• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,288 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Praise the Sun

With a resounding *SNAP*, a portal exploded into existence next to the Crystal Throne. The ponies surrounding Luna turned their heads, only to gasp in horror when a bloody, lifeless Celestia greeted their sight. Cadence ran into Shining's outstretched hooves, the Lich King dropping the still bloodied Frostmourne to the floor. Kel'Thuzad gingerly floated past them, moving towards the group of guards and physicians surrounding Luna's body. The guards formed up around their fallen princess, the telltale sharpened black and purple armor of the Lunar Guard signifying their allegiance.

Kel'Thuzad stopped short of the group, and the chain inhabited by Celestia laid the corpse before them.

Don't hurt them, please...

Kel'Thuzad snorted at the request of the goddess, but was willing to give them a chance.

"Gentlemen, I admire your... devotion, to your ruler. However, I require her body. Please stand aside..." the lich asked kindly, uncharacteristically. The lead guard stomped his hoof to the ground, cracking it with the force of the blow, and fanned out his wings.

"We would rather DIE than let you touch her, you... FREAK." he spat. Kel'Thuzad bit back a retort.

And a frostbolt.

They're not making it easy...

The Archlich turned to his ruler, who was walking towards the commotion, Cadence under one of his massive wings. Frostmourne was once more pinned to his flank, the blade now curiously dry of blood.

"Captain Mistfang, let him pass." Shining eased. The captain turned to the prince, eyeing up the alicorn before scoffing rudely.

"We do not answer to you, Commander Shining Armor." he hissed. Kel'Thuzad's left middle finger twitched, an urge to rip the disrespecting guards head from his spine restrained. This... PIG, was obviously trying his damnedest to provoke a fight.

He didn't want to pick a fight with an lich.

He REALLY didn't want to pick a fight with an Archlich.

He ESPECIALLY didn't want to pick a fight with an annoyed, stressed, and tired Archlich.

"PRINCE Shining Armor, CAPTAIN." the Lich King hissed. The end of the sentence was punctuated by a deeper, throatier voice. The captain stuttered for several seconds, then sighed. He withdrew from the corpse, uttering a curse under his breath. His men followed suit, bowing to the prince as he used his wings to cradle the Lunar goddess' body before him. The trio marched from the room, making their way down the long halls of the Crystal Palace.

Kel'Thuzad reached out to his former servant, hoping he could still hear his thoughts.

Lal'theron, you may not answer to a necromancer anymore, but I hope you know WHY I released you.

Silence passed for several moments.

Yes... I do...

Meet me in Celestia's chambers.

Kel'Thuzad nodded, and spoke to his king.

"My lord, Marrowfrost will meet us in Princess Celestia's chambers. I suggest we move there. QUICKLY." the archlich boomed, his voice reverberating through the empty hall, Cadence having evacuated the palace shortly before they had returned. Shining nodded, understanding.

"Sure Kel." Shining turned at the corner, and moved towards the large twin master bedrooms that were reserved for the Royal Sisters. They approached the door emblazoned with the sun, and parted the door with magic. Shining handed Luna's emaciated corpse to another of Kel'Thuzad's chains, and turned to the Solar and Lunar guards that followed them.

They looked... terrified. Upset.

He knew Celestia and Luna chose their personal guards for different reasons... but to them, they were family. They likely saw their pseudo-mothers' deaths and mourned genuinely. He... he had to say something. He stood up as tall as he could, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"Soldiers! I know not why you joined the Royal Guard. I know not why you chose this profession. This DUTY. But I can guess..." Shining spoke.

"You wished to help protect our HOME. Our people. Like I did..." Shining's eyes tingled, unable to spout tears because of his... condition, but still able to feel the sensation.

"I know you mourn for our princess' deaths, and I do as well. But if you really wish to help us, find the BEST physicians and doctors you can, and meet us back here." Shining stopped, surveying his brief audience. They seemed... calm. Collected.

"Understood?" he asked, replacing the commanding tone of an officer for that of a friend. A fellow guard.



"YES SIR!" they shouted, saluting the prince, before galloping off, their hoofsteps echoing away. Shining smiled, and turned inside, closing the door as he went.


"My lady, my king. Please, set them on the blankets before the fire." the skeleton echoed, his voice crackling. The couple nodded to Kel'Thuzad, who as gently as possible set the bodies before the hearth. Kel'Thuzad had been thinking of this part for a LONG time...

It's the only way. Undeath will not suit them...

"Lal'theron, whenever you are ready." the lich spoke. Lal'theron's gaze snapped from Celestia's corpse to the necromancer several seconds later. He nodded.

It was time.

"My lady, my king. Before I was an advisor for Lord Kel'Thuzad, I was a priest. In an age long forgotten, my people prospered outside the limits of Lordaeron, in the beautiful land of Quel'Thalas." the revenant spoke. Shining nodded, Cadence turning her head in confusion.

"A priest of what, Marrow- Lal'theron?" Cadence caught herself.

"A priest of the Sunwell, my lady. In Quel'Thalas, the land was sustained and nurtured by the mystical Sunwell, a font of magical light that healed and blessed those who touched it's divine and holy waters..." the revenant looked down at this point.

"Then the SCOURGE happened..." Lal'theron looked to Kel'Thuzad. "HE happened..."

Cadence and Shining nodded, well aware of Kel'Thuzad's past.

"The Scourge under Ner'Zhul ravaged my homeland, and corrupted the Sunwell forever..." Lal'theron spat. Kel'Thuzad sighed. He might as well explain it, then.

"My lord, when your predecessor resurrected me into lichdom, he did so without the Lich King's influence. A near impossible feat for a Death Knight such as Arthas..." Kel'Thuzad gestured to Lal'theron. "Unless he used... a catalyst." Shining nodded, putting the pieces together in his head, one at a time.

"You... you corrupted the Sunwell?"

"Worse. I absorbed it. Harnessed it. USED IT. While I admit I am thankful for my blessing, I did not wish to corrupt such a pure... force." Kel'Thuzad admitted. He growled, furious with himself once again, and looked to Lal'theron.

"Lal, the day you saw me... you were livid. I remembered the times we had together, hunting Lynxes and Dragonhawks, practicing our magic lessons..." Kel'Thuzad laughed lightly. "I didn't want to... lose you." He sighed.



"WHAT!?!?!?" Shining and Cadence shouted in unison.

"Yes, Lal'theron is my brother."

"And I KILLED him."

"For my own... SELFISH reasons..."

"I made a mockery of your religion, Lal. I AM a mockery."

"I made YOU a mockery."


“A decade and a half of hollow, sentimental joy?!”

The lich sobbed, openly now. He floated angrily to the corner of the room like a child, and growled.

"Brother... you were not yourself..." Lal'theron began, beginning to come to his senses.

He had to remind himself still, that Kel’Thuzad’s only crime...

Was curiosity...

"BUT I TURNED YOU INTO A MONSTER! A BEING OF DARKNESS!" Kel’Thuzad roared, turning to the small undead stallion.

"I saved YOUR BODY!”

“But... but not your mind..." he sighed angrily, falling slowly to the bed. He hadn't felt grief like this in... ever.

Horrific, painful guilt stabbed his nonexistent heart.

"Brother... now is your time to give back.” Lal’theron spoke, resting his skeletal hoof on his half-brother’s pauldron.

“To... to make amends...”

“Save these... INNOCENT people!" Lal'theron pleaded.

"Let me have the power, Kel."

Kel'Thuzad wondered what it was like to die.

What it would be like to truly, finally die.

To move on to whatever hell he was destined for...

But then, Kel’Thuzad amirked, chuckled lightly for a moment.

He was no stranger to death.



A bright light was all Kel'Thuzad saw.

Then the pain of having your body ripped to shreds assaulted his brain. As the last remnants of the Sunwell's power flowed into the waiting hooves of the priest, his vision dimmed.


"I forgive you, brother."




Author's Note:

NOW. Before you all start yapping that I broke the canon of Kel'Thuzad's backstory, he only ever has one up until AFTER the death of Medivh.

His backstory beyond that is fair game.

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