• Published 1st Jul 2015
  • 4,089 Views, 277 Comments

Broken then Healed 2 - Tohshi

Despite still being plagued by nightmares, Lilac has adapt well and spends their time in the idyllic Ponyvile. When pains of the past resurface, Lilac has to help shoulder those pains, and help heal that which was broken.

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Part 1: Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Princess Luna teleported the both of us after we had exited the Black Suite. We ended up in a place that seemed far removed from Canterlot. Princess Luna’s teleportation didn’t come with the slight hurdle of the stomach that I had grown accustom to which was pleasant to avoid.

“Welcome to my personal training grounds,” said Princess Luna. “There are a few rules I wish to address before we start. First off here there is no rank. Call me Luna. Or if that is difficult then Teacher is an acceptable inbetween. The magic that I will be teaching you will be more personal than that which Twilight has likely taught you and todays lesson is no exception. Secondly anything that we practice here is to be between me and you alone. There are spells that I find to be useful and beneficial to ponykind but my sister disagrees. I would rather those arts not die out if the unthinkable were to happen to me. That though is for the future.”

“Okay, Luna,” I said. “Where are we though?”

“On the far side of the Everfree forest,” said Luna. “I found this place just a few years after the defeat of Discord for the first time. There is a locus of mana underneath this meadow which makes it easy for me to to teleport to and from.”

I took a good look at the meadow we were in. It was surrounded by trees similar to those one might find in the whitetail woods and was nearly a kilometer across. The grass grew tall here and in the distance the sound of water could be heard over the calls of the birds. It was peaceful but unremarkable.

“Let us start though. We don’t have too much time to dally around,” said Luna. Luna laid down on the ground making a comfy bed out of the tall grass. “For this to work you will have to draw mana from me. Do not worry about hurting me but do try to pull as small as you can so that it doesn’t become too painful. As you draw that in you need to run it through a matrix and this is the hard part it will be like running it through backwards. The matrix itself can be as complicated or as simple as you want at this point. If you were stealing the mana from an already cast spell and not just me channeling you would have to use more specific matrixes to do so. When I start to channel press your horn to mine. With practice this step won’t be necessary but for now it is easiest.”

Luna’s horn lit up with her indigo magic. I touched my horn to hers and could feel her magic wash over my horn. It wasn’t as aggravating as Annabelle’s had been and I could stand to hold it there for a second. Pulling up my own magic I used it to pull on Luna’s magic. Her magic was harder to pull from its spot as if there was some sort of gravity to it. Still it wasn’t so much to not be overcome and I started to pull her mana into me. The burn came right away but her mana didn’t flow into me more than I had pulled and the pain was much more manageable. Concentrating, which was proving difficult due to the pain, I tried to push the mana through a matrix. It powered the matrix and my horn lit up with the light spell I had cast. The burn though barely faded as the mana was spent. I pulled more of it from Luna and tried again. And again I failed. After four more failures I slumped down breaking the connection between Luna’s and my horn. My head ached as if I had hit the cider hard last night.

“I think I messed up,” I said. “Bon Bon isn’t going to be happy with me.”

“Don’t fret about the pain I can alleviate that, although not without side effects,” Luna said. “You may a bit...ah...loopy...yes that is the right word. Which would rather? Deal with a headache for the night or be a bit more of a child for the day.”

“Um how loopy are we talking? Like a bit giddy or like playing with spoons?” I asked. “Cause I have been there and done that on the latter end. I think that Bon Bon and Lyra will notice that something is up if I am that loopy again.”

“Playing with spoons?” asked Luna. “Pray tell what made you do that?”

“Caffeine. Turns out I have no tolerance for the stuff anymore,” I said.

“Well I don’t see that this will be the case,” Princess Luna said. “No this will just give you more energy than you will rightly know what to do with. It is side effect of what I will do to purge the remaining traces of my stolen mana in you.”

“Well then hit me with it,” I said.

Hit me in fact was the right description. A wave of mana engulfed me and ran through my body. It was gentle and calm but it lingered in ways that I had not been expecting. I could feel it seep all the way to my core, to my wellspring. I could feel my mana and Luna’s swirling together in me and a pleasant warm spread through me from that. For a moment everything felt stronger and more real before it faded along with any vestiges of pain that were left in me.

“Holy shit,” I said. Immediately my hooves covered my mouth. Embarrassment over the word which just slipped out of my mouth fought with the growing dread of being punished for it. Luna just laughed for it. “Um yeah uh sorry. I mean holy cow. That is one jolt of energy. Like eating Moon cactus but on steroids.”

“Yes that is a similar effect. Maybe try a single teleport to balance out your mana again,” suggested Luna. “You have been working on that spell, right? Or are you further in your studies than I thought.”

“Just started working on that one. But yeah using that to get rid of all this energy would probably be a good thing,” I said. I was shaking from the mana that seemed to be overflowing in me.

I pulled at my magic and concentrated on a spot just ten feet from us. It was a bit further than I was used to teleporting but I knew I could do it. Forming the spell matrix I pushed my mana through it and with a pop I appeared on the ground where I had wanted to be. I barely even felt drained from that one. Twilight had been right the better one was at it the less teleportation took from you. I pulled on my magic and made the return trip with even less effort.

“I suspect that that did not have the effect you were looking for did it,” Luna said. “The locus does make teleportation much easier here than usual but you also seem to be picking that up well. Let us head back home. It has already been over an hour anyway. Annabelle should be waking soon her mind has gone quiet in the dream realm.”

“You can tell that from here?” I asked.

“For those who I have enchanted with a dream beacon, distance is not a problem. I am always tied to the dream realm not just during the night,” Luna said. “It is that connection that lets me find being in the dream realm restful. Though my alicorn nature also helps with not needing much sleep.”

“Will Annabelle be that way too? The whole not needing much sleep part,” I asked.

“In time yes,” said Luna. “Or at least I think so. Her transformation into an alicorn is not a natural one. At least in so far as any alicorn transformation is natural. We don’t know what will happen to her. Only guesses. Either way let us be off now.”

With a small pop we were off and found ourselves in the room that Twilight had teleported us too shortly after my arrival. This time I didn’t empty my stomach onto poor Mr Floor. The guard bowed deeply to Luna as we passed him on our way out.

“Luna, where did you go?” asked Princess Celestia. Her voice was tinged with anger. “I have told you a number of times to go to this beacon room when you want to teleport out of the castle. Both you and Twilight are going to be the death of me. Do you know how much of a hassle it is to deal with the wards you break every time you do this.”

“Do not fret, Sister,” Luna said. “I shall reaply the wards myself. If you would have just let me do it last time then this would not be a problem.”

“Your wards are a thousand years out of date,” Princess Celestia said. “Plenty of time for old foes to break them.”

“What old foes? All of them are locked in Tartarus, at least those who are still alive,” Luna retorted. “My wards are more flexible and therefore more useful. We have gone over this a hundred times. Just trust me, please sister.”

“No. I said no,” shouted Celestia. She was about to storm off when her eyes fell on me and it seemed that for the first time she noticed me. “Where were you going with Twilight’s daughter? You took her out to your little secret training place you won’t tell me about, didn’t you? What magics where you teaching her? What are you hiding from me?”

“Nothing sister,” Luna lied. “We were simply getting some fresh air outside of the bustle of Canterlot. Even the gardens can be too noisy at times.”

“I know you are lying,” said Princess Celestia. “Why do you think I am so stupid as to fall for that one? I know you were out there teaching her magic that you shouldn’t be. Lilac, tell me what she was teaching you.”

“Uh, um,” I said. “I-I don’t kn-know what you’re talking about. We...were...just enjoying the meadow.”

A golden aura surrounded me and restricted my movement to the point it was hard to breathe. Celestia lifted me up to her face. Flames licked at the air around her eyes. The amulet around her neck had a green sheen to it. She shouted, “Do not lie to me!”

Luna’s much more subtle magic engulfed me and for a second I could feel the battle of wills that was being fought over my body. Luna ended up winning and I swiftly floated behind Luna herself. Her magic however did not dissipate and remained swirling around me.

“What is your problem?” shouted Luna. “This is not behavior I would expect from you. When did you start shouting at foals?”

“You have no room to speak, Nightmare,” Celestia said with poison in her voice.

I felt a change in Luna’s magic and soon the tell tale pop of a teleport herald our arrival at the Black suite. Luna was crying and I was left without words. Opening the door to the Black suite I ushered Luna into the room. Bon Bon was sitting on the couch reading her book.

Looking up from her book, and then bolting into a bow, Bon Bon said, “What happened?”

“Um I don’t know anymore,” I said. “I don’t know what to say or what I should say.”

Stunned was the only word for it. I couldn’t fathom what had just happened. Twilight had painted a picture in my mind that Princess Celestia was perfect but this put all of that in question now.

“My sister and I just had a spat is all,” Luna said. “I had thought we were past that. That we had finally come to understand each other. There is something off about her. I don’t know what could have changed this though. She has never acted like this before.”

“Maybe Chrysalis has done something to her?” I asked. “She has been wearing that amulet that Chrysalis gave her.”

“Celestia would have checked the amulet for any sorts of negative enchantments on it,” Luna said. “The dagger that I was given had no traps hidden in it. Or at least none I could find.”

“But she wouldn’t just snap like that would she?” I asked.

“II don’t know. I will talk to her tomorrow. It is best to let her cool off for a while,” Princess Luna. “Thank you for your concern but you have a lovely night ahead of you. Try to enjoy it.”

“Princess, if you need someone to talk to all of us are here for you,” said Bon Bon. “You keep our dreams safe. It wouldn’t be fair if we weren’t there for you as well.”

“Your concern is appreciated but I shall be fine. This is not the first time my sister and I have fought and it will not be the last,” Luna said. “Annabelle is waking now and I must attend to her. Enjoy your night and fret not, Lilac. Annabelle is in good hooves.”

Luna left the suite and Bon Bon scooped me up in a hug. She was shaking and I knew why. Too much seemed to be happening all at once. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Chrysalis was up to something.

Author's Note:

Hint hint hint.