• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,305 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Celestia awoke with a start, the sleep still clinging heavily to her eyelids. She raised he head and looked around, the blurry remnants of her nap clouding her vision. It was dark already, the lack of light flowing in from the window signified that...


In an instant, despite her pain, Celestia rose, her usual serene walk replaced with a small gallop. She threw open the curtains blocking her view of the world with a flash of magic, ignoring the searing lance of pain that shot through her head as her healing horn was used...

"What?" Celestia said aloud, her disbelief well founded.

The moon was out.

More importantly... The sun was down.


Celestia whirled around to find a half-asleep Twilight, hanging off the edge of the large bed, tangled quite firmly in a snaking pattern of blankets. The princess chuckled, and moved over to the bed. Twilight squirmed at the noise of Celestia's shoeless hooves' soft steps, and went back to slumbering peacefully, the unicorn rolling over once more, towards the center of the bed. She smiled, and gently nuzzled the mare before heading for the door, determined to find who had single-handedly lowered the sun in her absence of sleep. She gently pushed the door open, not bothering to put her regalia or shoes on.

If I'm on vacation, than I might as well be comfortable...

Not that any of the staff or guards would mind, anyway. And even if they did, what could they do? She was the co-ruler of Equestria, and the Princess of the Sun. She could do whatever she damn well pleased!

Chuckling to herself as she walked into the hallway, she squinted from the light, the bright braziers of... blue flame, illuminating the hall in a gentle glow.

Nice touch. Exotic...

"Lady Celestia."

Celestia turned, the familiar voice of Marrowfrost greeting her from behind. The alicorn smiled as she looked upon the stallion, his normal skeletal form mostly obscured by a robe of dark grey and blue, accentuated by bluish crystals hanging here and there. His skull was obscured by a cowl/helmet lined with a dark fur, accentuating his (literally) glowing blue eyes.

I have to say, whoever this Kel'Thuzad is, he certainly has interesting... clothing choices... I approve.

"Good evening, Marrowfrost." she bowed politely, a small smile adorning her muzzle, as always. The stallion followed suit, his movements quick and jerky, but still proper in their execution.

"Good evening, my lady. I was just looking for you, actually. Their highnesses and my master wish your presence in the dining hall, for dinner. I may tell them you are still not well, if you wish..." he clattered, his teeth making unnatural clacking noises as they smacked together at times, despite his best efforts. Celestia nodded, and lifted a hoof.

"Please, lead the way." the stallion nodded, and turned.


As they walked through the halls of the Crystal Palace, the gentle clip-clopping of Marrowfrost's skinless hooves broke the silence constantly, the stallion even barely audibly cursing himself under his breath several times.

The poor thing... I wonder if he has any form of... mind augmentation. I find it hard to believe he wanted... this.

"Marrowfrost, may I ask you a question?" she politely asked, her head turning slightly to look at the revenant. The skeleton's head turned slightly.

"Anything, princess."

"Forgive me for asking, but do you ever... miss... uh..." she stuttered, trying to think of a way to put it nicely...

The stallion cackled a bit, his echoing voice somewhat disturbing Celestia.

"Life?" he asked, an invisible smirk stretched across his muzzle, the high elf chuckling in his mind.

"Y-Yes. I'm sorry I asked..." she said, a scarlet hue moving over her ivory muzzle. The revenant chuckled.

"It's fine, princess. I can understand things from... your point of view." he sighed.

Did he miss life? He couldn't tell. He had been so caught up with writing combat and arming reports aboard Naxxramas for his master that he had... forgotten...

"No... I don't think I do." he finally said, the skeleton clearly uncomfortable, but pushing through the conversation. The alicorn nodded, and spoke up again.

"Another thing." she inquired, her muzzle's scarlet coloring intensifying as she prepared her question mentally.


"Marrowfrost is not your... real name, is it?" she asked, unsure of herself anymore. The revenant's brief descriptions of his experience with his master in the recent past confusing at best and horrifying at worst. For all she knew, they all had names as foreign as his.

The skeleton stopped in his tracks.

"No. No it is not." he chuckled, his mind racing for the first time in a while. Maybe... he would go by his true name again. Seeing as his new king had all but disbanded the Scourge by releasing his master, maybe...

"My name was... is Lal'theron Dawnspring." the elf's mouth felt... dry, after saying that name. He had not said or heard his name since he was raised into undeath, back when his master still taught at Stratholme. It was an honor to be ascended so quickly, and he had followed his master until the fall of Naxxramas during the invasion of Northrend...

"Well... Lal'theron. May I call you that?" the solar alicorn caught herself. Better not to assume.

Not exactly much easier to pronounce, but nicer, for sure.

"Yes, you may. You outrank me, after all. You may call me 'peasant' and I wouldn't mind." he chuckled, his hooves' clacking silenced by the carpet that led through to the throne room and dining hall.

Celestia laughed, and returned to silence, as they were fast approaching the door. As they stopped in front of the door, the revenant cleared his throat.

"Now, my lady. I have been instructed to introduce you as you walk in. Would you rather me do this, or enter more... casually?"

"Casually, please. I will take responsibility for your disobedience." she smiled.

"Thank you, my lady. You are most kind." he nodded in respect, and opened the door with a burst of white magic. The doors soundlessly drifted open, and Celestia walked into the room, followed by Lal'theron. He quickly closed the door, and promptly ran into the solar alicorn, who had not moved an inch, seemingly stunned by something.

Well. They weren't lying when they said he was... tall.

Celestia's eyes were glued to the seat across from her nephew, were a large figure sat/floated. His form was clearly skeletal, as Cadence had explained, but the sight of him still made Celestia's heart skip a beat. He was currently wearing a robe that hung down from his shoulders, the garments that Rarity had been working on the past few days seemingly completed. They hooked flawlessly into his ornamental pauldrons, and flowed down over his original robes, which were decorated by large sapphires that pulsed with ice and visible cold. The entirety of his form was covered in an aura of cold, and icicles hung down from the large tusks that protruded from his cheeks. His sharp teeth were parting constantly, quite obviously deep in conversation. The long, spindly arms attached to his ribcage were in motion as well, accentuating his story as he told it, the claws adorning them glinting in the gentle glow of the chandelier.

"Auntie! You're awake!" Cadence shouted, gently rushing forward from her seat beside her husband to embrace her foster mother. The solar alicorn replied in kind, embracing the jovial princess against her barrel.

"Come, you must be hungry, there's still plenty of food." Cadence nudged her still somewhat stunned auntie towards the table, where the alicorn sat beside Shining, who seemed... different.

"It is good to finally meet you in a less... hostile environment, princess. I must sincerely apologize for my unprovoked attack." the lich across from her immediately spoke, his claw clasping to his robed chest in a half-bow. The princess nervously chuckled, looking to her relative's for help. Shining answered the call.

"Auntie, this is our Vizier and good friend, Kel'Thuzad." he spoke. "He is... rather remourseful in his attack against you, and hopes that he will be able to correct the grave error in judgment. Celestia nodded, her lips pursed.

"Lord Kel'Thuzad, is it? I am humbled that you are so willing admit your faults and apologize. I accept. Cadence has told much of you, and if you have earned her friendship, you have earned my trust." she smiled. "However, seeing as you blatantly attacked me without warning, and on top of that, assaulted a monarch..." Shining and Cadence's faces turned from overjoyed to confused in a heartbeat, while the lich still listened intently, ready to meet whatever punishment he deserved...

"I challenge you to a friendly duel, once I recover. I must say, I have never met a more precise, polite and efficient mage in my long life. You have my respect. Let us hope this develops into strong friendship over the time we know eachother." the alicorn smiled, and reached forward with a hoof. The lich nodded, his unnatural mouth curling into a rather creepy smile. He reached forward, and gently grasped the princess' hoof, before shaking lightly.

He's... so cold.

"I thank you for your understanding my lady, and hope a quick recovery comes." he finished.

"Auntie..." Cadence spoke.

"Yes dear?" she turned to Cadence, who was now standing... beside... Shining...

"Shining, when did you acquire wings?"

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