• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 1,407 Views, 19 Comments

A Heart Of Hope - HopeForTheFew

It has been so long since the threat of fear. And now that I have a home, a real home, how far will i go to protect it?

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Chapter 1: In Fears Eyes

We stood a small distance away from Fear as he smiled wickedly at me. The Princesses had successfully evacuated all the populace from the city and they were now on their way to the safe haven. It was me, the Elements of Harmony, and the three princesses, along with Shining armor and the whole army of Equestria. But something in my heart knew that this would be a hard fought battle.

So without further ado, I lifted my club and released a beam of light that the orb pumped through it towards Fear. But the beam unfortunately did nothing to the cloud of shadow as I watched it dodge the beam easily. I looked around and everyone including the princesses were frozen in fear. "HOLD YOUR GROUND, YOU WILL SHOW NO FEAR!" And with that, I charged forward, the light from the orb began to grow brighter an brighter as I got closer and closer to my destination.

I reach the cloud of shadow and leaped into the air, where I then proceeded to smash the club into Fear. However, this once again did nothing and I found myself face first into the hard cobble road of Canterlot. I was in a daze and, before I knew it, I was lifted up by Fear and tossed into a side building, the speed of the throw wound up smashing me through the wall. Dust from the smashed wall filled the room I now inhabited, I coughed greatly as I tried to get the dust out of my mouth and lungs.

However I pushed past all of that and found myself pushed to my feet by the orb, I picked up my club and held the orb tightly in my grasp. Fear was currently being occupied by the Princesses and their magical attacks, it appeared that they were the only ones who were able to push past the Fear besides myself. It was then I took my chance. I charged Fear, the light from the orb covering my body so bright that it would appear to have been a star had fallen on Earth.

I reached Fear and lifted my arm, delivering a powerful punch that knocked Fear to the ground. I then jumped up and smashed my club into the beast. I heard a scream of pain and then Fear pushed me off and got back up where it then began to roar with both rage and pain. It then proceeded to charge me while taking on the magical blasts from the Princesses. I stared face to face with Fear as it launched a beam of black cloud towards me. I countered the attack with the Orb as I pointed my hand forwards and launched a bright beam from my hand that was holding the Orb. The two beams struck each other but in the end, Hope was the victor. I watched as the Orbs blast started to push the other beam back towards Fear.

Shining Armor stared at the battle in front of him. For whatever reason, he could not move. All he could do was stare at the battle with Fear in his heart. But something in the back of his mind screamed at him to fight, for his soldiers, for his leaders, for his country. Shining blinked and shook his head in frustration as he pushed the the fear out of his mind and then proceeded to line himself up with his rulers and also begin a barrage of magical blasts to help in whatever way he could with the Human's battle.

Twilight gazed out at the battle, for whatever reason she and her friends were not effected by the Fear that had effected everypony else. They were still waiting for the order from Celestia to use the elements. She could not figure out why she was not just suppose to use them right away but she would put faith into her ruler. Applejack and Rainbow would not shut up about how they should help the Human in it's battle but Twilight stood firm and kept reminding them of their duty to answer the call when they were called. However, something deep within Twilight kept shouting out that they needed to use the Elements. But she would not heed it, not yet anyways.

I was knocked back a good ten feet from Fear with a wicked punch that it gave me. I shook my head to try and clear the stars from my eyes, but it was to no avail as I was forced to push past it. I stood up and prepared for the next attack that Fear would undoubtedly deliver to me. I watched as the cloud of shadow charged me once again, it threw a punch that would have knocked me down the the cobble streets once more but I was prepared for it as I grabbed its arm and twisted. Fear gave another scream of pain as I broke its arm, I then lifted my other arm and released a beam of light that came from the Orb. The beam knocked Fear back into a building. I wiped the blood from my mouth and spit out a tooth that Fear had knocked out of me.

I raised my hand and then brought it down to the ground where it created a shield as what I had expected to happen, happened. Fear had launched a beam of its own towards me from the building, however, it was easily broken by my shield. I heard a loud shriek of rage as Fear jumped out of the building that reached me in so little time that I could not prepare for it. Fear then proceeded to to beat upon the shield, I was groaning from the strain that Fear was putting on me and eventually, I broke.

Celestia saw the shield of Charlies' break and it was then that she knew what she must do. Their magical blasts were doing nothing to the beast of shadow that Charlie called Fear. So there was only one option left. Harmony.

Celestia teleported up to the top of the mountain where the Elements of Harmony waited. "Twilight, it is time." Celestia said as she then teleported back to the fray of long ranged battle. Twilight gave a nod after Celestia had left and then she and her friends proceeded to use their power.

All I saw were stars as Fear kept on delivering punch after punch. But then, all of the sudden, a bright rainbow colored light filled my vision as I saw Fear get blasted back far down the road. I got to my feet and spit a boat load of blood out my mouth, and a couple more teeth. I stood tall once more as I gazed down the road to where Fear had gotten blasted back. I knew what had happened of course. Celestia had called upon the Elements of Harmony. However, they told me that when you get hit by the rainbow beam that comes from the Elements you get turned to stone, this did not happen to Fear however.

I looked in horror as Fear got back up from the blast. But I shook the Fear out of my mind. I charged once again towards Fear while it was still dazed. I jumped on top of Fear and began to beat the creature of shadow. I threw punch after punch into Fear's head and facial area. This continued on and on for a good two minutes or more, however, I knew I could not continue this much longer. It was then that I lifted my hand one last time, I had lost a lot of blood and could not manage much more, so I did what I could. The Orb glowed brightly in my hand and pulsed through me enough energy to where I threw a punch so hard that Fear no longer had a head and all that remained was a limp dark body and black ooze that leaked out of the area that its head should have been in.

I rolled over, while taking deep breaths to try and get as much air as possible into my burning lungs. However, none of that mattered a whole lot then as my vision was slowly growing darker. I coughed up some more blood as it had accord to me that I must have had a broken rib or two. But I didn't care. I smiled weakly as I saw Celestia and Luna enter my vision, they had fear written all over their faces and I simply spoke: "Don't be afraid, I will be alright, Don't you fear anything this day, there has been to much of that already." And, with that said, I slipped into the cold grasp of unconsciousness.

Author's Note:

Welp, here's the other song