• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,409 Views, 502 Comments

Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds - David Silver

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are banished to another world entirely, where they will have to use their wits to survive. With no money and no support, what are they to do? At least Pinkie Pie's on the way! Ponyfinder/MLP Crossover

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9 - Peaceful Sleep

Pinkie crept through the bushes, her eyes on the cabal of humans gathered in a circle. She wasn't entirely sure what they were doing, but her Pinkie Sense didn't like any of it. They were chanting funny words of magic and raising their hands into the air as lightning and foul smells swirled in the area.

Pinkie pulled her party cannon free and aimed it for who seemed to be the leader of the chant. With a loud bang, it fired its payload of glittering confetti towards his face. He shook off the sparkles, but it disrupted his spell, and the ground began to shake and tremble.

"Foolish pony! Now the forces are uncontrolled!" cried out one of the spellcasters, bursting into a run before several tentacles burst free of the ground and grabbed at them, snatching up the wizards too slow at teleporting away. One slick pseudopod grasped at Pinkie, squeezing her and forcing a little squeak out her.

"Hey there, easy boy! I know what you need..." She fished out a cupcake and held it out as an offering, only to have it slapped out of her grasp by another tentacle. Perhaps this would be harder than she first imagined.

The next day passed smoothly, with Silver taking the morning backpack, and Diamond taking the afternoon. As they settled in for the evening, Dark pointed across into the darkness, to where the faintest glimmer could be seen. "Tomorrow, we arrive."

Her words inspired giddy celebration. Silver clopped her hooves. "It'll be so nice to be among ponies again, lots of ponies. Will some of them be rich?"

Dark raised a brow. "Very, very few of them will be ponies, but yes, some of the people there will be quite rich. They have a district set aside for only the richest and most powerful."

Diamond thumped the ground. "We have a new goal. We'll rise to the top of this griffon heap, and live with their best. When daddy shows up, he'll find us practically running the place." She gave an eager little giggle, mind whirring with wild thoughts of economic domination. She pointed at Silver Spoon. "And you have a special part to play."

Silver Spoon blinked in surprise. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Diamond rolled her eyes before leaning in with a growing smile. "I was thinking. Your first wish, your cutie mark, and how you got it. It makes perfect sense to me."

Silver's heart hastened as she rubbed her forehooves together nervously. "Really?"

Diamond softly batted at Silver's hooves. "You can say more than that, you know. You like talking with ponies, important ponies. Even that hillbilly thug, you knew what to say." She put a hoof over her chest. "As a leader it's important to recognize and encourage the talents of those in your care, that's you." And to exploit them, but she didn't say that part.

Silver Spoon developed a bit of a smile as she regarded Diamond Tiara curiously. "Alright, but how does that help anypony at all?"

Diamond pointed at Silver anew. "You are going to be my spokespony. You're going to hobnob, socialize, and get in with all the ponies that matter. You'll... be the grease that gets me where I need to be. When there's trouble coming, you'll hear about it. When someone's talking about me, good or bad, you'll be the one telling me."

Dark listened quietly to their conversation before speaking, "There are worse positions in life. Not my personal selection, but my preferences lie elsewhere." She looked at Diamond directly. "Now tell me how you plan to overcome the basic fact that you are a pony and most you deal with will not be? You have never struck me as a very cosmopolitan soul in this regard. Even your words are pony-centric. I ignore it, but it will be a mark against you every time you spew them in polite company."

Diamond frowned with obvious irritation, opening her mouth to complain when an arrow interrupted her, plunging into the soft flesh of her right thigh. Her words became a squeal of pain even as a shrouded figure with a reptilian snout poking free of a cape came into view. "You are in the sights of my friends. Put down your weapons and lay down, maybe we sell you for spare coin, yes? Do not, and we simply take what you have from your bodies."

Dark's response was to launch into the air. Arrows fired after her, unseen but heard in a chorus of bow twangs. Silver drew her own bow with quivering hooves and drew back an arrow as quickly as she could even as the reptile marched towards her quickly. She squeezed her eyes shut and released, afraid to even look. She could hear bows still being fired, and she hadn't been pincushioned. Did it work?

She was suddenly tackled to the ground behind the log they were resting on. Diamond's voice whispered harshly. "I don't know how you did that, but they're busy trying to get Dark Streak. Come on, we have to get out of here."

Silver opened her eyes and nodded to the pained expression of Diamond Tiara. She rolled to her belly and started scampering away from the fire. On the way, she caught sight of the strange creature, her arrow lodged in its throat. She cringed, but kept moving, praying silently in thanks. Maybe Luminace had helped her? Or she was just lucky. She didn't question it, she just kept moving.

Diamond collapsed behind her, and Silver turned to see her pass out, blood still oozing from her leg wound. Silver Spoon drew breath sharply as she backed up and shouldered Diamond Tiara onto her back and rose to her full height, galloping into the near-complete darkness of the night.

Silver could hear the occasional arrow land dangerously close by as she zigged and zagged, only to stumble over something in the dark and pitch forward. She started tumbling downhill, and grabbed at the unconscious form of her friend, trying to shield her from further harm as they rolled.

"You really care about her."

Silver pulled herself up from where she landed, looking around in the dark for the source of the soft voice. She drew Diamond Tiara close, tears falling on her responsive head. "She's my friend, of course I care about her. Help us!"

"I can't do that. You have to help yourself. But if you call to me, I may lend some strength."

Silver Spoon felt the presence fade, and grit her teeth. Diamond Tiara was dying in her grasp. What could she do? She cradled Diamond tightly and prayed. She begged the otherworldly presence she had only recently learned of, that she could mend the hurt in Diamond Tiara before it was too late. Suddenly a pain exploded through her right thigh, and she knew. She was taking the injury from Diamond Tiara, and she welcomed it even as she cried in pain.

There was no arrow in her leg, but the wound was just as sure. Diamond Tiara suddenly woke with a sharp gasp. "Where are we? Silver Spoon? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Diamond heard the approach of others, and a language unfamiliar to her. It was time to go. She nuzzled under Silver Spoon and lifted her up before rushing away from the voices, picking her way as best she could through the darkness with only the stars and moon to light the way. Diamond carried Silver Spoon in silence, save for their labored breathing, for many hours. Whether or not Dark Streak had made it, neither knew, and could do nothing about it save to keep fleeing.

Diamond's entire body ached, and she slumped to the ground, heaving for breath and her heart thundering, but she didn't hear anyone following her. She let Silver Spoon gently slide to the ground before sitting up to look down at her. Her grey fur was matted with blood around her right thigh, where Diamond had been hit herself.

Thinking on it, she looked at her own thigh. Though there was the stain of blood, she was whole and intact. She put a hoof on Silver Spoon. "How?" Answers were not forthcoming from her friend and she settled in over Silver Spoon, curling in with her and looking out into the dark, terrified of going to sleep, but feeling so tired. At least Silver seemed stable. She wasn't bleeding anymore, and her breath was quiet and relaxed. Diamond Tiara listened to that quiet breathing, and fell asleep despite her fear.

Author's Note:

This chapter's a bit short, but it feels like it got to where it needed to be. Or maybe that's a typo on my part?