• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 2,267 Views, 52 Comments

The Big One - That Gamer Over There

When the consequences of the magic catch up with her, Sunset must team up with some of the worst people she's ever met to survive.

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Negotiations (Part 2)

"What do mean you already have her?"

The three were walking out the back door of the cafe, Celestia doing so with a confused look on her face. As her eyes darted between the two criminals, L began to snicker, while M just smiled.

"Well, we figured we didn't need four people to negotiate a deal, so while the three of us were talking, our other two were retrieving your sister," M explained.

"So, we're going to meet them now?" Celestia asked hopefully. She was longing to see Luna.

"Yeah, they're right around this c-" M abruptly stopped, as the group was halted in front of a matte black SUV riddled with bullet holes.

While Celestia stared at the car in horror, M's hand found his face. At the same time, a young black man exited the vehicle on the passenger side, covered in blood. He started attempting to wipe it off, until he saw they group standing there.

"In mah defense, dis wasn't my idea." He was about mid-twenties, and very muscular. The letters "OG" were tattooed on his neck in cursive. He was wearing a white tank top, with saggy jeans. To Celestia, he looked like a gangster from of those rap videos all her students watched

All of a sudden, the driver's door burst open, and out came a crazy looking man, also covered in blood, though in a much larger quantity. This one seemed around M's age, around mid-forties.. He was wearing a flaming bowling shirt, blue jeans, and red boots, all of which didn't really seem to fit. While the looks on the others' faces were calm and somewhat stern, his face displayed insanity. Upon seeing him, Celestia took a couple steps back. As soon as this happened, Michael started walking towards the new arrivals.

"What. The fuck. Happened." He asked through gritted teeth. "You were supposed to keep it quiet." Celestia just stood there, wide-eyed. She didn't know what she was more scared of; the possibility of Luna being injured, or the possibility that Michael pulling out a gun in rage. She decided to be glad that the original plan was a peaceful one.

"What? That's your reaction?!" The older man's voice matched his appearance, as in it magnified his seemingly absolute insanity. "How about a little gratitude for once, huh? We did what we went out to do!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, really!"

Even though she hadn't even been in their vicinity for more than 3 minutes, Celestia could tell that they bantered like this often. It almost made her laugh.

"Well then, where is she?" The crazy man backed up a bit and opened the rear door. Celestia could hear struggling coming from the opening. M just stood there staring in for a few seconds before turning to the crazy man. "You found her like that, right?"

"Of course!"

M then stared at the man for a few seconds before turning to the gangster, who had managed to wipe off most of the blood and was leaning against the wall, watching the argument.

"Yeah, dat's how we found her."

M just sighed and started fiddling around with something in the car. Meanwhile, the new arrivals had just noticed Celestia's presence.

"Well, helllooooooo, missy!" The crazy one called to her before licking his lips and moving towards her. Every cell in her body was screaming "run" until the the other grabbed him.

"No harassment in the workplace, T. Not on my watch." He said before turning to Celestia. "Don't mind him; he be creepin' round everybody." Strangely enough, the younger one was rather calming.

"Done." M said as Luna got out of the car. Upon seeing her sister, Celestia ran toward her and gave her the biggest hug she'd ever give.

"I was so worried about you!" Celestia pulled back to study Luna's grizzled hair and dirty face. "You din't get hurt, did you?"

Luna smiled a little, wiping the wetness out of her eyes,. " A little. But they put a quick stop to that." She gestured to the two blood=covered men. "Who are they, by the way?"

"I was just wondering about that, myself." Celestia said as she turned a round and crossed he arms expectantly.

"Trevor Philips, at your service!" the crazy one yelled.

"Franklin Clinton" said the gangster.

"Michael De Santa" said M.

"And last, but certainly not least," L said as he held out his hand to Celestia,"Lester Crest."

Celestia smiled for the first time in a while, and shook Lester's hand. "You drive a hard bargain, gentlemen."

Author's Note: