the currently wide-eyed sailor across from him. “And you. I saw your kind a million times during that war. Red shirts like you graced the beds of my sickbay more times than I’ll ever be able to recount!”

“Red shirts?” Daring asks with a smirk from where she is seated next to Leaf -- who is on Bone’s right -- and raises an eyebrow. “Pray tell, my cranky old friend. What is a ‘red shirt’?”

Without looking over at Daring, Bones replies by tapping a hoof against his uniform. “This is an officer’s uniform, it’s darker than the standard sailor’s issue.” He points to the stallion again. “Cocksure hotheads like yourself, you got the white and blue stripes. Nice and light colors so that you could tell the difference between me ‘n you by a passing glance.” He leans over, closer to the poor creature who has yet to get a word in edgewise. “You ever see what a griffin, or even a drake’s talions will do to a pony?” The stallion shakes his head slowly. “It isn’t pretty. That lovely white and blue all the sailors wear quickly gives way to a nice bright scarlet.” He narrows his eyes and turns his head slightly, so it is facing slightly away from the sailor. “So don’t you ever insult me, or next time we’re in port, I am dragging your sorry flank to my former Captain, and we’ll see how long your bravado lasts.”

Sighing and separating himself from the wall near the entrance, Akos walks over and puts a taloned hand on Bone’s shoulder. “Dragin’ him to Star isn’t doing anyone any favors, Bones. You and I both know he’d only laugh and tell the poor colt to relax.” He then look down at the now slightly confused stallion. “And you, don’t provoke our doctor. Keep doing so, and he’ll pull out his medals, and point to old pictures of him and his former crew in front of the Enterprise.”

“Wait, the Enterprise?” one of the other fresh deck hands asks. “As in Admiral Gold Star’s ship? The flagship of the entire Equestrian Royal Navy?!”

“One and the same,” Bones boasts with a wave of his hoof, as if the claim was nothing. “I served with distinction, and retired.”
“More like you didn’t want to be bound to a desk,” Akos comments with a smirk, winking to Bones.

“Says the former ‘Lord Stormchaser’,” Bones retorts with a sour frown.

“I’m not getting into this argument with you, Bones,” Akos replies.

Bones opens his mouth to reply only to be cut off by the sound of a bell from above which cause the majority in the mess hall to abandon their food and rush to the windows.

“Looks like we’re here,” Daring comments absently, as she is the only one with the exception of Bones and Akos, to not rush to the windows. Akos nods, putting his pipe back into his mouth before silently stalking off, feline tail twitching slightly, obviously the comment from Bones having touched a nerve somewhere.

Shrugging, Daring decides to ask one of them later about it as she finishes her breakfast -- canned ham and powdered eggs -- before rising and dropping her plate and tray off in the galley’s collection bin. Heading up to the deck, Daring takes a place along the railing and watches the port city as they pull in…


Walking along the busy market street of Haiphong, Daring marvels at the structures present in the area directly surrounding the ancient harbor that gives the city life. Radiating out for perhaps a good half mile around the ancient harbor are buildings that Daring could have sworn had come out of a history book. Ancient towers and walls populate what Daring understands is called the Old District of Haiphong, and, though many are ruins, the citizens still use them as best they can. In fact, quite a few of the ancient spires that had likely once been lighthouses are now covered in a collection of wooden additions and cables strung between the towers to support everything from goods, laundry, and even ponies to be ferried between them. Though, from where she is on the ground, Daring is glad she has wings and would never need to get into one of the quite obviously unsafe contraptions.

Currently, Leaf, Fion, and she are in the market district of the city shopping for supplies that they’ll need on the island, as well as information on the island itself. The supplies were easier to come across than the information, sadly.

“I am sorry, no speak Equestrian,” a local merchant who had just spoken in fluent Equestrian calls out as he turns and walks further into his shop to help any other customer but them.

Snorting in annoyance, Daring turns to Leaf and Fion. “Right, let’s see if we can get some better service at another store.”

“I don’t think we’ll get anyone to tell us about that island,” Fion comments dryly. “No pony, nor griffin for that matter, is willing to talk about that cursed place lest its curse come down on them.”

“Perhaps, because you should not be going there.” A voice comes from behind the group, causing Daring and Fion to turn sharply. Leaf, being absorbed in looking at a shiny trinket, turns a little slower.

The speaker is a tall pony, perhaps taller than Luna, wearing a worn white linen cape with the hood down around his shoulders and a turban upon his head. Daring has to look up to see his face, and frowns at the serious look that meets her equally serious gaze. The most striking part of him, however, is the deep red of his muzzle. Almost as if a stain had formed from repeated eating of food of that color.

“We keep getting told that, but I don’t think we’ll ever listen,” Leaf absently replies, going back to fiddling with a woven novelty trap that he has somehow gotten his hooves stuck in. “I mean, really, if we listened to every single pony who professed that ‘doom and misfortune’ would follow us the rest of our days if we enter an ancient ruin, then life would be quite boring.”

“Then you are fools,” the large pony replies, “for you face not doom, nor misfortune, should you set hoof,” he pauses and looks to Fion, “or claw upon that island. You face death, as sure and certain as I stand before you now.”

“Oooh! Certain death… been awhile since we’ve waltzed into somewhere boasting that, eh, Dee?” Leaf chuckles, still struggling with the hoof trap.

Putting a hoof to her chin and looking like she is thinking about it quite hard, Daring nods slowly. “Not at least for the past month.” She then smiles and looks to Leaf. “Although, you did go into the Library recently. That counts as hostile territory, doesn’t it?” She then notices what he is doing and sighs. “Leaf, dear heart, are you stuck?”

“What? No, of course not, dear!” Leaf declares loudly, “I’m… simply testing the strength of this contraption.”

“Of course you are, Leaf,” Fion says with a sigh, “and I’m a unicorn, and you’re a griffin.”

“You three are more insane than I first assumed,” the white pony remarks, frowning deeply. “Heed my warning, though. Whatever riches you seek, they shall not be found on that island.” He then turns, and walks from the doorway he was standing in.

“Anyone else find that to be ominous?” Fion asks with a worried look.

“Eh, Leaf and I get crazies like that once and awhile,” Daring shrugs, looking back over at Leaf as he suddenly lets out a yelp and falls backwards.

“I DID IT!” Leaf shouts from the floor, the hoof-trap held up triumphantly. He stiffens as Daring suddenly appears in his field of vision, only to relax as she leans down and kisses him.

“Good job, oh brilliant love of mine, you defeated the dreaded tourist trap.” Daring smirks as Fion chuckles behind them.

“Do not underestimate the devious nature of the tourist trap,” Leaf counters with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “Many a pony has lost their life to these things, for want of the ability to use their front hooves once more!”

“Then you are a hero, my love,” Daring declares softly as she leans down and whispers in his ear. “And a hero deserves a reward. Perhaps later we can discuss it.”

Behind them, Fion clears his throat. “Alright you two, we should really get going before you two make every pony in the area start feeling uncomfortable.” He then turns and nods to the door. “Besides, we need to sail with the tide, and it’ll soon be time. We can make one more stop, but after that we need to go to the sloop and make the crossing.”

“Alright, alright.” Daring sighs as she helps Leaf up, paying no attention to the fact that ponies are staring at her and Leaf. “I think we should visit that old bookstore we saw on the way in from the harbor? The one that looks like it’s built out of an old galleon.”

“Any particular reason?” Fion inquires as Daring and Leaf follow him out the door. “Or are you two looking to upset more ponies who deal in books?”

“When one has faced down as many librarians as we have, you will understand how dangerous a breed book-ponies are!” Leaf boasts, holding a hoof up and shaking it in the air.

“My coltfriend’s silly boast aside,” Daring laughs before turning serious, “we need a map of the island, and the city that is said to be there. I figure, an antique book store might have one laying around, and if nothing else, they might be more inclined to talk about myths and legends than the average pony on the street.”

“That makes sense,” Fion agrees with a thoughtful nod. “Perhaps we should have gone there first? Avoided all the scowls and shouting?”

“What, and miss all this authentic Vietmanese hospitality?” Leaf comments under his breath. The three share a laugh at that, and continue down the packed and busy street without further comment as they return back towards the harbor.

Once back to the waterfront, Daring takes the lead and heads towards what had likely at one point been a drydock, but had long ago been converted into a collection of shops and houses built into what had once been a grand fleet. The ship that Daring leads them to is a three masted gallaon, its tall masts sporting many flags and banners making them look like Hearth’s Warming trees with all the color.

A large gangplank allows them access to the deck, which is swarming with ponies going about various errands, most paying them no more mind than anypony had paid them on the streets. Wading through the crowd, which is made easier by Fion once more taking point so the crowd parts before the small group, they find their way through a doorway that had at one time been the access portal to the ship’s galley.

Inside, they are met with a wide open area full of bookshelves and more ponies quietly browsing the collections or quietly asking the staff questions. Fion falls back and allows Daring to lead them again now that they’re out of the crowd, and she quickly starts leading them through the bookshelves and towards where she thought she saw the counter.

It takes them a bit, but before too long they are standing before a large oak counter in what looks to have been the officer’s mess. An aged unicorn sits behind the counter, her nose firmly wedged in the book she is reading, her eyes narrowed behind her glasses.

“Excuse me,” Daring speaks up softly. “Can you help us with something?”

“Possibly,” the mare replies in a Canterlot accent as she lowers her book and regards the group with a bored expression. “What do you need?”

“We are looking for maps, old maps, of the island just off the coast,” Daring replies with a neutral smile. “As well as perhaps information on the island itself? Figured this would be a good place to look into it.”

Sighing heavily, the mare puts her book down and stands. “Right, another group of treasure seekers.” She walks around the desk and starts down an aisle without further word, Daring and her group following quickly before they lose her. The mare leads them down two decks and into the dark interior of the ship, before stopping in front of a door. She knocks a few times before speaking up. “Hey! I’ve got more idiots for you to regale with stories!” She then walks away without another word as the door opens to admit an aged pegasus stallion.

“Hm? Oh, hello there!” the pegasus says with a warm smile. “Did I hear right, you are here to hear about something?”

“We are,” Leaf says with a bright smile from behind Daring. “Dee and I here love to hear stories about ancient, haunted, possibly deadly places for us to explore.”

The pegasus’ face grows sad, and he opens the door a little more to step out. Instantly Daring and the others notice that, while he looks to be in otherwise good health, one of his wings is crippled. “I see. You must be speaking of Prey Nokor.” He steps aside and uses his good wing to indicate the area beyond the door. “Come inside, and I will tell you about it, and warn you against going there.” He then sighs heavily as Daring leads the way into the room. “Not that any of your kind ever listen.”

“I’m sorry sir, ‘our kind’?” Daring asks, stopping just inside the door. “What do you mean by that?”

“Treasure hunters, seekers of quick fame and fortune!” the stallion huffs in exasperation, as if this is the thousandth time he has had to explain this. “But, I would rather you go armed with knowledge, rather than blundering into the dark and die all the faster.”

Sighing, Daring walks the remaining way into the room and turns around as her companions make it in. When the door closes, she removes her helmet and fixes the stallion with a annoyed look. “Sir, I am not a treasure hunter. I am Daring Do, an explorer and someone who seeks to further Equestria’s understanding of its past.” She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “I hate it when ponies lump me in with those amateurs.”

The room looks to have at one point have been the ship’s sickbay, as it is large and the wooden floor beneath them is stained a very particular color of crimson in a few spots. Now, however, it seems to be a study of some sort, with a large desk and multiple bookshelves, all full of scrolls, books, and maps.

“Really now,” the stallion says as he walks deeper into the room and past Daring. “I will admit, its a very convincing costume, but tell me ‘Daring’ why would you wish to go to the island? Surely even Daring Do isn’t so stupid as to go to Prey Nokor.”

Sitting in a chair after she clears a few books off of it, Daring looks to the pegasus. “Have you ever heard of the Virtues? I believe this island may hold the answers to who, and what, they were. Perhaps give us a better understanding of the Equus Empire as a whole.”

The stallion freezes at the mention of the Virtues, then sits down and looks at Daring. “Interesting. You are not the typical breed of pony that usually seeks me out. How can I be of service?”

“We need a map, it doesn’t have to be brand new,” Daring starts, leaning forward a bit in her chair. “We also need to know what we’re walking into, myths and legends are fine, they always contain a bit of the truth.”

Nodding slowly, the aged pegasus gets up from his chair and goes to a bookshelf, “I see, well I am sure I could perhaps dig up an old map from an expedition that was able to make it back some years ago.” He mutters to himself for a few moments, Daring and company simply sitting there and looking around his rather messy office as they wait. “As for the myths and legends… well I know quite a bit of those, they’ve been passed down in my family for generations.”

“Is that so?” Fion questions. “I take it your family has been here a while?”

“Oh, no. No, actually I moved here from Canterlot when my grandfather passed. This was his store before it was mine. Bit of a family tradition really, keeping this place afloat,” the pegasus replies before his ears perk up and he smiles. “Ah! There it is.” He pulls an old and dusty box off of a shelf, blowing the dust from it before taking it over to his desk and opening it.

“I take it that’s the map?” Daring asks.

“Among other things,” the stallion replies as he pulls a rolled up piece of parchment out, tossing it to Daring. Before it gets there though, a streak of gold shoots out from beneath a pile of papers and grabs it then zips back under another pile of papers.

“What in the name of Celestia!?” Daring shouts as she stands up.

“That would be the other thing I inherited from my grandfather,” the stallion sighs. “Jinsong, bring that map back out this instant, my guests will be needing it!”

“I am not a thing!” a voice booms from beneath the pile of papers. “I’ll have you know I am an ancient and venerable dragon! You should quake in fear before me!”

“No one is going to quake in fear of you, Jin,” the stallion argues. “Now get out here.”

“Fine,” Jin grumbles as he comes out from beneath the pile of papers and sits on a nearby stack of books clutching the rolled up map in his claws. He is, in fact, a two foot tall gold and ruby drake, with four little wings that are currently fluttering in annoyance. He fixes Daring with a very stern glare, his glowing green eyes narrowed. Daring, however, puts a hoof to her mouth in an attempt to not laugh hard enough to fall out of her chair.

“Aww, he’s so cute!” Leaf says with a smirk. “I quake in fear and his adorable visage!” Daring loses it at the comment from Leaf, and bursts out laughing.

“Page Turner,” Jin says with a hiss, his little forked tongue sticking out at Daring, “why are you helping these ponies? They’re clearly not professionals, or they would never be laughing at my mighty appearance!”

“Because, Jin, they asked for my help, and I am bound by honor to help them,” Page states bluntly. “You, of all present, should understand that.”

Jin grumbles but offers the map to Daring, who takes it and opens it. Inside is a large map of a circular, fortified city with three ‘rings’ of walls, each looking more impressive than the last. In the center is a large square structure, the faded script in Equus seeming to have been translated to ‘Strength’s Fortress’ or something along those lines.

“Interesting…” Daring muses as she looks the map over. “And what can you tell me of this city? Prey Nokor?”

“It wasn’t always called that, for starters.” Page says softly, his voice distant as if reliving a memory. “As my grandfather tells it, long ago it was called something different, but the name has been lost to time. Suffice to say, in the days of the Equus, it was the capital for this region. In its center, one of their leaders resided, ruling over this area with an iron, but kind, hoof.”

“If what my acquaintance in Saddle Arabia spoke the truth,” Daring muses softly as she rolls the map back up. “Then this city was the domain of Strength? I assume so, since Saddle Arabia was the domain of Life that the leader here would be named something just as vague.”

Jin and Page exchange glances, before Page nods. “Yes, Strength ruled over this city, and all the cities in the area.” He clears his throat and continues. “If my grandfather spoke the truth, then the events that brought Equus to its knees, and its eventual destruction, destroyed this city as well. All but the temple were brought to near ruins. Something that will be quite evident when you arrive.”

“Which will be soon,” Fion speaks up for the first time. “The tide will soon be in our favor, and we will be departing with it.”

“Then you should know,” Page says, his tone growing grave, “the city is guarded by a remnant of Strength’s power. A ghost, if you will, of Equus and its fall. I’ve never seen it, for none who have ever live to tell the tale, but sometimes sailors catch glances of it from their ships as they pass.” He leans over and looks Daring straight in the eyes. “It’s a great white pony, cloaked and hooded, his muzzle stained with the blood of those who have crossed him, or perhaps even the blood of the thousands of innocent ponies it slaughtered in the fall, the stories have never been clear on that. What they are clear on is, if you see it, you will die. So watch your backs.”

“Thanks for the warning, but this isn’t my first time going into haunted ruins,” Daring replies with a smirk. “We will be careful, and when we get back, I’ll be sure to tell you what that ‘fortress’ looks like on the inside. Okay?”

“I doubt we will see each other again, Miss Daring,” Page states, leaning back in his chair, “but I offer you luck all the same. May the Cosmos watch over you and your endeavor.”

“That’s a funny way to offer us luck, what do the cosmos have to do with anything?” Leaf chuckles.

“It’s just an old saying my grandfather used to say for good luck,” Page says with a smirk, waving a hoof to them. “Now, go. The tide waits for no pony, though I am sure many have tried to make it.”

“Alright. Well, thank you, Mister Turner,” Daring smiles and nods. “You have been most helpful.”

“Though your overgrown lizard wasn’t,” Leaf smirks. “I mean, he has too many wings!”

“I am a drake! I don’t do the tongue thing!” Jin argues, promptly sticking his tongue out like a lizard and hissing like a snake.

“Sure you are, little guy,” Leaf laughs.

Daring hooks a hoof around Leaf and pulls him towards the door, having handed the map to Fion for safe keeping. “Come on, let’s leave them alone now.” She gets Leaf out the door, and goes out herself, followed quickly by Fion.

“Right, let’s get to the sloop and to the island.” Fion says with a smile. “I am anxious to see if adventuring is all you two make it out to be.”

Daring nods, and Leaf shrugs and the three of them depart the store to head to their transport.


Page Turner sighs and slumps in his seat, looking over to Jin with a soft smile. “I am sorry, Lord Jinsong, for being so terse with you, but I had to keep up appearances.”

Smiling and flying over to land on Page’s head, Jin chuckles. “It is alright, my friend, when we asked you to take up the position of your grandsire, we did so knowing you were capable of keeping up the ruse.” He then looks towards the door. “They were different from the normal collection of ponies who come seeking your wisdom. I think I might actually like them, even if my friend does not.”

“Perhaps you should go and ask him to not… kill them right off the bat?” Page suggests, looking up at the Drake on his head. “I think they might be worth inviting to the temple.”

Sighing, Jin nods. “I agree. They know about the Virtues, and if they’ve been to Saddle Arabia, then they must have visited Life’s Temple. At least, if the maps you’ve shown me are correct then that is where her domain used to be.” He flies up and off of Page’s head and goes to a shuttered port hole. “I think I will inform my friend that they beg more observation before we pass judgement.”

“Then go, Lord Jinsong, and may the Cosmos watch over you,” Page recites solemnly.

“May the Cosmos watch over us all, Page,” Jin replies before looking to the aged pegasus with a weary smile. “In another life, another time, you would have made a good acolyte. Perhaps to Compassion, or Hope…” Jin then opens the port hole and departs, leaving Page glowing with the praise.


Daring sighs as she cuts through another large collection of low hanging vines. They had landed on the southern end of the island, in what had likely at one point in time been a small private port for a rich Equus noble or a warehouse, the ruins next to the small enclosed harbor hadn’t been very conclusive in the few moments she had been able to spare to examine them as Leaf and Fion had unloaded the supplies. As soon as they were all ready, they had departed to the northwest, which, if the map Page Turner had given them was accurate, they would be coming to one of the gates into the city in a half hour.

Or longer, depending on how many more bucking vines Daring had to cut through!

Then, swinging her machete in frustration, Daring is jarred by the sudden sound and vibration of her blade striking stone. Taking a few steps back, and bumping into Fion who had stopped behind her, Daring looks up and realizes the thicket of vines she had been cutting at was actually a large section of what looks to be a wall!

“I think we found it,” Daring declares with a smug smile. “Or, at least a part of it.” Turning and waving a hoof as she starts to walk along the wall she calls back to the other two. “Come, my faithful pack-horses! Let us find a way within this ancient city!”

“I don’t know if I should be insulted, or amused,” Fion comments with a confused look.

“Don’t look at me, I resemble that remark,” Leaf adds with a smirk, hefting the heavy saddle bags he is carrying as he starts off after Daring, Fion following after with an amused snort.

The group continues on for a while, Daring leading them along the wall which has a small, well hidden and well tended, path along it. Fion expresses caution at seeing such clear evidence of inhabitation, or at the very least large and potentially dangerous animals using the walls as a guide-post, but Daring continues on. After what her and Leaf had found in Saddle Arabia, a well tended path is no surprise, only confirmation of what she hoped to be inside the walls. When at last they come to the ancient gates, which stand in a large clearing, the group stops to rest.

While they do, Daring examines the gates.

The entrance into the ancient city is a pair of massive wooden gates, at least as thick as four carts lined up end to end, reinforced with giant rusted bands of metal engraved with images of ponies, griffins, drakes, and even alicorns barely discernable beneath the centuries of growth and weather stains. Yet, for as beautiful and solid as these gates look, they are torn from their hinges, one laying flat on its back in the courtyard beyond, the other barely held in place by the bottom henge and vines. Clearing some of the growth, Daring is not surprised to see scorch marks, and even deep and fearsome scratches marring the surface.

“It’s the same as Saddle Arabia,” Daring whisper softly as she shakes her head. “What could have possibly done this? What foe did Equus face that was so fearsome to bring it low?” Sighing once more, she goes back to Fion and Leaf.

“So, Daring,” Fion starts as he works one of his shoulders. “What’s the plan?”

“I figure we’ll head into the city, find a reasonably well-preserved building, and set down camp.” Daring replies matter-of-factly as she points towards the gates.

“Hopefully we can find one that has a roof,” Leaf comments with a shrug as he starts putting his saddle bags back on. “I hate it when we’re exploring old cities and none of the buildings have roofs. It’s like the ancients just didn’t want us to be able to sleep without being rained on!”

“If this place is anything like what we found in Saddle Arabia, we should be alright.” Daring does her best to assure Leaf with a smile. “Besides, if we don’t find one with a roof, I know you’re more than capable of keeping me warm.”

“Somehow, I don’t think it’s standard adventuring procedure to claim your discoveries like that,” Fion remarks with a smirk, “but you are right, we should find a good place for a base camp soon. Even if darkness is still hours away, we have no idea how big this place is, and how much is easily accessible.”

“Sound like you’ve done this before.” Daring says as she starts towards the doors, Fion and Leaf in tow.

“I’ve done a little exploring, mostly caves and some old ruins back in the Griffin Kingdom.” Fion admits with a shrug. “It was a long time ago, though. I was only a chick, and my parents were not all that supportive of it.”

“Your father does seem the type to keep his chicks close to home,” Daring comments, “but I’ve never met your mother, I take it she was the same?”

“Yes,” Fion answers with a somber frown. His tone makes it clear he does not wish to speak further on it, and Daring lets it be as they walk through the arched gateway and into the city.

As they delve into the city, the group discovers that it is not as badly in ruins as they had first assumed. Many of the buildings are in surprisingly good condition, some seeming to be in the state they likely were in when the city fell. That said, many, if not all, of the buildings are sporting signs of battle. Doors are off hinges and marred with scorch marks and deep scratches as if struck by fire and blade. The stonework of a few of the houses seeming to have almost been melted by some intense heat, and even the fountains that seem to be at each major intersection bear the same scars.

Because of this, many of the street markers are missing, or completely unintelligible, forcing Daring and her group to pick their directions through gut instinct, leading them a few times into dead ends or even in complete circles.

And all the while, a feeling of being watched nags at the back of everyone’s minds, as if the dark windows are hiding silent watchers who are following their every hoofstep. Daring, unlike her two companions, seems to grow only more annoyed at the feeling, instead of feeling intimidated, and after two hours of walking aimlessly in the ancient city, she growls loudly.

“Right, I’ve put up with this long enough!” Daring barks, moving towards an empty house. She goes inside, and is promptly met with a loud yelp of surprise. Daring emerges again a few moments later, a grey stallion with an insanely frizzy and poofy black mane marching in front of her. As Daring brings him over, he smiles widely, his eyes opening just as wide and giving him the look of someone who has spent too much time alone.

“So, this is who has been watching us?” Fion asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Seems so,” Daring responds as she pokes the stallion hard in the shoulder. “Mind explaining why?”

The stallion giggles loudly, and looks to Daring. “I thought you were ghosts!” he declares loudly. “The cursed remnants of the people of this city! Or perhaps even the ill-fated treasure seekers that come here so often, always meeting a grisly and bloody end at the hooves of the guardian of the inner city.” He turns and gets in Daring’s face, looking her in the eyes with his crazed gaze. “But! Upon closer inspection, I find this not to be true, for low and behold! You are Daring Do! Such an honor, yes… yes, such an honor to meet you, Miss Daring! I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to this city, seeking fame and glory like so many other famous adventurers before you.”

“A… pleasure, mister?” Daring asks, taking a few steps backwards.

“Oh! How positively rude of me,” the stallion all but shouts, holding a hoof out. “I am Unsolved Mysteries! World renowned and famous discoverer of all that is hidden in the shadows! What the Princess’ do not wish us to discover about them!” He looks around and leans in closer to Daring, putting a hoof up to whisper so only she can hear, even though he is speaking loud enough that Leaf and Fion can clearly make out everything he says. “Which is why I am here. I must uncover the truth behind the fall of the Equusese Empire! For once I prove that this mighty city was brought low by Princess Luna in league with the little green creatures who aided her with their time travel spells, then the Royal Equestrian Explorer’s League will have to take me seriously!”

Nodding slowly and inching around Unsolved, Daring frowns. “Right… so, little green creatures helped Luna… with time travel?”

“YES!” Unsolved shouts. “I am close to proving it, after all these long months here, alone, on this island.” He then looks around as if expecting something to happen, before reaching behind a pile of rocks and pulling out a colander and putting it on his head. “But I must be careful, the guardian of these ruins can get into your mind, drive you insane or unleash your deepest nightmares!” He attaches a strap to the colander making it look like a helmet. “I have seen it… the white terror that strides through the mist in the center of the city.”

“Honestly, you shouldn’t be so worried,” Leaf remarks with a shrug. “You seem… smart enough to not be affected by whatever magic turns ponies insane.”

“That is why I have this,” Unsolved agrees, tapping the colander/helmet. “Keeps the mind control magic at bay! He won’t make me crazy!”

“Well, that’s all well and good,” Daring interrupts, “but we need to be going, that temple might not be going anywhere, but I’d like to get closer to it before nightfall.” She starts off, heading down the road they had been walking, when suddenly Unsolved runs up and sits in front of here, a hoof held forward.

“Oh no, no Daring, you cannot go there!” Unsolved says, pulling his helmet/colander off his head and holding it over his heart with both hooves. “For that is the domain of the most unsightly, most dangerous, most despicable creature in all of Equestria!” He shakes his head, poofy mane swaying. “I alone have seen the guardian and his dragon companion. And I alone have survived that encounter, though I live in fear for what they will do to me should they ever find me.”

“That’s nice,” Daring sighs in annoyance, “but we really do need to get there, evil guardian or not.”

“Then I must come with you!” Unsolved shouts, quickly dropping his ‘helmet’ and clutching Daring by the shoulders. “Safety in numbers! And I might have insight into how to defeat the beast!”

“And, you’ll get to discover what your after,” Fion mutters with a roll of his eyes.

“Precisely, my chicken-bodied friend!” Unsolved shouts, one hoof shooting up into the air. Fion opens his beak to reply, but Leaf just shakes his head and puts a hoof on his friend’s shoulder.

“It’s not worth it,” Leaf whispers to Fion. “He is clearly crazy.”

“Clearly,” Fion agrees.

“Alright, alright,” Daring concedes. “You can come with us, but you keep your mouth shut unless it's important. AND relevant to what is going on.”

“My lips are sealed, Daring!” Unsolved says, quickly making a ‘zipping’ motion with his hooves over his mouth.

“Good, then let's be off,” Daring mutters, starting forward again.

The group, now numbering four, makes their way deeper into the city, Unsolved playing guide as he knows the city better than anyone, including the map that Daring had brought along. As they get deeper into the city, however, the sun continues to sink and a thick mist starts to form as the air grows cooler. Before too long, the group is shrouded in a dense fog that makes sight beyond a few feet hard.

They continue on, however, and before too long they make it to what appears to be a camp site. The firepit is cold, and there is evidence of a scuffle with tents knocked down, and worse yet blood seeming to be present in abundance. It is long dried, however, speaking to the occupants having been slaughtered some time ago, the lack of bodies though is troubling.

“Great, looks like we’ve found the last victims of this ‘guardian’,” Leaf remarks with a shiver. “Rather hope we’re not next on his list.”

“Then we had best keep moving, yes?” Unsolved speaks up, his purple eyes darting around as if he is afraid the very shadows will solidify into a horrible creature.

“Oh come now,” Daring says with a sigh. “Whatever happened here happened a long time ago, I doubt whatever did this was even supernatural, let alone still in the area.”

“You would be wrong,” a deep, and oddly familiar, voice says from behind them. “Invader.”

Author's Note:

And now for the latest chapter! I told you it'd be out before the month was over! *Looks to calender* If barely.

It's taken me longer to get this one out here because I've been attempting, for the first time ever, to have a buffer. But, that didn't work, as I hit writers block on the next chapter, which I plan to break today!

So, yeah, hope you all enjoy this first look into the ruined city that Strenght ruled over! That, and I hope you all enjoy the crazy person I made up and caused Witch to laugh at. So, y'all play nice with Unsolved Mysteries, he's hunting for ALIENS!