• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 3,298 Views, 84 Comments

The Man With The Quarter-Staff - HopeForTheFew

When Humanity is on its last stand from the power of chaos. One man will rise up and defend his people, to whatever end.

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Chapter 8: The End...

The earth and stone slammed into the beast. Sending it sprawling backwards, screaming in pain. Fresh black blood spilt out of a small hole in the Leviathans shoulder, where a particularly sharp rock had punctured its black armor. The creature noticed the blood and the hole in its shoulder. It stared at the wound angrily, as if it was trying to seal the wound shut. Then the creature reared its head back to the man, anger and rage in its eyes. And the next thing anyone knew, the beast snorted out fire from its nostrils and charged the Human, sending large fireball after large fireball towards the Human.

The man in turn spun his staff in the air, creating a strong wind that in turn blew the fireballs back towards the Leviathan. But the beast pushed past its own fire as it did nothing to its thick armor and the Leviathan kept its charge up until it was almost on top of the man.

The man rolled to his left, falling into a crater that he made when he drew the stone from the earth. He tumbled down the hole until he reached the bottom. He sat up and shook the dizziness from his mind, all the while the Leviathan was about to breath fire down into the hole. But the man saw this coming and stood up quickly and picked up his staff from the ground. He raised it high just as the fire came down upon him.

Celestia gasped as she saw the beast breathe fire down into the hole, all the while losing hope. She fell to the ground in defeat and tears began to fall from her eyes. Then, all of the sudden, rage filled her and she stood tall. No, she would not stand idle as she watched this creature burn their world to a crisp. She turned back to the wicked beast and spread her wings to fly.

But when she was about to fly off and retrieve the elements and her sister in a attempt to defeat the beast, she saw a faint glow coming from the creatures fire.

Once again, Celestia gasped and stared at the glowing fire that was now the color white and shining like a star. Tears filled her eyes once more as Hope began to grow within her again.

The man poured his power into the blazing fire, turning it even hotter then it was before. All the while losing strength as he continued to pour his power into the wicked flames. His limbs shook now as he still continued his act, turning the beasts flame into something fantastic to everyone's eyes but his own.

The fire now was so bright that it lit up like the sun, showing across miles and miles of open land. Finally, the white reached up to the Leviathans mouth and yet it still kept breathing out its flame. Then, everything went silent and still. There was no noise. Not even any wind, it was all just dead silent and still. That is, until the flame blew up inside the Leviathans mouth.

The beast lurched backwards and fell on its back; screaming in pain. The man, through all of this leaped out of the hole, pointing his staff towards the Leviathan screaming: "Your evil ends here, demon!" And with that he charged the Leviathan and when he reached it, he jumped on top of the creature, ready to smite it down.

The Leviathan in turn gazed at the Human in fear and anger. And with one last try, the creature pushed upwards off the ground, sending the Human stumbling off the beast. The Leviathan sneered in anger and let out a screech so loud, it pierced the ears of everything that could hear for miles around, except that one lonely man.

That one lonely man stood tall, rage in both his mind and his heart. He drew his staff back and a blaze of light filled the place and the sound of a lightning bolt echoed across the land, ending the great evil that was; Leviathan.

I stared down at the defeated Leviathan. Nothing but its outer shell remained once I burned it from the inside out. At long last, the beast of my past was brought down. It destroyed my life, and now, with the aid of the one in the end, I have defeated it.

I looked away from the downed beast towards the last standing city of Humanity. It stood tall and proud in the sunset. And there, on the wall of the city stood a being of great strength; Celestia. I lifted my staff from the ground and took one last look at the Leviathan before heading off towards my Homeland. The walk was slow and full of thoughts. Many questions still remained for me and I must seek them out and discover what the one in the end has planned for me and my people.

I looked up at the city. It was much closer now and on the wall of the city stood Celestia along with Luna, the Elements and last but far from least; My people. A small smile touched my lips then and I knew there was Hope for all of us. Hope, that one day we will go to our true home.

The Home that the one in the end has planned for us. And if we make it to our home, not only will we live in paradise, but we will get a rich reward for our Hope. For our Love. And for our belief.

The only question that remains now, is that will my people chose to have that Hope...

But I suppose only time will tell. I Hope that time will stay on our side. And that I may not steer from the good path. The path that the one in the end has planned for us all.

That my God has planned for us all.

But something within me wonders, what trials are in front of us? And will we be able to defeat those trials? But as I said before; Only time will tell.

The End

Author's Note:

Well, the end of this story has finally come. I had planned this story to be much longer, but I prefer it like this. There will be one more chapter though that will be an epilogue, and if you all want, I might create a prequel to this story to explain the one lonely mans past life. But I might just write that anyway whether you want it or not :raritywink:
I Hope you all enjoyed!