• Published 1st Jul 2015
  • 4,089 Views, 277 Comments

Broken then Healed 2 - Tohshi

Despite still being plagued by nightmares, Lilac has adapt well and spends their time in the idyllic Ponyvile. When pains of the past resurface, Lilac has to help shoulder those pains, and help heal that which was broken.

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Golden rays filtered through the tree tops. The park was mostly empty as a young child wandered along the path. Her clothes were in dire need of a good wash, yet she didn't seem to notice or care. A bright pink backpack sat bouncing with her as she skipped along. Her bright yellow rain coat was drawn over her dark hair.

She ignored the rumbling in her tummy. Lunch had been so long ago. She wiped the tears from her eyes. Crying was for babies and she couldn't be a baby anymore. Not now that mama was gone, just like Sister before her. The grown-ups that ran the house she lived in now were nice but way to busy.

Coming across a bench she took her backpack off and used it as a pillow. She curled up in a ball trying to fend off the cold air. After a bit sleep took her.

A bright light rudely awoke her. The small but intense beam came from above her. Shiny leather shoes were illuminated on the ground.

“What are you doing out here?” said a deep gruff voice. It was a scary voice and the little girl knew she was in trouble. “Where are your parents?”

Her eyes adjusted and she could make out the slightly shiny badge on the tall mans chest. His dark blue uniform stood out from amongst the black background. Despite her insistance against it, tears flowed down her checks.

“Come on,” the police officer said taking her hand. “Lets get you home.”

Home didn't exist anymore.