• Member Since 10th Jan, 2015
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Zipp is my new lesbian gf. Fight me. | Find my other works on AO3 | Avatar by Maren derpi:2715415



It began after the coronation. These random things. Rainbow Dash suddenly feels that she can't live up to her own standards, and that she is a complete failure. Twilight Sparkle can no longer control her temper.

These random, seemingly insignificant things.

But when the two clash in a tragic event, both ponies realize that it is not at all normal, and cannot remain that way.

For the sake of all good things... they must fix whatever it is that has changed them.

(Based off of "Star Trek TNG" series finale, "All Good Things...")

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 91 )
Comment posted by ModMCdl deleted Jun 7th, 2015
Comment posted by Autumn Mist deleted Jun 7th, 2015

Wow Twilight...what a bitch. :flutterrage: Poor Dashie :fluttercry: Good start so far :pinkiehappy:

6064188 Nope. That's it. I'm giving up writing forever!

:rainbowwild: JK... have a lick!

... and a mustache :moustache:

6064268 You have done the near impossible. You made a sadfic I genuinely cried over. I haven't cried since I saw Titanic.

Wow, definitely good use of the Dark tag.

I like this, this chapter may show some promise.

I'll just put this in the like and watch shelf for now...

wow, fuck you twilight. i hope you get shunned for this, and that celestia let's you know just how disappointed and upset she is with you by kicking your ass back to fucking magic kindergarten.

I down voted this beause Twilight Sparkle is too mean in the story. It is hardly becoming of the Princess of Friendship.:twilightoops:

Please note that these are my opinions only:

For one, Twilight would never ruin her friendships. Never. It's not like Twilight at all. Rainbow Dash herself is the most cocky pony in probably all of Equestria. I doubt she would commit suicide because of some bullying. Then again, I haven't read the full story yet.

So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna keep an eye on this and see how it turns out. I might retract my downvote before it's all said and done.

Have a brohoof for being understanding. /)

6065736 Hmmm....

I do appreciate your feedback... and your openness to retract your original views. As for the "I doubt" thing... you don't know Rainbow's full story yet!

6065317 YOU DOWNVOTED FOR THAT?!?!?!!?

lol :twilightsheepish:

No worries my good friend! Everyone deserves to show their own opinion... but having the beacon of friendship herself be a no good plothole.... you're not the slight bit most interested as to how this will turn out? :derpytongue2:

6065303 Lol...

I'll keep that in mind... :trixieshiftright:

Well now, just by reading some of the comments I can tell that the infighting is gonna be as fun to read as the actual story.

As for my official opinion (becuase opinions are like assholes and everypony has one);

On Twilight: I can understand to a degree what she could be feeling (yes it is a bit out of character for her but for the sake of this story I'll bypass this issue) in the fact that she just "lost her mind" for a few seconds I can sympathize with her... this is what 7 times that :rainbowderp: has crashed into her library, I honestly would like to see someone/pony be as happy as she is forever and not have a bit of an internal anger built-up. It is unrealistic for any creature fictional or not unless they had a lobotomy or mind control or whatever to have no anger... but I digress Twilight Sparkle should not have go that far as to bring in her dreams and crush them verbally, it was uncalled for and overly excessive and makes the Boston Riotors look conservative...

On Rainbow Dash: Right when I thought it was not possible for someone/pony to make Rainbow sucidal you go and prove me wrong... I am not used to it being Rainbow but let's go with it. To have one's dreams verbally torn apart by your best friend is devastating in which 'friends' are supposed to help you achieve them and NOT make you feel like crap... well Tartaus to them too...

I honestly couldn't put too much for Rainbow Dash so that one is a bit short... I would need to see more character development on here to make a more detailed opinion...

Keep in mind that this is MY OPINION and should be taken for what it is.

More! This is really a good idea for a story, letting a view from fans into a more personal space of Rainbow Dash's life, I like it!
8/10, could use some small improvements to detail here to make it a little less rushed but it's great other than that!

6064426 Fancy seeing you here.

6065928 Wha? Somebody goes out of their way to intimately describe the character development of this story... for moi?

*Wet's pants*

SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! :pinkiehappy:

6066021 Glad you approve.

Have a mustache :moustache:

6066021 Nuuu, I have been discovered!!! ABORT ABORT!:raritydespair:

You have intruiged me, good writer. XD

Twilight paced around the kitchen, her brain both chastising her for making her friend cry, and fighting back with the furious attempt to solve the problem at hand.


6067643 Figure of speech...

she can say that... she's been to the human world. :derpytongue2:

I'm not gonna dislike, i'm gonna track instead. I despise the thought of Rainbow losing her wings(so please make it better), but this story is interesting. I like it, but I'm not sure about the wing part.

6094668 Rainbow lost her wings?!?!?!!?

...I just thought she clipped 'em...

Oh well! What do I know :derpytongue2: I'm just the writer :twilightsheepish:

6099583 No, i'm just saying it how I see it. I hate stories where Rainbow becomes flightless, but in this story she just loses a bunch of feathers. Feathers can regrow(Right? Naturally, or with Twi's magic or something?). I love this story, I just don't wanna see Rainbow's dreams crushed. Not my story though, and I think this story in particular is fantastic so far.


6163761 Mod sees comment on story.


Heeeey, Discord is based off of John D'lancy. D'lancy played Q in Star Trek. Hmmmm...

6193716 John de Lancie is awesome...

Good connection my friend

6193952 Thx. I found it while reading the description and looking at the character tags.

Also, here's my rating so far: :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2: out of :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2:

Keep up the great stories. Liked, Favorited, and Tracking.

6194627 Awesome. New chapter should be out soon! Btw, thanks for the follow :rainbowwild:

6194731 What can I say, you're an awesome writer.

6196545 I just realized why I'm so impatient for the next chapter. I'm slow like that sometimes. It's because what Rainbow tried to do is what I tried to do except I tried to use a knife. We were both saved by friends, her directly, me indirectly.

6218072 Wow. I am shocked to hear that. I'm extremely grateful you were stopped so that we could meet. I hope you're feeling better. Be sure to repeatedly thank that friend, for both of us!

6225655 it was really thought of how they'd feel if I killed myself. None of them actually saw me attempting it. Besides, even if they were there physically, they couldn't have stopped me. I'm much more agile than any of them, and my reflexes are pretty good considering I took Tai Kwon Do for 6 years before quiting. So, away from more depressing topics, do you have an aproximate time when the next chapter will be out? Hmmmm, I could help with the reasons for Rainbow wanting to die as well. I've got an idea it has to do with her time at Flight Camp.

6225712 Ignoring most of that comment. per yer instructions :rainbowwild:

6225873 Hope your grounding ends soon. I hate it when I can't be on my phone just to listen to music. While some people are addicted to drugs, I'm addicted to music. And ice. And pizza rolls. And ravioli.

Oh I almost forgot to tell you. I've made 2 lists of top 10s and this is on both. Top 10 TwiDash and Top 10 Stories. Congrats!

Mod, I think we share different views of the word soon. I just reread to recharge my brain on what happened and I read the AN and then took a look at when thus chapter was published. The time between doesn't seem like soon to me. But it's fine. You know why? Because what you lack in quantity you make up for in quality. I would honestly prefer a good story that took time vs. a bad story that was rushed. I kinda just felt like picking a little fun at you. Well, I'm going to sleep. It's 2:27 AM and I was going to pull an all-nighter but I think I'll just get some sleep so I can actually play Destiny without passing out from exaustion.

6280826 By "soon..." I mean before September.

6280960 oh, so before I turn 15 and get my learners permit. Sounds good!

6280965 *cries into hands*

I-I still d-don't have m-my learner's p-peeeeerrrrmmmmiiiitttt!!! :raritydespair:

Ah have me driver's licence:twilightsheepish:!

6280974 ah! Darn! I'm almost there! Just one year and almost 2 months since I turn 15 on the last bucking day of September.

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