• Published 21st Aug 2015
  • 841 Views, 163 Comments

Daring-Do and the Leaf in the Wind - Sylvian

Daring-Do, along with her friend Leaf Wind, are assigned a mission by Princess Luna. What they find may change Equestria's past and future. And, perhaps, their relationship.

  • ...

The Next Steps

Chapter 8: The Next Steps

The feeling of warm and welcoming sunlight bring Daring from the world of pleasant dreams and into the waking world. The bed she finds herself in as her eyes open is not hers, for the bunk back in the Compound is in a room that has no windows, but it is the one she most wanted to wake up in today.

Especially because of the arms wrapped around her, as well as the soft, even breathing sounding from above her.

Scooting back slightly, and working her head under his chin, Daring closes her eyes again and takes a deep, relaxing breath. The feeling of Leaf’s breathing, the slow rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, along with the ever present smell of flowers and well tilled earth that permeates the air around him, allows Daring to relax completely.

Leaf Wind must consider himself to be one of the luckiest stallions alive in Equestria right now, not only having won the heart of Daring Do but also having brought her to his bed. Really, though, Daring feels she is perhaps a touch bit luckier, having found somepony who takes her for herself, not her fame or her prowess in adventuring, nor her money from her book deals and her paycheck as a Wonderbolt Reserve. No. He had seen behind the mask she put up for everypony, and he had fallen in love with it, and in turn she had fallen in love with him.

Sighing softly, she wishes this could go on forever as it was, the snuggling, but she needs to get up. As she starts to move, Leaf pulls her back in his sleep and whispers softly, “Mine,” which brings a blush to Daring’s face. Okay, so it’ll last a bit longer. The minutes turn into an extra half-hour, which Daring does not mind, before Leaf stretches and yawns, his wings flaring out behind him.

“What golden treasure is this in my bed,” Leaf asks softly, kissing Daring on the top of her head right between her ears. “It looks to be a master adventurer, but what would she be doing in the bed of a pony like me?”

Blushing at the kiss, and a little at the praise, Daring rolls over carefully and nuzzles into Leaf’s neck. “Going where no mare has gone before.” She sighs softly and rests the top of her head against the bottom of his muzzle. “And allowing you to go where nopony, stallion or mare, has gone before and letting you see things nopony will ever see.”

“Mmm,” Leaf hums with a soft smile. “Like those scars? Your vest covers them quite well, my dear.” He runs a hoof along her chest, tracing a long healed scar that starts near her neck and ends just short of where her current bandages are.

Daring sighs and looks down and away from Leaf, her smile slipping as she shrugs slightly. “Yeah, not many get to see those. Doctors, sure, but nopony close to me.” She looks up at Leaf and her smile returns slightly. “But, I think we should get some breakfast, I have to catch a train soon.”

Sighing heavily, Leaf releases Daring from his embrace, causing Daring to shiver slightly at the sudden lack of warmth. “Yeah, can’t have you missing that train, can we?” He rolls out of bed and stretches, a few pops echoing from him. “I mean, what would you do with yourself all day? Get back in bed with me and snuggle?” He starts towards the door separating his bedroom from the rest of the apartment, “I mean, I’m all in favor of that idea, but I know when you have something you want to do, nothing in Equestria can stop you.”

Rolling out of bed herself, Daring takes a moment to toss a pillow after him. “And you wouldn’t have me any other way, would you!” she calls after him, the pillow going wide and striking the wall next to the door.

“Nope!” Leaf calls back without looking. “Now, I fear my pantry is a bit bare. Seeing as I’m never home to stock it.” He pauses, looking back into his room with a smirk at Daring. “I wonder who’s fault that is? Hmm?” This time, the pillow finds its mark.

“Don’t you complain mister!” Daring says as she walks past him as the pillow falls from his face. “I certainly don’t when you find us rations out in the jungle. I can proudly say I’ve eaten things that most ponies would turn pale at the sight of!” She flicks her tail against Leaf’s plot as she passes. “So long as you have at least something that passes as edible somewhere in Equestria, I am sure it will be fine.” She goes over to his kitchen area and opens the pantry, quickly looking through it and pulling various objects out.

She moves over to the stove, which is a small natural gas powered appliance, and turns it on. Turning and putting the items from the pantry down -- namely a box of oatmeal, dried fruit, and some honey -- she turns to grab a pot to fill with water, but Leaf beats her to it and puts it on the stove with a smile.

“Still anticipating my needs, Leaf?” Daring says with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, of course!” Leaf says with a wink, “I mean, as your coltfriend, isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?” He then shrugs and hugs Daring from behind. “I mean, it’s almost like I’ve been doing this for a while! Can’t imagine why.”

Giggling and poking him with a wing, Daring leans back with a smile. “Smart ass!”

“You know it!” He kisses her neck. “And you love it.” He gently turns her around and looks down at her with a warm smile. “So, tell me again, where are you off to today? And why can’t I come?”

Smiling, Daring shrugs a little, “Oh, well I guess I do love your quick wit.” She winks. “Even if mine is sharper.” She reaches up and runs a hoof along Leaf’s jaw as she smiles at him lovingly. “I am going to go visit our old friend, Epic Prose. You know how I like to keep him in the loop with the adventures.” She sighs contently as she looks up at Leaf’s eyes. “Besides, I need to ask him if he has any idea where to go next. He always seems to have the weirdest insights into these things.”

“I have noticed that, my dear,” Leaf says with a chuckle. “Still doesn’t answer why I can’t come.”

“Because, I need you to return the books we borrowed from the Royal Library.” Daring replies with a smirk. “It’s a dangerous task, I know, but as the coltfriend of Daring Do, I’m certain you’re up to the challenge.”

Frowning, and giving Daring his best pouting face, Leaf whines. “That’s tantamount to slaughter, my love. Sending me into hostile territory like that.” He sighs, then smiles to her again and leans closer. “You’re lucky I love you. But, as I might die I think I des…” Daring cuts him off my putting a hoof on the back of his head and pulling him into a deep kiss. After a few long moments, she lets him back up for air. He remains frozen for a few seconds, a mixed look of shock and bliss on his face, before he blinks and smirks. “Well, I can die happy now.”

“You won’t be dying at all,” Daring states with a smile and a fierce look in her eyes, punctuating her words by poking a hoof into his chest. “I’m not done with you, so after you’re done running the gauntlet, you’re going to fly your flank to Ponyville, and join me and Prose’s family for dinner.”

“Yes ma’am,” Leaf says with a chuckle as he releases Daring and goes to set the table. “Breakfast should be ready in a few minutes, I know how you like it, so if you want to go prepare whatever disguise you’re going to wear, best do it now.” Nodding, Daring walks away from where she was standing at the counter, and goes back into the bedroom.

Inside, she goes to a duffel bag, blue with the Wonderbolts logo on it, and opens it up. Inside is a lot of tightly packed clothing -- ranging from her usual garb to even deep hooded cloaks and some fake beards -- most of which she uses to put together disguises when she needs to go out into Canterlot’s general population. She might be paranoid, but she never really wore the same set more than twice any given time she is in Canterlot, as most of them were transient aliases that no one would notice if they were there for a moment then gone the next.

Carefully pulling a few out, she eventually finds the cloak, sun hat, and glasses she uses when she is acting in her writer persona. Of course, she used her actual name when she was walking around as the famous writer, but only a select few knew that. Putting the cloak and glasses on, as they’re the most annoying part of the entire disguise, she grabs the hat in her teeth and starts back out to the living area. Once there, Daring sits at the small table Leaf has near one of the windows, puts the hat down, and starts working on gathering her hair up into a tight bun as she watches Leaf work in the kitchen.

She had never watched him actually make their food, let alone cook, but as she watches him switch between tasks -- making the oatmeal, boiling water in a tea-kettle for tea, find dishes to actually eat with -- she has to admit that even in this he is quite efficient. Chuckling to herself quietly, Daring smirks at this thought. Honestly, she knew he had to make up for the lack of turning ability, and general ability to run into even non-moving objects when they were forced to take wing in a hurry, so why not make up the deficit in the kitchen?

She is stirred from her thoughts as she noticed Leaf waving his plot at her. “See something you like, Dee?” Leaf calls over with a wink and a smirk.

“Only my breakfast!” Daring replies with a smirk of her own as she finishes with her hair. “Oh, and the stallion making it for me, I guess I like looking at him too.”

Putting a hoof to his chest and leaning his head back as turns towards Daring, Leaf sighs. “You wound me, O’ love of my life.” Leaf then grabs a pair of bowls and takes them over to the table. “But, glad you like looking at me, means I inherited my dad’s good looks.” He winks and sets the bowls down before turning back towards the kitchen to get the rest of the food.

“Sure, dear, keep telling yourself that,” Daring replies with a smirk, setting her hat off to one side as Leaf returns with the pot of fresh oatmeal.

“Every day when I look in the mirror!” Leaf says with a wink as she spoons a healthy serving into Daring’s bowl, then his own. “Which, seems to have paid off, seeing as you like looking at me.” He wiggles his eyebrows and goes to get the tea. Daring smiles slightly and starts eating without another word.


Ponyville is a place unlike anywhere else Daring had ever visited.

For one thing, it was so open, so friendly, towards everypony that walked its streets. As she walks slowly from the train station, she is greeted by just about every single pony she passes in the streets with warm smiles and friendly voices. Even if this isn’t her first visit, Daring is still struck by how much she feels at home. Which is strange, really, seeing as this village has a history of having weird and unexplained stuff happening in it.

And now, it had a Princess ruling over it. From her library, but still ruling it. Twilight Sparkle was known to be quite knowledgeable, too, so perhaps if Prose does not know what to do, Daring could risk going to her for help. But only as a last resort, she really does not want to explain to the Equestrian Scholar Princess that she is going after potentially history-altering ruins. She’d never hear the end of it, and Daring is more than sure she’d end up with royalty attempting to tag along and not just funding the expedition. That, in Daring’s book, is something to be avoided at all costs. She can’t foalsit some princess who doesn’t know the first thing about going on a real, potentially dangerous, exploration mission. No matter how many books she has read!

Shaking her head, Daring continues down the street, attempting to get to her destination before one of the more notorious residents of Ponyville takes notice of her. Passing through the town square, Daring is pretty sure she has gone unnoticed…

“Hi there!” A high pitched, excited voice, comes from right above Daring. “Why do you look like you’ve stepped in something unpleasant?” Looking up, Daring finds a pink mare with a poofy mane suspended by balloons in front, and slightly above, of her.

“I… I just got off the train and am feeling a little motion sick.” Daring quickly lies to the mare as she attempts to press on. “I really should get to my friend’s house! So I can sit down!”

“I know how that goes! Sometimes I spin in place for no reason, and my face turns all green and I feel like I’m going to say hello to my cupcakes again!” The pink mare says, slowly bobbing up and down as she keep pace with Daring in the air. “But once I sit down and the world stops spinning I usually feel alright!”

“That’s why I want to get to my friends house!” Daring states bluntly, picking up the pace. “So I’d like it if you’d leave me alone, Pinkie.”

Gasping, all the balloons popping, Pinkie looks to Daring. “You know my name?” She then giggles and starts bouncing around Daring. “But wait, of course you know who I am!” She stops in front of Daring and raises a hoof. “I would expect nothing less from the great Dari…” Daring puts a hoof over Pinkie’s mouth and looks around in a panic.

“How do you know who I am?!” Daring asks in a low hiss. “My disguises are perfect.” She lowers her hoof and Pinkie smiles widely.

“Prose told me!” Pinkie says in an excited, but hushed voice. Daring’s eyes narrow and she grumbles.

“His mouth is usually more tight than that. Howe’d you get that out of him?” Daring asks, starting to usher Pinkie along to continue to get to her destination, and off the street.

“Oh, he likes to ramble after you give him wine.” Pinkie says with a shrug. “It’s almost as funny as when Rarity drinks!”

Shaking her head Daring sighs. “I’ll have to talk to him about drinking around others when I’m with him today.”

“Silly! Not that one!” Pinkie says as she stops and points up. “That one!”

Pinkie, are those your cupcakes burning? I think they are. BETTER GO GET THEM!

“OHMYGOSH!” Pinkie exclaims as she jumps up in the air. “I GOTTA GO! NICE SEEING YOU!” She then zips off like a pink streak towards Sugar Cube Corner. Daring stands in the middle of the street blinking a few times.

“Well, that was rather… odd,” Daring says slowly, resuming her journey towards Prose’s house. “And why do I have this strange urge to thank both Prose and Chief Hour…” Shaking her head, she sighs and picks up her pace again. Before too long her destination comes into sight and she slows down so as to look around, make sure nopony followed her.

The house she approaches is a fairly typical building for Ponville -- two stories with a thatch roof, wooden sides, and a fairly modest yard -- it wouldn’t get a second glance from most if not for the fact that the yard is littered with burnt patches, random pieces of metal, and even the occasional device or two. In fact, as Daring draws closer, she can see what looks to be a flamethrower resting against the front porch.

Shrugging, Daring opens the gate in the fence and walks in. She gets a few steps into the yard before the shed next to the house suddenly emits a bright flash followed by a peal of thunder and a cloud of smoke. Daring stops, and watches the door to the shed with a small smile, waiting for the occupant to walk out.

The door bursts open a moment later, a large cloud of smoke billowing forth and eventually clearing to reveal a coughing red and white unicorn wearing what looks to be a lab coat and safety goggles. In her magical grip is a burnt out husk of metal, with what looks to be a couple pieces of very burnt toast sticking out.

“That is the last time I attempt to supercharge the toaster!” the unicorn declares with a few more coughs as she tosses the still smoking wrecked toaster off into a nearby bin of likewise smoldering metal. She turns to go towards the house, and stops as she spots Daring. Lifting the goggles from over her jade-green eyes, she smiles brightly.

“Yearing! What a surprise!” The unicorn says warmly as she trots over and goes to give Daring a hug, she hesitates though and smiles sheepishly when she realises she is covered in soot. “What brings you to our neck of the woods?”

“I just got back from a… book tour, and wanted to talk with Prose about some stuff,” Daring replies with a warm smile. “Plus, well I am a little low on funds, and you make some of the best home-cooked meals in all of Equestria, Foxfire.”

Foxfire smiles and waves a hoof dismissively. “You’re just saying that because you usually eat nothing but oatmeal and dried fruit.” She then nods towards her house. “Well, might as well come in. My husband is up in his study, doubtlessly asleep after spending all night grading papers.” Foxfire stops at the porch and frowns at the flamethrower. “Now, how did that get out here…” She lifts it up with her magic and narrows her eyes. “And I swear I just filled this blasted thing’s energy reserves last night…” She sighs and starts into the house again, flamethrower in her telekinetic grip.

“So, grading papers?” Daring asks, taking the flamethrower in stride. “How’d he end up doing that?”

Chuckling as she deposits the flamethrower into a bin, then locking it, Foxfire winks to Daring. “He made the mistake of telling the entire class at school what he did for a living. Said he’d just ‘love to read’ all their stories.” Foxfire laughs as she starts towards the stairs to the second story. “He should be in his office. As always, you’re free to go up, just watch out for the foals. I think Prose let them read and advanced copy of your latest book. They’re acting out an adventure of their own.” Foxfire stops on the stares and sighs. “Oh, and it might help if you grab him a mug of tea before coming up. No point chancing him being wide awake.”

“Then I best get him some tea,” Daring says with a chuckle as she heads around the stairs and towards the kitchen. Upon reaching the spacious kitchen, she finds a mug set out next to a steaming teapot, as well as a foal who is hopping across the tiles.

“Attempting to get past some traps, little adventure?” Daring asks the young colt.

“Yes, ma’am,” the unicorn colt replies without looking up. He is wearing a small leather coat along with a wide-brimmed hat and what seems to be a toy whip.

“And, where is your sister?” Daring asks slowly as she pours a cup of tea.

“She is trying to find the treasure before me!” the colt replies emphatically. “She is my rival!”

Nodding, Daring takes the mug of tea and turns around, starting back towards the stairs. “That’s nice. Just remember to treat your rival with respect.” She pauses then smiles. “Oh, and she’s right behind you in the cabinet waiting for you to figure out how to make it past the traps so she doesn’t have to.” Daring winks to the cabinet.

“Awww! That’s no fair Miss Yearling! You write about this stuff!” The voice of a young female comes from inside a nearby kitchen cabinet.

“That I do,” Daring says with a chuckle. “You two play nice. Don’t want to make your parents upset by trashing the house. Again.” The one visible foal looks a little scared at that prospect, but says nothing before Daring makes it to the stairs and quickly goes to the next floor.

As this is not her first time here, not even by a long shot, Daring quickly makes her way to the study of her friend, Epic Prose. She doesn’t bother knocking, as she can hear soft snoring from behind the door -- which is nearly drowned out by the singing from the master bedroom down the hall -- and instead opens the door and lets herself right in.

Inside, as she had expected, she finds the grey pegasus stallion passed out on top of his desk, glasses fallen from his face and onto the stack of papers he is using as a pillow. Setting the tea down on the desk, she takes a moment to look at the papers and smiles slightly at the fact that there seems to be more marks in red ink than there is actual writing. But then, these papers are from school foals, and you cannot expect impressive works of art on their first try.

“The… cupcakes… are burning…” Prose mutters in his sleep, his wings twitching, as if being used for flight.

Chuckling and shaking her head at her friend, Daring crosses to a nearby bookshelf and selects a rather large tome. “Hm, ‘Encyclopedia Equestria’; this should do nicely.” She takes the book, goes over to his desk and holds it up. She then drops it on the floor with a loud BANG.

Prose sits up suddenly, eyes wide and ears back. “I SWEAR I DIDN’T STEAL THE COOKIES!” He blinks a few times and then looks at Daring, narrowing his eyes. “Wait, you’re not my wife…” He puts his glasses back on and smiles brightly. “Because you’re my favorite author! Miss Yearling, it has been a while since last you… uhm… dropped an encyclopedia onto my floor to wake me up…” He frowns and looks to the book on the floor. “Could you kindly pick that up? It’s no longer in print…”

“Only because you asked so nicely,” Daring says with a smirk as she picks the book up and places it back where she found it. “I brought you tea, though,” she adds with a nod towards the mug of tea on the desk. “Courtesy of your wife.”

“Mmm,” Prose says, already the mug is in his hooves and he is drinking. Lowering the mug he looks to Daring. “She in the house, or is she…?” he asks hesitantly.

“She is in the shower, if the singing down the hall is any indication.” Daring pulls her hat off and unties her cloak, spreading her wings with a sigh. “That’s better. She was in her shed when I got here. Something about a toaster.”

Groaning and putting a hoof to his face, Prose sighs. “Great, she blew up another one…” He rubs a temple with a hoof and holds onto his mug with the other. “Well, besides bringing me tidings of my wife exploding another kitchen appliance, to what do I owe the visit?”

“Well, I just got back from an expedition in Saddle Arabia…” Daring starts as she sits down, a smile on her face.

“Oh, I know. I got a letter from Distant,” Prose says matter of factly.

Narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms, Daring glares over at her friend. “Let me guess. ‘Tell Daring if she doesn’t go and admit her feelings to Leaf, you are hereby ordered to tie her up and put her on a train to Canterlot and make her do it.’ Is that about right?”

“No.” Prose replies as he takes a sip of his tea. “Just our usual correspondence. She thanked me for the books I sent to her, and informed me that I should expect a visit from you in the near future to tell me all about the mysterious temple you found.” He then aims a wide smirk over his tea mug as he leans back. “But, since you brought it up. How are you and Leaf?”

Daring gives Prose an unamused look as she shakes her head. “I swear, between you, Viridian, and Distant… Me and Leaf are fine. More than fine. In fact, I will tell you and Foxfire all about it over dinner tonight. Leaf will be here, so I am sure he’d tell you all about it when he arrives anyway.” She then leans forward, placing a hoof on the desk as her smile returns. “But, that is for later. Allow me to tell you about the Temple of Life…”


“That, my dear Yearling, is a tale worthy of the ages,” Prose says calmly as he sits back in his chair, dropping the notepad he had been writing on onto the desk. “I am almost tempted to brave the trip myself, meet this mysterious caretaker who watches over the library there…”

“I had trouble getting there, Prose,” Daring cautions with a smile as she gestures to her friend with one hoof. “No offense, but you’re hardly conditioned to go on long trips in hostile environments.”

“Hey now, I might not be Daring Do, but I am more than capable of going on adventures, thank you very much.” Prose counters with a smirk. “But, this is all beyond the point. I take it you don’t know where to go next?”
Raising an eyebrow, Daring leans back in her own seat and nods. “Yeah, but how did you know I wanted to continue to look for these temples?”

“My dear, I’ve known you for how long?” Prose asks with a chuckle. “In you beats the heart of an explorer. Never content to stay in one place, nor truly happy unless you’re on the trail to a new discovery!” He then stands and comes around the desk. “Now, I don’t personally know where you need to go next. Ancient Equestrian History has never been my strong suit, as you well know, but I think I know where we can find the answers.”

“Alright,” Daring replies slowly as she rises from her chair, grabbing her disguise. “But, what about the stories you’ve been going over? From those school foals?”

“Hm? Oh… uhm, well I am sure the CMC will forgive me if they’re a tad bit late. This is more important.” He smiles fondly at the stack of papers and then looks back to Daring. “They show a lot of potential, but they’re nowhere near the skill you or others I work with are at. Perhaps, if they keep going, they might be good at it. No matter what special talents they find, writing always seems to be something anypony can work at.” He then clears his throat and pats Daring on the shoulder. “I mean, look at you! You’re an adventurer and a best selling author. If you can do it, there is hope for anypony.”

“Wow, thanks Prose. That’s very… yeah don’t know if that was a compliment,” Daring admits with a sarcastic grin. “Now, where are we going?”

“It is what you make it to be, my friend.” He then starts to the door to his study and opens it. “We are going to the library, Daring. A friend of mine runs it, and I dare say if anyone knows where you need to go, she will.”

Following behind him, Daring puts her hat and cloak back on. She wants to ask Prose more questions, but he just keeps going, passing his children -- who have now made it to the living room and seem to be fighting over a toy chest with a sign in crayon that says ‘lost treasure’ on it -- and goes right out the front door. Daring sighs as she catches up to him in the street, knowing that when he gets like this there really isn’t any point in asking him more questions, she just should follow him and trust in his judgment.

They walk for a few minutes, Prose leading at a steady pace that slows only when other ponies greet him, a few even asking him to pause a moment to speak. He politely declines each invitation to stop, however, and continues.

As they near their destination, the Golden Oak Library, Daring observes the sun is starting to dip towards the horizon, her story having apparently taken most of the day and some of the afternoon. Hopefully, they can get their answers quickly, and return to Prose’s house in time for dinner. But then, Prose was known to get side-tracked in libraries, and if the rumors about the librarian were true… well this could take a while.

Stopping at the door, Prose raise a hoof and quickly knocks. There is no response, so he knocks again. This time, the door opens and Daring, expecting to see a pony, is surprised to see a baby dragon standing at the door.

“Oh, hey Prose!” the dragons grees with a smile. “Twilight is busy right now, researching something to do with the stars, or perhaps the planets…”

“That’s okay, Spike,” Prose replies with a warm smile. “I’m here with a friend, we wish to look at some books from the library. I promise we won’t bother Miss Twilight unless absolutely necessary.” He continues to smile. “So, may we come in?”

“Well, if you really won’t bother Twilight, I guess it’s alright,” Spikes concedes as he opens the door all the way. “Just keep it down, and if you need any help finding a book come find me.” He steps back from the door and allows Prose and Daring to enter before closing it behind them.

“Of course, Spike. I will be sure to speak with you about books,” Prose assures with a kind smile before walking deeper into the tree-building. Following behind him, Daring spies the proprietor of the Library sitting at a book stand, a large collection of books around her -- some levitating others resting on the ground -- while she reads a particular book in front of her. At first glance, she looks to be just a lavander colored unicorn, but as they draw closer she stretches her wings, and Daring is once more reminded of how awe inspiring the sight of an Alicorn, even one as young as Princess Twilight, can be.

Prose leads Daring through a door on the side of the library, and into another room which is full of older looking books. The room is larger than the one they just left, which had been large already, which begs the question of if a spell has been placed on the tree as it seems larger on the inside than it does on the outside. Daring stops for a moment to look at the rows of books, but Prose just continues in, whistling a tune absently as he starts pulling books from the shelves.

“Well, if we’re going to find where you’re going next,” Prose says as he goes to a table along the outer wall and near the door they had entered from. “We’d best start with places that have history dating back far enough to have logically been a part of Equus.”

“Hate to break it to you, Prose. But that’s going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack,” Daring states with a sigh as she sits down across from Prose, sliding a few books over to her.

“But we must try, Miss Yearling,” Prose replies matter of factly, “because you have me curious, and I know you are curious as well. So, for both our sanity, and the sanity of our significant others, we must try.” He opens his own book and starts reading.

Sighing, Daring does the same.

Daring makes it through her first book in the span of time that it takes Prose to go through at least three, as he is an expert at scanning through the books and picking out text or chapters that seem to fit the criteria of what they’re looking for. He puts the books that seem promising off to one side, the rest he takes back to the shelves when he goes to get more books. For her part, Daring gets bogged down in the details, attempting to fit them together with what she already knows, and often times finding no real tangible connection. After a few hours of this Daring sighs and shakes her head.

“I don’t think we’re getting anywhere, Prose,” she yawns, rubbing at her eyes. “I am not even sure we’re looking in the right direction.”

“I think you might be right…” Prose admits, putting aside his current book. “While all of these could be potential leads…” He taps the stack of books next to him. “I am not sure if they’d pan out, and I am not about to waste your time after you came to me for help.” He stands up and stretches with a groan before turning and heading to the door. “I’ll be right back.”

“Mhmm,” Daring hums as she picks up yet another book.

“Miss Twilight?” Prose’s voice comes from beyond the door, the quiet in the library making even the smallest sound carry.

“Hm? Oh, Prose! When did you get here?” a second voice, this one female, replies.

“A few hours ago. You were absorbed in your research and I promised Spike I wouldn’t bother you, but the friend I came with and myself are in need of some assistance from you.” Prose admits, his tone business like.

“Oh, well I would be happy to assist you! Where are you and your friend studying?” The mare asks.

“In the ancient culture section. I’ll show you where,” Prose supplies, his voice getting closer. A few moments later Daring sees Prose return over the top of her book, and then in comes Princess Twilight with a warm smile and an energetic step.

“Didn’t you promise that little dragon you wouldn’t bug the Princess, Prose?” Daring asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, but she is the librarian here, and knows more than anypony I’ve ever met,” Prose explains as he looks over at Twilight with a smile. “Besides, we are stuck, and she might be able to help us.” He then clears his throat, “Right after I introduce you two, though, as is proper.” He points a hoof to Daring and looks at Twilight again. “Miss Twilight, allow me to introduce you to my friend, and one of the authors I publish, A.K. Yearling.” Twilight’s eyes widen for a second before she smiles and bounces in place. Prose ignores it and continues, “And Miss Yearling, allow me to introduce you to Princess Twilight Sparkle, a friend of mine and the local librarian here in Ponyville.”

“Oh! You’re A.K. Yearling? I’m a huge fan!” Twilight exclaims quickly, her horn glowing and a notepad coming into existence. “Can i get your autograph?”

Blinking a few times, Daring nods slowly as she processes the fact a Princess is a fan of hers. She takes the notepad and chuckles. “Sure… uhm, do you have a pen?” A pen comes into existence and Daring takes it quickly, signing the notepad with a nervous smile. “There you go, Princess…”

“Please, just call me Twilight. I don’t generally use my title unless I am on official business.” Twilight replies with a sheepish smile as she takes the notepad and pen back, both quickly vanishing again. “Now, how can I help you, Miss Yearling?”

“Oh, well I was doing some… research into my next book,” Daring admits with a nervous smile. “See, I want to send Daring into an ancient temple following an adventure she has in Saddle Arabia. Not sure if it’ll be a series of books, or just a single one, but I really want to base it off a real ancient temple.” Twilight nods, a thoughtful look on her face as Daring continues. “It’d be preferable if it was connected, or reasonably old enough to be connected to, the ancient Equus Empire.”

Nodding slowly, Twilight looks to the stack of books the two had been looking over. “Well, if you want something ancient and potentially connected to an empire that ancient… I would think you should look into Vietmane.” She levitates a book from the stack, it’s old and bound in leather. “I know there are plenty of ancient temples there… but the oldest… that one might be your best bet.” She opens the book and turns it around, showing off a wood block print of a massive temple complex. “It’s been abandoned for longer than Equestria has been a kingdom, but by all accounts it’s still in near perfect condition, doubtlessly some powerful magic or some such.” She turns the book back around and chuckles. “I don’t know if it’s old enough, but the local legend the author put in here states the temple complex is ‘haunted’ and anyone who goes in ‘faces imminent death.’ at the hands of some ancient spirit and the dragon that haunt the ruins.”

“Miss Twilight, that sounds quite similar to Roan,” Prose comments absently, causing Twilight to raise an eyebrow.

“Oh?” Twilight asks with a smile, clearly expecting Prose to continue. Instead Daring speaks up.

“Roan is a well known ruined city in the archeological community,” Daring explains with a shrug. “It’s location on the Istallion Peninsula is well known, and it is one of the few confirmed Equus era settlements ever discovered… or at least we think it is. Nopony who enters ever returns… Even the Griffon Empire’s greatest warriors fear to tread on the grounds of the city.”

“Istallion… isn’t that south east of Equestria? Just a little bit south of the Griffon Empire?” Twilight inquires, sitting down next to the table with a look of interest.

“Indeed,” Prose confirms, sitting back down at the table. “I did some research for Miss Yearling here back when she first started writing her books. Scary place, some of the stories make even me cringe.”

“Not to mention, the few explorers who’ve dared to camp on its borders report… strange things,” Daring replies, looking past Prose as if to glimpse a distant object. “Screams of terror, even calls for help echoing from the twisted woods that have grown up around it. Sometimes… sometimes I’ve heard you see ghost lights, and ponies fleeing just inside the border of the trees.” Daring shivers involuntarily, thankful that her wings don’t also flutter.

“Wow, that sounds… like the kind of place Daring might visit, actually,” Twilight gulps nervously, her own eyes reflecting a little fright at the story.

“Oh, I am sure she would, but not even Daring Do is brave enough to go in there…” Daring confides, offering Twilight a reassuring smile. “There are just some places that even she will not dare, especially when death is so certain.” Daring then chuckles and looks to Prose, “I think we have our answer, though. Sounds like I’m going to have to do some more research into Vietmane.”

“It does indeed, Miss Yearling,” Prose agrees with a nod to Daring before looking over at Twilight. “Thank you, Miss Twilight. You’ve been most helpful, as usual.”

“Aww, you’re welcome Prose!” Twilight says enthusiastically with a smile. “Just doing my job. Besides, I was sort of at a dead end myself, and helping you two gave me some ideas.”

Chuckling, Daring looks to Twilight. “You remind me of a pony I know back in Canterlot, Twilight.” Daring smiles to Twilight and points to her wings. “Though, she doesn’t have wings. Celestial Sisters, if she had wings, I’d be afraid for Equestria. Not that she is bad, mind you, far from it! She is a very dedicated, caring, and smart individual. A doctor, too, actually. Very well regarded in her field.”

“Oh? I just met a very nice mare who’s a doctor!” Twilight replies, her eyes lighting up. “She invented a spell to save a pegasus’ wings! If you can believe it!”

Daring raises an eyebrow as her smile evolves into a smirk, amused at the enthusiasm the Princess is showing for Witch’s accomplishment. “Oh? That sounds rather familiar.” It isn’t an outright lie, but certainly not the whole truth; Witch had virtually talked about the spell she’d created throughout their dinner at her house.

“Does it? Well, I am sure you’ve at least heard of her, somepony who invents a spell like that is bound to make waves, even in the circles you travel in,” Twilight declares with a smug smile.

“What’s her name?” Daring asks, already sure she knows the answer.

“Witching Hour,” Twilight declares. “She’s Princess Luna’s personal student.”

Nodding, Daring chuckles. “I know Witchy.” She rubs the back of her head under her hat. “In fact, I think she just got a commission in the Royal Equestrian Air Force.”

“Yes! She works for the Wonderbolts!” Twilight confirms enthusiastically. “She works in their training room, as well as their research department.”

“I think she’d do better as their interrogator,” Daring mutters under her breath, but is overheard by Twilight.

“Oh, no! She’d be wasted in Security!” Twilight insists. “Her magical talent must be great if Luna took her on as her student!”

"Oh, no doubt. I was thinking of using her in one of my books, alongside the stallion I sometimes use who helps Daring with plants and such. Figure their personalities would be an... interesting mix to try alongside Daring..." Daring says slowly, then shrugs, "Not that I can ever see Witchy getting out of the lab or training room. She doesn't seem the type to go on adventures. Luna's student or not."

“I don’t know, don’t underestimate her, Miss Yearling,” Twilight replies with a smile. “Us bookish mares might just surprise you once and awhile.”

Chuckling, Daring bows her head. “I will not argue with your wisdom, Princess.” Daring then stands and winks to Twilight, who had flinched slightly at being called Princess. “Thank you for the help, Twilight. I think, however, Prose and I should be taking our leave. His wife is making us dinner, and I would not wish to let it get cold.”

“You are most welcome, Miss Yearling,” Twilight assures with a small blush at being praised by an author whose books she enjoys. “I should get back to my own research anyway. Next time you’re in town to visit Prose, perhaps stop in and say hi?”

“I will be sure to do so,” Daring responds as she heads to the door, Prose following behind her.

“Goodnight, Miss Twilight,” Prose adds with a happy smile. “I’ll let you know how things pan out with what you told us.” He then winks. “Perhaps, I can even convince Yearling here to give you a pair of signed copies? One for you, and one for your friend, Rainbow Dash?”

“I… I would love that!” Twilight replies, her smile growing. “And I am sure Dash would just go wild over having a signed copy of one of the new books!”

“Then it’s settled,” Daring says as she stops by the door. “I’ll send you and your friend a signed copy of my latest book. Though, it might not be the one I am planning right now, but I have one that is going through the final wring through from Prose.” She then motions to Prose. “But that is for later. We’re late for dinner. Good night, and good luck, Twilight.” Daring then walks out the door, quickly followed by Prose.

They cross through the main part of the library, and quickly find themselves back out on the street and heading back towards Prose’s house. Neither of them speak on the trip back, as both are absorbed in their own thoughts about the new information they’ve acquired. It isn’t until they’re walking in the front door that both realize they’ve made it back.

Stopping in the entryway, Daring hears voices from the living room, one of which makes her ears perk up and a wide smile spread across her face.

“And there we were, surrounded by manticores!” Leaf says from where he is in front of the roaring fireplace. “Daring and I had our backs to the wall, but we refused to back down. Refused to let them win!” Leaf looks between the two foals in front of him, still wearing their costumes from earlier -- the filly is wearing an outfit not unlike Daring’s usual attire while the colt is wearing his jacket/hat/whip combo -- and lowers his voice a little. “I’m not ashamed to tell you, I was just a little bit afraid.” He continues his story, but Daring pays it no mind, she has heard it a hundred times.

Instead, she crosses to the coat rack in the living room, and removes her hat and cloak. She puts them on the rack and then puts her glasses in a pocket on the cloak before going to sit down in a nearby chair. She relaxes into it and enjoys watching Leaf interact with the foals. A soft smile forms on her face as Leaf continues his over the top story.

“You caught the eye of a good stallion,” Foxfire chimes in from behind the chair, causing Daring to jump slightly. “He reminds me a bit of Prose. Always telling outlandish stories to the foals, making them smile.” She comes around to stand beside the chair Daring is in and looks to her foals. “Makes me wonder how you two will do with foals of you own.”

“Now, wait a moment, Foxfire!” Daring replies in a panicked voice. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, I haven’t even told my mother me and Leaf are a couple… And I am more than sure his parents are already plotting out how to spoil any potential grandfoals…” She shakes her head and holds up her hooves. “But, I’m nowhere near ready to talk about that stuff. I mean, me, a mother? That’d be a real recipe for disaster.”

Foxfire chuckles and smirks at Daring. “Don’t sell yourself short, Prose said the same thing when I told him I wanted to expand our little family.” Foxfire shrugs and continues to smile. “So, don’t worry about it. I am sure you’ll make a good parent, Daring. Plus, imagine all the stories you two can tell your foals.”

“Dear, you should stop tormenting Daring and come help me set the table,” Prose calls as he pokes his head around the corner. “Besides, if she had foals you know they’d end up over here! And we can barely handle these two terrors on hooves.” He motions his head towards his own foals, a fatherly smile on his face despite his words. He then looks to the two foals with Leaf. “You two, come help too, I am sure Leaf here wants to talk to Daring about how their respective days went before dinner is served.”

“Aww, but dad!” the Pegasus filly whines. “We want to hear the rest of the story!”

“I’m certain I have it written down somewhere,” Prose replies with a roll of his eyes. “Besides, I’m sure that he’ll be more than happy to regale us over dinner tonight.”

“Your father is right,” Leaf agrees with a smile, ruffling the small pegasus’ mane. “I’ll continue over dinner. Now, go help your parents, I need to have a word with the other amazing adventurer in my life.” The foals both sigh, but get up and go to the dining room to aid their parents. Once they’re out of the room, Leaf stands up and walks over to Daring, quickly giving her a kiss that makes Daring’s wings snap out.

Once he lets her up for air, Daring blushes and giggles rather uncharacteristically before clearing her throat and folding her wings back up. “So, you wanted to have a word with me?”

Smirking and raising an eyebrow, Leaf shrugs. “I thought I just did.” His smile then turns sheepish. “That is, if that was alright?”

In response, Daring pulls Leaf down into another kiss, releasing him after a few heartbeats. “It was, but I figured we may as well make it a conversation.” She sighs and pulls him onto the chair with her, resulting in him more or less ending up on top of her and half standing on the floor. “Leaf, did I tell you I love you today?”

“You just did.” Leaf replies as he hugs her tightly. “Not that I’d complain if you said it more.”

Daring opens her mouth to say something, when the sound of a throat being cleared causes both her and Leaf’s heads to snap over to the door to the dining room.

“Okay you two, save the foal-making until after dinner, okay? We just had that chair cleaned after some ice cream was spilled on it,” Foxfire giggles with a very, very wide and somewhat evil grin.

“It was an accident!” the voice of a young colt comes from inside the dining room.

“R...right…” Daring stammers slowly before looking up to Leaf. “Mind letting me up?”

“Well, as tempting as it is to ruin the upholstery…” Leaf admits as he lets Daring up. “I’m rather afraid of being used as an experiment by Mrs Prose... “

“That happened only once, and I promised your mother I’d never do it again…” Foxfire discloses as she turns to go back into the dining room. She stops and winks over her shoulder. “Without her permission, at least.”

“Hey now, he’s mine, Foxfire,” Daring asserts with a chuckle. “You’ll have to ask me first before you do anything to him.”

“Why are the mares all ganging up on me?” Leaf asks with a worried frown and a sigh as they head into the dining room.

“You get used to it,” Prose confides from where he is sitting at the head of the table. “Or you pretend to.”

“Not that you pretend, do you dear?” Foxfire inquires with a raised eyebrow.

“Of course not,” Prose responds with a roll of his eyes. “Now, you all choose a spot and feel free to go get dished up. You know the house rules, just remember you two get to help clean up after dinner as payment.” He then smiles and starts into the plate already in front of him. “And, when you get back, Daring and I have something to tell you regarding the next stop on your whirlwind adventure.” He lifts his fork, which has a cut of fish on it. “I promise you, it will be quite a tale.”

Author's Note:

So... yeah better late than never, right?

This chapter took me a while, mostly do to life, the universe, and everything getting in the way. But it is here now and it is here to stay!

I hope you enjoy the chapter, it's mostly fluff with a little bit of plot development in the form of Daring learning that if she wishes to learn more about these temples, she needs to go to Vietmane! Which will be the next chapter.

Also, the Pinkie Pie breaking the fourth wall and the author replying is a running joke in Calm Wind's work.

And last, but not least, say hello to Epic Prose and his family! Prose is Daring's editor (And also happens to be myself as a pony...*Cough* :twilightblush:) and is one of the few ponies in Equestria she tells the whole story to of her adventures.

So, enjoy! The next chapter shouldn't take me as long as this one!

Edit: I THINK I FIXED IT... I think. Not sure. But I went through and replaced what I noticed was missing, it should be better now. Also, my editor (Witching Hour) and I went through the story and did some tweaking on some of the language... I used "Say" and "Replies" way too often, we fixed that. :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway, should be fixed!