• Published 24th Jun 2015
  • 2,020 Views, 38 Comments

Dashes of Life - Noble Thought

Rainbow Dash captures the most important moments of her life with Twilight Sparkle.

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Tape 2: Starting a Life, Together

A crowded row of benches fills the frame, people of all colors, hairstyles, and dress fill them, all talking in hushed tones. White marble walls, streaked through with silver, gold, and black rise up past them, reaching up to stained glass windows beyond the camera’s field of view that nonetheless make themselves known in the streams of colors spilling over the walls.

Are you going to say yes?

Dunno, Granny. Maybe.

Well, you’d better know soon.

A hush falls over the crowd as the priestesses come to where the couple waits, standing apart. One robed in white with a golden sun coronet settled atop her streaming mane of hair, colored as summer’s dawn, the other robed in rich blue, with a coronet of black and silver resting in her shades-of-night hair.

Both brides bow briefly and speak in unison.

Celestia, Luna, you honor our request.

Both priestesses return the bow with a nod.

Good people of Ponyville, friends, families of the brides.

The priestesses stop shy of the couple, the cords of their office draped in hand, moon and sun, and turn to face the gathered assembly. Celestia speaks first.

We are gathered here this evening to witness the bonding of two women who have spoken the vows of marriage.

Those vows, they keep in their hearts, sealed to them and the cycle of day and night that guides all of our lives.

They have been witnessed by the sun.

The moon.

And the stars.

The priestesses part, and stand to either side of the couple. Celestia winks at the couple, deliberately obvious to the crowd and cameras and raises the hand with the braided red and white cord.

I will stand and witness for one who was a pupil of mine, Twilight Sparkle. Are there any who will speak on her behalf?

As the echoes of her voice peters out, a third woman rises from behind the podium, carrying no cord, and wearing only a robe of pink clasped with an azure pendant at the breast. She beams a smile at Twilight as she takes the cord from Celestia’s raised hand.

Good eve to all of you. Many of you know me, or know of me. I am Cadance, or Mi Amore Cadenza, apprentice Priestess of Love. I watched Twilight Sparkle grow from a young girl in my care as a babysitter to a fine young woman well versed in the sciences.

Since she told me of her growing love for a certain athlete who took home the gold for her school—

She pauses for a cheer from a section of the crowd, smiling.

—I have come to know Rainbow Dash as well. She is a quicksilver spirit, quite unlike my Twily, but within her is the heart of a woman who cares deeply, a heart that does not waver from its course, and will brook no obstacle to finding that course. I have come to know her not just as I knew her, as an athlete, but as a person, a friend, and the woman Twilight Sparkle has given her heart to.

She turns, bowing her head once to each priestess in turn.

I speak my approval of this union. Let it be heard upon the wind.

Scattered applause rises from the audience, quickly silenced under the watchful eyes of the priestesses. Luna steps forward to stand beside Rainbow Dash, dark robes swirling as she raises her hand with the braided cord.

I would stand and witness for one who has been ever faithful to the Moon, Rainbow Dash. Are there any who would speak on her behalf?

At this, another woman rises from behind the podium, gold and orange streaking her hair, golden skin clad in a same colored robe clasped at the breast with a streak of fire. A murmur rises from the crowd at her appearance. She takes the blue and white cord from Luna’s raised hand.

Good evening. Many of you know me as the Wonderbolt, Spitfire. Some of you may even know me from my ill-fated movie, Hearts on Fire.

Laughter fills the temple.

What you may not know me as is a friend of Rainbow Dash and, lately, of Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow asked me, nearly a year ago, what it meant to be a Wonderbolt. She asked me with adoration in her eyes and a dream in her head. But I had seen her with this woman, seen the sparkle in her eyes, and saw the devotion she put into their relationship. I also saw the devotion she put into everything she did.

So I told her, bluntly, what it was like. She listened. That’s all. She listened to me, and I didn’t see a crumbling of dreams in her eyes as I told her that the life of a Wonderbolt is hard on our spouses and loved ones. I saw a changing of dreams. At the end, she thanked me for being honest. Thanked me.

Spitfire brushes at her cheeks.

Then she asked me if she would speak at her wedding, a wedding she hadn’t even planned yet, or even asked the question for—

Rainbow’s cheeks visibly color, even from so far away, and Spitfire smiles lopsidedly at her as chuckles and laughter come up from the crowd.

—and told me it would be an honor for her. And so, I got to know her and Twilight Sparkle, in dribs and drabs as my schedule allowed. See, I thought she was giving up a dream without anything balancing the scales. But I was wrong. I learned of the big corporate checks, of all of the offers from universities from Manehattan to Saddle Arabia that Twilight turned down. I saw her dream had already changed. Because her home is, and her heart lives, in Ponyville.

I saw no regret in her eyes, no resentment when she told me flat out, when I asked her, that everything she needed to be happy was right here. And then she started listing them—in alphabetical order.

Laughter rises from the crowd again, and Twilight blushes brightly enough that it shows even on her purple skin. Spitfire spreads her arms wide, as if to take in the whole of everything inside and out of the temple.

And so I am here, in the heart of their home, to give my blessing to two friends I am happy to see wedded.

With that, she turns and bows her head once to each priestess.

I speak my approval of this union. Let it be heard upon the wind.

The temple grows quiet.The brides turn to face each other, lifting a hand to press palm-to-palm, and their lips move silently, a smile passes between them. Luna covers her mouth, and Celestia titters.

Spitfire, Cadance, as you spoke for their union, so shall you assist in binding them to the cycle that guides all our lives.

On the back of each hand goes a sigil: moon for Twilight, sun for Rainbow. Around their forearms wind the red and white, the blue and white. When they are done, the sun dangles below Twilight’s elbow, and the moon below Rainbow’s. Into the silence, Granny’s voice comes in more clearly.

What does Cheeri think?

Dunno. I asked.


The camera wavers slightly, and Big Mac makes a shushing noise. The priestesses take the places of Spitfire and Cadance and tie the tops of the cords into a knot, leaving the bottom strands open.

Do any speak objection?

None speak, and silence falls over the gathering.

Under the light of the stars, in the name of the heavens above, standing upon consecrated ground, we have witnessed thy vows, and ajudge them worthy to be written in the winds. The time to speak objection has passed.

The priestesses step forward and tie the bottom strands together, binding their forearms together to the elbow.

By the binding of this cord, thy lives are forever and more bound.

The two meet above the knot, free hands touching each other’s cheeks, and kiss. As it lingers, a cheer swells in the packed temple. The camera swings wildly. People stand, none taller than the camera’s viewpoint, and the couple part, arms still bound, hands clasped together, and begin making their way back down the aisle, two women in blue behind each, all smiling.


Over a black picture, Rainbow’s voice.

Is it okay to film in here?

The hollow sounds of a tiled hallway fill the audio. Somewhere, a baby cries. The loud whirr of machinery comes from close by. A woman’s voice answers, muffled.

Yes, of course.

The image flares white for a moment, then resolves into a pale young woman with pink hair in white hospital scrubs, a red cross with pink hearts at the corners sewn onto the breast.

The door remains closed throughout. We value our patients’ privacy here at Ponyville General, but we understand, also, how important it is to capture these moments for family—

She speaks in a steady voice, almost mechanically precise at first, then smiles brightly, her pink lipstick shining against white teeth.

—and friends. I’m nurse Red Heart, and I’ll be taking care of everything up to the end. If you need anything, or if you feel uncomfortable, let me know. The same goes for you, Rainbow Dash. We can provide a digital copy of the sonogram itself, if you wish.

The last, she says to the camera, and it jostles as Rainbow’s hand reaches out to shake the nurse’s.

That’d be awesome.

The camera swings wide for a moment, taking in a room full of baskets stuck to walls, pressure cuffs, tubes, and various containers of medical supplies. Posters of anatomy and adverts, and a single painting above the gurney bed are scattered over white and tan flecked walls. A computer sits on a counter opposite a sink, and a bed with a rolling cart full of equipment stands in the center of the room, two chairs on either side. It swings back to focus on Twilight, hugging herself and looking at the camera.

Come lay down and raise your shirt up, Twilight.

Red Heart lays her hand on Twilight’s shoulder and, with a glance at the camera, a jerk of her chin at Twilight’s back, she guides Twilight to the examination table and motions with her other hand to the other side of it. Her smile grows as she does.

You can stand there for the best view. Special day today?

First sonogram. We’re so excited.

And we’re sure? This isn’t another false alarm?

I’m sure, Rainbow. We’ve counted, my period is late by a month now, and the hormone tests and my last doctor’s visit—which you were there for—all say I have elevated levels of HGH. And the sickness, and the—

Twilight’s eyes dart left, and her cheeks color.

And the…

Her free hand waves at her chest. Rainbow laughs.

It’s just, after the first two times… I’m afraid of getting my hopes up. I wanted it to be true so badly…

Twilight opens her mouth again, shakes her head once, and lays down on the bed.

I want this to be as close to a natural fertilization as possible, and that means there will be some misses. Straight couples don’t get this lucky sometimes. It’s happening, Rainbow, trust me. I know. I’m pregnant.

Red Heart coughs, and the camera swings up to catch her broad smile for just a moment before she turns back to the machine on the cart.

Yeah… well… Sorry, Twi. I’m just nervous, I guess. Cautiously optimistic, I think you’d say.

I know.

Twilight smiles up at the camera, plucks at her loose fitting pants and a rainbow sweatshirt, the purples prominent. She lays back on the bed, propped up at a shallow angle. One hand rests on her belly, gold ring sparkling around her ring finger. With a glance at the nurse, then at the camera, she draws the bottom edge of it up to just below her breasts. Her belly quivers, and the smile she offers the camera quavers slightly.

I’m nervous, too.

Shh. I’m here.

Rainbow’s hand reaches out to cover Twilight’s on her belly, the gold band on her ring finger clinking softly against the ring on Twilight’s hand, and is caught. Twilight’s smile steadies as she flattens Rainbow’s hand against her belly.

The look on your face, Rainbow… I wish the camera could see it.


The camera shifts, bobs, and Rainbow appears in a small mirror above a sink, her eyes wide, her smile wide in an ‘O.’ She laughs, and the camera shakes. A bulky camera rests half on her shoulder. The corners of it are faded and scratched, silver tape covers the handle on top. Then the view swings wild, back to Twilight’s belly. Her hand is still there, trapping Rainbow’s against the minute upward swell.

Not even a baby bump yet. Well, maybe a little one, huh?

Rainbow’s voice quavers, then she laughs. Her fingers stretch out over Twilight’s bared stomach, tighten, and flatten again. Twilight’s hand follows hers, resting on its back, fingers splayed just as wide. The camera shakes slightly. Neither lets go of the other.

I hope the camera is getting this, because I can’t see anymore.

Come here. You need to see this, too, silly. This is our baby.

The camera swings wide, taking in Red Heart as she twiddles with the machine and sets out several bottles and instruments on a light blue, cloth covered tray. Her smile is visible just at the corner of her mouth.


The camera swings back around to show Twilight wiping at her own eyes, her smile steady. Her other hand is invisible off camera for just a moment, until she looks into the lens and brings up Rainbow’s hand, clasped in hers, to kiss lightly. Both hands come to rest between the swell of her bust and the bunching of her sweatshirt.

You’re welcome.

Have you ever had a sonogram before, Twilight?

The camera swings back up from Twilight’s smile, to Red Heart, holding a bottle in one gloved hand and a wand with a thick instrument head on the other, blue indicator lights dance over the instrument, the markings indistinct.

No, but I have read about them as much as I could.

Okay. This is going to feel very cold at first, but it will warm up quickly.

The frame stays locked on the bottle as a clear stream of viscous fluid squirts out over Twilight’s suddenly tense stomach. Her gasp is audible, and Rainbow murmurs softly, wordlessly as the camera tilts to one side.

I know it’s cold, but try to relax. The image will come through clearer. Can you help her relax?


The camera swings away, and settles with a thump to the countertop, fixed on the scene. Rainbow Dash huddles close to Twilight, mouth to her ear. In the near silence, her voice comes in weakly.

No need to be nervous now, Twi. We’re here, okay? Just relax. You’re right. I can feel it, too.

Twilight nods slowly, her fingers visibly unclenching over her sweatshirt. Rainbow takes up that hand again, presses a kiss to its back, and clutches it close to her chest, her other hand resting on Twilight’s belly, above the sweatshirt’s bunched bottom.

I love you, Rainbow.

I love you, too.

Red Heart smiles and squirts some of the same clear liquid on the instrument’s head and swivels slightly, the pink bun of her hair bobbing left and right, her blue eyes in profile briefly, then darting away as she adjusts the machine. A faint hum fills the room, quickly dialed down.

Thank you. Now… let’s see if we can find your baby.

A red light comes on on the machine, blinking slowly and the machine’s monitor flickers to life as the instrument head presses against Twilight’s stomach. A wash of black and white, seeming static. Red Heart is silent as she shifts the wand, and static on the screenresolves slowly while she presses buttons and twists a pair of knobs on the machine. All throughout, a faint pulsing sound can be heard.

Good. There we go…

She pushes another button on the machine. The picture freezes, and a printer starts whirring. Rainbow Dash glances back at the camera, but stays where she is, and her eyes soon drift back to Twilight, and she leans forward to kiss her wife’s cheek.

I don’t know what that means, but it’s beautiful, whatever it is.

Twilight laughs and pulls Rainbow down for a return kiss on her cheek.

That’s our baby, I think.

She looks to Red Heart, but the nurse puts a finger to her lips, though a smile tugs at the corners.

Dr. Cure will say for certain.

It’s still an awesome sight.

A few moments later, Rainbow sitting still with Twilight’s hand clutched tight, there comes a brief knock at the door, and a tall woman with honey-colored skin and a sharp face comes in, white coat draped over slim shoulders, and stethoscope draped around her neck.

Twilight Sparkle, nice to see you again, and hopefully with some good news this time. And you as well, Rainbow Dash.

Dr. Cure speaks swiftly, her tone clipped, almost rushed, but her smile touches her eyes, too.

Yes, thank you for seeing us, Honey Cure.


She shakes the hands of both Rainbow and Twilight and sits down next to Red Heart, who hands her a clipboard case. She makes small noises as she flips through the contents, then she nods as she flips back through again. Her voice comes more naturally, slower.

Same donor, not anonymous. Good. Always nice to see… Mhm. Third time’s the charm, eh?

The case closes with a click and a rustle, and Dr. Cure clips a black and white printout to the front, making several markings with a red pen.

Yes. Good thickening of the uterine walls here. Good placement so far. Still early, but… there’s the fetus. Yes.

She looks up, glances at the camera on the counter, blinks at it, then at Rainbow and Twilight, and her smile grows. She starts talking again, her voice picking up a certain precise sharpness, but that smile stays and crinkles the corners of her eyes.

Mrs. Sparkle, Mrs. Dash. For the record: you are pregnant. About a month and a half, judging from the presence of a heartbeat already. That matches with your last appointment at our fertility clinic. No doubling, so no signs of twins, always a worry with artificial fertility options, but this late in, I don’t think there will be. We’ll keep an eye out for that in case one’s a little shy, just in case.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight’s eyes are locked on Dr. Cure until she winks, her bright white smile spreading further.

Congratulations, you’re going to be mothers.

The words snap their rapt attention, and they both jump as if prodded. Their eyes lock on each other, smiles growing wide. Twilight laughs first, and they meet in a brief, fierce kiss. Both of their hands clench tight around each other’s.


Ohmygosh! I-I-I—

Rainbow laughs and kisses Twilight’s cheek, and buries her face in the other’s hair, her shoulders shaking as she keeps laughing. Twilight turns her head to whisper, the shining tracks of tears on her cheeks. Dr. Cure winks at the camera and walks over. The camera jumps, spins, and then is pointed at the small screen on the machine’s front.

Red Heart, if you please, hit the replay. Just before…

The image freezes and skips several times.

Yes. There. Okay, play it back. Normal speed.

The slow swirl and beat of a heart flickers in and out on the screen. Dr. Cure’s honey-colored hand reaches out to the Vol. knob and turns it up as high as it will go. The sound of Twilight’s heartbeat fills the audio on the tape. As the screen shifts, and the pulsing gets less distinct, a second, far fainter heartbeat shows on the screen, a tiny swirl and pulse, though inaudible over the mother’s. The screen freezes, and the whirring of a printer sounds again.

That, ladies, is a textbook fetal heartbeat.


Stupid camera… Record. Are you recording?

Rainbow’s face fills the frame, frowning. It swings around to show Twilight, wearing a tee that hangs down to her knees. One hand is resting lightly on her stomach, the other on her hip.

Is the tape whirring?

Yep. Must be recording. Buttons are getting sticky.

Twilight flushes and hunches over in the frame, then straightens and lifts her chin to stare directly into the camera. She slides the hand on her stomach down, showing off the faint swelling of her belly in the press of fabric and deepening the crease of it between her breasts. She looks down, her blush deepening, and lets the fabric spring back to near shapelessness.

Point that thing away from me. I’m barely decent.

Rainbow’s laugh fills the audio.

Why? You’re gorgeous!

Rainbow’s face appears in the shot again.

She is beautiful, isn’t she?

The camera shakes up and down, and swings around to take in the empty bedroom.

Hey! Where’d you go?

Oh, you know. Just… Getting clean.

A shirt flies into view from the bathroom as the sound of the shower hisses quietly.

Pause. Come on, stupid camera! Pause… Pause! Screw it. See how you work without a battery.

The picture fades swiftly to black.


A large crowd of students in white robes trimmed with gold and blue stand in the distance, all of them wearing square white caps with gold tassels. Twilight stands facing her mother and father, a cream scroll with a gold ribbon tied around it gripped in both hands, and a wooden plaque tucked under one arm. Her robe is slightly bowed out. She glances back at the camera, frowns, and jabs a finger down to point at the ground at her side. The camera swings free, down, focusing on the ground, grass streaming by until four sets of feet stay locked in frame.

So… mom, dad… Rainbow Dash and I want to tell you something.

The camera jerks, quivers, and swings sharply up to look into the sky and four faces partially obscured by the white robe. Rainbow’s hand clasps Twilight’s. Twilight Velvet’s white face stiffens, and Night Light’s blue blanches.

So soon? Twilight, you’ve just barely graduated! What about your plans? Master’s Degree, Ph.D.? Fellowship?

Twilight’s robes shuffle, and blue and purple hand together settle on Twilight’s stomach, pressing the fabric taut against the swell.

For two months now, actually. We decided together. I have a plan all written out, too.

Yeah. In triplicate. It’s fourteen pages long.

I like redundancy!

Night Light speaks up, two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

We were shocked when you invited us to the wedding, dear. And now… Why, you’ve barely been married nine months!

And if we were straight, our friends would be wondering.

Rainbow’s jabbing finger is caught swiftly by Twilight.

What she means is—

What I said. Don’t put words in my mouth, please. I was against you keeping it back. My dad was ecstatic.

Rainbow, I know. I know, and you’re right.

Twilight’s hand falls to her side, scroll still clutched in it. Rainbow tightens her grip on the other hand, holding it in place against Twilight’s stomach.

I’m sorry, Mom, Dad, I didn’t mean for you to find out like this. I just couldn’t figure out how to tell you my plans changed. And how they did. Or why. And when.

Twi, I think they get the idea.

Rainbow’s hand comes up, finger twiddling between herself and Twilight.

I wanted to tell you as soon as we knew. I thought you would understand how much this means to us. Was I wrong?

Twilight Velvet closes her mouth, her eyes flick to Rainbow, then back to her daughter. Her head jerks side to side in a small shake.

What I don’t understand is why you didn’t feel you could tell us. Twilight, a child… you don’t know how big this is. Do you even know who… donated? Some random yahoo?

No! No… We planned it out. We found a friend here in Ponyville, someone we got to know and trust through his sister.

Velvet’s stance loosens, and she sighs.

And what about us? Didn’t you trust us? Twilight, this is such a big deal, you don’t even know.

Rainbow takes half a step forward, camera swinging up again, then jostling back down.

Of course it is! We know how big a deal it is. This is the start of our life together, as a family!

Night Light leans forward, jabbing a finger at Twilight first, then at Rainbow Dash.

No, that was getting married. Having a child changes everything! You’re not ready! You’ve just graduated! You! Does Rainbow Dash even have a job? Has she graduated?

Twilight’s hand clenches at her side, relaxes.


Night Light shakes his head, sighs, and folds his arms over his chest.

I didn’t think so.

Rainbow jerks a thumb hand at her chest, starts to speak, but her hand falls again. Twilight takes hold of the hand and brings it up, out of the camera’s view for a moment, then lets it fall, hands still clasped. Twilight’s voice cuts in.

I have a job, dad. Here, at the university. Dr. Heartstrings offered me a job as a lab assistant, and I accepted just yesterday. I start in two weeks. Rainbow will finish her degree, find a job, and then I will keep working, part time, as a lab assistant, until I’ve finished my Master’s. If I do well, Dr. Heartstrings said she’ll sponsor me for Doctorate work in her program.

Night Light snorts, and Twilight Velvet shoots him a glare as she reaches out to Twilight.

I know you think that’s how things will work out, and I hope they do, but when Shining Armor was born, everything changed. When you were born, everything changed again.

For the better, you’ve always said.

Velvet nodded once, smiling.

Yes. Yes, for the better. You have no idea how proud you make us. How happy we were when you said you were getting married.

Even if we were shocked at who it was.

Night Light, shush!

Rainbow jabs a finger into Night Light’s chest.

Heh. I still remember the reception, you know. Do you?

Night Light’s frown cracks, and he smiles.

Hah! Yes, I do remember. Little hazy, but I remember, now. Point to you, Rainbow Dash.

Did I miss something?

Eh, your dad got drunk off his rocker. Remember when I disappeared for, like, ten minutes to try and find him? I wanted to talk to him, because he was being—

Twilight’s elbow jabs into Rainbow’s side, obscuring the camera’s view for a moment.

Ow! Fine. So, I found him trying to find the men’s room, and he didn’t even recognize me.

And I told her, blathering like a moron, that that ‘Rainbow Dash’ girl better take care of her, or there’d be Tartarus to pay.

Not quite. You said there’d be tartar sauce to pay.

Night Light grins. His wife is staring at him, her mouth frozen in an ‘O’. Her eyes dart to Twilight.

First time I’m hearing this, too, Mom. Why didn’t you tell me about this?

It was between me and your dad. A promise to a father. I didn’t ask what you and my dad talked about for fifteen minutes, did I?

Well, no…

There you have it.

Night Light laughs, shaking his head, and jabs a finger against Rainbow’s shoulder.

And then, I think I remember you shoving me against a wall so you could look me in the eyes. I remember that. You’ve got the most striking eyes.

Velvet covers her face with both hands, cheeks reddening.

Dear, please think about what comes out of your mouth. For once.

Oh? What did I say?

Rainbow laughs, the camera shakes.

I said that if I didn’t take care of her, I’d want you to bring tartar sauce down on me—

The tape stops and the picture cuts to a flat blue.

❙ ❙

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, everyone. I was focused on getting The Last Vacation finished, and that occupied much of my attention for near to two months getting the final chapters done.

So, here you all go, my lovely readers. Enjoy more TwiDash loveliness.

Comments ( 13 )

Loved the expanded wedding in this chapter. Really made this universe feel different from others.

This is just adorable :twilightsmile:
More please :pinkiehappy:

Thank you. I wanted to make it clear this isn't really EQG. It is candy colored humans, but the structure of things is closer to that of Equestria than it is to whatever EQG's land is called.

There certainly will be more. I adore this story. It's light and good and wholesome. But also real. Real is good.


Thank you!

6327173 No prob! Oh, had an additional thought on this chapter. I left you a note via skype.

Heh. I love the double meaning in the chapter title. This is very cute, though Twilight's parents do raise a very good point. No plan survives contact with reality. The question becomes just how badly damaged this one will be.


The grand question of every planner:

How much FUBAR drift do I allow for?

Still in college, with only minimal real world experience when it comes to planning... I've been there.


Her first plan also didn't survive. At all. :facehoof:

This is just a pleasure to read. Your experiment certainly worked Noble.


I'm glad you're enjoying it, Meri!

That ending. D.aww. :D Funny as all hell, too.


You've been busy today! Glad you're enjoying it so far.

6378438 Technically, no. I haven't. ;) Reading fics probably doesn't qualify as 'busy'.

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