• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 2,273 Views, 52 Comments

The Big One - That Gamer Over There

When the consequences of the magic catch up with her, Sunset must team up with some of the worst people she's ever met to survive.

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Bombs and Bikers

Author's Note:

I know this only my first story and I've barely started it,but I'm also thinking of a few other things I could mix EQG with: Watch Dogs, Sleeping Dogs, and Rainbow Six: Siege. I know that both of those first games are old, but I noticed that WD has no full stories and SD has no stories at all.

Let me know what you guys think.


Trevor got in his truck and started for Sandy Shores, even though the Vanilla Unicorn was closer. He couldn't stop thinking about what he had just heard. Alternate dimensions? Trevor had seen, said, and done a lot of weird shit, but this was insane, even for him. And the fact that Franklin had been told to kill both Trevor and Michael by two extremely powerful men, yet decided to stand by his friends inspired him. Better than that Judas, Michael. Trevor thought to himself.

Trevor was so wrapped up in his thoughts, it wasn't until he passed the Yellow Jack Inn that he realized several things. One, he had accidentally driven to Blaine County rather than the Vanilla Unicorn. Two, he had been driving for seven hours. Three, the hood and front bumper of his Canis Bodhi were covered in blood, whether it was human or something else, he didn't know. Four, he had left Wade back at the strip club. And five, he had received an email from Lester.

Considering he liked Sandy Shores more than LS, and that three and four happened all the time, he wasn't very bothered by them, and decided to check the email.

So, I may not have the plan as thought out as I was probably acting. It's gonna take a day or two to make the arrangements, so enjoy it while you can.


"Of course," Trevor said to nobody in particular. He should have known Lester hadn't thought of the plan. Just emphasized what he'd thought for the past four years; Ron was a better intelligence gatherer, analyst, and planner than Lester could ever be. On that note, Trevor decided to crash in his trailer for the night (but not before crashing into it).

Trevor woke up to a loud banging at his front door. Checking his phone, he realized that it was 8:00 in the morning. Who'd be stupid enough to wake me up at this hour? he wondered, groggily. Deciding he was too lazy to get up and open the door, Trevor instead shouted "WHO THE FUCK IS KNOCKING AT MY DOOR AND WHY?"

"It's me, boss!", came the nervous reply. "I need to talk to you!"

Trevor sighed and got out of bed. Actually, he didn't get out of bed, because he was sleeping on the floor of his bathroom. Opening the door to an especially nervous Ron, Trevor wiped the sleep out of his eyes. "This better be important, otherwise I'm going to have to cut your eyelids off."

Cowering, the recently-divorced conspiracy theorist looked into the eyes of his CEO. "Another chapter of the Lost just showed up! They've set up base over at the plane junkyard. You know, the one by the freeway and the satellites?"

"Damn, those assholes never quit, do they?", Trevor growled. "Alright, come on. "

As they descended the stairs, Ron asked "Um, what are we doing, boss?"

Trevor groaned; he hated it when people didn't immediately understand things he did or said. "Isn't it obvious? We're going to settle this before my upcoming departure." When Ron looked even more confused, Trevor realized his error. "Oh, yeah, almost forgot. That idiot, Lester, wants us to look into some things in a town out East. I should be back soon, though."

"Oh. Well, in that case, I guess I'm acting CEO again until you get back?"

"Ye- What the?!" Trevor looked at his fixed truck. "I thought I crashed it?"

"Oh, sorry, boss, I forgot to mention that I had it fixed." Ron said ,"No need to take care of costs; the manager said that the owner was one of your friends, so it was on the house."

One of the many advantages of having Franklin as a friend. Trevor thought to himself, getting in the truck. "Well, anyway, where is this chapter of the Lost Hillbilly Club from?"

Ron shrugged, "Dunno, they only got here last night."

"Oh really? Then I guess that means they won't be expecting an attack, then."

"Nope!" Ron exclaimed, "So, what's the plan?"

Trevor grinned maniacally, "Remember the airfield?"

"What'cha mean, bo-", Ron's look of joy turned quickly into one of horror. "Oh, no..."

Trevor laughed and looked him straight in the eye, "Oh, yeah!"

"Alright, Ron, time to blow shit up!"

It was the middle of the day, and they at the old plane graveyard. Well, Ron was at the graveyard; Trevor was on one of the satellites across the street, watching with a sniper rifle (suppressed, of course).

"Okay, Trevor... But there's a guy by the-"

"I shot him."

"Oh, um, okay." Ron said, confused.


"But, how did you-"

"Ron," Trevor interrupted,"the bombs?"

"Right." Ron moved on to the warehouse in the front, plant bombs all over the structure. Suddenly, he noticed the two bikers on the other side of the building.

Ron had a double take and put a hand to his earpiece, "Boss, there's-". For the third time, Ron didn't get to finish his sentence, due to the fact that both bikers fell to the ground as soon as they went out the exit.

Ron stared at the bodies for a moment before asking,"Boss, how are you doing that?"

"Doing what?" came the slightly staticky and annoyed reply.

"Uh, nevermind." Ron decided to forget about it, but everywhere he went, no matter how quick he was to notice an enemy, Trevor was quicker to kill them. Even the ones in places that Trevor's rifle shouldn't have been able to reach.

"Boss, I think you might be psychic."

Even through the headset, Ron could hear a very frustrated sigh. "Ron, if you say one more dumb thing, I'm going to rip off your testicles."

"Sorry, T." Ron said, setting the last bomb, "Anyway, the bombs are in place."

"Great! Now get outta there, show's about to start!"

(9:00, Trevor's trailer)

"Woo wee! That was fun!" Said Trevor as he approached his front door.

"We sure achieved a lot today, boss!" Both of them looked the direction of what used to be the plane graveyard, smoke still rising from it.

"Ah, what a perfect day to end the wait before my trip."

"So, is there anything you need me to do before you go? Leg massage? Get some beer? Shit on the ruins of the O'Neils' house?" Ron asked somewhat excitingly .

"No, not really." As Ron was heading back to his trailer, Trevor received a text from Lester. "Actually, I'm gonna need a truck."

Ron frowned at this strange request,"Um, okay, any particular kind?"

"Something that a high school coach would drive."

Now Ron was just confused. Does this have anything to do with the job out East? he wondered. But hey, if Trevor tells you to do something, you do it. Even if it involves eating a dick (not eating as in sucking; eating as in literally biting and tearing off chunks of meat.)

"Okay!" And with that, while Ron went off to find a truck, Trevor went to bed (and actually ended up in the bed.)