• Published 24th May 2012
  • 160,125 Views, 3,209 Comments

Xenophilia - AnonponyDASHIE

A human continues to run afowl of pony social norms.

Comments ( 1090 )

Thank you so very much for giving us this story AnonAuthor. For letting us share this moment of Dash's life in all her brash and loving glory. It has meant more to me than I can say, and I'm more than a bit choked up right now. The way you write Dash is so wonderful, I can only hope to one day match the life you've breathed into her.

When I first found this story, I couldn't put it down. I kept reading, and reading it over and over again. The world, the writing, the love, it was all so wonderful that it caught me up, and refused to let me go. I adore the way you write Dash, the fire inside her, the loyalty that no test will break, the fierce love that won't ever let go. Thanks to this story, I will never let that image of her fade.

Once again, I'd like to urge all of you dear readers, to leave a comment and let the author know how much you've enjoyed the story. Let them know if it has touched you, inspired you, given you pause to think and consider. However you have loved this story, let it be heard.

Cool. Update! Immensely enjoying this story!

Now after reading, saddened at what seems it won't be continuing. :fluttercry:


Stay gold ponyboy, stay gold.

Absolutely loved this story... so sad it has to end

WHY THIS HAD TO END?!?!?!?! WHY IN EQUESTRIA IT HAD TO END?!?!?! :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

I enjoyed this immensely, I do give the author props, and hope that they can create another great story.:twilightsmile:

Really, though, I have absolutely no doubt this is the best Human in Equestria story ever written, clop or not.

This has been an interesting and beautiful tale, one of culture, understanding and perhaps what it truly means to love, above and byond race, gender, culture and other, mainly superficial barriers. I've enjoyed it emmensly and I dearly hope to be reading more, undersanding more of the tantalising overarching plot we've gotten to se as well as being able to see more of the beautiful life the three of them are building together.
Much love to all those who brought this to us.

sequel, sequel dam nabit

its ending noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why does thou have to be so cruel we need more :fluttershysad:

OK, that's too much. I made the mistake of having Falling In Love (Instrumental) playing while reading this chapter; that was it.

I'm going to miss this story very much. As always seems to be with stories of this caliber, I feel that there was just so much more to be said. That's the way of things, though, isn't it: Ending on the high note; ending with the good.

Congratulations, AnonAuthor. Well done.

I find myself satisfied in the end, but I would never say no to more. There are many unexplained and untouched paths this tale has yet to wander and I hope that someone will touch upon them in a way that can stand up next to this story and be seen as an equal.

Wait...It's over? NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!:fluttercry::fluttercry:

But that was beautiful.:pinkiesad2:

.... okay, how many sacrifices of what item or beings is required to get a continuation/sequel made and a pointing hand to guide me too it? Which dark unpronounceable deity of love and obsession should I ask?

.... will the offering of the entire Eastern seaboard of the USA be enough to procure what I desire? Or should I include asia and the western seaboard as well?

Manly tears ... but all good things have to come to an end in order to make room for new beginnings

Still so much material for a sequel.
Please a sequele pleaaaaase :raritydespair:

I really want to say something here, but the thing is, I'm to speechless really...

This story touched me (no not like that) in a very special way... I don't really know how to put it, but if there ever was a shipping (Or everything really) fic that I really adored, this would be the one, clop or not, those scenes does not lessen the story, they just add a completely other laying to the amazingness that is this story...

And thus, goodbye and I hope you continue being awesome

And may you in future make a come-back so great, the fabric of reality crumbles:twilightsmile:

Might want to include Europe... just to be sure...:pinkiecrazy:

Nooooo, no this can't end! It just can't! :raritycry:

Thank you, AnonAuthor. This is one of the most wonderful stories I've read on this site, and it's right up there in things I've read period. I'm hoping we'll get to see more from you, even if it isn't about Lero, Rainbow, and Twi.

Shit... I read this... I teared up a bit, and now my heart hurts... Beautiful ending for a great story... I need to go take a nap or something.... :fluttercry:

This story man, this story. It's just so... wow. I'm not good with words, but congratulations to the author for sticking with it and finishing a really well written story. It will be remembered...:moustache:

It's over?! :fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair:

But-but what about his deep-seated fear over Celestia's hair?! THAT WASNT ANSWERED:flutterrage:

But anyway, great story. One of my favorites and will always be. :rainbowkiss:

YAY great ending by the way :P

I really, truly, honestly enjoyed this masterpiece. It's definitively one of the best fics on fimfiction. It really is!
I can only hope this story world will not die and there will be more stories to read - not necessarily erotica (no, I won't use the word 'clopfic').

Now the criticism: I hated the ending! I really did - up to the point to humbly request a rewrite of the last sentence of this part: This obviously isn’t the end of their story. Even though this window into their lives is closing, those lives continue. I’m just not the right one to show it anymore.
AnonAuthor, I believe there are only 2 people here who may be able to write a much needed sequel: you and one Author I would not like to name (for exactly the same reason as you have with your name :)). The problem is, this other Author, while being divinely good with portraying emotions, lacks a bit in the 'saucy' departament....

I am bad with words (like Rainbow :)), but I hope you will understand what I want to say:
MOAR of this word, MOAR of AnonAuthor work (he gave us the Xenophilia!), MOAR of this story.

@AnonponyDASHIE - if I remember correctly, you had plans to write a story in this setting - how is the work progressing, if I may ask?

All good things must eventually come to and end and so too does Xenophilia.
Interestingly enough, this was the story that got me into Fimfiction and now that it's done this site is a little bit colder and darker. But there's always hope as new authors come along and the existing authors continue to give us new and different interpretations on Equestria and what happens within it's borders.

Many thanks to our anonymous author for providing us with what was truly a great fic with clop and not just clop for the sake of clop.

:applecry:oh my gawd that was THE sapiest thing I've ever read but it was so bueatifully written I almost cried. I hope to seeker of this!

This was... intense.

I'm not normally much for romance stories. Most of the time I find them hard to relate to.

This one... was different. The author did an amazing job painting the drive and passion of their relationship, so well that I honestly had tears in my eyes during some parts. Combined with the superb overall storytelling and world building, and this would have to be one of my favourite MLP stories, if not favourites in general.

Thanks for the ride, and I hope that whatever you put your mind to next turns out just as well for you.

I haven't even read it yet, but i'm already sad it says complete.

Read it now

I'm sad it's over.

Simply the most heartfelt tale I have ever read.

It has been an honor and a privilege to have been allowed to read this story, and while this tale has come to a close, I hope that the author will choose to share future stories with us.

Please continue to write, and if at all possible, share the tales you tell with us. :twilightsmile:

My god. It's all been said before by many others who are far more eloquent than I, but you and this story are amazing. Thank you....just thankyou. If someone was to turn this into a hardback like they did with fallout equestria I would buy 2 copies.

Definitely a favorite, the fact that we got the last chapters so quickly was also great, except for the part where they were the last chapters:pinkiesad2:.

*cries manly tears...*

It's over? But what will I have to look forward to now?!
A lovely story. Should this ever continued, we shall follow.
I need a tissue.

Great story AnonAuthor. I do hope that pick this back up eventually and tie up the loose ends. but I'm happy with this for now.

*shoots 'complete' tag and sets it on fire*

1434090 :pinkiegasp: oh totally! Europe should have some prime souls in it it by now, not to mention the vlaue of the land itself by this point... maybe I can include some of northern Africa for extra incentive... Hell, I'll hunt down a wild Lauren Faust and bag her for delivery at this point. :pinkiecrazy:

Honestly, the Societal differences, and the social prospects of it all really have me hooked... maybe a continuation/side story from Lyra's perspective? It looks like she has a pointed interest in Lero, so I could see the early parts being along side Xeno's timeline, and then spend the second half or so covering her efforts or activities after all this... maybe even net her into the herd while we're at it. I think it'd be interesting to see more interaction period between Lero and Lyra....

This story has been one of my favorites since first reading it. One of the few I have reread and I have done that quite a few times. this might have sex scenes in it but that is not what this story is about. The characters, the world, and especially the emotions have been brought to life so well. The ending was so beautiful that I actually did shed a few tears, this kind of talent is amazing and I thank you for sharing it with me.

One of the best. I have to ask, though: Why is it marked as "Incomplete?"

Being bound to the limits of language is truly upsetting, for I cannot even fathom beginning to try and put even the slightest inkling of my feelings into words.

I offer a humble and heartfelt thank you for creating and sharing such beauty and perfection with us all. I don't normally believe in perfection. I think it doesn't exist, but if ever there was a case for it, this would be the example that has the best chance of convincing me otherwise.

I'm with everyone else on this. I would sacrifice all but five people close to me to have this story continue. I eagerly await the results and the future.

That was amazing, and while I'm sad it has to finish here, this is a pretty damn good stopping point, especially if you've lost the drive to do more. Sure, there's tons of plot points that will never be fully explored/revisited/closed, but as you put it, this is a window into their lives. Real life doesn't have nice, easily defined points where you can have closure of all the negatives, and an indefinite amount of time with the positives, with no nagging questions unless that's one of your positives.

Anyway, no matter what anyone says, you've left at least me with that nice sense of catharsis or whatever that cross between sadness that the series is over but joy in the ending itself. That could be phrased better, but meh. TL;DR: props on making a great, immersive story.

That grim moment where you see a fanfic you have so much lover for attain the "Complete" status...

Several manly tears have been shed from this side. This story was absolutely fantastic; at the same time it was a rather steamy clofiction, it was a sensitive and compelling romance story between members of two people, a tale of differences overcome and feelings shared. Not only that, but it was written by a master who was able to twist our feelings to match the characters' - I must say I never felt any happier than I ever did for a character, let alone Rainbow Dash, who isn't exactly my favorite pony. Yes, this fic was that touching. :heart:

Thus, I present you a song that opened my floodgates during the final scene:

It's ironic that an eldritch horror game would have music that fits a romantic tale so perfectly...

Just one question: is there the possibility of a sequel? Maybe it's asking for too much, but I cherish Xenophilia far too much for it to end like this.

Forget best Human in Equestria, this is the best fanfic I've ever read :twilightsmile:

Greatly enjoyed :twilightsmile:

I'm proud to have read this story. Pony on, my friend, pony on...

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