• Published 11th Jul 2015
  • 3,290 Views, 84 Comments

The Man With The Quarter-Staff - HopeForTheFew

When Humanity is on its last stand from the power of chaos. One man will rise up and defend his people, to whatever end.

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Chapter 6: You Saw What I Saw

Luna had awoken to a soft bed and her own heart beating out of her chest. She had no idea what she had just experienced, but she did know that it was splendid, better then anything she had ever seen before.

Luna looked around the room only to find the very same Human who had saved them from chaos holding onto her sisters shoulder. It appeared that her sister was sad about something, Luna had no idea what she could be sad about so, she decided to find out. Luna got out of the bed and stood tall, she slowly walked towards her sister and when she reached her, she pulled her sister into a tight hug in an attempt to cheer her up. The Human smiled at this and Luna saw this, and she returned the smile as tears began to flow from her eyes. It was so beautiful, what she had seen, she had seen fields of flowers of all colors. Colors that she had seen before and had never seen before. She had lain her eyes on wonders that could not be told, she had laid her eyes on the truth, yet, at the same time she didn't know what the truth was, but she knew she desired it greatly.

I watched the two hug and it put a smile on my face. Luna seemed to notice the smile and returned it to me which made me certain that she had seen what I had seen, she had seen the truth. She had seen the one in the ends creation. And I pray she never forgets that wonder.

Her sister had given up on attacking me some time ago and now decided to find out if there was anything wrong with Luna. She had asked questions that ranged from: was she alright? what did he do to you? what did you see? But even through all the questions Luna kept on smiling, her smile lit up the room and she answered her sisters questions with only three words.

"I don't know." Luna said and she then turned back to me and trotted up to me. "What did I see?" She asked in a desire to understand and know.

"What you saw was the truth, you saw a beauty beyond this life, and you can go there if you only come to the one in the end." I said as she nodded her head, that smile never leaving her face. And then she trotted out of the room, for whatever reason she had for doing that.

It was then Celestia turned to me and spoke: "What did you do to her? I have never seen LuLu this happy before." I smiled up at Celestia as she looked down at me.

"I did to Luna what the one in the end did for me." I said as I walked out of the room, leaving Celestia to ponder what had happened in such a short time.

Luna now stood at the top of the building that they were now using as, well, everything. As she gazed up at her moon. She was still smiling, and she loved every second of her joy. Tears fell from her eyes as she thought back to what happened. It was so glorious, more beautiful then anything she had ever imagined or seen before. It could not be matched. She would do anything to see that again, what did she have to do to see it again?

"You have to come to the one in the end." a voice said behind her. She turned her head and once again saw the Human who had shown her that magnificent dream.

"How? I do not know who he is." Luna said in confusion, for she truly desired to go to that beauty once again.

But the man just smiled and said: "You will know, in due time. For we all must be patient to get what we desire." He said, and then he turned around and went down the stairwell that led to the rest of the building.

"Strange man." Luna said as she turned her head back to the moon. "How do I find you, End Man?" Luna said as she lowered her head, the smile now gone as the words of that one lonely man echoed through her mind. 'You will know, in due time. For we all must be patient to get what we desire.'

The ground rumbled and began to crack with the beasts movements. It cared little of what it destroyed and only had one thought in its sick and twisted mind... Kill.

It is day 2 of rebuilding our homeland and, so far, everything in going smoothly, and I pray that it will continue to do so. I put my cloak on and grabbed my staff before heading out the door of my room. I exited my room and jogged slowly to the lunch room where breakfast was being served to the men and the ponies. Once I reached the lunch room doors I opened them and walked inside to get my own share of the food. I walked up to the counter and grabbed a plate and began to place the food that I desired into my plate. I looked around the room and found an empty table in the corner of the room where I then headed and took a seat.

It was quite early in the morning and almost everyone was still asleep besides a few men and ponies who were able to wake up before me. I ate rather quickly and returned my plate to the counter. I then proceeded out the doors and began the long day of work.

I exited the building and continued to walk. It turned out that I was the only one outside at that time and that meant I couldn't get any work done without my people, so I just decided to look out at the land from on top of the wall. The sun was just beginning to rise above a mountain in the distance and the rays of its lights were shining on my face, I gladly accepted them and sucked up the rays, a smile appeared on my face as I basked in the morning rays. I then raised my staff and slammed it into the wall. A low and loud rumble could be heard and I knew that I had successfully raised my people and the ponies from their sleep. For it was time to get some work done.

The earth shattered under the creatures strength and it broke free from its prison into the streets of Canterlot. Screams could be heard from all the ponies in the street and the creature knew it was time to feed... It knew it was time to, Kill.

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long at getting this chapter up but, sadly, things happen. And for me it is rather small things. :derpytongue2: