• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 1,407 Views, 19 Comments

A Heart Of Hope - HopeForTheFew

It has been so long since the threat of fear. And now that I have a home, a real home, how far will i go to protect it?

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Prologue: A Journey Through Fate And Fear

Author's Note:

So here it is, the fourth story of the Hope Series. I hope you enjoy it. Also, please be sure to hit the like button, it really helps my moral.

PS: Just so you know, the chapters will come out fairly slow as I have to work on My Journey as well. To be honest, its starting to wear me down. However the chapters will be longer In the future.

PPS: Just so you know, I am going to be leaving here in these notes the songs that inspired me to write each chapter.

In this life, we all have fears to defeat, mine is fear itself.

-Charlie Gondaver

It has been so long since I entered this country of Equestria. Though I had many a problem in the beginning I have managed through it all and have finally made it so that I have friends in this world known as Equus. And I will hold onto those friends for all they are worth to me, and they are worth more than my life is to me. So I will hold onto them, and pray they hold onto me.

I approached the gates of Canterlot. The reason for this being that the Princesses wanted to have a conversation with me of some kind. I did not know the full extent of their want, actually I pretty much knew nothing at all, but the fact that the other Elements were suppose to arrive around the same time and for the same reason as I was, was enough to send me there in a hurry.

The guards opened the gates for me and I gave a curt nod in return and headed inside the city of Canterlot. I walked up the street while getting gazes of all kinds from the populace. Even after so many years of me being here they still seemed to be quite afraid of me. However none of this bothered me as I just kept walking up the path.

Soon enough I was within the castle and was heading to the throne room where the meeting was suppose to take place. I reached the throne room and the guards once again opened the door for me easily. To my surprise the other Elements had made it here before me, which was mostly not the case given that I always was quick to get places. But I shoved that thought out of my brain as I approached the table that they had set up for this meeting. I gave and returned greetings to the ponies there and we got down to business rather quickly.

"So, might I ask why you asked me to be here, is there some kind of emergency?" I asked.

Celestia sighed and answered: "Indeed there is, there was a threat mad against Equestria not one week ago, we have no knowledge however as to who it is at this moment."

I nodded and said: "But that still doesn't answer the question as why I am here, shouldn't the Elements of Harmony be able to defeat the threat?" I asked?

Luna nodded and spoke: "We fear that the Elements of Harmony may not be enough to defeat this threat." Luna finished with a disturbed look on her face.

"So you need my Element to help defeat it?" I asked.

Celestia replied: "Indeed, we fear however that even that might not be enough to stop it, that is why very soon we are going to be evacuating the city." She said in a sorrowful tone

"So be it." I said and stood up from the table and, without hesitation I grabbed the orb out of my pocket. It glowed brightly in my hand and I closed my eyes as It began to rattle in my hands. Soon enough it began to shake my whole body rather violently. I then opened my eyes and what I saw was not friendly.

Awhile back I discovered that the orb could let me see into the future somewhat, however, I rarely used this gift do to the fact that the orb had to drain some of my body's energy for the act. But my body would replenish after awhile.

I gazed through the orbs' view and what greeted me was a burning city and cries for help. I looked down upon the city of canterlot and I saw bodies strewn through it. Some were hung up on the lampposts, their necks barley even able to keep their bodies up. Some were gored apart, their organs strewn all over the floor and their eyes poked out. The city was covered in blood, but that was not the worst of it all. I looked down and saw one singled pony alive, the stallion was struggling to keep his body up ad then, all of the sudden a dark cloud of shadow came from the ally ways and covered the body of the stallion. The cloud brought his body and hung it up on the last available lamp post in that area, his neck was impaled easily onto the tip of the lamp.

Then the shadow turned its way towards me and floated up so quickly that I barley had time to raise my hand up to try and defend myself. However the shadow just past over me and went to the throne room. I followed it and what greeted me was a horror not even the outside bloodbath could compare to. The two princesses were inside the throne room with several guards surrounding them. Blood covered everything, the windows, the walls, the floor, even the ponies. The shadow charged and I heard screams of pain and saw more blood and then the sight disappeared.

Celestia watched as the Element of Hope came back into the real world, a look of horror on his face before he began to puke his guts out. This worried Celestia since it was not easy to get Charlie to puke. Whatever he must have seen must have frightened him. Once he was done puking Celestia asked: "What did you see?" she asked this in a eager and fearful voice.

The Element of Hope sighed and looked up at her. "How long is very soon?"

I held onto the coffee mug and drank slowly, the warmth of the drink filling my mouth every time I did. Celestia had pushed the evacuation to tomorrow to try and beat the shadow in a race that only time would tell who won, and time was running out. They had ordered all the guards to prepare for the fight of their lives, though I already knew that they wouldn't stand a chance. I tried to tell the princess this but she did not heed it.

So I just sat there drinking my coffee as chaos sprung throughout the castle. I put down the coffee mug and picked up the orb. I then stood up and faced the fear crazed ponies. They were all to busy to look at me in return so instead I forced their eyes. I raised my hand containing the orb up into the air and then brought my fist to meet the ground. I cracked the hard marble floor and got the attention of the ponies. "I'm going to go get my club." I said as I used the orb to teleport out of the throne room into my house.

There on the wall was the weapon that I had not used in quite some time, not since the fight with fear. I grabbed my club and then teleported back into the throne room. That was another thing I didn't use the orb to much for was teleporting as it also used some of my body's energy. I stood still as I tried to get rid of my light head. Soon enough my head became clear once more and I brought my club to the table where I placed it down.

I then turned to the croud who had their eyes on me since I had came back and simply said: "I never fight a war without my club."

They had no idea what was coming, I told them about it but they once again did not heed my words. And I fear they will pay the price for that. Though there is hope, there always will be, as long as the world lives, and maybe, even beyond that. I smiled and once again took the orb out of my pocket. Thoughts of the past swarmed my head as the orb pumped memories into my brain. Thoughts of my past life back on Earth and my caging in the beginning of my journey, the fight with fear, and the friends I have made within the time I have been here. There were still those who did not trust me, even those who wanted me dead. But mistrust and misunderstandings are a part of life, for both Humans and Ponies. And that's the way it will always be.

And with that, I picked up my club and held the orb tight in the grasp of my hand. I began to feel light as my body left the ground. The orb wanted to show me something, and I would gladly listen. Flashes of light went into my mind as I waited patiently for the message that was coming soon. And indeed it did. Soon I found myself in a field of great beauty. Flowers of every color were covering the earth for miles in every directions. The sun was shining brighter than ever on this world. But then a dark cloud came over head and covered the light from the sun. The flowers withered away and died, the ground became black and rotten. The smell of death was clear in the air. Then, it all stopped. I was back in the throne room and everypony was staring at me once again as I tried to gain back some breath.

I looked up at Celestia and said: "We don't have till tomorrow." When I said this fear was clearly growing on her face. "EVACUATE THE CITY, DO IT NOW!" I shouted as I picked up my club once more and ran out the room. I then went over to a window and upon opening it I saw it, in the distance. A black cloud was moving ever so slowly towards the city. My eyes went wide as I saw the face within the cloud. Fears face...